It is said that the word borani comes from the name of Poorandokht, the daughter of a Sassanian king who was the first woman to rule Persia more than thirteen hundred years ago. She was apparently so keen on yogurt that various dishes using yogurt were created for her, and called poorani after her. Later, it was changed to borani. True story or not, borani refers to dishes cooked with yogurt. There are many variations, but they more or less follow the same principle of frying onions until caramelized, adding the vegetable of choice and the yogurt, and garnishing with saffron water and sometimes chopped walnuts.
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
1 medium onion (5 ounces/150 g), halved and cut into thin wedges
1 pound (450 g) spinach (preferably baby spinach)
¼ teaspoon ground turmeric
½ cup (125 g) labneh
Sea salt
Pinch of saffron threads, soaked in 1 tablespoon water
Iranian Flatbread, for serving
1. Heat the oil in a large deep skillet or sauté pan over medium heat. Add the onion and cook, stirring regularly, until soft and golden, about 10 minutes. Add the spinach and turmeric and cook for a few minutes, still stirring regularly, until the spinach has wilted but not completely melted.
2. Transfer the mixture to a sieve to let the excess liquid drain off. Once the spinach has cooled and the excess liquid has drained, transfer to a bowl. Add the yogurt and salt to taste and mix well.
3. Transfer to a shallow serving bowl and make grooves here and there. Drizzle the saffron water into the grooves and serve with the bread.