Chapter 12

Continuing Your Journey

Now that you have completed six-plus weeks of Relax into Yoga, your practice can become even more interesting as you explore different ways to build your own personalized program. Every day you might choose a different kind of practice to nourish and support yourself, depending on how you are feeling and what is going on in your life. Some days you may feel quite energetic, and a more vigorous practice will serve you best. Other days, you may feel less lively or even fatigued; on these days, you may want a quieter practice that will help you connect with, and gently tend to, your body. Or you may want a practice that includes both quieting postures and a few invigorating poses to enliven your energies. There can also be days when you feel tense or not very grounded. For these days, you may choose a practice that will help you release tension and bring a sense of stability.

Rather than mindlessly moving through life, yoga asks us to be present, pay attention, notice that which is harmful (movements, attitudes, and behaviors) and instead choose that which is supportive.

To get you started, we have included some suggested sequences drawn from the postures you have been practicing. Once you’re familiar with these sequences, feel free to be creative by designing your own practice, considering what serves you best. We encourage you to always start with the Foundational Practice to warm up (Three Part Breath and Range-of-Motion Sequence), then do postures from weeks 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, then end with Relaxation (page 84). Weeks 2 through 6 can be considered an à la carte menu: choose what most appeals to you and your body. In this analogy, the Foundational Practice is like the appetizer that stimulates your taste buds in preparation for your meal. The Relaxation pose is the postmeal phase of digesting and integrating the nourishment of your practice. Enjoy.

For your convenience, the instructions and illustrations for the selected poses have been bundled by sequence in individual packets that are available for download at .

Rise and Shine

This morning practice is designed to wake up the body and mind and get them ready for the day ahead.

Wind Down

This evening practice is designed to prepare you for deep, restorative rest.

Midday Rejuvenation

This is an invigorating practice that will help to enliven your energies.

Short and Empowering

Don’t let this brief practice deceive you—it can be energizing and very strengthening.

Short and Sweet

This brief, gentle practice is perfect for times when your body needs extra TLC.

Extended Exploration

When you have the luxury of time, this practice is a very thorough one.