Chapter Rubrics


1. Here begin the rubrics of this book, called The Description of the World

2. How Messer Niccolò and Messer Maffeo left Constantinople to seek out the world

3. How Messer Niccolò and Messer Maffeo left Sudaq [Soladie]

4. How the two brothers crossed a desert and came to the city of Bukhara [Bucara]

5. How the two brothers believed the envoy to the Great Khan

6. How the two brothers came to the Great Khan

7. How the Great Khan asked the two brothers about Christian affairs

8. How the Great Khan sent the two brothers as envoys to the pope of Rome

9. How the Great Khan gave the two brothers the gold commandment tablet

10. How the two brothers came to the city of Acre

11. How the two brothers left Venice to return to the Great Khan, bringing Marco, Messer Niccolò’s son, with them

12. How the two brothers and Marco left Acre

13. How the two brothers went to the pope of Rome

14. How the two brothers and Marco came to the city of Kaipingfu [Clemeinfu], where the Great Khan was

15. How the two brothers and Marco appeared before the Great Khan at the palace

16. How the Great Khan sent Marco on his missions

17. How Marco returned from his mission and recounted his embassy to the Great Khan

18. How Messer Niccolò, Messer Maffeo, and Messer Marco asked the Great Khan’s permission to leave

19. Here is told how Messer Niccolò, Messer Maffeo, and Messer Marco took leave of the Great Khan

1. West Asia and the Approach to the Court of the Great Khan

20. Here Lesser Armenia is described

21. Here the province of Turcomania is described

22. Here Greater Armenia is described

23. Here the king of the Georgians and their affairs are described

24. Here the kingdom of Mosul is described

25. Here the way the great city of Baghdad [Baudas] was conquered is described

26. On the great marvel that occurred with the mountain in Baghdad

27. How the Christians were greatly frightened by what the Caliph had said to them

28. How the bishop had a dream-vision that a shoemaker’s prayer would move the mountain

29. How the Christian’s prayer moved the mountain

30. Here the noble city of Tabriz [Toris] is described

31. Here begins [the account] of the great province of Persia

32. Here the three magi who came to adore God are described

33. Here the 8 kingdoms of Persia are described

34. Here the city of Yazd [Yasdi] is described

35. Here the kingdom of Kerman [Cherman] is described

36. Here the city of Qamadin [Camandi] is described

37. Here the Great Slope is described

38. How you go through very savage and poor regions

39. Here the great and noble city of Kuh-Banan [Cobinan] is described

40. How one goes through a desert

41. Here the Old Man of the Mountain and his assassins are described

42. How the Old Man of the Mountain made his assassins perfectly obedient

43. How the assassins prepare to do ill

44. Here the city of Shaburghan [Sapurgan] is described

45. Here the noble and great city of Balkh [Balc] is described

46. Here the mountain of salt is described

47. Here the great province of Badakhshan [Balascian] is described

48. Here the great province of Pashai [Pasciai] is described

49. Here the province of Kashmir [Kesimur] is described

50. Here the very great river of Badakhshan is described

51. Here the great city of Kashgar [Cascar] is described

52. Here the great city of Samarqand [Samarcan] is described

53. Here the province of Yarkand [Yarcan] is described

54. Here the great province of Khotan [Cotan] is described

55. Here the province of Pem is described

56. Here begins [the account of] the province of Qarqan [Ciarcian]

57. Here the city of Lop is described

58. Here the province of Tangut is described

59. Here the province of Kumul [Camul] is described

60. Here the province of Ghinghintalas is described

61. Here the province of Suzhou [Succiu] is described

62. Here the city of Ganzhou [Canpiciou] is described

63. Here the city of Edzina [Eçina] is described

2. The Mongol Empire and the Court of the Great Khan

64. Here the city of Qaraqorum [Caracoron] is described

65. How Chinggis was the first khan of the Tartars

66. How Chinggis Khan prepared his people to attack Prester John

67. How Prester John and his people met Chinggis Khan

68. Here the great battle between Prester John and Chinggis Khan is described

69. Here the khans who ruled after Chinggis Khan’s death are described

70. Here the Tartars’ god and religion are described

71. Here the Barguzin [Baigu] plain and the customs of diverse peoples are described

72. Here the great kingdom of Liangzhou [Erginul] is described

73. Here the province of Eriqaya [Egrigaia] is described

74. Here the great province of Tenduc is described

75. Here the city of Shangdu and the Great Khan’s wondrous palace are described

76. Here all the deeds of the Great Khan now reigning, Qubilai Khan, are described; also described are how he holds court and dispenses justice to his people; finally, his conquests are told

77. Here the great battle between the Great Khan and King Nayan, his uncle, is described

78. How the Great Khan attacked Nayan

79. Here begins the battle between the Great Khan and Nayan, his uncle

80. How the Great Khan had Nayan killed

81. How the Great Khan return[s] to the city of Khanbaliq

82. Here the Great Khan’s manner is described

83. Here the Great Khan’s sons are described

84. Here the Great Khan’s palace is described

85. Here the palace of the Great Khan’s son, who is to reign after him, is described

86. How the Great Khan is guarded by 12,000 horsemen

87. Here the great feast the Great Khan holds on his birthday is described

88. More on the feast the Great Khan holds on his own birthday

89. Here the very great feast the Great Khan holds on their New Year is described

90. Here the 12,000 barons who come to the feasts are described

91. How the Great Khan has ordered his people to bring him animals from the hunt

92. Here the lions, leopards, and lynxes that are trained to catch animals are described, and also gyrfalcons, falcons, and other birds

93. Here the two brothers in charge of the hunting dogs are described

94. Here the way the Great Khan goes hunting for beasts and birds is described

95. How the Great Khan holds great court and great feasts

96. How the Great Khan distributes notes [chartre] for money [monoie]

97. Here the 12 barons in charge of all the Great Khan’s affairs are described

98. How several roads leading to many provinces depart from the city of Khanbaliq

99. How the Great Khan helps his people in need of grain and animals

100. How the Great Khan has trees planted for the roads

101. Here the wine drunk by the people of Cathay is described

102. Here a kind of stone that burns like logs is described

103. How the Great Khan collects and distributes great quantities of grain to help his people

104. How the Great Khan gives charity to the poor

3. Cathay and the Western-Southwestern Provinces

105. Here begins the great province of Cathay [Catay] and we will tell about the Pulisanghin River

106. Here the great city of Zhuozhou [Giongiu] is described

107. Here the kingdom of Taiyuanfu [Taianfu] is described

108. Here a castle of Taiyuanfu is described

109. How Prester John captured the Golden King

110. Here the very great Qaramoran [Caramoran] River is described

111. Here the great city of Jingzhaofu [Quengianfu] is described

112. Here the borders between Cathay and Mangi are described

113. Here the province of Acbalac Mangi is described

114. Here the great province of Chengdufu [Sindanfu] is described

115. Here the province of Tibet [Tebet] is described

116. More on the province of Tibet itself

117. Here the province of Jiandu [Gaindu] is described

118. Here the great province of Qarajang [Caraian] is described

119. The province of Qarajang is further described

120. Here the great province of Zardandan [Cardandan] is described

121. How the Great Khan conquered the kingdom of Mien and Bangala

122. Here the great battle between the Great Khan and the king of Mien is described

123. Here more of the battle is told

124. How you make a great descent

125. Here the city of Mien is described

126. Here the great province of Bangala is described

127. Here the great province of Cangigu is described

128. Here the province of Aniu is described

129. Here the province of Toloman is described

130. Here the province of Ciugiu is described

131. Here the city of Hezhongfu [Cacianfu] is described

132. Here the city of Changlu [Cianglu] is described

133. Here the city of Jiangling [Ciangli] is described

134. Here the city of Dongpingfu [Tundinfu] is described

135. Here the noble city of Xinzhou matou [Singiumatu] is described

136. Here the great city of Lingiu [Ligin] is described

137. Here the city of Pizhou is described

138. Here the city of Chuzhou [Ciugiu] is described

4. Mangi

139. How the Great Khan conquered the great province of Mangi

140. Here the city of Huai’anzhou [Coigangiu] is described

141. Here the city of Baoying [Pauchin] is told of

142. Here the city of Gaoyou [Cayu] is told of

143. Here the city of Taizhou [Tigiu] is described

144. Here the city of Yangzhou [Yangiu] is described

145. Here the province of Anqing [Nanghin] is described

146. Here the city of Xiangyangfu [Sanyanfu] is described

147. Here the city of Zhenzhou [Singiu] is described

148. Here the city of Guazhou [Caygiu] is described

149. Here the city of Zhenjiangfu [Cinghianfu] is described

150. Here the city of Changzhou [Tanchin] is described

151. Here the city of Suzhou [Suigiu] is described

152. Here the noble city of Quinsai is described

153. Here the Great Khan’s great revenue from the city of Quinsai is described

154. Here the great city of Campgiu [Tanpigiu] is described

155. Here the kingdom of Fuzhou [Fugiu] is described

156. Here the city of Fuzhou [Fujiu] is described

157. Here the city of Zaytun [Çartun] is described

5. The Book of India

158. Here begins the book of India, [which] will describe all the marvels there and the kinds of people

159. Here the island of Japan [Cipangu] is described

160. How the Great Khan’s people escaped the storm at sea and then took the city of their enemies

161. Here idolators’ customs are described

162. Here the country of Champa [Cianba] is described

163. Here the great island of Java is described

164. Here the islands of Sardan and Condur are described

165. Here the island of Bintan [Pentain] is described

166. Here the island of Lesser Java [Java la menor] is described

167. Here the kingdom of Samudra [Samatra] is described

168. Here the kingdom of Dagroyan is described

169. Here the kingdom of Lambri [Lanbri] is described

170. Here the kingdom of Fansur is described

171. Here the island of Nicobar [Necuveran] is described

172. Here the island of Andaman [Angaman] is described

173. Here the island of Ceylon [Seilan] is described

Greater India

174. Here the great province of Maabar is described

175. Here the kingdom of Motupalli [Mutfili] is described

176. Here it is told where the body of Messer Saint Thomas the Apostle is

177. Here the province of Lar, where brahmins come from, is described

178. Here the island of Ceylon [Seilan] is further described

179. Here the noble city of Qa’il [Cail] is described

180. Here the kingdom of Quilon [Coilun] is described

181. Here the city of Kumari [Comari] is described

182. Here the kingdom of Hili [Eli] is described

183. Here the kingdom of Malabar [Melibar] is described

184. Here the kingdom of Gujarat [Goçurat] is told

185. Here the kingdom of Thana [Tana] is described

186. Here the kingdom of Khambayat [Cambaet] is described

187. Here the kingdom of Somnath [Semenat] is described

188. Here the kingdom of Kech Makran [Kesmacoran] is described

Middle India and the Arabian Sea

189. Here the Male and Female islands are described

190. Here the island of Socotra [Scotra] is described

191. Here the island of Mogdasio is described

192. Here the island of Zanzibar [Çanghibar] is described

193. Here begins [the account] of Abyssinia, which is Middle [India]

194. Here begins [the account] of the province of Aden

195. Here the city of al-Shihr [Escier] is described

196. Here the city of Dhofar [Dufar] is described

197. Here the city of Qalhat [Calatu] is described

198. Here the city of Hormuz [Curmos] is described

6. Greater Turkey and the Mongol Wars

199. Here Greater Turkey [La Grande Turquie] is described

200. What the Great Khan said of the harm Qaidu did him

201. Here King Qaidu’s daughter—her strength and bravery—is described

202. How Abaqa sends his son Arghun on campaign

203. How Arghun goes to assume the lordship

204. How Ahmad and his army went to fight Arghun

205. How Arghun took council with his barons to go to fight Ahmad

206. How the barons answered Arghun

207. How Arghun sends his envoys to Ahmad

208. How Ahmad answered Arghun’s envoys

209. Here the great battle between Arghun and Ahmad is described

210. How Arghun was captured and [lacuna in the text] liberated

211. How Arghun was liberated

212. How Arghun assumed power

213. How Arghun had his uncle Ahmad killed

214. How the barons did homage to Arghun

215. How Geikhatu took power after Arghun’s death

216. How Baidu took power after Geikhatu’s death

217. Here King Qonichi, who is to the north, is described

218. Here the province of darkness is described

219. Here the great province of Russia [Rosie] and its people are described

220. Here the mouth of the Greater [Black] Sea is described

221. Here the lords of the Tartars of the West are described

222. Here the war that erupted between Hülegü and Berke and the battles between them are described

223. How Berke and his army attacked Hülegü

224. How Hülegü addressed his people

225. Here the great battle between Hülegü and Berke is told

226. More on the battle between Hülegü and Berke

227. How Berke conducted himself valiantly

228. How Töde Möngke became lord of the Tartars of the West

229. How Toqto’a sends for Noqai [to answer] for the death of Töle Buqa

230. How Toqto’a sends his envoys to Noqai

231. How Toqto’a attacked Noqai

232. How Toqto’a spoke to his people

233. How King Noqai comported himself valiantly