Assaf, Nadra. Dance teacher, choreographer and professor at the Lebanese American University. Interview conducted in English in Byblos on 22 April 2010.
Baker, Noora. Dancer, teacher, choreographer and administrator of the El-Funoun Palestinian Popular Dance Troupe. Interviews conducted in English in Al-Bireh and Ramallah on 20, 22 and 23 October 2010 and 11 January 2014.
El Abd, Dalia. Dancer, teacher and choreographer. Interviews conducted in English in Cairo and Beirut on 16th March 2010, 22 April 2011 and 29 January 2014.
Hassan Imam, Hala. Dancer. Interviews conducted in English in Cairo on 14 March 2010 and 30 January 2014.
Kamhawi, Rania. Dance teacher, choreographer and director of the Jordanian National Center of Culture and Arts dance programme. Interview conducted in English by Skype on 15 January 2015.
Khattab, Nadia. Dancer of the El-Funoun Palestinian Popular Dance Troupe. Interview conducted in English in Al-Bireh and Ramallah on 14 January 2014.
Naous, Dalia. Dancer and choreographer. Interview conducted in English in Paris on 16 July 2014.
Nasser, Lana. Performance artist, playwright and translator. Interview conducted in English in Utrecht on 10 December 2011.
Sefan, Mey. Dancer, teacher and choreographer. Interviews conducted in English in Damascus and Bodrum on 22 May 2010, 24 May 2010 and 14 July 2010.