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abdominalgia 223–34

abscess 234–5

achilles tendon

    inflammation 339–40

    strain 235–6

acid-base balance 237

acidosis 236–7

acne 237–8

acupressure 3–4, 420, 433

    on face and head 225

    on hands 199–200

    and nerves 50–1, 66, 71

acupuncture 4, 26, 74, 420, 433

    on hands 199

    and nerves 50, 65–6, 71

    and zone therapy 19–22

addictions 238–9

    support systems 414

additives 384

adrenaline 369–70

Ah Shi 224–5

AIDS 99–100

alcohol 293–4

Alexander technique 420

alkalosis 239–40

allergies 240–1, 386–7, 433

alopecia 241

alternative medicine, Western use 72–5

Alzheimer’s disease 242, 315

amenorrhoea 305

anger 243–5

angina pectoris 416

Ankhmahor 1–3

ankle sprain 339–40

antenatal care 95–6, 320–3

aromatherapy 420

arthritis 131–2, 245–9

Ashton, Roy S 28

asthma 249–53

astrology 422–4

autoimmune disorders 312–4

Babinski, Joseph 27

Bach flower remedies 420

back ache 253–8, 303–4, 340

Badawy, Alexander 3

Bayly, Doreen E 25, 28

Bates’ method 420

behaviour patterns 89–94

Bekhterev, Vladimir Michailovich 27, 28

biochemic tissue salts 420

biological rhythms 269–70

bladder 147, 150

    channel of foot 182

    meridian 63–4

    problems 258–9, 425–6

    cystitis 274–5

blood pressure 259–60

body systems 69–71

    and zones on feet 136–8

bookkeeping 393–5

bowel disorders 260–2

    colon problems 272–4

    ulcerative 349–51

    constipation 260, 261, 300, 359–60

    diet 260, 387–8

Bowers, Edwin F 22, 28

brain 30, 70–1, 138, 152

    and nervous system 33–8

breast problems 263

breathing 74–5

    exercises 375–6

Bressler, Harry Bond 23–4, 28

British Complementary Medicine Association 28, 426

British Medical Association 74

Bubbling Spring point xi

Buddhism 4, 5

cancer 99–100

    see also lung cancer

Candida 263–4

carbohydrates 380–1

cardiac arrest 417

case history, taking 85–6

cerebral palsy 264–5

Chaddock, Charles Gilbert 27

childbirth 19–20, 324–7, 436

children’s ailments 265–7

China Reflexology Association 13

Chinese medicine see Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

chiropractic 22–3, 420

cholesterol 380

chronic fatigue syndrome (ME) 267–9

circadian rhythms 269–70

circulatory system 150, 154–7

    disorders 270–1

clinical observation 74–9

    of feet 81–3, 126–35

colds 271–2, 388

Colgan, Michael 389–90

colon problems 260–1, 272–4

    ulcerative colitis 349–51

constipation 260, 261, 300, 359–60

consultation 75–101

coronary obstruction 416–17

Corvo, Joseph 25

counselling 420

cramp 92

Crohn’s disease 261, 272

cystitis 274–5, 388–9

Dao Yin exercises 4

de Morant, Soulie 27

Denmark xiv, 428

    childbirth study 326–7

depression 275–7, 371

    Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) 314, 334–6

dermatitis 358, 360–3

dermatomes 43, 44

diabetes mellitus 130–1, 278–9, 433–4

diagnosis, differential 76, 87–95, 434

    contraindications to treatment 95–100, 425, 433

diet and nutrition 260, 294, 361, 363, 378–90

digestive system

    disorders 272–3, 279–81

    indigestion 300–1

    zones 143–7

diverticulitis 261, 273

drugs 72–3, 97

Drugs Advisory Service 414

dysmenorrhoea 305

ears 78–9, 212–24

    anatomy 213–16

    disorders 281–2

    inspection 222–3

    massage 223–4

    pressure points 216–22

    problems 23–4, 345–7, 436

    zones 140

eczema 282–3, 359

    varicose 129, 134

Egyptian medicine 1–3

electroanalgesia 65

emotions 117–18, 243–5, 356

endocrine system 140–3

energy 5, 23, 29–30, 32–3, 65, 356, 436

epilepsy 99, 417, 343

ethics 399

exercise/s 294–5, 386

    breathing 375–6

    foot 186–8

    hand 205

    pregnancy 323

    stress 376–7

eyes 80, 225

    disorders 283–4

    foot zones 138–40

face 138, 140

    pressure points 224–30

fainting 417, 426

fasting 385–6

fats 381–2

feet xv

    abnormalities and disorders 129, 131–2, (table) 134–5, 303–5, 425

    neurological 132–3

    anatomy 120–1

    biomechanics 121–5

    exercises 186–8

    first aid 366–7

    infections 130

    observation and analysis 81–3, 126–33

    skin care 366

    and spine 68–9

    tactile assessment 133

    treatment procedure 157–86

    vascular assessment 129–30

    zones 66–9

fibre 382

fibromyalgia 284–5

Fire Precautions Act 398

first aid 416–19, 426

Fitzgerald, William H 13–22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 37, 46, 47, 49, 66, 189–90

footwear 127

Forenede Danske Zoneterapeuter (FDZ) xiv, 428

frozen shoulder 285–7

gall bladder

    channel of foot 184

    meridian 23, 62–3

gall stones 287–8

gastritis 288

genitourinary system 147, 148, 150

Gordon, Alfred 28

gout 132

gynaecological disorders 289, see also Menstrual problems

haemorrhoids 289–90

hair 79

hallux valgus 129, 131–2

hammer toe 132, 434

hamstring muscles 340

hands 189–211

    anatomy and physiology 190–4

    disorders 197–9

    exercises 205

    observation and analysis 194–5

    pressure points 208–11

    reflex and meridian points 205–7

    treatment 199–205

    history of 189–90

    zones 66–8

hayfever 290–1

hazardous lifestyle 291–5

head 20, 215

    pressure points 224–31

    zones 138, 140

Head, Sir Henry 28

headaches xiv, 295–7

Health and Safety at Work Act 398


    disorders, 297–9

    first aid 416–17

    meridian 55–6, 295

    zones 150, 154–6

heartburn 299–300

herbal medicine 421

heredity 129

hernia 343–4

high cholesterol 388

Hippocrates 1

holistic medicine 29–32, 103, 354

homeopathy 421

hookwork 23

hydrotherapy 364–6

hyperglycemia 418

hypertension (high blood pressure) 259–60, 389–90

hypoglycaemia 418

Imhotep 2

indigestion 279–81, 300–1

infections 98–9

    feet 130

    fingernails 199

Ingham, Eunice 24–5, 28

insomnia 301–2

Institute for Complementary Medicine 28, 427

International Council of Reflexologists xiv

iridology 421

irritable bowel syndrome 261, 273

Japan 26, 199

jaundice 302

kidneys 147, 259–60, 365

    channel of foot 182–3

    meridian 64–5

knee problems 303, 340–1

labour 324–7, 435

large intestine meridian 52–3

legs 185–6

    hamstring muscles 340

    knee problems 303, 340–1

    massage 185–6

    pressure points 180

    problems 303–5

    shin splints 341

lifting 92–3

Ling, Per Henrick 26

lips 79

Lisfranc’s joint line 435

listening 84–5

liver 23

    channel of foot 181

    foot zone 146

    meridian 59–60

lumbago 4, 253

lung cancer 292

lung meridian 51–2

lymphatic system 150, 156–7, 158, 159

Mann, Felix 50

Mao, Chairman 12

massage 421

    ancient 1, 3, 4

    ear 223–4

    feet and legs 185, 186

    relaxation 104–14

ME (chronic fatigue syndrome) 267–9

medical science 72–5

Meissner’s corpuscles 27, 34, 35, 435

Meissner’s plexus 27

melatonin 269–70, 313–14

Mendel, Kurt 27

menopause 305–7, 435

menstrual problems 305–10

meridians 4, 5, 20–1, 435

    and nerves 50–66

    and Zang-fu organs 6–12

Merkel’s discs 28

microcosm xi

minerals 382–5

moisture content, feet 134

mouth 79

Müller, Johannes Peter 27

multiple sclerosis 310

musculoskeletal system 147, 148–9

    foot positions 152

    representation on feet 151

    spinal nerves 153

myasthenia gravis 314, 315–18


    care 366

    finger 196–7

    disorders 198–9

    infections 361

    toe 24, 130

naturopathy 421

neck problems 311–12

    wry 348


    cranial 38–42

    and meridians 50–66

nervous system xiii, 33–71

    autonomic 32, 38–49, 71, 433

    disorders 312–18

    of foot 132–3

    divisions 38–43

    receptors 33–5

    specific irritability 27

    transmission 35–8, 65–6

    neurotransmitters 45–6

neurotransmitters 45–6

nicotine 291–3

Nogier, Paul 212

nose 65

    problems 311

nose bleeds 418–19

nutrition and diet 260–1, 294, 361, 363, 378–90

observation, clinical 76–86

    of feet 81–3

    of hands 194–5

oedema 135, 318

oesophagitis 319

oils 381–2

Oppenheim, Hermann 27

osteopathy 421

osteoporosis 307

Pacini, Filippo 26

pain 36–7

    control and relief 22, 37–8, 49, 65–6, 74

    in childbirth 20, 327

    receptors 35

    referred 45, 426

    in reflex points 117

palpation xi, 87–8

Parkinson’s disease 319–20

Pavlov, Ivan Petrovich 27

pelvic inflammatory disease 307

pericardium meridian 54

phlebitis 93

physical activity 294–5

plantar fasciitis 132

polarity therapy 32–3

posture 77, 89–94

pregnancy 19, 95–6, 320–6

    exercises 323

premenstrual tension 307–8

presentation, on reflexology 400–13

    handouts 412

    visual aids 408–10

pressure therapy xi, xiii, 22, 23, 49, 65–6

    see also acupressure; massage; palpation

professionalism 399–400

prostate 328–9, 390

proteins 379–80

psoriasis 436

public speaking 400–12

Puussepp, Lyudvig 28

questioning 83–4

Qi energy 5, 29–30, 32–3, 65, 356, 436

quinsy 329–31

rashes 135

Raynaud’s syndrome 134, 331–2

receptors 33–5

reflex xi, 27, 35–5, 46–9

    back-up 116–17

    painful 117

reflexology xi-xv

    history 1–28

    practice 391–413

    bookkeeping 393–5

    at home 396

    regulations 396–8

    setting up 391–3


    contraindications 95–100, 425, 433

    preparation 103–4

    procedure 157–86

    reactions 117–19

    recommending 94–5

    relaxation 104–13

    session 102–19

    supporting techniques 113–14

Register for Complementary Practitioners 28

Reiki 26

relaxation 74, 374–5

    mental 375

    muscular 376

    techniques 104–13, 412

repetitive strain injury 93, 332–3

respiratory system

    diet 390

    disorders and problems 293, 333–4

    foot zones 136, 137, 138

rheumatoid arthritis 132, 246–9

rhinitis 334

Riley, Elizabeth Ann 23

ringworm 361

Ruffini, Angelo 26

Saqqara 1

schizophrenia 99, 436

sclerotomes 43–5

seasonal affective disorder (SAD) 314, 334–6

sense organs 33–4

senses 80–1

Shelby-Riley, Joe 23, 28, 212, 230

Sherrington, Sir Charles Scott 28

Shiatsu 199, 421

shin splints 341

shock 419

shoulders 226

    frozen 285–7

    problems 341

sinusitis 336

sitting 92


    analysis and treatment 360–3

    anatomy and physiology 356–8

    care routine 366–7

    disorders and problems 336–8, 355–67

    facial 78

    feet 134, 135

    hands 194–5

    and nervous system 33–8

sleeping 90–1

    insomnia 301–2

small intestine meridian 57–8

smoking 279, 291–3, 333, 337–8

Sorrentino, Umberto 19, 190

spine 69, 147–9, 151, 153, 171, 172

    innervation 40–1, 153

    see also backache; lumbago

spleen 159, 262

    channel of foot 180–1

    meridian 58–9, 65

sports injuries 296, 304, 339–42

sprains 339–40

standing 93–4


    channel of foot 183–4

meridian 25, 60–1, 65

Stone, Randolph 32

stress 31–2, 70, 294, 313, 343, 368–77

    causing illness 370–1

    exercises 376–7

    hernia 343–4

    indicators 372–3

    management 375–7

    physiology 369–70

    reflexology 373–5

Sun Si Miao 225

support systems 414–15

supporting techniques 113–14

sweat glands 362

tactile awareness 133

Tai Chi 43, 74, 421

tea tree 366–7

temperature, feet 134

tennis elbow 91–2, 341–2

throat 146

thyroid imbalance 344–5

tinea pedis 436

tinnitus 345–7

tobacco 291–3

toes 24, 27

    disorders 129, 131, 434, 435, 436

    -nails 24, 130

    nerves 34, 35

tongue 79–80

    pressor 59

tonsillitis 347–8

torticollis (or wry neck) 348

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) xi, 3–13

    Ah Shi points 224–5

    auricular pressure points 221–2

    ear treatment 224

    skin treatment 363–4

trigeminal neuralgia 349

triple burner meridian (sanjiao) 20, 24, 55, 222, 226, 436

tumours 99–100

ulcerative colitis 273, 349–51

urinary system zones 147, 148, 150

    problems 425

urticaria 364

vaccinations 99

vaginismus 351–2

value added tax 395

varicose veins 93, 129–30

    bleeding 419

verruca 436

vertigo 352

vomiting 353

walking 77

water 383–4

    hydrotherapy 364–6

Western medicine 72–5

whiplash injury 353

White, George Starr 23

World Health Organization 216

wrist disorders 196, 353

xerostomia 353–4

Yang 5–12, 436

    meridians 6–12, 20–1, 226–30

    polarity therapy 32–3

Yang bai 228

yawning 354

Yin 5–12, 20–1, 436

    polarity therapy 32–3

Yintang 228

yoga 74, 421

Zang-fu Organs 6–12

zodiac signs 422–4

zone therapy xi

    and body systems 136–57

    history 13–28

    and division of feet and hands 66–71