- List of Illustrations
- Series Preface
- Notes on Contributors
- Acknowledgements
- Introduction
- Gretchen E. Minton
- Part One Religion and Genre
- 1 Vindice and the Vice of Revenge: The Revenger’s Tragedy and the Morality Play Tradition
- Erin E. Kelly
- 2 Pleading For and Against the Devil: Satirical Ethics and Efficacy in The Revenger’s Tragedy
- Eric D. Vivier
- 3 Playing with Hell: The Revenger’s Tragedy and the Infernal
- Heather Hirschfeld
- 4 Calvinism and the Problematic of Character in The Revenger’s Tragedy
- Ian McAdam
- Part Two History and Topicality
- 5 Fashioning English Whiteness in The Revenger’s Tragedy
- Katherine Gillen
- 6 ‘’Cause I love swearing’: Strong Language, Revenge and the Body in The Revenger’s Tragedy
- Lucy Munro
- 7 The Dramaturgy of The Revenger’s Tragedy
- Janet Clare
- 8 ‘Whose head’s that then?’: Head-tricks, Bed-tricks and Theatrics in The Revenger’s Tragedy
- Karen Marsalek
- Part Three Performance
- 9 Objects and Gender: The Revenger’s Tragedy in Performance and on Film
- Katherine M. Graham
- 10 Forced Modernity in The Revenger’s Tragedy Performances
- Kevin A. Quarmby
- Afterword: Doing Battle on Behalf of a Skull
- Linda Woodbridge
- Index