
AirDrop is one of OS X’s star attractions. It’s a breakthrough in speed, simplicity, and efficiency. There’s no setup, no passwords involved. It lets you copy files to someone else’s Mac, iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch up to 30 feet away, instantly and wirelessly; you don’t need an Internet connection or even a Wi-Fi network. It works on a flight, a beach, or a sailboat in the middle of the Atlantic. It also works if you are on a Wi-Fi network, doing other things online.

You can exchange files with any Mac running OS X Lion or later, and any i-gadget running iOS 7 or later.

Usually, you’ll begin the sending process in one of two ways:

A message appears on the other gadget’s screen, asking if the owner wants to accept your file. If she chooses Accept, then the transaction is complete. Quick, effortless, wireless, delightful.

Miraculous though AirDrop may seem when it’s working, certain stars do have to be in alignment. If AirDrop isn’t working as advertised, here are some things to check:

If someone’s sending you a file by AirDrop, the steps depend on whether you’re using a Mac or an i-device:

There’s a lot of great stuff in AirDrop: