CHAPTER 12, here.

From the presentation by Daniel Batson at the conference entitled “Altruism and Compassion in Economic Systems: A Dialogue at the Interface of Economics, Neuroscience and Contemplative Sciences,” organized in Zurich by Mind & Life Institute in April 2009. Based on Batson, C. D., Duncan, B. D., Ackerman, P., Buckley, T., & Birch, K. (1981). Is empathic emotion a source of altruistic motivation? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 40 (2), 290–302, and Batson, C. D., O’Quint, K., Fultz, J., Vanderplas, M., & Isen, A. M. (1983). Influence of self-reported distress and empathy on egoistic versus altruistic motivation to help. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 45 (3), 706. This graph corresponds to a compilation of data from four experiments.

CHAPTER 32, here.

From Pinker, S., The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined, Viking, 2011, p. 63. From data in Eisner, M. (2003). Long-term historical trends in violent crime. Crime & Just., 30, 83. Table 1, p. 99.

CHAPTER 32, here.

From Finkelhor, D., Jones, L., & Shattuck, A. (2008). Updated trends in child maltreatment, 2006. Crimes Against Children Research Center.

CHAPTER 32, here.

From Pinker, S. (2011). Op. cit., p. 149. Based on Hunt, L., Inventing Human Rights: A History, W. W. Norton, 2008, pp. 76, 179, and Mannix, D. P., The History of Torture, Dell paperback, 1964, pp. 137–38.

CHAPTER 32, here.

From Brecke, P. (1999). Violent conflicts 1400 AD to the present in different regions of the world. In “1999 Meeting of the Peace Science Society” (unpublished manuscript).

CHAPTER 32, here.

From Lacina, B., & Gleditsch, N. P. (2005). Monitoring trends in global combat: A new dataset of battle deaths. European Journal of Population, 21(2), 145–166.

CHAPTER 32, here.

From UCDP/PRIO Armed Conflict Dataset, Lacina, B., & Gleditsch, N. P. (2005). Monitoring trends in global combat: A new dataset of battle deaths. European Journal of Population, 21(2), 145–166. Adapted from the Human Security Report Project; Human Security Centre, 2006. Cited in Pinker, S. (2011). Op. cit., p. 304.

CHAPTER 32, here.

From Pinker, S. (2011). Op. cit., p. 338 (adapted). Data up to 1987 comes from Rummel (1997), data after 1987 from various sources. Data for the gray line, 1900–1987, from Rummel, 1997. Data for the black line, 1955–2008, from the Political Instability Task Force (PITF) State Failure Problem Set, 1955–2008, Marshall, Gurr, & Harff, 2009; Center for Systemic Peace, 2010. The death tolls for the latter were geometric means of the ranges in table 8.1 in Harff, 2005, distributed across years according to the proportions in the Excel database. World population figures from U.S. Census Bureau, 2010c. Population figures for the years 1900–1949 were taken from McEvedy & Jones, 1978, and multiplied by 1.01 to make them commensurable with the rest.

CHAPTER 32, here.

From Pinker, S. (2011). Op. cit., p. 294, based on data from Cederman, L.-E., & Rao, M. P. (2001). Exploring the dynamics of the democratic peace. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 45(6), 818–833.

CHAPTER 32, here.

From Gleditsch, N. P. (2008). The liberal moment fifteen years on. International Studies Quarterly, 52(4), 691–712. Based on research from Siri Rustad. Cited in Pinker, S. (2011). Op. cit., p. 314.

CHAPTER 36, here.

From Fehr, Gächter, S. (2000). Cooperation and punishment in public good experiments, American Economic Review, 90(4), p. 989.

CHAPTER 38, here.

From Gasparini, L. & Lustig, N. (2011). “The Rise and Fall of Income Inequality in Latin America.” CEDLAS, Working Paper 0118, Universidad Nacional de La Plata.

CHAPTER 40, here.

From Myers, D. G. (2000). The funds, friends, and faith of happy people. American Psychologist, 55(1), 56.

CHAPTER 41, here.

Stockholm Resilience Center, based on data from the GRIP (European Greenland Ice Core Project), and on Oppenheimer, S., Out of Eden: The Peopling of the World, Constable & Robinson, 2004.

CHAPTER 41, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here.

Same source applies to all 9 graphs

From Steffen, W., Sanderson, A., Tyson, P. D., Jäger, J., Matson, P. A., Moore III, B., Oldfield, F., Richardson, K., Schellnhuber, H.-J., Turner, II, BL, & Wasson, R. J. (2004) Global Change and the Earth System: A Planet Under Pressure. The IGBP Book Series, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York. This article also contains the scientific references on which each of these diagrams is founded. Adapted and kindly supplied by Diana Liverman.

CHAPTER 41, here, here and here.

Same source applies to all 3 graphs

Stockholm Resilience Center, from Rockström, J., Steffen, W., Noone, K., Persson, ÄAA, Chapin, F. S., Lambin, E. F., Schellnhuber, H. J. (2009). A safe operating space for humanity. Nature, 461 (7263), 472–475.

CHAPTER 41, here.

From NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies. NASA Earth Observatory / Robert Simmon.

CHAPTER 41, here.

From Guinehut, S., and G. Larnicol (2008); CLS/Cnes/Legos. NASA Global Change Master Directory

CHAPTER 41, here and here.

Diagrams kindly supplied by Jonathan Patz.