- abstract political theory 168
- act-utilitarianism 144
- aggressive wars, and just-war theory 26–30, 30–2, 117
- Algeria 111, 133, 151–2, 172
- analytic liberalism 133, 163, 168
- analytical philosophy 6–7, 16, 143, 156, 166
- and just-war theory 37, 39, 56
- and SELF 60
- analytical political theory 169
- Animal Farm (Orwell) 150
- appeasement, and just-war theory 29
- Aquinas, Thomas 20, 41
- Augustine 41
- Australia 106, 109
- Basic Books 11
- Beauvoir, Simone de 12, 150–1
- Beer, Samuel 10, 60, 130–1
- British Politics in the Collectivst Age 131
- Beitz, Charles 27, 33–5, 123
- Belgium 172
- Benda, Julien 149
- Berlin, Isaiah 159, 162–3
- Berlin Wall 93
- biblical writings
- exodus story 134–7
- and the Jewish political tradition 140–1
- social criticism in 143, 149–50
- border restrictions 101, 102–8, 170–1
- Brandeis University 9–10
- Brazil 102
- Breytenbach, Breyten 148, 150
- Britain
- British Politics in the Collectivist Age see Beer, Samuel
- Buber, Martin 150
- Calvinism 129–30
- Cambodia 24
- Camus, Albert 12, 49, 142, 148, 151–2
- capitalism 11, 92–3
- anti-capitalism 79
- and civil society 94
- and complex equality 80–1
- and interpretation 147
- and Puritanism 129
- and workplace democracy 89
- Castro, Fidel 86
- children, and just-war theory 38, 50
- China 29, 127
- Christian just-war theory 18, 20–1, 39
- Churchill, Winston 45
- citizenship
- democratic 82
- and the Jewish diaspora 138
- migrants 107–8
- civil disobedience 89
- civil society 13, 115, 165, 170
- and complex equality 93–4, 96–7
- global 115, 121
- and Jewish political thought 139
- and just-war theory 33, 55–6
- and multiculturalism 112–13
- civil war 19, 30–1, 35
- civilians in wartime
- non-combatant immunity and double effect 14, 38–42
- terror and threats to 48–51
- Cohen, Joshua 146
- Cohen, Mitchell 13, 154
- Cold War 87
- and Eastern European refugees 105
- liberalism 81–3, 147
- and the Vietnam War 19–20
- collective action, and complex equality 84
- collective decision-making, and just-war theory 56–7
- collective self-determination see self-determination
- colonialism
- decolonization and terrorism 50–1
- social criticism of 151–3
- and the Vietnam War 19
- Commentary magazine 63
- commodities, distribution of 68–9
- communal self-governance 7–8
- communism
- American Communist Party 10
- anti-communism 79, 83
- and civil society 93
- and complex equality 80, 82
- and Dissent magazine 4
- and the Vietnam War 19–20
- Walzer’s anti-communism 29
- ”The Communitarian Critique of Liberalism” (Walzer 1990b) 3. 75, 83, 94, 112, 155, 184
- communitarianism 15, 46, 75–6, 94–6 communities
- and border restrictions 101, 102–8, 170–1
- and complex equality 68, 85, 94–6, 98
- and covering-law universalism 155
- and freedom of association 96
- and global justice 124–6
- and interpretation 146
- Israel/Palestine 172
- and the Jewish political tradition 140–1
- and just-war theory 28, 34–7, 46–8, 55–6, 101
- and philosophical invention 145
- and political theory 8
- and reiterative universalism 159–60
- separation between 101–2
- and social democracy 3, 9, 32
- The Company of Critics (Walzer) 11–2, 143–5, 149–53
- complex equality 2, 9, 12, 15, 165, 170
- and civil society 93–4
- and communities 68, 85, 94–6, 98
- community and identity 113
- and Dissent magazine 76, 79, 82–8, 99
- and distributive justice 58–78, 79
- and diversity 58, 99–100
- and inequality 98–100
- and interpretivism 146
- and just-war theory 59–60, 160–1
- meaning-dependence thesis 15, 58–9, 64–5, 66–9, 74–5, 79, 88, 99
- and multiculturalism 109
- and social criticism 162
- and social democracy 58, 75–6, 78, 81, 83, 88–93
- and the social democratic critique of liberalism 79–100
- social-meaning thesis 15, 59, 64–5, 69–75, 76–8, 79, 81, 97, 99
- Walzer’s contribution to 75–8
- and Walzer’s defense of Israel 171
- Walzer’s political vision of 80–2
- and workplace democracy 76, 77, 89–93
- see also Spheres of Justice (Walzer)
- connected criticism 148
- conscription 11
- consociations 172
- corporate power, and industrial democracy 89–92
- Coser, Lewis 4, 10, 76, 87, 98, 135, 165, 170, 173
- cosmopolitanism 15, 115–27
- global distributive justice 123–6
- and just-war theory 34, 53, 115, 116
- and reiterative universalism 160
- rooted 154
- counter-intervention, and just-war theory 30–1
- covering-law universalism 154–5, 156, 157
- critical conventionalism 16, 142–3, 160–1, 162, 166, 169
- Cuba 127
- cultural change, and symbolic systems 131–2
- cultural diversity see diversity
- cultural particularism 75
- cultural pluralism see pluralism
- DDE (doctrine of double effect) 14, 38, 40–2, 166
- decision-making
- and complex equality 76, 82, 97–8
- and realist political theory 167
- defensive wars 27
- deliberative democracy 97
- democracy
- and analytical philosophy 6–7
- and ancient Israel 140–1
- and collective self-governance 158
- and complex equality 81–2, 84
- in Dissent magazine 4
- and interpretation 147
- participatory 86
- and philosophical invention 145
- and social criticism 150
- strong democracy 92
- and Walzer’s political theory 167–8
- workplace democracy 76–7, 89–93
- see also social democracy
- Democracy’s Discontent (Sandel) 113
- democratic idealism 6, 158
- democratic wager 100
- Den Hartogh, Govert 164
- deontological ethics, and just-war theory 21, 39, 44
- dirty-hands dilemmas 43–5
- and supreme emergencies (SEs) 21, 38–9, 44–8
- discipline, in the study of Puritanism 129–30
- ”Dissatisfaction in the Welfare State” (Walzer) 84
- Dissent magazine 11, 13, 15, 82–8, 95, 131
- and American social democracy 4, 5, 9, 11, 82–8
- on British politics 10
- and complex equality 76, 79, 82, 82–8, 99
- and cosmopolitanism 121–2, 127
- and interpretation 147
- and just-war theory 24, 29
- and Labour Party 10, 80, 169
- and neoconservatism 62–3
- and public-intellectual work 173
- religion and politics in 128
- and social criticism 142, 150
- and socialism 98, 127
- and Walzer’s pluralism 114
- and Walzer’s political theory 165, 169–70
- and Zionism 31
- distributive justice 2, 13, 15, 16, 163
- and complex equality 58–78, 79
- global 15, 116, 123–6
- and the immigration debate 102–3
- in Nozick 15, 61–3
- in Rawls 1–2, 10, 15, 58–9, 61–2, 63, 65, 75, 77–8, 123, 145
- and realist political theory 169
- and reiterative universalism 157
- and social meanings 162
- see also complex equality
- diversity 13, 15, 58, 99, 101–14
- accommodation of cultural minorities 102
- border restrictions and “communities of character” 101, 102–8
- community and identity 113–14
- and the Jewish political tradition 138
- multiculturalism and the politics of difference 108–13
- of talents 99–100
- doctrine of double effect (DDE) 14, 38, 40–2, 166
- dominance 8
- and complex equality 67–8
- see also power
- Dworkin, Ronald 2–3, 8, 61, 62, 71–2, 146, 153, 159–60, 162
- Eastern European refugees 105
- Eban, Abba 31
- egalitarianism see complex equality; equality/egalitarianism
- Egypt, Six-Day War with Israel (1967) 31–2
- emigration rights 105
- Enlightenment 6
- equality/egalitarianism 3, 9, 12, 61–2, 63, 162
- at the global level 15
- and border controls 106–8
- and cosmopolitanism 116
- and diversity 99
- equality of capacity 100
- equality of opportunity 71, 81
- and global justice 125
- and liberalism 61, 88
- and pluralism 4, 160
- and reiterative universalism 160
- and social democracy 151
- see also complex equality
- ethnic cleansing 33, 35, 38
- EU (European Union) 106
- European wars of religion, and just-war theory 20
- ”Exclusion, Injustice, and the Democratic State” (Walzer) 99–100
- exit rights 105
- exodus politics 134–7
- Exodus and Revolution (Walzer) 12, 128, 134–7, 151
- families, and freedom of association 96
- famine 119, 120, 122
- Fanon, Frantz 50
- feudalism 93
- Finland, Soviet invasion of 29–30
- A Foreign Policy for the Left (Walzer) 13, 122–3
- Foucault, Michel 12–13, 84–5, 149–50
- “Four Mobilities “ 95
- France
- colonialism in Algeria 151–2
- minority groups 110, 171
- and the Vietnam War 19
- Frankfurt School 9
- freedom 162
- of association 96–7
- cultural distinctiveness and freedom of movement 104–5
- and equality 88, 99
- and humanitarian intervention 35
- French Revolution 11, 132
- Gandhi, M. 26
- Geertz, Clifford 7, 12, 64, 159
- Interpretation of Cultures 12
- Influence on social-meaning thesis 69–71, 156 and symbolism 131
- genocide 29, 33, 119
- Germany see Nazi Germany
- global distributive justice 15, 116, 123–6
- ”metric objection” to 125
- global governance 116, 119–23
- global justice 116, 162
- globalization 115
- and cultural diversity 102
- and distributive justice 124
- ”Governing the Globe” (Walzer) 120
- Gramsci, Antonio 143, 148–50
- Greedy Institutions (Coser) 114
- guest-worker programs 91, 107–8
- Hampshire, Stuart 10–1
- Harrington, Michael 87, 173
- Hartogh, Govert den 72
- Hartz, Louis 164
- Harvard University 10
- healthcare
- hegemony theory 149
- Hirschman, Albert 92–3
- Hobbes, Thomas 130, 145
- Holocaust 29, 43, 45–6
- Homage to Catalonia (Orwell) 150
- Howe, Irving 4, 10, 11, 13, 63, 76, 77, 83–4, 87, 95, 98, 122, 135, 147, 154, 165, 173
- and Orwell 150–1
- and Walzer’s political theory 169–70
- human capabilities, Nussbaum on health and 73–5
- human nature, and reiterative universalism 159–60
- human rights 162
- and cosmopolitanism 115–6, 118, 122–3
- and global governance 116, 119–23
- and global justice 124
- and just-war theory 18, 26–7, 33–4, 37, 42, 46, 54, 117, 154
- and liberalism 162
- and reiterative universalism 156–7
- humanism 154
- humanitarian costs of war 24–5
- humanitarian intervention 14, 18, 32–7
- aid for disaster victims 125–6
- and cosmopolitanism 115, 118, 119–20
- and reiterative universalism 158
- and social criticism 162
- identity formation, and just-war theory 35–6
- ideological critique 143
- ”Images of Socialism” (Coser and Howe) 88
- imagined communities 103
- immanent critique 8
- immigrant societies 109–10, 111, 112
- immigration controls 101, 102–8
- ”In Defense of Equality” (Walzer) 12, 69
- ”In Defense of Humanitarian Intervention” (Walzer) 33
- In God’s Shadow (Walzer) 140
- India 111, 133, 172
- indigenous people 108
- individual rights, and just-war theory 18, 26–7, 28, 36, 47, 56, 118
- individualism
- and complex equality 83
- and just-war theory 52
- industrial action 89
- industrial democracy see workplace democracy
- inequality
- and complex equality 98–100
- and global justice 116
- and reiterative universalism 148
- Inglourious Basterds (Tarantino) 52
- interdisciplinary approach 16
- International Criminal Court 53–4, 122
- international ethics see cosmopolitanism
- International Monetary Fund 115, 122
- Interpretation and Social Criticism (Walzer) 12, 141, 143, 149–50, 155
- on philosophical invention 144–5, 166
- interpretivism 2, 12–13, 14, 16, 142–63, 166–7
- and just-war theory 25
- and paths of moral philosphy 143–9
- and religious symbols 133–4
- and social criticism 2, 16, 148–63, 162
- intertexuality, and Jewish political thought 139–40
- inventive philosophy 144–7, 155, 166
- IRA (Irish Republican Army) 49
- Iraq war (2003) 31, 118
- Israel 111, 129, 151, 171–2
- anti-Israeli sentiment and the Left 126–7
- Arab citizens 171
- counter-terrorist operations 139
- and the Jewish political tradition 138, 140–1
- and left politics 171–2
- occupation of Palestinian territories 12, 50, 152
- and Palestinian liberation movements 50, 126–7, 132–3
- and reiterative universalism 160
- Six-Day War (1967) 31–2
- Walzer’s defense of 12, 166, 171
- and Walzer’s Exodus and Revolution 12, 132, 134–7
- Japan 45
- Jerusalem
- Hartman Institute, Annual Philosophy Conference 11, 138
- Hebrew University of 11
- Jewish people and the Holocaust 29, 43, 45–6
- Jewish political theory 2, 12, 13, 15, 98, 128, 137–41, 151
- and the secular political tradition 137–8
- The Jewish Political Tradition (collaborative project) 13, 138, 140
- The Just Assassins (Camus) 151
- Just and Unjust Wars (Walzer) 3, 10, 11, 13, 25, 37, 43, 75, 130, 165
- ”A Defense of Just-War Theory” (postscript to fifth edition) 55
- and humanitarian intervention 33, 35
- and the Jewish theory of war 139
- justice after war in 117–18
- and pacificism 26
- and social criticism 142
- and Spheres of Justice 4, 8, 58, 60, 160
- and terrorism 49
- and the Vietnam War 18
- just-war theory 2, 3, 7–8, 11, 13, 14–15, 17–57, 101
- and agression 26–30
- casuistic method in 18
- civil wars 30–1
- and complex equality 59, 60, 160–1
- and cosmopolitanism 34, 53, 115, 116
- and critical conventionalism 143
- defense of 20–6
- doctrine of double effect (DDE) 14, 38, 40–2, 166
- and the Jewish theory of war 139
- jus ad bellum (the justice of resorting to war) 14, 17–37, 20, 39, 50
- jus ad vim (just use of force short of full-scale war) 32
- jus in bello (justified conduct in war) 14, 17, 20, 37, 38–57
- jus post bellum (justice after war) 15, 116, 117–19
- the moral equality of soldiers 2, 51–7, 162
- the moral world of war 16
- non-combatant immunity 14, 38, 39–42, 51–3
- and pacifism 18, 25–6, 41
- realist view of 18, 21–5, 29, 41, 42, 56
- and social criticism 142
- soldiers committing in bello atrocities 117
- the “supreme emergency” exception 21, 38–9, 44–8, 49, 50–1, 166
- and universalism 154, 158
- the war convention 18, 23–4, 26, 32, 36–7, 37, 38, 51–2, 161, 162
- see also civilians in wartime; humanitarian intervention; morality; terrorism; Vietnam War
- ”Justice Here and Now” (Walzer) 81
- justice, theory of 6–7, 58–9, 170
- and critical conventionalism 143
- and diversity 102
- and pluralism 4–5
- see also complex equality; distributive justice; Spheres of Justice (Walzer)
- Kant, Immanuel 61
- Kazin, Michael 86
- Kessler, Martin 11
- Khmer Rouge 24
- King, Martin Luther 5
- Kosovo 38
- Kristol, Irving 63, 65
- Kymlicka, Will 62, 108–9, 111
- land ownership, and democratic politics 91
- Laslett, Peter 60
- Law, Politics, and Morality in Judaism (Walzer) 139
- left politics
- and closed borders 171
- and complex equality 98–9
- and cosmopolitanism 120–1, 122–3
- and Israel 171–2
- and the Jewish political tradition 137–8, 140
- and just-war theory 118
- and moral systems 154
- and national liberation 135
- and Orwell 150–1
- and pluralism 126–7
- and religion 128, 132–3, 136
- and Walzer’s political theory 170
- see also New Left movement politics
- legalist paradigm, and just-war theory 34, 117
- Leninist politics 76, 135, 168, 170
- liability, and the moral equality of soldiers 54
- liberal capitalism, and complex equality 81
- liberal communitarianism 96
- liberal democracy
- and civil society 93
- and just-war theory 36–7, 162
- and multicultural accommodation 111–2
- liberal idealism 97
- liberal individualism 3
- liberalism 4, 5, 8, 9, 15
- and civil society 94
- communitarian critique of 94, 155
- and complex equality 81, 82, 83–4, 87, 88
- and corporate power 92
- and cosmopolitanism 121
- and the Four Mobilities 95
- and interpretation 147
- and political guarantees 156
- Rawls on equality and 61
- Rawlsian liberals 116
- and social criticism 162–3
- and social democracy 15–6, 162, 165, 169–70
- and universalism 155, 158
- ”Liberalism and the Art of Separation” (Walzer) 88–9
- Libya 38, 119
- limited government 88–9
- Locke, John 27, 61, 145, 167
- longevity, healthcare and complex equality 72–4
- Louis XVI, king of France 44, 132
- Luban, David 34
- McCarthy, Joseph 82
- MacIntyre, Alasdair 75, 113
- McMahan, Jeff, on Walzer’s just-war theory 52–5, 162
- Marcuse, Herbert 9–10, 12, 149–50
- marginality 148
- markets
- and civil society 93
- market imperialism and complex equality 68
- marriage, and freedom of association 96
- Marx, Karl 61, 148
- Marxism 3, 8
- and complex equality 81–3
- social-democratic critique of 135
- and Walzer’s “ideological critique” 143
- Mayer, Robert 92
- meaning-dependence thesis 15, 58–9, 64–5, 66–9, 74–5, 79, 88, 99, 169
- medieval Europe
- just-war theory 17
- and political action 130
- salvation and healthcare 73–4
- Melian Dialogue, and just-war theory 21–3
- messianic politics 134–5
- Middle Ages see medieval Europe
- Middle East politics 171–3
- migration ethics, border restrictions and “communities of character” 101, 102–8
- military ethics see just-war theory
- military reform 7–8
- Mill, John Stuart 35, 144
- minority group accommodation 108–13
- money, and complex equality 69
- moral equality of soldiers 2, 51–7, 162
- moral obligation 11
- moral particularism 155
- moral philosophy, three paths in 143–9
- ”The Moral Standing of States” (Walzer 1980a) 2, 28, 35, 118
- morality
- and just-war theory 2, 20–1, 23–4, 25, 44, 47, 49
- the moral equality of soldiers 2, 51–7
- universal (thin) and particular (thick) 13, 122, 142, 153–61
- see also universal morality
- Morgenthau, Hans 24
- movement politics 86–8
- multiculturalism 2, 15, 102, 108–13, 162, 165, 171
- Nagel, Thomas 61, 159
- The View from Nowhere 144
- Napoleon, French emperor 56
- nation-states 101, 103, 106
- federations of 121
- and Israel/Palestine 172
- and multicultural accommodation 110–11, 171
- national liberation movements 111, 129
- national minorities 108, 110
- national security, and just-war theory 23, 24
- national self-determination 14, 50, 171
- national sovereignty, and just-war theory 14, 20
- nationalism 11, 102, 127
- Israeli 172
- and social meanings 160
- and the Vietnam War 19
- natural boundaries, and Walzer’s theory of aggression 27
- Nazi Germany, and just-war theory 21–2, 26, 29, 39, 44–6, 48, 52
- neighbourhoods and states 104
- neoconservatives, and complex equality 62–3, 65, 85, 100
- neoliberalism 126
- New Left movement politics 12
- and Dissent magazine 86–8
- see also left politics
- new realism 7
- New Republic magazine 5
- New Right movement politics 12
- New York Review 13
- Nicaragua 34, 36
- Nozick, Robert 2–3, 10–1, 60–1, 145, 167
- and complex equality 63–4, 65, 69, 75, 99
- theory of distributive justice 15, 61–2, 63
- Wilt Chamberlain example 62
- nuclear weapons 45
- Nussbaum, Martha 73–5
- ”Objectivity and Social Meaning” (Walzer) 155, 158–9
- Obligations (Walzer) 11, 40
- Okin, Susan 61, 166,
- Orwell, George 12, 142, 148, 150–1, 152
- Ottoman Empire, millet system 111–12, 171–2
- pacifism
- and just-war theory 18, 25–6, 41
- and the Vietnam War 19
- Palestinian liberation movement 50, 126–7, 132–3, 136–7
- Palestinian territories, Israeli occupation of 12, 50, 152
- The Paradox of Liberation (Walzer) 133
- participatory democracy 86–7
- particularism 5, 7, 13
- and complex equality 75, 79
- moral 155
- and philosophical invention 145
- and political theory 168
- and reiterative universalism 157, 159
- and social criticism 150
- Partisan Review 82, 165
- ”Philosophy and Democracy” (Walzer 1981) 30, 65, 145, 167, 168
- Plato 1
- pluralism 4–5, 9, 75, 163, 166
- and border controls 106–8
- and complex equality 59, 69, 75–6, 80, 84, 88, 98–9
- and cosmopolitanism 116, 120, 121–3
- and global justice 126
- and just-war theory 30, 31, 33, 36–7, 119
- and the Left 126–7
- and multicultural accommodation 108, 109–10, 112, 113–14
- and political theory 162–3, 169
- and reiterative universalism 155, 157, 158, 160
- and social democracy 151
- value pluralism and moral systems 154
- police, and just-war theory 27
- Political Action (Walzer) 13, 43, 87, 97, 151
- “Political Action: The Problem of Dirty Hands” (Walzer 1973b) 43–5, 151
- political code, and terrorism 49–50
- political communities, border restrictions in 102–3
- political pluralism 84
- political power, and complex equality 68
- political rights, and migrant labour 107
- political sovereignty, and just-war theory 27, 31, 33, 117
- political theory 3, 5–9, 161–3, 164–74
- politicians, dirty-hand dilemma 32–5
- Port Huron Statement 86
- post-Marxism 3
- post-modernism 3, 174
- poverty, and global justice 126
- power 8
- and complex equality 68, 76, 82
- and just-war theory 22–3
- and reiterative universalism 156
- state power and social democracy 89
- in the workplace 90–2
- pre-emption, and just-war theory 31–2
- prescriptive realism, and just-war theory 24–5, 26
- preventive war 31
- primary goods, Rawls on 65–6, 71, 73
- Princeton University 10–11
- prisoners of war 11, 40, 56
- property rights, and workplace democracy 91–2
- public-intellectual writing 5–6, 9, 16, 93, 173–4
- Pullman, George 91
- Puritans 60, 128, 129–32
- racist communities 106
- radical particularism 59
- Radical Principles (Walzer) 11–12, 81, 91
- Rawls, John 2–3, 84, 96, 162
- and analytical philosophy 6
- justice as fairness 15, 58–9, 61–2, 63, 65, 75, 77–8, 123, 145
- on primary goods 65–6, 71, 73
- A Theory of Justice 1–2, 10, 61–2
- and Walzer’s political theory 165–8
- Reagan, Ronald 62, 77, 88
- realism
- reciprocity
- and deliberative democracy 97
- and global distributive justice 123
- refugees 102, 105–6
- Regicide and Revolution (Walzer) 44
- reiterative universalism 148, 155–60
- relativism, and just-war theory 23
- religion 15–16, 128–41
- and leftist movements 128
- and the path of discovery 144
- see also Jewish political theory
- religious symbolism
- resistance, and the civil-rights movement 86
- revisionist just-war theorists 39, 52–5, 115
- The Revolution of the Saints (Walzer) 11, 17, 129–30
- revolutionary justice 44
- revolutionary wars 17
- rights see human rights; individual rights
- The Road to Wigan Pier (Orwell) 150
- Rodin, David 28, 53
- “rooted cosmopolitanism” (Mitchell Cohen) 154
- Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 61, 145
- Rule, James 122, 127, 160 rule of law, and revolutionary justice 44
- rule-based utilitarianism 144
- Rwanda 33, 38, 119
- Sachar, Abram 9
- Saddam Hussein 32
- Said, Edward 8, 127, 160, 170
- salvation, and healthcare in medieval Europe 73–4
- Sandel, Michael 75, 113
- Sanders, Bernie 83
- Sartre, Jean-Paul 50, 151
- Scanlon, Tim 2, 145
- Scottish Enlightenment 93
- SE (supreme emergency) doctrine 21, 38–9, 44–8, 49, 50–1, 166
- secondary associations 97
- sectarianism 98
- secular liberation movements 133
- Seglow, Jonathan 106
- the self, community and identity 113
- SELF (Society for Ethical and Legal Philosophy) 10–11, 37, 60–1, 161
- self-determination
- and border controls 104
- collective self-determination and just-war theory 7–8, 29–30, 30–1, 35, 37, 118
- and consociations 172
- and humanitarian intervention 33
- and justice after war 119
- and multicultural accommodation 113
- and reiterative universalism 155, 158
- Sen, Amartya 120
- Shakespeare, William 11
- Sidgwick, Henry 144
- Sierra Leone 38, 119
- Silone, Ignazio 12, 142, 150
- Singer, Peter 144
- situated theory 5, 15, 16, 165, 166
- social construction 8, 149
- social contract theory
- and distributive justice 61
- and philosophical invention 145
- social criticism 2, 16, 77, 100, 148–53, 160–3
- social democracy 3–4, 9, 15
- and the British Labour Party 10
- and communitarianism 95
- and complex equality 58, 75–6, 78, 81, 83, 88–93
- and cosmopolitanism 116
- and Dissent magazine 4, 5, 9, 11, 169–70
- and diversity 102
- equality and pluralism 151
- and interpretive theory 142
- and liberalism 15–6, 162, 165, 169–70
- and multicultural accommodation 112
- and neoconservatism 62
- and political theory 170
- and social meanings 7
- and the Vietnam War 18, 20
- and Walzer’s Radical Principles 11–12
- Walzer’s social-democratic theory 12, 14–5
- social liberalism 163
- social meanings
- and the common life 162
- and distributive justice 162
- Geertz and the social-meaning thesis 69–71, 156
- and political theory 7–9, 165–6, 168–9
- and reiterative universalism 156, 157, 158–9, 160
- social-meaning thesis
- and communities 172
- and complex equality 15, 59, 64–5, 69–75, 76–8, 79, 81, 97, 99
- and cosmopolitanism 116
- and exodus politics 136
- and interpretivism 146
- and morality 153
- and nationalism 127
- and social criticism 153
- see also meaning-dependence thesis
- socialism 3, 11
- socialist internationalism 133
- Society for Ethical and Legal Philosophy (SELF) 10–11, 37, 60–1, 161
- Socrates 1
- soldiers, moral equality of 2, 51–7, 162
- Somalia 119
- South Africa 34, 36
- sovereignty
- and Jewish political thought 139
- see also national sovereignty; political sovereignty
- Soviet Union 127
- collapse 13
- invasion of Finland 29–30
- post-Soviet states and civil society 93
- and the Vietnam War 20
- Spheres of Justice (Walzer) 11, 12, 58–9, 63–6, 75, 107, 130
- A Defense of Pluralism and Equality (Walzer) 4
- and bounded communities 106
- and complex equality 80, 88–9, 94, 99, 100
- and cultural diversity 102
- and distributive justice 102
- intellectual and political context of 60–3
- Spheres of Justice (Walzer)
- and interpretation 145–6
- and Jewish political thought 137, 140
- meaning-dependence thesis in 66–9, 169
- and multiculturalism 112
- on national communities 101–2
- and reiterative universalism 157
- and social criticism 142, 148, 150, 153, 163
- and social science disciplines 165
- and social-democratic movements 80
- social-meaning thesis in 70–1, 72–4, 77
- and the war convention 161
- on workplace democracy 91
- see also complex equality; social-meaning thesis
- Stalin, J. 29
- state sovereignty
- and cosmopolitanism 123
- and just-war theory 34, 53–4
- see also national sovereignty
- ”The State of Political Theory” (Walzer’s introduction to Dissent symposium) 6, 147
- states
- border restrictions 102–8
- and civil society 93
- and complex equality 68, 100
- and global politics 116
- moral standing of 2
- state collapse and justice after war 119
- state rights and humanitarian intervention 33–4, 35–7
- and Walzer’s theory of aggression 27–8
- storytelling 3
- and Jewish political theory 139
- and religious symbols 133–7
- strikes 89, 90
- strong democracy 92
- subsidiarity, principle of 93
- supreme emergency (SE) doctrine 21, 38–9, 44–8, 49, 166
- Sweden 107
- Switzerland 172
- symbolic value of commodities 69
- symbolism see religious symbolism
- Syria
- Tarantino, Quentin, Inglourious Basterds 52
- territorial integrity, and just-war theory 117
- terrorism 14, 29, 38
- and threats to civilians 48–51
- ticking timebomb scenario 43–4
- A Theory of Justice (Rawls) 1–2, 61–3
- Thernstrom, Stephen 131
- Thick and Thin (Walzer) 13, 118, 157
- Thinking Politically (Walzer) 2
- Thomson, Judith 71
- Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War 21–3
- ticking timebomb scenario 43–4
- toleration, regimes of 111–12
- torture 43–4
- Turkish migrants 107
- United Nations (UN) 115, 120–2
- United States
- Central American migrant workers 108
- civil-rights movement 10, 26, 79, 85–6, 89
- Cold War liberalism 147
- Communist Party 10, 82, 135
- community and identity 113
- and complex equality 79, 81, 84–5
- and cosmopolitanism 122
- Democratic Party 4, 82, 83
- General Motors strike (1930s) 90
- healthcare 165
- immigration 13
- Iraq war (2003) 31, 32, 118
- and just-war theory 118
- left politics and Walzer’s pluralism 122–3
- liberalism 84–5, 169–70
- McCarthyism 9–10
- multiculturalism 109–10
- and pluralism 126, 160
- Presidential elections 3, 5, 62
- refugees 102, 105
- SDS (Students for a Democratic Society) 86
- and social criticism 148
- and social democracy 169–70
- states and sub-state communities 104
- Supreme Court 168
- and terrorism 49
- ‘War on Poverty’ 85
- World Trade Center attacks 13
- see also Vietnam War
- universal morality 13, 122, 142, 154–60
- use value of commodities 69
- USSR see Soviet Union
- utilitarianism
- and distributive justice 61
- and just-war theory 21, 39, 44
- and radical discovery 144
- Vietnam War 14, 17, 18–20, 166
- anti-Vietnam War movement 11, 18–20, 79
- and civil disobedience 89
- and military reform 7–8
- My Lai massacre 157
- refugees 102, 105
- and Walzer’s just-war theory 17, 19–20, 24, 30, 32, 37, 39, 165
- The View from Nowhere (Nagel) 144
- war crimes 45
- Weber, Max 129
- welfare society 68
- welfare state 170
- and complex equality 83, 84–5
- West Germany 107
- Western European countries, and multiculturalism 109
- ”What Is ‘The Good Society’?” (Walzer) 98
- ”Which Socialism?” (Walzer) 88
- Wilde, Oscar 87
- Williams, Bernard 64, 66, 69, 78, 168–9
- Wittgenstein, Ludwig 1
- workplace democracy 76, 77, 89–93
- World Bank 115
- World War II 11, 17, 37, 165
- and Christian just-war theory 21
- and supreme emergency doctrine 39