C0ℝ, 177
CcΩ, 138
Fδ, 19
Gδ, 19
Lp-Spaces, 127
Va, b(φ), 146
σ-algebra generated by, 43
σ-filed, 60
σ-finite measure space, 39
σ-algebra, 38
k-cells, 58
LpΩ, 129
absolutely continuous, 103, 144
algebra, 38
almost everywhere, 67
convergence, 66
Borel measure, 46
Borel sets, 43
above, 12
below, 12
bounded intervals, 11
bounded variation, 146
canonical representation, 71
Cantor set, 22
Chandrasekharan, 186
characteristic function, 10, 58
closed set, 43
complete measure, 48
completion, 50
complex measurable function, 56
conditional expectation, 105
continuous, 56
in measure, 71
almost everywhere, 66
pointwise, 65
countable additivity, 30
countable family, 11
counter examples, 172
counting measure, 40
Darboux-Riemann integral, 3
De-Morgan, 30
dense, 43
Dirac measure, 40
Dirichlet's function, 2, 7, 10
disjoint family, 23
distribution function, 61, 104
cumulative, 61
dominated convergence theorem, 121, 123
Egoroff's theorem, 69
elementary set, 164
essentially bounded, 127
even function, 180
events, 60
finite measure, 39
finite measure space, 39
coefficient, 158
inversion theorem, 187
transform, 177
theorem, 196
fundamental theorem of Lebesgue integration, 142, 146, 151
greatest lower bound, 12
Hölder's inequality, 131
improper integral, 137
indefinite integral, 141
integrable, 114
integral of φ
over E, 82
over X, 81
integral of f, 90
over E, 90
integration on product spaces, 161
inversion theorem, 187
Jensen's inequality, 129
least upper bound, 12
integrable, 119
measurable, 25
measurable sets, 16
Lebesgue integrable function, 114
length of the curve, 146
inferior, 64
superior, 64
locally compact, 138
bound, 12
Darboux integral, 3
Darboux sum, 3
MCT, 102
measurable, 59
Borel, 57
extended real valued, 57
function, 56
Lebesgue, 57
rectangles, 162
sets, 38
space, 38
measure, 38
induced by φ and μ, 88
positive, 39
space, 38
zero, 8
mesh, 5
Minkowski inequality, 132
modulus, 63
class, 164
convergence theorem, 97
negative part, 63
non-Lebesgue measurable sets, 16
non-measurable sets, 26
nowhere dense, 35
odd function, 180
outer measure, 50
limit, 65
positive part, 63
distribution, 60
measure, 39
σ-algebra, 162
projection theorem, 194
derivative, 103
theorem, 103
real measurable function, 56
restriction, 45
restriction of
the σ-algebra, 46
the measure space, 46
sum, 5
sample space, 60
seminorm, 118
separable, 43
function, 71
Sobolev space, 198
step function, 72
subadditivity, 20
symmetric difference, 79
tag set, 5
Tonelli's theorem, 169
topological space, 43
total variation, 146
translation invariance, 19
unbounded intervals, 11
bound, 12
Darboux integral, 3
Darboux sum, 3
cover, 151
covering lemma, 151
Young's inequality, 129
zero measure, 40