
Title Page




What is reflexology?

Aims of this book and how to use it

1 A brief history of reflexology

Egyptian origins

Chinese origins

The history of the zone concept

2 A holistic approach to medicine

The concept of holistic medicine

Theories and philosophies

What is energy?

How the nervous system works

Meridians and nerves

The zones and the divisions of the feet and hands

Western medicine and complimentary medicine working together

3 Basics of consultation and diagnosis

The fundamentals of good practice

Clinical observation



The case history


Recommending treatment

Support and care of the client

4 Basics of the reflexology treatment session

Preparation of the client and yourself

Relaxation techniques, support techniques and protective hold procedures

‘Back-up’ or cross reflexes, or zone-related reflexes

Interpretation of painful reflex points

Reactions to expect during treatment

Reactions that may arise between treatments

5 The feet

Anatomy and biomechanics of the foot

Observation and analysis

The systems of the body and their respective zones on the feet

Treatment procedure

Foot exercises

6 The hands

History and theory of hand treatment

Anatomy and physiology

Observation and analysis


Treatment procedure

Hand exercises

7 The ear, face and head

The ear

The face and head

8 A-Z of disorders of the body

How to use this chapter

9 Disorders of the skin: a practical application of reflexology

Anatomy and physiology


Analysis and treatment

Skin care routine

10 Stress

What is stress?

Physiology of stress

Stress as a cause of illness

Physical and mental indicators of stress

The role of reflexology in stress

Simple stress management techniques

11 Natural nutrition

What is nutrition?

Components of a good diet


A healthy lifestyle

What is an allergy?

Disorders where diet and reflexology work together

12 The reflexology practice

Setting up a practice



Making an introductory presentation to an audience


Appendix I Statutory support systems

Appendix II First aid in the treatment room

Appendix III Complementary therapies that may assist reflexology

Appendix IV Astrology and health

Appendix V Some questions that students may be asked in an examination

Appendix VI Useful addresses





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