

A hora da estrela (Hour of the Star) (film) 637

Abbey, R. 654

abjection 29, 97, 150, 208; subjectivity and 233, 235, 237, 238

able-bodiedness and ableism 8, 125, 171, 259, 437; disability and 407, 410, 411, 412, 414, 415; intersectionality 350, 353, 359

able-nationalism 4067

abolitionist movement 967, 101

abortion 348, 440, 506, 581, 6689, 691; legal positivism 709, 710; see also maternity and maternalist feminism; sexual reproduction

academic feminism 6526

‘accomplishment’ thesis 337

accountability 259, 385, 522, 525, 674

Ackerly, B. 613, 614

action theory see narrative and action theory

active externalism 222

active ignorance 270

activist feminism 52, 656

adaptive preference formation 51718

Addams, Jane 133, 134, 1367, 139, 695

Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi 51

adjudication 7034, 708, 709

Adorno, T.W. 476, 477, 481

aesthetics: art as political 4636; dilemmas of 4746; feminist reworking of Kant 46872; gender intersectionality and political action/narrative 47682, 483; Kantian viewpoint 4668, 48991; life and narrative 482; see also beautiful and sublime

affectivity 143, 1456, 180

affidamento (women-centred authority) 298

affirmative action programs 311

affirmative/corrective feminism 6367

Africa 4950, 524, 568; care ethics 547, 548, 550; ecofeminism 4367; feminism as engagement 502; gender and injustice 546; language barriers 54; women’s silence and reproduction of patriarchal ideology 56

African Americans 3456, 348, 358, 363, 669

African Gender Institute 53

African Women’s Development Fund (AWDF) 534

Aftermath (Brison) 224, 227

Agamben, G. 482

agency 262, 4001, 40910, 573; aesthetics and uniqueness 468, 477, 479, 480, 481; autonomy and 515, 516, 520, 5213, 541; bioethics 5824, 585, 586, 587; freedom 672, 673; postcolonialism 597, 600, 602; power dynamics 680, 6867; rationality 534, 536; religious diversity 454, 4556; structural injustice 622, 6234, 627; subjectivity and 231, 232, 233, 236, 237, 2389; violence and vulnerability 693, 695

agonistic performative feminism 674

agriculture 437, 440, 441

Aguilar, Gerónimo 633

Ahmed, S. 200

‘Ain’t I a Woman?’ (Truth) 210

Alaimo, S. 194

Album de familia (Castellanos) 637

Alcoff, L.M. 148, 1634, 172, 208, 338, 352

Alfred, T. 372

Algeria 600

‘alien’ other 150

Allen, A. 681

Allen, P.G. 435, 666

Altman, J. 323

Amar y Borbón, J. 967

ambivalence 237, 517

American Booksellers v. Hudnut (1985) 707

American Declaration of Independence 665

Analects 556, 557, 558

Ancient Greece 2332, 485, 666

Anderson, E. 262, 269, 617, 623, 659; metaethics 533, 534

Anderson, P.S. 66, 448, 451

androcentrism (centred on man) 2467, 344, 353, 432, 436; Ancient Greece 25, 26, 31; bioethics 580, 582; biological sciences 315, 316, 317, 323; body and embodiment 1856, 1889; religious diversity 451, 454; social science and 32930, 332

Anglophone feminism 5, 53, 54, 329

animal spirits 183

anonymous writers 17, 20

anthropology 332

Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View (Kant) 103


anti-essentialism: contemporary views 1768; gender essentialism and 16876

anti-individualism 2212

anti-sweatshop movement 627

Antigone (Sophocles) 11112

Antony, L. 221

Anzaldúa, G. 20910, 212, 215, 632

Anzieu, D. 398

Aoki, K. 364

Arendt, Hannah 50, 64, 112, 116, 638; democratic theory 645, 650; freedom 669, 672, 674; narrative and action theory 47682, 483; power dynamics 680, 685; structural injustice 626, 629

argumentation (logic and rational) 249, 251, 252

Aristotle 312, 50, 67, 181, 218, 506; aesthetics 480, 485; care ethics 562; virtue ethics 569, 572, 5745

arithmetical reasoning 249

Armour, E. 61

Arnauld, Antoine 74, 77

Arndt, S. 50

arpilleras (colourful patchwork scenes) 632

art see aesthetics

Artiles, A.J. 34950

assisted reproductive technologies 581

associational life 645

Astell, Mary 7680, 679

Athenäum (literary journal) 115

Atherton, M. 245

Aufhebung (sublation) 110, 112

Aultman, B.L. 274

Austin, J.L. 280, 301, 703, 704

authenticity 51718, 519, 523

autonomy 15, 1034, 219, 284, 427, 455; aesthetics and politics 464, 472, 475, 476, 477, 481; bioethics 579, 581, 583, 584, 588; care ethics and 541, 543, 644; intellectual 6335; liberalism 653, 654, 659; multiculturalism and 5967, 5978; multidimensional theory of 5235; postcolonialism 602; relational autonomy 51623, 5857; status/capacity concept 51516; subjectivity and 233, 236; violence and vulnerability 693, 694

AWDF see African Women’s Development Fund

Bâ, Mariama 56

Bach, T. 1767

Bacon, Francis 244, 435

Baier, A. 218, 226, 258, 576

Ban Gu (班固) 40

Bao (抱) (to embrace) 40

Barad, K. 198

Bardwell-Jones, C. 1389

Baril, A. 411

Barker, C. 408

Barnhill, A. 576

Barrios de Chungara, D. et al. 631

Barry, B. 660

Bartky, S. 237, 4867

basic needs approach: development 425

Basinger, D. 456

Battersby, C. 471, 472

‘Baubo: Theological Perversion and Fetishism’ (Kofman) 113, 114

Baumgarten, Alexander 474, 489

Baylis, F. et al. (2008)

Beale, F. 122, 123

Beattie, T. 62

beautiful and sublime 479; concept of beauty 4857; early developments of sublime 4879; ‘feminine’ sublime 4914; Kant’s critique of 48991; reimagining the sublime 4945; see also aesthetics

Beauty Matters (Zeglin) 486

Beauty Myth, The (Wolf) 486

Beauty Unlimited (Zeglin) 486

de Beauvoir, Simone 13, 14, 15, 62, 384, 487; African culture 50, 55; body and embodiment 1856, 189; ecofeminism 433, 434; feminist phenomenology 143, 144, 152; master-slave dialectic 11011; postcolonialism 602, 603; social constructionism 162, 169, 170, 670; violence and vulnerability 696

Being and Nothingness (Sartre) 1889

‘being-in-the-world’/‘being-with-others’ 346

Bell, C. 407

Bell, M. 575, 576

benevolence 5567, 560, 562

Benhabib, S. 104, 21920, 541, 597, 65960

Benjamin, J. 233

Benjamin, W. 476, 477

Benson, P. 5212

Bentham, Jeremy 20, 703

Bergoffen, D. 114

Berlin, Isaiah 667, 671

betrayal 83, 258, 263, 264

Between Facts and Norms (Habermas) 650

Between Femininity and Feminism (Mahadevan) 602

Between Feminism and Materialism (Howie) 453, 455

Beyond Good and Evil (Nietzsche) 113, 115

Bhabha, H. 599, 600

Biehl, J. 436

Bilge, S. 351

binary logic 64, 160, 194, 196, 201, 324; Ancient Greece 234, 25, 26, 28, 2930, 31

Binghamton University (New York) 53

bio-mechanisms: body and embodiment 18990

bioethics: feminist contributions to 5858; feminist critiques of 5825; gender and 57982

biological determinism 318, 323, 324, 3867

biological essentialism 169, 31718, 321, 323, 324; materiality 195, 1967, 199200

biological sciences 31415, 3234; feminist evolutionary psychology 3202; neuroscience 316, 31920; values and metaphysics 31719; values and research practices 31517

bios 482

Birke, L. 316, 319


bisexuality 298

Black Feminism: borderlands identities 210; Critical Race Theory (CRT) 3589, 3667; gender oppression 170; intersectionality 344, 350; multistability of oppression 120, 1216; negative socio-epistemic status 120, 1269; politics of spatiality 12930; rationality/objectivity 247; see also women of colour

‘Black Feminist Statement, A’ (Combahee River Collective) 1214, 125, 126

Black Feminist Thought (Collins) 544

#BlackLifeMatters 478

black motherhood 544

Black Skin, White Masks (Fanon) 148

Bleier, R. 248, 316

Bluestockings 96, 100

Bluhm, R. 250, 319

Bodies That Matter (Butler) 2001, 202, 203, 204, 300

body and embodiment 13,107, 128, 143, 164, 1801; beautiful and sublime 486, 495; bioethics 5823, 584, 588; bodies as instruments and expressions 1879; bodily integrity 596, 639; consciousness 208, 210, 211, 21213; contemporary viewpoints 1835; disability 40910; gender 474; historical background 1813; intersubjectivity/intercorporeality 188; intuition and 432; language and 2956, 2978; limits of naturalism 18990; materiality 204; phenomenology of 1857; self-constitution 226, 227; trans* theory 398400; violence and vulnerability 693

Bohm, D. 378

Boileau, N. 487

Bolt, B. 195

Bonds of Love, The (Benjamin) 233

Book of Lieh-tzu: A Classic of Tao, The (Graham) 45

borderlands identity: inner diversity of the self 2078; intersectionality within 21011; social change and 21415; social conflict and 20910; social sources 21214; special challenges and potential of 21516; types of identities/identity formations 21112; see also identity politics

Bordo, S. 188, 487

Boserup, E. 420, 421, 428

bourgeois notion of the political 98, 1023

Boyle, Robert 244

Bradwell v. State of Illinois (1873) 705

Braidotti, R. 115, 197, 200, 204, 296

Brennan, T. 237

Brison, S.J. 223, 224, 227, 690

Brock, G. 610

Brodbeck, M. 329

Brownmiller, S. 690, 691, 693

Bryson, C. 78

Brzuzy, S. 349

Bubeck, D. 546, 563

Buckingham, S. 441

Buddhism 449, 550

Buffon 95

Burdened Virtues: Virtue Ethics for Liberatory Struggles (Tessman) 574

Burke, Edmund 100, 4879, 490, 491

Burkhart, B. 372

Burton, N. 693

Bush, V. 305, 306

Busia, A.P.A. 13940

Butler, J. 104, 115, 208, 233, 684; disability 406, 41415; freedom 672, 674; gender essentialism 1723, 174; language and gender 3001; materiality 197, 2001, 202, 203, 204, 205; narrative and action theory 479, 480, 481; trans* theory 393, 394, 398; violence and vulnerability 697, 698

Cabot, Ella Lymon 137

caceroleada (political protest) 632

Cajete, G. 3734

Calhoun, C. 225, 576

‘Camila’ (film) 637

Cao Wenyi (曹文逸) 41

capabilities approach 5056, 574, 597, 672; global development 4256, 427, 613; metaethics 532, 533

capitalism 645, 646, 6678, 6823, 690

Caputi, J. 299300

Carastathis, A. 3512

Card, C. 576, 622

care ethics 89, 137, 232, 250, 3478, 422; bioethics 5867; Confucianism 547, 548, 550, 55865; democratic theory 644, 649; dependency 540, 546, 548, 613; early articulations of 5403; early feminist misgivings regarding 5434; ecofeminism 4412; global care chains 670; global context 54850, 608, 61011; liberalism 656, 659; metaethics 530, 534, 537; modern development of 5446, 551; move to politics of care 5468; postcolonialism 601, 602; relational self 21921; structural injustice 6223, 625; violence and vulnerability 6956, 697; virtue ethics 545, 550, 551, 5724

care reasoning 249

Caribbean 598

Caring: A Feminine Approach to Ethics and Moral Education (Noddings) 5589

Carlson, L. 412, 413

Carnap, Rudolf 303, 304

Carse, A. 61011

Cartesian philosophy see Descartes, R.

Cartwright, N. 329

Castellanos, R. 637

Castillo, D.A. 634

Categorical Imperative 504, 505, 558

causal reductionism 318, 320, 322

Cavarero, A. 477, 479, 481, 482

CEDAW see Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women

census surveys 330

Chalmers, D. 222


Chant, S. 428, 616

Chanter, T. 11011, 353

character traits 576

‘Charter of Feminist Principles for African Feminists’ (African Women’s Development Fund) 534

Charusheela, S. 613, 614

Cheney, J. 436

Chicana/o feminism 20910, 214

childbearing 30, 31, 111, 187, 465, 549

Chodorow, N. 232

choice feminism 656, 657, 660, 671, 682

chora (amorphous matter) 27, 28, 2930, 31, 32, 294

Christ, C. 60, 62

Christian Religion, The (Astell) 77


Christman, J. 517, 518, 520, 524

Church and the Second Sex, The (Daly) 60

cisgender 226, 273, 274, 277, 352, 411

citizenship 91, 989, 546, 548, 669

Civic Forum 646

Civil Rights Act (1964) (United States) 706, 707

Cixous, H. 199; language/writing 292, 293, 294, 2957, 298, 300

Clare, E. 410

Clark, A. 222

Clark, Dr Edward 314

‘clash-of-civilizations’ narrative 596

class 2445, 335, 5467, 614, 645, 6823; Critical Race Theory (CRT) 363, 364; essentialism 170, 171; freedom 66970; intersectionality 344, 345; trust/trustworthiness 257, 259

classic social contract theory 846, 88, 89

classificatory gender essentialism 1701, 172, 174, 175

Clément, C. 293

Cleveland Board of Education v. LaFleur (1974) 707

Coakley, S. 61

‘Coalition Politics: Turning the Century’ (Reagon) 120

Code, L. 127, 248, 257, 347, 585; personal identity 219, 2201

CODESRIA see Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa

Coe, K. 321

cogito 72, 73, 78

cognitive abilities 2467, 250, 470

Coherence of Theism, The (Swinburne) 65

Collins, P.H. 247, 260, 335, 544, 670; intersectionality 210, 363

colonialism 1012, 489, 508, 510, 544; freedom and 665, 672; global justice 61112; multiculturalism 598, 599; see also Critical Race Theory (CRT); postcolonialism; race and racism; slavery

‘Colored Girl, The’ (Williams) 127, 128

Combahee River Collective 1214, 125

commonality 164, 165, 168, 171

‘Communication and the Other: Beyond Deliberative Democracy’ (Young) 649

communicative action theory 6478

‘communism’ 267

communitarianism 643, 644, 649, 660

community building 67

compassion 557, 565

competence: autonomy 517, 51819, 521, 586

comprehensive liberalism 654

compulsory heterosexuality see heteronormativity

Concept of Law, The (Hart) 7034

Condorcet, Marquis de 989

‘Confessions of a Beautiful Soul’ (Goethe) 116

Confucianism 43, 46; care ethics 547, 548, 550, 55864; comradeship and caring 5645; main ideas 5568; virtue ethics 556, 560, 5612

consciousness 186, 308, 374; embodied 208, 210, 211, 21213

consciousness-raising 222, 2589, 276, 502, 6378, 654

consent 2867

Consortium for Socially Relevant Philosophy of/in Science and Engineering (SRPoiSE) 311

Constitution (United States) 666

constructivism 52930

Contemporary Feminist Pragmatism (Hammington and Bardwell-Jones) 1389

contextual thinking 556, 559, 563

continental tradition 292, 293, 296, 299, 494

contraception 669

contractualism/contractarianism 13, 889, 6545, 658

contributory injustice 263

Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) (United Nations General Assembly) 52

Coole, D. 195

Coomaraswamy, A. 601

Cooper, A.J. 120, 129, 130, 344

Cordova, V. 372

Cornell, D. 84, 901

Corvino, J. 397

cosmogony 27, 289, 2930

Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) 52

couples 55

Craig v. Boren (1976) 7056

creativity 3712, 373, 375, 377, 3789, 476

credibility 25963, 2689, 2723

Crenshaw, K. 128, 210, 345, 3589, 362, 367; et al. (1995) 361

crime 628, 6389, 665, 703

criminal law 89

crip theory (queer disability studies) 406, 41415

critical feminist eudaimonism 5745

Critical Legal Studies (CLS) 345, 358, 361, 669

critical phenomenology 150, 1512

critical race phenomenology 1478

Critical Race Theory (CRT) 171, 222, 323, 35861; intersectionality 345, 348, 350, 359, 3618; see also colonialism; postcolonialism; race and racism; slavery


critical reflection 64, 66, 68

critical theory 61, 104, 345, 453, 492, 582; political philosophy 649, 659; subjectivity 233, 234

Critique of Aesthetic Judgment (Kant) 479

‘Critique, Dissent, Disciplinarity’ (Butler) 104

Critique of Judgment (Kant) 107, 109

Critique of the Power of Judgment, The (Kant) 4678, 489, 492, 493

Critique of Pure Reason/Critique of Practical Reason (Kant) 468

cross-border social movements 607, 608, 610, 61214, 616

Crow, B. 388

‘Crystallisation: Artful Matter and the Productive Imagination’ (Jones) 4689

Cuando tiemblan las montañas (When the Mountains Tremble) (film) 632

Cudd, A. 534, 620, 622

cultural democratic pluralism 3756

cultural diversity 5012, 594, 595, 596, 597, 598

cultural paternalism 428

culture 186, 20910, 507, 510, 516, 600

culture-specific essentialism 171

Cureau de la Chambre, Marin 71, 73

Curtis, K. 477

Cypess, S. 632

Czechoslovakia 6456

Daggers, J. 450, 451, 452

Dahl, R. 679

Dalmiya, V. 547

Daly, M. 60, 299300, 434, 449

Dance of Shiva, The (Coomaraswamy) 601

Danzón (film) 6378

Daodejing (Classics of Way and Its Power) (Laozi) 35, 47; cosmic mother/female body 369; female power/strategy 436; femininity and 3943

d’Argenteuil, Héloïse 1415, 62

Daston, L. 158, 159, 244

Daukas, N. 2612

Davidson, D. 280

Davion, V. 576

Davis, L. 215

De L’Éducation des dames (On the Education of Ladies) (Poullain de la Barre) 74, 76

De L’Égalité des deux sexes (On the Equality of the Two Sexes) (Poullain de la Barre) 745, 76, 77, 79

De L’Excellence des hommes (On the Excellence of Men) (Poullain de la Barre) 74

de Staël, Germaine 95

deaf culture 215

d’Eaubonne, F. 434, 438

Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen (Gouges) 979

decolonial feminism 5989

deductive reasoning 249

Deegan, M.J. 137

deep ecology 4356, 439

Deleuze, G. 415

deliberative democratic theory 649, 650, 65960

Deloria, V. Jr. 375

DeLucia, J. 96

democratic theory 1821, 901, 305, 6425; changes in 6457; creativity 3712, 3756; discourse ethics 64750; inclusive epistemic 5034; multiculturalism 597; social science 335, 336; see also politics

deontology 540

dependency 221, 41314, 573, 586, 587; care ethics 540, 546, 548, 613

Derrida, J. 113, 202, 296, 492, 599, 650

DesAutels, P. 320

Descartes, R. 15, 18, 66, 7180, 159; body and embodiment 1812, 183; doubt methodology 72, 73, 77, 78; rationality/objectivity 223, 224, 245

Deutscher, P. 102

Deveaux, M. 616

development ethics 4246, 54850

Dewey, John 132, 133, 134, 1356, 138, 139

Dialectic of Sex, The (Firestone) 198

Dialectics of Enlightenment (Frankfurt School) 104

Diamond, Irene 433, 436

dichotomous values/thinking 14, 621

‘Difference Feminism’ 292, 293, 296, 297, 299, 475; Native American chaos theory 371, 3759

Dillon, R.S. 576

Diotima group 298

‘Diotima’s speech’ (Irigaray) 301

disability 164, 271, 3078, 34950, 588, 710; cripping philosophy 41415; dependency/vulnerability and justice 41314; impairment and 40810; mental disability 41113; queer theory and 4058; sex/gender and 41011

‘Disappearing Ink: Early Modern Women Philosophers and their Fate in History’ (O’Neill) 1718

Discours de la méthode (Discourse on the Method) (Descartes) 74

Discourse in Defense of the Talent of Women, and of Their Aptitude for Governing and Other Positions in Which Men Are Employed (Amar y Borbón) 967

discourse ethics 64750, 65960

Discovering Reality (Harding and Hintikka) 332

discrimination 3601, 362, 478, 515; sexual 701, 7046, 707

discursive injustice 288

discursive violence 691

disidentification 211

Dislocating Cultures (Narayan) 611

DiStefano, C. 173, 220

diversity see cultural diversity; multiculturalism; postcolonialism

divisible-identity essentialism 171

divorce 86, 584, 6356

DNA testing 3845


doctrinal humility/hospitality 451

documentary films 632

Dodds, S. see Mackenzie, C. et al. (2014)

Dohm, Christian Wilhelm 97

Dolphijn, R. 197, 198

domestic violence 1612, 3612, 6389, 686; vulnerability 689, 690, 691, 692, 694, 695

domestic work 6245

dominance model of sexuality 707

Donchin, A. 582, 588

Dotson, K. 2601, 263, 271, 273, 282, 365

‘Double Jeopardy’ (Beale) 122, 123

doubt methodology 72, 73, 77, 78

Driver, J. 52930

Du Bois, W.E.B. 128

dualism 114, 115, 137, 324, 387, 412; body and embodiment 180, 1813, 186; borderlands identities 210; language/writing and 293, 296, 2978, 300

Duffy, M. 546, 547

Dworkin, A. 707

Dworkin, G. 517

Dworkin, R. 284, 657, 704, 707

Dyzenhaus, D. 704

early modern feminism 7180

earth goddess 432, 4346

eating disorders 188

ecofeminism 66, 432, 43742, 680; Global North 4346; nature/culture 4334

Ecofeminism or Death (L’écofeminism ou le mort) (d’Eaubonne) 434

Ecofeminism (Mies and Shiva) 439

ecological thought see environmentalism and ecological thinking

economic productivity 3301, 333

écriture féminine 295, 298, 3001

education 421, 491, 614, 650; body and embodiment 187; credibility and 262; equality/independence and 96, 99102; gendered toys/equipment 139

egalitarianism 26, 27, 97; liberalism and 657, 659, 660

ego psychology 2334, 2367

Eichler, M. 306

Eisenberg, A. 596, 597

Eleusinian mysteries 114

Eliot, George 13, 18, 201

Elisabeth of Bohemia, Princess 15, 73, 75, 1823

Ellison, R. 127

emancipation 27

embodiment see body and embodiment

Emile, Or On Education (Rousseau) 14, 95, 1001, 102

emotions 250, 31920, 519; care ethics 542, 556, 559, 573

empirical science 51112

employment; contracts 86, 87

‘Empowering Women’ (Shiva) 4401

encoded meaning 21213

England 96

engrossment 559, 561, 564

Engster, D. 548

Enlightenment, The 485, 595, 600; equality/difference and human rights 979; equality/independence and education 99102; feminist engagement 1024; plurality of 947

enquiry methods 1321

environmentalism and ecological thought 4323, 476, 494, 588; ecofeminism 43442; nature/culture 4334

Epicurus 198

episodic autonomy 519

epistemic ignorance 26871, 2767

Epistemic Injustice: Power and the Ethics of Knowing (Fricker) 502

epistemic injustice 251, 26871, 2767, 288, 289, 338; moral justification and 5023

epistemic trustworthiness 2612

epistemic values 334

Equal Pay Act (1963) (United States) 706

Equal Rights Amendment (American Constitution) 665, 705

equality 3867, 3789, 390, 6367; between sexes 267, 46, 712, 597; bioethics and 5845; The Enlightenment 94, 989; equal moral worth 88, 89, 90; sexual harassment 7079

equality/equity feminism see liberal feminism

Erevelles, N. 4078

eroticism 189

erotico-theoretical transference 1415

erroneous judgments 74, 78, 80

‘Essay to Prove, that Women May Apply Themselves to Liberal Arts and Sciences, An’ (Poullain de la Barre) 77

essentialism see anti-essentialism; biological essentialism; gender essentialism; strategic essentialism

Eternal Irony of the Community, The (Hegel) 11112

ethical social contract theory 8890, 11112

ethics see autonomy; bioethics; care ethics; metaethics; moral justification; virtue ethics

ethics of alterity 347

Ethics of Ambiguity (de Beauvoir) 696

ethics of care see care ethics

Ethics of Sexual Difference, An (Irigaray) 189

ethnic identities 214

eudaimonism 569, 5745

eudoxa (reputable beliefs) 506

Eurocentric bias 352, 353, 429, 596, 673; multiculturalism 596; religious diversity 448, 450, 455, 456

evolution 31516, 322

Evolution’s Empress (Feminist Evolutionary Psychology Society) 320

exceptionalism 407

exclusivism 450, 451, 452


experience see feminist phenomenology

experiential oppression 1224, 125

explicit/implicit bias 2501

exploitation 61516, 624, 665, 6678, 683

false consciousness 237

‘false duty’ 88

false gender neutrality 6556

family: care ethics 5578, 564; gender oppression and 170; male dominance 845, 87, 680; poverty and 421; women’s subordination in 867, 89, 90, 91

family-resemblance concept 3967

‘Famine, Affluence and Morality’ (Singer) 425, 426, 609, 611

Fanon, F. 144, 148, 150, 152

fatherhood 56

Fausto-Sterling, A. 15960, 246, 317, 324

Feinberg, L. 4001

Felski, R. 4645

fem (journal) 639

female 16, 165, 184, 398, 400

female genital mutilation (FMG) 55, 501, 50710, 532, 612, 691; postcolonialism 595, 596; see also genitalia

female-centred research 3201

femicide 639

feminine and femininity 16, 17, 18, 29, 30, 53; beautiful and sublime 485, 4914; beauty and 521; care ethics 541, 543, 547, 5601, 586; cosmic mother/female body 369; The Enlightenment 95, 100, 101; eternal feminine and truth as a woman 11215; female power/strategy 35, 3946; freedom 669; gender identity 173, 349; language and 2946, 297, 298, 300; master and slave 111; metaphysical dualisms 114, 115; pragmatism and 136; rational agency 534; rationality 244; self-positing 109; sexuality 170; social constructionism and 161, 176, 213; violence and vulnerability 6901, 693; virtue ethics 569; see also masculinity; men and boys; women and girls

Feminine Mystique, The (Friedan) 681

Femininity and Domination (Bartky) 4867

feminism of equality 6367

‘Feminism and Science’: ‘Can There Be a Feminist Science?’ (Longino) 332

Feminism Unmodified (MacKinnon) 661

feminist action research 139

Feminist Africa (journal) 53

‘Feminist Contractarianism’ (Hampton) 823, 8890

feminist ethics 56970, 611

feminist evolutionary psychology (FEP) 3202

Feminist Evolutionary Psychology Society 320

Feminist Methods in the Social Sciences (Reinharz) 332

feminist naturalists 3089

Feminist Perspectives on Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz (Merrim) 633

feminist phenomenology 1434; credibility and 262; critical phenomenology and hesitation 1512; embodiment and 184, 1857; lived experience and pathologies of the social 14851; as method 1448

feminist politics 172; ‘identity crisis’ 168

Feminist Politics and Human Nature (Jagger) 644

feminist queer crip 408, 413

feminist recovery projects 1323

feminist virtue ethics 5702

feminized labour 61416, 624

Ferguson, A. 610

Ferguson, M. 100, 101

Fielding, H. 149

Figueres, Christiana 442

Fineman, M.A. 694

Firestone, S. 198, 199, 205

first-person narratives 222, 223, 2245

first-wave feminism 670, 673, 7045

Fischer, M. 137

Fisher, B. 545

Fisher, M.L. see Frederick, D.A. et al.

Five Relationships: Confucianism 5578

Flax, J. 208

Fletcher, J.H. 447, 450

flourishing 5745

FMG see female genital mutilation

Folbre, N. 546

‘Foolish Men’ (Juana Inés de la Cruz) 633

Foppa, Alaíde 639

forced sterilization 6689

Foucault, M. 2012, 669; freedom 672, 673, 674; power dynamics 6834, 685, 686

fragmentation 377

Fraisse, G. 1819

France 95, 96, 979

Francophone feminism 51, 53, 54, 56, 578

Frankfurt, H. 517

Franklin Lewis, Elizabeth 96, 97

Fraser, N. 104, 647, 660, 683

Frederick, D.A. et al. 322

free and equal persons 834, 85

free will 76

Freedman, E.B. 135

freedom 524, 6656; human rights and 66670; individual freedom 670, 6713; women’s collective freedom 670, 6713

freedom of speech 98, 282, 2834, 359, 360

‘French Feminism’ 2731, 292, 296, 299, 494

Freud, Sigmund 2312, 233, 234, 235, 293; language 293, 294, 297

Fricker, M. 260, 261, 262, 263, 276; epistemic injustice 502; silencing 282, 288, 289

Friedan, B. 170, 388, 681

Friedman, M. 226, 575; autonomy 518, 519, 520, 524, 659

Friedman, S.S. 465

friendship model 2201


Frontiero v. Richardson (1973) 705

Frost, S. 195

Frost-Arnold, K. 263

Frye, M. 576

fu (負) (embody) 401

Fudge, R. 382

Fuller, L. 703, 704

Galison, P. 158, 159, 244

Gallagher, C. 72

Galtung, J. 690

Ganguli, A. 616

Gardner, C. 18

Gargallo, Francesca 638, 639

Garland-Thomson, R. 408, 409, 415

Gatens, M. 2023, 204

Gauthier, David 83, 88

Gay Science, The (Nietzsche) 114

gender 1718, 50, 201, 245; abjection 208; aesthetics 465, 466, 471, 493; Ancient Greece 24, 26, 31; animal sets 43; autonomy 519; bioethics 579, 5802, 584; biological sciences 31617, 3213; care ethics 543, 544, 5467, 5489; Confucianism 5601, 562, 564; credibility and 260, 261; Critical Race Theory (CRT) 362, 363; Daoism and 35, 37, 467; educational toys/equipment 139; feminist ethics/virtue ethics 56972; fluidity of roles 47; global justice 60910, 613; injustice and 546, 57; intersectionality 344, 345, 346, 347, 349, 352; intersectionality and political action/narrative 47682, 83; labour markets 61415; language and 2925, 298, 299, 3001; lesbian/queer theory 3845, 388, 390; liberalism and 655, 658; ‘mind has no sex’ 723, 75, 80; misgendering 2745; moral justification 501, 507, 508, 509, 510; multiculturalism 596, 599600; narrative and action theory 474, 4756, 478, 480, 4823; Native American Chaos Theory 377; naturalism 184; Nietzschean genealogy 115; objectivity 245; philosophical practice 63; postcolonialism 600, 601, 603; poverty 607; science and 265, 309; silencing 288, 289; social construction of 15766, 176, 219; social science 32931; spatiality 149, 152; structural injustice 621, 622, 623, 624, 625; trans* theory 272, 273, 276, 3958; violence 6856; virtue ethics 573, 574, 575

Gender and Aesthetics (Korsmeyer) 486

gender complementarity 95, 1001, 103

gender critical feminists 385

Gender and the Department of Women’s Studies for Africa’s transformation (GWS) (University of Cape Town) 53

gender difference 13, 96, 989, 102, 103; causal/bodily factors 76; reasoning 24950; social constructionism and 165; see also sexual difference

gender dissatisfaction 393, 398, 399, 403, 41011

‘Gender Equality is Your Issue Too’ (Watson) 387

gender essentialism 1601, 580, 653; anti-essentialism and 16876; contemporary views 1768; materiality 195, 1967, 199200

gender fluid 394

gender identity disorder see gender dissatisfaction

gender insensibility 580, 584

gender mainstreaming 428

gender presentation 272, 273, 275, 3967, 402

gender realism 1745

Gender Recognition Act (2004) (United Kingdom) 277

gender socialization 170, 3845, 387

gender testing 3845

Gender Trouble (Butler) 172, 300, 301; materiality 197, 200, 201, 202, 2034, 684

gender variant 394

gender-blindness 448, 449, 4512, 456

genderqueer see queer theory

genealogical inquiry 158, 159, 161, 162, 176

genealogy 115

Generation of Animals (Aristotle) 312

genetics see sexual reproduction

genitalia 38, 189, 402; intersex 160, 385, 390; status of 276, 384, 397, 402; surgery 273, 274, 277; see also female genital mutilation (FMG)

genocidal rape 61011

Gentleman’s Journal, The 77

German Idealism 107, 108112

German Romanticism 115, 116

Germany 97, 107; eternal feminine and truth as a woman 11215; idealism 108112; women’s voices in nineteenth century 11516

Gezi Park (Instanbul) 478

Gillberg, C. 139

Gilligan, C. 232, 530, 602, 644, 649; bioethics 584, 586, 587; care ethics 540, 543, 550, 558, 560, 573

Gilman, C.P. 133, 134

Gines, K. 365

Ginsburg, Justice Ruth Bader 705, 709

girl power 656

Glenn, E.N. 5467

global development 41920; bioethics 588; care ethics 544, 54850; development ethics 4246; feminist philosophic issues about 4267; resources and competence requirements 4279; women’s involvement in 4202; women’s poverty 42244, 615

Global Harm Principle 609

global justice 6078; feminized labour and 61416; harm/responsibility 60811; naturalized moral epistemological approach 61114

God-In-Three-Persons see Trinity, The

goddess spirituality 60

Goddess, The 645

goddesses (Greek/Roman) 37

Goethe, J. 116


Gotanda, N. see Crenshaw, K. et al. (1995)

Gottsched (née Kalmus), Louise 97

Gouges, Olympe de 95, 979, 102

Goulet, D. 424

governmentality 6856

Graham, A.C. 45

Grear, A. 694

‘Great Goddess, The’ (Heresies (journal)) 434

Greece see Ancient Greece

Green, J. 272, 275

Green, K. 95, 96

Green, L. 285

Green Revolution 4389, 440

Griffin, S. 434

Gross, R. 447, 449, 450, 452

Grosz, E. 200, 2034, 475

group (collective) identities 211, 212, 215

Guattari, F. 415

guilt 6278

Gyn/ecology (Daly) 434

Gyorgy, A. 433

Habermas, J.: critical theory 104; democratic theory 642, 643, 644, 646, 6478, 64950

Hacking, I. 157, 162, 163

Haddox, J.H. 637

Hafez, S. 454

Hagengruber, R. 37

Hahn, Hans 304

Halberstam, J. 413

Hale, C.J. 396

Hall, K. 471

Halwani, R. 562

Hammington, M. 1367, 1389

Hampson, D. 62

Hampton, J. 823, 8890, 91, 658

Hankivsky, O. 547

Hanshu (漢書) (The Book of Han) 40

Haraway, D. 248, 31516

Harding, S. 247, 3078, 310, 311, 3323, 3367

harm 621, 6234, 626, 6289, 660

Harris, A. 3623

Harris, D. 123

Harris, H. 68

Harris-Perry, M. 1289

Harrison, B. 67

Hart, H.L.A. 702, 7034, 706, 710

Harth, E. 72

Hartsock, N. 336, 337, 338

Haslanger, S. 174, 184, 2256, 252, 276; structural injustice 6234, 625; trans* theory 395, 396

Hayek, F. von 655

Haynes, P. 68

healthcare see bioethics

Hegel, G.W.F. 107, 10812, 218, 243, 6678, 670

Heikes, D. 252

Hein, H. 465

Hekman, S. 62, 194

Held, V. 8990, 573, 610, 649; care ethics 562, 564, 6967

Heldke, L. 576

‘Héloïse complex’ 1415, 62

Heresies (journal) 434

Herman, J. 224

hermeneutical ontology: intersectionality 346; marginalization/injustice 263, 335, 502; silencing 282, 289; trans* theory 268, 269, 270, 2712, 2736

Herr, R.S. 561

Heschel, A.J. 309

heteronomous autonomy 476, 477

heteronormativity 301, 308, 315, 352, 3834; aesthetics 476, 477; Critical Race Theory (CRT) 362; disability 410; gender essentialism 171, 173, 1889; trans theory 394

heterosexual relationships 83, 84, 88, 386

Heyes, C. 168, 4001

hierarchical reflective endorsement 517, 518

Hierro, Graciela 639

Hintikka, M.B. 332

Hipparchia’s Choice: An Essay Concerning Women, Philosophy, Etc. (Le Doeuff) 15, 62

Hippel, Theodor Gottlieb von 97, 103

Hirschmann, N. 173, 659, 6656, 671

history of philosophy 1321

Hoagland, S. 137

Hobbes, Thomas 219, 220, 703, 704; social contract theory 825, 87, 88, 89, 654, 6667; State of Nature 529, 534

Hollywood, A. 61

Homiak, M. 574

homonationalism 407

‘homosexuality’ 226

Honig, B. 378, 674

Honneth, A. 233

‘honor’ killings 691

hooks, b. 170, 436, 669, 671, 674

Hornsby, J. 2813, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288

households: democratic theory 6445; gender oppression and 170; male dominance 845, 87; poverty and 421, 4234, 428; privacy 668, 669; women’s subordination in 867, 89, 90, 91

Houston, B. 573

How to Suppress Women’s Writing (Russ) 634

Howie, G. 452, 453, 455

Hubbard, R. 317

Human Condition, The (Arendt) 479, 645

human flourishing 658, 656

Human Relations Area Files 321

human rights 94, 602, 613; equality/difference and 979; freedom 66670; moral justification 505, 506, 50710; multiculturalism 595, 600

Human Rights Campaign (HRC) 389

human security 550


humanism: multiculturalism and 5958; postcolonialism and 598603; visionary pragmatism 13940

humanitarian intervention 695, 697

Hume, D. 530

hunger 4401

‘hunter-gatherers’ 2467, 332

Hursthouse, R. 569

Husserl, E. 144, 145, 146, 151, 186, 190

hybridity see multiculturialism; postcolonialism

Hypatia (journal) 133, 134, 137, 332, 436

hyperindividualism 515, 516

idea-construction 15761, 163

ideal moral self 582

ideal/non-ideal theory 194

idealism 654, 657, 658

idealization 235

identity politics 52, 479, 517, 694; bioethics and 5823, 584, 586; Black Feminism 123, 1245; Critical Race Theory (CRT) 360; freedom 6734; gender 1634, 170, 172; intersectionality 343, 350, 353; power dynamics 684, 6867; social identity and credibility 25961; see also borderlands identity

identity schemes 21214

identity-related harm 2745

If Women Counted (Waring) 3301

Ignorance 259, 2756, 305, 643, 649, 659; epistemic injustice and 26871, 272, 2767

illocutionary disablement 2801, 282, 284, 286, 287

imagination 208, 373, 379, 532, 6745; aesthetics 46870, 476, 489; body and embodiment 1823; moral justification 511

impartiality 542, 560, 585

imperialism 52, 337, 364, 475, 532, 544; moral justification 508, 510; postcolonialism 598

implicit bias 502, 6234

In a Different Voice (Gilligan) 558, 560

inaudibility 281, 282, 287

inclusive epistemic democracy 5036, 50910

inclusivism 450, 451, 452

indigenous people 666, 673, 675

individual essentialism 1745, 177, 178

individual freedom 666, 670, 6713, 6678, 670

individualism 172, 218, 236, 479, 601, 602; anti-individualism in philosophy of mind 2212; autonomy 515, 516; bioethics 581, 582, 583; global justice 609; liberalism 6523, 656, 6578; power dynamics 6812; social contract theory 8990, 91; virtue ethics 572; see also particularity/particularism

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (United States) 350

inductive reasoning 249

ineffability 281, 282

Inessential Woman (Spelman) 171

injustice 168, 176, 245, 251, 260, 263; ignorance and epistemic injustice 26871, 2767; trans* theory and hermeneutical marginalization/injustice 2736; trans* theory and testimonial injustice 2713

Innerlichkeit (inwardness) 116

institutional harms/responsibilities 609, 610, 620

integration reflective endorsement 518

intellectual virtues 568

intelligibility 147, 268, 269, 272; hermeneutical injustice 273, 274, 275

intentionality 189

interactionist model: sex differences 319; trans* theory 400

intergender 397

internal intersectionality 210

International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics (IJFAB) 585, 588

International Monetary Fund (IMF) 609, 615

international relations: care ethics 550, 551

International Year of the Woman (1975) 637

interpersonal relationships; bioethics 584, 5856; care ethics 610, 656; Confucianism 556, 559, 560, 561, 5624, 565; structural injustice 620, 625

interpersonal trust 264

intersectionality 101, 3434, 3523, 465, 474; borderlands identity 21011; care ethics 544, 5467; Critical Race Theory (CRT) 345, 348, 350, 359, 3618; critiques and controversies 3512; gender essentialism 171, 172, 176; gender and political action/narrative 47682, 83; genealogy of 3438; intersectional methods/studies 34850; trans* theory 400, 402

intersex 158, 160, 394

intuition 225, 395, 432, 520, 521, 559

‘inversion’ thesis 337

Invisibility Blues (Wallace) 126

Invisible Man, The (Ellison) 127

invulnerability 6934

Irigaray, L. 65, 66, 89, 151, 189, 475; Ancient Greece 24, 27, 28, 29, 30; beautiful and sublime 494; Germany 11112, 114; language 292, 293, 294, 295, 2968, 300; materiality 196, 199, 200, 204, 205

‘iron maidens’ 486

Isherwood, L. 645

Islam 4534, 596, 598, 600, 612, 673

Jacobson, A.J. 3234

Jacobson, D. 284

Jacques, J. 273, 274

Jaggar, A. 5323, 644; bioethics 579, 582, 585; global development 421, 427, 4289; global justice 608, 609, 611, 612, 613, 61516; structural injustice 624, 625

Jagger, G. 195

Jagose, A, 38990, 572

James, S.M. 13940


James, William 132

Jantzen, G. 63, 66, 692

Jarman, M. 414

JCSEPHS see Joint Caucus for Socially Engaged Philosophers and Historians of Science

Jeffreys, S. 384

Jena Romantic Circle 115

JENDA: A Journal of Cultural and African Women’s Studies 53

Jenkins, K. 395, 396

jeopardy model: oppression 122, 123, 125, 126

Johnson, L. 413

Johnson-Odim, C. 437

Joint Caucus for Socially Engaged Philosophers and Historians of Science (JCSEPHS) 311

Jones, K. 258, 262

Jones, R. 4689, 470

Jordan-Young, R. 320

Journal of Literary and Cultural Disability Studies, The 413

journals 115, 116

Juana Inés de la Cruz, Sor 6335

Judeo-Christian religious/theological traditions: attraction of engagement with 613, 645; historical religious/theological critiques 601; plurality and feminist flourishing 658; practical philosophy of 634; see also religious diversity

judgement 778, 80, 542; Kantian viewpoint 4668, 48991

Juro, R. 389

just war theory 6957

justice 414, 573, 600, 703; bioethics 581, 586, 587; care ethics and 543, 546, 5478, 549, 551, 5589; ecofeminism 4389; reasoning 249; testimony and 261, 265

Justice and the Politics of Difference (Young) 621

Kaag, J. 137

Kafer, A. 406, 408, 410, 411

Kang, H.-R. 609, 610

Kant, Immanuel 65, 2445, 504, 671, 673; aesthetics 463, 4668, 476; beautiful and sublime 479, 48992; care ethics 545, 644; The Enlightenment 102, 103, 107; feminist reworking of 46872; liberalism 653; nature and freedom 108; rational agency 529, 534, 535, 541; social contract theory 82, 83, 856, 88, 89, 90; virtue ethics 568, 575

Keller, E.F. 244

Keller, M. 454, 455

Kellner, D. 646

Kenny, N.P. see Baylis, F. et al (2008)

Keralio-Robert, L. 95

Khader, S. 2278, 427, 521, 550, 673

King, D. 128

King, Martin Luther 520, 523

King, U. 447

King, Ynestra 433

Kiraly, M. 656

Kittay, E.F. 220, 221, 413, 611; care ethics 545, 546, 573, 587, 659; Confucianism 564, 565

Klinger, C. 104

Knoblock, J. 45

Knott, S. 95

knowing and knowledge 270, 284, 337, 502; debatable/undebatable data 636; intersectionality 347, 350, 351; knowledge-producing institutions and communities 2635; Native American chaos theory 373, 377; situated 256, 258

Kofman, S. 113, 114, 494

Koggel, C. 427

Korsmeyer, C. 4745, 486

Kourany, J. 309

Koyama, E. 394

Kristeva, J. 27, 30, 173, 204, 238; Judeo-Christian religious traditions 66, 67; language 292, 2945, 296, 298; narrative and action theory 480, 481, 482; unitary self 208, 210, 212

Kukla, R. 288

La Logique, ou l’art de penser (Logic, or the Art of Thinking) (Arnauld and Nicole) 74, 77

labour 637, 658, 6601; aesthetics and 465; care ethics 544, 546, 5489, 551; discrimination/equality 705, 706, 707, 708; ecofeminism and 4389, 441; freedom 66970; gendered wage gap 534; global development and 421, 422, 426, 428; global justice and 611, 61416; materiality 198, 199; migration 625; power dynamics and 6823; social contract theory 86, 89; statistics 3301; structural injustice 6245, 627

Lacan, J. 30, 91, 293, 294, 4934

LaDuke, W. 435

Lai, K. 5601

Landes, J. 99

Lange, L. 102

Langley, W. 3234

Langton, R. 2803, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288

language: barriers to equality/justice 51, 54, 578; construction of gender 3001; gender and 2925; masculinist theological 60; patriarchal order and 299300; politics of writing 2957; sexual difference and 2978, 493; socio-linguistic practices and trans* theory 3978, 402

Laozi see Daodejing (Classics of Way and Its Power)

Lara Zavala, M.P. 638

Latin America 598, 608, 612, 645; contemporary feminist ethics 6389; historical ethical challenges 6325; modern women’s movements and consciousness-raising 6378; suffrage and women’s rights 6357; testimonio and public protest 6312

Latina feminism 20910, 21415

‘Laugh of the Medusa, The’ (Cixous) 2956

Lauretis, T. de 201

law see legal philosophy


Law, Liberty, and Morality (Hart) 703, 706

Lawson, Tom 314

Le Doeuff, M. 1415, 16, 613, 67, 68, 204

‘learned woman’ model 97

‘Lección de cocina’ (‘Cooking lesson’) (Castellanos) 637

Lectures on Anthropology (Kant) 491

Lee, L. 372

legal philosophy 91, 345, 7047, 710; abortion 709; non-ideal theory 7012; positivism and separation of law/morality 7024; principles of equality and 84; sexual harassment 7079

legal positivism 701, 7023, 704

legitimacy: political 643, 648

Legrand, D. 188

lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex (LGBTI) 226, 308, 315, 407; Africa 53, 57; borderlands identities 21415; social constructionism 158, 160

lesbian theory and ethics 137, 298, 3839

Lessons on the Analytic of the Sublime (Lyotard) 493

Let Me Speak! (Barrios de Chúngara et al.) 631

letter writing 95, 115, 116

Letters on Education (Macaulay) 100

Letters from Sweden (Wollstonecraft) 102

Leviathan (Hobbes) 845

Levinas, E. 347, 697

Levine, D. 550

LGBTI see lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex

Li, C. 560, 561

li (禮 rites) 558, 565

‘liability model’ of responsibility 610

liberal feminism 88, 3823, 644, 669, 681, 7056; lesbian theory and ethics 3839; queer theory 38991

liberal social contract theory 83, 88

liberalism 26, 90, 363, 5956, 612, 703; democratic theory 644, 646; feminist critiques of 6526; feminist liberalism 65761; Native American Chaos Theory 3701, 379

liberation theology 601

libertarian feminism see liberal feminism

liberty see freedom

Liji (Book of Rites) 556

Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act (2009) (United States) 706

linear-hormonal model: sex differences 31819, 320

linguistic injustice 2878, 289

linguistic turn 195, 200

linguistics see language

Lintott, S. 486

literacy 613, 614

Little, M. 537

Liu Xuyi (刘绪义) 389

lived experience 14851, 2215

Living Across and Through Skins: Transactional Bodies, Pragmatism, and Feminism (Sullivan) 138

Living Dolls: The Return of Sexism (Walter) 486

Livingston, J. 407

Lloyd, G. 1517, 103, 243, 245, 252

locavorism 438

Locke, John 85, 87, 653, 654, 666

Lógica viva (Living Logic) (Vaz Ferreira) 635, 636

logical empiricism 303, 304, 310

logos see reasoning

Longino, H.E. 247, 248; science 3067, 31011, 31819; social science 332, 333, 334, 335, 336, 337

Longinus 487

‘looping effect’: social construction 162, 163, 164

Lorde, A. 384, 600

love 667

Lugones, María 21415, 222, 397, 5989

Lukes, S. 678

Luna, F. 587

Lüshi Chunqiu 445

Lyotard, J.-F. 4923

Maasai communities 507, 508, 509, 510

Maathai, Wangari 56

Macaulay, Catherine 18, 100

McCall, L. 3656

McFague, S. 67

McGowan, M.K. 285

Mack, P. 454, 455

McKenna, E. 136, 138

Mackenzie, C. 224; et al. (2014) 587

McKim, R. 44950

MacKinnon, C. 170, 220, 252, 362; freedom 668; liberalism 653, 654, 6556, 661; political philosophy 6445, 679, 6901; pornography 707; sexual harassment 708; silencing 279, 280, 281, 2867

McKinnon, R. 400

McLaren, M. 573

Macpherson, C.B. 867

McRuer, R. 406, 413

Mahadevan, K. 601, 602, 603

Mahmood, S. 454, 455, 673

maid trade see domestic work

‘mail order brides’ 549

majoritarianism 704

male 16, 55, 165, 184; trans* theory 398, 399, 400

male pseudonyms 17

Malebranche, Nicolas 78

La Malinche (the Traitor) 6323

Mallory, C. 438

man: definition 395, 402

Man of Reason: ‘Male’ and ‘Female’ in Western Philosophy (Lloyd) 1517, 243

‘man-the-hunter’ hypothesis 246, 247

manifest concepts 2767

Mann, B. 494

Manuel Fernández de Santa Cruz, Bishop of Puebla 6334


marginalization 377, 475, 502, 601, 612; testimony 263, 265

Maria, or the Wrongs of Women (Wollstonecraft) 100, 102

Marine Lover of Friedrich Nietzsche (Irigaray) 114

Marinucci, M. 390

marriage 19, 845, 532, 669, 691; power dynamics 679, 680; women’s subordination in 867, 89, 90, 91

Martin, E. 317

Marxism 237, 336, 645; freedom 6678; materiality 198, 199; power dynamics 682, 683; religious diversity 452, 453; social contract theory 86, 89

masculinity 53, 401; aesthetics 464; criminal law 706; gender identity 173, 349; gendered reality 37, 38, 39, 40, 41; global development and 423; language and 297; metaphysical dualisms 114, 115; objectivity 244; power and 423, 46, 47, 51; pragmatism and 136; reasoning/objectivity 101, 2456, 249; sexuality and 170; see also feminine and femininity; men and boys; women and girls

Massacre in Mexico (Poniatowska) 632

master and slave 62, 63, 11011, 233, 679, 680

materiality 194, 205, 439, 440; new materialism 195200; religious diversity and dialectical materialism 446, 4524, 456; sex/gender and mattering 2004

Maternal Thinking (Ruddick) 540, 573, 576, 584

maternity and maternalist feminism 2831, 32, 151, 465, 680; African culture 55; care ethics 220, 544, 549; cosmic mother/female body 369, 47; love and 67; violence and vulnerability 692, 695, 696; see also abortion; sexual reproduction

Matsuda, M. 222

mattering 197, 2004

Mead, G.H. 647

meaning: sublimation and 2349

medical model: disability 408, 40910, 411

medicine see bioethics

Medina, J. 261, 263, 269, 270, 271

Meditationes de prima philosophiae (Meditations on First Philosophy) (Descartes) 73, 74, 181, 223

Meillassoux, Q. 1978

men and boys 165; bodily qualities 71; care ethics 546, 547, 564, 573; domination of science and research 315; identity schemes 212, 213, 214; ‘man the hunter’ theory 332; rape and sexual assault 314; rights movement 382; sense of entitlement 91; traditional power over women 1821, 50; trans* theory 396; see also feminine and femininity; masculinity; women and girls

Menchú, R. 631, 632

Mencius 556, 557, 558

Mendoza, B. 610

Menon, N. 669, 673

mental disability 41113

mental health disorders 1612, 238, 272, 581

Merchant, C. 435

Merleau-Ponty, M.; body and embodiment 184; feminist phenomenology, 1446, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151

Merrim, S. 633

mestiza consciousness 209

metaethics 5289, 538; moral epistemology 537; moral scepticism 5337; truth and 52933

Metaphysics of Morals (Kant) 103

method 25, 30, 40, 108, 246; doubt methodology 723, 74, 75, 7780; ‘feminist method’ 328, 32930, 337; feminist phenomenology 1438, 149; pragmatism 135, 138; social sciences 3324, 336, 337; theological 62, 63, 64, 67

‘Method Question, The’ (Harding) 332

‘Methodological Interpretation of Feminist Pragmatism, A’ (Gillberg) 139

Meyers, D.T. 220, 518, 519, 520, 524, 613

microcredit initiatives 616

microphysics of power 6834

Mies, M. 421, 439, 602

Mikkola, M. 1745

Milan Women’s Bookstore Collective 674

militarism 52, 140, 314, 419, 437, 705; care ethics 547, 548, 550; global development 609, 612, 615; Latin America 632; liberalism 656; violence and 691, 692, 693, 6956

Mill, John Stuart 19, 284, 386, 667; liberalism 653, 654, 655

Miller, D. 6289

Miller, J.B. 680

Miller, S.C. 545, 610

Millett, K. 170

Mills, C.W. 271, 350, 364, 608; social contract theory 83, 84, 90, 667

Mind (philosophy journal) 21

mind theory 723, 75, 78, 80, 212; anti-individualism in philosophy of 2212

mind–body duality 180, 1813, 186

Minow, M. 708

misogynism 85, 113, 435; Aristotle 312; religious/theological tradition 65

‘Missive Worthy of Athena’ see ‘Reply to Sister Philothea de la Cruz’ (Juana Inés de la Cruz)

Mitchell, D. 4067

modernization 96

Moeller, H.-G. 367, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44

Mohanty, C. 608, 614, 673

Moi, T. 169, 199

Monro, S. 349

Montagu, Elizabeth 96

Montuschi, E. 329

moral justification: diversity/inequality and 5012; epistemic injustice and 5023; female genital cutting (FGC) 50710; inclusive epistemic democracy 5036, 50910; legal positivism 703; mission/method of moral epistemology 51112; moral and political universalism 5047


Moral para intelectuales (Ethics for Intellectuals) (Vaz Ferreira) 635

Moral Textures: Feminist Narratives in the Public Sphere (Lara Zavala) 638

Moral Understandings (Walker) 611

morality and moral theory 323, 469, 538, 654, 657, 658; absolutism 531, 532, 533, 538; agreement 6478; care ethics 540, 542, 561; deliberation 5423, 551; The Enlightenment 83, 88, 89, 90; epistemology 528, 537, 545; facts 528, 529; global justice 61112; imperialism 5312; methodological individualism 609; particularism 347; positivism and separation of law/morality 7024; realism 529, 533, 538; relativism 5301, 532, 533, 538; repair 61011; scepticism 5337, 538; universal principles 372, 504; virtue ethics 568, 569, 573

morally required action 535

mothers and motherhood see maternity and maternalist feminism

Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo 632

motivational displacement 559, 564

Mujer que sabe latín (Castellanos) 637

Mukherjee, A.P. 601

Mulder, A.-M. 63

multiculturalism 532, 5958, 612

multistability: oppression 120, 1216

multivariate analysis (multilinear regression analysis) 3445, 353

Mulvey, L. 465

Murray, S. 408

Muslim communities 97, 598, 673; veiling of women 4534, 531, 596, 600, 612

Mussett, S. 111

My Sense of Silence (Davis) 215

myth of the cave (Plato) 2731

mythos (plot) 4802

Nagoshi, J. 349

naming theory 300

Narayan, U. 171, 335, 4267, 531, 544, 6012; global justice 609, 611, 616

Narrating Evil: A Post-Metaphysical Theory of Reflective Judgment (Lara Zavala) 638

narrative and action theory 222, 223, 224; care ethics 543; gender intersectionality and aesthetic/political action/narrative 47682, 483; Native American chaos theory 3723, 3767; self-constitution 2257; see also testimony

narrowly programmatic autonomy 519

Nash, J. 3667, 368

natality 692

National Organization for Women 388

nationalism 695

Native Americans: chaos theory 370, 3725; ecofeminism 435; politics of difference 371, 3759

nativism 399

natural attitude 1445

natural law theory 700, 701, 7034, 705, 707, 710

naturalism 1834, 186, 18990, 611, 653

naturalized epistemology 249, 250

nature: art and 4689, 470

Nazism 702, 703

Nedelsky, J. 659

‘Need for a Recovery of Philosophy, The’ (Dewey) 132, 133

negative freedom 667, 671, 675

negative liberty 653

negative socio-epistemic status: Black women 120, 1269

nego-feminism 54

Négritude 148

Nelson, J.L. 222, 227

Neo-Platonism 17

neoliberalism 678, 88, 351, 548; disability and 406, 407; global justice 607, 613, 61415, 616

nepantlera (among others) 209, 210

neural imaging 588

Neurath, Otto 303, 304

neuroscience 316, 31920, 3234

neurosexism 250

new materialism 184, 194, 195200, 205

New Materialism (Dolphijn and van der Tuin) 197

Nicholson, L. 173

Nicole, Pierre 74, 77

Nietzsche, Friedrich 656, 107, 11215, 494

Nnaemeka, Obioma 54

‘No Right to Own?: The Early Twentieth-Century ‘Alien Land Law’ as a Prelude to Internment’ (Aoki) 364

Noddings, N.: bioethics 586, 587; care ethics 540, 542, 543, 545, 550, 585; Confucianism 5589, 560, 561, 562, 563, 564

non-alienation 518

non-binary identified 396

non-governmental organizations (NGOs) 50

non-human primate society 31516

non-ideal theory 9, 90, 608, 616; legal positivism 7012, 70910; virtue ethics 575, 576

non-truism 88

normative approach; democratic theory 642, 6434

normative transformer 660

Norris, John 78

Nuremberg trials 703

nurturant/non-nurturant care 547, 549, 560

Nussbaum, M.5323, 613, 6578; capabilities approach 5056, 574, 597, 6712; global development 4256, 428

Nzegwu, N. 613, 614

‘object relations’ theory 232, 233

object-construction 1624

objectification 188

objectivity 1589, 186; rationality and 2469; science and 2645, 432; social science 331, 334, 335, 336


Observations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and Sublime (Kant) 491

Occupy Movement 351

Ocen, P. 348

Ogundipe-Leslie, Molara 54

Ogunyemi, Chikwenye Okonjo 54

Okin, S.M. 532, 612; freedom 668; liberalism 658, 659; social contract theory 83, 84, 88, 90, 102; virtue ethics 570, 572

Oksala, J. 685

On the Admission of Women to the Rights of Citizenship (Condorcet) 98

On, B. 693, 697

On the Beautiful and the Sublime (Kant) 103

On the Civil Improvement of the Jews (Dohm) 97

On the Civil Improvement of Women (Hippel) 97

On Liberty (Mill) 653

On The Genealogy of Morals (Nietzsche) 115

On Violence (Arendt) 685

O’Neill, E. 1718

O’Neill, O. 504

Only Words (MacKinnon) 279

ontological pluralism 334

operative concepts 276, 277

opportunity 524, 583, 620, 671, 701

oppression 150, 320, 387, 659, 687; autonomy and 51523; bioethics 580; care ethics 544, 549; Critical Race Theory (CRT) 362, 363; ecofeminism 436, 437; feminist virtue ethics 571, 572; freedom and 665, 666, 670, 671, 675; intersectionality 3434, 345, 346, 347, 3512, 353; language and 292, 293; metaethics 5289, 536; moral justification 501, 503; multistability of 120, 1216; negative socio-epistemic status 1269; patriarchal order 382; politics of spatiality 12930; relational autonomy and 51623; religious diversity 4534; sexual harassment 314, 515, 7079; structural injustice 620, 621, 622, 623; subjectivity and 232, 233, 235, 236, 238; trans theory 393, 394, 396, 400, 401, 402; trauma and traumatic survivors 227, 228; trust/trustworthiness 2589, 260; virtue ethics 5745, 576; see also patriarchal order; power dynamics

Orenstein, G. 433, 436

Ortiz, V. see Barrios de Chungara, D. et al.

Ortner, S. 433, 434

Oshana, M. 5201, 523, 5245

Otherness 4934, 495, 6012

outcome responsibility 628

‘Outliving Oneself: Trauma, Memory, and Personal Identity’ (Brison) 223

outsider jurisprudence 345, 346

‘oxymoron problem’ 18

pacifism 694, 6956, 698

Paley, G. 433

Palmer, C. 314, 321

Pang, A. 560

paranoid readings 6745

Parekh, S. 613

parenting 331, 434, 624

Parfit, D. 505

parler femme (‘speaking (as) woman’) 295

Parrenas, R.S. 607

partiality 542, 556, 560, 564, 565, 654

participatory democracy 3789, 428, 565; freedom 667, 669, 672; social contract theory 90, 91

particularity/particularism 98, 103, 149, 376, 451; care ethics 5423; Confucianism 556, 559, 560, 561, 562, 5634; see also individualism

Passions de l’âme, Les (The Passions of the Soul) (Descartes) 73, 77, 79

Pastavas, A. 410

Pateman, C. 6545, 680; social contract theory 82, 83, 84, 85, 868, 901

paternal power 87

pathologies of the social 150

patriarchal order 1821, 456, 645; Africa 49, 56, 57; Ancient Greece 25, 26; Critical Race Theory (CRT) 362; Daoism 35, 46; desire for male child 55; ecofeminism 432, 436, 43940, 4412; free and equal persons 834, 85, 90, 91; global development and 421; Judeo-Christian religious tradition 60, 61, 62, 66; language and 292, 294, 299300; Latin America 637; legal positivism 701, 704, 707; liberalism 652; mental health disorders 238; metaethics 531; oppression 382, 427, 452; power and 423, 46, 47, 51, 62, 508; silencing and 56; sublimation and meaning 235, 237; violence and vulnerability 6901; see also oppression; power dynamics

Patton, P. 107

Paz, O. 633

peace project 208

Peat, F.D. 378

Peirce, Charles S. 132, 135

Peller, G. see Crenshaw, K. et al. (1995)

perception 1478, 149, 150, 151, 203

Peregrinations (Lyotard) 493

Peri Hypsous (On the Sublime) (Longinus) 487

perlocutionary frustration 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 286

Perry, R. 72, 73, 77

personal identity 211, 215, 21819, 2278; anti-individualism in philosophy of mind 2212; bioethics 5823, 584, 586; care ethics and relational self 21921; intersectionality 343, 346, 352, 353; lived experience and 2225; social construction and narrative self-constitution 2257

Phaedo (Plato) 224

phallologocentric/phallogocentric approach 25, 32

phenomenology see feminist phenomenology

Phenomenology of Perception (Merleau-Ponty) 145

Phenomenology of Spirit (Hegel) 108, 109, 110, 11112

phenotypes 322


Phillips, A. 596, 597

Philo 244

Philosophical Discourse of Modernity (Habermas) 64950

Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful, A (Burke) 4879, 490

Philosophical Imaginary, The (Le Doeuff) 14

Philosophical Radicals 20

philosophy: historical origins of 246; ‘male master’ 62, 63; participation rates 20; terminology 246; women’s absence from 1821, 50, 57, 61, 62, 219

Philosophy of Social Science: A New Introduction (Cartwright and Montuschi) 329

physicalism 183, 184, 221

piety movements 673

Plant, J. 434

Plantinga, A. 451

Plato 181, 224, 294, 297, 485; as a feminist 25, 2631, 32, 39

pleasure 46970, 487, 490

‘pleasure kidnappings’ 638

Plumwood, V. 251, 435

pluralism 947, 1389, 31011, 333, 3756; multiculturalism/postcolonialism 595, 596; religious diversity 450, 451, 452; uniqueness and aesthetics 479

Poetics (Aristotle) 480

Pogge, T. 424, 426

Pohlhaus, G. 263, 270

Poland 6456

political bios 482

political determinism 6534

political ecology 438

political liberalism 654

Political Liberalism (Rawls) 702

political relational model: disability 410

political responsibility 6257, 628, 629

political rights 169, 668

political social contract theory 82, 868

political violence 6948

politics 31, 52, 66, 68, 246, 309; aesthetics and 4636; gender intersectionality and action/narrative 47682, 483; moral justification 505; see also democratic theory

Politics (Aristotle) 31

Politics of Piety (Mahmood) 454

polygamy 55, 532, 600

Poniatowska, E. 632

pornography 706, 707; speech and silencing 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 285

positive freedoms 667, 671, 673

positivism 701, 7024, 70910

postcolonial analysis approach (PCA) 5079, 510

postcolonialism 544, 669, 6723, 696; Africa 49, 52, 57; multiculturalism 595, 598603; see also colonialism; Critical Race Theory (CRT); race and racism; slavery

postmodernism 173, 346, 595, 64950, 660

poststructuralism 649, 672, 6834, 691

Potter, E. 244

Potter, N. 572

Poullain de la Barre, François 746, 77, 79, 80

poverty 164, 478, 590, 671; global development 419, 420, 4224, 426; global justice 607, 608, 609, 610, 613

power dynamics 6789; aesthetics and 475, 478, 479; associational life 645; autonomy and 520, 543, 596; bioethics 580, 587; care ethics 5478; diffusion of 334, 335; female power/strategy 436; feminist ethics/virtue ethics 56972, 575; freedom 671, 672; language 292; liberalism 654, 659; moral justification 5034, 506, 507, 510, 511; multiculturalism 599; poststructuralist feminism 6834; power-over/power-to 67981; resistance 6867; socialist feminism 6823; trust/trustworthiness and testimony 257, 258, 260; violence and 6856; see also oppression; patriarchal order

practical conceptual ignorance 271

practical reasoning 249, 250

pragmatic values 334

pragmatism 1336, 649; contemporary 13740; feminist recovery projects 1323, 137; historical connections 1367

pregnancy 113, 114, 1878, 7078

Pregnancy Discrimination Act (United States) 7078

prejudice 269, 272, 289, 305, 466, 502

prenatal femicide 440

prescriptive essentialism 1723, 174

Price, M. 412, 413

Prince, V. 394

Principia philosophiae (Principles of Philosophy) (Descartes) 18, 77, 183

Principle of Utility 504, 505

prisons 348, 665

privacy 6689, 709

probate courts 705

procedural relational autonomy 51619, 520, 522, 523, 524

productive imagination 4689

productive power 684

programmatic autonomy 519

‘property in the person’ 86, 90

propositional ignorance 271

proprioceptive awareness 398

prospective responsibility 629

Prosser, J. 398, 400

prostitution 7067

proto-lesbian ethics 137

psychoanalytic theory 66, 293; subjectivity and subject positions 2314; unconscious and sublimation 2349

Puar, J. 407

public/private sphere 31, 99, 104, 434; bioethics 579; care ethics 540, 558, 560, 5645; democratic theory 646, 647, 650; freedom 668, 669, 670; liberalism 653, 655, 657, 658; power dynamics 683, 684


purposiveness 109

Pythagoras 63, 65; table of opposites 1516

Que bom te ver viva (How Nice to See You Alive Again) (film) 632

queer theory 158, 171, 21415, 298, 301; disability and 4058; freedom 672, 6745; intersectionality 346, 377; liberal feminism 383, 38991; power dynamics 6845; trans theory and 394, 398

‘quite other’ (tout-autre) 599

race and racism 164, 260, 324, 388, 515, 596; aesthetics and 464, 4656, 471, 475, 478, 480; beautiful and sublime 489, 490; gender essentialism 170, 171; intersectionality 344, 345, 346, 352, 353; labour markets 61415; legal positivism 7034; structural injustice 6234; trans* theory and 401; violence and vulnerability 696; see also colonialism; Critical Race Theory (CRT); postcolonialism; slavery

Racial Contract, The (Mills) 364

racial contract theory 84

racial oppression 61, 152, 232

radical feminism 4001, 6445, 679, 695; legal positivism 701, 7067; lesbian/queer theory 382, 383, 385, 386, 3878, 390; liberalism 653, 654, 656

Rajan, R.S. 600

Ramabai, Pandita 602

rape and sexual assault 87, 2234, 286, 314, 3623, 680; abuse 279, 281; global justice 61011; Latin America 6389; masculinity and 706; metaethics and 529, 530, 531, 532, 535, 537; vulnerability and 689, 690, 691, 692, 693, 694

Raphael, M. 61

rational choice theory 249, 5335

rationality 423, 64, 2436, 2513, 41213, 448; aesthetics and 478; agency 534, 535; liberalism 653, 654; moral scepticism 533, 536; objectivity and 2469; power dynamics 6856; reasoning and 24951, 511; science and 303, 3069, 310, 311; see also reasoning

Rawlinson, M. 588

Rawls, J. 702; democratic theory 642, 6434, 649; liberalism 652, 654, 655, 657, 658, 659; social contract theory 82, 83, 84, 88, 89, 90

Raymond, J. 400

Razack, S. 612

Readings in the Philosophy of the Social Sciences (Brodbeck) 329

Reagon, B.J. 120

reality and realism: enforcement of 402; masculinity 37, 38, 39, 40, 41; moral realism 529, 533, 538; social reality 7, 175, 345, 452, 648; see also social constructionism

reasoning (logos) 1517, 77, 78, 412, democracy and 1821; bioethics 586; care ethics 542, 560; democratic theory 643, 647, 6489, 650; The Enlightenment 94, 101, 1034; German Idealism 108; ‘maleness’ of 252; metaethics and 533, 535, 536, 537; morality and 24950, 501, 503, 504, 50910, 51112; rationality and 24951; structural injustice 627; understanding and 856, 469; unitary self 2078; women lacking 25, 29, 30, 31, 75, 237; see also rationality

Reason’s Muse: Sexual Difference and the Birth of Democracy (Fraisse) 1819

reciprocity 559

recognition 376

reductionist ecology 439

Reed v. Reed (1971) 705

Reflections on Black Men (Réflexions sur les hommes nègres) (Gouges) 99

Reflections on the French Revolution (Burke) 100

reflective judgment 4701

reflexivity 261

reidentification 2257

Reigel, J. 45

Reiman, J. 6278

Reineke, M.J. 692, 693

Reinharz, S. 332

relational autonomy 51623, 5857, 588, 659

relational self 218, 222, 234, 427; care ethics and 21921, 541

relationship: religion and 656, 67

relativism 249, 595

Religious Ambiguity and Religious Diversity (McKim) 44950

religious diversity 4467; autonomy 5223; Eurocentric bias 450, 455, 456; feminist epistemology and 44852; gender and 4478; global justice 612; materialism and 4524; moral justification 503; subjectivity and 4546; see also Judeo-Christian religious/theological traditions

Remarks (Kant) 491

remedial responsibility 6289

ren (仁 love/goodness/benevolence/humaneness) 5567, 560, 565

‘Reply to Sister Philothea de la Cruz’ (Juana Inés de la Cruz) 6335

reproduction see sexual reproduction

Reproduction of Mothering, The (Chodorow) 232

reproductive freedom 6689

Republic (Plato) 257, 278, 29

republicanism 666, 672

research centres and institutes 52

resistance 680, 6867, 693, 694, 696

responsibility 2867; structural injustice 620, 6212, 6259

Responsibility for Justice (Young) 621

responsivity 234

Retrato de Teresa (Portrait of Teresa) (film) 637

Reuter, M. 76

Reuther, R.R. 435


Revolution in Poetic Language (Kristeva) 27, 30

Reweaving the World: The Emergence of Ecofeminism (Diamond and Orenstein) 436

Reynolds, T.A. see Frederick, D.A. et al.

Rich, A. 170, 3834

‘right of man’ 19

Riley, D. 173

Riley, S.S. 4367

Roach, C. 433

Robinson, F. 550, 609

Robinson, Mary 442

Roe vs. Wade (1973) 668, 709

Roen, K. 349

Rogers v. EEOC (1971) 708

Rogers, W.A. see Mackenzie, C. et al. (2014)

Rolin, K. 265

Roman Empire 666

Roof, J. 388

Rorty, R. 1345, 136

Roscoe, W. 377

Rose, G. 112, 116

Rose, T. 348

Roughgarden, J. 323

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 14, 85, 91, 491, 654; The Enlightenment 95, 1001, 1023

Rublev, A. 67

Ruddick, S.: care ethics 540, 543, 544, 550, 551, 587; Confucianism 562, 563, 564; virtue ethics 573, 576, 584

Ruether, R.R. 601

Russ, J. 634

Russell, B. 222

Sacks, O. 398

Salamon, G. 3989

Salleh, A. 435, 436, 437, 438, 439

Sallis, J. 470

salons 95, 96, 97, 107, 115, 116

same-sex love 137

Sandahl, C. 406

Sanders-Staudt, M. 5734

Sartre, J.-P. 1889

sati (ritualized widow immolation) 611

Saul, J. 395

Savoring Disgust (Korsmeyer) 486

Sawicki, Jana 674, 675

#SayHerName 478

Scarry, E. 689

Schechtman, M. 225

Scheffler, S. 627

Scheman, N. 221, 228, 252, 265

Schilder, P. 398, 399

Schlegel, Dorothea Veit 115, 116

Schlegel-Schelling, Caroline 11516

scholarship 19

Scholasticism 17

Scholz, S. 670

School of Purity and Stillness (清靜) (Qingjing) 41

Schopenhauer, Arthur 494

Schultz, V. 708

Schutte, O. 608, 61213

Schweik, S. 414

science 244, 31012; birth of feminist philosophy of 3056; ecofeminism 432, 435, 439; feminist rationality 3069; knowledge-producing institutions and communities 2635; Native American chaos theory 373; pre-feminist philosophy of 3035

Science–The Endless Frontier: Report to the President on a Program for Postwar Scientific Research (Bush) 305

scientific communities 2469

‘scientific world-conception’ 3034

Scotland 96

Scott, J. 98, 148

Scott, Sarah 96

Scully, J.L. 582

Second Sex, The (de Beauvoir) 14, 111, 1856, 189, 487, 670

second-order reflection 517, 518

second-wave feminism 13, 15, 19, 679, 683; freedom 669, 670, 673

Sedgwick, E. 238, 475, 6745

Seigfried, Charlene Haddock 133, 134, 1356

self-authorization 523, 5245

self-denial 208

self-determination 180, 597, 603, 667; autonomy 521, 5234, 525

self-fragmentation 208

self-governance 236, 520, 521, 523, 524, 525

self-identity 21112, 215, 396, 4012

self-interested action 534, 535

self-positing 1089

self-preservation 529

self-regarding attitudes 522, 523, 525, 576, 586

self-transcendence 670

self-transformation 100

semantic externalism 221

‘semiotic’ 2945, 296

Sen, A. 425, 426, 5056, 6712

sensibility: aesthetics and 474, 475, 476, 488; perception and 1478, 149, 150

separatist feminism see radical feminism

Serano, J. 275, 277, 394

Serious Proposal to the Ladies, A (Astell) 77

Sevenhuisjen, S. 546

sex discrimination 7046, 707

sex education 101

sex (gendered) 1718; construction of 15766

Sex of Knowing, The (Le Doeff) 15

Sex Roles 320

sex trade/trafficking 549, 607, 609, 610, 613, 706

sex/gender distinction 201, 31718, 320, 323, 324; disability and 41011; liberal feminism 3845, 3867; radical feminism 3889; social constructionism 15770; social science 330, 335


Sexing the Body (Fausto-Sterling) 15960

sexism 344, 426, 673; cultural membership 595; religious diversity and 449; science and 3056, 3089, 315, 323; social science and 32930, 332; structural injustice 6234, 625; subjectivity 235, 237, 238, 239; trans* theory 396

sexual abuse/assault see rape and sexual assault

Sexual Contract, The (Pateman) 868, 90, 6545, 680

sexual difference 1819, 89, 100, 111, 653; aesthetics and 475, 4912, 493; Ancient Greece 245, 26; biological sciences 316, 317, 31819, 32123; language/writing 2978; materiality and 196, 197, 200, 2023; myth of the cave 27, 28, 29, 30, 32; rationality/objectivity 246; religious diversity 449; social constructionism 160, 165; see also gender difference

sexual harassment 314, 515, 7079

sexual objectification 170

sexual orientation 272

sexual reproduction 322, 438, 691, 70910; aesthetics and 4889, 491; bioethics 579, 5801, 582, 588; ethics 521, 549; historical philosophy 312, 39, 55; see also abortion; maternity and maternal reproduction

Sexual Subversions (Grosz) 204

sexual violence see rape and sexual assault

sexual visibility/agency 410

Sexual/Textual Politics (Moi) 199

sexuality 101, 170, 201, 506, 679, 686; aesthetics and 474, 475; dominance model 7067; lesbian/queer theory 383, 386

shame 185, 236, 238, 288, 576

Sherwin, S. 570, 585, 587, 621; see also Baylis, F. et al (2008)

Shields, S. 319

Shiva, V. 4389, 4401, 615

Shuowen Jiezi (說文解字) (Xu Shen (許慎)) 40

Sidgwick, H. 505

Siebers, T. 409

silencing 238, 27980; conceptions of 2802; harm/wrong argument 2827; related phenomena 2879; reproduction of patriarchal ideology and 56; testimonial quieting/smothering 2601, 269, 273, 282

‘silencing-as-linguistic- frustration’ approach 287, 288

Silvers, A. 413

simple silence 280, 281, 282

simultaneity 123

Singer, P. 425, 426, 609, 611

Sister Citizen (Harris-Perry) 1289

sisterhood 55

situated knowing 256, 257, 265, 337

situated self 104

‘skin ego’ 398

slavery 967, 101, 360, 665, 679; see also colonialism; Critical Race Theory (CRT); postcolonialism; race and racism

Slicer, D. 436

Slote, M. 545, 562, 573

SlutWalks 351

Smith, D. 3312, 336, 337

Smith, H. 77

Snow, N. 571

Snyder, S. 4067

Sobre feminismo (Vaz Ferreira) 635

social constructionism 38, 390, 587; autonomy 51623, 586; borderlands identity 207, 20910, 21215; definition of ‘woman’ 3967; gender 166, 16970, 176; ideas and concepts 15761; illusion and 1612; kinds and 161, 1645; liberalism 657, 659, 6601; materiality 2023; narrative self-constitution 2257; objects and 1624; queer theory 398; race and racism 360; trans* theory 3989, 400; see also reality and realism

social contract theory 8291, 21920, 6545, 6667, 680; intersectionality 364, 368

social epistemology 248

social imaginaries 127, 128, 130, 213

social individuals 1756

social inequality 5012, 515

social kinds 161, 162, 1645, 168, 174

social model: disability 408, 40910, 411

social recognition 5212, 525

social reproduction 6823

social science 3289; community values 3336; feminist method debate 328, 32933, 334; intersectionality 343, 3445; standpoint theory 3368

social transformation including women in Africa (STIWA) 54

socialist feminism 26, 645, 669, 6823

Society for Philosophy of Science in Practice (SPSP) 311

socio-historical processes 1578, 160, 166, 1767, 2314

Socrates 26, 278, 30, 31, 224

Solidarity (labour movement) 646

Somers, M. 478

Sophist (Plato) 30

Sophocles 11112

Soskice, J.M. 61

soul 180, 1812

Souls of Black Folks, The (Du Bois) 128

Spade, D. 411

Spain 96

spatiality politics 12930, 149

Speculum of the Other Woman (Irigaray) 27, 28, 29, 30, 494

speech 98, 6478, 649; gender differences 292, 295, 296; silencing 279, 2834, 287

speech act theory 286, 2889, 301


‘Speech Acts and Unspeakable Acts’ (Langton) 280

Spelman, E. 171

spirituality 432, 435

Spivak, G. 237, 471, 599600, 695

SPSP see Society for Philosophy of Science in Practice

Spurs: Nietzsche’s Styles (Derrida) 113

Squires, J. 173

Srivastava, S. 352

SRPoiSE see Consortium for Socially Relevant Philosophy of/in Science and Engineering

‘Stabat Mater’ (Kristeva) 67

standpoint approach 13, 2478, 3078, 310, 432, 588; intersectionality 347; pragmatism 137, 138; social science and 328, 3368

Stanley, J. 282

Star, D. 561

Starhawk 435

state-organized feminism 52

statistical reasoning 249

Stein, Edith 143

Steinbrügge, L. 1023

stereotype threat 2501

sterility 55

Stewart, M. 344, 365

STIWA see social transformation including women in Africa

Stoljar, N. 521

Stone, A. 1601, 164, 176

Stone-Mediatore, S. 477, 482

strategic essentialism 600

Structural Adjustment Programs (SAPs) (International Monetary Fund) 609, 615

structural injustice 269, 6209, 656, 706

Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere (Habermas) 646, 647

structural violence 6901, 692, 693

structures/social structures 636

Stryker, S. 394

Stuart, E. 65

subaltern counter-publics 104, 600, 601

subject positions 2314

‘Subject and Power’ (Foucault) 685

subject-centered philosophy 2334

‘Subjection of Women, The’ (Mill) 386

subjectivity 211, 2489; psychoanalytic theory 2314; religious diversity and 446, 4546

sublimation 2349

sublime see beautiful and sublime

subordination 673, 706; bioethics 579; in family/marriage 867, 89, 90, 91, 134, 136; pornography and 285, 656; power dynamics 679, 680, 685, 687; in society 96; virtue ethics and 56972, 573, 574, 575, 576

substantive relational autonomy 518, 51923

suffrage 6357, 666, 668

Suleri, S. 601

Sullivan, S. 138, 14950

Sully, J. 21

Summers, Lawrence 314

Sun Buer (孫不二) 41

Superson, A. 576

surrogacy 549, 581, 5834, 6089, 616

Swanton, C. 575

Swinburne, R. 65

symbolic matricide 30

symbolic violence 691, 692, 693

Symposium (Plato) 30, 39

syncretism see multiculturalism; postcolonialism

system-based oppression 1212, 124, 125

systematic relations 623, 625

Talking Back: Toward a Latin American Feminist Literary Criticism (Castillo) 634

Tao, J. 560

target approach: virtue ethics 575

Task of Utopia: A Pragmatist Feminist Perspective, The (McKenna) 138

taxation 610

Taylor, B. 95

Taylor, C. 671, 673

Taylor, Harriet 19

tempered equality 307

tension-loaded structures 233

Terrell, H.K. 349

Tessman, L. 536, 5745, 576

testimonial injustice: moral justification 502; trans* theory 2689, 270, 2723, 276; trust/trustworthiness 260, 261, 262, 263

testimonio (Latin America) 6312

testimony 2567, 335; ethics and 2579; feminist analyses of 265; knowledge-producing institutions and communities 2635; maladapted norms of credibility 2613; social identity 25961; see also narrative and action theory

theoretical reason 250

Theorizing Black Feminisms: The Visionary Pragmatism of Black Women (James and Busia) 13940

Theory of Communicative Action (Habermas) 647

Theory of Justice, A (Rawls) 659, 702; democratic theory 643, 644; social contract theory 82, 83, 84

‘There Is No Alternative’ (‘TINA’ doctrine) 64

third sex 158

third-person narratives 223, 224

third-wave feminism 656

Thomas, K. see Crenshaw, K. et al. (1995)

Thornhill, R. 314

Thoughts on the Education of Daughters (Wollstonecraft) 100

‘Throwing Like a Girl’ (Young) 1478, 187

Thus Spoke Zarathustra (Nietzsche) 113, 114

Timaeus (Plato) 27, 289, 2930

Tirrell, L. 11415, 61011

Title IX (Education Amendment to the United States Constitution) (1972) 3867


Todd, J. 100

torture 6389, 690

Toscano, A. 452, 453

Toward A Feminist Theory of The State (MacKinnon) 653

Townley, C. 259

traditional ecological knowledge 435

trans* theory 165, 215, 226, 3935; body and embodiment 398400; conceptual analysis of gender categories 3958; disability and 41011; gender essentialism 175, 177; hermeneutical marginalization/injustice and 2736; intersectionality 349; language and 298, 301; lesbian/queer theory 388, 389, 391; testimonial injustice and 2713; trans feminism conversations 394, 396, 4003

Trans: A Memoir (Jacques) 273

trans exclusionary radical feminism 385


Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 133

transcendental subjectivity 145, 146, 466, 467, 471, 472

transfeminismo see trans* theory

transference 15

transformative practice 529, 572, 680; aesthetics and 475, 476, 477, 479, 481; criticism and 307, 333, 338

transnational feminism 598, 607, 608, 609, 615, 673

transnational materialist critical disability studies 408


trauma and trauma survivors 2234, 225, 227

Trinity, The (icon) 67

Tronto, J. 545, 546, 547

Truman, Harry 419

trust/trustworthiness 112, 11314, 2567; ethics and testimony practices 2579; feminist analyses of testimony 265; knowledge-producing institutions and communities 2635; maladapted norms of credibility 2613; testimony and social identity 25961

truth: metaethics and 52933; religious diversity 44852

Truth, S. 210, 344, 365

Twenty Years at Hull House (Addams) 136

Two Treatises of Government (Locke) 87

Tyler, M. 656

Übermensch 66

ultimate sacred reality 448, 449, 450, 453

Unbearable Weight (Bordo) 487

unconscious, the 66, 293, 297; sublimation and meaning 2349

‘Under Western Eyes’ (Mohanty) 614

Ungo, Urania 639

uniessentialism 1756, 177, 178

unitary self 2078

United Nations Development Program (UNDP) 425

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) 4412

Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) (1948) 505

universal moral rules/principles 5812, 643, 649; aesthetics and 4678, 471; care ethics 5423, 547

universalism 346, 359, 371, 450, 588; disability and 408; The Enlightenment 98, 99, 104; gender essentialism 175, 176; liberalism and 659, 661; moral and political 5047

universalization 6489

University of Cape Town 53

unknowability: Black women 1268

utilitarianism 533, 540, 558, 653, 703; moral justification 504, 505

utopian thinking 138

values 2378, 2489, 328; biological sciences 31522; human values 425; moral virtue 545, 547; social science and community 3336

van der Tuin, I. 197, 198

Varnhagen, Rahel 11516

Vaz Ferreira, Carlos 6357

vices 534, 569, 5702, 574, 5757

victim/victimization/victimhood 613, 691, 693

‘Vienna Circle’ 3035

Viezzer, M. see Barrios de Chungara, D. et al.

Vindication of the Rights of Woman (Wollstonecraft) 96, 99100, 386, 485, 491, 679

violence 1612, 2234, 515, 6389; ethics of political violence 6948; female genital mutilation (FMG) 55, 501, 50710; vulnerability and 68994

Virey, Julien-Joseph 19

virtue ethics 79, 56872; care ethics 545, 550, 551, 5724; Confucianism 556, 560, 5612; critical feminist eudaimonism 569, 5745; specific virtues and vices 5757

Visible Identities (Alcoff) 208

Voelker, Dr J.A. 440

voice 11516, 597

Voltaire 95

voluntarism 6534, 657

vulnerability 61, 264, 421, 542, 669; bioethics 586, 587; disability and 41314; moral justification 5034, 506, 510, 511; poverty and 607, 608, 615; structural injustice 620, 6245; violence and 68994

‘Vulnerable Subject, The’ (Fineman) 694

Waldron, J. 702

Walker, Alice 54

Walker, M.U. 531, 545, 570, 576, 610, 611

Wallace, M. 126, 128, 129

Walter, N. 486

Waring, M. 3301, 437


Warren, K. 435, 436, 437

Warriner, J. 522

Wartofsky, M.W. 304

Waters, K. 350

Watson, Emma 387

Websters’ First New Intergalactic Wickedary of the English Language (Daly and Caputi) 299300

Weil, Simone 50

Weir, A. 673

Welch, M.M. 72

Welch, S. 671

Wendell, S. 40910, 415

West, C. 284

West, R. 710

Western worldview 382, 394, 455, 508, 531, 683; care ethics 547, 548; devaluation of woman’s status 691, 694; disability 4078, 412; freedom 666, 667, 668, 675; invulnerability 6934; Latin America and 638; Native American Chaos Theory 370, 375, 378, 380; virtue ethics 571

Westlund, A. 1612, 522

Westminster Review 20

What is Enlightenment? (Kant) 103

Whipps, J. 137

Whisnant, R. 576

Whistler, D. 452, 453

white feminism 61, 350, 3512, 426

‘white feminist’ theology 61

white solipsism 170, 173

‘Who is Your Mother? Red Roots of White Feminism’ (Allen) 666

‘Why Has the Sex/Gender System Become Visible Only Now?’ (Harding) 333

Wickler, W. 317

Wieland, N. 285, 286

Wilcox, S. 609

Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship (Goethe) 116

Wilkes, K. 223

will to power 112, 114, 115

Willett, C. 670

‘willful ignorance’ 270

Williams, D. 61

Williams, Fannie Barrier 120, 121, 1268, 129, 130

Williams, P. 35960, 669

Wilson, E.O. 314

Winnicott, D. 66

Winnubst, S. 674

Wisor, S. 4289, 611, 615

Witt, C. 1756, 177, 178

Wittig, M. 383

Wolf, N. 486, 584

Wolf, S. 581, 582

Wollstonecraft, Mary 18, 386, 602, 654, 679; beautiful and sublime 485, 487, 488, 491; The Enlightenment 95, 96, 99102

Woman and Nature: The Roaring Inside Her (Griffin) 434

‘Woman Question, The’ 19

‘Woman vs. the Indians’ (Cooper) 129

‘woman’ and ‘womanhood’ 18, 51, 1734; definition 395, 3967, 402, 673

‘woman-the-gatherer’ hypothesis 2467

‘womanism’/‘womanists’ 4950, 54, 61

‘Woman’s Part in the Man’s Business, The’ (Williams) 1267

women of colour 3, 19, 170, 219, 335, 370; care ethics 5467; Critical Race Theory (CRT) 359, 361, 362, 365; disability 414; global justice 607; intersectionality 343, 345, 348, 350, 352, 401, 414; testimony and trust/trustworthiness 259, 260; see also Black Feminism

women and girls 165, 491; bioethics 579, 581; bodily passions 76, 77, 789; bodily qualities 71, 73, 746; care ethics 543, 544, 546, 564, 565, 573; ‘civilising’ role 956; collective freedom 6656, 670, 6713; competitive performances and strategies 3212; domesticity and 99; feminist virtue ethics 572; ‘generic’ 171; Islamic veiling of 4534, 531, 596, 600, 612; poverty 607; self-constitution 226; structural injustice 6223, 625; sublimation 235; subordination in family/marriage 867, 89, 90, 91, 134; supposed incapacity to reason 1617; as truth 112, 11314; as ‘victims’ 61112; see also feminine and femininity; masculinity; men and boys

Women and Moral Theory (Kittay and Meyers) 220

Women Philosophers: Genre and the Boundaries of Philosophy (Gardner) 18

‘Women and Philosophy’ (Le Doeuff) 1415

Women’s Human Rights Approach (WHR) 507, 509, 510

‘women’s liberation movement’ 666, 673

Women’s Liberation and the Sublime (Mann) 494

Women’s Pentagon Actions (1980/81) 433

women’s rights 26, 7980, 506, 540, 613, 6357, 668

work see labour

World Bank 607

World Parliament of Religions (1893) 447

World as Will and Representation, The (Schopenhauer) 494

Wright, R. 317

writing: anonymous writers 17, 20; écriture féminine 295, 298, 3001; gender and 2925; inequality/injustice in literature/publishing 51, 54, 578; male pseudonyms 201; politics of 2957; sexual difference and 2978; silencing and 56; suppression of 6334

Wrong Body Account 398

wu (無) (no-presence/nothingness) 40

Wylie, A. 2478


xu and jing 412

Xunzi 556, 558

Yellow Wallpaper, The (Gilman) 134

yi (義moral rightness) 558

yin (因relying on) 445, 46

yin/yang 36, 38, 39, 47

Young, I.M. 171, 187, 620, 649, 650; feminist phenomenology, 1478, 149, 152; global justice 608, 610; Native American Chaos Theory 370, 3757, 3789; structural injustice 620, 6212, 623, 6258, 629

Yuan, L. 561

Yúdice, G. 631

Yuval-Davis, N. 366, 368

Zeglin, P. 486

Zerilli, L. 103, 674

Zhuangzi (Ziporyan) 40

Zimmerman, Michael 442

Zion-Waldok, T. 4556

Ziporyn, B. 40

zoon politikon’ (‘social animal’) 67

Zuckerman, S. 31516

Zylinska, J. 492