PLATE 1 Reflex zones of the soles of the feet.
PLATE 2 Reflex zones of the inner and outer aspects of feet, and the dorsal surface.
PLATE 3 Reflex zones of the palmar surface of the hand.
PLATE 4 Reflex zones of the dorsal surface of the hand.
PLATE 5 Reflex zones of the anterior surface of the ear.
PLATE 6 Feet of a patient with low lumbar problems: these are the feet of a patient suffering from low lumbar problems on the right side. Observe how the medial mallelus is out of alignment; this gives a good guide to the side that is causing the trouble. The patient was complaining of discomfort in the left buttock and down the left leg. The problematic side is the right sacral area.
PLATE 7 Feet as the same patient as Plate 14, suffering from rheumatoid arthritis: the feet reveal extremely poor circulation. Note how rigid the foot appears; the spinal joints are very restricted. This patient has been given a very wide variety of drugs, so the liver is extremely tender.
PLATE 8 Feet of patient suffering from chronic sinusitis / allergic rhinitis; this patient suffering from chronic sinusitis / allergic rhinitis has worked for many years as a sculptor using various materials, of which stone is one. However, he does not use a mask whilst working and the deep lines in the lung area show the amount of pressure the lungs have been under. There is also a cornified area on the nose reflex. The left foot shows a great deviation: as the patient is left-handed he must adapt his manner of working in order to place less strain on his left side and thereby avert problems that will otherwise arise in the future.
PLATE 9 Feet of patient who has suffered from irritable bowel syndrome and wheat intolerance, and who has a history of smoking: note the cornified area on the lung zone; this patient has been a smoker for many years. There are also great striations on the intestinal area – in the patient’s case history it was stated that she had suffered from irritable bowel syndrome and wheat intolerance. Smoking would also aggravate this area because of the resulted increased production of mucus. The patient complains of discomfort in the left shoulder and pain from an injury to the arm; deviation of the left great toe indicates a neck and shoulder problem.
PLATE 10 Feet of patient who has had open heart surgery, and who has suffered from breathlessness: due to an impaired blood supply to the heart, this patient has had open heart surgery. He has also suffered greatly from breathlessness for many years. The deep vertical lines in the lung zones on both feet bear witness to the strain that has been put on the lungs. The yellowing colour of the feet and some skin-shedding show that the liver is reacting against some form of toxin. The patient is on medication for hypertension; he also has elevated cholesterol levels, which are the result of a metabolic disorder rather than the wrong diet.
PLATE 11 Feet of patient suffering from chronic Gilbert’s syndrome: note the deep crease in the liver area; this patient often complains of nausea and has suffered from great weight loss in previous years. Often her hands and feet are discoloured by mild jaundice. There is also a deviation of the right foot to the lateral edge, which reflects problems experienced by the patient of the right hip, calf and leg. Observe the area of pigmentation on the bowel area of the left foot: the patient has a tendency towards sluggish bowel movement. However, her general condition is much improved since having reflexology treatment.
PLATE 12 Feet of patient with myxodema: this patient has already been diagnosed as having an underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism). She shows general weight gain and there has been a coarsening of her skin. Note the puffiness and flaccidity of the area around the base of the great toe: this indicates thyroid imbalance as well as neck problems. There are signs of muscle weakness in the neck and lumbar area. There is some deviation of the foot to the lateral side from the midthoracic to the heel area. The patient is on thyroxine but her medication has been reduced significantly since she began a course of reflexology treatment.
PLATE 13 Hands of a patient suffering from lethargy and anxiety: the hands of this 58-year-old patient reveal a great depletion of energy. Hot and dry skin indicate a lack of body fluid. The right thenar eminence shows low lumbar problems. The transverse lines of the types of the thumbs and some fingers are indicative of a state of general anxiety.
PLATE 14 Hands of a patient suffering from rheumatoid arthritis: the main devastating effect of rheumatoid arthritis upon this sufferer has been to the hands, although most of her joints have been affected in some way. This lady suffered from progressively worsening attacks, and was bed ridden at the first home visit of reflexology treatment. The vertical lines on her hands show a depletion of energy. By their curvature, the Hippocratic nails indicate the presence of lumbar problems and a respiratory disorder (the patient suffers from pulmonary fibroses).
PLATE 15 Hands of a patient suffering from myasthenia gravis: problems in this area are worse on the right side of the body. Note the angle of the index finger. The patient suffers from drooping eyelids and double vision. Also note the position of the thumb; the patient suffers from facial muscle spasms and from muscular weakness in the cervical region.
PLATE 16 Pressure point to relieve headaches, the symptoms of glaucoma and trigeminal neuralgia: this pressure point is situated at the outer edge of the eyes.
PLATE 17 The first point of the bladder meridian: this point on the inner eye is known as eye bright. Apply pressure with finger and thumb to make the eyes feel rested, more animated and to give them sparkle.
PLATE 18 Self-help pressure point to relieve headaches and insomnia: applying pressure to facial points is a good way to relieve any minor irritations.
PLATE 19 The first point on the Stomach meridian: this point lies just below the centre of the eye. Pressure applied to it will aid all eye problems. Daily patting around this area is a wonderful first aid treatment for the eyes.
PLATE 20 The last point on the small intestine meridian: acupressure point SI-19 is the point of contact for the Gall Bladder and the Triple Burner channels. It lies in the depression formed at the sides of the face when opening the mouth. A division of the trigeminal nerve, the auriculotemporal and the facial nerve supply this area. The point is frequently used for relieving symptoms of ear disorders, tinnitus, otiti media, deafness and toothache.
PLATE 21 The termination point of the Conception Vessel: this is an ideal point for treating constipation, all reproductive imbalances, fibroids, cancer of the womb and infertility. As the facial nerve serves this area, this point can also be used for treating xerostomia (dry mouth) and trigeminal neuralgia.
PLATE 22 Exercise 1 for lower back problems: this exercise is suitable for all lower back problems and can be accomplished quite easily whilst lying in bed before getting up for the day. The objective is to press the back into the surface area upon which you are lying. This action is sometimes referred to as the pelvic to tilt as the pelvis rises when it is performed. This aids all the muscles of the back and has a relaxing action on all musculature of the spine.
PLATE 23 Exercies 2 for lower back problems: this is a similar action to that in Exercise 1 but performed on a chair. This can be carried out at work, whilst travelling, or sitting at home. Keep the shoulders straight and try to push back into the chair. Repeat several times.
PLATE 24 Exercise 3 for the back: Stretch out in bed and wriggle the fingers and toes.
PLATE 25 Exercise 4 for the back: pull the knees up to the chest. To begin with, ease one leg up at a time. Take care not to lift the leg as this puts added strain on the back. Repeat with the other leg, then both legs at the same time. This stretches the spine and is a good exercise to perform before getting out of bed in the morning.
PLATE 26 Exercise 5 for the back: when you have completed exercises 1 and 4, perform exercise 5. This exercise is in two parts: (a. left) First take a deep breath through the nose as you lift your head and bottom upwards, whilst letting your back sink into a hollow. (b. right) Then breath out through your mouth as you arch your back against your spine.
PLATE 27 Exercise 6 for the lumbar area: walk on your heels or tap your heels several times to aid the lumbar area.
PLATE 28 Exercise 7 for the lungs: walking on the balls of the feet will facilitate the whole breathing process and thereby aids the lungs.
PLATE 29 ‘This little piggy went to market’ on the fingers: working all the fingers and toes will help to soothe a fretful baby. It will also help to calm the symptoms of little snuffles and coughs or colds.
PLATE 30 ‘This little piggy went to market’ on the toes: working the toes will aid babies who are teething or have ear problems.
PLATE 31 ‘Round and round the garden like a teddy bear’: working the centre of the palm will help babies suffering from slight temperatures. It will also be of help if the baby is suffering from colic.
PLATE 32 Calming baby: repeating ‘Round and round the garden’ on the feet will have a general calming effect.
PLATE 33 A good point for soothing agitation: this picture shows a good point for soothing any agitation in the baby; it is also the thymus area so working it will benefit the entire immune system.
PLATE 34 Working hands and feet at the same time: the baby is quite happy to have both feet worked at the same time.
PLATE 35 Working the outer rim of the ear: this will help cure any respiratory disorders. Working the tip of the ear will have a soothing effect if the baby is fretful.
PLATE 36 Making small circular movements over the area of the shoulder and upper back: using the heel of one hand as a support, make small circular movements over the area of the shoulder and upper back. Repeat on the other shoulder. This will relax any tension in the area.
PLATE 37 Using both thumbs to apply friction over the same area: continue to apply friction right up into the nape of the neck (see pressure point for the head). This action will have a beneficial effect of everything from the cervical area to the lumbar region.
PLATE 38 Relaxing tension by applying pressure with your forearms: lean on the recipient’s shoulders using your forearms. This will release any tension in the upper back.