

Asana: A Sanskrit term for pose or physical posture within the system of yoga.

Aura: The energy field that surrounds a person. Also called the eighth chakra.

Chakra: The Sanskrit word meaning “wheel,” which is a bundle of nerves linked to certain body parts and emotional states.

Channel: This refers to either the act of connecting to spiritual information or spiritual energies or is a person that has psychic abilities.

Chi: This is the life-force energy that runs along the meridians in the body. It can be harnessed with focus and increased with the breath. It is also called prana.

Clairvoyant: Someone who can see images in their third eye about someone’s past, present, or future.

Crown Chakra: The seventh chakra, which is linked to spiritual enlightenment and located at the top of the skull. It resonates with the color white. Imbalances can lead to depression or mental illness as well as feelings of isolation.

Heart Chakra: The fourth chakra, which is linked to unconditional love and growth and located at the chest center. It resonates with the color green. When imbalanced one may feel closed off or unable to love themselves.

Intuition: A subtle sense of knowing information perceived through the sixth sense.

Kriya: A yogic combination or formula of movements, breathing exercises, mantras, and meditation techniques for a specific intention.

Kundalini: Energy said to be stored at the base of the spine that travels through the central channel when awakened and allows a person to reach higher states of consciousness.

Medium: A person who is able to make a connection with deceased spirits.

Pineal Gland: The gland associated with the third eye and known as the gateway to the soul.

Prana: A term used interchangeably with chi or life-force energy. It is the energy in the body that allows a person to have a strong nervous system.

Pranayama: The type of yoga practice that involves breathing exercises to increase and move prana through the chakras.

Psychic: Someone who can see energy and knows a person’s thoughts and emotions.

Root Chakra: The first chakra, which is linked to the legs and tailbone. It resonates with the color red and is tied to basic survival and feelings of security. When imbalanced it can cause constipation, lethargy, and fear, but when balanced you have vitality and feel stable and secure.

Sacral Chakra: The second chakra is linked to your reproductive organs, lower back, and lower abdomen. It resonates with the color orange. When imbalanced it can lead to addiction, but when balanced one is creative and has healthy sexuality.

Solar Plexus Chakra: The third chakra is linked to your diaphragm as well as confidence and motivation. When imbalanced one may be controlling or overly timid. It resonates with the color yellow.

Soul: This is the undying energetic self that is a person’s true identity and contains the energy of many lifetimes.

Spirit: This refers to energy that can be a nonphysical being or linked to one’s own soul.

Third Eye: The gateway to the soul, which is where the imagination accesses ideas and one can see images beyond their physical location or place in time.

Third Eye Chakra: The energy center surrounding the pineal gland that resonates with the color purple. It opens one to intuition and mental clarity.

Throat Chakra: The energy center surrounding the throat and vocal cords. It resonates with the color blue and allows you to communicate effectively.

Vibration: The frequency or electromagnetic charge of an emotion that is in a person’s energetic field.

Yang: The outgoing or masculine energy that is linked to heat and action. This is linked to the right side of the body.

Yin: The receptive or feminine energy that is linked to cooling energy on the left side of the body as well as the intuition. It also allows one to receive.
