Text Chatting

A typed chat works like this: Each time you or your chat partner types something and then presses Return, the text appears on both of your screens.

Messages displays each typed comment next to an icon, which can be any of these three things:

To choose a graphic to use as your own icon, click the round picture to the right of your own name at the top of the buddy list. From the pop-up palette, you can choose, as your avatar, any of Apple’s Defaults (nature shots), Recents (chat photos you’ve used recently), My Photo Stream (your own recently taken pictures), Faces (if you’ve set this feature up in Photos), or Camera (take a new picture right now).

In most cases, you’re offered an Edit button. It opens a little adjustment window where you can fiddle with the size and centering of your headshot.

Feel free to build an array of graphics to represent yourself—and to change them in midchat, using this pop-up palette, to the delight or confusion of your conversation partner.

Typing isn’t the only thing you can do during a chat. You can also perform any of these stunts:

There’s nothing to stop you from inviting several people to a single chat (Figure 18-7). Just click the Compose button () as usual. Enter the desired chat partners’ names one at a time in the To field, pressing Return or adding a space after each one.

Now you’ve got yourself a party line. Anything anyone types, everybody sees. Be careful what you say, will you?

Many of the enhancements in Messages pertain to group chats (defined as “three or more participants”). And all of them are hiding in the new panel that appears when you click Details at top right (Figure 18-7).