Poses for the
Sacral Chakra
This is an exciting chakra to work on because all of your manifesting abilities can be awakened with this chakra. Some psychic abilities can quite literally make our lives a lot easier. While this is not a book on manifesting, it is worth noting that your third eye is also your vision center. The more active your third eye is, the more you’re able to visualize clearly what you want so that you can charge it with energy from the sacral chakra. The passion that you awaken through the second chakra is energy that gets most people in trouble because they don’t understand how it works. Most people do not have an outlet for this energy and they get caught up in relationships where all of their energy is blasting their partner.
Part of awakening your psychic abilities is being able to direct this energy into what you’re trying to manifest. This chakra will shut down if you’re dehydrated, so be sure you drink a lot of water in addition to doing these poses. If you have had experiences that included sexual shame or abuse or were raised in a home where there was a lot of guilt about your sexuality, this chakra will need some serious TLC. Most healers and psychics have to spend time on every chakra, and based on where our society is coming from, having been repressed sexually for a long, long time, we all have issues to heal in this chakra. But your power lives here. Awakening this chakra is something I attribute my own professional career to.
Being able to fuel your vision with emotional energy is like creating an energetic blueprint that calls on the universe to be fulfilled. When this chakra is working, it’s like driving up to the cosmic window and ordering what you want. It’s also how some psychics can get themselves into trouble. People who have psychic abilities but aren’t functioning from a place of compassion can selfishly manifest, which usually involves manipulating others with fear by telling them something accurate but then warning something bad will happen if they don’t spend money. Using psychic abilities to manipulate anyone will only reflect those intentions back to you, and you must use your abilities with pure intentions. As you awaken your psychic powers, never, ever visualize something that would affect someone else or change someone else’s life. You must leave free will alone.
The sacral chakra is linked to your reproductive organs, gallbladder, and spleen. Emotions that can get stuck here include anger, resentment, guilt, and shame. When it’s functioning properly, you will not struggle with addiction, substance abuse, or fear of intimacy. A functioning sacral chakra also provides you with creativity. That creativity can open your mind to be able to perceive the ways in which psychic information comes to you. The subtle realms are often symbolic, and information can show up as ideas that are new and noticeable in our minds. Seeing things creatively is an integral part of your psychic development. The more time you can spend around creative people or people who stimulate your creativity, the better. Some people are unable to be around healers and shamans, so they can work on that creative energy internally. It’s actually going to be stronger if you’re forced to build it from within. It can be a huge blessing to be forced to follow your internal process instead of relying on learning from your environment.
Physical symptoms that could indicate a block in this chakra include genital issues, sexual dysfunction, hip issues, urinary tract issues, intestinal issues, and lower back pain. Besides addiction, creative blocks, and anger, an imbalance in this chakra can also be indicated by fear of change or moodiness. Being out of touch with your desires or unable to feel emotions is another indicator of a block here. If you’re too easily swayed by your emotions or making emotionally impulsive decisions, which we know is common in teenagers, it’s this chakra that is likely overactive. Sometimes the energy is stuck in this chakra because the others are blocked. Never only focus on one chakra because you risk becoming imbalanced.
There’s no hard and fast rule that will ever conclusively give you a yes or no on being balanced, but the intuition and psychic realms are a fluid and creative space that become more real the more you get used to them, and they offer you practical, real advice. You’ll get used to the language of the intuition and emotions and see value in them. A spiritual mentor of mine said the economy of the future is the economy of emotions. This means that in our society, which is quickly having access to so many luxuries, the machines cannot give us peace or sustained calmness, which is what the psychic healers can do. If you’re considering this as a career path, you will be in demand more and more in your lifetime. Even astrology, which follows large cycles of the evolution of civilizations, reveals society is becoming more psychic and open to telepathic communication.
Affirmation for the Sacral Chakra
I am in touch with my desires. I am playful. I am pure creative energy. I am both spirit and body and able to enjoy life. I create what I need by generating the emotions that foretell the future I desire.
Chakra Activated: sacral
Enter the Pose:
1 Begin in a standing position and take a wide stance so your feet are about 3 feet apart and then turn the toes out.
2 Squat so that your hips are in line with your knees. Pull your knees back to stretch your hips open.
3 Bring your arms up like goalposts so your elbows are bent and at the level of your shoulders.
4 Breathe in this position and engage your core, pulling the lower belly in.
5 Move your shoulder blades down your back and pull the front ribs together.
6 Engage the root lock (navel and sex organs up and in) as you continue to breathe slowly and deeply.
7 Grow tall through the top of the head and sink a little deeper into the squat.
Exit the Pose:
1 Come out on an inhale, bring the feet back together, and return to standing.
2 Notice if this pose was challenging or easy for you. Did it bring up any emotions or thoughts?
Duration: Hold the pose for 3–5 breaths. Repeat the pose 3 times, resting between each one.
Chakras Activated: sacral, solar plexus
Enter the Pose:
1 Start seated with your legs out in front of you.
2 Bend the right knee and place the bottom of your right foot on the ground.
3 Plant your right hand on the ground behind you and lift the left forearm straight up.
4 Flex the left foot and engage your core, twisting from the base of the spine. As you turn to the right, allow your ribs, shoulders, and head to follow.
5 Place the left elbow on the outside of the right knee, but don’t force the twist by using your elbow for leverage. Inhale, grow taller through the top of your head, exhale, and twist a little deeper.
Exit the Pose:
1 Take a few breaths in the position and come back to center.
2 Repeat the same thing on the other side.
Duration: Hold each side for 5 deep breaths.
Modifications: Be sure to keep the spine straight and do not slouch. The temptation of using your arms is often because many yoga teachers don’t focus on the core when teaching twists. If you’ve learned it wrong, you can retrain yourself to use the core. You’ll feel like you’re getting a nice massage when you do.
Most of us have to work at our spiritual gifts, and that’s where seated twists and all other yoga twists can help us. Twists help your digestion and elimination, which will leave you with more energy. The more your core is strengthened, the less pain you’ll have in your back because the spine vertebrae can stay in place easier. It also helps wring out your organs and stomach, breaking up buildup on the intestinal walls. Twists are essential for detox both physically and emotionally.
Fun Fact: Most people see spirits in their third eye, not with the eyes. Some people actually see them with their eyes, and this can be quite shocking if it happens. This type of vision is called an apparition.
Chakras Activated: root, sacral, heart
Enter the Pose:
1 Start in a high plank, or push-up position, and step the right foot forward.
2 Drop your left knee, untucking the left toes so the knee and top of the foot are on the ground.
3 Place your hands on your hips and allow your weight to press your hips forward.
4 Bring your front foot forward so the front knee does not pass the front foot.
5 Keep both hips pointing forward, and on an inhale lift the arms and the chest up.
6 Place the palms of the hands together as you reach up and slightly arch the back with straight arms.
7 Take a few deep breaths here, feeling your body open. Breathe slowly and sink a little deeper into the lunge to open those hips.
Exit the Pose:
1 Place your hands on either side of your right leg and lift your body, stepping your right foot back and your left foot forward.
2 Repeat the pose on the opposite side.
3 Did any thoughts come to mind or memories surface as you were in the pose? If not, that’s okay, and if they did, that’s a good sign of release.
Duration: Hold each side for 3–5 rounds of breath.
Modifications: Place a blanket under your back knee to keep it from hurting.
Chakra Activated: sacral
Enter the Pose:
1 Start seated in a cross-legged position and bring the heel of your right foot on top of the left knee. Scoot the left foot so it’s directly under the right knee and keep the shins stacked over each other. This may pop the right knee up if the glute is very tight.
2 Straighten your spine and lean forward, reaching your arms forward. Breathe and stay in the pose for as long as you can, eventually working your way up to a few minutes at a time. If possible, rest your elbows on the floor in front of your shins. This is a great stretch on your lower back as well.
Exit the Pose:
1 When you’re ready, slowly sit up.
2 Switch sides. Be sure to stretch both sides or one side will become open while the other stays tight.
Duration: Start out holding each side for 3–5 breaths. Work up to holding each side for 3 minutes.
Modifications: If you sit on a folded blanket, it will help you get into the pose when your hips are extremely tight. Be sure to keep both feet flexed to protect your knees.
Chakra Activated: sacral
Enter the Pose:
1 Come to hands and knees, with blankets under your knees so they can slide apart after your initial gripping relaxes. You’ll feel this about a minute into the pose.
2 Bring the knees apart and come to your elbows. Keep your hips in line with your knees, with your feet pointing out to the sides. Keep the ankles in line with the knees and relax your stomach muscles.
3 Take a few minutes in this pose and relax as much as you can, breathing in slowly and deeply and breathing out slowly and deeply.
Exit the Pose:
1 When you’re ready to come out, walk your hands back toward your hips, lifting your chest, and pull your knees back together.
2 Come out slowly to notice how your body is thanking you for taking care of it.
3 You may want to lie on your stomach and straighten your legs behind you as an alternate way to exit the pose.
Duration: To start, stay in the pose for 3–5 breaths. Work up to staying in the pose for 3–5 minutes.
Modifications: The restorative version of this pose is less intense for those who are very tight. You can stack blankets under the chest and stomach, which will take pressure off of the inner thighs. Relax into the pose for 3–5 minutes for the maximum benefit.
Chakra Activated: sacral
Enter the Pose:
1 Start on your back and bring your legs up toward the sky.
2 Grab onto the outsides of your feet if possible. If not, grab as high up on your legs as possible, even if it’s the backs of the knees. Bend your knees, with your elbows outside of your knees.
3 Pull on your feet to bring your knees closer to the ground on either side of your torso. Breathe deeply and feel the length of the spine pressing against the earth.
4 After a few deep breaths, rock side to side, massaging the muscles on either side of the spine.
Exit the Pose:
1 Release your legs and bring them to the ground slowly.
2 Relax on your back.
Duration: Hold at least 3–5 breaths. Once you’re able to hold the pose easier, stay in it for 1–3 minutes.
Modifications: Be sure to have a blanket or mat under you so that you are able to rock back and forth in the pose without hurting yourself.
This stress-relieving pose is more than just a silly-looking pose. It can release a lot of energy and help you become more open and vulnerable. Psychics cannot be closed off or no one will get readings from them. They must be open and willing to look at their own issues or they will only attract people who are emotionally shut down. This can help you start to be able to flow more with energy. Psychic abilities allow us to sense when energy is pushing us to do something, which is often intuition helping us out. We may grab an umbrella, not knowing it’s going to rain, or we may walk outside just before we get a parking ticket or even walk to the vitamin aisle and randomly find an herb that helps a family member. That flow is the loving, healing life-force energy that we sense through our chakras. The sacral chakra is important in being able to know the unknown and see the unseen. Those phrases that talk about “listening to your gut” or “having a gut feeling” all come back to the sacral chakra.
Sacral Chakra Check-In
As you become aware of your own chakras, you are learning how to heal others. You’ll be able to spot which chakra is out of balance intuitively and then advise based on that knowledge. When you learn about the chakras, you are equipping yourself with an emotional language that can decode human behavior naturally. You’ll know your own chakra system and thus be able to help others. The more you practice balancing your own chakras with yoga, food, and meditation, the more natural and easy it will be to offer healing advice to others. If you thought psychic work was only done through the third eye, you’ll find it’s not the case. Each chakra needs to be understood by the psychic so they can see where the emotional and energetic imbalance is. Then the solution is easy to find.
The more consistent you are each day with practicing these poses and focusing on the chakra they target as you do the pose, the more you will open and activate them. You’ll start to notice when you need to balance one and even when other people have one out of balance. Be patient with yourself as you create this new habit and notice if you’re just going through the motions but not paying attention to the energy while you’re in the pose. Being aware of your state of mind in this process will be very beneficial. You will notice you become more sensitive and aware of how both yourself and others are feeling, which will allow you to be more empathetic and supportive.
Intuition Check-In
Start to notice how much information you pick up about strangers. You automatically know if they’ve been abused, if they are a student, if they are interested in you, or if they are nervous or maybe going through a breakup. As you’re practicing the exercises in this book, write down how this information download starts to shift. You will start getting information about people that you aren’t around. You can tune into someone’s energy at a distance or ask to be shown someone who needs your help. You can start to ask the universe to send you people who you can help and see how the universe will actually send people to you. They will often say that you showed up in their dream or popped into their head.
Meditation for the Sacral Chakra
This meditation will help you energetically seek out patterns that are affecting your sacral chakra. This meditation can be done for a few weeks so that you can adequately explore the thoughts that occur on a subconscious level and heal them. This will help you get to know the energy of this chakra so you can recognize the frequency in others and easily help them heal by psychically knowing how the energy feels when it’s healthy or blocked. If you have no need to heal this chakra, that would be very rare, but it is possible. Still, allow yourself to do the meditation and see what may come up. If you don’t find anything to heal at first but feel called to do this meditation, keep trying once a day and really relax as much as possible, trusting the process.
If you are afraid of intimacy or feel your thoughts are uncontrolled and crave it too much, this meditation can help. If you feel that you lack creative ideas or have trouble manifesting things you need or want, this meditation also will help. If you have traumas related to feelings of guilt or shame or feel a lot of anger toward yourself or others, this meditation will be vital in raising your frequency and allowing you to develop psychically. This is the work that your yoga allows you to do because it helps you have the energy to sit and meditate for this deeper work. If you feel the meditation is hard at first, that probably means there are some major unearthings that are waiting. It may make you tired to remove them at first as you process old, stuck energy, so rest as needed. You will awaken your ability to co-create with the universe in this process, which is very exciting. You will heal your ability to enjoy life, to experience pleasure, and to have real passion.
Meditation Prep
For this meditation, you will need a calm place where you feel relaxed. Have a journal and pen nearby to take notes as well. Take some time to make a comfortable place to sit, put on a comfortable outfit, and make sure your body temperature will be comfortable. You may want to record the guided meditation in your own voice, speaking slowly and calmly, so you can relax fully in the meditation. Perhaps dim the lights, light a candle, or diffuse some essential oils to help you feel calm. Before beginning the guided meditation, breathe slowly and deeply for a few minutes, telling each part of your body to relax and let go.
Guided Meditation
You will count yourself back from five to one to enter a meditative state where you will be able to heal your sacral chakra. Allow yourself to close your eyes and relax deeply. Breathe in your nose and out of your nose and you start at five. Now take a deep breath in your nose and out of your mouth, which brings you to four. Next, breathe in your mouth and slowly out of your mouth, bringing yourself to three. Take a deep breath in your mouth and slowly let it out of your nose as you arrive at two. Finally, take one slow breath in your nose and slowly out of the nose, which brings you to one. You now find yourself in a huge orange vortex that spirals around you. It is as large as the rings of Saturn and quite awe-inspiring. It’s beautiful and has a power and a magic within it. As you gaze in your mind’s eye around this powerful vortex, you see there are some cracks in it where the energy is flickering. This disrupts the flow and the harmony of the vortex by sending energy in the wrong direction and little disturbances that ripple out, making it harder for the vortex to move effortlessly in the natural way it is meant to.
The largest crack where there is a flickering or a flash calls your attention. This is the main issue affecting your sacral chakra at this time. It may be a past experience that caused you to shut down your creativity or made you think your energy wasn’t able to create. It may be because someone insulted you or mistreated you. Do not hold anger at the situation, just allow yourself to feel what has the strongest charge in this place. Embrace this energy and feel compassion for it. It’s time to send the energy back to the universe so it may be healed. Ask the universe to lift this trauma or memory from your vortex so harmony can be restored once again. The universe conspires to create harmony and always helps when the intention is set. Take a deep breath and as you exhale, feel that energy uprooted and lifted as it goes back to the universe to be recycled. Notice the lightness and joy that replaces the heaviness felt there before.
Now look around the large moving vortex for any other small lightning storms that seem to draw your attention the most. The next part will allow you to see any issues affecting your sexuality from your past. Perhaps someone has created a belief that your body is shameful or mistreated your sacred body. Perhaps you feel unworthy because people have treated you as an object and not as a soul. Perhaps you are shown something that happened or a series of things that happened that link to a belief around sexuality that is no longer serving you. Breathe and see if something like this shows up. Allow yourself to look at it with acceptance, not anger, knowing the universe is going to help you release this energy now. All those little lightning storms are now gathered together and sent up through the center of the vortex to be molded into a more useful energy. You are left feeling a sense of hopefulness and excitement. Notice how calm that area of the vortex is now that you released that energy.
You will now ask the universe to reveal a tool you can use to maintain and activate this chakra in your waking life. Breathe deeply and relax your stomach. Allow yourself to be shown what you can do or say more to bring harmony over time to this energy center. Perhaps it’s letting go of a habit, a food, or a person in your life. Perhaps it’s adding a practice, a thought of affirmation, or a certain color to your life. Healing can come in many subtle ways, and the universe will find what resonates with you. As you see the tool, see how this makes you feel and see a glimpse of the healing it will offer you. As we allow the universe to support our healing, we are guided even beyond the logical mind.
The universe will now help you charge this chakra and empower you to co-create with more ease and a sense of fun. Your passion will be more awakened every time you use the word that I am going to present you with now. This word will be infused in every speck of light that moves throughout this vortex through space. It will carry a great healing force and help you feel the power you have within you. This word is simple yet profound: send the word “inception” throughout this vortex. Show the vortex you know you can plant seeds into the universal mind as you trust that you can manifest with the help of the universal life-force energy. Now every time you want to feel your own creative power and connect to your passionate energy, you can just mentally say “inception.” Notice how the vortex is much more spiritually active and the sense of magic grows as you sit in it.
Meditation Wrap-Up
Take three deep breaths to bring yourself back to the room where you are sitting. Slowly open your eyes and take a moment to write down the tool for healing that was revealed to you. Don’t judge it even if you don’t quite see how it will help you at this time. For example, maybe you saw a dog but aren’t sure what way you will incorporate this into your life just yet. Just write it down; you may have a realization about it soon. Write down if you feel there was a healing that has left you more awake and alive. Notice if you are feeling any heightened physical sensations or are aware of a series of experiences that you may want to go back and heal. Note if you felt a block or difficulty in this meditation, which means there is a lot of healing to be done here and you can benefit greatly from spending more time with this meditation. Write down anything else that surprised you or stood out. Date the entry and mention which chakra you were healing.
Psychically this chakra is vital to your development. Take all the time you need to feel this chakra is balanced and healed. Come back when it feels blocked or if you have pain or discomfort physically in the lower back or abdomen. If you feel unable to connect to your desire or are timid about your body, use this meditation in conjunction with the poses in this chapter. Your intention and the energy you put behind it will make a difference. If you notice people around you seem hypersexual, lack a spark of creativity, or seem to block themselves from experiencing life to the fullest, it may be that you are seeing your own vibration that needs healing. Use the meditation to see why you’re observing this in your reality. As you heal yourself, you will see how to help heal those around you like a mirror. You will always be shown your own energy in your clients and in the people that you seem to randomly meet. It’s empowering to learn and experience this.