Chapter 2

The Benefits of Sharing—Nice Guys and Girls do Finish First


This chapter explores five pragmatic advantages to joining the open-source scientific community for both your research in general, and most importantly, your equipment and instrumentation: (1) massive peer-review in the development of background material and experimental design, which leads to (2) improved experimental design and hardware design (often with radically lower costs) and hardware with superior performance, (3) increased visibility, citations and public relations, which leads to (4) increased funding opportunities and improved student recruitment, and (5) improved student research-related training and education. These examples are reinforced by broader theory about the human hard-wiring for cooperation. Finally, the same theories are applied to industry to reveal the benefits for corporations to embrace industrial-scale sharing and open-source hardware.


Collaboration; Commons; Creative commons; Gift economy; Industrial symbiosis; Open source; Sharing

2.1 Advantages of Aggressive Sharing for the Academic

The primary purpose of universities is to spread knowledge, yet ironically, research faculty members are often encouraged to restrict information sharing. Today at many universities, there is enormous pressure to avoid having so-called intellectual property (IP) “scooped” by patenting and/or commercializing research to prevent replication without the academic’s employer benefiting financially [1]. As the well-documented influence of corporate thought on universities has spread [2], this intellectual monopoly1 view of research has now even infiltrated the academic literature. As can be seen in many fields, normally the experimental section of journal articles is the shortest and most opaque section of a manuscript. This makes it difficult to replicate our peers’ experiments and may even potentially “threaten the foundation of scientific discourse” as Gelman argues [3]. Even the details that are provided are sometimes delayed. For example, many universities encourage holding back key information, which is not released until provisional patents have been filed, slowing the scientific enterprise down. In addition, most experimental protocols that are standards are not open access and many require substantial fees to even view (e.g. ASME standards). In addition, we are all familiar with the retarding force on further and faster scientific development from the lack of universal open access to the literature (discussed in detail below). All these trends hurt scientific communication and directly hamper innovation and progress.

Although this is common knowledge in academia, academics have learned and are accustomed to the system. Thus, it may be tempting to some research labs to learn all they can about making less expensive and more customizable research equipment using the method and sources described in the next several chapters, make the equipment they need and get on with their research following the standard relatively closed model. However, if you do this, you will miss out on the primary benefits of using the open-source method. There are five extremely valuable benefits to aggressively sharing your own protocols, methods, and hardware back into the open-source scientific community:

1. massive peer-review in the development of background material and experimental design, which leads to

2. improved experimental design and hardware design (often for radically lower costs), which provides higher performance equipment,

3. increased visibility, citations and public relations, which leads to

4. increased funding opportunities and improved student recruitment, and

5. improved student research-related training and education.

In the sections below, we explore each benefit in detail.

In order to take advantage of these benefits, it is important to understand the ethic behind open-source philosophy. This ethic was developed first by computer programmers working on free and open-source software (FOSS). Through principles of sharing and open access, open-source development treats users as developers by encouraging contribution, recognizing good work through peer approval, and propagating superior code [4]. This philosophy of the open-source movement is described by Levy as the “hacker ethic” with the following general principles [5]:

1. Sharing

2. Openness

3. Decentralization

4. Free access

5. World improvement.

This philosophy is enabled by the gift culture of open source, in which recognition of an individual is determined by the amount of knowledge given away [6]. In this system, the richer you are, the more you give; the more valuable the gift, the more respect you gain. This type of philosophy should be familiar to many in academia, which has also historically followed a gift culture, which rewards contributors through a process of peer review. We share our brilliance at professional conferences and through articles in the literature, and gain respect. The more you give away and the more valuable it is scientifically, the better is your career. In the academy, knowledge is our currency not money. Can we do more? We will explore ways to more aggressively share and harvest the rewards from each benefit of using open-source approaches to research in the following subsections.

2.1.1 Pre peer-review in the development of background material and experimental design

Between 1998 and 2013, my research groups have experimented with progressively more aggressive sharing of research ideas before they are put into practice. The degree to which your laboratory can commit to openness will depend on the field and your institution’s rules. However, the evidence now is fairly well established that it would benefit every field to be open. This was perhaps recently explained most clearly by Nobel Prize winners Eric Maskin and his coauthor James Bessen when they found that when discoveries are “sequential” (so that each successive invention builds in an essential way on its predecessors), patent protection discourages innovation [7]. That is worth repeating—the standard IP regime that was ostensibly established to foster innovation actually retards it. Bessen and Maskin found that society and even inventors themselves may be better off without such protection and even an inventor’s prospective profit may actually be enhanced by competition and imitation [7]. In the case of the sciences, where profit is not normally considered our sole motivation and more particularly, experimental equipment design, the topic of this book, it is clear that it should always be open in order for science to progress as rapidly as possible. For individual scientists and engineers following an open-source methodology, the advantages listed above can be acquired.

The experiments in my lab were a start at applying the lesson learned from the natural experiment of software patents analyzed by Bessen and Maskin to research. Overall these experiments realizing the hacker ethic for open-source research were successful as we observed an increase in quality and quantity of both research and applications [8]. This success was driven both by the web 2.0 platforms used in the experiments and by simply providing open access to much of the content of our work. First, there were several advantages we saw as academics by using an open wiki.2 Wikis like Wikipedia, which most everyone is familiar with, are web pages that are easy to edit with a relatively shallow learning curve (e.g. a typical student can master the basics of wiki markup in under 30 min). Multiple members of our research team or collaborators outside our university are able to edit pages (e.g. a literature search or methodology description) at the same time or from different locations. Utilizing the wiki keeps track of the status of an individual or a team of researchers and enables easy updates to work from prior years. It also easily enables multiple members of the group to collaborate asynchronously. These advantages are true for any wiki (even those that are password protected within a single institution), but what makes an open wiki useful is that it facilitates others outside of the research group to assist your research—to participate in the open-source way, the same way teams of open-source software developers collaborate. For example, we often see people from outside our group help us make our literature reviews3 more complete, accurate and up-to-date. This saves us time and directly improves our work. Other examples of assistance from wiki users not affiliated with our research group include (1) giving helpful comments on the discussion tab of group pages, (2) fixing grammar/spelling errors and typos, (3) making improvements to algorithms and electronic tools, (4) correcting mistakes or improving our 3-D printable designs, and (5) listing our work on other sites, categories within the wiki and hyperlinking either to or within work that a group has made, which adds to the value and accessibility of the work. In all these cases, by sharing our work as we do it, others help us to improve it free of charge. Most importantly, we often see others submitting improvements to our methods and experimental apparatus design. This improves our group’s research quantitatively.

2.1.2 Improved experimental design and hardware design

These open research-based experiments involved openly sharing our methods, protocols, and experimental designs on the wiki. The first advantage is intrinsic; by stressing to the students that these experimental designs will be web-searchable for all the time, I found that graduate students are more careful about their experimental designs as they are being shared as a quasi-publication. This type of sharing ensured high quality in student experimental and simulation designs and reduced sloppiness during experiments. These intrinsic benefits were dwarfed, however, by external support because of sharing. Many times academics, industry and government scientists and engineers from all over the world have improved our experimental designs. These helpers external to the group have recommended new software or ways to use existing software we were already using in the group. Open-source software coders have improved programs, device drivers, and firmware to meet our needs4, and many others have made specific recommendations and provided helpful advice on everything from component 3-D designs in our experimental rigs to electronics in other experimental setups.5 In some cases, external supporters helped us correct errors and oversights in our write-ups before we started nonoptimized experiments, which saved us enormous quantities of resources (time and money) by avoiding the need to repeat poorly optimized experiments. These benefits all came from massive peer-review and the fact that we actively shared. For example, many of our examples of using open-source hardware and software have been viewed over 10,000 times. There is a lot of eye-balls looking for potential mistakes and better ways of running experiments!

We have also benefited directly from becoming involved in open-source hardware development started by others. For example, many years ago, David Denkenberger and I worked on a project to simulate the lowest cost method of using solar energy to provide clean and safe drinking water in the developing world [9]. This theoretical work appeared promising, and I built prototypes while away from the university (to both the horror and amusement of my new wife the first prototypes were tested in our small bathroom, with a “solar simulator” hanging from the shower rod and my sophisticated electronics seated on the ‘throne’). These prototypes used conventional (and expensive) heat exchangers and the whole apparatus functioned well enough to provide drinking water easily for a typical family. However, to meet the low-cost demands, we needed a highly effective, extremely low-cost heat exchanger, which simply did not exist in the market. Years passed, but we finally developed one using a thin, polymer-based expanded microchannel design for the heat exchanger [10]. The idea behind this type of heat exchanger is that we make up for the low thermal conductivity of the polymer by using extremely thin layers of plastic and thin channels. After enormous effort and absurd prototyping costs, we got one to work with high efficiency using standard, black garbage bags as the material! This was pretty exciting, but to “rent” polymer laser welding time at the rates that we made the first prototype (>$1000/sample) to do any kind of serious research and development work would be cost prohibitive. At the same time, several open-source laser cutter rigs were being developed. We derived our system from Thingiverse user Peter’s (Peter Jansen, a graduate student at McMaster University in Canada) design of a 3D-printable Laser Cutter.6 Taking this design, mounting an appropriate fiber laser, customizing a few parts of the rig with 3-D printed parts (to be discussed in Chapter 5), and writing our own Arduino-based control code (Chapter 4), we had a polymer laser welder (Figure 2.1) for the cost of a few samples.7 The development time for such a system with both the start and continued support from the open-source hardware community (made possible by our resharing of the designs) was a tiny fraction of what we would have needed to invest to develop the tool ourselves. Now we literally save several thousand dollars a day every day we make multiple sample heat exchangers.

Finally, it should be noted that by making not only our experimental designs open but also our experimental apparatuses, we have made it extremely easy for other groups to replicate and build on our work. Other groups can quickly build copies of our experimental apparatuses and begin collaborating to push our research work forward. This sharing again directly increases the impact our work has in various science and engineering subcommunities that we work within and can assist in increasing citations, a topic we will cover in detail in the next section.

2.1.3 Increased visibility, citations and public relations

The open wiki that my group uses is Appropedia, which is currently the largest wiki dedicated to appropriate technology and sustainability, thus giving us widespread readership and accessibility. Using a page-view counting tool,8 it is easy to see that our groups’ work had been accessed over 1 million times and that it is accessed hundreds of thousands of times each year. This is an incredible visibility for academic work. This visibility of our various innovations and studies often attract media attention, which increases positive public relations for my university. Depending on your particular university, this may or may not be that important in tenure and promotion. However, no matter what university you are associated with, your citations will matter. An open-source research approach can directly improve your citations as discussed below.

When we have completed a project or paper, we place summaries of work on Appropedia, which often include some of the most useful data along with DOI links to the original article and ideally to an open-access version when tolerated from the publisher–author’s agreement.9 This practice unquestionably increases the number of people reading a given article. This not only helps our work have greater impact and accessibility in the greater world, it also directly helps us in the academic sphere. It has been postulated that if more people read it, then open access will also raise the citation rate and h-index10 [11]. In some fields, like astrophysics, the number of citations for an article roughly doubles if the articles are open access [12,13]. Although such claims are under debate in the literature, our group’s experience using “open access +”, particularly with citations from non-North American researchers,11 provides some strong evidence for the effect. This effect may provide a critical advantage in the tenure process for academics providing “aggressive open access,” depending on the university.

2.1.4 Increased funding opportunities and improved student recruitment

This exposure can directly lead to funding opportunities. An example of this includes one of the research projects highlighted as part of this open-research experiment. The project looked at the effects of snow on solar photovoltaic (PV) performance. As per the dictates of the open experiment, we published our research plans on Appropedia. Due to the Appropedia posting of the details of the experiment as it was underway, the project page received the top rank in Google searches related to snow and PV technology. This exposure resulted in a successful open-source partnership being formed between 20 organizations, all of which directly contributed funding, equipment and in-kind support to produce the Open Solar Outdoors Test Field (OSOTF) (Figure 2.2), which provides critical data and research in the public domain for solar PV systems’ optimization in snowy environments [14]. Unlike many other projects, the OSOTF is organized under open-source principles guided by the hacker ethic. All data and analyses when completed are made freely available to the entire PV technical community and to the general public, and already much of the data including real-time photos of the OSOTF are available in 5 min increments live.12 The collaborating partners in the OSOTF project were willing to overcome the challenges of doing open-source research because they saw value in having free access to critical research data that would be useful for product improvement, more reliable predictions of performance for funding, and reductions in solar electric system losses. It is clear from the number of collaborators who contacted the group that many of the partners would never have known about the project without the group using the open-source research approach. In addition, the coverage assisted in attracting high-quality domestic graduate student researchers.

Thus, the advantages to providing some open access to work underway for any researcher wanting to disseminate their research is clear. There are also advantages of using an open-research approach within a research group. First, the open literature reviews are extremely effective for passing on knowledge to the next generation of students, finding references when writing a paper, and keeping track of background research. These are useful to group alumni who often continue to use the wiki and contribute to the efforts of the group when they stay in the field(s). Open protocols are important for maintaining standards within the group research, but also building more easily on the work of others. In some disciplines, the sharing of free- and open-source protocols is very advanced (e.g., which is an effort to promote the sharing of information in biology and biological engineering), while other disciplines (e.g. mechanical engineering relying on proprietary ASME standards or electrical engineers relying on IEEE) are not. There are several generic open-source research web sites now that can provide the needs for nearly any discipline such as (a semantic wiki for the sciences) or (which publishes scientific workflows).

There are thus advantages of greater adoption of open-access and open-source research for students. Free (zero cost) access to the latest literature is an intuitively obvious advantage, which should result in better-quality lab reports, term papers, and student writing. However, students also benefit from faster learning and higher quality information from the aggressive and potentially massive peer-review made possible by open research. Finally, there is clear evidence that combining open research with service learning in the classroom provides superior learning outcomes for students [15].

2.2 Overcoming Challenges of Open-Source Research

To publish in the peer-reviewed literature, unfortunately (and perhaps for not much longer as IP in the form of patent and copyright law are being challenged [16]), authors normally must sign away IP rights (copyright). Thus, prepublishing work on the Internet before submission to a journal is a clear concern. Until IP rules are revised or completely eliminated, this risk can be avoided by limiting the type of information that is shared prior to publication. In addition, most publishers such as Elsevier (who is publishing this book) now allow the posting of preprints in institutional repositories after submission—just as the physics community does in

Vandalism is a concern on open wikis. Since 2009 during the course of these experiments with open research, we saw several cases of vandalism. This was not an overly large problem, however, as they were easily and immediately corrected by Appropedia administrators as all work in a page is tracked in the history tab (Figure 2.3). Users can add pages to their watchlists (tab shown in upper middle of Figure 2.3) and can be notified if it is edited by someone else. For high levels of security, you can request administrators to “protect” pages to avoid further edits (comments are still possible on the discussion tab).13 During the course of this experiment, these additional levels of security were found to be unnecessary. All major articles were published in the traditional peer-reviewed literature and made available via open access in institutional repositories. All the other components were left as open edit to enable future users to improve upon them.

More scientists using this approach would almost certainly improve the scale of the benefits. In a vibrant and well-populated open-source research community, maintaining literature reviews would become a community affair and not the primary work of a single group. If the majority of researchers simply added their own work, this type of initiative would be significantly improved. Similarly, in many fields, custom equipment designs, methods and software are kept private to an institution or research group—if these were provided openly in some form of web site, via a wiki protocol or “instructable”, the benefits for all in the particular field would be enhanced appreciably.

The results of these open-source research experiments indicate that scientific research can be accelerated and the results disseminated faster if an open-source research methodology is used. The pragmatic, purely self-serving benefits for most academic research groups to adopt this methodology are clear. You will get more money, better students, more citations, and have a larger impact on your field. In the work that my group focuses on—encouraging sustainability via technology development—ethical considerations also play a role. Is it ethical not to provide sustainability-related research information for free to others if so doing would be more likely to create a sustainable society?

2.3 Why Should You Share and Be Nice Anyway—The Theory

The idea that the evolutionary theory of survival of the fittest can be transferred to social interactions among humans has gained widespread acceptance in our society, most notably in some corporate cultures. Following this theory, it is argued that concepts such as charity, fairness, forgiveness and cooperation are for losers—evolutionary loose ends, soon to go extinct and of little consequence. This idea, which historically would have been considered perverse, is perhaps best summarized by the novelist Ayn Rand, when she explicitly argues that selfishness should be considered a virtue. Following this thinking, we are encouraged to pursue our own self-interest at all costs, to maximize not only our own outcomes but also those of all of the society. Some authors have even cynically claimed that altruism is self-interest in disguise. Anyone that has played a team sport, like basketball or football, might immediately notice a flaw in this logic based on their practical experience, yet the virtue of selfishness still holds incredible sway in our culture and has even infected many of our academic laboratories [2].

What if selfishness not only is not optimal for everyone, but it even hurts the selfish individual? New data challenge the standard model and show exactly that. For example, in SupercooperatorsBeyond The Survival of the Fittest: Why Cooperation, not Competition, is the Key to Life, Harvard’s celebrated evolutionary biologist Martin Nowak explains that cooperation is central to the 4×109 year old puzzle of life [17]. Consider the following scenario: You are on the sidewalk in front of your lab and notice that a small child chasing a ball is about to enter the street and get hit by an oncoming car. Your natural reaction is probably to yell and rush into the street to save the child. Good for you. But wait, if life is about survival of the fittest, why would you trouble yourself at all let alone risk your own life to run into the street to save a stranger? You do it because our ancestors had a distinct evolutionary advantage to cooperate. Selfish cavemen got left by the clans to starve on the savannah alone.14 As Nowak shows, cooperation not competition is the defining human trait [17]. Similarly, recent work by Keltner demonstrates that humans are not hardwired to lead lives that are “nasty, brutish, and short”—we are in fact born to be good [18].

If I am working on a 3-D printer at home and drop a screwdriver, my 2-year-old son will pick it up and hand it to me. Now it is true that he is awesome and you would be right in assuming he is gifted far beyond his years; but, it turns out you can do the same experiment in front of any young child and get the same results. This is not a learned behavior as psychologist Michael Tomasello has shown through observations of experiments on young children [19]. Tomasello shows that human children are naturally—and uniquely—cooperative. Other species just do not do it. For example, when apes are run through similar experiments, they demonstrate the ability to work together and share, but choose not to. That selfishness has made them evolutionary losers—humans not apes are the dominant species on the planet. As our children grow, their hard-wired desire to help—without expectation of reward—becomes diluted and perverted by our culture. As our children become more aware of being a member of a group(s), the group’s mutual expectations can either encourage or discourage altruism and collaboration. Makers,15 for example, have a mutual expectation of collaboration, which is why they reacted so negatively when Makerbot, a formally open-source 3-D printer company, announced that their latest printer (Replicator 2) would not come with all the source code [20] and MakerBot CEO worked so hard to maintain their reputation of “niceness” [21]. Either way, cooperation emerges as a distinctly human combination of innate and learned behaviors. The open-source philosophy thus is aligned with our natural tendency toward cooperation.

The FOSS movement we discussed in Chapter 1 has produced a community of hackers and computer programmers whose shared goal is to work together to develop better computer software [22]. Similarly, in the FOSH movement, there are burgeoning communities of hackers and makers working together to build everything from the open-source 3-D printers we will discuss in Chapter 5 and scientific research tools [23], the topic of this book to DIY drones, which is the largest amateur unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) community in history.16

2.4 Industrial Strength Sharing

In the area of competition, natural selection takes place not only among individuals but also when groups compete with other groups. Here, our intuition about cooperation among teammates is correct and we have a form of group selection—the best team wins, just like in football or basketball. Even in the most cut-throat competitive business world, there is overwhelming evidence of the advantage of companies cooperating with others to gain a competitive advantage over their rivals. In fact, there is a whole discipline that has grown to study these interactions: industrial ecology, which is the study of material and energy flows through industrial systems. One of the most useful concepts to emerge from this new discipline is that of industrial symbiosis. In industrial symbiosis, traditionally separate industries are considered collectively to gain competitive advantage by instituting the mutually beneficial physical exchange of materials, energy, water, and/or other by-products. Such a system collectively optimizes material and energy use at efficiencies beyond those achievable by any individual process alone. The key benefits of industrial symbiosis are collaboration and the synergies offered by geographic proximity [24]. Industrial symbiotic systems such as the now-classic network of companies in Kalundborg, Denmark have spontaneously evolved from a series of microinnovations of by-product sharing over a long timescale [25,26]. At the center of the Kalundborg ecoindustrial park is the 1500 MW Asnaes Power Station, which supplies surplus (1) heat to 3500 local homes/residences and a nearby fish farm, (2) gypsum from the sulfur dioxide scrubber to a wallboard manufacturer, (3) sludge for use as fertilizer on local farms, and (4) steam to a Statoil plant and Novo Nordisk, a pharmaceutical and enzyme manufacturer. This reuse of by-products (what less advanced industries call “waste”) reduces landfill load and mining, and reuse of heat reduces the amount of thermal pollution discharged to a nearby fjord. Furthermore, fly ash and clinker from the power plant is used for road building and cement production. These are only a few of the dozens of corporate mutually beneficial links found in the Kalundborg system. To catalog them all is far beyond the scope of this book and unnecessary. However, it is important to understand how this type of collaboration among firms has enormous economic benefits. To illustrate this point on a smaller ecoindustrial system, consider a multi-Gigawatt solar PV factory at the center of a next generation ecoindustrial park made up of eight symbiotic factories as seen schematically in Figure 2.4 [27].

The first factory (1) is a conventional recycling facility, which is used to source the glass and aluminum needed to fabricate the solar cell from recycled materials (when viable) and thus have a lower embodied energy (95% lower for aluminum and 20% for glass) [28]. The raw glass from the recycling plant is fed to a sheet glass factory (2), which outputs cut sheets of 3-mm-thick glass with seamed edges, which provides both substrates and potentially back cladding for the PV. Finally, the glass is tempered for mechanical strength and the front side is coated with a transparent conductor such as tin oxide, zinc oxide, or indium tin oxide to be used as thin-film PV substrates [27]. The potential symbiosis of colocating the glass plant (2) and the PV plant (4) while using recycled glass is shown in Figure 2.5.

Optimization occurs if the demand for the glass materials is large enough to warrant a dedicated line that produces solar-grade glass. This is necessary because glass specifically manufactured with low iron content for PV cells can increase the sunlight entering the cell by about 15% and have a corresponding improvement in device performance [27]. At current solar PV manufacturing lines for thin films, altering the glass recipe for small batches is uneconomic, but this is reversed at large scales of manufacturing [29]. Historically, sheet glass was rarely customized for PV cell production, now as PV manufacturers couple with glass manufacturers, the cost of completed modules is falling rapidly [30]. The energy savings was found to be over 12%, and this symbiosis also cuts the use of 5266 ton of crude oil per year and reduces glass inputs into the factory by 30,000 ton per year [31]. These energy and materials savings can all be directly related to saving money/reducing costs.

The production stages in the glass factory that utilize large amounts of heat have integrated thermal recovery to provide lower grade heat and carbon dioxide for a multiacre “waste heat” tomato greenhouse complex (3a) shown in Figure 2.6 [32]. In the greenhouse complex, plants can be grown year round in even northern climates utilizing the waste heat from the manufacturing plants in the ecoindustrial park and this approach will be detailed in the second example below. Similarly, the waste heat could instead (or in addition to) be utilized to provide grow rooms for mushrooms (3b). In both agricultural plants, the food or other agricultural products is sold outside the park and the growing medium will be provided by the recycling facility (1), compost for the greenhouse (3a) and wood pulp or compost for the mushroom growing facility (3b).

The glass plant produces 500 ton of glass per day, making it a mid-sized float glass operation [33], and utilizes 1.25 PJ of natural gas a year according to the U.S. Department of Energy [34]. The entire waste heat system is shown in Figure 2.7 with the proposed structure and energy flows.

If properly treated, the carbon dioxide (CO2) can be useful to the greenhouse complex. Modern greenhouse operations utilize CO2 enrichment in order to increase crop yields. Particularly in a tightly sealed greenhouse being heated in the winter time, CO2 enrichment is required at the minimum to maintain the atmospheric concentration of CO2 at ambient levels (around 380 ppm) to account for plant photosynthesis [35]. Utilizing extremely conservative estimates, it has been found that a flat glass plant could support about a 4 acre greenhouse complex in Canada, where 700 ton of tomatoes can be grown each year and offset from 1000 to 2000 ton of CO2 annually. Additionally it has been shown that over a 20 year campaign with a 10% MARR, the waste heat system is significantly less expensive to operate than a purely natural gas system. Finally, the addition of a waste heat greenhouse can reduce the costs of emissions compliance for a company, as the deferred costs of liquid CO2 can fund millions of dollars of emissions reductions retrofits [32]. The bottom line of this analysis is that the waste heat system is significantly more economical to operate than a purely natural gas system from the greenhouse perspective. These economic gains can be transferred to the glass factory as these by-products (heat and CO2) can be sold for a profit, which thus can enable further reduction in glass costs, which in turn provide the potential to reduce the costs of PV modules. These savings can provide a significant competitive advantage over PV manufacturers, which do not look beyond their own gates for synergies.

The substrates are then fed directly into the PV module plant (4), where a group of semiconductor and metal thin-film deposition systems create and pattern the active layers of the PV modules. All waste semiconductors and metals are captured and returned to a semiconductor recycling plant (5) to supplement the incoming and generally expensive high-purity materials going into the deposition systems. Using a recycling process that results in a silane loss of only 17%, instead of conventional processing that loses 85% silane, it results in an energy savings of 81,700 GJ and prevents 4400 ton of CO2 from being released into the atmosphere per year for the single junction plant. Due to the increased use of silane for the relatively thick microcrystalline Si:H layers in the tandem junction plants, the savings are even more substantial—290,000 GJ of energy savings and 15.6 million kg of CO2 eq. emission reductions per year. This recycling process reduces the cost of raw silane by 68%, or approximately $22.6 million per year for a 1 GW Si:H-based PV production facility and over $79 million per year for tandem manufacturing [36]. Similar arrangements are possible for the other factories shown in Figure 2.4. In each case, it is economical for the only marginally connected companies to share information and by-products.

Even within industries themselves, it can be beneficial to adopt an open-source methodology. There are literally dozens of open-source business models for software and hardware and hundreds (thousands?) of successful companies [3750]. If we turn our attention to the PV industry used in our example, there are at least four business models that allow the industry to enjoy the benefits of open-source development [51]. Both a partnership model (where companies pull their resources to attack universal problems) and a franchise model (where resources our pooled, but competition is limited by geographic boundaries) are examples of open-source business systems that could operate within the current industry framework, while still allowing for the sharing of information and direct collaboration. Next, the secondary industry model (where a supplier of materials encourages open-source development to improve the products of their downstream businesses to grow the entire market) is a method that could be used to shift the PV industry into a more open environment. Finally, following the incredible success of the open-source software model, the entire industry could be opened, similar to Linux development, which has created billions in profit for hundreds of companies and countless jobs.

The PV industry is not some sort of anomaly. The same tactics can be applied to any industry. By colocating factories in ecoindustrial parks, both the transportation costs and transportation energy between them can be minimized and many of the inputs for the plants can literally come from waste products in the surrounding population centers. The use of open-source information to map potential energy and cost savings from transportation reductions and industrial symbiosis exists in many fields [52,53]. In addition, the wide variety of open-source business models enable essentially any form of company to take advantage of industrial-scale sharing even within the industry itself with their competitors.

2.5 The Fate of Hardware Vendors: Innovate or Die

Often after people have been exposed to the concept of open-source hardware and understand the potential for substantial cost reductions for superior equipment, they grow concerned about the commercial enterprises that support science. For example, our group has shown how scientists can reduce the cost of optical equipment by over 97% using the open-source paradigm (details in Chapter 6.2) [54]. At first glance, this would mean economic ruin for any scientific optics company, particularly if they chose to forgo continual innovation and improvement of their products. Thus, it is tempting to think a company like Edmund Optics that has a historical large share of business in the scientific optics field would be threatened from recent advancements [54]. However, this does not appear to be true. The Chronicle of Higher Education reported that Edmund Optics welcomes the approach. Their view bolsters the fundamental premise of this book. Edmund Optics believes that in the near future, it is likely that many (or all) scientists and engineers will manufacture their own lab equipment using open-source hardware designs. This will undoubtedly cost the company some of its product line. However, Edmund Optics feels that successful manufacturing companies will continue to play a role in making equipment that meets higher precision standards than are possible with the current capabilities of 3-D printers [55]. So, for example, although a lens holder can be printed with a low-cost 3-D printer today, scientists would still need to buy the lens and better yet they may be willing to buy even more lenses because they can print more complicated optical experimental mechanical systems. As open-source 3-D printing continues to evolve and scientists obtain the ability to print lenses, Edmund Optics and any other scientific equipment manufacturer will be needed to continually innovate to stay in business. Edmund Optics believes they are up to the challenge. With their positive welcoming of the innovation surge brought on by the open-source hardware paradigm, it is highly probable that Edmund Optics will continue to play a leading role in scientific equipment supply. Companies that attempt to fight the tidal wave of innovation with antiquated IP-related litigation are likely to be swept away by history. The bottom line is that companies that are unable or unwilling to innovate are no longer viable.

2.6 Concluding Thoughts

This chapter explored both the extremely pragmatic and self-serving advantages to your group for joining the open-source scientific community for your equipment and instrumentation, but it also showed how the human hard-wiring for cooperation provides both our species and our organizations and industries a distinct competitive advantage. The legal and licensing issues involved in best capitalizing on the opportunities for advanced sharing are discussed in the next chapter.


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1See Against Intellectual Monopoly for a detailed evisceration of the justification for the existence of intellectual property (copyright or patents) [56]. Consistent with their book’s message, the entire text can be read at or at

2As most of the research performed by my group is related to applied sustainability, we use Appropedia (, which is the primary site for collaborative solutions in sustainability, poverty reduction and international development on the Internet. There are equivalent types of wikis developed in other disciplines or research focuses that may be appropriate for your group. I recommend using the closest fit with largest user base you can find as such a wiki will provide the greatest feedback and support for your research.

3For live versions of the literature reviews our group maintains and are working on now see

4For a list of useful open-source software for scientists and engineers, go to If a program you have used or developed is not on the list—please add it—click edit in the appropriate section.

5This occurs for every aspect of our experimental work on Appropedia, but also specifically on 3-D designs on Thingiverse, where we upload our printable designs. is a database of open-source designs of physical objects—primarily focusing on 3-D printable designs.


7For complete designs, see and 3-D printable variations on the parts Operating instructions:


9We use although there are many other sites including repositories at many institutions themselves. For open access to all our papers whose copyright restrictions allow it, see One interesting feature of is that it provides access to Google Analytics for your papers, which enables you to see what search terms people use to find your articles, what sites they come from and what country they are from. It is interesting to note that despite university sites being highly ranked in Google indexing since we have been monitoring our “sources of reads”, Appropedia has consistently outperformed our institutional publication page.

10The h-index attempts to measure both the productivity and impact of a scientist’s publications. It is computed as follows: h-index is the largest number h, such that h publications have at least h citations. The h-index is often used as a tool by committees in determining tenure at many universities.

11Anyone who has done any collaborating with other academics at smaller universities or in the developing world knows how difficult simple access to the literature can be for some academics. Access to the complete body of up-to-date peer-reviewed literature is extremely expensive and even top research universities do not normally carry every journal in specific subfields.


13Looking carefully at Figure 2.3, you can see that my user account has administrator privileges and can thus lock pages. These extended privileges are also generally offered to other academics that use the site regularly if it is needed.

14Today selfish academics can only reply to questions at conferences “I can’t answer that, it is proprietary” a few times before being left behind to perish in the libraries of ignored literature.

15The maker movement is a relatively new, contemporary subculture, representing a technology-based extension of the more old-school DIY culture. Think mash up of Martha Stewart and Tony Stark (Iron Man). These modern day cyberpunks enjoy engineering-oriented pursuits for fun such as electronics, robotics, 3-D printing, and the use of CNC (computer numerical control) tools, as well as more traditional activities such as metalworking, woodworking, and traditional arts and crafts. The maker subculture stresses new and unique applications of technologies, and encourages invention prototyping, and of course sharing and building on one another’s work. There is a strong focus on using and learning practical skills and applying them creatively. For more information about the Maker movement, read Make Magazine ( or consider visiting a local Hacker or Maker Space, which are community-operated physical places, where people can meet and work on their projects ( Makers are not just playing around, although both the fictional literature (see Makers by Cory Doctorow for an excellent introduction to the subculture and reading their blogs makes it look like fun. It has already been predicted to foster the next great industrial revolution [57].

16See This community created the Arduino-based ArduPilot, the world’s first universal autopilot, which can be applied to planes, multicopters of all sorts and ground rovers. We will cover much more details about the open-source Arduino electronic prototyping platform in Chapter 4. The ArduPilot Mega 2 autopilot hardware runs a variety of powerful free UAV software systems, including (1) ArduPlane, a pro-level UAV system for planes of all types and (2) ArduCopter, a fully autonomous multicopter and helicopter UAV system. The potential scientific applications of these low-cost systems have only begun to be explored.