1 WILLIAM … Marshall: William Craven, Earl of Craven (1608–97), one of the nine wealthiest peers in England and a distinguished soldier, having commanded English troops on behalf of Frederick, the Elector Palatine, in Germany; he provided lifelong support, financial and chivalrous, to the Elector’s wife (and James I’s daughter) Elizabeth of Bohemia
2 courtship of greatness: courting great men as patrons
3 voluntary … attempts: presumably because he volunteered for military service
1 clause of jests: passage of ribald jokes
2 virgin sisters: the nine Muses
3 bays: laurel leaves, signs of victory and poetic achievement
4 lays: songs
5 commerce: trade
6 presentment: presentation (of the play)
7 Wanted: lacked
8 A Truth: the relationship between Sir Philip Sidney and Lady Penelope Devereux may have been one of the sources for the play and part of its audience appeal (see Introduction)
1 angry: all the names in the cast list of the 1633 Quarto include these translations of their meaning
2 GRAUSIS: spelled GRANSIS throughout the stage directions and speeches and ‘Gran’ in speech prefixes; however, its meaning suggests this revised spelling, which also appeared in the cast list of some quartos
1 lemophil: consistently spelled HEMOPHIL or HEMOPHILL in stage directions and speeches; however, the name LEMOPHIL is used from 5.2 onwards and better fits the definition ‘glutton’
1 Cynic, Stoic: schools of Greek philosophy: Cynics reject pleasure and wealth; Stoics renounce the world and patiently endure suffering
2 read the logic lecture: study logic
3 Areopagite: a member of the uppermost Athenian criminal court
4 budding of your chin: youthful facial hair
1 Thrasus: included in the original cast list as the dead father of Ithocles and Penthea, his name meant ‘fierceness’
2 Hymenean bond: marriage, Hymen being the god of marriage
3 triumphs: marriage celebrations
4 aconite: wolfsbane, a poisonous plant
1 closely: secretly
2 insulting: boastful, arrogant
3 savours not humanity: is not human
4 As brands … jealousy: makes any innocent admiration of Penthea look suspicious
1 prefer a suit: make a request
2 motion: proposal
3 Vesta: Roman goddess of the hearth, associated with chastity
4 Apollo: god of the sun, but also of poetry and reason
1 Apollo’s locks: the god was usually depicted with long, golden hair
2 Laconia: a region in the south-west of the Peloponnese, its capital city was Sparta
3 monarchy at length: finally united under one rule
4 Messene: capital city of Messenia, a country bordering Laconia
5 Lacedemon: another name for Laconia
6 Pephnon: an ancient town on the border between Laconia and Messenia
1 provincial: given to the conqueror of a province
2 purchased: acquired through his own action
3 Bacchus: god of wine
4 leader-on: main priest in an orgiastic rite
5 current: in circulation
1 fit slights: appropriate, self-deprecatory remarks
2 Observe your great example: i.e., model yourselves on Ithocles
3 expect: are waiting for
4 supporter: an escort, also physical support by taking her arm
1 mounting: aspiring, with a sexual pun
1 put … to use: loaned it out with interest
2 Mars: Roman god of war
3 Vulcan: husband of Venus, cuckolded by Mars
4 Except: unless
5 In forma pauperis: a kind of legal aid
6 aprons: working clothes
1 reel: to wind wool or silk
2 thrum: make tufts in cloth
3 Hobgoblins: mischievous sprites, often blamed for domestic misfortunes
4 drill: train in military exercises
5 Corn-cutters: chiropodists, a notoriously degrading profession
1 aspect: horoscope, also face
2 consequence: augury, warning
3 Fore-dooming: prejudging
4 contemn: despise
1 artist: philosopher, scholar
2 thrift: success
3 malice: discouragement
4 incident to frailty: necessarily part of the human condition
5 information: moulding into a firm shape
6 hearken after: hear news of
7 tributary to: subject to
1 amorous foldings: embraces
2 stand my privilege: justify my being here
3 niceness: coyness
4 conned: memorized
1 suff’rance: endurance
2 seal the like: vow the same
3 tenters: hooks for stretching cloth
4 pleasures: pleasure grounds
5 Tecnicus his oratory: Tecnicus’s school for public speaking
1 Aloud: Orgilus disputes with an imagined companion, uttering scraps of Greek and medieval philosophy, intended to sound old-fashioned to Ford’s audience
2 fiddle-faddle: fuss, waste your time
3 Mew!: an expression of contempt
4 speculations: observations of astronomical phenomena
5 balk: shun
6 illiterate: uninformed
7 touch: touchstone
1 want: lack
2 conceit: idea
3 available: efficacious
4 want sure intelligence: lack reliable information
1 prospect to temptation: outlook onto temptation, but also offering a tempting glimpse of Penthea
2 licked … act: according to Pliny, bear cubs were licked into shape by their mothers
3 light: window
4 suddenly: at once
5 factor: agent
6 close packets: secret (sealed) letters
7 springal: youth
8 earwig: flatterer (wriggler into the ear)
9 pensioner: person who receives a payment
10 maw: throat
1 mystical: secret
2 I will … eye: in classical mythology, one-hundred-eyed Argos guarded the chastity of Io; he was often depicted wearing a gown covered in eyes
3 housewives: hussies
4 traffic: trade
5 set … wholesale: sell sexual favours in large numbers, without making a profit
6 Cull: embrace
7 branched: horned, made a cuckold
8 rubs: bumps, literally uneven terrain in bowling
9 riots: debauchery, wanton revels
10 run another bias: run from the straight path of virtue, take a different approach to adultery
11 heaves: lifts up, raises
12 ass … suffers: cuckold husband
13 hire: advancement at court
1 Hey-day: exclamation of surprise or wonder
2 Up and ride me: get on with it
3 mewed: moulted
4 carnation: flesh-coloured
5 fled … dragon: allusion to the flight of vengeful Medea to Athens, as described by Euripides and Ovid
1 that’s: that his
2 Antic: fool
3 Grate: exacerbate
4 The horn … him: may he be cuckolded many times!
1 brave it: flaunt themselves
2 closets: private chambers
3 Furies: female agents of revenge in classical mythology, punished evildoers in hell by whipping
4 braveries: extravagancies, fine clothes
5 Curiosity: excessive degree
6 livery: clothing that displays loyalty and ownership, here an appearance of value
7 inward: withdrawn from the street
1 mews: seagulls
2 stewed: confined in narrow quarters, sent to a brothel
3 juggling: deceitful
4 pounded: put into a pound, like a stray animal
5 Still: always
6 chopping: strapping
1 collops: chunks of meat
2 sweat: sweating was thought to be one of the physical signs of jealousy
3 Caroches: luxurious coaches
1 tympany: a tumour or swelling, used figuratively of jealousy, perhaps cuckold’s horns
2 Wagtails and jays: birds often used as symbols of unchaste women
3 Th’hadst … worshipp’st: you would have done better to blaspheme against the sins you worship
1 politician: schemer
2 consideration … not: a point I hadn’t thought of
3 viper … motion: Pliny argued that this was how snakes were born
4 seelèd dove: with its eyes sewn shut, so it would have no sense of direction and fly upwards
5 squibs and crackers: fireworks
1 timely practice: present business
2 receipts: recipes for medicine
3 nice: pedantic, scrupulous
4 painted meat: bait
5 available: able to produce a result
1 Argos: territory to the north-east of Laconia
1 court-ease: leisurely life at court
2 dispatch a business: make a sexual conquest
3 in request: fashionable
4 fell: cruel, ruthless
5 waiter: attendant
1 presence-lobby: the anteroom of a reception chamber
2 wait: attend on, follow
3 work a preparation: prepare you in advance
4 fashion: behaviour
5 willing: determined
1 account with: occupy myself with
2 music of the spheres: the revolution of the planets was thought to produce music, synonymous with harmony and order
3 school-terms: language of scholastic philosophy, pedantry
4 What heaven … perfection: must not heaven, which creates man out of earth, also sanctify pure beauty with the name of perfection?
5 proportion: order
1 Virgin … fervour: i.e., virgin tears enhanced the power of their vows, just as the perfume on Vesta’s altars is enhanced by the addition of water
2 equal: equally consenting
1 change: inconstancy
2 interest: claim, through their former betrothal
3 instruct my duty: teach me what I should do
1 change: exchange
2 tendering: cherishing
3 attempt my fame: endanger my reputation
4 loose conceit: improper suggestion
5 race: course of action
6 barren age: barren in terms of virtue
1 wanton in my sufferance: reckless or violent in making me suffer or increasing my pain
1 forfeit of my judgement: i.e., in loving Orgilus
2 walks: covered walks
3 My … fortunes: I feel less sorrow than would otherwise be caused by my misfortunes
4 good genius: good angel
5 veil of politic frenzy: disguise of cunning madness
6 show me: demonstrate what I am
7 Impostumes: abscesses
8 rheums: mucous secretions
9 palsies: tremors or paralysis
10 in humours: in a disordered state, bad-tempered
1 exercise: discipline
2 light: sun or moon, as opposed to the shooting star
3 in his own shape: i.e., no longer in disguise
4 jealous: suspicious
5 execution: scheme
1 misconceit: misunderstanding
2 state: state of affairs
3 disposed: betrothed
4 faintly: weakly
5 growth in thy aspect: change in your appearance, alteration in horoscope
6 feeds content: satisfies vanity
1 lucre: money
2 thrifty: careful, prosperous
3 Curiosity: intellectual ambition
4 rare attempts: exceptional deeds
5 prevent: anticipate
6 bolt: sieve
1 Delphos: a combination of Delphi, the famous site of an oracle, and Delos, the island birthplace of Apollo
2 entertained: received as a guest
3 resolution: interpretation
4 Like: the same
1 several stands: separate positions
1 luxury: lechery
2 Chamber-combats: bedroom encounters
3 brother: brother-in-law
4 discovered: perhaps a curtain was drawn to reveal him in the discovery space
1 the dead: i.e., of their father, Thrasus, who wanted her to marry Orgilus
2 handmaid … toil: country girl
1 secure: untroubled
2 fleetings: streams, flowings
3 spotted: blemished in character
4 friend: this could be Bassanes, Orgilus or Ithocles himself
1 orisons: prayers
2 turtles: turtle doves, symbolic of monogamous love
3 myrtle: plant sacred to Venus, symbolic of love
4 Stygian banks: in classical mythology, the dead had to cross the river Styx before reaching the lands of the dead
5 saint you serve: woman you adore
1 respects: expressions of respect
2 injuries: injuries to you
3 bravery: boasting
4 cheer … strain: try to devise a plan of action
1 poniard: dagger
2 point: blade of the dagger
3 property: personal characteristic
4 popular … vanity: public adulation, the inherently worthless voice of the people
5 bestride a cloud: in classical mythology Ixion was deceived by Jupiter when he attempted to seduce Juno, embracing only a cloud
6 progress: make a ceremonious journey
7 chariot of the sun: Phaeton, son of Apollo, who stole his father’s chariot of the sun and was killed; an example of youthful presumption
8 lackey: run errands for
9 slave of expectation: servant in hopes of reward
10 wait: wait outside
1 mystical conveyance: secret communication
2 admirable: to be wondered at
3 kitling: kitten
4 springal: youthful
5 franks: satisfies; a frank is an enclosure in which boars are fattened
6 halloo’t: proclaim it
1 megrims: low spirits
2 firks: caprices
3 touch-hole: bawd; one who infects with venereal disease like the part of a gun through which the charge is ignited
4 Except: unless
5 studied your vexation: intended to annoy you
6 preserve thee in fruition: Bassanes expresses the desire to retain his physical possession of Penthea and to keep her image alive, perhaps by begetting children
1 Pandora’s box: in classical mythology Pandora opened a box containing all the world’s evils
2 Good: good sir
3 Juno’s forehead: Juno was goddess of marriage; her beauty, as symbolized by her forehead, is also praised in ’Tis Pity She’s a Whore
1 want truth: not be believed
2 outdo art: make the pose into reality
3 cry a’ jealousy: declaim against jealousy
1 credit: believe
2 published: made public
3 observance: courteous attention, amorous devotion
4 duty: homage
5 cousin: used of any kinsman, here meaning ‘nephew’
1 high attempts: noble enterprises
1 preferred: put forward for advancement
2 inventions: literary compositions, including plays
3 engrossed: acquired
4 renown: make famous
5 conceit: invention
1 Still: always
2 disport: entertainment
3 Phoebus: Greek god of the sun (Apollo)
4 hold plea: try a legal action
1 inform: control, guide
2 licence: authority, scope
3 hopeful: promising
4 thrift: success
5 maliced: threatened
6 condition: state of mind
7 untoward: declining, unprosperous
1 familiar: supernatural assistant of a witch
2 posts: travels
3 intelligence: secret information
4 infection: plague
5 genius: guiding spirit
1 conclude an omen: infer a happy outcome
2 Every spring … youth: i.e., another son every year
3 device: theatrical performance, also cunning stratagem
4 strain: literary endeavour
1 But: no more than
1 granted: been granted
2 glass: hourglass
3 short: imminent
4 issue: conclusion
5 sensuality: sensual pleasure
6 proof … opinion: to prove commonplaces true
1 ranging of their blood: sexual experience outside marriage
2 Time … Truth: one of Ford’s favourite proverbs is ‘Truth is the daughter of Time’, also associated with revenge tragedy
3 Beseeming: befitting
1 grossly: indelicately
1 pursuit: request
2 check: rebuke
3 My reckonings are made even: I have balanced with good deeds any evil I have done
1 Curiosity: excessive care
2 doubt me: fear me to be
3 resolutions … ends: i.e., may your decision to trust in Orgilus have a positive outcome
4 after-wit: knowledge after the event
5 Without: beyond
6 single: direct, sincere
1 livery: visual token, signifying loyalty and service
1 I want … merit: I lack the means to reward you as you deserve
2 or: either
3 bosomed: embraced
4 prodigy: monster
1 low mushrooms: upstarts, as opposed to kings (cedars)
2 Painted colts: decorated young horses, synonymous with headstrong will and folly
3 lion: it was believed that lions were afraid of royal blood and might be deceived by the herald’s coat adorned with royal emblems
1 A greater prince: i.e., Apollo
2 Oedipus: mythological figure famous for solving the riddle of the Sphinx
1 in conceit: in his own imagination
2 several occasions: various activities
3 Honeycomb … Goodwill: perhaps both are titles of popular ballad collections; A Garland of Goodwill was published in 1593 and 1631
4 moil: mule
5 capable of sense: responsive only to sense impressions, i.e., not rational
6 chaff … scarcity: poor sustenance of the poor
1 words: scandal, defamation
2 trials: tests of endurance
3 Practise yet further: try harder to deceive or distress me
1 ken: sight
2 her hair about her ears: a theatre convention for madness, though early modern brides also wore their hair loose
3 imposterous: seemed to be practising an imposture on me
4 juggled: tricked me
5 sirens: mythological creatures, part-woman, part-bird, whose song lured sailors to their deaths
6 in parts: taking different parts
7 turtle: turtle dove
1 Behold a patience: Orgilus is being sarcastic
2 antic rapture: actor’s onstage passion
3 motion: puppet show, entertainment
4 bawdy: cheapen
5 Spare: give me
1 he paid for’t home: he suffered for it
2 cabinet: private chamber, jewel box
3 points and bride-laces: wedding favours, respectively lacework and pieces of gold, silk or lace to tie up sprigs of rosemary
4 idly: madly, pointlessly
5 checks: reproaches
6 crannies: holes, fissures
7 amethyst: supposed to have the power to prevent intoxication, so inhibiting revenge, also a weak purple colour
8 an oracle: i.e., a source of instruction
1 disorder: unmannerly conduct
2 still: always
3 Or ever: unless
4 lord ascendant: an astrological term, referring to the planet within the house of the ascendant, i.e., influential
1 loose for straight: the loose gown of pregnancy, but also sexual experience as opposed to the ‘strait’ state of virginity
2 Shrewd: cunning
1 AMYCLAS takes … ORGILUS listens in: a stage direction separating off this part of the action seems to be required by the fact that Nearchus is later surprised to learn of Calantha’s betrothal to Ithocles
2 absolute: without imperfection
1 minion: favourite
2 swinge: whirling movement, like that of Fortune’s wheel
3 Apparent: obviously
4 stays: stops
1 nonage: early stages of their history
2 clearness of affection: purity of love
3 puddle of generation: dark or compromised heredity
4 Ithocles his manage: into the hands of Ithocles
5 Still: even so
1 mystery: a divine secret that resists human understanding
2 engine: mechanism; a chair capable of entrapping the sitter’s arms was also used in Barnabe Barnes’s play The Devil’s Charter (1607)
1 insulting: arrogant
2 Phaeton: son of Apollo, who stole his father’s chariot of the sun and was killed; an example of youthful presumption
3 trained: lured
4 turtle: turtle dove
5 bosom: embrace
1 Tent: probe
2 cozen: cheat
3 a bravery: act of bravado
4 take … along: take this consolation into death
5 Determined: having elapsed
6 my resolves … ghost: i.e., Orgilus will commit suicide
1 doubles: sharp turns made when being pursued
2 splay-footed: thought to be one of the distinguishing marks of a witch
3 drops … nose: thought to foretell the victim’s death (see Antonio in The Duchess of Malfi); three was especially unlucky
4 doubles … owls: all bad omens
5 Phew: an expression of weariness or disgust
6 genius: guiding spirit
1 misdoubt: mistrust
2 follows not example: has no precedent
3 index: pointing hand included in the margin of early modern books to draw attention to something
4 a more careless danger: greater disregard for danger; bay trees were thought to be resistant to lightning
5 full … relation: full disclosure of your secret
6 unheard moment: unprecedented significance
1 make a stand: come to a halt
1 footings: steps
1 at thy prejudice: at injuring you
2 excuse: obviate
3 humble frailty: mortal life
4 make the reference: defer the judgement
1 suddenly: immediately
2 pule: whine
3 bleed to death: a method of suicide favoured by the Stoics
4 pipes: veins
5 conduits: arteries
6 fillet: bind with a narrow strip of cloth
7 SERVANTS bind him: or alternatively Lemophil, Groneas or Nearchus
1 Gramercy: thank you
2 fame: reputation
3 dreadful: fearful, cowardly
4 cunning: skill
5 loose: free to leave
1 pair-royal: three of a kind in a card game, i.e., Penthea, Ithocles and Amyclas
2 Engage: stake
3 mother: Mother Earth
4 standard: flag raised as the sign of a king or military commander, sign of excellence
5 prerogative: distinguishing quality, privilege i.e., Orgilus has been defined by his Stoic endurance or uprightness and now falls
6 A mist … eyes: perhaps borrowed from Flaminio’s death speech in The White Devil
1 how unskilful … composition: this is ironic, given how successfully England had been ruled by Elizabeth I
2 divisions: conflicts
1 antic: grotesque, also theatrical
2 vow new pleasures: remarry
3 They … heart-strings: a translation of Seneca’s Hippolytus, 607
1 or: either
2 peace: i.e, of approaching death
3 1: numbers suggest that the song was sung in parts
1 allowance of this strain: approval of this offspring