
The Sikh Heartland in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries

Sikh Misls in the Late Eighteenth Century

The Territories in the Kingdom of Maaja Ranjit Singh

The Sikh Empire in 1839, with Cis-Sutlej Towns

The Dismantling of the Sikh Empire in the 1840s

Illustration Credits

Plate pages i, ix (below): Lahore Fort Museum, Lahore Fort, Pakistan; ii (above and below), xii (above): Victoria and Albert Museum, London; iii: © Naresh Singh; iv (top right and bottom), v (below): Wallace Collection, London; vi (top left), viii, ix (above), xviii (below), xx (above and below): Imperial Hotel, New Delhi; vi (top right, bottom left and right), vii (bottom): Paintings of the Sikhs by W.G. Archer (HMSO, London, 1966); xi (below): © Julie W. Munro; xiii: Musée du Louvre, Paris; xvii: Central Sikh Museum, Darbar Sahib, Amritsar; xviii (above), xxi and Maharaja Ranjit Singh’s family tree from Peter Bance’s book The Duleep Singhs (Sutton Publishing, Stroud, 2004); xix, xxiv (top right): Collection of Satinder and Narinder Kapany. The maps on pages 54, 197 and 250 are from The Sikhs by Patwant Singh (John Murray, London, 1999).