In the Middle Ages, when people first planted grains and legumes together, it marked a breakthrough in human nutrition. Each supplies amino acids the other lacks; when combined, the protein they offer is as nutritionally complete as that found in meat. They are among the first foods that humankind learned to preserve by drying. Today, grains and legumes form the foundation of much of the world’s diet, accounting for two-thirds of the protein consumed. Cuisines around the globe boast signature dishes based on grain-legume combinations, such as lentils and brown rice, black beans and rice, and hummus with pita bread.

Grains and legumes are amazingly compact storehouses of nutrients. As the individual seeds of plants, grains contain more carbohydrates than any other food on earth. Legumes, on the other hand, are pods filled with individual seeds (when dried, these seeds are called pulses) and are exceptionally high in protein. Grains and legumes also offer fiber, B vitamins, vitamin E, and other antioxidants. With an ample supply of beans and grains in your pantry, a nutritious dinner is always within reach.







It would be hard to overestimate the importance of rice: Every day about half of the world’s population gets as much as half of its daily calories from this grain. Although much of that rice is sold with the nutritious bran polished away, brown rice’s bran and germ are intact, making it a whole grain. Indeed, a growing awareness of the health benefits of whole grains is helping to increase brown rice’s popularity. Brown rice takes longer to cook than the white variety, but its nutritional qualities, boosted by a pleasantly chewy texture and hearty flavor, make it worth the wait.


Brown rice’s germ offers the antioxidant vitamin E, as well as cholesterol-lowering phytosterols. Its bran provides plenty of B vitamins, almost a day’s worth of manganese, and more than a third of your selenium requirement. Thanks to the bran, a cup of brown rice also contains about 3.5 grams of fiber—more than five times the amount in white rice. And the bran acts as a natural detoxifier, flushing out toxins that accumulate in your body, such as mercury. Because it contains more fiber, brown rice has a gentler effect on blood sugar levels than white rice.


The three basic types of rice—short, medium, and long grain—are all available in their natural brown state. You can also buy brown versions of specialty rices like basmati, jasmine, and Arborio, but the bran will change the flavor and texture somewhat.


Its oil-rich germ makes brown rice more perishable than white rice. Store it in a cool, dry place in an airtight container and use within six months.


To cook short-grain brown rice, bring 2 cups water, ¼ teaspoon salt, and 1 cup rice to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer, covered, 40 to 50 minutes. Turn off heat and let stand for another 10 minutes for rice to fully absorb all the water (you will have 2½ cups cooked rice). For long-grain rice, follow the same instructions using 1¾ cups water and simmering for 35 to 40 minutes.


More than 8,000 varieties of rice are used for food, grown in dozens of countries around the world. In fact, in some Asian languages, the words meaning “to eat” and “to eat rice” are the same.


Hearty Spinach and Chickpea Soup

Brown Rice with Tofu, Dried Mushrooms, and Baby Spinach

Vegetable-Rice Bowl with Miso Dressing

Wild and Brown Rice Salad

There’s nothing like a hearty bowl of oatmeal to warm you on a chilly morning. So it’s fitting that this grain grows best in the cold, wet climates of northern Europe and North America. Though most Europeans, starting with the ancient Romans, fed oats to their horses, savvy Scots took advantage of oats’ nutritious nature and made them a national breakfast dish. Thanks to a mild but rich flavor and heart-protective nutrients, this grain deserves a place at the table.


Oats contain a generous amount of protein—more than you’ll find in any other cereal grain. They’re also especially rich in soluble fiber, notably a type called beta glucans that lowers cholesterol. Their vitamin and mineral profile impresses, too; just one cup of oatmeal gives you at least a fifth of the thiamine, folate, B5, iron, magnesium, zinc, copper, and manganese that the USDA recommends you consume daily.


The bulk section of a well-stocked natural-foods store offers an overwhelming variety of choices, including whole hulled grains (called groats), as well as oats that have been steel-cut or rolled to different thicknesses. Nutrition-wise, you can’t go wrong, no matter which form you choose; they all come from whole grains (although instant, or quick-cooking, oats have less fiber because most of the bran has been removed). The main differences are in texture and convenience—the smaller or thinner the pieces, the more quickly they cook.


Oats can turn rancid more quickly than other grains. Store them in a cool, dry place—or in the refrigerator—for up two months.


To make breakfast for two, bring 2 cups water to a boil and stir in ½ cup steel-cut oats. When oatmeal begins to thicken, reduce heat and simmer, stirring occasionally, for 30 minutes. Add mix-ins of your choice, like raisins or maple syrup.


Up until a few generations ago, most traditional working-class households in Scotland had a kitchen cabinet with a “porridge drawer.” On the weekend, the family cook would make a large batch of oatmeal porridge and pour it into the drawer. Then, during the week, chunks of porridge could be sliced off for meals.



Fresh Muesli with Apple and Almonds

Oat Bran–Applesauce Mini Muffins

Surprisingly enough, quinoa (pronounced KEEN-wah) isn’t a true grain but the seeds of a plant related to chard and spinach. Protein rich and loaded with vitamins and minerals, the sweet, nutty seeds boost energy and can help fight migraines and osteoporosis, as well as improve vision.


Quinoa seeds contain twice the protein of rice, though it’s not the quantity but the quality of the protein that stands out. With all nine essential amino acids (nutritional building blocks that help form proteins and muscle), quinoa is considered a complete protein. The tiny seeds also contain vitamin B2 (riboflavin) and magnesium, two nutrients that may help reduce the frequency of migraines. Magnesium may also help prevent hypertension (high blood pressure) and osteoporosis, while riboflavin may ward off cataracts. Quinoa contains vitamins B6 and E, as well as high levels of immunity-boosting iron and zinc. It’s also a good source of dietary fiber, packing 5.2 grams per one cup serving. Since it’s technically not a grain, quinoa has no gluten, making it tolerable in most cases for those with Celiac disease or grain sensitivities.


You’ll find quinoa at most health-food stores in its whole form, and occasionally as flakes or flour. Quinoa comes in a rainbow of colors, including red, brown, pink, orange, and black. Compared with white quinoa, the red variety—the second most common type in the United States—is nuttier and contains more fiber in each serving.


Keep quinoa in an airtight container in a cool, dry cabinet (away from sunlight) for up to two years.


In its unprocessed state, quinoa is coated with saponin, a bitter substance. Most quinoa has been “desaponized.” However, it’s still a good idea to rinse it under running water in a fine-mesh strainer before cooking to remove any remaining residue. To cook, combine 1 cup grains with 1½ cups water and ¼ teaspoon salt in a saucepan over medium heat, and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer, covered, 10 to 15 minutes (you will have 2½ cups cooked quinoa).


Quinoa Crunch with Seasonal Fruit and Yogurt

Quinoa, Apricot, and Nut Clusters

Quinoa-and-Turkey Patties in Pita with Tahini Sauce

Quinoa and Corn Salad with Toasted Pumpkin Seeds

Halibut in Green-Tea Broth with Quinoa

Stuffed Swiss Chard Rolls

Stuffed Poblanos in Chipotle Sauce

Swiss Chard, Mushroom, and Quinoa Salad

Quinoa and Toasted-Amaranth Slaw

Loaded with vitamins, minerals, and fiber, beans are the cornerstone of a healthy diet and a nutritional fountain of youth. Researchers have found that eating these earthy-tasting legumes is one of the most important dietary factors in longevity.


Considered among the most ancient of foods, beans—such as chickpeas, lentils, black-eyed peas, and black, white, navy, and kidney beans—deserve a prominent place in any kitchen. An inexpensive and virtually fat-free source of protein, all beans pack a high dose of folate, B vitamins, and iron. Particularly healthy for the heart, beans may lower blood pressure and cholesterol. Beans contain lignans—phytoestrogens that may reduce the risk of estrogen-related cancers—and recent studies have shown these legumes to be especially effective in curbing pancreatic, colon, and prostate cancers. The plentiful fiber (both soluble and insoluble) in beans helps to lower or normalize blood sugar levels, a boon to those with diabetes, hypoglycemia, or insulin resistance. Besides lentils—which cook quickly and don’t need to be presoaked—most dried beans may be used interchangeably in recipes. Canned beans contain comparable nutrients to dried varieties, as long as the can is BPA free.


When purchasing dried beans, look for those that appear largely unbroken, and buy from a source that has a good turnover. When buying canned beans, consider organic brands, especially if you’re concerned about sodium.


Don’t mix newly purchased dried beans with older ones; the older they are, the longer they take to cook. Beans have a long shelf life; kept in a tightly sealed container in a cool, dry place, beans will stay fresh for up to a year.


Sort through dried beans before cooking them to remove any small stones or twigs; rinse well. Soak beans overnight (or up to 24 hours) in the refrigerator before cooking. Or, as an alternative, place beans in a saucepan, cover with cold water, and bring to a boil. Turn off heat and soak beans, covered, for 1 hour. To cook, bring beans and soaking liquid to a boil in a large pot; reduce heat and simmer until beans are tender, anywhere from 30 minutes to 3 hours, depending on the type of bean.


Frittata Ranchera with Black Beans

Sweet Potato Hummus

Black Bean Salsa with Baked Chips

Yellow Split Pea Dip

Chickpea Nibbles

Crunchy Split Pea Bites

Grilled Mushroom Burgers with White Bean Spread

Pita Sandwiches with Spinach-Chickpea Spread

Hearty Spinach and Chickpea Soup

Lentil, Carrot, and Lemon Soup with Fresh Dill

Chili with Chicken and Beans


Cannellini-Bean Niçoise Salad

Lemony Lentil Salad

Wilted Kale with Cranberry Beans and Delicata Squash

Vegetable-Rice Bowl with Miso Dressing

Stuffed Poblanos in Chipotle Sauce

Whole-Wheat Pasta with Lentils, Spinach, and Leeks

Lemon Chicken with Avocado-Corn Salsa

Lentils with Ginger, Golden Beets, and Herbs

Like beans, common green peas, also known as garden peas or English peas, are a type of legume. In the case of green peas, the pod and seeds are immature and therefore tender enough to eat raw or minimally cooked; the flavor is fresh and sweet.


Like most legumes, peas are a good source of protein, especially for vegetarians, and an excellent source of fiber—a cup of raw green peas packs more than 30 percent of an adult’s daily fiber requirements. That same cup of peas is also a surprisingly potent source of vitamin C, offering more than half a day’s supply. Peas provide a good dose of vitamin K, folate, and thiamine, too.


If you aren’t growing peas yourself, buy the freshest possible from a farm or farmers’ market (in season in the spring and again in late summer or early fall); a pea’s composition begins to change quickly after it’s picked. Look for plump, bright green pods. If fresh peas aren’t an option, choose frozen over canned. When peas are frozen quickly after picking, they maintain a decent amount of nutrients, which they lose during the canning process.


Refrigerate fresh peas in their pods inside a plastic bag for up to three days after they’re picked.


To shell fresh peas, remove the stem end of the pod and the stringy fiber along the seam. Pry the pod open with your fingers and push out the peas. Blanch peas in boiling water for 1 to 2 minutes to brighten their color, then toss them into salads, pastas, or risotto and other rice dishes.


The same kind of compound—an isobutyl methoxypyrazine—is responsible for the strong, fresh “green” aroma in both green peas and green peppers.


Asparagus with Shiitakes, Shallots, and Peas

Asian Chicken Salad with Bok Choy

Citrus-Roasted Salmon with Spring Pea Sauce

Halibut in Green-Tea Broth with Quinoa

Embodying the goodness of soy in its least processed form, edamame are simply green soybeans harvested before reaching maturity. They have fuzzy pods, and a mild, buttery flavor that makes them an addictive snack or hors d’oeuvre.


Not only do soybeans provide more protein than other beans, they contain all the essential amino acids in the proportions your body needs. This means soy, minus the saturated fat and cholesterol, is as complete a protein as meat. Soy is also high in folate and potassium. Whenever possible, seek out organic, non-genetically modified soybeans.


In the summer months, look for fresh edamame at farmers’ markets; often you’ll see them sold in bunches, still attached to the plant. You can also find frozen edamame—both in and out of the pod—year-round in the supermarket.


Fresh edamame in the pod will last for up to a week in the refrigerator. Eat frozen edamame within four to five months (you don’t need to thaw before cooking).


For an easy snack, boil the beans in their pods until bright green and heated through, about 4 minutes. Drain and sprinkle with salt, then eat straight from the pods.


Although first domesticated in China, most soybeans now come from the United States (the majority of these soybeans are used for feeding livestock). One of the earliest American proponents of soybeans was Benjamin Franklin. In 1770, he wrote to a friend about the beans, describing how they were made into a sort of “cheese” he called “tau-fu.”


Soy-Wasabi Spread

Halibut in Green-Tea Broth with Quinoa

Spinach Pasta with Corn, Edamame, and Green Beans

Edamame and Butternut Squash Succotash