
Chapter 10

Poses for the
Third Eye Chakra

Most of the poses that can really help activate the third eye chakra allow you to shut off the brain and tune into subtle energy. They are not complicated, and they allow you to relax while blood starts to flow to the brain. We are now working on the mystical third eye chakra, which is the gateway to the soul and the unseen realms. It allows you to see beyond time and space. The pineal gland, ears, eyes, nose, and brain are linked to this chakra.

Insomnia, earaches, headaches, vision problems, anxiety, paranoia, confusion, and memory loss indicate there is a block in this chakra. A blocked third eye chakra can cause seizures, nausea, and sinus issues. Hallucinations or manic depression also indicate an imbalance. If the chakra is overactive, you are likely to be out of touch with reality and unable to determine the imagination from the real world. If it’s balanced, you will know the intentions of others and have wisdom and a sense of what is to come. The ability to see things clearly in the third eye and receive information about others comes when this chakra is balanced. The ability to see remotely and understand how someone is feeling and why is mostly done with this chakra. You can see energy and streams of consciousness that affect people through this chakra and the crown chakra. You will be able to create a clear vision for your highest good and the good of all to help you manifest when you can see in the third eye. Many of the meditations where you are communicating with spirits will be because of the active third eye.

This eye becomes active through frequent and sustained meditation, focus, and a healthy flow of prana. You will need to keep the other chakras unblocked to keep energy running to this chakra. You may feel sensations on the forehead or in the brain and start to see images with more color and detail in the third eye. The poses in this chapter will help bring prana to your third eye, but the restorative poses will also switch your brainwave state from an active state to a more meditative state. The nervous system will be able to move out of fight-or-flight mode and into its receptive and creative mode. The relaxation indicated in the instructions as well as the breathing methods for the pose are crucial for the success in accessing the benefits of each of them. Don’t think that just because you’re not building muscle or greatly increasing flexibility that you’re not getting somewhere. You’re actually practicing doing less so your thoughts can be still. In our go-go-go lifestyles, this is the most valuable thing you can do to activate your psychic abilities. You will get used to letting the truth come to you and sensing what is already there as your mind and body are quiet and calm. As you open the third eye, you will start to trust your inner voice more.

When your third eye starts to open from your daily yoga practice, it’s common that you will have more detailed and vivid dreams. You will often experience flashing in this area (the brow point) when the third eye starts to open. That is a good sign. You may start to see repeating numbers like 22 or 111 when your intuition starts to open. Essentially we live in an interdimensional reality, but when our psychic abilities are not turned on, we only perceive some of those dimensions. As you continue to practice, you’ll start to perceive more beings and more information about those around you, and you’ll start to know why people act the way they do as groups. It’s much easier to understand human behavior when your psychic ability is awakened. Be patient and keep practicing. Know that it will come.

Affirmation for the Third Eye Chakra

I am connected to the energy that pervades all of creation. I can sense energy around me to know how people are feeling and what is affecting them most. I can sense the projection of things to come and the patterns that dominate a person’s consciousness. I see visions that guide me to make the best decisions possible, and I am visited by helpful spiritual beings.

Child’s Pose

Chakra Activated: third eye

Child’s Pose

Enter the Pose:

1 Start sitting on your heels. Bring your knees just wider than your ribs.

2 Walk your hands forward so your forehead rests on the ground.

3 Relax your stomach muscles. Breathe slowly and deeply, allowing your muscles to melt. Relax your face and bring your awareness to the forehead where it rests on the ground. If your mind drifts, try mentally saying a mantra such as “My third eye is opening” on each inhale and exhale. Scan your body for any tension and relax that part of the body.

Exit the Pose:

1 Slowly walk your hands back when you’re ready to come out of the pose.

2 Notice how relaxed you are.

Duration: Hold the pose at least 3–5 breaths. For a more restorative pose, hold 3–10 minutes.

Modifications: An alternative way to do the pose is with your knees together, but most people like the hip release of the wider knee option. You can also do this with blankets stacked under your chest.

This is a restorative pose that is meant to be done without flexing any muscles. It will help align your spine and calm your nerves. It can reduce lower back pain and relieve a tight psoas, or hip flexor. It relaxes the stomach and back while gently bringing energy to the third eye. The yogis say sleeping in this position for thirty minutes is as restorative as a full night’s sleep. This pose can reduce anxiety and hypertension caused by hypersensitivity or sensory overload. It allows you to still the logical side of the brain and begin to use the creative side of the brain. As you practice the pose, you can start to feel stress melt away and begin to tune into more subtle frequencies. When you do it, you will be able to develop your breath capacity by expanding the back of the lungs and side ribs. Allow yourself five to ten minutes to practice this pose; you may put a pillow or folded blankets under your stomach and chest to help you relax. It’s up to you whether you’d like to reach your arms forward in the pose or have them along your sides with palms up.


Chakra Activated: third eye


Enter the Pose:

1 Start in a seated position and bring the bottoms of your feet together but slide them forward.

2 Allow the knees to fall out and gently lean forward with your arms draped forward. You will look kind of like a turtle. Eventually when the hamstrings and lower back are not tight, the forehead will rest on the feet as you lean forward.

3 Whatever the pose looks like today, be sure you’re relaxing your neck so your head is hanging heavily.

4 Allow the hips, stomach, face, and back to relax. Breathe slowly and deeply through the nose with the intention to open to your intuition more on each breath.

5 Close your eyes and focus at the brow as you breathe. About a minute into the pose, you’ll feel the tightness in the muscles start to release as you relax deeper. Continue breathing slowly and deeply melting into the pose for 3–5 minutes.

Exit the Pose:

1 On an inhale, slowly lift yourself back up to a seated position.

2 Notice how you feel and the state of mind this pose creates.

Duration: Try to stay in the pose 3–10 minutes.

Modifications: You may want to fold a blanket and sit on it to make it easier to lean forward. You can even place a yoga block (or a stack of them) under your forehead to help relax your neck.

This is a restorative pose that induces calmness. The pose is good for those who are unable to slow their mind for meditation. It is easy for people who are both inflexible and flexible. This forward fold is great for doing before bed; if you have trouble sleeping, just do it in bed. The nerves become relaxed in this pose, and your mind will slow down so you can become more psychically perceptive. Remember that slow, deep breathing through the nose is just as important as the pose itself. If you are having trouble receiving in any way, this pose can help you allow yourself to be open to help from others. It can also help reduce lower back pain, lower your stress, and reduce anxiety.

Standing Wide-Legged Forward Fold

Chakra Activated: third eye

Standing Wide-Legged Forward Fold

Enter the Pose:

1 Start standing with your feet placed wider than your shoulders.

2 Turn the toes slightly in unless you have sciatica, in which case keep them pointing forward.

3 Place your hands on your hips. As you inhale, lift your chest.

4 As you exhale, extend the spine and lean forward, keeping the spine straight.

5 Inhale, bringing your hands to the ground, and exhale, relaxing the neck muscles and bringing your nose more toward the legs. If their flexibility allows it, some people like to grab the ankles at this point.

Exit the Pose:

1 Inhale, lifting your spine flat, like a table, and keeping your hands on the ground.

2 Exhale and bring your hands to your hips.

3 Inhale slowly and come all the way back up.

Duration: Stay in the pose for 3–5 rounds of deep, slow breathing.

Modifications: You may want to place the hands on two yoga blocks if they don’t reach the floor.

This is an inversion that can help reduce lower back pain and make sitting in meditation easier. It is great for bringing prana to the third eye and helping circulation to the brain because of the inverted position. Because it is also a forward fold, it calms the nerves, allowing you to relax for meditation. This pose can help with digestion and help you find mental clarity. Being upside down before tests may improve your ability to recall information.

This pose will make using the third eye much easier. By getting circulation to the head, you are able to think more clearly and sense more accurately. If you’re at all dehydrated, you may feel light-headed when standing up. Be sure to drink lots of water and always stand up very slowly while breathing in your nose.


Chakra Activated: third eye


Enter the Pose:

1 Lie on your back and let your feet fall away from each other.

2 Keep your arms alongside your body or slightly away from your body with palms facing up. Tuck the chin to release the back of the neck.

3 Scan your body from head to toe for any tension and tell that part of the body to relax.

4 Relax your face. Relax all the major parts of your body with your intention.

5 Feel the ground holding the weight of your body as your body becomes heavy. Do nothing and think nothing.
Just be.

Exit the Pose:

1 To come out of the pose, do not jerk yourself awake, talk right away, start looking on your phone, or make any sudden movement. It’s better to slowly bring yourself back by wiggling your fingers and toes, rolling the wrists and ankles, and taking some deep breaths.

2 Stretch your arms above your head and then hug your knees into your chest.

3 Rock forward and back on your spine, and then come up to a cross-legged position.

4 Slowly go back to your day after you’re ready, without rushing.

Duration: Stay in the pose 7–10 minutes.

Modifications: You may want to cover yourself with a blanket and place a pillow or folded blanket under your head. You can even fold a blanket and put it under the backs of your knees for maximum comfort. Some people choose to place an eye pillow over their eyes to help block out distractions and light. You can make one with beans and a sock, but make it light so it doesn’t put too much pressure on your eyes. While you’re in savasana, it’s nice to do it in total silence or it may help to play calming meditation music that has no words.

It is said this is the most important pose in a yoga class. When you’re practicing at home, this is the pose that often gets forgotten. Corpse pose, as it’s known in English, is a way to let your mind detach from the body as if you are asleep. You’re able to completely relax all of your muscles so you don’t have to do anything. It’s recommended to do this pose for seven to ten minutes at least once per day. This pose can help you recover your energy after doing more challenging poses. It is a yin pose that is taught in many restorative yoga classes. It helps align the spine and allows you to connect to your spiritual side. The ability to do nothing doesn’t come natural to most, but with practice you will become good at it. You may find psychic insights come to you in this pose, although the point is to learn to do nothing and relax deeply. In this pose you are not to regulate your breathing; you just let the breath breathe you. It will happen naturally.

Fun Fact: The third eye chakra allows you to visualize what you want so you can manifest. Many psychics time their visualization with the moon cycles, beginning to visualize on the new moon. They often see results at the time of the full moon.

Humble Warrior

Chakras Activated: all

Humble Warrior

Enter the Pose:

1 Begin in a high plank position and step the right foot forward.

2 Spin the back heel down and cartwheel the arms up to a warrior II position, with the right arm reaching forward and the left arm reaching back.

3 Check to make sure your right knee is not passing the right ankle to protect your knee.

4 Continue breathing and moving slowly as you interlace your hands behind your back.

5 Inhale, lifting your chest and pulling your clasped fists toward the ground.

6 Exhale as you bow forward, bringing the right shoulder inside the right knee.

7 Allow the fists to lift up, away from the lower back as much as possible, stretching the chest and shoulders as you bow your head. Keep the back heel on the ground for stability.

Exit the Pose:

1 Take 3–5 rounds of breath here and slowly come up.

2 Return to a high plank position and step the left foot forward to repeat the pose on the other side. You will notice one side is tighter than the other, and you can spend more time on the tighter side to even out your hips and legs.

3 Try doing the pose with the intention to release the ego so you can find truth and wisdom.

Duration: Hold each side for 3–5 rounds of breath.

Modifications: If the hands do not clasp behind the back, hold a towel or yoga strap.

This pose helps bring prana to the third eye. It is an active pose which can help if you feel distracted by the ego. The pose helps all of the chakras and is one of the less-known or practiced yoga poses. It is a bit of a challenge for those with tight shoulders, but that is all the more reason to practice it.

If you feel you are overcome with insecure thoughts or seeking things that are going to give instant gratification, look to this pose to help you find humility and a higher path of consciousness. If you find you are unable to connect to your third eye, this will help you become present and tone the body to make meditation more accessible. It is great for the shoulders, hips, legs, spine, and chest. It will stimulate the internal organs and help you develop better balance. This also helps heal the heart chakra and can be used if you’re focusing more on that chakra as well. It will give you a nice boost of energy and mental clarity when needed.

Head to Knee

Chakras Activated: heart, third eye

Head to Knee

Enter the Pose:

1 Begin seated with your legs out in front of you.

2 Bend your right knee and place the right foot on the inside of the left thigh.

3 Straighten your spine, turn toward the left foot (using your core muscles), and then fold over the left leg.

4 Relax your neck so your head hangs heavily. Once you’ve been in the pose for about a minute, you will feel the hips and back muscles release the tension they were holding when you began the pose. Commit to breathing slowly and deeply through your nose and tell your lower back and hips to relax.

Exit the Pose:

1 Melt over the leg as you stay in the pose for 3–5 minutes before very slowly switching sides.

2 When transitioning to the other side, move slowly to stay in a relaxed state.

3 Let go of thoughts or stories that have been stressing you out. Just let them go as you surrender to the pose.

4 Inhale, sitting up slowly, and bring both legs out in front of you.

5 Relax.

Duration: Try holding each side for 3–8 minutes.

Modifications: You may want to elevate your hips by sitting on a folding blanket so you can lean forward easier.

This pose gently stretches the sides of your back all the way down to the hips. It helps release tight hips and bring balance to the muscles that line the spine to align it. You can almost guarantee your dominant side will be more tight, so spend time on that side to bring equal flexibility on both sides. This is great for healing the heart chakra. As a forward fold, it is a restorative pose that activates the relaxation response of the parasympathetic nervous system. It quiets the sympathetic nervous system, which is the fight-or-flight response. It will help balance your hormones by lowering stress and reducing cortisol and adrenaline in the body. It can help reduce painful inflammation that can be caused by acidic stress hormones so you can meditate without pain.

Try setting your intention before going into the pose that any blocks to accepting your psychic abilities will be removed with this pose. You can picture energetic blocks leaving your third eye while you’re in the pose. This can help your internal organs and release anger or guilt. It can help you be creative and feel more open to the energy of those around you. It stretches the spine to allow kundalini energy to flow more easily to the third eye. Dim the lights to help you go into a relaxed state in this restorative pose.

Third Eye Chakra Check-In

These poses will start to awaken your third eye. Notice if you felt a subtle pressure in the forehead or if you sense what people will say before they say it. Write down how you have known that someone was distressed and reached out to help them or thought of someone right before running into them or other types of ways your intuition is starting to develop. Perhaps you’re hearing guidance clairaudiently or feeling other people’s feelings in your body. You are starting to see the reasons why people do things in our society and even the patterns that keep a person from thinking in a free way. You’re sensing your life purpose with more clarity, getting names of people that you can help, or seeing images in dreams before you do in real life.

Intuition Check-In

Write down the following reflections to track your progress and see what you can do to help your development. Write down that you are regularly practicing the poses each day or if you are only practicing a few days each week. Reflect on how you are doing with the preparation meditations of clearing the chakras. Write down how you’re doing with the daily breathing exercises recommended in the book and beginning meditations with them. If you’re not doing it frequently, write down why you’re avoiding them. Write down if you are at all afraid to open your third eye. Write down if you have been meditating for twenty minutes or more each day while focusing on the third eye. Write down how you are spending time listening with a quiet mind to receive information from the third eye and trusting what you see. You can see how the things or impressions you’ve written down are guiding your life. You can feel your intuition is getting stronger and your excitement about your spiritual development and gifts is growing.

Meditation for the Third Eye Chakra

This meditation can reduce confusion, indecisiveness, paranoia, headaches, and vision problems. Given that the focus of this book is developing psychic abilities, this meditation will be integral to that endeavor. This meditation can help activate the connection to your soul and the entire spiritual world, which can be experienced through this chakra. It can help you get a clear vision for your own future as well as visions of the energy most affecting others. This meditation will help you sense what it is like to use your third eye just as you use your other senses to navigate life. Spend weeks, months, or years with this meditation to see that your third eye truly does offer you a window to the other realms, where useful information for yourself and others is always present. You may find you see flashes of light, colors, or even more vivid images in your third eye as you work with this meditation. It’s common to feel energy at the brow as the energy activates over the course of the next few weeks and months.

Meditation Prep

Find a quiet place to meditate where you will not be interrupted. Record the meditation in your own voice while speaking calmly and slowly. You may want to play spiritual music, light a candle, and hold crystals that activate the third eye. You should sit tall and make sure you’re comfortable so you can sit without distraction. Set your intention to open your third eye with this meditation and then breathe slowly and deeply for a few minutes through your nose. As you do this, relax your body and slow your thoughts. This breathing makes your meditation easier and more effective.

Guided Meditation

Close your eyes and count backward from five to one. This will bring you into a meditative state. Begin by breathing in your nose and out of your mouth to come to five. Breathe in your mouth and out of your mouth for four. Now breathe in your mouth and out of your nose, which brings you to three. Next, breathe in your nose and out of your nose for two. Finally, breathe in your nose slowly and out of your nose slowly to arrive at one. You are now in a deep meditative state that will allow you to heal and activate your third eye. You are relaxed and you see yourself standing knee deep in a flat energy field of beautiful purple. The purple light goes as far as you can see in all directions. This is the plane of the third eye, which allows you to see forward and back in time. You can visit other places and times and even other dimensions.

As you look around, there may be a few walls blocking your sight. These walls represent blocks to your own psychic eye. The higher and wider the wall, the bigger the block. You notice one wall looms above the rest; this wall is the largest obstacle to your psychic vision. As you walk up to the wall, you’ll see a movie playing on it that is something in the past that shut down your third eye. Perhaps someone made you fearful of anything psychic or someone made fun of you for speaking about your sixth sense. Perhaps you were told that psychics were bad or that you were wrong for being curious about it. The picture before you will help you see a strong, deep-rooted belief that you can now let go of. Perhaps it’s even a belief that you do not have intuition. You will now allow the universe to knock down this wall gently so you can see beyond it. Feel your energy expand at the third eye point as this wall falls out of sight. You are now more open to see clearly with your inner eye.

You now see a series of walls that are a pattern or habit you have that is keeping you from opening to your spiritual gifts. Perhaps your fear of failure, fear of the unknown, or fear of not being able to do it is making you use your time on other things or making excuses as to why you aren’t yet ready to do this. Perhaps you are letting your environment keep you from meditating or you are telling yourself you’re too busy to meditate. Whatever may be blocking you from opening to your spiritual gifts will be shown to you as a series of videos, little snippets from your life, as you look upon these walls. Tell the universe you are now ready to open to your spiritual gifts and you would like help removing these walls. The walls fall away and you are left with a glistening purple haze before you that stretches across the horizon. You are now able to sense your unique spiritual gifts, even if they aren’t fully developed yet. Breathe slowly and deeply as you feel this shift and look out over this unique space before you.

You can always visit this third eye plane when you are looking for answers or clarity. You will start to see it more clearly, as if you were really there. Today you will clean up the third eye by asking the universe to infuse it with one word that will help you tune into your third eye. Every speck of purple light will now be infused with the word “clarity.” It spreads throughout the entire space you see, and you feel it working its magic in this space. You feel that your intention to perceive clearly is now activating this psychic space within your consciousness.

You will now be given a piece of information that will help you in your psychic development. It will be a clue that will be meaningful to you. You will see this object or picture now as you breathe slowly. Perhaps it’s something that reminds you how you’ve been intuitive for a long time or it’s something someone said about your energy. Perhaps it’s a book, a teacher, or a place you are to visit to help your psychic development. Do not judge what is revealed to you even if you do not understand it at this moment. If it’s not clear, breathe and relax until it becomes clear. Don’t try to think of something, just let it come to you.

Meditation Wrap-Up

Now take three deep and slow breaths to bring yourself back into the room where you are sitting. Slowly open your eyes and write down the information you just received that will help your psychic development. Date your entry and put the chakra you were healing in the heading. Write down if you feel there is more work to be done on this chakra or anything you’d like to work on healing the next time you do this meditation. Document any surprises or deep realizations you had while in this meditation. You have made a great accomplishment today by doing this. Perhaps it’s time to put the book down and celebrate your progress.

Your third eye will open as you spend more time trying to open it. Combine this meditation with the poses in this chapter for a few weeks and note the changes that take place as you do them daily. Your own fear may try to make it seem like you are too busy to do this, but expect yourself to make excuses and to move past them when you recognize them. The ego is a part of your mind that doesn’t understand how the third eye works, and it will create doubts or distractions in your life to keep you from changing and growing toward your soul. Your ego feels the energy shifting and will grasp onto things that feel normal, trying to keep you from opening to your own power and spiritual identity. It can help to keep a calendar to mark off that you’re doing your daily meditations because you are creating a new habit.
