advantage, 12
aggregated pairwise voting, 115–116
anonymity, 91
arithmetic mean, 34
Arrow’s theorem, 131
astragali, 1
atomic error, 303
auxiliary diagram, 151
average, 34
bar graph, 38
Battle of the Bismarck Sea, 191
beatpath method, 118–125
bell-shaped curve, 24
Bernoulli trial, 16
better than, 158
bimodal, 35
process, 16
trial, 16
Book on Games of Chance, 14
Borda count, 95–105
Borel, Emile, 146
Boscovich method, 50
Cardano, Gerolamo, 14
Central Limit Theorem, 82
central tendency, 34
Ceres, 54
Chicken, 161
choice number, 17
circumference of earth, 50
Cloneproof Schwartz Sequential Dropping (CSSD), 118
cloneproof, 101
complementary, 5
criterion, 100
methods, 111
confidence interval, 71
confidence, 71
conflict, 133
conjunction, 5
constraint, 208
correction, 44
Cotes, Roger, 47
counterstrategy, optimal, 171
Cuban missile crisis, 160
cumulative frequency, 60
cumulative relative frequency, 60
De Moivre, Abraham, 71
Dialog Concerning, 44
Doctrine of Chances, 71
dodecahedron, 9
dove, 177
elementary error, 56
event, 3
Evolutionary Game, 176
expected payoff, 147
expected value, 142
failure, 16
fitness, 177
France, 50
frequency table, 38
gain, 137
Galton, Sir Francis, 31
game, 137
fair, 134
nonzero sum, 180
solution of zero-sum, 187
geodesy, 50
hawk, 177
histogram, 38
hypothesis testing, 76
independence from irrelevant alternatives, 99
independent random events, 141
independent, 6
Jamaican Fishing Village, 198
Kennedy, John F, 160
Khrushchov, Nikita, 162
Laplace, P.-S., 82
Least squares method, 48
linear programming, 208
Lively, C. M., 136
lizard, 136
loss, 134
majority rule, defined,90
majority rule, intransitivity of, 107
margin of error, 74
mark, 40
maximin strategy
mixed, 193
value, 156
May’s theorem, 90
Maynard Smith J., 176
mean, 34
grouped, 41
meter, 50
minimax strategy
mixed, 193
pure, 189
Minimax theorem, 193
minimax value, pure, 189
mixed strategy, 146
mode, 35
model, 52
MOE, 74
moral certainty, 71
Nash equilibria of zero-sum games, mixed, 192
Nash equilibria of zero-sum games, pure, 190
Nash equilibrium point, pure, 164
Nash equilibrium, mixed, 170
Nash, John, 169
neutrality, 91
Newton, Sir Isaac, 47
noncooperative, 155
nondictatorship, 131
numlist_sp curve, 24
numlist_spity assumption, 60
numlist_sply distributed, 66
null hypothesis, 76
objective function, 208
observation, 44
Occam’s razor, 47
octahedron, 7
oddments, 195
odds, 1
ordinal preferences, 89
pairwise comparisons, 105–110
paradox, dominated winner, 106
paradox, voter’s, 108
paradox, winner turns loser, 97
Pareto optimal, 158
Pareto principal, 131
Parker, G. A., 177
participation criterion, 128
partition, 11
payoff pair, 158
payoff, expected, 152
Penny Matching, 134
Piazzi, Giuseppe, 54
play, 149
plurality rule, 90–95
Polar Star, 55
population, 60
preference criterion, binary, 88
Principle of Rationality, 155
p-value, 76
Quetelet, Adolphe, 57
quincunx, 31
random experiment, 2
random variable, 66
range, 36
regression line, 53
River Tale, 196
Rock-Scissors-Paper, 135
Roman Catholic Church, 44
runoff election, 91
saddle point, 191
schulze method, 116
Schwartz set, 121
significance, 77
simultaneous equations, 220
Sinervo, B., 136
Smith criterion, 111
Smith-IIA criterion, 117
Smith set, 112
spread, 36
standard deviation, 37
grouped, 41
standard numlist_sp curve, 27
strategy pair, mixed, 168
pure, 150
success, 16
symmetric, 23
tetrahedron, 8
throw, 11
round robin, 111–126
single elimination, 105
transitivity, 88
Two-Finger Morra, 136
Uta stansburiana, 136
value pair
mixed, 170
pure, 155
variability, 36
vertex principle, 223