
Foreword xi

Preface: The Evolution of Therapeutic Yoga for Seniors xv

Kimberly’s Story xvii

Carol’s Story xix

Our Integrative Approach xxi

Part 1: Yoga for Healthy Aging

Introduction: If You Can Breathe, You Can Relax into Yoga 3

Tailored for Older Adults 6

Relax into Yoga Basics 9

How to Use This Book 15

1. Yoga for Every Body 19

Movement as Anti-aging Medicine 20

Partnering with Your Health Care Provider 24

2. Yoga for the Perfectly Imperfect Body 25

Heart and Circulatory Problems 26

Osteoporosis 29

Arthritis 33

Joint Replacement 38

Lung Disease 39

Chronic Pain 42

Cancer 46

3. Yoga for the Functional Body 51

Healthy Body Mechanics 52

Self-Study 59

Part 2: Relax into Yoga Practices

4. Practice Guidelines and Essentials 63

Prepare Your Space: Inspiration, Steadiness, and Comfort 64

Prepare Your Body: Inside and Out 65

Prepare Your Mind: Intention, Awareness, and Connection 66

Prepare Your Practice Rhythm: Steady and Comfortable Buildup 67

5. Week 1: The Foundational Practice to Relieve Tension and Enhance Flexibility 69

Three-Part Breath 72

Range-of-Motion Sequence 74

Relaxation 84

6. Week 2: Standing Poses to Enhance Strength and Balance 87

Mountain Pose 90

Salutation Arms 92

Chair 94

Warrior 2 96

Side-Angle 98

Triangle 100

7. Week 3: Seated Poses to Improve Alignment, Range of Motion, and Strength 103

Seated Mountain 106

Finger and Toe Flings and Curls 108

Infinity Shoulders 110

Universal Arms 112

Side Bending 116

“As If” Chair 118

Hugging Arms 120

Seated Backbend 122

8. Week 4: Balance Poses to Boost Strength and Reduce Fall Risk 125

Tree 128

Palm Tree 132

Warrior 3 134

Eagle 138

Tight Rope 142

9. Week 5: Back Strengthening to Support Healthy Posture 145

Supple Spine Flow 148

Crocodile 152

Sphinx 154

Baby Cobra 156

Locust 158

Bridge 160

Knees to Chest 162

10. Week 6: Core Strengthening to Enhance Spinal Health 165

Royal Cough 168

One-Legged Bicycle 170

Lake Mudra 174

Spinal Balance 176

Plank Progression 180

11. Additional Practices to Enhance Vigor and Relaxation 183

Flowing Sequences to Build Endurance and Enhance Vigor 184

Quieting Practices to Stretch and Relax 201

12. Continuing Your Journey 211

Rise and Shine 213

Wind Down 214

Midday Rejuvenation 215

Short and Empowering 216

Short and Sweet 217

Extended Exploration 218

Afterword 219

Acknowledgments 221

Resources 225

How to Find a Well-Qualified Yoga Teacher 225

How to Find Trusted Medical Information 226

How to Get the Accessories for Your Book 229

References 231

About Our Relax into Yoga Models 239