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Accum, Fredrick, 14
acetic acid, 3
Act for Preventing Adulteration in Food and Drink (Great Britain), 15
Adams, Samuel Hopkins, 258
Addams, Jane, 109
“Adulteration of Food, The” (Wiley), 39
adulteration of foods
Accum’s analyses, 14
Angell’s charges, 15
butter/oleomargarine and, 24–27
coffee and, 36–38
deaths in Great Britain and, 14–15
exhibit on, at Pan-American Exposition of 1901, 76
Farmer’s cookbooks warning of dangers of, 100
flour and, 60–61
home tests to identify, 110–13
honey/maple syrup and other sweeteners and, 16–19
industrial chemistry and, 2–4, 81
Ladd’s analyses, 82–83
lard and, 35–36
Mason hearings and, 65–70
milk industry practices and, 1–4, 62–63
Pure Food and Drug Act definition, 156–57
Shepard’s analyses, 83–84
spices and condiments and, 30–32
sugar products and, 16–19
See also canned foods; specific individual foods
Agricultural Appropriations Act, 157
Agriculture Department. See Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Mason hearings and, 66–67
preservatives in, 32–34
whiskey/whiskey industry (See whiskey/whiskey industry)
wine/wine industry, 32–34, 66, 212
Aldrich, Nelson, 132–33
Alger, Russell A., 52
Allen, Robert M., 104, 113–14, 122, 124, 131, 164, 165, 196
Alliance Review, 203
allspice, 30
Alsberg, Carl L., 273–75
Coca-Cola settlement in caffeine case and, 274–75
named chief of Bureau of Chemistry, 269
resignation of, 279
saccharin case and, 274, 277–78
sting operation on McCormick’s pepper operations and, 273
alum, 82
American Association for the Advancement of Science, 254
American Association for the Promotion of Purity in Food Products, 206
American Beverage Corporation, 220
American Chemical Society, 189
American Food Journal, 197, 216
American Grocer, 15
American Medical Association (AMA), 103, 133, 204, 254, 285
American Social Science Public Health Association, 15
Anderson, Oscar, Jr., 6
Angell, George Thorndike, 15
Angell, James Burrill, 170
Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 108
annatto, 27
Anti-Saloon League, 74
Arena, 60
Armstrong, Orland, 284
Bailey, James W., 117–18
baked goods, 82
Baker, Ray Stannard, 126
Baker’s Stomach Bitters, 106
baking industry, 104
Ballard and Ballard Company, 254
Ballinger, William, 140
Battershall, Jesse Park, 27–28, 29–30, 110
Baur, Joseph, 81
Beale, Richard Lee T., 15–16
Bedford, Edward Thomas, 186
Beef Court, 53–59
beekeepers, 19
benzene, 229
Beveridge, Albert, 133, 147, 151
Beveridge Amendment, 147–49
Bigelow, Willard, 111, 112, 127–28, 134, 173, 196
appointed acting chief of Bureau of Chemistry, 263
defrauding government charges related to Rusby hiring arrangement, 247–59
exhibit on pure and adulterated food at Pan-American Exposition, 1901, 76
testimony of, in embalmed beef crisis, 57–58
wine industry products, investigation of, 66
Bingham, James, 214–15
Bird, Arthur C., 200
black pepper, 31
bleached flour/bleached flour industry, 104, 197–200, 216–17, 231–33, 270–72
blended whiskies (rectifiers) and distillers, conflict between, 49–51, 165–69, 209–11, 225–26
Blot, Pierre, 178
Board of Food and Drug Inspection (USDA)
attorney general memo on legality of, 211–12
corn syrup endorsed by, 187
Doolittle appointed to, 259
Food Inspection Decision (FID) 76 and, 174–75
McCabe removed from, 259
removes certification requirement from rules governing dyes, 228–30
routinely disagree with and vote against Wiley, 212–14
three-month rule and, 212
Wilson announces creation of, 171–72
Bonaparte, Charles J., 168–69
Boos, William, 219
Poison Squad studies and, 89–97, 101–3, 202–3
tests to detect, 112–13
Boston Cooking-School Cook Book, The (Farmer), 98–100
Boston Evening Record, 201
Boston Journal, 235
Bottled-in-Bond Act, 50
Bradford, Yorkshire candy poisoning incident, 14–15
Brosius, Marriott, 71
Brown, George Rothwell, 92–94, 95–96, 97
Bryan, William Jennings, 73–74, 200
Buffalo Courier, 263–64
Bulletin 13 (Foods and Food Adulterants), 23–24, 26, 28, 32, 41, 59–60
Bulletin 100 (Some Forms of Food Adulteration and Simple Methods for Their Detection), 111–13
Bureau of Chemistry and Soils (USDA), 283
Bureau of Chemistry (USDA), 21–22, 24, 27, 30, 33–34
Alsberg named chief of, 269
bleached flour investigation of, 197–200
Bulletin 13 (Foods and Food Adulterants), 23–24, 26, 28, 32, 41, 59–60
Bulletin 100 on tests to detect adulteration, 111–13
Campbell as chief of, 279
Coca-Cola case, 224–25, 236–44
coffee, tea and cocoa investigations of, 36–38
displays of, at Pan-American Exposition of 1901, 76
Dunlap named as associate chemist, 170–71
fermented beverages investigation by, 32–34
lard study of, 35–36
milk and butter investigations of, 23–24, 26–27
under Morton, 39–46
patent medicine investigations of, 105–6
Poison Squad studies
under Rusk, 35
spices and condiments investigated by, 30–32
split into two divisions, 283
temperance beverages analyzed by, 74–75
Wiley hired as chief chemist, 5, 20–22
Wilson appointed secretary of, 48
Butt, Archie, 249
borax used as preservative in, 69
Butter Act of 1886, 26
dyes used in, 27
oleomargarine hearings in House and Senate and, 25–26
Butter Act of 1886, 23–24
butterine, 24. See also oleomargarine
caffeine, 221–22, 237–44, 274–75
California Fruit Grower, 123
Campbell, Walter G., 165, 279, 282, 285
Candler, Asa, 220–21
Candler, Charles Howard, 240–41
Candler, John S., 240
canned foods/canned food industry, 139
cumulative exposure to metals in, 67–68
embalmed beef crisis, western states, 61–62
embalmed beef scandal, 51–59
French canning companies, copper sulfate used by, 187
metal poisoning from, 59–60
Wiley’s speech to, 139–41
Cannon, Joseph, 166
Carlson, Anton, 277–78
Carson, Rachel, 290
cayenne, 116
Century, 217
Cessat of Bordeaux, 188
Chandler, Charles F., 241
charcoal, 37
Chattanooga Daily Times, 243, 244
Chattanooga News, 237
cheese, 27
chemical additives, 2
Chemical Trade Journal, 268
Chemistry Division. See Bureau of Chemistry (USDA)
Chesebrough, Robert, 37
Chevreul, Michel Eugène, 24
Chicago Tribune, 52, 53, 130, 143, 146, 150, 217–18, 235
Chittenden, Russell, 68, 188–89, 205, 253. See also scientific review board
chromate of lead. See lead chromate
Churchill, Winston, 142–43
cider vinegar, 116
cinnamon, 2
citric acid, 81
Club News, 163–64
Coal-Tar Colors Used in Food (Hesse), 233–34
coal-tar dyes, 229–30, 233–34, 287
Coca-Cola, 107, 220–25, 236–44, 274–75
cocoa, 36
Columbia Conserve Company, 179, 194
Constitution of the United States
Nineteenth Amendment, 277
Seventeenth Amendment, 236
Consumers’ Union, 285
Coolidge, Calvin, 279
copper, 14
copper salts, 187
copper sulfate, 67–68, 112, 174
corn, 17
Corn Products Refining Company, 186, 281
corn starch, 112
Cosmopolitan, 145
cottonseed oil, 35–36
cough syrup poisoning, 1937, 285, 287
Crampton, C. A., 33
Crane, W. Murray, 249
Cranston Village Improvement Association, 108
cream of tartar, 66
Croly, Jane Cunningham, 109
Cudahy, 54
Curtice Brothers, 214
Cutter, Edward, 48
cyanide, 37
Czolgosz, Leon, 77
Mason hearing testimony of, 66, 69
opposition to Hepburn-McCumber legislation, 104
Dalkon Shield, 287
Daniels, Jasper, 49–50
Denver Post, 235
Department of Agriculture (USDA), 4–5
Board of Food and Drug Inspection. See Board of Food and Drug Inspection (USDA)
Bureau of Chemistry. See Bureau of Chemistry (USDA)
enforcement funding for, 163
Food and Inspection Division, 165
Food Inspection Decision (FID) 76, 173–76
receives cabinet status level, 35
Difenderfer, Robert, 254–55
Division of Chemistry (USDA). See Bureau of Chemistry (USDA)
Dockstader, Lew, 96–97
Dodge, Grenville, 52
Dodge, Henry Irving, 127–28
Dodge Commission, 52–53
Doolittle, Roscoe, 259, 266–67
Doubleday, Frank Nelson, 130, 131, 141–42
Doubleday, Page & Company, 129–31, 136, 141–42, 144
drop black, 37
Druggist Circular, 263
Dudley & Co. Canned Goods, 138
Dunlap, Frederick L., 174, 183, 187, 259–60
hired as associate chemist by Roosevelt and Wilson, 170–71
leaves Department of Agriculture, 270
Moss committee hearings and, 256–57, 259
uses Rusby hiring arrangement as basis for charges against Wiley, 248
See also Board of Food and Drug Inspection (USDA)
Dunlap, Renick W., 281
Dunne, Finley Peter, 143–44
dyes, artificial, in foods
in butter and margarine, 27
in canned peas, 67–68
coal-tar dyes, 229–30, 233–34, 287
in coffee, 37
Food Inspection Board removes certification requirements, 228–30
poisonous metallic elements and compounds used as, 14
synthetic, in nineteenth century, 3
Wiley’s Mason hearing testimony regarding, 67–68
Eagan, Charles P., 53
Earthjustice Institute, 289
Edson, Cyrus, 34
Elizabeth Cady Stanton Suffrage Club, 261
embalmed beef crisis, 61–62
embalmed beef scandal, 51–59
Beef Court, 53–59
Dodge Commission findings, 52–53
Emory, W. O., 238
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 290
Everybody’s Magazine, 127, 138
Fahlberg, Constantin, 185
fake ingredients in foods. See adulteration of foods
flavoring agents, 81
Florida Board of Pharmacy, 254
bleaching/bleached flour industry, 104, 197–200, 216–17, 231–33, 270–72
flourine, 61
Folin, Otto, 245
Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act of 1938, 285–86
Food, Drug and Insecticide Division (USDA), 283
food adulteration and fakery. See adulteration of foods
Food Adulteration and Its Detection (Battershall), 27–28
Food and Cookery for the Sick and Convalescent (Farmer), 99, 100
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 283, 285–86, 287, 288
Food and Inspection Division (USDA), 165
Food Inspection Board. See Board of Food and Drug Inspection (USDA)
Food Inspection Decision (FID) 76, 173–76
Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), 288
Foods and Food Adulterants (Bulletin 13), 23–24, 26, 28, 32, 41, 59–60
Foods and Their Adulteration (Wiley), 203
food toxicity trials. See Poison Squad studies
formaldehyde, 2–4
Bureau of Chemistry report on, 202
deaths linked to embalmed milk, 3–4, 62–63
Hofman’s discovery of, 13
home test for, 111
as milk preservative, 2–4
as possible beef preservative (See embalmed beef scandal)
Fowler, Nathaniel, 261
France, 150
Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper, 23
Frasier, A. C., 139
French canning companies, 187
French peas, 82
Fuller, H. C., 238
garblers, 30
Gaston, James, 241
General Federation of Women’s Clubs, 109, 163–64
Gibbons, Ross, 59
Gillilan, S. W., 96–97
ginger, 30
Goldsborough, Fitzhugh Coyle, 236
Good Housekeeping, 261
Gottlieb, Scott, 289
“Great American Fraud, The” (Adams), 258
Great Britain, 14–15
Act for Preventing Adulteration in Food and Drink, 15
refusal to import canned meat from U.S., 150
spices, laws regulating, 30
Greatest Trust in the World, The (Russell), 127
Grout, William, 25
“Habit Forming Agents” (Kebler), 219, 220
Hanna, Mark, 77
Harding, Warren G., 279
Harmsworth, Alfred, Lord Northcliffe, 142
Harris, H. L. (pseudonym H. H. Langdon), 203–4
Harrison, Benjamin, 35
Harrison, Burton, 255
Harvey Washington Wiley: An Autobiography (Armstrong and Wiley), 284
Hassall, Arthur, 14
Hay, John, 51
Hearst, William Randolph, 123
Heinz, Henry J., 179–80
Heller, Albert, 70
Henderson, David B., 26
Hepburn, William P., 103, 105, 106, 120–21
Hepburn-McCumber legislation, 103–6
Herter, Christian A., 188, 189, 205, 245. See also scientific review board
Heyburn, Weldon
antagonistic nature of, 121–22
brings food and drug bill to full Senate, 122
political views of, 121
resubmits Pure Food and Drug Act to Senate, 132, 133
Heyden Chemical Works, 81
Hipolite Egg Company, 203
Hippocrates, 32
Hiram Walker Company, 50–51
History of a Crime Against the Food Law, The (Wiley), 283–84
H.J. Heinz, 131, 141, 179–81, 194–95, 206, 215–16
Hobart, Garret, 73
Hofmann, Augus Wilhelm von, 13, 18
Hollingworth, Harry L., 242
home tests to identify adulterated foods, 110–13
Hoskins, Thomas A., 110
Hough, Warwick
liquor wholesalers, representation of, 104–5, 118, 122–23, 157, 159–60, 209, 210, 211
Monsanto, representation of, 246, 270
Houston, David, 270
“How the Baby Pays the Tax” (Dodge), 128
“How to Detect Food Adulterations” (Peterson), 110–11
Hughes, Charles Evan, 274, 276–77
Hughes, William, 255
Hull House, 109
hygienic table trials. See Poison Squad studies
Indiana milk scandal, 62–63
Indianapolis News, 63
industrial chemistry industry, 104
industrial revolution, 2
Influence of Food Preservatives and Artificial Colors on Digestion and Health (Department of Agriculture), 101–3
International Pure Food Congress, 116
iron, 37
Jack Daniels Old No. 7, 49–50
Jackson, Andrew, 11
jar-canned goods, lead in, 60
jellies and jams, 116
Jones, James K., 26
Journal of Commerce, 199–200, 264
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 23
Journal of the American Medical Society (JAMA), 204, 205–6
Jungle, The (Sinclair), 120, 125–26, 129–31, 136, 141–43, 144
Karo Corn Syrup, 186
Kebler, Lyman, 105–6
Coca-Cola case and, 220–23, 239–40
defrauding government charges related to Rusby hiring arrangement, 247–59
patent remedy reports of, 107
soft drinks investigation and report of, 219–23
Keen, William Williams, 215
Kekulé, Friedrich August, 18
Kelton, Anna. See Wiley, Anna
Kelton, John C., 48
Kirchhoff, Gottlieb, 16
Kolbe, Hermann, 33
lab-created alcohols, 3
labeling of products
bills introduced in 1888 by Lee and Paddock, failure of, 38–39
Lee’s bill requiring fails, 1888, 38
saccharin listed as ingredient on product labels, 280
whiskey counterfeit-label scam, 50–51
whiskey labeling under Pure Food and Drug Act, 165–69, 209–11, 225–26
Wiley advocates for, 18, 19, 34, 68, 103
Ladd, Edwin, 82, 115, 194, 196, 198, 199, 200
Lakey, Alice, 108–9, 113–14, 131, 163, 226, 254, 264
Lancet, The, 14
Langdon, H. H. See Harris, H. L. (pseudonym H. H. Langdon)
Lazarus, Richard, 290
in canned goods, 59–60
in coffee, 37
lead poisoning, 59–60
Lee, William H. F., 38
Lexington Mills and Elevator Company, 231
Liebreich, Oscar, 204
Life, 123
Life on the Mississippi (Twain), 24–25
Linton, Fred, 252
lithium, 219
Little, Brown and Company, 99
Loeb, William, Jr., 201
Londonderry Lithia, 219
Long, John, 253
Loring, George, 20
Los Angeles Examiner, 235
Lowell, Josephine, 109
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, 106
Lynch, J. L., 237–38
MacLaren Imperial Cheese Company, 202–3
McCabe, George P., 166–67, 174, 183, 187
bleaching issue and, 216–17, 231–33
Coca-Cola as test case for stimulants sold to children, 222
defrauding government charges against Wiley and, 248–49, 251
given full authority over regulation of food and drugs, 228
leaves government service, 270
Moss committee hearings and, 255–56, 259
See also Board of Food and Drug Inspection (USDA)
McCann, Alfred W., 267
McCormick & Company, 273
McCumber, Porter J., 103, 105, 106, 120–21, 122, 132, 211
McDowell, Mary, 144
McKinley, William, 47, 48, 51, 53, 73, 74, 76–77
Macmillan Publishing, 120, 125
Malt Mead, 75
Manassas (Sinclair), 120
Mann, James R., 157
Marcosson, Isaac, 129, 130, 136
margarine. See oleomargarine
Mason, William, 65
pure-food bill introduced by, 70–71
Senate hearings held by, 65–70
Mason hearings, 65–70
Mease, James, 178
Meat Inspection Act
Beveridge Amendment and, 147–49
Neill-Reynolds report and, 146–47, 149–50
Pure Food and Drug Act, impact on, 150
Roosevelt signs, 151
Wadsworth Amendment, 148
meatpacking industry, 287
borax used as preservative by, 69–70
butcher’s strike and, 119
embalmed beef crisis and, 61–62
embalmed beef scandal and, 51–59
Neill-Reynolds report and, 145, 146–47, 149–50
opposition to Hepburn-McCumber legislation, 104
response to The Jungle, 141–43
Russell’s investigation of, 127
stance on Beveridge Amendment, 147–48
medicated soft drinks, 219–20
Mège-Mouriès, Hippolyte, 24
Methodist Episcopal Church, 254
adulteration of, 1–2
Agriculture Department report on, 23–24
deaths attributed to drinking embalmed milk, 3–4, 62–63
factory conditions, exposes on, 23
Hurty recommends pasteurization for, 64
Indiana deaths from embalmed milk, 62–63
Mullaly on dairy industry practices, 2, 15, 23
Omaha milk scandal, 62
swill milk, 23
Wiley investigates, 23–24
Milk Trade in New York and Vicinity, The (Mullaly), 2
mineraline, 61
Mitchell, A. S., 68
molecular bonds, 17–18
Molineux, Roland Burnham, 95
Monsanto Chemical Company, 81, 244, 270, 274, 278, 279–80, 282
Morgan, F. P., 239
Morton, Julius Sterling, 39–46
Morton, L. W., 26
Moss committee hearings on expenditures at USDA, 255–57, 258–59
muckrakers, 145–46
Mueller, Sebastian, 180–81, 195
Munsey’s, 60
Musser, John, 239
mustard, 30
Nabisco (National Biscuit Company), 83
narcotics, 219–20
National Academy of Sciences, 16
National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA), 228
National Association of Food Manufacturers, 268
National Association of State Dairy and Food Departments, 103, 124
1908 conference, 193–97
1909 conference, sodium benzoate vote at, 217–218
Wilson censured by, 196–97
write to Roosevelt to defend Wiley, 200
National Confectioners Association, 229
National Consumers League, 108–9, 226
National Druggist, 220
National Environmental Policy Act, 290
National Food Magazine, 215, 264
National Food Manufacturers Association, 104, 122, 157, 182–85
National Millers Association, 231
National Packing Company, 127
National Pure Food and Drug Congress, 4
National Retail Druggists Association, 268–69
National Wholesale Liquor Dealers Association, 209
National Wholesale Liquor Distributors Association, 104–5
National Women’s Political Union, 275
Needham, Henry Beecham, 164, 168
Neely, Matthew M., 282–83
Neill, Charles P., 145
Neill-Reynolds report, 146–47, 149–50
New Jersey Federation of Women’s Clubs, 108
New York Evening Mail, 201
New York Globe, 267
New York Journal of Commerce, 122
New York State Journal of Medicine, 202
New York Times, 100–101, 149, 190, 194, 204, 252, 256, 264
New York World, 201
Nineteenth Amendment to U.S. Constitution, 277
nitrogen peroxide, 197, 198, 231
Nixon, Richard, 290
North Dakota food chemistry analysis, 83
nutmeg, 2
Nutria, 75
Obama, Barack, 288
O’Ferral, Charles, 25–26
Oil, Paint and Drug Reporter, 264
Old Dutch Mill Coffee Roasters, 253
Old Taylor, 49–50
borax used as preservative in, 69–70
Butter Act of 1886, passage of, 26
dyes used in, 27
House and Senate hearings on, 25–26
invention of, 24
meatpacking industry and, 24
Wiley’s evaluation, 26–27
olive oil, 35–36
Omaha milk scandal, 62
100,000,000 Guinea Pigs (Kallet and Schlink), 285
Osborne, Oliver, 239
ozone, 197
Pacific Coast Borax Company, 69, 203
Paddock, Algernon, 38–39
Page, Walter Hines, 129–31
Pasteur, Louis, 64
pasteurization, 64
patent medicines, 105–6
peanut butter, and salmonella poisoning (2008-2009), 288
Peanut Corporation of America, 288
pepper, 2
peppermint extracts, 81
Perkin, William Henry, 229
Peterson, John, 110–11
Pfizer, Charles, 81
Pharmaceutical Era Weekly, 71
Phillips, David Graham, 145, 150–51, 157–59, 236
Pierce, Paul, 113–14, 116, 122, 129, 206, 264
Pinchot, Gifford, 208–9
Poison Squad studies, 5, 85–97, 101–3
borax tested in, 89–97, 101–3, 202–3
Brown’s reporting for Washington Post on, 92–94, 95–96, 97
Congressional authorization of grant for, 86
formaldehyde report, 202
official report on borax experiment, 101–3
salicylic acid studies of, 103, 116–17, 134–36
sulfurous acid studies of, 160–62
volunteers recruited for, 87–88
Wiley proposes hygienic table trials to Congress, 85–86
Wilson blocks publication of reports, 192–93
polariscope, 18
Popular Science, 18
in butter, 69
in canned beef, 61–62
exhibit on, at Pan-American Exposition of 1901, 76
industry perspective on uses of, 69–70
in liquors and wines, 32–34, 66
Mitchell’s Mason hearing testimony regarding, 68–69
new patents on, in early 1900s, 80–81
sulfurous acid studies, 160–62
Wiley’s Mason hearing testimony regarding, 67–68
“Press Agents and Preservatives” (JAMA eds.), 204
Proprietary Association, 106
Pruitt, Scott, 290
Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906, 6, 287
adulterated food, defined, 156–57
Aldrich’s opposition to, 132–33
American Medical Association (AMA) supports, 133
dextrose proposed amendment defeated, 281–83
enforcement funding for USDA, 163
Hepburn-McCumber proposed legislation, 103–6
Heyburn first brings food and drug bill to full Senate, 122
industry opposition to, 104–5, 122–23
investigative journalism and, 127–29
lack of standards in, 157–59
Mason’s pure-food bill, 1900, 70–71
Meat Inspection amendment, impact of, 150
Paddock’s food and drug bill passes in Senate 1891, 38–39
passes Senate, 133
Roosevelt agrees to support, 131–32
Roosevelt signs, 151
Sherley Amendment, 269
slack-fill bill and, 278–79
Tawney’s amendment, 163–65
Pure Food Congress, 1904, 117
Pure Food Cookbook, The (Good Housekeeping), 272
Pure Food Law (Indiana), 63
pure-food movement, 3–4
fights Tawney Amendment, 163–64
investigative journalism and, 127–29
“Lessons in Food Poisoning” exhibit at 1904 world’s fair and, 113–16
Pure Food Congress, 1904 and, 117–18
renewed efforts of, following momentum of Meat Inspection amendment, 150
Roosevelt meets with, 131–32
women activists and, 106–110, 163–64
R.B. Davis Company, 258
rectifiers (blended whiskies) and distillers, conflict between, 49–51, 165–69, 209–11, 225–26
Redpath Lyceum Bureau, 261
Reid, Murdoch and Co., 141
Remsen, Ira, 185, 218, 252–53. See also scientific review board
Remsen Board. See scientific review board
Richardson, Clifford, 30–32
Rixey, Presley Marion, 184
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 285, 286
Roosevelt, Theodore, 116
agrees to support food and drug law, 131–32
alienation between Taft and, 208–9
angry at Wiley’s sugar policy testimony, 78–79
annoyed with Wiley’s unwillingness to compromise, 185–88
antitrust action of, 78
appoints scientific review board, 185
approves sodium benzoate regulation, 207
corn syrup labeling and, 187
death of, 276
declines to support Hepburn-McCumber legislation, 106
elected vice president, 73, 74
election of 1912 and, 266, 267
embalmed beef scandal testimony of, 55–56
meeting with National Food Manufacturers Association and USDA, 182–85
on muckrakers, 145–46
names Dunlap as associate chemist, 170–71
Neill-Reynolds report findings and, 146–47
orders Neill-Reynolds investigation, 145
as president, after McKinley assassination, 77
releases summary of Neill-Reynolds report, 149–50
rumors he will ask Wiley to resign and, 200–202
views on Wiley’s contribution to Pure Food and Drug Act, 151–52
whiskey conflict and, 168–69
Rosaline Berliner, 68–69
Rusby, Henry Hurd, 238, 247–48, 252
Russell, Charles Edward, 127
Alsberg’s case against, 274, 277–78
listed as ingredient on product label requirement, 280
Remsen Board’s report on, 244–46
second Monsanto trail again ends in mistrial, 279–80
USDA drops attempts to regulate, 280
Wiley’s opinion on, 183–85
Wilson meets with industry and delays ban on, 246–47
salicylic acid, 3, 32–34, 66, 103, 116–17, 134–36
salmonella poisoning, from peanut butter (2008-2009), 288
Sandburg, Carl, 59
Sanford, Edward T., 243–44
Schmitt, Rudolf, 33
Scientific American, 204
scientific review board, 188–90
attorney general memo on legality of, 211–12, 253
compensation of members, 252–53
members of, 188–89
Roosevelt announces appointment of, 185
saccharin report of, 244–46
sodium benzoate report of, 204–5
Seely, Fred L., 223–24
Seventeenth Amendment to U.S. Constitution, 236
Shaw, George Bernard, 142–43
Shepard, James, 83–84, 155–56, 198, 199
Sherley Amendment, 269
Sherman, J. S., 182
Shredded Wheat Company, 253
Silent Spring (Carson), 290
Sinclair, Upton
Appeal to Reason’s serializing of The Jungle, 120, 136
background of, 119–20
Doubleday publishes The Jungle, 129–31, 136
leaks Neill-Reynolds report details to New York Times, 149
Macmillan cancels contract with, 126
meatpacking interests’ attacks on, 143
self publishes The Jungle, 126
slack-fill bill, 278–79
“Slaughter of Americans, The” (What to Eat), 129
Smith, Francis Marion, 69
smoking, 22
Society of Chemical Engineers, 189
sodium acetate, 212–13
sodium benzoate, 174, 178–79, 204–7, 214–16, 217–18
sodium borate (borax). See borax (sodium borate)
sodium sulfite, 161–62, 174–75
soft drinks
Coca-Cola, 107, 220–25, 236–44, 274–75
counter soft drinks, 220–25
medicated soft drinks, 219–20
Some Forms of Food Adulteration and Simple Methods for Their Detection (Bulletin 100), 111–13
“Song of the Poison Squad” (Gillilan), 96–97
Spanish-American War, 51
spices and condiments, adulteration of, 30–32, 112
Stand-Patters, 163
Stanley, Arthur, 225–26
suffrage movement, 74, 228, 275–76, 277
sugar, 78–79
sulfuric acid, 161
sulfurous acid, 160–62, 174–75
Sullivan, Mark, 116, 124, 133, 150
Supreme Court
Lexington Mill case, decision in, 270–71
overturns Coca-Cola decision, 274
Swift, Augustus, 58
Swift, Gustavus, 24
Swift, Louis, 148
swill milk, 23
Table Talk, 44
Taft, William Howard, 200
alienation between Roosevelt and, 208–9
attorney general memo on legality of Remsen Board, 211–12, 253
defrauding government charges against Wiley and, 249–50, 253–54, 255, 257
election of, 208
final ruling on whiskey definitions by, 225–26
Rusby case ruling by, 257
whiskey conflict reviewed under, 209–11
on Wiley’s resignation, 263
Tawney, James A., 163
Tawney Amendment, 163–65
Taylor, Alonzo E., 188, 189. See also scientific review board
Taylor, Edmund Haynes, Jr., 49–50, 122, 210, 268
Taylor, Zachary, 11
Teasdale, B. J., 93
temperance beverages, 74–75
temperance movement, 105
Thompson, Helen Louise, 44
three-month rule, 212
“Treason of the Senate, The” (Phillips), 145, 151
Treatise on Adulterations of Food, and Culinary Poisons, A (Accum), 14
Treaty of Versailles, 276
“Truth About Food Adulteration, The” (Dodge), 127–28
Tyrode, Maurice, 239
United States v. Forty Barrels and Twenty Kegs of Coca-Cola, 224–25, 236–44
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 288
USDA. See Department of Agriculture (USDA)
vanilla, 2
Vaughn, Victor, 241–42
Von Hofmann, August Wilhelm, 13, 18
Wallace, Henry, 279
Washington Post, 87, 92–94, 95–96, 97
Washington Star, 137–38, 256, 265
Wayland, Julius, 120
Wells, John D., 77
Wharton, Charles, 148
What to Eat (magazine), 110, 114, 122, 129, 204
What We Eat (Hoskins), 110
whiskey/whiskey industry, 49–51, 67, 118, 139
adulterated and counterfeit, complaints about, 49–51
bonded period, 49
Bottled-in-Bond Act and, 50
conflict between rectifiers (blended whiskies) and distillers, 49–51, 165–69, 209–11, 225–26
labeling conflict under Pure Food and Drug Act, 165–69
opposition to Hepburn-McCumber legislation, 104
pure food exhibit at St. Louis world’s fair and, 118, 122
review of whiskey conflict under Taft, 209–11
Roosevelt rules on whiskey definitions, 168–69
Taft’s decision on whiskey definitions, 225–26
White, William Allen, 164
Wickersham, George W., 247, 249, 255
Wiley, Anna Kelton, 48–49, 72, 228, 234–36, 275–76, 284
Wiley, Harvey Washington, 5–7, 122
advises Paddock on food safety, 39
alcohol and wine, report on, 32–34
American Philosophical Society, speech and attendance at, 191–92
attacks on by Harris writing as H. H. Langdon, 203–4
autobiography or, 284
on caffeine in Coca-Cola and other soft drinks, 222–24
canned goods, metal poisoning from, 59–60
canners’ conference, speech at, 139–41
chemistry degree of, 13
Civil War service of, 12
coffee, tea and cocoa investigated by, 36–38
Collier’s attacks on, 21
corn syrup labeling and, 186–87
corporate backlash from Pure Food and Drug Act and, 159–60
Cuban sugar policy testimony of, 78–79
cumulative doses, potential effects of, 34, 67–68, 102, 135
death of, 284
on deception of consumer, 116
defrauding government charges related to Rusby hiring arrangement, 247–59
dextrose proposed amendment and, 281–83
early life of, 11–12
embalmed beef scandal and, 54, 55–57
at Good Housekeeping, 272–73
Hepburn-McCumber legislation hearings, testimony at, 103
hired as chief chemist at Agriculture Department, 5, 20–22
hires Kebler, 105–6
honey/maple syrup purity studies of, 16–19
industry attacks on, 123–24, 138–39
investigations of food fakery begun by, 5
job offers received by, 258, 261
labeling of food and, 18, 19, 34, 68, 103
lard study published by, 35–36
law linked to his name, 7, 152
leadership of, 6
marries Ana Kelton, 234–36
Mason hearings testimony of, 67–68
medical school, attends, 12–13
milk and butter investigated by, 23–24, 26–27
nicknamed “Old Borax,” 92
ordered to release Wedderburn, 41–42
Poison Squad studies of (See Poison Squad studies)
prolaw advocacy of, 124–25
proposes marriage to Anna Kelton, 72–73
protests advertising of fake remedies and fraudulent foods, 137–38
protests Food Inspection Decision (FID) 76, 174–76
public presentations at Chicago exposition of, 43–44
public support for, 253–55
public talks schedule, in 1910 of, 227–28
at Purdue as chemistry professor, 13–14
reaction to resignation of, 263–65
resignation of, 261–63
resolves to raise awareness of impurities and fakery in food, 28
Roosevelt’s annoyance with unwillingness to compromise to, 185–88
Roosevelt views on Wiley’s contribution to Pure Food and Drug bill, 151–52
seeks Roosevelt’s help on whiskey labeling, 167–68
self-publishes The History of a Crime Against the Food Law, 283–84
sense of humor of, 94–95
speeches to International Pure Food Congress, 116
spices and condiments investigated by, 30–32
straight-whiskey, ties to, 105, 118
studies food chemistry analysis in Germany, 13–14
on Supreme Court’s decision in Lexington Mill case, 271
Taft decision in Rusby case, 257–58
tensions and rift between Wilson and, 165–71, 175–76, 196–97, 199–200, 217–18
trip to France and helps French update their food laws, 172–73
urged to return to government service, 267–69
Wedderburn hired to publicize findings of, 36
whiskey labeling conflict and, 165–69
women activists as allies of, 106–110, 227–28
writes open letter to Coolidge, 280–81
writings on food safety, 60–61
See also Board of Food and Drug Inspection (USDA); Bureau of Chemistry (USDA)
Wiley, Lucinda, 47
Willard, Frances, 74
Williams, Walter, 67
Willis, Henry Parker, 210, 225
Wilson, James, 54, 65, 67–68, 73, 116
accepts Wiley’s resignation, 262, 263
asks Wiley to testify on Cuban sugar tariff, 78–79
assigns Wiley to draft pure food act rules and regulations, 156
bleached flour issue and, 198–200
blocks publication of Poison Squad and other Bureau reports, 192–93, 217
Coca-Cola case and, 220–25
corn syrup labeling and, 186–87
defrauding government charges against Wiley and, 248–50, 251
delays saccharin ban, 246–47
gives McCabe full authority over food and drug regulation, 228
meets with California coalition on sulfite labeling, 175
Moss committee hearings and, 256, 259
National Association of State Dairy and Food Departments censure of, 196–97
opposition to Tawney’s amendment, 164–65
protects Wiley from Roosevelt, 79
resignation of, 269–70
Roosevelt asks for explanation of Inspection Department’s reviews of meatpackers, 144
sodium benzoate hearing in Indiana case and, 214–15
supports Wiley on sodium benzoate, 183
tactics used for sodium benzoate vote by, 217–218
tensions and rift between Wiley and, 165–69, 175–76, 196–97, 199–200, 217–18
Wiley’s stridency alienates, 135–36
Wilson, Woodrow, 267, 275, 276–77
labeling of, 212
Witthaus, Rudolph, 241
Woman’s Christian Temperance Movement (WCTU), 74, 107, 124
Woman’s Home Companion, 127
women/women’s organizations, 285
as allies of Wiley during fight for pure food legislation, 106–110
public support for Wiley and, 253
pure-food movement and, 106–10, 163–64
suffrage movement, 74, 228, 275–76, 277
Wiley addresses, on importance of national food and drug law, 227–28
World’s Work, 144
Young, John H., 188, 189. See also scientific review board
zinc salts, 67–68