Poses for the Aura:
The Eighth Chakra
The aura chakra is outside of the physical body and is often not spoken of in the chakra system. It is essential to activate for psychic development and just as real as the other energy centers. This chakra has a different spin to it. It has a toroidal shape, like a donut. Energy flows up and out of the crown chakra into the aura and down and around back into the root chakra. The energy may extend from your body only a few inches or many feet. Some yogis are reported to have auras the size of football fields or larger. Some people and children can perceive auras and feel when theirs enters someone else’s. There’s no reason you won’t be able to sense an aura either.
When you meet someone, their aura and yours meet. You get a download about them. In an instant you get a blueprint of their hopes, fears, and traumas. This is how you get a first impression of someone. We’ve all had the experience of meeting someone who just seems sketchy. They may have violent thoughts in their aura that we pick up on. Alternately, we’ve met someone that is so fun to be around and welcoming that we are drawn to them. Their aura is clear and charged up, so we are literally charged by them. When someone has a large aura, they are able to easily overpower someone with a smaller aura. That is how some people manipulate others. They have a lot of energy but use it for selfish reasons. This may bring to mind a boss that could get people to work like dogs without extra pay.
However, psychics also have large auras and know how to keep it that way. The breathing exercises help energize you because they charge up the nervous system as well as the aura. The chakras communicate to and from the aura to send and receive information from the universe and a person’s immediate surroundings. The aura is your sensory system for reading a room, a person, or an area, while the crown and third eye chakras help you see at a distance and beyond time and space. Both are useful for your psychic development. You also need a big aura to protect yourself from negative thoughtforms people carry around or streams of consciousness that govern large groups of people.
If your aura chakra is balanced and charged, you’ll feel in tune with the energy around you and feel lighter. You’ll easily know what someone means when they speak, and you will also sense their pain. You will compute ideas quickly and understand concepts easily, as if the information was downloaded. If the chakra is imbalanced, you may feel like a cloud is over you or that you are being followed. You may feel like you’re emotionally about to burst into tears or very unsure of how to act or why. This chakra holds your past traumas and the patterns of the subconscious, which can be cleared using breathwork and mantras from yoga as well as certain movements that move energy through the aura.
If you’ve seen spiritual art depicting saints, you’ll remember the halo around their head. There is an arc line from ear to ear that is a part of the aura, and these kriyas (a combination of yogic movements for a purpose) will help clear that arc line. You must be consistent to keep the aura charged up. If you’re around negativity or stressed for a prolonged period of time, work to rebuild the aura with these kriyas. They are easy to do and effective. You do not have to be a yoga master to practice them and receive the benefits. You’ll find that clearing your aura is essential to being able to read people. On a deeper level, your aura is essentially what attracts things to you that hold the same vibration. The aura can become clouded in a day, and to keep yourself clear you must do something daily to keep the subconscious from filling it with heavy, negative thoughts. You can think about your past and try to re-create it, but that is arduous and not as fast as activating your aura with kundalini yoga, which engages the mechanism of the body like a hydraulic system to move energy and amplify it.
The kriyas in this chapter are from the very ancient and esoteric lineage of kundalini yoga, which works on the energetic body and quickly allows you to build up a strong nervous system. They combine movement, mantra, and breathwork. They are usually done a minimum of forty days in a row for the desired effect.
Affirmation for the Eighth Chakra
I sense the energy around me and know what to do based on how others are feeling. I am in tune with the movements of the planets and use the energy to get things done when it’s available. I can sense someone’s intention and sense what they need to heal most. I do not abuse my ability to perceive; I use it to help uplift others and guide them toward the path of their own soul.
Chakras Activated: all
Enter the Pose:
1 Begin sitting on your heels or in a cross-legged position. Set your intention to bring up your anger and release it during the kriya.
2 Make fists and cover the thumb with your fingers. The thumb connects to the energy of the ego, and this keeps the ego in check.
3 Make a sweeping motion in front of your body from the chest over the head and behind you with one arm and then the other, like a backstroke. Make sure your forearm is over your head so the right fist lines up with the left ear when it passes.
4 Make an O shape with the mouth and do an open-mouth breath of fire through the O shape. It’s a powerful rhythmic breath that focuses on the exhale. Your navel snaps in on each exhale, which works as a hydraulic to move energy up your spine.
5 Breathe as powerfully as you can and really go at it for 3 minutes.
Exit the Pose:
1 At the end of 3 minutes, interlace your hands and bring your arms straight up, with your palms facing up.
2 Inhale through the O-shaped mouth and exhale.
3 Repeat that breath 2 more times, then relax.
4 Notice the energy in your aura after you do this exercise each time. You’ll feel it is charged.
Duration: Try to do this 3 minutes every day for at least 40 days to train yourself to live without anger.
Modifications: If it hurts to sit on your heels, try putting a blanket over your heels. If that still isn’t comfortable, sit cross-legged or on a chair.
Chakras Activated: all
Enter the Pose:
1 Your focus will be above your head for this kriya. Your eyes remain closed during the kriya as well.
2 Begin seated in a cross-legged position.
3 Bring your arms straight up to 60 degrees.
4 Curl the fingers so they touch the pads of the fingertips and point the thumbs straight up.
5 Engage your neck lock, pulling the chin back and in slightly to line the neck up with the spine; relax the front of the neck.
6 Begin breath of fire for 3 minutes, which is done by pushing air out of your nose as you snap in the navel. The inhale happens naturally. It becomes like one continuous breath and you get into a rhythm. Go at a pace that works for you.
7 Keep the elbows straight.
Exit the Pose:
1 After 3 minutes, inhale, bringing your thumbs together above your head and stretching the other fingers straight up.
2 Exhale, keep your arms straight, and slowly bring them down on each side of you so your fingertips touch the ground.
3 Sit in stillness and notice how your energy has shifted. Sense your aura expanding around you.
Duration: For the best effect, continue this 3-minute kriya for at least 40 days in a row to help your brain pattern develop a new way of thinking.
Fun Fact: Psychics have been consulted by leaders throughout history. Nostradamus was a trusted advisor to the French royal court. He was able to see events before they happened and made accurate predictions. He is depicted in the Netflix series Reign.
Chakras Activated: all
Enter the Pose:
1 Bring your feet about 2½ feet apart and your arms directly out to the sides.
2 On an exhale, bring the right hand to the left foot, lifting the left arm up.
3 Inhale and come back to the original position.
4 Exhale, bringing your left hand to the right foot and the right arm up. The legs stay straight throughout the exercise. Be sure to bend from the hips and not your waist. Keep the breathing long and deep through your nose. Think of elongating your arms and spine and sweeping your aura. The breath is just as important as the movement so be sure you’re breathing powerfully.
5 Inhale, coming back up to standing with the arms out to the sides.
6 Continue this back and forth movement, breathing slowly and moving slowly.
7 Inhale to finish coming back to center with the arms extended, and hold the breath for 5 seconds as you feel the aura expand. Exhale and relax.
Duration: 3 minutes.
Fun Fact: Kundalini yoga kriyas can teach you the same occult powers used by the Egyptians. Kundalini yoga was only given to the royals in India, and it was rumored that anyone who released it to the public would be dead within a year because it was so powerful. Yogi Bhajan brought it to the West in 1968, and he got very sick but did not die.
Chakras Activated: all
Enter the Pose:
1 Sit on your heels or place a blanket over your heels to add a little cushion.
2 Interlace your fingers, bringing your pointer fingers up like steeples. Men should cross the right thumb over the left, and women should place the left thumb over the right.
3 Bring the arms straight up so they are in line with the ears but keep the shoulders down, away from the ears. Avoid lifting the shoulders during the exercise.
4 You will inhale and then say “sat” (it sounds like “sut”), pulling the navel up and in to raise energy to the upper chakras.
5 As you exhale, say “nam” (it sounds like “nom”) and relax the navel as you do so. The words should be said powerfully as you visualize energy going up as you say “sat” and settling around your aura as you say “nam.”
6 Do this with your eyes closed and focus them at the brow to activate the third eye.
Exit the Pose:
1 Continue in a slow, steady rhythm for 3 minutes. To finish, inhale and squeeze everything, mentally pulling energy up the spine.
2 Always lie down afterwards for twice as long as you did the kriya to help receive the benefits of the kriya. That part is very important. Sense your expanded aura as you lie down.
Duration: A minimum of 3 minutes daily for at least 40 days.
Modifications: Avoid doing this after eating and while pregnant or menstruating. You can sit on a block between your legs or sit cross-legged and elevate your tailbone on a cushion if needed.
This kriya has many benefits that allow you to perceive the higher frequencies. This is one of the kriyas that would be best done every day for years. It is a powerful and fast way to alert yourself to the higher truths that are streaming in the higher states of consciousness. If you look at developing psychic abilities as tuning into a radio frequency, this exercise will help you get the stations clearly.
Chakras Activated: all
Enter the Pose:
1 This is done by sitting on your heels or in a seated
cross-legged position.
2 Bring your arms up and place your fingers on your shoulders so your thumbs are on the backs of the shoulders and the other fingers on the front.
3 Your elbows should point straight out to the sides. Do this with your eyes closed or you may get motion sickness.
4 As you inhale, twist to the left, and as you exhale, twist to the right. The spine stays upright and you breathe only through the nose.
Exit the Pose:
1 Continue this motion for 3 minutes, breathing very powerfully. The breathing is just as important as the motion.
2 After 3 minutes, inhale and come to the center, stretching your spine straight up.
3 Exhale and relax.
4 Shake out your legs in front of you to allow blood back to the feet.
5 Sense the aura expanded around you.
Duration: Continue for 3 minutes daily for a minimum of 40 days in a row.
Modifications: If sitting on your heels is not comfortable, you may place a blanket over the heels for extra comfort or sit in a cross-legged position.
Chakras Activated: all
Enter the Pose:
1 Begin seated with your legs out in front of you.
2 Wrap your peace fingers around your big toes and press your thumb into your toenails.
3 Inhale, lifting your torso up while still holding the feet. Exhale, pulling your nose toward your knees. Breathe powerfully only through the nose and think of lengthening the spine.
Exit the Pose:
1 After 3 minutes, inhale, lifting up, and hold your breath for 10 seconds. Then exhale and pull yourself down as far as you can for 10 seconds.
2 Relax and sense your aura expanded around you.
Duration: Do the pose for 3 minutes daily for a minimum of 40 days in a row.
Modification: If your legs are tight, try doing this while seated on a blanket to elevate your hips and help you lean forward.
Chakras Activated: all
Enter the Pose:
1 Begin seated in a cross-legged position and grab the ankles.
2 Inhale as you pull your chest forward and exhale as you round the spine. Instead of bobbing the head, isolate the movement so the head barely moves.
3 Breathe powerfully, only through the nose. This will bring a tremendous amount of prana into your energy field.
Exit the Pose:
1 After 3 minutes, inhale, stretching the heart forward, and hold the breath for 10 seconds. Exhale and relax the pose.
2 Shake your legs out in front of you. After 40 days, your spine will be more mobile and your nerves will be stronger. Your aura will be larger and intuition will heighten.
Duration: Do the pose for 3 minutes for a minimum of 40 days in a row.
Chakras Activated: all
Enter the Pose:
1 Lie on your back and zip the legs together.
2 Point your toes and tuck your chin to your chest.
3 breath of fire. Breathe in your nose and forcefully exhale through your nose as you snap your belly button in. Let the inhale happen naturally and the stomach will expand again. Create a rhythm focusing on the exhale. Hands are alongside your legs.
4 Look at your toes and imagine you’re pumping energy into your naval point with each breath.
Exit the Pose:
1 To end, inhale and hold in the breath for 10 seconds, squeezing your entire body, including your face.
2 Exhale and relax. This is going to greatly enhance your psychic abilities, and if you do it for 40 days you will sense your strength building as well as your aura expanding.
Duration: You can work up to holding it for 3 minutes, but start with 30 seconds for 1 week and then 1 minute the following week. Do it daily for a minimum of 40 days.
Chakras Activated: all
Enter the Pose:
1 Start by squatting and bring your heels together, lifted off of the floor. Your knees come to the sides and your fingertips come to the floor. Lift your head and chest.
2 Now, as you inhale, lift your hips, straighten your legs, bring your nose toward your knees, and keep your heels together up off the ground.
3 Exhale and come back to the original position. That is one completion of the movement. Keep your eyes closed so you do not get motion sickness.
Exit the Pose:
1 After you complete the number you’ve set out to do, inhale and stretch your nose close to the knees for 10 seconds.
2 Exhale and relax. Sense the aura expanded around you.
Duration: Start with 26 per day for a week and increase to 56. Eventually you’ll be able to do 108 without much effort. Repeat this kriya for a minimum of 40 days and your intuition will benefit greatly. If you find it difficult to do this movement and these positions, listen to your body and do what works for you while breathing deeply.
Meditation for the Eighth Chakra
This meditation will help you become more sensitive to the energy around you as well as tune into your own energy better. This meditation will also help expand your aura just as the breathing exercises do. The aura is the impression you make upon others as well as the way you attract things to you. The vibration of your aura is what you will see in the world around you, and thus it is essential to do meditations that will keep that vibration positive. It is the lens through which we see and experience the world. This can help you feel where you are being guided, and it can give you downloads of what is affecting someone without you even needing to ask. It picks up on the auras around you and is one great way to learn and process information that can help you make good decisions.
Meditation Prep
Start by finding a place where it feels inviting to meditate. It may be a place in nature or your favorite chair. Take a moment to set your intention to clear the space around you. Mentally set the energy around you to a positive state by sending out loving vibrations to fill the room. Now it is recommended that you record the guided meditation in your own voice, speaking in a slow, calm manner. Then sit tall like a yogi and breathe slowly and deeply through your nose for a few minutes to calm your body and mind for the meditation.
Guided Meditation
Allow your eyes to remain closed during the meditation so you can sense the energy shifting that you will experience. You will count down from five to one to bring yourself into a deep meditative state. Start by breathing in your mouth and slowly out of your mouth, bringing you to five. Now take a slow breath in your mouth and let it out through your nose, which brings you to four. Next, breathe in your nose and again out of your nose slowly to arrive at three. Then breathe in your nose and out of your mouth, which brings you to two. Finally, one more slow breath in your mouth and slowly out of your mouth as you arrive at one.
You find yourself surrounded by a beautiful golden sphere. It is mostly light but some of it is dark, which reveals there are some traumas you can heal. The darkness holds a hidden blessing for you as you look around in your mind’s eye through this golden sphere. The darkness represents negative experiences you are holding on to that are clouding your aura. You may be experiencing similar situations because the original energy is attracting similar vibrations. It is empowering to release the energy so you can vibrate at a higher vibration and feel more free to attract positive things. The darkest spot catches your eye as it is not easy to miss. You may feel like you don’t want to see this, but it will free you to transmute the energy.
Take a deep breath and see what difficult pain from the past it holds. Perhaps you did something you feel bad about or you witnessed something you couldn’t cope with at the time. It is stealing your ability to feel energetic and making your attitude heavier than it needs to be. Imagine that you lift your arms as the energy is swept out of your aura. In its place is the energy you were giving to this memory, restored in a positive state. You feel a reboot of energy as you release the painful memory. Thank the memory for the lessons it gave you about how you can best conduct yourself and present your own energy. Sometimes our soul experiences things so we can see what not to do. Sometimes we learn what not to do by doing it.
Now you will see a group of shadows that represent a pattern of negative things you’ve been attracting because of one memory. Perhaps you think the world is going to give you trials because of this memory. Collect the shadows and decide to release the memory that made you think something would be hard. Whether it’s learning, love, work, relationships, health, or being happy, you can get rid of the reason you think it should be hard right now. As you sweep the shadows up and out on one deep breath, you feel renewed, bright, and clear. The golden energy becomes so pure it seems clear. Then you notice you feel light and the sphere is expanding out each moment. You are healed of those lower vibrations.
You will now charge the golden sphere with the intention that it will perceive energy to help you and others. The intention will spread through the sphere as you send out one word. That word is “radiance.” The energy of perceiving the world around you is now set in your heart, mind, and soul. It will help you tune into the energy around you. The whole sphere is full of the feeling of radiance now, and you sense the shift. It is palpable. Now you are ready to receive some information from your environment. Ask the sphere who needs your love and support today. Ask what you can do or say to be supportive of them or what you need to know. You may just get a glimpse of someone or have a thought of them or a feeling that you can help whoever asks for help today. Your energy is now set to align with someone you will be able to uplift. You can always put an intention in your aura to help attract things to you. If you want to attract humor, fun people, people who can give you advice, or people you can talk to about spiritual things, you’ll find your thoughts will send out a signal that will get a response. It’s those who have thoughts without directing them that keep attracting negative experiences. Guard your thoughts and words with love, and your aura will stay dusted of the debris of negativity.
Meditation Wrap-Up
Take three deep breaths to slowly bring yourself back to the room you’re sitting in. Feel the difference in your energy now that you’ve cleared some negative energy that was hanging out in your aura. Write down the date, the chakra you were healing, and the word you used to charge it. Document any additional experiences you had during meditation and who you felt you can help today. Reflect on the feeling of your aura. Does it feel balanced, expanded, lopsided, contracted? As you do this meditation more, notice how your notes begin to shift.