Subject Index

Access control lists (ACLs), 307
Access technologies, 23
first architecture, 24
IEEE 802.15.3, 24
IEEE 802.15.4, 24
IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n, main characteristics of, 25
IEEE 802.11b, 25
advantage of, 25
IEEE 802.11g, 25
IEEE 802.11n, 25
IEEE 802.15.1 standard, 24
use of WPAN and WLAN, 24
second architecture, 25
use of WPAN only, 26
third architecture, 26
use of WPAN and WWAN, 26
Actions, 354
Active proxy delegation protocol, 72
Active Session Manager (ASM), 348
Active sessions, 348
Actuators, 82
Adjustable DNS Message Compression (ADMC), 86
Advanced metering infrastructure (AMI), 173, 191, 331
Advanced public transportation systems (APTSs), 295
Advanced safety vehicle (ASV), 295
Aggregate smart home device controllers, 13
Aggregating network data, 351–352
Aging populations, 5
Albacete Research Institute of Informatics, 28
Algorithms, 27, 346
AO*-based, 346
approaches for optimizing vehicle sharing systems, 264
approaches on tactical incentives for bicycles/cars distribution, 275
approaches on the operational repositioning of bicycles/cars, 280
approaches on the strategic design of vehicle-sharing systems, 267, 271
based on the size of the burst and, 232
clustering, 160
conformant, 316
data mining, 379
device control algorithm
self-configuration, 55
self-healing, 56
self-optimization, 55
Dijkstra, 281, 282
effectiveness of, 339
eNB key (KeNB), 123
encryption, 301
energy-based scheduling, 52
energy-efficient, 233
FIBO DBA, 235, 236
flow for net metering aware energy load prediction
and smart home pricing cyberattack detection technique, 181
flow of our proposed POMDP-based long-term detection technique, 204
graph, 308
Map Reduce, Chord, and Dynamo, 249
for ride sharing, 281
robust security network (RSN), 95
scheduling algorithm for single home appliance, 197
signaling, 102
to solve multiobjective optimization problems, 328
use Carrier sense multiple access with, 95
VM migration, 165
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), 96
Amsterdam smart city, 13
dynamic traffic control, 14
electric vehicles, 14
energy efficiency, 14
sharing economy, 14
Smart grid, 14
Analog Cellular Telephony, 111
Ant colony optimization technique, 336
Application developers, 242
Application programming interfaces (APIs), 311
Application specific integrated circuit (ASIC), 302
Architecture of the proposed HEMS, 31
Areas of application in smart management application, 2
Artificial neural networks (ANNs), 375–377
and genetic algorithm to design and develop forecasting model, 377
optimizing default weights and thresholds, 377
to select relevant parameters of current sales condition, 377
Association rules (market basket analysis), 379
Authoritative answer (AA), 73
Automatic forecasting, 367
Automatic vehicle location (AVL), 294
Autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) model, 372, 373
model data accurately, with ANN models, 378
and neural networks to sequential hybrid forecasting system, 378
Autoregressive moving average (ARMA) model, 372
Availability, 34
Backbone networks, 220
Bandwidth, 17
Base Station Controller (BSC), 121
Bayesian network model, 377
Bayesian rule, 205
Beacon controller, 315
routing, 315
statistics polling, 315
BeaQoS statistics, 316
Belief state, 202
Bellman equation, 180
Beyond 3G (B3G), 27
Bicycle/car-sharing systems
design and management measures of, 265, 266
planning aspects of, 282
mathematical modeling of, 283
operational (short-term) operator-based, 282
strategic (long-term) network design, 282
tactical (mid-term) incentives, 282
Bicycle facility planning, 263
Big data, 11
processing, 9
research field, 291
Bike-sharing programs, 261, 263, 270
Bollinger bands, 211
based detection technique, 212
Box-Jenkins models (ARIMA), 371–373
BPEL simulators, 336
Brand recognition, 362
Broadcast protocols, 134
Brute-force replanning, 350
Building energy consumption model, 332
Bus links, 347
Call admission control (CAC), 122
Canary, 13
Capacity, of restaurants, 366
Capital Expenditures (CAPEX), 43
Carbon dioxide emissions, 323
Car4ICT concept, 131–139
connection via ad hoc Wi-Fi, 132
disaster, infrastructure creation, 133
emergency services, role, 133
information-centric networking (ICN) systems, 133
location-based approach
identification, 135
services, 135
proactive exchange of service tables, 136
reactive service fulfillment, 136
rescue staff support in case of a disaster, 132
secure replicated storage, 137
simulative performance evaluation, technique, 133
storing service, 136
transport of messages
Dedicated Short-Range Communication (DSRC), 132
short-range communication, 132
store-carry-and-forward manner, 132
Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collusion Avoidance (CSMA/CA), 25
mechanism, 95
protocol, 77
Car-sharing initiatives, 262
Car2Go, 262
DriveNow, 262
Car sharing model, 262
Car-sharing operators, 262
Car-sharing systems, 262, 263, 285
dynamic relocation problem in, 279
mobility on demand combined with dynamic incentives, 284
proactive vehicle relocation based on predicted demand, 285
vehicle relocation and effective reward schemes, 284
Cars services
access to sensors, 142
data collection, 142
distributed processing, 142
processing power, 142
storage, 142
Case studies, 256
Seoul smart city, 256
cloud based ICT infrastructure, 256, 258
ICT infrastructure and Cloud computing, 256
integrated management framework, 256
smart users, 256
data and service delivery, 257
open application programming interface, 257
PAAS mobile application data access, 258
presentation, 256
smart cities, 125
concept characterization, 126
current and future challenges, 126
internet of things, 127
mobility integration, 127
CCTV cameras, 2
CDMA2000, 27
Cell phones, 3
Cell Radio Network Temporary Identity (C-RNTI), 124
Cellular network evolutions, 112, 113
4G wireless network, 114
5G: LTE-Advanced, 116, 117
3GPPP LTE, 115
third generation overview, 113
HSPA+, 114
UMTS, 113
Channel bonding technique, 91
Circular Markov-modulated poisson process (CMPP), 229
Cisco, 9
City OS project, 292
City planners, 1
Clear channel assessment (CCA), 92
Clear to Send (CTS), 32
mechanism, 95
Client apps, 349
Climate monitoring, 339
Cloud-based services, 241
Amazon, 241
DropBox, 241
Facebook, 241
Netflix, 241
SoundCloud, 241
YouTube, 241
Cloud computing, 11, 150, 241
applications, 247
Big Data, 247
collaboration tools, 247
custom relationship management, 247
financial applications, 247
human resources and employment services, 247
online storage management, 247
smart cities, 247
smart homes, 247
architecture, characteristics of, 243
benefits, 251
consumer point of view, 254
device manufacturer point of view, 254
service provider point of view, 255
drawbacks of, 246
compliance, 246
data security, 246
less control, 246
reliability, 246
security management, 246
fault tolerance model, 244
and grid computing, differences between, 243
grids, 245
infrastructure, 243
loose coupling in, 243, 244
major industry players, 247
models, 242, 244
offerings, 241
Google App Engine, 242
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), 11, 243
Microsoft Azule services, 242
Platform as a Service (PaaS), 11, 242
Software as a Service (SaaS), 11, 242
security, 245
types of, 242
description, 245
CodeBlue Project architecture, main modules in, 34
Code size, 71
Cognitive radio sensors (CRS), 323
Commercial restaurants, 363
Communication, 3, 17
and computing technologies, evolution of, 292
Competing technologies, 367
Complete in without interruption (CWI), 331
Computation logic, 220
Computing-as-a-Service (CompaaS), 155
Computing services, 150
Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR), 87
Conduct price elasticity analysis, 362
Conduit (containing conductor currents), 30
Confidentiality, 34
Conformant algorithm, 316
Conformant vs. dedicated strategy, 317
Connectivity, 59
Constant bit rate (CBR), 235
Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP), 65
Constrained devices, 60
characteristics, 60
Context-aware queries, 71
Context tag, 82
comparison, 83
predicates, 83
ContikiMAC protocol, 80
Contingent plans, 347, 348
Contraction hierarchies, 281
Convex optimization techniques, 334, 335
Cooperation as-a-Service (CaaS), 155
CPLEX-based optimization solver, 332
C programming language, 207
Creativity, 6
Crossbow TelosB nodes, 76
Cross entropy optimization method, 178
Customer demand, 367
components, 367
Customer dissatisfaction, 363
Customer’s experience and satisfaction, 367
Cyber attacks, 192, 303, 334
Cyber physical devices (CPD), 41, 325
Cybersecurity, 174
Data alteration, 33
Data analytics, 2
Data-based services, 59
Data collection, 367, 380
Data exchanged between cars, 133
ad hoc routing, 133
Data format, 352
Data-mining techniques, 265
bicycle-sharing systems, analysis on, 265
Data routing, 150
Data storage, 150
Data Stream Management System (DSMS), 32
Decentralized congestion control (DCC), 134
Dedicated short-range communication (DSRC), 96, 153
Dedicated strategy, 316
Demand-based pricing, 369
Demand-offer asymmetric problem, 285
Demand-responsive multimodal system, 261
Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks, 33
Devices, 3
Device-to-Device (D2D) communications, 111
Diet category census, prediction, 373
Digital city, 149
management, 41
Digital era, 291
Digital information produced by mankind, 11
Digital road authority, 292
Digital services, 1, 59
Digital systems, 9
DIJA policies, 353, 354
Dijkstra’s algorithm, 281
Diracc system, 262
Directory Agents (DAs), 62
Direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS), 92
technique, 25
Discrete Fourier transform (DFT), 118
Disjunctive normal form (DNF), 83
Distributed coordinated function (DCF), 95
Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS), 303
Diversity, 6
DNS-based service discovery (DNS-SD), 60
DNS-SD protocol, 80
Docit system, 348–351
estimates of ETAs, used to compute plans, 356
features, 356
focused on risk-averse journey planning, 350
integrating with IBM IIT, 349
journey plan request, 351
requency of updates, parameter specified in, 358
verify the status of active journeys based on, 356
Dynamic bandwidth allocation (DBA), 220, 233
results, 233
simulation, 233
Dynamic budgeted procurement using upper confidence bounds (DBP-UCB), 274
Dynamic data, 356
Dynamic DNS Update (DDNS) protocol, 73
Dynamic Intermodal Journey plAnner (DIJA), 346, 350
policies, 353
requirement of approach, 354
timing regime and priorities, 355
Dynamic programming, 346
Dynamic public bike-sharing balancing problem, 278
Early market introduction, 131
Eco-driving, 295
Economic variables, 368
Economy vectors, 4
Efficient XML Interchange (EXI), 67
Electrical energy consumption monitoring system, 31
Electricity-pricing curve, 193
Electric panel, 30
Electric transmission system, 332
Electric vehicles (EVs), 262
Electronic Number Mapping (ENUM), 65
Electronic toll collection (ETC), 294
Email, 27
Emergency warning messages (EWMs), 156
Empirical evaluation, 77
Employee productivity, 361
Encryption, 17
Energy congestion problem, 331
Energy consumed per delivered data packet results, 28
Energy consumption, 1, 17, 71, 175, 194
Energy footprint, 80
Energy load, 177, 210
game formulation, 177
problem solving, 177
Energy management, 30
Energy models, 32
Energy sources, 32
considerations of energy models, 33
Energy supply, 174
Enhanced Cell Global Identifier (EGCI), 123
Enhanced Cluster and Forecast Model, 378
Enhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution (EDGE), 27, 111
theoretical maximum rate, 27
Enhanced distributed channel access (EDCA), 102
eNodeB, 118
Control Plane, 118
Radio Resources Control (RRC), 118
Entertainment-as-a-Service (ENaas), 155
EPC elements fundamental functions, 119
Estimated times of arrival (ETAs), 349
Ethernet cable, 91
ETSI ITS-G5 standard, in Europe, 134
European standards, 4
European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI), 93
E-UTRAN access stratum, 119
E-UTRAN Radio Access Bearer (E-RAB), 123
Evaluation, 76
Evironment monitoring, 339
Evolved Packet Core (EPC), 115, 118
Evolved Packet System (EPS), 116
Evolved packet system architecture, 120
Evolved-Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network (E-UTRAN), 115
Exponential smoothing, 373
algorithm, 373
Extensible Markup Language (XML), 65
Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP), 67
Extensions, 225
Fake data injection, 33
Fast and Energy Efficient Service Provisioning (FESP), 65
Fast Basic Service Set Transition, 96
Fast session transfer mechanism, 100
Fault tolerance, 244
Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 93
Federated Identity Management (FIM), 246
FIBO DBA algorithm, 235
activity diagram, 236
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) application, 27
FIRE, 28
Flexibility, 6
Floor managers, 369
Food managers, 363
Food service management, 363
Food service managers, 363
Food service operators, 380
Forecast accuracy, 374
Forecasting managers, 363
Forecasting menu-item demand, 373
Forecasting patient census, 373
Forecasting techniques, 363, 380
Forwarding and Control Element Separation (ForCES), 305
Forwarding model, 308
Fragmentation of standards, 9
Frame aggregation technique, 91
Frame Check Sequence (FCS), 106
Free-floating car-sharing systems, 276
Frequency Division Duplex (FDD), 115
Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS), 92, 94
Frequency Planner, 346, 350, 353
Full function devices (FFD), 333
Fuzzy clustering-based vehicular cloud architecture (FCVCA), 160
Fuzzy Logic (FL) decision approach, 28, 29
4G and 5G networks, 1
Generalized additive model (GAM) models, 357
Generalized linear model (GLM), 371
General Packet Radio Service (GPRS), 27, 111
system, 27
Generic congestion control optimization problem, 332
Generic wireless sensor, 325
Genova smart city, 292
Geographic Information System (GIS), 30, 269
-enabled cars, 2
Geometrical view of
constraint optimization problem, 327
multimodel constraint optimization problem, 327
Georouting, 135
5G evolution requirements, 117
60-GHz Global Frequency Allocation, 101
Global information storage capacity, 12
Global network view, 307
Global Positioning System (GPS)
-enabled devices, 2
-reporting infrastructure, 351
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM), 27, 111
4G/Long-Term Evolution (LTE) networks, 10
2G mobile network, 27
Goji, 13
Google, 9
Google (Android), 10
Google Andromeda, 318
Google App Engine, 242
Google Trends, 247, 248
3GPP LTE radio access technology, 115
3GPP technologies, 112
GPRS Tunneling Protocol (GTP-U), 120
GPS data, 356
Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing (GPSR), 29
Green house emission, 1
Greenhouse monitoring, 339
Green urban mobility chain, 285
Grid computing, 243
Groups of statements, 354
3G systems, 27
GTFS data, 355
GTFS files, 355
Guest counts, 363, 367, 371, 373
data, 375
neural network architecture, 376
predicted, 371, 376
Guideline electricity price, 211
Habitat monitoring, 339
Hall-effect wireless sensors, 31
Handover management, 122
delay, 125
steps involved, 122
cells and networks discovery, 123
handover decision and network decision, 124
handover execution, 124
Health, 4
Heterogeneous transportation data, 346
HetNets, 122
Heuristics, 268
algorithm, 336
High-Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA), 27, 114
High-Speed Packet Access (HSPA), 111
High-Speed Uplink Packet Access (HSUPA), 27, 114
Holt-Winters models, 373
Home appliances, 175, 207
automatically controlled, 207
manually controlled, 207
scheduling algorithm, 197
Home automation, 339
Home cloud service delivery platform, 255
Home energy, 30
Home energy management system (HEMS), 31, 336
Home Location Register (HLR), 122
Home pricing, 174
Honeywell Lyric thermostat, 13
Hop Algorithm (HA), 28
Hospitals, 1
Hotel managers, 369
HTTP messages, 72
Hub location inventory problem, 268
Hybrid Automatic Repeat reQuest (HARQ), 124
Hybrid models, 378
Hybrid renewable energy generating systems, energy management for, 336
Hybrid SDN networks, 318
integrated model, 319
service-based, 318
topology-based, 318
traffic-based, 318
Hybrid sensor network (HSN), 335
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) standard, 62
I3ASensorBed testbed, 28
IBM, 9
IBM Intelligent Operations Center (IOC), 346
active journey visualization require data sources via, 358
integration with IBM IIT and, 356
provides executive dashboard to, 357
URIs access data in, 357
IBM Intelligent Transportation (IIT), 346
integrating Docit with, 349
integration with IBM IOC, 356
product, 349
provide real-time updates on the ETAs, 351
IBM IOC components, 357
IBM IOC product, 351
IBM products, 346
iCloud (Apple) phones, 10
IEEE 802.11ad key features, 101
Control PHY, 101
Low Power SC PHY, 102
SC PHY, 101
Spread QPSK, 102
IEEE 802.11p, 134, 135, 141, 144
IEEE 1609 Protocol, 153
IEEE 802.11 standard, 91
development of, 92
frequency bands, 93
ISM, 93
U-NII, 93
medium access control layer, 94
physical layer, 94
protocol stack of, 92
Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS), 92
family and derived amendments, 95
IEEE 802.11d, 95
IEEE 802.11e, 95
IEEE 802.11f, 95
IEEE 802.11g, 95
IEEE 802.11h, 95
IEEE 802.11i, 95
IEEE 802.11j, 96
IEEE 802.11k, 96
IEEE 802.11n, 97
IEEE 802.11p, 96
IEEE 802.11r, 96
IEEE 802.11s, 96
IEEE 802.11u, 96
IEEE 802.11v, 96
IEEE 802.11w, 96
Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS), 92
Infrared (IR) type, 92
layered model of, 93
PHY layer of, 92
Physical Layer Convergence Protocol (PLCP), 92
Physical Medium Dependent (PMD) layer, 92
Single-user MIMO (SU-MIMO) technology, use of, 99
IEEE WAVE standard, 134
IEEE 802.11 Working Group (WG), 91
Illegal access, 33
ILOG CPLEX tool, 331
Incentives deployment schema (IDS), 274
Independent and identically distributed (IID), 371
Industrial automation, 339
Industrial, Scientific, and Medical (ISM) band, 92
frequency allocation by country, 93
Industry structure, 367
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), 1, 32, 97, 125, 149, 291, 294
resources, smart cities
use of cars, 131–146
role in smart city governance, 5, 6
Information-as-a-Service (INaaS), 155
Information centric networking (ICN), 150
Information city, 149
Information technology, 361
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), 11
In hoe energy management (iHEM), 330
Integer linear programming, 329, 332
of our system with commercial products, 346
Integrity, 34
Intelligent algorithms, 1
Intelligent Mobility, 293
Intelligent Transport, 96
Intelligent transportation systems (ITS), 126, 149, 294
category, 293
IntelliGrid, 12
Interaction, 346
Interface design, 346
Internames system, 135
International Mobile Telecommunications-Advanced (IMT-A) standards, 114
Internet, 1, 30
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), 60
Internet of Everything (IoE), 109, 303
Internet of Thing (IoT), 1, 9, 41, 59, 291
challenges, 8
devices, 3, 11
Internet Protocol (IP), 135
Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6), 35, 62
network, 77
Internet service providers (ISPs), 303
Internet-style access, 27
Internet Website, 30
Interscheduling cycle gap (ISCG), 233
Intervehicle communication (IVC), 134, 144
Intrusion protection and detection, 35
Java Intelligent Network Interface (JINI), 62
JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), 87
format, 357
Journey monitoring, 348
Journey planning, 345, 348
Journey plan policy, 358
Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) conditions, 335
Key Access Security Management Entity (KASME), 124
k-server problem, 284
Kullback-Leibler distance, 179
Labor cost, 185
Labor scheduling, 362
Langrangian duality based decentralized iterative approach, 332
Larger-scale networked system, 131
Last squares method, 339
Latency, definition of, 114
Linear optimization problem, 334
Linear programming (LP), 329
technique, 330
Linear regression model, 269
Lines rates, 223
Linux, kernel-level packet-forwarding functionality in, 305
Living Labs, 293
Load identification, 332
Local Access Networks (LANs), 9, 113
Local Area Network (Ethernet), 30
Local Indicator of Spatial Association (LISA), 56
Logical Link Control (LLC), 92
Long-term detection technique, 200
case study, 205
motivation, 200
POMDP-based detection, 202
algorithmic flow process, 204
Long-Term Evolution (LTE), 27, 99, 134
Loose coupling, 243
Low-Power and Lossy Networks (LLNs), 61
Low-power Personal Area Network (6LoWPAN), 35
LTE-Advanced (LTE-A), 27
LTE-A standard, 111
LTE protocol stack, 116
LTE standardization, 112
Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communication, 82
MAC layer, 223
Magnetic sensor array
measurement device based on, 31
Magnetic sensors, 30
Management policies, 5
Market basket analysis (MBA) rules, 379
integrate words segmentation technology and, 379
Market penetration rates of the system, 131
Markov based model, 325
Markov decision, 193
Mathematical models, 363, 380
simulations, 336
Maximal expected coverage relocation problem (MECRP), 277
mDNS/DNS-SD service discovery, 67
code and memory footprint, 72
operational modes, 68
problems in, 71
code size, 71
context-aware queries, 71
energy consumption, 71
packet size, 71
responding queries, strategies for, 70
multicast vs. unicast responses, 70
short vs. complete responses, 71
Mean absolute deviations (MADs), 374, 375
Mean absolute percentage error (MAPE), 372, 374
Mean percentage error (MPE), 373
Mean squared error (MSE), 373–375
Media, 367
Medium access control (MAC), 73, 91
Memory footprint, 76
Mesh routing, 134
internet access to users, 134
Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT), 67
Methods and data mining algorithms, 379
Metrics, 28
kinds of, 28
Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), 10
Microsoft, 9
Azule services, 242
Milano smart city, 292
Minimum transmission energy (MTE), 29
Mixed integer linear program (MILP), 268
Mixed integer programs (MIP), 264, 268
Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs), 135
Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC), 111
Mobile communications systems, 111
Mobility management element (MME), 119
Model selection, 380
Modulation and Coding Scheme (MCS), 28
Modulation techniques and coding schemes (MCS), 98
Monetary cost, 176, 194
of customer, 176
purchasing energy, 176
quadratic pricing model, 176
Monitoring of energy production, 5
Motivation, 366
Moving Average (MA) technique, 363, 373
Multicast Domain Name System (mDNS), 60
Multimedia, 27
Multimodal journey, 346, 347, 358
Multiobjective handling techniques, 326
Fuzzy, 326
Gene, 326
Goals, 326
Lexicographic, 326
Min-Max, 326
Pareto, 326
Phenotype sharing function, 326
Preference, 326
Ranking, 326
Subpopulation, 326
Multiobjective optimization problem, 326
Multiple conflicting objectives, assigning weights to, 326
direct assignment, 326
eigenvector method, 326
entropy method, 326
minimal information method, 326
Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO), 91
techniques, 25
Multiple rate aggregation, 232
Multiple regression, 370–371
Multi-Radio Access Technologies (Multi-RATs), 111
Multiresolution S-transform, 331
Multiwavelength passive optical network, 222
Naïve Model, 375
Named Data Networking (NDN), 135
Nash equilibrium, 196
Nest thermostat, 13
Neteye, 28
Net metering, 174, 176
cyberattack detection, impact of, 179
Network, 17
architecture, 219
Network-as-a-Service (NaaS), 155
Network communication, tools
iTETRIS, 134
vehicles’ movement patterns, influence, 134
Veins, 134
VSimRTI, 134
Network demand, 150
Networked information technologies, 1
Network function virtualization (NFV), 304
Networking planes, 306
control plane, 306
data plane, 306
Network management, 44
Network operating, separated control logic, 312
Network’s connectivity, 345
Network service provisioning, 150
Network Simulation 2 (NS-2), 27
Network snapshot, 348, 349, 350, 356
NetworkStatusUpdater, 357
Network terminal management standards, 96
channel management, 96
conflict management, 96
interference filtering service traffic, 96
reporting, 96
Newton-type algorithm, 339
Next-Generation Networks (NGNs), 111
Non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-II), 336
Nonintrusive load monitoring, linear integer programming formulation for, 331
Nonlinear plans, 346
Nonlinear (NL) programming techniques, 329
Normalizing factor, 201
Objective function, nature of, 326
On-board units (OBUs), 150
One-way car-sharing organization, 268
One-way vehicle-sharing systems, 285
Online learning, weighted support-vector regression (OLWSVR), 160
Open automotive alliances (OOA), 160
Open data, 11
features, 11
OpenDaylight controller, 311, 312
OpenFlow protocol, 46, 309
Openflow standard, current software switch implementations compliant with, 311
Open service architecture for sensors (OSAS), 65
OpenStack Neutron, 318
Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model, 92
OpenTripPlanner (OTP), 283
Operating systems (OSs), 42
Operational expenditures (OPEX), 43
Optical burst switching (OBS), 228
Optical line terminal (OLT), 220
Optical network units (ONUs), 220
Optimization based residential management (OREM), 330
Optimization problem, classification of, 328
Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), 25, 91, 94
Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing access (OFDMA) technique, 118
Overforecasting and labor costs, 363
PaaS open API infrastructure, 259
Packet Data Convergence Protocol (PDCP), 118
Packet delivery ratio, 28
results, 29
Packet fragmentation, 87
Packet radio link control (RLC), 118
Packet size, 71, 86
Packet transmissions, interrelation, 134
Panda architecture, 220
extensions, 225
geographical study, 227
lines rates, 223
MAC layer, 223
multiwavelength passive optical network, 222
population coverage, 223
scalability study, 226
VDSL enduser access, 221
Partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP), 174, 193
technique, 180
Passive optical network (PON), 220
Passive proxy delegation protocol, 73
Path computation element (PCE), 305
Peak-to-average ratio (PAR), 179, 192
Personal health monitoring, 339
Personal intelligent city accessible vehicles (PICAVs), 269
Personally identifiable information (PII), 245
Petri net models, 264
bicycle flows, 278
redistribution circuit, 279
station control, 278
Phasor measurement units (PMUs), 323
Photo voltaic system, 331
Physical cell identifier (PCI), 124
Physical Layer Convergence Protocol (PLCP), 92
Physical medium dependent (PMD) layer, 92
Planning, 346
Planning engine, 349
Plan validity, 350
status, 349
Platform as a Service (PaaS), 11
PLUG-IN project, 301
Point coordinated function (PCF), 95
Point of sale (POS) system, 361
Poisson process, 272
Poisson regression, 371
Policies, 346
history-dependent, 346
state-dependent, 346
time-dependent, 346
Policy-based journey plans, 346
Policy integration, 350
Population coverage, 223
Power congestion problem, 336
Power consumption, 17
Power Line Communication (PLC) scheme, 30, 31
Power of uncertainty-aware plans, 346–348
Power-saving methods, 30
Power system congestion, 332
Power system, real-time monitoring of, 334
Predictive data, 351
Price elasticity, 362
analysis, 369
Price sensitivity, 367, 369
Pricing curve, 199
Pricing cyberattacks, 198
for forming peak energy load, 199
for utility bill reduction, 198
Prim’s approach, 27
Priorities, 354
Productivity, 369
Product management, 362
Provider Service Identifiers, 153
Proxy delegation, 80
Proxy functionality, 72
Proxy Servers (PSs), 72
Public transportation service, 345
Public transport system, 345
Public transport vehicles, 345
QoS management frame (QMF), 102
default policy, 103
Quadratic coefficient, 210
Quality of Service (QoS), 42, 95, 149, 219
management functions, 313
requirements, 313
Queues configuration and traffic characteristics, 317
Rackspace’s cloud services, 318
Radio Duty Cycling (RDC) Protocol, 78
Radio-frequency (RF), 26, 42
Radio-frequency identification systems (RFID), 111
Radio network controller (RNC), 115
Radio resource management (RRM) functions, 116
Radio resources control (RRC), 118
Ratio-test-based algorithm, 193
Raw data, 373
Reactive smart city device (R-SCD), 42
Realnet, 28
Real-time tracking, 346
Received Signal Strength Indicator Algorithm (RSSIA), 28, 29
Reduced function devices (RFD), 333
Region of interest (ROI), 152
Related work, 62
Reliability, 17, 76
Reliance, 6
Relocation plan, illustration of, 267
Remote method invocation (RMI), 62
Renewable energy, 174, 180
Replay attacks, 33
Reservations, 366
system, 366
Resource records (RRs), 61
AAAA, 78
PTR, 78
SRV, 78
TXT, 78
Restaurant customers, 368
Restaurant data, 368
Restaurant forecasting, 364, 369
categories, 364
Restaurant industry, 368, 369
Restaurant management, 361
demand forecast, 361
food cost, 361
labor cost, 361
Restaurants, 361
inventory, 366
managers, 363, 367
operators, 366, 367
set prices, 369
reservation system, 370
sales, 363
accuracy, 363
forecasting, influenced by factors, 363
sector, 365
Revenue management (RM) system, 361, 364
application in restaurant industry, 369
core methodology, 364
definition of, 364
first-come-first-serve policy, 369
first-come-first-serve rule, 369
goal for, 365
industries with, 365
mathematical programming models, 369
strategy, 366
Revenue per available room-night (RevPAR), 366
Revenue per available seat-mile (RPSM), 366
Reward function, 202
RFID technology, 9, 165
Ride sharing, 281
algorithms for, 281
Robust applications, to design, 34
security requirements, 34
Robust optimization, 326
Robust security network (RSN), 95
Root mean square error (RMSE), 230
Root mean square percentage error (RMSPE), 372
Round-trip time (RTT), 121, 233
Routers, 304
Routing control platform (RCP), 305
Routing strategies, applied to WSN applications, 27
RRM program, 369
Sales/demand forecasting methods, 379
advantages and disadvantages of, 381
Sales forecasting, 361, 362, 368, 378
in corporate restaurants, 363
perishability of food and, 363
Sales prediction, 368
Sales transaction data, 362
on corporate level, aims of exploring, 362
on store level, aims of exploring, 362
Scalability, 9
SD protocols, 62
general-purpose, 62
java intelligent network interface, 62
service location protocol, 62
simple service discovery protocol, 62
for LLNs, 64
DEAPSpace, 65
electronic number mapping, 65
fast and energy efficient service provisioning, 65
Konark, 65
open service architecture for sensors, 65
SDP, 64
Sleeper, 65
Seasonal factors, 374
Secure localization, 35
Secure routing information, 35
Security, 8, 33
Self-organization algorithm, 54
Sensing capabilities, 131
Sensing services, 150
Sensor optimization, 326
primer, 326
Sensor Platform for HealthCare in Residential Environment project (SPHERE), 108
Sensors, 9, 17, 28, 29, 31, 82
Sequential plans, 347, 354
Service Agents (SAs), 62
Service capacity, 369
Service-centric contextualized vehicular cloud (SCCVC), 150, 158
Service clients (SCs), 59
Service Directories (SDs), 135
Service discovery (SD), 59
Service Discovery Protocols (SDPs), 59, 63, 135
Service level agreements (SLAs), 301
Service Location Protocol (SLP), 62
Service providers (SPs), 59, 158
cloud platform, 255
Service Repository (SR), 61
Setup boxes, 3
Short Message Service (SMS), 27, 115
Short-range radio solution
wireless local area network (WLAN), 134
Short-term car rental, 262
Short-term urban bicycle-rental schemes, 261
Siemens, 9
Simple Service Discovery Protocol (SSDP), 62
Simple Service Location Protocol (SSLP), 62
Simulations, 30, 78, 207, 364, 383
cyberattack for peak energy load, 211
cyberattack for utility bill reduction, 209
long-term detection technique, 211
methodologies, 264
single event detection technique, 211
Single-carrier frequency division multiple access (SC-FDMA) technique, 118
Single event detection technology, 199
Single objective optimization algorithm, 326
Single store, level of, 362
Sleeping nodes, proxy support, 72
active proxy delegation protocol, 72
evaluation, 76
empirical evaluation, 77
memory footprint, 76
simulation, 78
passive proxy delegation protocol, 73
reliability, 76
Sleeping Service Providers (SSPs), 72
Slotted time-expanded graphs, 282
Smart Cities and Communities Work Programme, 292
Smart city Barcelona, 14
Smart city Birmingham, 14
actions plan group, 14
Smart city devices (SCDs), 41
compatibility between, 43
Smart city(ies), 1, 43, 97, 149, 219, 250, 339
based on WLAN use cases, 98
backhaul aggregation, 99
extended-range hotspot, 99
smart sensors and meters, 99
building blocks, 131, 132
concept, 250
data plane challenges, 43
geographic control, 45
mobility, 45
simplicity, 44
definition of, 291
enabling networking technology usage, 100
examples and applications, 108
factors and indicators for smart living in context, 4
house, 6
ITS based, 159
major characteristics, 2
projects, 13
reason for interest, 2
requirements, 109
fast deployment, 109
interoperability, 109
limited power consumption, 109
robustness, 109
scalability, 109
role of cars
mobile base stations, 131
network with incredible processing, 131
powerful vehicular network, access, 131
sensing capabilities, 131
storage capacities, 131
safety challenges, 160
SCD networks applications, challenges, 45
integration, 45
lack of central control, 45
SCDs and NEs, compatibility between, 45
smarter grid, 251
solution example, 97, 98
trends, 3
VANET challenges, 159
VANET solutions, 159
vehicular clouds challenges, 162
vehicular clouds solutions, 162
WLAN technologies enabling for, 99
IEEE 802.11ac, 104, 105
IEEE 802.11ad, 100
IEEE 802.11ae, 102
IEEE 802.11af, 108, 109
IEEE 802.11ah, 105
Smart city network management, 45
centralized control, 46
challenges of SDN, smart city, 49
compatibility, 48
inerrability, 47
simplicity, 47
software defined network-based, 45
virtualization, 48
Smart city Wien (Vienna), 14
initiative and aims at, 14
Smart devices, 254
Smart dust, 10
key applications of, 10
Smart economy, 4
life, 17
vectors, 5
Smart environment, 3
Smart governance, 4, 5
focusing on, 4
Smart grid, 12, 174
cost efficient residential energy management in, 325
energy conservation in, 330
energy management in, 331
features, 12
efficiency, 12
load balancing, 12
reliability, 12
sustainability, 12
generic network utility maximization, 334
wireless sensor selection in, 335
Smart Grid Mesh WSN, differentiated traffic optimization in, 333
Smart grids, 339
network, 323
constraints considered while formulating optimization problems in, 336, 337
optimization solution types and related simulation tools in, 336, 338
types of objectives and optimization techniques in, 329
Smart homes, 1, 191, 247
big data, 249
concept, 253
data analytics, 249
data fusion, 249
devices, 13
emerging protocols for, 255
enabled by cloud, 254
energy management in, 329
reason for interest, 2
system, 193
model, 193
scheduling, 195
trends, 7
advanced security system, 8
automatic door locks, 8
programmable and zone-based smart thermostat, 7
wireless power, 7
Smart living, 4
Smart meters, 30, 184, 192
computing optimal policy, 207
policy transfer graph, 207
state definition, 205
state transfer graph, 206
Smart mobility, 2
devices, 10
Smart parking project, 292
Smart people, 5
in context of a smart city, factors and indicators for, 6
Smartphones, 1, 3, 10, 11
major role in, 10
Smart power systems, common sensors in
cognitive radio sensors (CRS), 323
generic sensors, 325
infrared sensors, 325
luminosity sensors, 324
magneto-resistive sensors, 325
phasor measurement units (PMUs), 323
rechargeable/energy harvesting sensors, 324
relay sensors, 325
thermal/hygro sensors, 324
voltage and current sensors, 324
wireless multimedia sensors, 325
Smart sensing systems and dynamic wireless network infrastructures
emergency situations survivability, improvement, 131
environment monitoring, application, 131
smart grid, application, 131
smart mobility, application, 131
Smart sensors, data collection, 142
Smart traffic management, 2
Smart transportation systems (STSs), 294
actors connected through telecommunication networks, 300
in critical conditions
damages of computational elements, 299
damages of network segments, 299
damages of sensors or actuators, 299
network design in critical conditions, 301
current network technologies, limits of, 301
low criticism, 301
middle criticism, 301
new network architecture, 303
performance requirements of, 302
principal actors in, 296
QoS applications for, 313
scenario, 314
security aspects in, 300
emergency alerts to private users and logistics operators, 300
info mobility sensors, 301
private user requiring intelligent route planner, 300
public safety operators that require/receive images/video, 300
user priority, 298
users and main applications in, 296
institutional operators, 296
logistics operators, 297
private users, 296
public safety operators, 297
civil protection, 297
firefighters, 297
public transport operators, 297
Smoothing factor, 374
Snapshot Aggregator, 348, 350
Social Bicycles (SoBi), 261
Software as a Service (SaaS), 11
Software-defined networking (SDN), 46, 304
active networking, 305
controller, 315
layers for control plane, 308
in practice, 309
controller, 311
forwarding model, 309
separating control and data planes, 305
theoretical aspects, 306
Software defined things, 50
framework, 50
reactive smart city device, management, 50
self-organization algorithm, 54
Spanning Tree, 27
Spatial correlation coefficient, 54
Spectral mask specifications for 802.11ac devices, 104
SQL queries, 357
Standard journey plans, 346
State information, 354
State-of-the-art software, 9
State transition function, 202
Statistical data analysis techniques, 199
Stochastic journey planning, 346
Stochastic Markov models, 332
Stochastic models, 346
Stochastic noise information, 351, 353
Stochastic programming approaches, 264
Storage-as-a-Service (STaaS), 155
Storage capacity, 17
Storage devices, 32
STS-SDN solution, incremental deployment of, 318
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems, 251
Super Wi-Fi, 108
Support vector regression (SVR), 179, 192
System architecture, 349
System Architecture Evolution (SAE), 118
Tablets, 11
TCP/IP Protocols stack, 307
Telecommunication systems, 17
Temporal scales, 30
Third-Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), 111
Release 8, 27
TIM and page segmentation, 106, 107
Time division multiple access (TDMA), 220
Time division synchronous code division multiple access (TD-SCDMA), 113
Timed Petri net (TPN) framework, 274
Time-expanded graph model, 345
Time intervals, restaurant demand should be predicted, 367
Time of use tariff (TOU), 330
Timing of statements, 354
Torino smart city, 292
Trade-off, 17
congestion, 2
safety, 2
Traffic aggregation, 227
strategies, 230
Traffic engineering (TE), 313
Traffic Information-as-a-Service (TIaaS), 155
Traffic information systems, 154
Traffic management, 45
Traffic monitoring (TM), 234
Traffic prediction, 220, 227
definition of, 228
stochastic process, 228
Transaction data, 362
Translation Agent (TA), 62
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), 120
Transportation network, 349
Transportation systems, 293
public transportation, 293
traffic management, 293
Travelers, 349
Triple exponential smoothing, 374
TRNSYS simulator, 336
Trusted third parties (TTP), 160
TV white spaces (TVWS), 98
Twist, 28
Two-and-half generation (2.5G or 2G+), 27
Ultrahigh-frequency (UHF) bands, 108
Uncertainty, 346
Uniform resource identifiers (URIs), 65
Uniform resource locators (URLs), 62
Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS), 27, 111, 134
Universal Plug and Play (UPnP), 62
Universal terrestrial radio access network (UTRAN), 114
Unlicensed-National Information Infrastructure (U-NII) band, 92
Unreliability, 345
Upstream transmission, 233
Urban architects, 1
US channelization, 106
User Datagram Protocol (UDP), 120
User Plane Data (UPD), 122
VANET architecture, 152
applications, 154
classification, 155
protocol, 153
Variable cost, 366
Variables, used as predictors, 368
VCN services, 150
computing services, 150
data storage, 150
sensing services, 150
Vehicle miles traveled (VMT), 294
Vehicle-sharing systems, 262
challenges and objectives in the design of, 263
as closed queuing network, 272
models and algorithmic approaches for, 264, 271, 275
bicycles/cars, distribution incentives for, 270
bicycles/cars, operational repositioning of, 274, 280
strategic design of, 267
Data-mining-based approach, 270
GIS-based approaches, 269
heuristics, 268
integer-programming-based, 267
real-time monitoring of, 274
static repositioning problem of bicycles, 276
strategic design of, 266
Vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) systems, 156
Vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication, 152
Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs), 135, 149
broadcasting and controlled flooding, 153
challenges and solutions in smart cities, 159
clustering solutions, 160
emergency and disaster recovery, 162
management challenges, 160
safety challenges, 160
smart driving, 159
dense vs. sparse topology, 152
intermittent connectivity, 152
predictable mobility pattern, 153
Vehicular cloud, 134
autonomous driving, application, 134
Vehicular cloud computing (VCC), 150
architecture, 157
Vehicular cloud infrastructure, 155
Vehicular clouds, 162
challenges, 162
context awareness, 165
privacy, 164
security, 162
solutions, 162
user experience, 164
virtualization-based challenges, 165
Vehicular social networks (VSNs), 167
Vehicular virtual machine migration with least workload (VVMM-LW), 165
Very-high-frequency (VHF) bands, 108
Very high throughput (VHT), 104
Virtual coordinate-based routing concepts, 134
Virtual machine (VM), 159
Walking links, 347
Washington State Department of Revenue, 368
Water distribution system monitoring, 339
Wavelength division multiplexing (WDM), 220
Web-based app, 349
Web-based simulation tool, 27
Web interface, 28
Web Services Description Language (WSDL), 65, 135
Wide area network (WAN), 9
Wideband code division multiple access (WCDMA), 113
Wi-Fi, 1
Wi-Fi access points
roadside Units (RSUs), 134
Wi-Fi alliances (WFA), 91
Wi-Fi technology, 91
Wikipedia, 3
Winters’ exponential smoothing, 377
Wired equivalent privacy (WEP), 95
Wireless communications, 131, 153
protocol, 191
Wireless data traffic, 91
Wireless local area networks (WLANs), 91
Wireless MAN-advanced standard, 111
Wireless mesh networks (WMNs), 96
Wireless multimedia extension, 73
Wireless multimedia sensors, 325
Wireless rechargeable sensor network, 334
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs), 17, 323
applications to, 17
energy-saving applications, 18–19
healthcare monitoring, 21–23
noise and atmospheric monitoring, 19–21
limitations of, 17
new challenges of, 17
Wireless Sensor Network Testbeds (Wisebed), 28
Wireless sensor nodes (WSNs), 41, 335
Wireless vehicular environments ability in (WAVE), 96
Wireless wide area network (WWAN) technologies, 26
Worldwide interoperability for microwave access (WiMAX), 111
WSN in Smart Grid, generic optimization framework for, 330
WSN4QoL project, 34
architecture, protocol stack used in, 35
XaaS (everything as a service), 11
X2 Application Protocol (X2AP), 123
X2 protocol stack, 121
Yield management, 364
Zigbee, 329