It is essential that a full professional clinical treatment is given at all times on either the hands, feet or ears. However, synthesizing pressure points on legs, hands and ears makes a very powerful combination treatment when using certain reflex points and acupressure points together. Hence references are made to the most active pressure points to use for each disorder, to create a much greater sense of well-being in the patient. In addition to the main reflex, it is essential also to know which additional reflexes can be worked in a treatment session, as many areas of assistance have an anatomical link. Reference is therefore made to these and to cross reflexes that can be used. Finally, it is essential to be aware of the contraindications and cautionary warnings that are highlighted on each chart; these are mentioned where relevant. In general, self-treatment should never be applied when you are pregnant or if you are taking regular medication. Also any long-term chronic disorders should be referred to the patient’s medical practitioner prior to seeking treatment.
The following abbreviations are used throughout this chapter:
M/R – main reflex to work on feet or hands. This refers to the organ or structure that may be out of balance.
A/A – areas of assistance. This refers to an organ or a structure that has an anatomical link.
C/R – cross reflex. This refers to an organ or a structure that has a direct connection through the zonal pathway as follows: hands-feet; fingers-toes; wrists-ankles; elbows-knees; forearm-foreleg; eyes-kidneys; throat-bladder; cervical vertebrae-coccyx; shoulder-hip.
P/Hs – pressure points of the hands. This indicates which pressure points to use on the six meridians that either arise or terminate in the hands. They are illustrated in figure 6.8.
P/LL – pressure points of the lower limbs. This indicates which pressure points to use on the six meridians that either arise or terminate in the feet. They are illustrated in figure 5.41.
The following indicates which pressure points to use on the ear.
They are illustrated in figures 7.3 and 7.4.
P/AS – pressure points of the anterior surface of the ear, according to the corresponding organ
P/AA – pressure points in accordance with auricular anatomy
P/OM – pressure points in accordance with orthodox medicine
P/TCM – pressure points in accordance with Traditional Chinese Medicine
P/HF – pressure points of the head and facial areas – this indicates which pressure points to use on the head and face. They are illustrated in figure 7.7. Self-help tips are also listed throughout.
This spasmodic pain can occur any time; distension in the abdomen and cramping pains in the lower abdomen often have a simple explanation and most problems respond. Relief is gained from a general treatment. The abdominal area contains many of the organs of digestion: the liver, gall bladder, stomach, pancreas and intestines, and also the organs of excretion, kidneys, bladder and, in the female, the reproductive organs. It is important to be aware of any sudden change in bowel habits and any pain that is experienced. The site of the pain, intensity and length of time give some indication of the problem. If pain persists for more than a few hours and other symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhoea, or blood from any orifice are present, it is essential to contact your medical practitioner immediately.
M/R. This should correspond to where the pain is felt and to the organs of digestion. Work all areas of elimination to ensure that toxins from waste material do not accumulate as this may upset the overall balance of the body (see Acid-base balance).
A/A. Extra pressure and hold on the adrenal glands point on hands or feet as this will help reduce any slight inflammation. Work the abdominal wall on the dorsal aspect of hands and feet.
P/Hs. Self-help tip: scratch and rake the back of the hand. Also PE-6 and LI-4 are very useful for any pain in the abdomen. (Warning! LI-4 must not be used if you are pregnant.) TB-4 for stomach problems.
P/LL. B-63 for bladder and abdominal pain. ST-35 and 36 for all abdominal problems.
Warning! ST-36 must not be used on young children.
P/AS. Work stomach point and the liver.
P/AA. Ear point and centre of superior concha for abdominal pain and distension, also the point corresponding to the anatomical area of problem.
P/OM. Sympathetic nervous system point for gastrointestinal spasms.
P/TCM. Shenmen for pain relief, Sanjiao for abdominal distension and constipation. However, no acute pain in the abdomen should be ignored. Consult the GP if pain continues in case of something more serious such as appendicitis, perforated or peptic ulcers or rupture, as these need urgent treatment from a medically qualified person.
(See also Bowel disorders, Indigestion, pages 260 and 300.)
A tender inflamed area on the skin or anywhere in the body. Often there is a localized collection of pus due to a local build-up of bacterial infection such as the common staphylococci, as it is the body’s immune system that fails to overcome the invading bacteria. This common species of microorganism can enter a hair follicle on the skin causing boils. If an abscess invades the deeper tissues or the internal organs and a fever is present it is essential to seek medical advice.
M/R. The area directly affected, ie teeth or mouth, facial area, trigeminal nerve or breast.
A/A. The upper lymphatics to help reduce any swelling and combat the infection. The spleen will aid the general constitution as it filters the blood and removes any foreign bodies from the bloodstream. The adrenals are a vital area to work for any inflammation; the naturally occurring corticosteroids have a very powerful anti-inflammatory effect. The brain and pituitary gland with their naturally occurring encephalins relieve pain; these peptides have an effect similar to the opiates. The liver cleanses the body of toxins as it plays a vital role in detoxification of any poisonous or unwanted substance. The kidneys filter the blood so aiding drainage. The thyroid helps the skin in general. A total treatment aids the whole body as every organ or gland plays a part in the overall healthy maintenance of the skin. Reflexology seems to stimulate the abscess to burst and drain spontaneously. Again balance is the key word. The liver and spleen exercise a certain control of blood composition and maintain the chemical stability of blood.
P/Hs. LI-4 is very useful for any pain or swelling in the body. TB-6 for any skin eruptions.
Warning! LI-4 must not be used if you are pregnant.
P/LL. ST-45 and GB-44 for any mouth problems. GB-42 stimulates the axillary area and breast if this is the area of problem.
P/AS. Work the area of problem ie mouth, teeth, breast etc.
P/AA. Apex of ear for any inflammation; it also has an analgesic effect. Apex of antitragus for inflammation.
P/OM. Adrenal glands for the powerful anti-inflammatory properties.
P/TCM. Wind Stream, which helps to dissipate any heat.
P/HF. For facial problems, Yang bai GB-14 on the midpoint above the brow.
Pain in the back of the heel and up to the calf when walking. A strain or inflammation of the main tendon of the muscle in the calf of the leg. If there is any general bursitis around the heel insertion it could be due to pressure from ill-fitting shoes or boots. The Achilles tendon is often involved with the other two muscles, so one must be aware of the anatomical relationship (see figure 5.9b) and action of the other muscles such as the gastrocnemius, which forms the greater part of the calf, helping to flex the knees and foot thus helping the toes to point. Also important is the broad flat soleus muscle in the calf of the leg beneath the gastrocnemius; this has a similar action of flexing the foot and aiding the toes to point downwards. This muscle complex is involved in many sporting activities; even stepping off a kerb suddenly can cause problems.
M/R. Spinal area as all the nerves that feed the area arise from the lumbosacral plexus. Work hip- and leg-related area.
A/A. The adrenal glands for their powerful anti-inflammatory properties. A full treatment session will relax tight muscles and any muscle spasm; this helps reduce any joint stiffness. Many of the passive relaxation techniques help mobility very quickly. The spinal reflex for any leg problems is the lumbar region of the spine; L4-S3 supply the posterior aspect of the leg.
C/R. Self-help tip: work all corresponding area on the arm, following the same line as the Achilles tendon.
P/Hs SI-5 for knee and lower back, for the spinal nerves from the lumbar and sacral areas.
P/LL. GB-40 and 41 for any pain or leg problems. GB-36 for leg problems. Also B-58 for leg disorders in general.
P/AS. See calf point specific.
P/AA. Apex of ear for pain relief.
P/OM. Adrenal glands for their powerful anti-inflammatory properties.
P/TCM. Shenmen for instant pain relief.
(See also Sports injuries, Leg and foot problems.)
A disturbance in the acid-base balance. After excessive vomiting or severe diarrhoea there is a loss of bicarbonate, which is an alkali that the body needs in the right quantities. Diabetics often suffer with loss of vital salts in their urine (see Diabetes mellitus).
Acidosis is often due to a high rise of acid in the body fluids and there is a failure of the body’s chemistry to maintain a balance between acids and alkalis. The body should be more alkaline than acid for good health; an acid body is often associated with ill-health. However, the acid-base balance must be maintained. A large proportion of the body is water in which many other substances are suspended or dissolved. The acid-base balance must be maintained at equilibrium (homeostasis); if this balance is upset it leads to acidic or overalkaline conditions.
M/R. A general treatment helps the whole homeostasis of the body to return to normal. The main points are lungs and kidneys and the pancreas.
A/A. Also work the liver/gall bladder, pancreas and intestines together with the kidneys/adrenals. The first three have a quantity of sodium bicarbonate in their fluids to act as buffers to the acidity of chyme, helping to neutralize and balance the whole system. Stimuli to the three reflexes need to be very thorough, using minute alternating steps.
P/HS. PE-6, LI-2, TB-3 and 4 all help the digestive tract.
P/LL. ST-36. Work the whole meridian through from the lateral side of the second toe to the knee.
P/AS. Lung and kidney points.
P/AA. Centre of superior concha, for any abdominal distension.
P/OM. Subcortex for any functional disorder of the autonomic nervous system.
P/TCM. Shenmen for pain relief.
This is the maintenance in the blood and tissues of correct levels of chemical substances such as bicarbonate and carbonic acid; the plasma should maintain a neutral point of pH 7.4. (The pH scale is from 0 to 14. Values below 7.4 show increased acidity; values above 7.4 show increased alkalinity.) Any slight changes in pH values may lead to acidosis or alkalosis. Three organs of the body are involved in the acid-base balance: the pancreas, with its strong alkaline buffers (sodium bicarbonate), the lungs and kidneys (see also chapter 11).
Inflammation of the follicles and skin eruptions. This is a skin disorder where the sebaceous glands can become blocked and inflamed. In adolescents this can be a very distressing condition; the sebaceous glands are most active at the time of puberty as a result of androgenic stimulation. Hygiene is of the utmost importance; it is no good applying creams and other substances to the surface area until the inside of the body has been successfully treated. Eliminate all processed foods as they are often high in salt content and hidden sugars; drink lots of water (at least one and a half litres per day) – water is of vital importance to the skin as it fills out the skin cells, and is also a valuable aid in eliminating metabolites and other toxins from the system through the eliminating organs, the liver and kidneys. Eat fresh fruit and vegetables. Psychological factors need to be taken into account as the person becomes further distressed because of the physical scarring.
M/R. All the endocrine glands as this will calm the sebaceous glands that produce the oil and sebum. Hormonal imbalance often causes this distressing problem.
A/A. Liver area and spleen; both are involved with the quality of blood. Also large intestine for removal of excess waste matter and kidneys to refine the end product of filtration. The adrenal glands produce their own corticosteroid, which has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect; extra pressure or rotation on this reflex point for 1 minute has a direct effect on the inflamed areas.
P/Hs. TB-6 for all skin eruptions.
P/LL. GB-41 for any general pain or discomfort.
P/AS. Liver and endocrine points to regulate functions.
P/AA. Apex of ear for any inflammatory disorder.
P/TCM. Shenmen for pain relief.
This is a state of dependence on a certain substance such as food, smoking, alcohol, medicines or drugs. Often people are unaware how habit forming substances such as nicotine, caffeine, chocolate and alcohol can be. Most are used as a crutch; for example, the continual coffee drinker cannot cope with a situation under stress; the same can be said for tea, which contains caffeine and tannin, again a stimulant. These substances stimulate the nervous system, often temporarily, making you more alert and less tired, but too much caffeine can have an adverse effect on the system in general, often causing headaches, insomnia, general restlessness and ringing in the ears. These products can also cause more acid release in the stomach, which can aggravate stomach disorders. Most stimulants that have an effect on the brain will often do more harm than good. One should find the reason why a person is using a crutch; is he or she determined to help themselves? It is down to the individual patient to be motivated to discontinue the use of whatever substance is causing the problem. Reflexology is of enormous value as it relaxes the person, relieving the stress and anxiety states that are often linked to dependence. Muscular tension is released, and the person feels less weary and weak. Reflexology also restores the immune system and helps in detoxifying the liver. However, no treatment should be a complete support; aim at a gradual withdrawal if the person is on drugs or dependent on alcohol. Always work closely with their GP; give nutritional advice and advise the patient to seek counselling if necessary.
M/R. A full treatment session, at first one a week in case there are too many toxins released. If there is a gentle reaction to the healing process increase to two or three times per week. Again it must be stressed this is only a support to enable the patient to withdraw gradually from whatever has become an excess or a craving. This holistic therapy will aid any tremors or further anxiety. Make sure you refer the patient to a higher authority if you are in doubt.
A/A. Self-help tip: a daily auricular massage will be beneficial.
P/Hs. HE-7 and PE-7 are good calming points.
P/LL. KI-1 for all acute problems.
Self-help tip: this can be accomplished by putting a squash ball under the ball of the foot and rolling it for 5 minutes on each foot daily.
P/AS. Liver and brain.
P/AA. Centre of ear. This a vital calming point.
P/OM. Subcortex for aiding the autonomic nervous system, which helps the whole digestive tract.
P/TCM. Shenmen for pain relief; this point has a tranquillizing effect on the body.
A disturbance in the acid-base balance where there is an accumulation of alkali. Overuse of antacids or overuse of bicarbonate in cystitis can do this. Overexertion and excessive exercise can lead to respiratory alkalosis, which in turn can cause muscular cramps. Panic attacks, whereby the patient hyperventilates, can also upset the overall acid-base balance of the body.
M/R. Pancreas, liver and gall bladder to calm the flow of pancreatic fluid and the production of the alkaline bile from the liver; do very gentle circular movements over whole area.
A/A. Pancreas, liver and gall bladder. A daily foot or hand massage will benefit.
P/Hs. PE-6, LI-2, TB-3 and 4. All points help the digestive tract.
P/LL. ST-36. Work the whole meridian through from the lateral tip of the second toe to the knee.
Warning! ST-36 is not to be used on young children.
P/AS. Lung and kidney points.
P/AA. Centre of superior concha, for any abdominal distension.
P/OM. Subcortex for any functional disorder of the autonomic nervous system.
P/TCM. Shenmen for pain relief.
This is a hypersensitivity state that can often be caused by food colourings, additives and preservatives from processed foods. (See appropriate condition for individual exaggerated conditions such as asthma, hay fever or rhinitis.) People are now much more aware that they may have a hypersensitivity reaction to certain things, and most people take the necessary steps to avoid these allergens. The following areas are for all allergies, and then refer to the specific condition. (See also chapter 11.)
M/R. Regular treatment with a professional practitioner helps to strengthen the body’s immune system. Work the area of problem.
A/A. Adrenal glands, first and foremost, for any allergy, then the liver specifically to remove excess toxins.
P/Hs. LI-4 for all allergies.
Warning! LI-4 must not be used if you are pregnant.
P/LL. SP-1 and KI-1 are two general calming points in all acute conditions.
P/AS. Adrenal glands and the liver.
P/AA. Apex of ear has a soothing analgesic effect.
P/OM. Adrenal glands (tragus). This point has antiallergic properties.
P/TCM. Shenmen for pain relief.
An absence of hair can be a progressive loss due to age or an hereditary factor. It can sometimes be due to illness, an injury or the use of chemical substances for treatment of some diseases.
M/R. Regular treatment with a professional practitioner helps to strengthen the body’s immune system. The patient is usually very tense regarding the problem, which can only make matters worse. The holistic concept is to calm the anxieties and encourage the person to relax.
Self-help tip: William Fitzgerald spoke of rubbing the nails together for 15 minutes per day; this can be done at intervals, eg 5 minutes in the morning, lunchtime and evenings. This seems to stimulate hair growth in some, with new tufts appearing in about 3 months.
A/A. Stimulate the liver for release of the B vitamins (see chapter 11). Good sources of these are: liver, milk, eggs and fish. Work the thyroid reflex to help hair, skin and nails; also a general treatment will stimulate the blood supply to the dermis (this is the layer of skin that feeds the capillaries that supply the hair papilla, the bulb and root of the hair).
P/Hs. Liver and thyroid areas.
P/LL. SP-1 and KI-1 are good calming points.
P/AS. Liver and thyroid areas.
P/AA. Apex of ear has a soothing effect on the body.
P/OM. Endocrine point.
P/TCM. Shenmen for pain relief, and this point has a tranquillizing effect on the body.
This is a degenerative disorder of the cerebral cortex where there is a great loss of the neurons. The causes of this disorder are still not fully known as many hypotheses have been put forward. One thing is very evident and that is that the very confused state creates even more anxieties. The aim is to give a good general treatment of either the hands or feet, combining one of them with a full ear massage, and working specific points.
M/R. A full treatment session to alleviate many of the minor irritating problems and create a relaxed state. The brain and spinal pathways can be worked many times, as this can only stimulate blood to the brain area, and may even act as a vasodilator and widen the healthy blood vessels that are undamaged. Stimulation of the digestive system helps any of the other problems that may cause concern to the patient, for indigestion or constipation. Work the liver area if the person is on drugs as this helps the toxin release. The hands can be worked daily, and so can the ears. On the day that a full foot treatment is given, just work the areas below.
A/A. Thyroid for the general metabolism of the body.
P/Hs. HE-7, 8 and 9 for any confused state.
P/LL. KI-1 and SP-1 for acute problems but are also calming points. BL-64 is a good point for cerebral congestion. ST-45 can also be worked for dementia.
P/AS. Liver, kidneys, brain and spinal areas. According to TCM the liver and kidneys tonify the blood, which helps the brain.
P/AA. Centre of ear is a good calming point for any neurosis.
P/OM. Subcortex contacts the cerebral area of the brain.
P/TCM. Shenmen for pain relief; this point has a tranquillizing effect on the body.
Self-help tip: get the person to clasp their hands firmly, for 10–15 minutes daily. Stroke the back of the auricle on the dorsal surface for the vagus nerve direct, a great calming point.
(See also Nervous disorders.)
Emotions need to be put into perspective, and anger and tension are part of our everyday lives and human existence. Even grief has a part to play occasionally. We all get angry or sad at some time or another; it is only when this anger gets out of control or is in excess that we need to worry.
Anger is natural at certain times, but suppressing it is dangerous, as if anger is directed inwardly it can lead to many different health problems manifesting. Eating disorders are thought to stem from internal conflict; alcoholism and drug taking are thought to be due to suppressed anger which could stem from even early childhood and early unhappy relationships.
Anger is a strong feeling of hostility and displeasure often leading to the desire to hurt or stop the person or the thing that is causing this anger. No two people respond to anger in the same way. The consequence of anger can be widespread; if the person expresses their anger behaviourally they may bang or break something, or shout and swear or cry; this a normal response to anger so long as it is not in excess or leads to violence or damage to other people’s property. However, anger can create fatigue, frustration, hunger, stress, thirst and many other physical reactions. When great anger overtakes you, a response known as the ‘fight or flight’ reaction occurs: you may feel hot, your heart could pound, you may feel as though you want to go to the toilet, your mouth even may feel dry. This is all because there has been a huge release of adrenaline and this activates your body, causing these physical reactions. It is at this time that it is essential to have an outlet to get it out of the system.
One should never vent one’s anger in an uncontrolled way. Being assertive is a good way to start if something irritates you over a period of time. Psychologists recommend many rituals that may help, but simply banging something to make a noise is a marvellous release, pummelling a cushion and stating what made you angry is most satisfying. Stamping your feet as you would in childlike anger is another good release. Competitive sports where you are using lots of energy help enormously, such as tennis, squash, badminton, which all involve hitting something. Some people find relaxation and release of tensions in loud music; others need peace and quiet to sort their troubled emotions out.
Reflexology gives the individual the attention many people need. Identifying the patient’s disharmony is an important part of the holistic differential diagnoses of reflexology, as often the problem presenting itself is only part of the symptoms, just one of the expressions of the real disharmony within the body. This can be shown in loose stools, tiredness, headaches and many other signs that are often a warning that all is not well within. A reflexologist looks at the many ways that a person can help themself. Just like any stress disorder, symptoms are the body’s response to negative and psychological factors.
M/R. As mentioned with regard to alopecia, regular treatment with a professional practitioner helps to strengthen the body’s immune system. The client is usually very tense regarding the problem, which can only make matters worse. The holistic concept is to calm the anxieties and encourage the person to relax.
A/A. Treatment sessions will include work on the brain reflexes, mainly the hypothalamus for mood swings, to balance the hormones and lift depression. Also stimulation on the brain reflex releases the endorphins or encephalins that naturally occur in the brain; these have similar properties to those of the opiates, but are natural relievers of pain, and are often needed if neck or back muscles are stiff. (The old expression you are a pain in the neck, or a pain in the backside is very true.) The solar plexus is a reflex that may be very tender in many stress-related disorders; it is an area rich in nerves.
P/Hs. The tips of the fingers; Shixuan helps all acute problems – apply pressure on each fingertip with the other knuckle, working as close to the nail tip as possible. Also work on the points HE-9 and PE-9; press on the base of the nail beds then on the pads of these fingers. Work LI-1 around nail bed to calm the mind.
P/LL. KI-1 on the plantar aspect of the foot for all acute problems. The Chinese refer to this point as the ‘Bubbling Spring’ or ‘Bubbling Well’. KI-1 is the first point of the Kidney channel, and an essential point for all acute and major problems as it is extremely calming and will help to relieve tension. Hold pressure on both KI-1 points for 1 minute.
P/AS. Direct pressure on brain area; this will give relief for all excess anger of sudden onset. Palpation on all the endocrine glands balances the hormones as an imbalance can effect the whole body.
P/AA. Centre of ear is the main point. Stroking behind both of the ears contacts the vagus nerve and will calm the heart. Repeat these moves several times.
P/OM. Subcortex (cerebral area).
P/TCM. Shenmen to tranquillize the mind.
P/HF. In the centre of the two eyebrows, Yintang (EX-2) is a good calming point that will also assist disturbed sleeping patterns.
Self-help tip: knowing how to help yourself is most important; patients should work their own hands daily as this is of marvellous benefit (see chapter 6 and Left Hand). Patients should clasp their hands firmly on a daily basis for 10–15 minutes. Stroke the back of the auricle on the dorsal surface for contacting the vagus nerve direct, a great calming point.
Any abnormality of a joint with heat, pain and inflammation. Arthritis puts stress on the body, which is often in a highly acidic state. Disorders such as rheumatism, fibrositis, lumbago, gout or synovitis may involve inflammation, stiffness and pain in a joint. Most of these problems are due to large quantities of acid waste material (uric acid); this affects the bony structure of the body because it has not been eliminated properly from the system, and there is often a build-up in the body. Acid waste material seems to have a natural affinity for joints, often making these bony structures swell and in some cases can even cause complete calcification and deformity because of the erosive action. It is essential that all organs of elimination are stimulated. By working on the liver area we help detoxify an acidic system; also working the lymphatic system will help remove more waste thus enhancing the immune system. It is vital that the fourth zone on both hands and feet are worked thoroughly as this contacts the right lymphatic duct and the thoracic duct; these ducts return the lymph back into the bloodstream preventing any accumulation of lymph being retained in the tissues and producing swelling.
Fasting is one of nature’s ways of healing, in which waste products and impurities are removed from the system. However, one should never embark on a fasting programme before consulting one’s GP. Fasting is a therapeutic method of releasing toxins from the body; most animals when unwell will stop eating instinctively and will drink only water. This allows the body to recuperate and the internal organs to have a well-earned rest. The value of fasting in the treatment of many systemic disorders has been demonstrated many times in naturopathic practice.
M/R. A general treatment paying particular attention to the area of problem: knee, shoulder, hip, legs, low back, etc.
C/R. See explanation at front of this chapter.
A/A. The area of assistance would be the thyroid/parathyroid to balance calcium and potassium. T3 and T4 substances found in the thyroid are associated with growth and development of tissue, especially that of the nervous system; this also regulates the metabolism of the body. Calcitonin is secreted by the C cells in the thyroid and this acts directly on bone and kidneys; this hormone encourages the bone to reabsorb calcium and then stimulates the kidneys to release it, thus reducing blood calcium levels. Stimulation to the adrenal glands helps to reduce any inflammation because it releases corticosteroids having an anti-inflammatory effect. A general treatment over several weeks will alleviate many of the distressing symptoms; stiffness in the muscles and joints is reduced, and mobility is gradually maintained. Even patients with severe rheumatoid arthritis respond; the joints seem to be less swollen and stiff. The deformity once formed will not change but there can be relief even in the first few treatments. Regular reflexology will help to prevent further bone deformity.
P/Hs. HE-4 for all muscular aches and pains in wrist and elbows, and also the forearm. TB-1 and 5 for arthritis of the upper appendicular skeleton and shoulder pain.
P/LL. ST-38 helps all shoulder problems. LIV-8 helps all four limbs. SP-3 strengthens the spine.
P/AS. Area of problem; applying firm pressure gives almost instant relief from even the most chronic problems.
P/AA. Apex of ear for all inflammatory disorders.
P/OM. Adrenal glands (tragus). Because this point has anti-inflammatory and antiallergic properties it is suitable for all rheumatic disorders.
P/TCM. Shenmen for pain relief.
P/HF. Acupoint Rhenzhong (GV-26) is ideal to strengthen all the spinal areas.
A case history of rheumatoid arthritis is given in box 8.1. (See also plates 7 and 14.)
Female, aged 72 years, very happily married with a grown-up family. I had known her over many years and she was cheerful and outgoing.
Psychological state. I was asked to attend this lady by another patient, who was a friend and a neighbour of hers. On the first visit I had to struggle not to show my shock at her appearance; she was like a little crumpled-up child lying on top of the bed in her dressing gown, and appeared to be in a great deal of discomfort. She looked very sorry for herself, and she was constantly licking her lips, which were extremely sore and red for a good inch around the lips. She appeared in a state of total despair.
Clinical problems presented at first treatment. This lady was in great pain and had difficulty moving; her hands were so deformed with her disorder that she used her arms or elbows to move. She complained of having no appetite, and she had been unable to eat solids for many weeks. She had not left the house for several weeks, and her husband did the shopping and was attentive to her needs.
Background medical history. This lady suffered rheumatoid arthritis, which had affected her lungs in earlier years, and her joints of the fingers, wrists and ankles were also affected.
Medication. She was taking seven different drugs when I first visited her. One of these was a narcotic analgesic for pain; a side effect of this was nausea, the very thing that was causing her so much trouble. She was also taking three over-the-counter preparations for relief of her low backache.
Observation of the hands, feet and general evaluation. Every joint was stiff and rigid. There was very poor colour in the feet, a bluish discoloration, and they were cold. She had very poor mobility, and poor general health. She weighed about 6 stone (38kg), and had no appetite and difficulty swallowing anything due to the state of her mouth.
On the first treatment I worked only one way on the feet, and did lots of relaxation techniques as best as I could in the circumstances. I massaged her ears and applied two beans – one for pain relief on the Shenmen point, one on the apex of ear; both are soothing and have an analgesic effect. I explained that the medication that was making her sick was only a palliative and would only give temporary relief from the pain; it would not cure it. I asked her to contact her doctor to see if he could prescribe an alternative drug. I left with the promise to return in a few days’ time as I was travelling abroad to lecture and would be away for 2 weeks. The second treatment took place on the morning of the day I was leaving.
On my return 2 weeks later, I visited her again, and was pleasantly surprised at the slight improvement. She was dressed but still very stiff, but her colour was much better in her face and extremities. There was no improvement to her mouth or her appetite, although she did say she thought that she was not quite so stiff. Her whole demeanour over the next few visits improved considerably. On week five I worked yet again on the reflexes to the mouth and brain area; I also worked on her hands, which had seemed to open up a little bit. I applied four beans on her ears – two as all other visits and one on the Sanjiao and one on the adrenal glands point. After working on these points for a few minutes, we were both surprised that she had some moisture in her mouth; she commented that she was looking forward to having some toast, something she had not been able to have for a considerable time.
Current health status. PATIENT’S COMMENTS. I started having reflexology in the spring of 1996, and have to say that I knew very little about it. I weighed only six and a half stone and was unable to eat any solid food. I suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, and am prone to anaemia. Over the years I have tried numerous forms of treatment. I had been taking a course of tablets in May 1995, from which I had terrible side-effects. I was left feeling physically ill, weak and suffering from a very sore dry mouth. I was unable to eat properly and consequently lost a lot of weight. Having experienced these side-effects using conventional medicines, when reflexology was recommended by a friend I decided to try it.
I started with six weekly treatments at home. At first I did not notice a great deal of difference in my condition, but I did find it very relaxing. After a few sessions, my back felt more mobile and I was able to straighten it. I decided to have further treatments during the rest of 1996.
At one of the earlier sessions the reflexologist addressed the problem I was having with my dry mouth: I was told to lick my lips. I was surprised and pleased to find I now had moisture in my mouth; it was wonderful. The condition of my mouth has continued to improve. I now have more movement in my body, and my general health has also improved. My appetite has returned and my taste buds are almost back to normal, it is a joy to even fancy food. I am still taking some conventional medicines, but have halved the daily dosage of the tablets I take for pain relief. I do still attend regular hospital visits. My reflexologist has been kind, sympathetic and helpful.
At my last visit, my consultant was so pleased; not only had my blood count risen, I had also weighed in at 8 stone exactly.
I have now reduced my treatments to once every 2 weeks, and later on will reduce it again to once a month. I am hopeful that during this time I will be able to strengthen and straighten my back more, and that my general health will continue to improve, something I had not thought possible in early 1996.
Muscle spasm in the small passages. The mucous membrane becomes thick and sticky, constricting airways and making breathing difficult. The mucous membrane then becomes a breeding ground for bacteria. Asthma can be exacerbated by allergies, excitement, overexertion and stress.
Asthma is caused by a narrowing of the bronchi due to muscular contractions in response to some hypersensitivity or stimulation of the bronchial tubes. The person can usually inhale air into the lungs but is unable to exhale fully and wheezes because there is a restriction of the trachea and bronchi. The usual treatment is the use of a bronchodilator in the form of an inhaler, or in a severe case a corticosteroid is used to reduce the inflammation of the mucous lining of the bronchial passages. However, persistent use of these medications can cause hoarseness, high doses can affect the heart rate, and sometimes they can induce fine muscular tremors, headaches and cause nervous tension.
A qualified holistic practitioner looks at the whole person, not specifically the disease. A reflexologist can aid asthma by enabling the person to breathe more easily and freely, and preventing tension in the diaphragm area. Most asthmatics have problems because of excess mucus, which could become a breeding ground for bacteria, so diet and lifestyle are addressed. Asthmatics and people with breathing problems need to be aware of the foods that can aggravate their problem. Excessive consumption of dairy products such as milk, cheese, butter and chocolate all increase mucus levels. Smoking and drinking alcohol, particularly at night, irritates the mucous membrane lining of the epiglottis, making the tissue swell at the laryngeal entrance, which may impair the air flow to and from the lungs, again diminishing the amount of oxygen taken in.
M/R. Trachea/bronchi. The adrenal glands for the relaxation of the airways; it seems to calm the mucous membranes – they become less sticky and clogging. The stimulation helps the bronchial smooth muscle. Also work the lungs, as this aids the whole breathing process.
A/A. Work the liver reflex in case of infection to clear toxins. Stimulate the upper lymphatics so that filtration is improved; work the spleen to filter out bacteria and produce lymphocytes. This all helps in the general defence against any microbial infection.
P/Hs. LU-7, 11 and 10 help remove any mucus in the throat and lungs thus aiding any shortness of breath.
P/LL. ST-40 is a helpful point in asthma.
P/AS. Lungs, throat, pharynx, larynx.
P/AA. Middle triangular fossa is a good asthma point. Helix 1–6 will help in the case of any upper respiratory tract infections.
P/OM. Adrenal glands (tragus); if there is an allergic cause this point will also be beneficial.
P/TCM. Shenmen to help tranquillize and for pain relief.
P/HF. Chengjiang (CV-24) in the depression below the bottom lip. This area helps to regulate all the Yin channels, Lungs, Spleen, Heart, Kidneys, Pericardium and the Liver, which all assist in this disorder.
A good reflexologist will recommend some treatment on the hands. Here the reflex points are a powerful and energetic area to work on. The hands can have the reflexes worked daily without any undue side-effects, and obtaining great benefit. They are a marvellous aid to any respiratory disorder, which includes coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis and emphysema. Apply pressure on the thumb on the base of the nail bed and on the palmar surface with the hand facing you; press all around the thumb and down to the base of the palm (the thenar eminence). Continue pressing down to the wrist area for about 7cm (3″), still on the thumb side; this will aid the removal of phlegm and excess mucus. You can then continue on the dorsal area, from the web between the thumb and index finger; LI-4 can be worked quite firmly. (Warning! Use LI-4 only if the person is not pregnant, as it is an empirical point to promote delivery during labour.) This vital area will aid and relieve many problems such as allergic rhinitis, hay fever, sneezing, runny itchy eyes; also it has a stimulating dispersing effect on the lungs. It also has a strong calming influence on the mind and helps to relieve any anxiety. ST-40, a major point on the legs, six finger-breadths below the knee in between the tibia and fibula, helps asthmatics as it helps to eliminate phlegm. These points aid all respiratory problems such as nasal obstruction, runny nose, loss of smell in smokers, and a stiff neck, and some headaches also respond to these simple pressures. The tip of the great toe, SP-1, for a blocked nose.
People who are tense or anxious often have a diminished ability to take in sufficient oxygen. This is often because of tension on the diaphragm muscle, which frequently goes into spasm and then the lungs do not expand enough. Press all over the great toe and thumb, at the tips and the base of the digits; this will help facilitate the breathing process and because the vagus nerve is stimulated also helps slow the breathing and heart rate. It also stimulates the smooth muscle of the bronchial tree and the phrenic nerve, which helps to bring about regular contractions of the diaphragm during breathing. Also stroking the back of the ear on the dorsal surface contacts the vagus nerve directly; this has an immediate effect on the organs of the chest cavity.
Asthmatics can aid their breathing by standing on the tips of their toes; this will also apply pressure on the ball of the foot (the lung area). Also press the upper palms of the hands together (the lung area). Splay fingers and toes as much as possible (this helps the sinuses). Then tap the sternum; this contacts the thymus, which will stimulate energy and strengthen the immune system.
These are all self-help tips for all sufferers with respiratory problems but they will also benefit from regular professional clinical reflexology treatments. As a person ages the lungs tend to lose their natural elasticity; regular sessions of reflexology enable the respiratory process to function better, so breath is not so restrained.
(See also Respiratory problems. Also look at the breathing exercises for stress in chapter 10.)
This non-invasive natural therapy is extremely beneficial to everyone, young and old alike. In the terminally ill you would work the points more gently. Each practitioner adapts their pressure accordingly, the patient’s response is the best guide, over a period treatment should be comfortable but firm.
Warning! Reflexology is not to be used instead of professional medical advice; for any acute breathlessness one should see a doctor immediately.
A case history of asthma is given in box 8.2.
Female, aged 28 years, manageress of a fashion store.
Psychological state. The husband had his own building business and his office was run from home. They had a woman who did secretarial work a few mornings a week and a bookkeeper who came in twice a month to get invoices out and do the accounts. She was responsible for all other duties when she returned home in the evenings from business and at weekends. She was a farmer’s daughter and loved horses, and often rode in her spare time.
Clinical problems presented at first treatment. Asthma, hayfever and eczema-type rash on feet and constant sinus problems since a young age. Very overweight and with a stressful work and home environment. She had a poor diet, eating lots of refined foods, and snacks at regular intervals.
Background medical history. Had attended her GP over many years for the above problems and also lower back problems. Many topical applications were tried for the skin disorder but without success. Her asthma had become an accepted disorder, with daily use of Ventolin. The patient had no history of asthma in the family, but her mother had a tendency to a chronic rash on the feet.
Medication. Ventolin and Beconase; she also took over-the-counter preparations such as Otrivine and Sinutab.
Observation of the hands, feet and general evaluation. The feet were extremely red and itchy with little blisters, and she picked the skin of her feet. She also had rashes on the elbows and knees. At the first treatment I worked on the hands in order to ensure that not too many toxins were released. There were a few areas I could not work on because of splits in the skin. For the next few treatments I used water jets on the reflexes of the feet. On week six I decided to apply pressure on the direct reflex points of the feet, mainly the liver, adrenal glands, kidneys and thyroid for the skin problems. Over the next 2 weeks we saw such a remarkable improvement; the patient’s bad back improved and new skin was being formed on the feet and hands. I also applied taping to the ear points on the middle triangular fossa. I would often work the acupoint LU-7 on her wrist. She was able to work this point herself when she had any slight problem with breathing. Over the first 2 months she noted a distinct drop in the amounts of Ventolin that she was using.
Her diet was examined and all mucus-forming foods were restricted. We also looked at her hobby of horse riding and she was asked to be aware of her problems to see if this exacerbated her condition. We found that when she came into contact with the hay and horse feed this seemed to make her breathing problem worse.
Current health status. At the conclusion of ten treatments, the hands and feet were totally free of any eruptions. Her hayfever and asthma had improved considerably. She felt much less stressed and more able to cope. She now has regular reflexology sessions and has not encountered any return of her original problems, except for when she was pregnant and then she had to return for a few more treatment sessions. She is generally much more relaxed and has more energy. This patient was the subject of an article in a leading magazine on complementary medicine, not only because of the success of the treatment but also because I treated three generations within this family.
Lower backache or difficulty when moving or pain in the region of the lower back of any description. This can happen quite suddenly and may be caused by twisting, bending or overstretching. Even getting up and sitting down can create a problem, as the force of any activity is passed down the spine through to the feet. Stress can affect the spine. The spine can never rest – every time we breathe our thoracic vertebrae move. Even our heads weigh 2 per cent of our body weight, so even too much movement of the head and neck when we exercise can create stress on the spine. Postural deficits are one of the chief culprits, so it is important to address lifestyle (see chapter 3) as sedentary habits can compromise our posture. Many disabling conditions are directly related to incorrect movements such as walking, lying, sitting, bending or lifting incorrectly. These incorrect movements pull the spine out of alignment, and often involve more than one part of the spine, not only the musculature, but the area from the cervical down to the pelvis may also be affected.
The medical term for a stiff painful back is lumbago. A slipped disc is the colloquial term for a prolapsed intervertebral disc (PID). This may involve the sciatica nerve because there has been a displacement of the inner substance of the intervertebral disc; this may cause compression on adjacent nerves and ligaments, which may lead to loss of sensation throughout the nerve pathway as the sciatic nerve is the major nerve of the leg and arises from spinal segments L4 to S3. This nerve runs down the back of the thigh passing through the buttock; just above the knee it divides into two branches to become the tibial nerve on the medial edge, which stimulates the tibial muscles, inverting the foot. The peroneal nerve feeds the outer muscles on the fibular side of the leg; these muscles are involved in everting the foot. There is a definite connection between the foot and the spine (see also Biomechanics of the foot, chapter 5). The standing posture is so important to the stability of the spine. If the foot is pronated in any way this can lead to an imbalance in the kinetic energy (the balance of motion). Reflexology, together with the combination points, acts as a powerful pain reliever.
M/R. Spinal area and musculature of corresponding area. The sciatic nerve is the major nerve in the leg; work this area for all back problems, and work the cross reflex.
A/A. The adrenal glands reflex helps to relieve any inflammation; this powerful anti-inflammatory area also gives pain relief. You need to rotate for 1 minute on this reflex area. Also work on all brain reflexes as this helps the body produce its own natural endorphins, which have pain-relieving properties but do not suppress the central nervous system. Reflexology has a similar action on the nervous system of pain relief, giving a sense of euphoria but without the side-effects of diminished mental activity.
P/Hs. SI-3, 4 and 5 for all back problems.
P/LL. SP-3 strengthens the spine. Also KI-1 (Bubbling Spring or Bubbling Well point) on the plantar aspect of the foot, for all acute problems. KI-1 is an essential point for all acute and major problems, so for a sudden onset of lumbago it is extremely calming and will help to relieve pain. Hold pressure on both KI-1 points for 1 minute. Also KI-3, BL-56, 57 and 59, and BL-62 for all lumbar problems. A vital point is BL-60 in alleviating severe discomfort in the lumbar region, but this must not be used during pregnancy. GB-41 acts a pain reliever.
P/AS. Direct pressure on the lumbar point can help to relieve most back pain.
P/AA. Apex of ear has a soothing effect on the whole body.
P/OM. Sciatic nerve point on the antihelix.
P/TCM. Shenmen for pain relief.
P/HF. Acupoint Rhenzhong (GV-26) is ideal to strengthen all the spinal areas.
The prognosis is very poor with back problems. Most medical practitioners suggest an anti-inflammatory combined with an analgesic, and bed rest. These do provide pain relief in most cases; however, they do not address the cause. Reflexology would look at many factors to see what possible explanation could be found of cause and onset; this includes looking at lifestyle and behaviour patterns, which all involve posture. Stress can affect the spine very quickly, tightening up the muscles of the spinal area. Professional reflexology treatment over a period of time actually helps to strengthen the back with less likelihood of a further problem arising. Bed rest is not actually needed, so patients do not have to take time off work.
(See also the simple exercises for back problems (plates 22–28); these help to keep the back more supple and they aid in strengthening the back. Also foot analysis, chapter 5, and plate 6.)
Case histories of lower and upper back problems are given in boxes 8.3 and 8.4.
Female, aged 65 years, spinster, lived alone. Had been a magistrate and also held a high administration post at her local hospital.
Psychological state. A very tense abrupt woman who lived alone but travelled to and from Scotland and Bristol regularly to see relatives, mainly cousins. She was also the chairperson for an old people’s home in the private sector. She walked her dog daily; she loved the animal but treated it very firmly, and often spoke of how she had punished it if it had misbehaved. This usually consisted of a smack or no treats, as she put it. I was unable to find out about diet because she was very reluctant to discuss this.
Clinical problems presented at first treatment. Lower back pain and pain in left rib cage, also problems with kidneys, but she would not discuss this in detail.
Background medical history. Ongoing back problem was the only information given.
Medication. Would only comment ‘painkillers, as and when needed’.
Observation of the hands, feet and general evaluation. She was covered over the whole dorsum area of her feet with a rash and small vesicles. The plantar area of the foot was clear but the upper part was so bad I could not hold the foot. She had pes planus, which indicated a back problem, and a red area on the left foot around the fifth metatarsal notch relating to her waist line. Her first treatment was on the hands and ears. Over a period of 4 weeks I suggested daily lukewarm water footbaths with three drops of tea tree oil. Together with the reflexology the rash began to clear, but one week it would be less inflamed and the next it would have broken out again. At about week six I decided to work on the feet. I had to wear a surgical glove on one hand to hold the foot as there was broken skin but I was able to work on the plantar area. The liver reflex was very tender so I again requested to know what medication was being taken but to no avail; questions regarding diet also achieved very little response. I did some intensive work on the adrenal and thyroid reflex.
When she arrived on week seven I could not believe my eyes; the area on the dorsum was not red and angry, the eruptions had scabbed and a few had fallen away. There was new skin forming, red and shiny. This was proof that the extra work on the liver and adrenal and thyroid area had helped enormously.
This lady attended every 6–8 weeks; she has never been bothered by any other skin problems. The lower back improved greatly but the pain in her left midwaist comes and goes. I pick up the left kidney point and suspect this is related, but again she will not discuss this. When I look back I can see that this lady’s whole demeanour has changed; she is much softer and will smile, but still does not talk a lot. She had never commented that she enjoyed the treatments until the last one, when she had presented herself with severe bruising to the foot and leg after a fall from a chair. There were so many ruptured blood vessels in both legs, the dorsum of the feet and around the heel that I stressed she should have sought medical advice. I informed her that I could not work on her feet owing to so many broken blood vessels and so I worked on her hands. She cancelled the next appointment the morning before attending, saying that she so enjoyed having her feet done and felt so much better she would wait until her legs and feet had healed and then she would return for treatment. Praise indeed after so long!
Current health status and foot observation. Very few problems in the lower back region; the red area on foot (in line with waist) is no longer evident. Occasionally she will comment about her kidneys but she is very pleased that the mysterious rash she had for so long has completely cleared.
Male, aged 63 years old. He runs his own plumbing business.
Psychological state. Patient had his own business for many years. He had a large family of five children, three sons and two daughters; only one was married and all the rest were still at home. The wife loved to have family gatherings. Two of the sons helped in the family business and the wife did all the office and clerical work. The youngest son (20 years old) seemed to cause a lot of friction between the husband and wife; the patient felt that the wife spoilt the son and waited on him hand and foot. At the time of his first visit he had not spoken to this son for many weeks owing to some minor misunderstanding about the son’s music (he played the guitar at home). He was in such a state physically he thought that he would have to relinquish his business to one of the sons. The medical profession had suggested a brace and he attended a back pain clinic but without much success. He was a heavy wine drinker, often consuming a bottle and a half of red wine per night.
Clinical problems presented at first treatment. Pain in upper back, rib cage and hip. He could walk only short distances and then was in extreme pain. He also became breathless.
Background medical history. The patient had an extreme kyphosis of the spine, which I felt was due to his work patterns, and he had suffered over many years. He also had a hip problem and was limited as to the amount of walking he could do. He also had high blood pressure.
Medication. Prescribed analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs); the latter caused him to have severe indigestion. He also took Moduretic for the high blood pressure.
Observation of the hands, feet and general evaluation. The feet were very hot, red and scaling over the whole plantar aspect. They were so bad that I worked on his hands and used the water spray on his feet. I also worked on his ear points. His ears were also red and flaky. He said he could not remember a time when his feet had not been uncomfortable. He had ten treatments. Within the first two treatments the first thing he noticed was that he could walk further, had less pain in his back (upper and lower) and he felt his breathing was easier. The feet cleared within four treatments. I had also suggested a daily footbath using tea tree oil. By week six his statement when he arrived was ‘it’s as if you have got into my brain and changed my mind’. He could not understand why he was not irritated by his youngest son any more and was delighted that his long-standing foot rash had cleared.
Current health status. This patient is an ongoing case. He attends regularly on a 3–4 week basis, and often states that he feels he could not survive without his reflexology. On this gentleman’s 40th wedding anniversary, to which I was invited, he danced the night away, a thing he could not have done in the past. The feet are now completely healed, with new skin forming about week four to five. He was advised on footwear and foot hygiene. All the family have now left home; two are in the course of getting married, the others have all moved into their own homes. There is less stress in his daily life and this shows in the healthy state of his feet. I treat his wife and one of their sons also on a regular basis; at one time I was treating five members of this family, who are now friends as well as patients.
Any pain or discomfort while urinating. The bladder’s weakness is mainly due to infections causing inflammation of the inner lining of the urinary epithelium. Calculi (stones) are hard masses that may form anywhere in the urinary tract; they are commonly composed of calcium oxalate, limestone and other inorganic salts. People with an acidic constitution are prone to stones and this may lead to deposition of urates around the joints or other parts of the body. Calcium phosphate calculus may also form in the urinary tract; this calcareous material may form in the prostate gland of the male. The correct diet is essential so that other stones do not form (see chapter 11).
M/R. Kidney and bladder reflex to balance the urinary pH.
A/A. The adrenal glands produce their own corticosteroid that has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect; extra pressure or rotation on this reflex point for 1 minute has a direct effect on the inflamed areas. Work all spinal areas as this helps the nerve supply to the pelvic viscera.
P/Hs. LU-10 helps to regulate all the water passages.
P/LL. BL-63 and 66 are major points for all bladder problems.
P/AS. Urinary bladder, urethra and kidney areas.
P/AA. Apex of ear for inflammatory disorders.
P/OM. Adrenal glands (tragus): hold on the adrenal gland reflex for 1 or 2 minutes and then rotate with firm pressure, as this point exhibits an anti-inflammatory action.
P/TCM. Shenmen for pain relief.
For females see also Cystitis; for males see also Prostate problems (which includes urethritis).
High-levels can indicate hypertension. Never self-treat this condition; always check with your GP that you can receive treatment. It could be due to kidney disease, or endocrine imbalance. It is often known as the silent killer because the person is unaware of it until complications set in. Stress can cause many problems; check the work lifestyle, particularly working too hard and too long. Being under constant pressure is depleting to the system in general. Address diet and everyday lifestyle; relaxation and the right kind of exercise are important. Often the cause is unknown and it is essential that it is treated. With high blood pressure the heart has to work twice as hard to pump blood around the body. The kidneys release renin in response to stress; this reacts with a substance from the liver to produce angiotensin, which may cause constriction of blood vessels. Angiotensin is a protein that can cause an increase in output of aldosterone from the adrenal cortex; this regulates the kidneys’ salt and water balance and overproduction may cause hypertension. Thus an increase in blood pressure can lead to hypertension. By maintaining equilibrium in the body this balances all the internal environment. Some books on reflexology state that you should not work on the adrenal reflex for hypertension; this is incorrect as treatment is aimed at balancing and normalizing function.
M/R. This is a combination of different imbalances that may be causing the problem. Working the endocrine system balances hormones, heart and lungs, strengthening the whole cardiovascular function and regulating blood flow, and kidney/adrenals helps to normalize any water retention and the mineral corticosteroids also help to balance the potassium and sodium levels.
A/A. Pituitary for hormonal control and balance. Diaphragm relaxation facilitates breathing process. Also put extra pressure on the solar plexus reflex.
P/Hs. LU-9, PE-9 and HE-9 all benefit the blood vessels. HE-7 is a good calming point.
P/LL. KI-1 on the plantar aspect of the foot is for all acute problems; it is the first point of the Kidney channel, and a vital point for hypertension.
P/AS. Kidney and endocrine point.
P/AA. Superior triangular fossa for lowering blood pressure.
P/TCM. Shenmen to act as a tranquillizer.
P/HF. The Fengchi point (GB-20) on the Gall Bladder meridian is found at the back of the neck in the depression; it is a very potent point to lower blood pressure. If the neck is stiff this can exacerbate the disorder.
Any change in bowel habits should be checked out. If there is a loose passage of faeces followed by constipation it is often referred to as irritable bowel syndrome; this can have many causes, and it may be due to diet, eg allergy to some particular food. However, stress seems to be the major cause with other factors exacerbating the problem. Most forms of bowel disorder are due to a build-up of waste materials, which block and invade the human system. All dietary indiscretions make these products accumulate at an alarming rate so the eliminating organs cannot deal with the excesses and this starts the clogging process, which is the prime cause of ill-health. Most drugs do not address the problem and they do not cure; their aim is to calm the afflicted area so that self-healing takes place. Many drugs cause other side-effects, often creating unpleasant flatulence; the bulk-forming agents often create a greater problem in the early stages.
The reflexologist practitioner can apply stimulation to the general surface senses or reflex points. Reflexology ensures that muscular activity is improved by increasing peristalsis when needed, and generally controlling the speed of passage of food and the rate of digestion. When we think how the alimentary canal has to deal with some of the food we eat often in excess to our needs, we can see why there is such a great prevalence of diseases of the bowels. It does not only have to contend with poor eating habits but smoking, viruses or even an immunological disorder, and stress and anxiety as stated all play a part. The inevitable result is that the intestines are perpetually at a great disadvantage from the strains imposed on them; colon disorders are now very common.
Distension of the abdomen can be caused by many things such as inflammation of the diverticula (diverticulitis); these small pouches often form at weak points causing lots of lower abdominal pain, followed by either diarrhoea or constipation. Irritable bowel syndrome, mucous colitis and spastic colon and constipation are common conditions now experienced; the cause is often unknown. One modern-day problem is Crohn’s disease affecting all ages and any part of the digestive tract from the mouth to the anus. Irritation of the lining of the bowel, causing long-term inflammation, may lead to anal abscesses and narrowing or long-term problems. Treatment is often one of palliation and no real attempt is made to find the real cause. Embracing the holistic theory, clients are encouraged to take part in their healing process, by applying themselves to a change in dietary habits.
M/R. Firm extra pressure on the ileocaecal valve and colon area because the contents have to move against gravity and this pressure seems to stimulate the strong rhythmic, muscular contractions of the large intestine so the contents are propelled forwards. By palpation and percussion on all colon reflex areas one can then detect or distinguish any deposits on areas that may be out of balance. You often get a hot spot if the nervous system is overactive. If the area feels cold it could indicate a poor circulation to the region. Anyone who has had reflexology will attest to its benefits in improving bowel action.
A/A. For all sluggish bowel conditions work on toes for stimulation to the cranial nerves, mainly the vagus nerve because it increases activity, even though we know that there is not as much peristaltic action in the large intestine as in other parts of the digestive tract. Apply stimulation also to the liver/gall bladder area because bile helps peristalsis in the duodenum. If there is any diarrhoea or inflammatory disease of the mucosa and infection is present where inflamed areas have ulcerated, we have three vital areas needing extra stimulation. (1) Stimulation to the adrenal gland area encourages production of the glucocorticosteroids, which have a very powerful anti-inflammatory effect; this also helps regulation of salt and water balance. There is loss of vital electrolytes with excessive diarrhoea. It also allows the inflamed tissue to heal itself. (2) Stimulation of the spinal area contacts the sympathetic nervous system; this calms the activity in the bowels. The combination of working the whole spinal area helps to balance the stimuli from the vagus nerve and the coeliac plexus that serve the whole abdominal viscera. (3) The spleen is a vital area for both of these problems; this adjusts the quality and quantity of blood in the circulation; we know according to Chinese medicine it is responsible for peristalsis in the colon and it helps remove foreign bodies from the bloodstream. Extra stimulation to this area helps contraction, thus squeezing every little bit of reserve of nutrient-rich blood into the general circulation. Working the whole system correctly enables the eliminating organs to function normally; detoxification then takes place enhancing the immune system and balancing homeostasis.
P/Hs. LI-2 and 4, and TB-4 are all very effective for constipation. For intestinal colic, SI-3 and 4.
Warning! LI-4 can be used only providing the person is not pregnant, as it is an empirical point to promote delivery during labour.
P/LL. SP-5 and LIV-1 are good for constipation. ST-35 and 36 are ideal for gastritis or diarrhoea.
Warning! ST-36 must not be used on young children.
P/AS. Both large and small intestine points, also the ileocaecal valve.
P/AA. Apex of ear for any inflammatory problem. Centre point for abdominal pain and any distension.
P/OM. Sympathetic nervous system (antihelix) is a powerful point for all gastrointestinal spasms.
P/TCM. Shenmen for pain relief and also a calming point.
P/HF. For constipation or diarrhoea a good point on the face is Chengjiang (CV-24) in the depression below the bottom lip. The CV meridian starts in the perineum.
(See also Colon problems.)
Most breast discomforts are due to hormonal imbalances. Any lumps that appear should be investigated immediately, especially if there is any discharge from the nipple. In cystic mastitis, little lumps develop. All breast problems should be investigated; the GP should be contacted to ensure that there is no malignancy or invading tumours.
M/R. A general treatment, paying particular attention to the axillary and breast area zone halfway between the second and third toes, making sure the upper lymphatics and zone 4 are used as this is an elimination point.
A/A. For general inflammation work the adrenal and endocrine glands. Because the breasts contain many lymphatic vessels they respond very quickly to treatment. They are also influenced by hormonal activity, hence the need to work all glands of the system thoroughly. The uterus is an area of assistance.
P/Hs. LI-4 this helps the whole axillary area.
Warning! LI-4 can be used only providing the person is not pregnant, as it is an empirical point to promote delivery during labour.
P/LL. GB-42 and ST-36: the former helps in mastitis and the axillary area, while the latter helps to strengthen the whole body.
P/AS. Breast and endocrine point.
P/AA. Apex of antitragus good point for general inflammation.
P/OM. Endocrine point has anti-inflammatory properties.
P/TCM. Shenmen for pain relief.
Candida is a very complex problem of the twentieth century; this yeast-like fungus can cause many problems in the mucous membranes of the body such as the mouth, vagina and respiratory tract. Allergic reactions have been blamed in some cases as often the body responds after antibiotics. Diet also plays an important part. It is only when there are unexplained symptoms that it comes to light.
Candida can act as a trigger affecting the autonomic nervous system, creating muddled thinking, altered sleep patterns, exhaustion syndrome and general malaise. It causes a reaction in the immune system and what starts out as a small problem becomes magnified out of all proportion. Be aware of diet; anything containing yeast or anything that a fungi can form on must be eliminated from the diet, and only fresh foods with no hidden sugars or sweeteners should be eaten. Cut out fresh fruit for a few weeks then reintroduce them slowly. It can take up to a year for the body to normalize and be free of the Candida. The drugs often used by the medical profession do not kill the fungus but they stop its further growth. Check the feet to see whether the skin is affected; it is often found to be present elsewhere in the body.
M/R. A good general treatment. For both male and female, work the whole system paying particular attention to lymphatic spleen and intestines.
A/A. Endocrine system to balance hormones.
P/Hs. PE-6 aids the body in general; it also contacts the Triple Burner channel, which contacts all the related viscera.
P/LL. SP-6 is a vital point and will help any lower abdominal pain.
Warning! SP-6 can be used only providing the person is not pregnant, as it is an empirical point to promote delivery.
P/AS. A good general massage will strengthen the whole body.
P/AA. Apex of antitragus for any inflammation.
P/OM. Endocrine point has anti-inflammatory properties.
P/TCM. Shenmen for pain relief.
Because this is an abnormality of the brain it can affect the general development of the child. Sometimes there is spasticity and lack of balance; in some cases speech may be affected also.
M/R. Reflexology is aimed at helping all functions of the body. A light general treatment daily is a must; no one area alone is out of balance as it is a homeostatic imbalance and functional disorder of the nervous system.
A/A. Extra work on the brain and spinal reflexes, then the specific area that is out of balance.
P/Hs. A daily hand treatment, alternating it with the feet; or the hands can be worked whenever there is a particular problem.
P/LL. KI-1 on the plantar aspect of the foot, the first point of the Kidney channel, being an essential point for all acute and major problems.
P/AS. Gentle pressure on the brain point.
P/AA. Brain point.
P/OM. Subcortex for all nerve-related problems.
P/TCM. Shenmen for pain relief.
P/HF. For constipation or diarrhoea Chengjiang (CV-24) in the depression below the bottom lip.
(See also Nervous disorders.)
Any undue pain or abnormal disturbance should be referred to your local medical practitioner prior to seeking treatment, to ensure that your doctor is agreeable for your child to receive this remarkable therapy.
I often wonder if there is more to the games we play with little children. Playing the game of ‘This little piggy went to market’ on all the toes and fingers of even the youngest child will benefit them enormously; gently stretch and rotate each finger and toe, as this will contact all the 10 zones and the 12 meridians. Also the rhyme game of ‘Round and round the garden like a teddy bear’ on the hands or feet will have a calming action on the whole body; if a child is fretful or may have a slight temperature this little exercise will reduce it quite quickly. Work the thymus area for any agitation in the youngest child; this point is particularly beneficial as it is also such a vital part of the whole immunological system. Remember to barely caress the surface. (See plates 29–35 for some baby exercises.)
When they are a little older, for all childhood illnesses a general but gentle treatment will often lower high temperature and ease any fretfulness. Work the reflex area of problem; stimulation to the whole skeletal area will disperse lymphocytes into the circulation. Working over the diaphragm relaxes the breathing; also work the cervical reflex as the phrenic nerve that arises from C3-C5 from the cervical plexus innervates the diaphragm and the pericardium and coeliac plexus.
The pad of the great toe is a good point to work for the hypothalamus/pituitary point; this reflex controls the autonomic functions and regulation of the body temperature, and gentle rotation on this point will help lower temperature. Also stimulation to the back of the ear will trigger the vagus nerve into action; it is known as the pneumogastric nerve because it innervates the respiratory processes; also parasympathetic and visceral afferent fibres to the thoracic and abdominal viscera as far as the splenic flexure are stimulated.
Spleen. This secondary lymphoid organ processes all incoming blood, filters out damaged cells and destroys foreign substances; it also helps in the production of antibodies. Like other lymphoid tissue it is an aid to immunity. Working on the foot on the point SP-2 almost at the base of the great toe helps any agitation in children.
Thymus. This will help the whole immune response as the thymus is the primary organ of the lymphoid system and defence mechanism. Gently rotate from the neck reflex down to the diaphragm line on hands and feet. As children get older this area can be worked several times when there are any infections.
Thyroid. Barely caress this reflex as it needs to be soothed; it speeds up or slows down body processes and maintains the metabolic rate. It covers the surface of the second, third and fourth areas of the trachea, in line with the fifth, sixth and seventh cervical and first thoracic vertebrae. There is a complex connection between the thyroid, the nervous system, and the regulation of metabolism, as the thyroid hormones affect the sensitivity of the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland.
It is essential that diet is addressed as this can often cause problems throughout the early years; eating processed foods, or foods that are high in hidden sugars, often leads to a clogged state and creates excess mucus. Children can also be subject to great emotional trauma when they start school; any unhappiness should always be explored.
P/Hs. For convulsions LI-4. For dreams or night-time disturbances HE-8 and PE-8. In digestive disorders PE-6 balances the liver and any little tummy problem.
P/LL. KI-1 on the little toe as this point also arises there; these are both good balancing points to use in any fretfulness. As they get older, SP-6 can also be worked. ST-44 and 45 for troublesome teething problems.
P/AS. On the medial edge of the lobe, gently apply pressure on the point for the teeth (perhaps this is why young children pull their ears when they are teething).
P/AA. For respiratory disorders work all around the helix (see plate 34); this helps tonsillitis, and any fever.
P/HF. If the child is constipated, apply gentle pressure at the base of the lower lip in the upper cleft of the chin.
Note. For any disorder of young children it is imperative to seek medical advice prior to giving a full treatment.
Total physical exhaustion is quite common in this disorder; it is thought that it is the end result of a viral infection. Severe depression may arise, adding further to the problem of recovery. General muscle weakness and joint pain are experienced, which make even light exercise impossible as the person is left in a state of fatigue. Headaches and changes in sleep patterns are quite common in sufferers. The cause is still not fully understood, but the mind and body need sympathetic understanding and care. Reflexology provides the means whereby the system is stimulated into normalization. By stimulating all the excretory organs the body gets rid of all the unwanted substances. Prior to treatment the patient may lead a sedentary lifestyle owing to the disorder; this often causes shallow breathing. The lungs are able to function better as reflexology facilitates and improves this process ensuring the removal of unwanted carbon dioxide. The kidneys are stimulated so that excess urea and salts are excreted; this also helps the blood to remain at a steady concentration so that osmosis (regulation of water content) takes place. Filtration in the kidneys also functions more efficiently, and absorption of the required substances is stimulated; the unwanted substances are encouraged to be excreted. The liver is stimulated to improve its detoxification of unwanted substances to rid the body of excess toxins. All these organs, the lungs, kidneys, liver and the skin, are involved in the homeostasis of the internal environment; these are maintained at equilibrium, despite external conditions.
M/R. Reflexology is aimed at helping all functions of the body. A light general treatment of hands and ears daily is a must; no one area is out of balance as it is a homeostatic imbalance and maybe there is a functional disorder within the nervous system. A full clinical reflexology treatment can be given once or twice a week, to help normalize the body.
(See also Nervous disorders.) A case history of chronic fatigue syndrome is given in box 8.5.
Female, aged 46 years. Patient had to travel some considerable distance to attend for treatment.
Clinical problems presented at first treatment. Myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) or chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). All movement was extremely painful. She complained of muddled thinking and poor concentration, together with great fatigue, and she often felt depressed. She complained of frequent night cramps and snoring. She felt that she was completely flustered and disorganized.
Diet. Patient had a good diet, and was quite health conscious.
Observation of feet and hands. The feet and hands were very moist, with poor colour in lower part of feet but very red on the balls of the feet, and the toes were very red. The feet felt as though they were lacking in vitality and there were lots of cold areas. The nails were well manicured.
Background medical history. This patient has suffered over the last 2 years and had to give up all employment. Doctors had divided views on whether she had ME and one felt that she may be suffering from neurosis. She had been married twice and the second marriage was experiencing problems due to ill-health. She had suffered in her early years from a very bullying father and in both marriages she had chosen dominating men. Over a period she had been treated with antianxiety drugs and muscle relaxants, which seemed to be making the problem worse as she was becoming more and more tense.
On the first treatment, her toes were so painful that only the lightest of pressures could be used. The brain and spinal areas and shoulders were also very tender to touch. The liver area was excruciatingly tender in a small area, as was the kidney reflex. Spleen area appeared cold and empty. Over a period of the next few months, with treatments each week, the areas of tenderness were reduced considerably. By week six, her movement had improved so much that she resumed her swimming, which she enjoyed greatly, the snoring stopped and her whole demeanour changed towards her husband. Her depression lifted dramatically, also her outward appearance improved. Treatments commenced from 2 week intervals to 3 and so on until she was attending only every 6 weeks with no relapse and no medication. To date this lady has resumed most of her daily activities and is now undergoing a training scheme to become a reflexologist. She feels much better and attended for treatments every 4 weeks for a very long time. Her comment then was reflexology is ‘as necessary to me as going to the dentist or having my eyes checked’.
Observation of feet at end of treatment. Her feet showed good health and a much better colour, and were quite even in temperature.
The study of biological rhythms, technically known as chronobiology, is the study of the effect of time on living systems. Circadian rhythms, sometimes referred to as biological rhythms or diurnal rhythms, are biological patterns that are based on a daily cycle. The word ‘circadian’ is taken from ‘circa’, meaning around or about, and ‘dian’ meaning to a day. Biorhythms determine how our whole being behaves – that is the mind, the body and the emotions. It is thought that the light/dark cycle plays its part and this may entrain the rhythms. We are all aware that we have good and bad days, and weather plays a vital role in how our emotions are easily upset. Everyone is uplifted on a bright sunny day, whereas on a dull wet day people are often depressed and tense. We all know how our temperature rises as the day goes on, reaching its high point in evening and then dropping in the early hours of the morning. Pulse rate and blood pressure follow a similar pattern; maybe this is why heart attacks are more common in the early morning or late evening. There are more births in the early hours of the morning also. Depression, especially in shift workers who do not adjust to time changes, and jet lag are two of the disorders that researchers are looking at.
Body rhythms are affected by the release of a hormone called melatonin from the pineal gland (see The zones of the endocrine system, chapter 5). A great deal of research has been undertaken over the last 20 years as to the benefits of taking melatonin to alleviate these problems, but a lot of research still needs to be done on long-term usage (see Nervous disorders and SAD).
Homeostatic imbalances can affect every part of the body. Reflexology helps direct the free flow of energy and improves the nerve supply throughout the body, thus encouraging normalization of all bodily functions. The autonomic nervous system supplies the muscle fibres within the tunica media of the blood vessels; these nerves arise from the vasomotor centre in the medulla oblongata, and stimulation to the great toe and lesser toes will help the circulation and the whole cardiac cycle. The liver, lungs and kidneys are of particular importance because of their anatomical connections in the pulmonary and systemic circulations. The nerve and blood supply work together, transporting an immense variety of different substances around the body; these nutritive elements are in the blood plasma which reaches all organs and tissues of the body. It is imperative that some exercise is undertaken to strengthen the heart, even walking for approximately 20 minutes per day will stimulate the cardiac output. No intense exercise programme should ever commence without a health check first.
M/R. A good general treatment, with emphasis on area that is problematic; see also above.
A/A. According to Chinese medicine the spleen is the most important organ in relation to the blood. It is responsible for the origin of blood because it produces the necessary elements for its formation, and responsible for removing foreign bodies from the bloodstream. The spleen stores extra blood for release when short-ages occur. Peristalsis helps contraction of the spleen, squeezing reserves of nutrient-rich blood into the general circulatory system. Energy or Qi is the activating force for the movement of blood.
P/Hs. Work the Heart meridian, from the tips of the fingers (HE-9) to just above the wrist (HE-4).
P/LL. SP-4 helps the spleen and any cardiac inflammation. KI-1 on the plantar aspect of the foot, the first point of the Kidney channel, for all acute and major problems.
P/AS. Spleen and cardia points.
P/AA. Centre of superior concha for any circulatory disorder.
P/OM. Subcortex for any functional disturbance of the autonomic nervous system.
P/TCM. Sanjiao (Triple Burner) helps all functional disturbances.
P/HF. Self-help tip: the point on the upper lip is a vital point; push up towards the nose for a few minutes daily.
(See also Heart disorders.)
Inflammation of any of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract. Sinus infections often spread from the nose, which can involve the nasopharynx, and in turn the pharynx, larynx or tonsils. All organs of the respiratory tract are subject to the same viral and bacterial infection; also colds are nature’s way of getting rid of surplus toxic waste. The four structures most often involved are eyes, ears, throat and nose; the common factor is the mucous membrane. No one who is perfectly clean inside should ever catch a cold. Nutrition is a most important factor; refined demineralized foods lead to a clogged state and toxins are generated. Foods that are high in refined starches are lacking in freshness. The intestinal area is always an area of assistance for any excess mucus. Toxins in the blood are normally eliminated by the lungs, kidneys and colon; a toxic state within these tissues produces large amounts of mucus to protect the mucous membrane. Improving the general elimination processes to remove these excess toxins is most important.
The common cold usually lasts about 4–5 days regardless of any patent medicines taken. A general treatment will aid a sore throat and runny nose and relieve any general malaise and other physical discomforts. Work the areas of any problem. Extra work on the adrenals will aid breathing, also the spleen to stimulate the reticuloendothelial system, which acts as a defence against microbial infection and helps against secondary infection.
P/Hs. LI-4 helps all head-related areas and is ideal for relieving the many symptoms allied to the common cold.
Warning! LI-4 can be used only providing the person is not pregnant, as it is an empirical point to promote delivery during labour.
These include Crohn’s disease, digestive disorders, diverticulitis, ulcerative colitis and IBS (see also Bowel disorders and Ulcerative colitis).
Persistent colicky abdominal pain (this should never be ignored, consult your GP if problems persist); any continuous episodes of diarrhoea with blood or mucus.
Crohn’s disease. This disorder can take place in any part of the digestive tract. The section between the small and large bowel, the terminal ileum, is often affected, or the bowel; in severe cases both are involved, which may lead to deep ulceration and granulation of the tissue. There is a chronic inflammation, which can become widespread throughout the alimentary tract; it is thought there may be an immunological abnormality present in some individuals; there is also sometimes a hereditary factor.
Digestive disorders and most colon problems. These are due to catarrhal conditions of the stomach and intestinal areas. This can create excessive secretion of acid and uric acid. The intestines become distended, especially in the caecum, ascending colon, descending colon, sigmoid and rectum, owing to an accumulation of waste, food material and faeces. Inflammation of the large intestine is often due to constipation or sluggish bowel action. Faecal deposits accumulate in the walls of the colon. It is essential that the colon receives the right amount of natural roughage, as the colon draws water and recycled fluids out from the food we eat to hydrate the body and transfer vital electrolytes back into the system. We are what we eat, so poor diet may be the culprit. Apples, oranges, grapefruits, grapes (red ones), broccoli and carrots are good for maintaining a healthy bowel, or the juices from these products. A full reflexology treatment acts like a colonic cleanse. Faulty assimilation within the intestines is a common trigger to abdominal discomforts. (See also Digestive disorders.)
Diverticulitis. This is small pouches within the mucosa blown out or protruding into the peritoneal cavity; this often occurs at the weakest points, and faeces then become impacted causing inflammation and oedema.
Irritable bowel syndrome or IBS is recurrent abdominal pain with constipation or diarrhoea. This condition is often stress related, but the wrong diet can also aggravate the problem.
Ulcerative colitis. This is a condition in which the lining of the colon (the mucosa of the large intestine) and the rectum may become chronically inflamed.
M/R. Stimulation to the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems is required, mainly on the great toe as the vagus nerves are responsible for peristalsis in the duodenum. This stimulates other abdominal organs of the alimentary tract as it contains motor, secretory, sensory and vasodilator fibres. The vagus nerve is known as the great wanderer as its fibres stray downwards reaching right down to the spleen, and stimulation helps all these muscles contract and improves secretion of digestive juices. Stimulation directly to intestinal reflexes helps normal absorption and assimilation. Extra work on the rectum and anus helps normalize elimination of the terminal part of the large intestine.
A/A. Also work the lower part of the spine for the sacral nerves, which serve the distal parts of the intestines, mainly the descending colon. Working either side of the spine area will contact the sympathetic nervous system reflexes, reducing muscle contraction and glandular secretion. We do not need to decide whether extra stimulation to one area will cause any imbalance as these two systems work closely together. In a treatment one influence may compensate the other according to the needs of the body. The adrenal glands will aid any inflammatory disorder. Every reflexologist will attest to how a thorough treatment will improve bowel function, reducing any inflammation.
P/Hs. LI-4 helps all intestinal-related areas and is ideal for relieving the many symptoms allied to bowel problems.
Warning! LI-4 can be used only providing the person is not pregnant, as it is an empirical point to promote delivery during labour.
P/LL. SP-5 and 6 will help any lower abdominal pain. LIV-5 is good for colic and any spasms of the abdomen. ST-35 and 36 are ideal for gastritis or diarrhoea.
Warning! SP-6 can be used only providing the person is not pregnant, as it is an empirical point to promote delivery during labour. ST-36 must not be used on young children.
P/AS. Both large and small intestine points, also the ileocaecal valve.
P/AA. Apex of ear for any inflammatory problem. Centre point for abdominal pain and any distension.
P/OM. Sympathetic nervous system (antihelix) is a powerful point for all gastrointestinal spasms.
P/TCM. Shenmen for pain relief and also a calming point.
P/HF. For constipation or diarrhoea a good point on the face is Chengjiang (CV-24) in the depression below the bottom lip.
Pain and discomfort in the bladder, and the desire to pass urine more frequently, with discomfort in varying degrees from mild to severe pain. Inflammation of the bladder is often due to E. coli bacteria sticking to the bladder tissues, which can cause problems in the whole urinogenital tract. Personal hygiene is essential after passing a motion and after intercourse. To safeguard, always wipe from front to back and do not use flannels. Wear cotton underwear, not synthetic. Drink copious amounts of water. Cranberry juice and boiled beetroot juice are very helpful in maintaining a healthy lining of the bladder and these help prevent the bacteria from sticking to the bladder wall. (See chapter 11.)
M/R. The whole pelvic area because so many other organs can be affected such as the uterus and the upper part of the vagina, also the small intestine. The bladder point is often red, raised and puffy when there is a problem. The bladder is a mass of blood and lymphatic vessels with a strong nerve supply.
A/A. The kidneys are always an area to assist the bladder in any disorder. These are also paired organs in the meridian theory. Work all spinal reflexes from L2 down to sacral point as this helps relax the pelvic visceral nerves; also work the adrenal glands for inflammation.
P/Hs. LI-4/LU-10 opens up the water passages; this is the same line as for bladder and kidneys in reflex zone of the hands (see figure 6.8a and b).
Warning! LI-4 can be used only providing the person is not pregnant, as it is an empirical point to promote delivery during labour.
P/LL. SP-1 and 6, LIV-4 and 5, BL-66 and 39, and KI-2 are helpful points to relieve discomfort. These points aid quickly if pressure is applied directly on the area after a full treatment session.
Warning! SP-6 can be used only providing the person is not pregnant, as it is an empirical point to promote delivery during labour.
P/AS. Bladder, urethra and kidney point.
P/AA. Angle of superior concha for infections of the tract.
P/OM. Adrenal glands (tragus) for the marvellous anti-inflammatory properties.
P/TCM. Shenmen for pain relief.
A deep feeling of sadness and complete hopelessness, agitation and a general feeling of anxiety prevails regardless of what the person does. There are many stress-related causes to this problem (see chapter 10).
M/R. A good general treatment, with emphasis on any area that may be a problem.
A/A. Brain and spinal area, also the solar plexus and all the endocrine glands.
P/Hs. HE-9, 8 and 7, also PE-9 and 5 and LI-1 are major points worked together with a full treatment session or applied by themselves. They are excellent for reducing any confused state and they have a calming action on the body.
P/LL. KI-1 on the plantar aspect of the foot, the first point of the Kidney channel, is an essential point for all acute and major problems.
P/AS. Brain area.
P/AA. Midpoint of rim; this relates to the cerebral cortex.
P/OM. Subcortex for all cerebral disorders.
P/TCM. Ear Shenmen has a wonderful calming action.
A case history of depression is given in box 8.6.
Female, aged 42 years, housewife with two teenage daughters, and a very supportive husband.
Clinical problems presented at first treatment. Depression. Headaches, feeling of a tight band around head, painful periods, disturbed sleep, general feeling of anxiety and panic attacks.
Diet. She felt it was good when she could eat. Her appetite was poor and she had no inclination for food generally. When she did cook for the family she enjoyed it.
Background medical history. Had experienced problems before; periods of depression were short, but they had always lifted. This episode had lasted for about a year. She had been suffering with feelings of depression, she was weepy and she would not go out, she suffered sleepless nights and low energy levels and loss of libido. She also complained of pains in her chest and she had terrible thoughts thinking she was going mad. Her GP prescribed Prozac for her and for a brief time she felt better, even though she had a marked reaction to the drug and the most annoying intestinal fluctuations. When she came to see me she had been on the drug for 9 months; she complained of headaches and feelings of nervousness. She could not sleep and her bowels were still causing a problem. The main problem was that she felt as though she had a tight band around her head. Her GP had said this was due to fibrositis of the head, and nothing to do with the medication. She was also seeing a psychologist and she felt she was getting worse instead of better and she found that attending a clinic within the same hospital that her father was in most alarming and upsetting.
History of patient. Her parents had a history of nervous disorders. Her mother had had a nervous breakdown in her mid thirties and the daughter had remembered this time with horror. Her father had a brain tumour and was now hospitalized with some diminished functions of the brain, and this all added to her general stress levels.
Observation of the feet and general evaluation. The tips of her toes very red and feet in general felt hot and clammy. The feet felt lifeless. Liver area very red and a patch of dry skin just below balls of both feet solar plexus area.
When she presented herself on the first day, the general feeling was of poor muscle tone; generally the foot was very tender to the touch, with great sensitivity on all toes when palpation was given, also the liver area was very tender. I gave this lady a full treatment and she was very, very tender in most areas. I repeated these treatments on a weekly basis over the next 4 weeks; she gradually reduced her medication over this period, a thing she felt she was unable to do before. She had consulted her doctor and told him she was having reflexology and would like to wean herself off the medication gradually. She had tried this twice before but her GP had taken a firm line and had instructed her not to do so. She said she felt she was very much more positive now and could stand up to her GP and consultant, who also had been firm in her attendance at the hospital and continuing her medication.
By week five, she had had no headaches for 10 days. She was much more alert-looking, fresh and radiant and more full of energy. She remarked on her alertness and vitality – where had this come from? This gave me room for thought. Do we stimulate more adrenaline and dopamine production, the excitatory transmitters that can promote this state. Why was she sleeping so soundly after months of sleepless nights? Had the stimulation to the brain area and central nervous system produced the right levels of serotonin to help the process of sleep?
Current health status. This lady now attends on a monthly basis just to ensure that she does not have a relapse. Her comment on her last visit was: ‘I have never felt so well and full of life, I can visit my father in hospital without it upsetting me too much. I have started employment 3 days a week, and it seems that I can cope with all of this. Thank you for the reflexology – it is wonderful.’ I assured her it was her own healing that had taken place, and we were just practitioners who aided this. After 4 months’ treatment, her toes are pink and warm, her feet are firm and strong, and the dry patch on solar plexus is no longer evident.
This is a disorder of the pancreas in which there is quite simply more sugar in the blood than there should be. There is a homeostatic imbalance causing a derangement in the carbohydrate metabolism and the sugars are not oxidized sufficiently, which is due to a lack of or too little insulin, the pancreatic hormone. This hormone is important to the body as it acts as a regulator of the sugar levels. An imbalance can lead to many other complications, even to a disturbance in the acid-balance. If a person is born with an existing imbalance due to a hereditary factor or it develops in early childhood the prognosis is not quite so good for achieving a swift response. However, if this disorder is of late onset due to any severe stress, which then affects the whole body clock and totally disorientates all the systems of the body creating a homeostatic imbalance, then reflexology can help enormously. The patient is encouraged to lead as normal a life as possible. Dietary habits must be addressed together with lifestyle.
Reflexology will help balance all the systems of the body and make the person relax completely. Professional treatment is essential as glucose levels cannot be controlled by diet on its own and it is imperative to prevent hyperglycaemia developing, which could lead to other serious long-term problems.
Note. The patient should closely monitor the levels of blood glucose to ensure there is not too great a change of insulin levels. Patients should check with their medical practitioners to make sure they are happy about them receiving reflexology.
M/R. A good general treatment, with emphasis on the pancreas area. This helps to stimulate any remaining insulin secretory cells.
A/A. The liver is the area to work to ensure functioning of its many metabolic functions such as: conversion and synthesis of fats, proteins and all the carbohydrates. The liver has the advantage of having an active detoxification process. Also work the immune system, the thymus and spleen to help to trigger the body’s defence system.
P/Hs. PE-6 is a vital point for the liver and stomach and the epigastrium (the upper central region of the abdomen). Also use LI-4.
Warning! LI-4 can be used only providing the person is not pregnant, as it is an empirical point to promote delivery during labour.
P/LL. ST-35 and 36 are ideal for balancing points.
Warning! ST-36 must not be used on young children.
P/AS. Pancreas point as the main area of problem.
P/AA. Apex of antitragus, if there is any pancreatitis.
P/OM. Subcortex and sympathetic nervous system (antihelix) as they both help any functional disturbance of the autonomic nervous system.
P/TCM. Shenmen for pain relief and as an overall calming point.
From simple indigestion to abdominal pains. Digestive disorders can be due to many causes such as eating under emotional stress, tension and anxiety, eating hurriedly; even inactivity can create a sluggish digestive system. Poor diet is often the cause of toxic congestion, which can result in the body lacking in vitality causing constant tiredness. We should work the entire digestive system, mouth to anus. Remember as practitioners we must think of the holistic approach, which entails looking at lifestyle and eating patterns.
All secretions of the digestive tract depend upon a very complex relationship between the autonomic nervous system and the hormones that are produced locally within each of the organs. Smokers often have digestive problems because of the inhibition of their smell reflex; the first cranial nerve may be activated to help in this process. Or the alkaline secretions of the pancreas, which neutralize the acids, are inhibited and cannot fulfil their function of acting as a buffer.
Gall bladder stimulation helps emulsify fats so that they are more digestible by the pancreatic lipase. Bile has an aperient action on the bowel, increasing peristalsis in the duodenum. The duodenum is often tender as it has a lot of work to do, releasing enzymes like succus entericus, the necessary enzymes to help the food to be broken down; working the small intestine, the jejunum and ilium, helps in the efficient absorption of food. This is a vital area as most of the digestion and absorption of food takes place here. This stimulation further assists in eradicating any infection as the mass of lymphatics in the small intestine, the peyer’s patches, become more efficient in engulfing any bacteria.
Many people suffer from a slight liver imbalance and may feel a little bilious. Gilbert’s syndrome is quite common, affecting over 2 per cent of the population. One of the chief constituents of bile is bilirubin; this is derived from haemoglobin, the red pigment of the red blood corpuscles. In this syndrome for some reason this is not processed correctly by the liver. Symptoms are mild jaundice, with a general malaise, abdominal pain, nausea and anorexia (loss of appetite). As there is no treatment for this disorder, life can be quite troublesome to a sufferer; diet must be addressed as certain foods exacerbate the disorder. Together with reflexology this calms the whole system and restores homeostasis to the liver quite quickly.
(See plate 11 of a patient’s foot with this disorder; also refer to The zones of the digestive (gastrointestinal) system, chapter 5.)
M/R. Stimulating the tenth cranial nerve, the vagus nerve, the reflex which lies on the great toe in the brain area, has an action of stimulating many of the natural reflex actions such as salivation, the sensations of taste from the mouth, and some gastric secretions. The vagus nerve supplies the stomach, liver, small bowel, large bowel, and regulates acid and pepsin release. It increases peristalsis in the duodenum. Also stimulation of sacral nerves helps sacral outflow of parasympathetic fibres to the terminal parts of the colon to aid defecation.
The sympathetic nervous system (SNS) also needs to be balanced. Work the main area of problem, and then down the spine from Tl to L2 approximately; it is here that the sympathetic ganglia ends in organs or tissues, serving all the blood vessels of the various regions. Disorders like irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhoea and colon diseases are very common. Refer to first causes which are often stress related, incorrect diet or overworking. If the SNS is overactive, motility is often decreased and digestion is poor. Disorders like Candida can cause great problems, and may be related to diet and stress. Working the liver lowers the levels of toxins in the system. We aim to stimulate all eliminating organs in a fine and precise way.
A/A. Work the adrenals to help improve any inflammatory process. Stimulation helps the whole process of the immune system, working the lymph in the groin, thymus and spleen. Diet must be looked at. Remember immune function is a key factor in many health problems.
P/Hs. PE-6 is a vital point for the liver and stomach and the epigastrium (the upper central region of the abdomen). TB-3 and 4 stimulate elimination and help the stomach.
P/LL. ST-35 and 36 are ideal for a balancing point. SP-2 aids digestion in general. SP-7 helps flatulence. LIV-5 aids any flatulence.
Warning! ST-36 must not be used on young children.
P/AA. Apex of antitragus, if there is any inflammation.
P/OM. Subcortex and sympathetic nervous system (antihelix), as they both help any functional disturbance of the autonomic nervous system.
P/TCM. Shenmen for pain relief and as an overall calming point.
P/HF. For constipation or diarrhoea a good point on the face is Chengjiang (CV-24) in the depression below the bottom lip.
Any problem of the ear should never be neglected. Earache is often caused by infection; this can come from the nose, throat or from the teeth. Otitis media is a common disorder of young children; many times this is a secondary infection as infection travels from the nose or throat up the eustachian tube to the ear. Treatment to all areas of the upper respiratory system is essential. The aim is to relieve the congested state by breaking down any excess mucus or catarrh.
M/R. Ear points, facial and head-related areas. Reflexology is a marvellous way to detoxify the body, working on the liver reflex as this will help to eliminate any excess toxins from the body. Also work the upper cervical C1-C4, as these areas also connect with some of the cranial nerves, mainly the vagus nerve that serves the ear.
A/A. Stimulation to the adrenal glands with its powerful anti-inflammatory properties will calm and relieve any tendency to inflammation, also any wheeziness, breaking up any stubborn congestion, facilitating the whole breathing process, from the nose through to the throat and nasopharynx. This will help the ear.
P/Hs. TB-1 and 2 are ideal points for otitis media and general ear problems.
P/OM. Adrenal glands (tragus) for the powerful anti-inflammatory properties.
P/LL. GB-43 and 44 are good points for ear problems.
P/AS. Adrenal glands point as the corticosteroids aid in calming even the most inflamed area.
P/AA. Apex of ear and apex of antitragus help in all inflammatory disorders.
P/TCM. Shenmen for pain relief and calming point. Wind Stream, an allergy point.
(See also Sinusitis and Tinnitus.)
P/HF. Tinggong (SI-19) is ideal for all ear problems.
Any superficial inflammation of the skin. Eczema is taken from the Greek word (Ek Zeein) meaning to boil, seethe, or anything thrown off or out by an internal reaction. All of these definitions imply excess heat or excess turmoil within. Eczema is often exacerbated by stress-related problems. Skin disorders often manifest owing to poor function and activity within the internal organs; this malfunction is often manifested as the large amounts of toxic waste that the skin will try and eliminate when it cannot excrete it by other means. Patients with skin problems often have tender liver, spleen, kidney and lung reflexes; this indicates an imbalance within the organs involved in the homeostatic functions of the body. Many sufferers of eczema also have asthma or breathing problems. A reflexologist sees these disorders as neither solely allergic in origin, nor particularly as an inherited tendency, because manifestataions of these conditions have so many variable causes. A proficient practitioner will embrace the total holistic concept, including nutrition and lifestyle; stress also causes an inhibition of the normal flow of energy and an interruption in nerve impulses or electric signals throughout the body.
As stated, the manifestation of this condition has so many variable causes: it is not solely allergic in origin as we know stress can play a part in this disorder, which, in turn, is exacerbated by the very problem the patient is suffering from. Eczema is an attempt by the body to throw off the unwanted accumulation of toxins from the system through the skin. Many foods that contain additives are often the culprit. Applying substances or salves to the skin may force the problem deeper. It must be tackled at its source. Reflexology and diet help enormously. A fast is advised for 2 to 3 days, with lots of water, then a restricted diet for about 2 weeks. This should consist of lots of raw salads, lightly cooked vegetables, and dressings made with olive oil and lemon. Quantity does not matter; let hunger be the guide of the amounts to eat. Then a bland diet should follow until all eruptions have completely healed and disappeared. It is important to check to see whether there are any stomach problems, flatulence, or acid regurgitation; this is often a sign that there may be an allergy, which may be a lactose intolerance, and dairy products could be making the problem worse.
M/R. All digestive areas. Reflexology is a marvellous way to detoxify the body; working on the liver reflex will help to eliminate any excess heat in the body. The skin is related to the lungs according to the Chinese theory; it is amazing how many sufferers of eczema also have asthma or breathing problems, so work this reflex.
A/A. Stimulation to the adrenal glands with its powerful anti-inflammatory properties will calm the most persistent itching, and relieve any tendency to wheeziness, breaking up any stubborn congestion, and facilitating the whole breathing process.
P/Hs. TB-6 for all skin eruptions, urticaria, hives and eczema.
P/LL. ST-35 and 36 are ideal for a balancing point.
Warning! ST-36 must not be used on young children.
P/AS. Adrenal glands point as the corticosteroids aid in calming even the most inflamed area.
P/AA. Apex of ear helps in all inflammatory disorders.
P/OM. Adrenal glands (tragus) for its powerful anti-inflammatory and antiallergic properties.
P/TCM. Wind Stream, an allergy point. Shenmen for pain relief and as a calming point.
(See also chapter 9.)
Most general disorders can be helped enormously with reflexology. The majority of minor inflammation can be greatly eased. With the ageing process other problems can also occur; even medication can create imbalances in the eyes. All the ‘itis’ disorders can be helped.
Any sudden change in vision should always be investigated; however, there are many points to help in everyday irritating problems.
M/R. Eye area, on the distal phalanges of hands and feet, in zones 2 and 3. The neck and cervical area will stimulate the nerve pathways, also the brain area for the optic nerve, the second cranial nerve.
A/A. The kidneys have a zonal link.
P/Hs. SI-2, LI-1 and 4 for all eye problems.
Warning! LI-4 can be used only providing the person is not pregnant, as it is an empirical point to promote delivery during labour.
P/LL. GB-44 for any eye disorder. GB-37 is a distal point for any optic atrophy and is known as the eye-brightening point.
P/AS. All the eye points. Eye 1 is ideal for glaucoma, or shortsightedness. Eye 2 is mainly for any astigmatism.
P/AA. Apex of antitragus for all the ‘itis’ disorders.
P/HF. See Self-help tips of head and facial areas, for eye disorders.
The term is often used for any musculoskeletal pain or excessive stiffness; sometimes there is also unexplained chronic aching in the joints that is not connected to any other disorder. There is often a link between fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome, or ME as it is more commonly known, as both disorders are somewhat similar in as much as they both include impaired muscle function and chronic periods of fatigue after any undue exertion. The aim is to restore a relaxed state; this ensures there is less stress in the body, which may be a cause of the homeostatic imbalance of the whole system.
M/R. Main area of problem. Also work the adrenals for the naturally occurring corticosteroids, which do not cause undue side-effects; these quickly help to relieve pain and inflammation in most parts of the body. Reflexology relaxes all the muscles and tendons, allowing greater freedom of movement, and less pain generally.
A/A. Work the liver and kidney areas to ensure that there is no undue build-up of toxins; these are often released when any chronic inflammatory process is present, and they can cause further tissue damage if not eliminated properly.
P/Hs. TB-5 and HE-4 will help upper limb problems. SI-5 and 6 will help lower limb problems.
P/LL. LIV-8 will aid all four limbs, because it communicates with the gall bladder, the lungs, the stomach and the brain; it has a widespread effect on those organs that are involved in the regulation of the metabolic processes. Also GB-39 helps with any weakness of limbs.
P/AS. Work area of problem.
P/AA. Apex of ear, and apex of antitragus, for inflammation and an analgesic effect. Continue pressures daily on this area.
P/OM. Subcortex will act as a strong analgesic, as this is a functional disturbance of the whole autonomic nervous system.
P/TCM. Shenmen for pain relief.
Chronic pain or inability to move the shoulder joint.
Three bones meet at the shoulder: the scapula (shoulder blade), the clavicle (collar bone) and the humerus (upper arm bone). The shoulders are a diarthrosis or a synovial, freely movable, ball and socket joint. Shoulder problems are very common and often affect the neck, arm and hand. Shoulder mobility normally includes: elevation, external and internal rotation, horizontal flexion and extension, the most mobile point being between the humerus and scapula. Tendinitis, capsulitis and bursitis are all problems that often occur with a frozen shoulder, and occasionally a tendon may rupture. This total loss of mobility does not occur in any other part of the body. Most shoulder problems recover in time but they can last up to a year, going from the limited stage to frozen stage and then gradual mobility, but even up to 3 years later certain restrictions can still occur. Reflexology encourages nature’s healing programme. A frozen shoulder seems to occur more in women in the menopausal years, even though I have treated many men; it can also occur in the less used limb. When in the early stages, the medical profession usually respond by suggesting locally acting corticosteroids. These can cause loss of pigmentation in the skin and in certain cases the problem may be exacerbated. Other forms of treatment such as anti-inflammatory pain-relieving medication, in tablet form and in creams, heat, ultrasound and physiotherapy are all tried, but often patients may respond slowly to these. This leaves them confused and depressed because the harder they try the worse the shoulder gets.
When patients first come for reflexology treatment they are so relieved that someone is listening to them. Reflexology treatment enables a patient to relax completely, which helps to relieve the pain and the shoulder gradually improves. Once this occurs we encourage patients to take responsibility for gradual exercise because they realize the healing process has begun. They can now accept this but are often amazed at the results especially if the medical profession were unable to help.
While shoulder problems persist, as described, the arm should get as much rest as possible, with no heavy lifting or straining, just normal movement as much as possible, and within 8 weeks nine out of ten patients will be almost completely recovered. Even though the shoulder is often more painful in the early stages, once it becomes frozen it may be limited in its use, but it is often more comfortable when sleeping. It is of the utmost importance that sleeping patterns are looked at for this condition (see Behaviour patterns, chapter 3). When the arm begins to be more mobile then the patient is encouraged to do gentle exercises. Measure the amount of increased movement each session, by getting the patient to lift to a certain point on the wall. It is amazing how each session brings about more mobility.
M/R. The main shoulder and axillary area, and the shoulder muscle and chronic neck point for the sternocleidomastoid muscle, as movement of the neck affects the shoulder and the pectoralis muscles.
A/A. Cervical spine as the brachial plexus serves the whole region. Also the adrenal glands for the naturally occurring corticosteroids that do not cause undue side-effects, but quickly help to relieve pain and inflammation. This affects all the muscles in the shoulder region as they work in combination with one another; if they are stiff or inflamed, reflexology relaxes them allowing greater freedom of movement.
P/Hs. SI-4, 5 and 6 for all arm and shoulder problems. LI-4 is essential for any painful shoulder impediment.
Warning! LI-4 can only be used providing the person is not pregnant, as it is an empirical point to promote delivery during labour.
P/LL. ST-38 is marvellous for relieving a stiff shoulder; apply pressure to the point and get the patient to move the shoulder at the same time as this firm pressure is maintained; the pain and stiffness are gradually relieved. Also GB-43 helps shoulder and axillary areas.
P/AS. Firm pressures on shoulder and cervical point.
P/AA. Apex of ear, and apex of antitragus, for inflammation and an analgesic effect; continue pressures daily.
Self-help tip: use a cotton wool bud or the bottom end of a matchstick with a little cotton wool around it to apply firm pressure on the points; if you are unable to do this get your partner or friend to apply these pressures.
P/OM. Adrenal glands; this point has strong analgesic properties.
P/TCM. Shenmen for pain relief.
(See figure 5.9a for upper limbs.)
Pain and discomfort often appear in the shoulder region between the shoulder blades or high in the upper abdomen. Certain foods can bring on an attack, and the person may be sick. Gall stones are hard masses of pigment made up of cholesterol and calcium salts. These may be present over many years without causing any undue discomfort or pain, unless they block a bile duct. It is imperative that diet is addressed, so that the patient is aware of cholesterol-forming foods, as these must be eliminated from the diet. Patients should be encouraged to increase their fibre intake and the amount of water they drink.
M/R. The liver/gall bladder to regulate any excesses of cholesterol levels; this also calms down the biliary tract by normalizing the body’s own production of bile acids, which then in turn act on the stones to break them down.
A/A. The thyroid/parathyroid to balance the levels of thyrocalcitonin; also ribcage relaxation.
P/Hs. PE-6 and TB-3 are both involved in normalizing the liver. LI-4 can be used as a calming point as it has an antispasmodic action.
Warning! LI-4 can be used only providing the person is not pregnant, as it is an empirical point to promote delivery during labour.
P/LL. GB-40 helps all the upper hypochondrium.
P/AS. Liver/gall bladder points.
P/AA. Centre of superior concha for abdominal pain.
P/OM. Sympathetic nervous system (antihelix), for all biliary colic.
P/TCM. Shenmen for pain relief.