
Part I. Immigration

Chapter 1. Rivers of Blood
The rights and wrongs of Enoch Powell—How much immigration is there?—Muslim immigration—Europe’s population problem—Civilization and decadence—Diversity is overrated—Can you have the same Europe with different people?

Chapter 2. The Immigrant Economy
How postwar migration came about—The unprecedented scale of recent immigration—The capitalist argument: Rescuing moribund industries—Jobs nobody wants—The socialist argument: Rescuing the welfare state

Chapter 3. Whom Is Immigration For?
Good immigrants and bad—Is immigration for natives or immigrants?—Welfare and white flight—Polish plumbers—Barcelona or death—The duty of hospitality—Asylum and human rights—Asylum and democracy

Chapter 4. Fear Masquerading as Tolerance
Neutrality and political correctness—The criminalization of opinion—Grievance groups—Diversity and self-loathing—Second-class citizens

Part II. Islam

Chapter 5. Ethnic Colonies
Europe’s historic understanding of Islam—Muslim populations, present and future—Rejuvenation of run-down neighborhoods—Architecture and segregation—Lawless zones—Segregation or self-segregation?—Spaces of sharia—Violence, crime, and rioting—The banlieue riots and Islam—Tribalism, ideology, and escalation

Chapter 6. An Adversary Culture
Jus soli and jus sanguinis, assimilation and integration—The illusion of diversity—Islam as a hyper-identity—Dual loyalty—Humiliation and Islamophobia—Muslims and U.S. blacks

Chapter 7. Europe’s Crisis of Faith
Religious resurgence—Islam and European believers—Islam and European unbelievers—Benedict XVI: New ideas about belief and unbelief—-Western sympathy with, and conversion to, Islam—The European model of managing religion—Organizing religious bodies—Freedom of religion = Freedom of Islam—The Danish cartoon crisis

Chapter 8. Rules for Sex
Sexual freedom as a nonnegotiable European demand—Virginity and violence—Islam or custom?—The appeal of sharia—Arranged marriages—The Danish marriage law—Controversies over the headscarf—-The French veil law—Compulsory liberation

Part III. The West

Chapter 9. Tolerance and Impunity
Political self assertion as a turning point—Intimidation and self defense—The politics of terror—Anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism—“The Communism of the twenty-first century”

Chapter 10. Resistance and Jihad
Poverty, occupation, lost grandeur, and other grievances—Islam andviolence—“Islam is peace”—Moderate Muslims—Tariq Ramadan and double language—Resistance and Jihad

Chapter 11. Liberalism and Diversity
Immigration, Islam, and the European Union—The project to bring Turkey into Europe—Pim Fortuyn and the weakness of the West—“Rightism” and “fascism” in the context of immigration and Islam—The Danish People’s Party—Nicolas Sarkozy and the strength of the republic—Affirmative action

Chapter 12. Survival and Culture
Europe’s duty to the world—European emancipation from America—The American model of a multiethnic society, and the Ottoman model—From “Islam is peace” to “Love it or leave it”—Two types of utility


