Vampires are the risen dead, hungering for the life they have lost—a yearning only satisfied by drinking the blood of the living! Undeath twists what few emotions vampires retain: love becomes sick obsession; friendship warps to bitter jealousy. They replace feelings with physical objects that stand in for lost emotions, collecting art and treasures that soothe—momentarily—their eternal emptiness.

Lands infested by one of these creatures see an increase in the numbers of vermin. Plants wither, or grow in twisted knots, while shadows move of their own accord and a creeping fog clings to the earth. Only slaying the vampire can lift the blight.

Vampire spawn are created when a vampire feeds on a living creature and allows its victim to expire without tasting the vampire’s blood in return. The spawn gain some of the vampire’s powers, including regeneration, which allows the monster to slowly restore its health during combat (unless it is unconscious), and spider climbing, which allows the creature to easily scale difficult surfaces, such as vertical walls and upside down on ceilings!

Although mighty, vampires and their spawn have their weaknesses. Sunlight burns them, and they cannot cross running water, such as a stream or river. Their curse prevents them from entering a home unless invited inside by a resident. Their forms cast neither shadows nor reflections, and many a mortal has been saved by noticing a missing reflection before the vampire’s fangs find their throat. Finally, a wooden stake driven through their heart instantly paralyzes a vampire, leaving them vulnerable to death by decapitation.


Alone, a vampire is a formidable enemy. Clever and cunning, they may use charm to sway mortals to their service, or spy unseen in one of their shape-changing forms. They are fierce fighters, moving with alarming speed and delivering a deadly bite with their sharp fangs. Even when your weapons land solid blows, the vampire’s ability to regenerate pulls victory further from your grasp!

But worse, these fearsome creatures surround themselves with loyal servants, both their own spawn and other undead, who protect their master at any cost. Vampires can exist forever, draining the blood of the living and infesting the surrounding lands with the aura of their evil presence. Their eternal scourge can only be ended by the courage and strength of a mighty adventurer!

LAIR Vampires choose majestic yet defendable lairs, often castles or manors. Their coffins are typically hidden in underground crypts or guarded vaults. They are forced to lie within their coffins during the day, but can move this location by transporting the coffin or a large amount of grave dirt to a new resting spot.

SIZE Vampires are transformed humanoids and have the same size as a typical member of their mortal species.



A living victim influenced by this power sees the vampire as a trusted friend, making them open to the creature’s suggestions and willing to receive its bite!


Vampires can transform into a bat, letting them fly while retaining all their mystical powers.


When injured, a vampire converts into a cloud of mist that flees toward its resting place. If a misted vampire reaches its coffin, it can regenerate its physical body!


During the night, a vampire may call a horde of bats or rats to do their bidding; when outside, they can also command a pack of wolves in the same way!


Call upon nature’s power. Sunlight and running water are among the greatest weaknesses of a vampire, so find ways to bring those into your battle!

Bring along a holy spellcaster. If your party doesn’t already have a cleric, now is a good time to ask the local churches if anyone is willing to join you on your quest. Their ability to turn the undead is crucial when fighting vampires.


Don’t ignore the warning signs. If the locals are worried about an increase in rats or creepy mist that rolls in at sunset, a vampire may be taking up residence. Root it out before it can establish a formidable lair!

Don’t forget to look up. A vampire’s climbing powers mean it can attack from several directions, including overhead.


Vampire spawn are ravenous creatures under the control of their creator, loyal and obedient to all commands. They share the vampire’s endless thirst, and seek out fresh victims whenever their master allows. Their lack of free will means they cannot access the most powerful of the vampire’s abilities, but their feral cunning and relentless hunger have still been the downfall of many adventurers.

Some vampires create spawn specifically to function as servants or guards, devoted during the night and hiding in their coffins during the day. Other spawn may be used to prey upon the living residents of the vampire’s realm, spreading fear and death wherever they go. Either way, the eternal loyalty of vampire spawn can only be broken by the death of their creator—which gives them back their free will.

LAIR You’ll find vampire spawn within the grand castles and mansions of their vampire master. A rare few may haunt lonely graveyards or other remote sites, chained to their burial place by their undead curse.

SIZE Vampire spawn are transformed humanoids and have the same size as a typical member of their mortal species. However, their physical size does not always reflect the cursed strength they possess!

SPECIAL POWERS As creatures weaker than their makers, vampire spawn do not possess the full range of undead powers. They can call upon only regeneration and spider climb (see this page). Vampire spawn may also use their claws and teeth for dangerous attacks!


Stock up on stakes. The paralysis wears off once the stake is removed, so you’ll need one for every vampire spawn you’re up against.

Keep a mirror near your front door. That way, you can be sure any strangers seeking help in the night have a reflection before you let them in.


Don’t negotiate. The bond between a vampire spawn and its master is mystical in nature and cannot be broken, even by threats of death.

Don’t delay in dealing with them. Once their master is killed, vampire spawn regain their free will—which means they may come after you looking for revenge.


In life, Count Strahd was a prince, a soldier, a conqueror, and a student of dark magics. Hundreds of years into his vampiric reign over Barovia, a vast valley filled with dark forests and surrounded by looming mountains, he is all this and more, a terrifying creature of remorseless evil and cold brilliance. Detached from all human emotion, Strahd takes joy in the conquest of mortal souls, corrupting where he can and destroying where he cannot. His vampire powers are enhanced by powerful spellcasting, including the ability to animate the dead!

The doors of Ravenloft Castle, Strahd’s realm, are always unlocked; those who enter must prepare themselves to face a remorseless enemy who delights in testing his opponents with both brute force and treachery. Is your party up to the task?

LAIR Count Strahd dwells within the mighty castle of Ravenloft, an opulent gothic structure protected by hordes of undead creatures. His mystical connection with his lair allows him to pass through its walls without resistance or open and lock doors with just a thought. Strahd’s evil influence has spread eternal night not only over the castle but across the entire land of Barovia—a darkness only you can dispel by defeating the count himself.

STRAHD’S MINIONS To really fight Strahd, you’ll need to get through the dangerous creatures who guard him first. Within the halls of Ravenloft, you’ll find wolves and bats, ghosts and ghouls, even skeletons and vampire spawn.

HEART OF SORROW Hidden deep within the walls of Ravenloft is a giant crystal called the Heart of Sorrow. Any damage that Count Strahd takes during combat is magically transferred to this gem, allowing him to shrug off the mightiest of blows. You’ll need to find and destroy this magical crystal before you can take Count Strahd down for good!

SIZE In his normal form, Count Strahd is a tall, muscular humanoid, clad in expensive robes and armor. His shapeshifting powers allow him to transform into a small bat, a medium-size wolf, and an untouchable cloud of mist.

SPECIAL POWERS As if being a vampire wasn’t enough, Strahd has used his centuries of existence to hone his magical abilities. He can cast a wide range of spells, including ones to detect thoughts, animate the dead, create illusions, and even throw fireballs.