

Yoga is a method of daily practice that raises your frequency. The energy in your body at any given time may be at a low or high frequency, and the more you’re able to get your energy in a high frequency, the easier it will be to access psychic knowledge. Let’s say that anger is a low frequency and love is a high frequency. In order to get to a higher frequency, we practice meditation and use yoga poses that activate the upper chakras, which are the access points for our intuitive abilities. The upper four chakras will be activated by the exercises in this book if you’re consistently practicing them. I’ve included yogic breathing exercises and simple yogic meditations that you can use on your journey to meet your soul. Congratulations! You’re developing the most important relationship in your life.

There are seven chakras inside your body and one large chakra around it that is also called the aura. The chakras in the body are where your nerves bundle together and there is a concentration of energy there. The prana (life force) that runs through your body can be stuck in the lower three chakras if you have a poor diet, have negative thoughts, or are focused a lot on nonspiritual goals. Any of those behaviors can be shifted, and the yoga poses you’ll learn in this book, as well as the breathing and meditation exercises, will make it easier to have more energy, make good food choices, and have a habit of positive thinking. Yoga harmonizes your mind, body, and soul so that life becomes easier. If you thought this was going to be like an academic test or a physical fitness test, it’s actually quite the opposite. This is about love, learning how to change your emotions, and learning about the power that is within relaxation. As we shut the mind off, we find the answers are already there, waiting for us.

The ancient yogis have been able to use their intuition to see the future, know things about people, and even connect to the spirits of the deceased. It’s well documented that these seemingly supernatural psychic abilities exist, and this book is your easy-to-use manual to developing those same gifts. Before you start doubting that you have any special abilities, it’s important to know that everyone can develop psychic abilities. We all have the hardware in our body to be able to tap into the unseen realms. Movies make it seem like psychic powers are either just a fairy tale or something only a gifted few possess, but I invite you to open your mind to the simple techniques in this book that will get your intuition open and your psychic abilities turned on. Intuition is often a gut feeling or a sense you have about something. You are probably already working with one or more types of intuition. Clairvoyance is the type of intuition where you see images and visions in your mind’s eye. Clairsentience is the type of intuition where you feel sensations or emotions in your body that reveal information. Claircognizance is a knowing that is deep within you or in your conscious mind without explanation. Finally, clairaudience is hearing through the mind, which is like when you recall something in your memory but do not hear it outside of yourself. Some psychics are able to see the future, but being intuitive can help you in many other ways that may not involve predicting what’s to come. You can study each form of psychic abilities much more in depth, but this book is going to help you begin the process.

If you’re looking for deeper meaning in life or are wanting to heal yourself from past experiences, developing psychic awareness is the place to start. When you understand the mechanics of intuition that we will discuss, you’ll understand how the yogis were able to know things by reading minds or seeing the future. It’s important to note that the future isn’t written in stone, so any future reading is merely an imprint of where the energy is projecting and can be altered. It’s only a probable outcome. Psychic abilities are a lot of fun, and developing them gives you a tremendous amount of confidence to make decisions that are in your best interest.

Psychic abilities can help you choose the right job, partner, and activities to achieve lasting happiness. If you’re curious about becoming psychic, this is a great book for you. The wisdom that is offered in a simple and fun way in this book will also help you overcome any fears about psychic powers that may have come from sensationalized shows about ghosts or paranormal stories. Psychic abilities help you know how to make small decisions throughout the day and big life moves. You’ll start finding you trust those gut feelings much more and then later find out why. You will start to get glimpses of the future, which is a fun reminder that we are all connected. More than anything, psychic powers help you overcome feeling alone or afraid because it opens you to the spirit world, where we do not have to fear the transition from the body to the next step in our soul’s journey. It helps you deal with the bigger challenges life can throw at you because you start seeing the energy behind experiences and learning lessons instead of feeling helpless. It will help you know people’s true intentions and personal struggles so you can empathize and have the ability to navigate relationships from a deeper knowing than just what things look like.

This book not only gives you insights from my professional experience as a yoga teacher and clairvoyant, but it also offers you the ability to heal yourself. Psychic abilities can be accessed by awakening the aura and chakras with yoga. You will start to experience your own life shifting and your consciousness transforming. I hope you find that this book empowers you to get into the flow of your soul and the connection of your own higher self so you can be guided and so your life can be blessed.

The more people that awaken to their intuition on this planet and find a spiritual connection, the greater chances we have of shifting the manner in which we engage with nature and treat Mother Earth. The more people that hold a high vibration on this planet, the closer we all get to peace. Besides having a great effect on the globe, developing your psychic abilities can help you psychically heal yourself. Because everything is energy, many of our sicknesses and diseases can be mitigated and healed on a psychic level. When we find the energetic root of our pain or disease, we can often heal in ways that doctors do not have the capacity to understand. In many cultures, healing and medicine are energetic processes. Preventing sickness is a lifestyle of emotional maintenance and spiritual discipline.

How to Use This Book

You may progress through this book one chapter at a time and allow yourself to really digest and experience the subtle changes that occur as you practice. Practicing each chapter for a month at a time would allow for great insights and transformation with each chakra; however, if you ever feel called to work on a specific chakra, go to the chapter that corresponds to that chakra anytime. Ultimately, you will sense both how you want to use this book and the pace that feels right to you. Each person will find their own way of using the meditations, breathing exercises, yoga poses, and journal reflection work.

This book will help you gain a basic understanding of yoga poses and how to open your intuition. Experienced yoga practitioners will learn a new way to practice that targets intuition development. Ultimately, doing something each day is the best path forward. How hungry you are for transformation will determine what you are able to glean from this book.
