Breathing Exercises
to Activate Intuition
In the West, people often think of yoga as just physical postures, yet traditional yoga was just as much about breathing and meditation as it was about movement. I invite you to expand your idea of what yoga is to also include chanting and even the deep philosophy that we have an undying soul that learns lessons in each lifetime.
For these breathing exercises, you can sit in easy pose (crisscrossed legs) with a neck lock or in rock pose (sitting on heels). The neck lock is done by bringing your neck in line with your spine by moving your chin back. You also may want to elevate your hips by sitting on a cushion. At first you may find each of these breathing exercises challenging, unless you’re a swimmer; it would be weird if you didn’t. Your intercostal muscles (the muscles between your ribs) will start to strengthen, as will the layers of abdominal muscles. With practice, you’ll find it easier to hold your breath, expand your breath capacity, and keep up with rhythmic breathing, so be patient.
Breathing helps us relax and turn our brain off so we can tap into our intuition, where information starts to flow to us without effort. Breathing exercises are a part of the daily practice for clairvoyants and remote viewers (being able to travel in your mind to see things was a skill used by governments during the Cold War). Essentially, breathing does three main things: it clears our aura of negative imprints that lower our vibration, it activates the relaxation response in our nervous system, and it gives us more prana (life force) so we can be better conductors of energy. You will have a hard time connecting to your psychic abilities without breathing exercises, and that is why most clairvoyant or intuition development meditations begin with breathing. Try it: just take a deep breath in and out of your nose, and notice if you feel a little different and brighter right away.
If your goal is to become a professional psychic, you’ll want to use breathing techniques to expand your aura to pick up on the energy of those around you. You will start surprising people by knowing what is going on with them even when they are not around you. Some yogis have been able to expand their aura massively to be able to sense things far away from their physical body. Unfortunately, most people have no connection to their breath, and their anxiety stems from unconsciously holding their breath. If you can regulate your breath, you can also regulate your energy. It’s one of the most important relationships you can develop in opening to your psychic abilities.
While there are many breathing techniques gifted to us by the thousands of years of study left by the ancient yogis, we are going to focus on four main ones to keep it simple. They are powerful and great for overcoming depression or low energy. If you are empathic (and if you’re reading this book, you probably are), it will be essential to help you from feeling overwhelmed by the energy around you. Daily breathwork helps clear the energy you pick up from the environment and the energy produced by your own subconscious. To be clear—which is the definition of clairvoyant—you must clear your own aura.
One-Minute Breath
Some yogis take on this breathing technique as a lifetime endeavor because it is challenging. Their goal is to be able to activate the one minute breath at any time. It can be very hard to do if your heart rate is fast, and you’ll find it’s much easier when you’re relaxed and already calm. This is a great way to quickly tap into your intuition at any moment throughout your day if you need help making a decision. If you can’t do it fully, that’s normal, and it will come over time. The main point is that you breathe in, hold your breath, and exhale for the same amount of time. Maybe that is five seconds, seven seconds, ten seconds, or a full twenty seconds.
If you feel like you’re going to pass out, that is not the point. You don’t have to prove anything to anyone with this. Just do it so that it’s comfortable, and don’t focus on trying to be the best or hold your breath the longest. Instead focus on how calm the breathing technique makes you feel and the state of mind it allows you to reach. Eventually you will be able to expand the lower lobes of the lungs and the upper lobes of the lungs so you can hold more oxygen. Another benefit of breathing is the euphoric feeling it offers you. As you bring more prana in, you’ll feel creative, optimistic, and suddenly see solutions, as if the prana is connecting the dots for your brain. That is the result of raising your vibration and adding energy to your energetic body.
To begin, sit in a cross-legged position or on a chair with your feet flat on the floor. Your spine needs to be straight and your shoulders should not be hunched forward. Sit tall, like a yogi. Your hands can rest in your lap or on your thighs in the receiving position, with your palms facing up. Start with just three minutes and breathe in for five seconds, hold for five seconds, and breathe out for five seconds. Each time you do the one-minute breath, you’ll be improving your breath capacity. To be clear, the reason it’s called the one-minute breath is because if you breathe in for twenty seconds, hold for twenty seconds, and breathe out for twenty seconds, it takes one minute.
Keep your eyes closed and focused on your third eye as you do this exercise. When you breathe in, think of expanding the stomach and lower lobes of the ribs as well as the back ribs. Expand the middle ribs and then fill the top of the lungs all the way. You’re only breathing through the nose and you’ll find that just allowing a small stream of air in and out at a time will allow you to extend the length of time you can do this. If you ever need to calm yourself down, use this technique for three breaths and you’ll find it induces a feeling of calmness. The reason this breathing technique is listed first is because it induces a relaxed state and slows the active mind.
It’s very hard to tune into the information in your third eye if your brain is thinking. The interesting and strange thing about intuition is that you just have to stop doing and thinking, totally relax, and not filter the information that comes through. The more you can get to a blank space with no thoughts, the easier it will be to see the images that come from someone else’s energy field. You will get used to perceiving in this blank space with practice, and any psychic you speak to will be familiar with the necessary step of going blank or finding point zero. It’s important to note that a psychic cannot force information to show up or any type of information to be brought to them. They are at the will of spirit and their guides, and they can do their best work by keeping their vibration high enough to perceive the highest possible realms of consciousness.
Use the one-minute breath before sitting down to do a meditation each day and before you use oracle or tarot cards. Giving someone a practice reading will even be easier if you do this breath before you invite them to sit down in front of you. You can even do readings remotely and eventually get accurate information by being clear, but you will not give people a good impression if your aura is clouded with negativity. If you want to be a successful psychic, it’s well known in the field that you must do the work. The work is clearing your own emotions. One kundalini yoga teacher explained it well: thoughtforms that are constantly running in the back of our mind are hungry and want us to think of similar thoughts so they can live. They feed on and grow if we let the subconscious run freely and do nothing to clear it. Without breathing exercises, your own aura can get really heavy and you would attract negative-vibration people to you for readings. Doing the breathing work will actually attract more positive, kind, and open people to you.
Because of the law of attraction, if you do end up doing readings professionally, you’ll see that you will attract people that are dealing with the same emotions as you. Getting yourself in a positive and loving state with breathing exercises will also help you in your daily life. You don’t have to be doing readings to see the law of attraction. You can be psychic in any job and it can help you. If you see everyone around you is negative, that’s a psychic clue to do some breathwork right away.
Fun Fact: The original yoga was called raj yoga or laya yoga, which involved kriyas to awaken the kundalini energy and open intuition. Today kriya yoga and kundalini yoga still include the ancient yogic practices for psychic development. There are twenty-two main branches of yoga today in the West. Most Westerners think yoga is just exercise because of misinformation.
Powerful Deep Breathing
This breathing technique helps clear your aura and expand it. It’s good to use during meditation to keep yourself focused and throughout the day while driving, working, and talking to people. You can do deep breathing anywhere and no one has to know you’re doing it. It will help you stay tuned into your psychic side. The more you use this, the more it will become a habit and you’ll find you’re tuned in psychically all the time. Yogis use breath to regulate their energy all day, and that practice is what gives them many kinds of legendary abilities. There are stories of yogis who don’t sleep, who levitate, who see the future, and who can generate scents out of thin air. When you start getting extrasensory perception, it doesn’t seem too strange anymore that these gifts manifest.
This breath helps prepare you for meditation by quickly charging your vibration. You will want to sit with a straight spine either on a chair or in a cross-legged position. You’ll notice how fast and effective this technique is after your first time doing it. This technique is what I did in the clairvoyant classes I took that allowed me to become a professional clairvoyant. It comes from the pranayama (breathing techniques) of the yogis. If you’re ever having trouble getting into a deep meditation and cannot focus, this is the breath to use. If you find yourself thinking too much or unable to get any clear information, use this breath.
This is unique in that you breathe in your nose and out of your mouth. You will breathe powerfully in your nose, filling your lungs. This can be a quick powerful inhale making sure you fill all the way to the top of your lungs. Then imagine you’re pushing your aura out and clearing it as you powerfully exhale through pursed lips. Some people refer to this as a cannon fire exhale because it is as if you’re releasing built-up pressure and it comes firing out as if it was a cannonball. It will be a louder breathing technique, and there’s nothing wrong with that. If you don’t hear anything, you’re not breathing enough.
If you are nervous to breathe loudly, find a space where you can be alone and play some calming spiritual music. As you develop your psychic abilities, you will come up against your own anxiety about being judged for what you’re doing. There is still a tremendous catching up that society needs to do when it comes to understanding psychic mechanisms we all can access as well as the fear that was implanted deeply into our collective consciousness about these abilities. My best advice is that when you feel nervous about meditating or feel afraid of being judged, ask yourself if that environment or person is really a necessary part of your life and if you need a more empowered, spiritually aware environment. You will find your life undergoes many changes as you raise your vibration and open psychically, and often the people who aren’t treating you well will fade out of your life. As your vibration raises, you’ll attract nicer people and healthier environments as well.
Do the deep, powerful breathing for one to three minutes to get into a deep meditative state. You can also do it three times if you need to tap into your intuition quickly throughout the day or if you notice yourself feeling off. After you do the powerful deep breathing, allow yourself to just sit and breathe normally and sense the calm state you’re in. You’ll feel more tuned in and present. This can help you get to what we often refer to as point zero. It’s as if your mind is so blank that it doesn’t know anything in that moment. This point zero is valuable for increasing psychic abilities because you’re not holding any expectations for what will show up. It actually allows you to be more open to the types of information, and often surprising information, that shows up. It takes your own bias and filters out of the equation so you can be a more clear channel.
You can also visualize a purple aura surrounding you. In your mind’s eye, push that aura out as you exhale. This purple energy is the color that resonates with your third eye, and focusing on your aura will help you tune into the subtle energy that is communicated through it. You will start to know people’s thoughts and feelings by visualizing your aura more frequently because it stores emotional imprints. You can also notice if it seems cloudy, and this can clue you in to knowing if you should do extra breathing exercises to clear it. Most people have a small aura that only extends a few inches from their body, making it harder to intuitively perceive the energy around them. As you charge up your aura, you can perceive more clearly, like tuning into a radio station by having a large tower.
Breath of Fire
This is my favorite breathing technique and something that can help you recover from trauma. When you go through a stressful experience, your aura often is depleted and your chakras are left sputtering along with less-than-optimal energetic fuel. Breath of fire rebuilds the nervous system, allowing you to raise your vibration and hold more energy to be a clear channel for guides. When you charge up your energy field, you can handle the energy of people you work with as a psychic or in any job because their energy will not overwhelm or overpower yours.
This breathing technique takes a bit more practice to get the hang of, but it’s completely doable. You also get a real yogi high from it, so that can help reduce your cravings for the wine or weed that often soothe the nerves but hurt the pocket and body. Breath of fire is one of the most commonly used yogic breathing techniques because of its fast effects on our state of mind. This is essentially like hitting the reset button on the Nintendo game, but it’s for our subconscious mind. That subconscious mind can cloud your aura if it’s not tended to on a daily basis. The reason I do thirty minutes of breath of fire daily is because I know I still have old thought patterns that can build up in my aura. Even a seasoned clairvoyant still has to do the work to stay clear.
Many psychics went through a trauma or series of traumas that turned their intuition on in order to help them survive. A clairvoyant I know almost died of a drug overdose, and since that moment, her psychic eye was opened because she almost died and had to see a way out. If you have found you have some intuition but are unsure how to use it, following the techniques in this book will allow you to open it further and see how helpful it can be. You may be shocked when you blurt out something to someone you picked up intuitively and it’s accurate or when a guide delivers information you couldn’t have known that blows your mind. However, this will become your new normal.
Please note that breath of fire should not be done if you’re on the first three days of the menstrual cycle or pregnant. It may also be difficult if you’ve just eaten, so try to do it before meals or once your food has digested so you don’t get a stomachache.
To begin breath of fire, either sit in a cross-legged position with the neck lock and a straight spine or in a chair. Place your fingertips on your belly button and breathe in your nose. Forcefully exhale through your nose as you snap your belly button in and press in with your fingers. Let the inhale happen naturally and the stomach will expand again. Create a rhythm focusing on the exhale. You can begin slowly; eventually, maybe after a few weeks or months, you can speed it up. You may get a side cramp when you’re building your endurance, and that’s normal.
Start out with one minute each day for a week. If you find it easy, try seven minutes of breath of fire. When you finish, take a deep breath in and hold it for fifteen seconds. Let your air out and notice how you feel. Eventually you can build up to eleven minutes daily, which is sufficient for the work you’re doing. If you feel like you want extra support to manage stress or recharge your energy after a difficult life experience, you may want to build all the way up to thirty minutes daily. To keep a rhythm, you can play a mantra that has a regular beat or find something that you like with a fast-enough pace that you feel like you’re energized from it. I often keep a journal next to me because ideas start flowing after about fifteen minutes.
Breath of fire is not practiced by all psychics, but it is a very helpful tool that will transform your health and well-being. There are many additional benefits to this technique that work to harmonize your overall health and consequently will raise your vibration. If you aim to feel positive and help people heal on a deep level, I recommend this breathing technique. You’ll be able to stay in a high-vibration place and possibly even learn to channel. This breathing technique activates your metabolism by building heat in the body and can help you burn calories. It boosts your confidence by activating the third chakra with the stomach movement and it purifies the bloodstream. Having more oxygen in your blood helps you build muscles and think clearly. It can help reduce chronic pain and even allow you to believe in your psychic abilities that may have been shut down because of low self-esteem. The benefits are monumental, and I can’t stress enough how much more information you can perceive by having this technique as a part of your daily routine.
After you finish breath of fire, sit quietly in meditation and capture any thoughts or realizations that come to you in a journal. Date the journal so you can look back and see that the often seemingly meaningless messages or images do, in fact, have meaning and show up in your world soon after you receive them. This type of breathing can also reduce your nightmares because you will start thinking more positively on a daily basis, creating positive subconscious patterns. The dreams we have at night are often our subconscious running amok in our mind. If we have fear-based thought patterns, sleeping can be a real drag. However, as you raise your vibration, you can start to lucid dream and have truly inspiring dreams that may even include visitations from spiritual beings.
Fun Fact: The first woman to run for president in the US was a professional psychic. Her name was Victoria Woodhull, and she ran in 1872. She was disqualified for letting her ill ex-husband live in her home with her new husband, which was seen as immoral.
Left Nostril Breathing
This breathing technique is a calming technique that activates the relaxation response in your nervous system. While breathing through the right nostril wakes you up, breathing through the left nostril allows you to enter the deeper brainwave states that meditation requires. The right nostril activates our action-oriented mind so we can get tasks done, and it also activates the logical mind, which we need in order to get up and go. The left nostril activates the imagination, the intuition, and our creative impulses. This breathing practice has been around for thousands of years and is known to help reduce sleeplessness because of its calming properties.
Begin by sitting in a cross-legged position with a straight spine or in a chair with your feet flat on the floor. Take your right thumb or index finger and block your right nostril and then begin breathing in slowly through the left nostril. Breathe slowly out of the left nostril. Continue this breath for one minute. After a minute take a deep inhale through both nostrils and hold your breath for fifteen seconds before exhaling and relaxing. If you have a deviated septum or a blocked nostril, this technique may not be available to you but don’t be disheartened. There are many other breathing techniques that can activate your psychic abilities.
Once you’ve completed the minute, sit quietly and tune into the energy around you. Sense your aura and notice if there are any feelings or thoughts that are now loud in your mind asking for your attention. Just let your thoughts be soft and see what comes to you. Write it down in your journal and don’t judge it. If it seems silly or strange, still write it down. Sometimes, actually often, messages from spirit come through as poetry or in words that we wouldn’t use in our normal day. The more you take time to capture your feelings, the easier it will be.
Intuition Check-In
Now it’s time to check in with your progress and see if there is anything you’re resisting or for some reason not wanting to do. Sometimes we think of daily tasks like homework and we need to take a moment to let go of any negative associations we are holding around them that may be keeping us from creating a new habit. If you’re telling yourself a story like this is hard to do or I am bad at this, feel free to let that go.
Grab your journal and do this writing exercise. The answers can be long or short, just let the truth flow from your heart. First write down that you feel this work is something you’ve always wanted to do and that your heart feels like it’s finally finding something it enjoys. Often healers find this work makes them feel alive, and it can feel familiar, as if they’ve done it before.
Next write down changes you’ve noticed in yourself since getting this book, reading about psychic abilities, and doing the breathing exercises. What has started to shift in your own perspective? Write down the unusual experiences that stand out and how you’re starting to sense your intuition speaking to you more often.