There are several people I need to thank in particular for their assistance in writing this book: Emma Walker, Laura Hasting, Matt Cynamon, and Brad Hargreaves from General Assembly for variously recommending, encouraging, and asking me to write this in the first place; Emily Loose, for all her hard work crafting my manuscript into the finished product you hold today, for helping me become a proper writer, and for spending many hours discussing the similarities between product management and publishing with me; and, in no particular order, Helen Holmes, Martin Eriksson, Janna Bastow, Simon Cast, Alison Austin, Lucie McLean, Vanessa Bruce, Sam Ellenby, Jamie Krisman, Lisa Dowdeswell, Kate Pool, Dermot Wilson, Kate Leto, Gianluca Trombetta, Christopher Lewis, Tom Sadler, Paul Malyon, Adrienne Tan, Mike Atherton, Laura Cherkas, and Cohorts Two and Three from my product management classes at General Assembly, London, for their interest and help in various ways. Thank you all.

I would also like to reserve a special note of thanks for my lovely wife, Jo, for her support, inspiration, and occasional shaming of my daily word count with her own writing.


Jock Busuttil, London,

May 2014