Provided by William A. Tiller, Ph.D.
Introduction to the Appendix by
C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D.
Since I’m quite comfortable with the field of parapsychology and psychics, I have been equally at home with many metaphysical concepts. When I met Dr. William Tiller in 1972, I was immediately impressed by his ability to convert metaphysics into physics and connect them with the greater concepts of multiple dimensions. For the past 40 years I have been blessed to read many of Bill’s descriptions of interdimensional space. To a great extent, he correlates not only physics and metaphysics, but also religion and spirituality. From a practical point of view, those of us who live in the physical world are familiar with concepts such as spirit, soul, ghosts, angels, the etheric body, and so on.
A century ago, Einstein’s theories took us from our concept of a three-dimensional world to one of four dimensions, with space-time representing the fourth dimension. Our concepts of space and time are related—thus, the theory of relativity—and even Einstein eventually agreed, reluctantly, that there is a fifth dimension.
But spiritual reality is not seen or measured in our fourth dimension; therefore, there have to be further dimensions. In the past few decades, the influences of the mind and intention have also proven that thinking can impact every aspect of our world, from events to outcomes, the EEG, and even our genes! Epigenetics has emerged as one of the most exciting scientific fields, demonstrating that we can change the expression of many genes. Thus, the mind and emotions have significant physical effects upon our fourth-dimensional reality.
Acupuncture is an ancient art that has been unequivocally proven to have remarkable electrical, biochemical, and emotional benefits, even though it has no known physical anatomical structure. Thus, it is reasonable to consider acupuncture one of the interdimensional conduits. Now, with the use of the essential oils through transcutaneous acupuncture, another major connection has been proven. There is an interdimensional connection of the subtle etheric body with the physical body. I am most grateful to Dr. Tiller for his major contribution to the physics of intention and the interdimensional aspect of the five rings, as well as for allowing me to include his work here in this Appendix:
We are all souls and require a physical body to fully experience the distance-time domain! As humans, we wear our “biobodysuit”—which develops when we souls are born into nature’s distance-time classroom—for the relatively short period of about 50 to 100 years, in space-time units, and then discard it when we leave this particular playpen of consciousness to return to higher-dimensional domains of reality.
Experience in this particular playpen allows us to (1) grow in coherence, and (2) develop our gifts of intentionality. In this way we can become what we were always intended to become: co-creators with our spiritual parents.
As a working hypothesis, I like to picture the soul self and its biobodysuit (the personality self) as illustrated in Figure 11:
Figure 1. A metaphor for the whole person. I like to visualize a sphere composed of three concentric zones that are at least weakly coupled to each other. The outermost two layers are the personality self. The middle three layers are the soul self. The core region is the high-spirit self (or the God self).
At present, our global society thinks of physical reality as consisting of only one layer of substance, the electric atom/molecule layer of Figure 1. However, I prefer to define physical reality as consisting of the two layers of the personality self: the coarse, electric substance layer; and the fine, magnetic substance layer shown in Figure 1.
This second, inner layer of the personality self is where the acupuncture meridian system is thought to function. As many have experimentally discovered, there is no histological evidence of the acupuncture meridian system and its many acupuncture points that Dr. Shealy has highlighted in this book. At present, the only serious substantiation of this important structural system is of an electrodermal nature2. The acceptable evidence is a significantly enhanced electrical conductivity of the skin immediately adjacent to the loci of the predicted locations of the acupuncture meridians and points.
When our souls are “born” into the space-time domain, the innermost magnetic substance layer (the old “etheric” layer) of our personality self is thought to form first and become the conventionally “invisible” template upon or around which the coarse, electric atom/molecule layer forms. All electrical-charge movement occurring in this outermost layer induces magnetic fields that are circulating around such electric current paths. These induced magnetic signatures are always of a dipolar nature rather than monopolar (see Figure 2)3.
Figure 2. Top: illustration of monopoles (+q or -q for electric, N or S for magnetic); bottom: illustration of a dipole (+q -q for electric, NS for magnetic).
Thus, although we have experimentally isolated individual plus- and minus-signed electric charges and electric currents flowing in this outermost layer, only induced magnetic dipoles (N-S species) are present in this outermost layer.
Our experimental data4–6 strongly suggests that magnetic monopoles and magnetic currents are present and functioning in this “invisible to electromagnetic sensors” template layer of the personality self.
Where Do These Electric Substances Come From?7
Paul Dirac (see endnote 7) was the first to meaningfully ask the question “Where do electrons come from?” He proposed that they were projected from the physical vacuum when a passing cosmic ray strongly interacted with the basic “stuff” of the physical vacuum (defined as having a complete absence of any electromagnetic matter, which does not mean empty). This cosmic-ray event was proposed to create an electron and its antimatter partner, the positron (see Figure 3).
Figure 3. Schematic energy spectrum associated with the Dirac analysis. A band gap of forbidden energies exists between E = ± mc2 for particle-antiparticle creation of mass 2m.
This positron particle was eventually discovered by a subsequent experiment in the early 1930s, for which Dirac received a Nobel Prize.
Some years ago, I theoretically expanded Dirac’s concept of Figure 3 to allow for the prevailing existence of additional layers of subtle energy substances (defined as: all substances not created via the four fundamental forces of today’s orthodox science: gravity, electromagnetism [EM], the short-range nuclear force, and the long-range nuclear force). This working hypothesis is illustrated in Figure 48, with the soul self of Figure 1 being constructed from the three next higher-dimensional substances present in the physical vacuum (deeper in the physical vacuum than the magnetic information wave “stuff”).
Figure 4. An energy-level diagram embracing both classical physical substances and “unseen” vacuum substances.
Thus, my working hypothesis is that the soul self is created from a composite of (1) emotion-domain materials, (2) mind-domain materials, and (3) some spirit-domain materials.
Experimentally, we have known for more than a century that, via both human sight and EM sensors, the physical vacuum is transparent to EM radiations of all frequencies, and that these photons travel at the same constant velocity, c, independent of the space-time distance through which they travel. Thus, these photons do not appear to significantly interact with any kind of “stuff” on their passage through physical vacuum.
This is the definition of a nondispersive medium, and it means that, for EM waves traveling through a physical vacuum, the EM wave velocity, v, is given by the simple formula:
Where λ= the wavelength and ν is the frequency of the EM wave.
Because of this simple formula, Eisberg9 was able to show theoretically that, for the DeBroglie particle/pilotwave concept (experimentally confirmed in the 1920s) and the relativistic particle energy domain:
(Here, νp = particle velocity, νw = pilotwave velocity, and νG = wave group velocity).
Thus, since νp is less than c, always, νw is greater than c, always, so it has a superluminal nature, and is therefore invisible to any EM sensor.
From the previous paragraph, my working hypothesis is that all the substance waves for those domains that lie deeper in the physical vacuum than νw (the magnetic information wave) are also superluminal and thus transparent to our normal human eyesight and to today’s orthodox science’s EM sensors. This is why the human soul is not visible to today’s orthodox science.
These insights, working hypotheses, and facts have been provided here because the five Shealy rings of Chapter Seven, and our future understanding of why they work so well to create such remarkable healing benefits for humans, are thought to depend upon this perspective.
1. W.A. Tiller, Psychoenergetic Science: A Second Copernican-Scale Revolution (Walnut Creek, CA: Pavior Publishing, 2007), 147–149.
2. W.A. Tiller, “On the Evolution and Future Development of Electrodermal Diagnostic Instruments” in Energy Fields in Medicine, ed. M.A. Morton and C. Dlouhy (Kalamazoo, MI: Fetzer Foundation, 1989).
3. Reference 1, p. 70, Figure 4.1.
4. Reference 1, p. 72, Figure 4.3.
5. W.A. Tiller; W.E. Dibble, Jr.; and M.J. Kohane, Conscious Acts of Creation: The Emergence of a New Physics (Walnut Creek, CA: Pavior Publishing, 2001).
6. W.A. Tiller; W.E. Dibble, Jr.; and J.G. Fandel, Some Science Adventures with Real Magic (Walnut Creek, CA: Pavior Publishing, 2005).
7. W.A. Tiller, “What Does the Dirac Negative Energy Sea Mean and Why Has Today’s Orthodox Physics Neglected It?” online document,, White Paper #VI.
8. Reference 1, pp. 154–155, Figure 7.7.
9. W.A. Tiller, “Why Has Orthodox Physics Neglected the Superluminal Velocities of the DeBroglie Pilot Wave Components?” online document,, White Paper #V.
William A. Tiller, Ph.D.,
Emeritus Professor, Stanford University,
Department of Materials Science & Engineering
June 2013