All numbers refer to pages. Bold face entries refer to more extended treatment of each subject. Names of authors and titles cited are italicized . The letters T and F refer to material in tables and figures respectively. The abbreviation vs. means “in relation to.”
Abdominal muscles in sexual response, 621
Abductor muscles in sexual response, 619
Abelard, 13
Abernathy , 81, 124
Abodah Zarah , 507
Abraham , 121, 583
Absolutist interpretations, 321
Abt , 116
Academic freedom, 8–11
Accumulative incidence
animal contacts, 505
defined, 46
erotic response and orgasm, 512, 512F, 544T
extra-marital coitus
present vs. previous studies, 82T
vs. age, 416, 417F, 440T
vs. decade of birth, 422, 423F, 442T
vs. educational level, 421, 440T
female vs. male data, 251, 717F
homosexual response and orgasm
present vs. previous studies, 81, 82T
vs. age, 452, 452F, 455, 493T
vs. age at adolescence, 462, 496T
vs. decade of birth, 461, 462F, 495T
vs. educational level, 459, 459F, 493T
vs. marital status, 453, 453F, 490T
vs. parental occupational class, 461, 494T
vs. religious background, 463, 464F, 497T
vs. rural-urban background, 463, 463F, 497T
marital coitus, 348, 349F, 352, 408T
vs. decade of birth, 522F, 558T
vs. educational level, 516F, 558T
present vs. previous studies, 81, 82T
vs.age, 141F, 142, 177T, 180T
vs. age at adolescence, 152, 185T
vs. decade of birth, 151, 151F, 180T
vs. educational level, 148, 149F, 180T, 182T
vs. marital status, 143F, 177T
vs. parental occupational class, 150, 182T
vs. religious background, 154, 155F, 187T
vs. rural-urban background, 153, 154F, 185T
menopause, 719T
nocturnal sex dreams
vs. age, 196, 197F, 216T
vs. age at adolescence, 203, 222T
vs. decaqe of birth, 202, 202F, 219T
vs. educational level, 201, 216T
vs. parental occupational class, 202, 219T
vs. religious background, 203, 204F, 224T
vs. rural-urban background, 203, 222T
present vs. previous studies, 82T
vs. age, 233, 233F, 270T
vs. age at adolescence, 246, 276T
vs. age at marriage, 239, 240F, 241F, 273T
vs. decade of birth, 243, 243F, 244F, 252–258, 275T, 280T
vs. educational level, 239, 270T, 273T
vs. parental occupational class, 242, 274T
vs. religious background, 247, 247F, 248F, 278T
vs. rural-urban background, 246, 277T
pre-adolescent sexuality
heterosexual play, 107F, 109, 127T
homosexual play, 107F, 113, 127T
orgasm, 105, 127T, 512F, 513, 544T, 546T–548T
response, 103, 511–513, 512F, 544T, 546T–548T
socio-sexual experience, 107F, 108, 127T, 128T
socio-sexual response, 106, 107F, 128T
pre-marital coitus
present vs. previous studies, 82T
vs. age, 286, 286F, 288, 333T
vs. age at adolescence, 302, 340T
vs. age at marriage, 287, 294, 294F, 337T
vs. decade of birth, 298–300, 299F, 339T
vs. educational level, 293, 294F, 333T, 337T, 546T
vs. parental occupational class, 296, 297F, 338T
vs. religious background, 304, 305F, 342T
vs. rural-urban background, 303, 303F, 341T
reliability of incidence data, 68, 70T, 72T
total outlet
vs. age, 512F, 513, 514F, 528, 533, 544T
vs. age at adolescence, 515, 553T
vs. age at marriage, 514, 546T, 547T, 552T
vs. decade of birth, 515, 521, 522F, 552T, 553T
vs. educational level, 515, 544T, 546T, 547T
vs. marital status, 514F, 518, 526, 528, 546T
vs. parental occupational class, 515, 548T
vs. religious background, 515, 521, 524F, 556T
vs. rural-urban background, 515, 555T
Acetylcholine, 702
Achilles, 13
Achilles , P. S., 94, 103, 139, 143, 287
Acis, 13
Ackerson , 94, 117, 142, 288
Acknowledgements, ix
Active incidence
defined, 47
extra-marital coitus
vs. age, 417, 418F, 439T
vs. age at adolescence, 424, 441T
vs. decade of birth, 422, 423F, 442T
vs. educational level, 421, 421F, 440T
vs. parental occupational class, 421F, 422, 441T
vs. religious background, 424, 425F, 443T
heterosexual-homosexual ratings, 472, 473F, 474F, 499T, 500T
vs. age, 454, 491 T
vs. age at adolescence, 462, 496T
vs. decade of birth, 462, 495T
vs. educational level, 460, 460F, 490T, 500T
vs. marital status, 454, 491T, 499T, 500T
vs. parental occupational class, 461, 494T
vs. religious background, 465, 465F, 498T
vs. rural-urban background, 463, 497T
marital coitus
vs. age, 348, 350F, 352, 394T
vs. age at adolescence, 359, 397T
vs. decade of birth, 356, 357F, 397T
vs. educational level, 354, 355F, 396T
vs. parental occupational class, 356, 396T
vs. religious background, 360; 398T
vs. age and marital status, 143, 145F, 149F, 178T
vs. age at adolescence, 152, 186T
vs. decade of birth, 152, 184T
vs. educational level, 148, 149F, 181T
vs. marital status, 143, 181T, 183T, 184T, 186T
vs. parental occupational class, 150, 183T
vs. religious background, 156, 157F, 187T
vs. rural-urban background, 153, 185T
nocturnal sex dreams, 197, 198F, 217T
vs. age, 200, 217T
vs. age at adolescence, 203, 223T
vs. decade of birth, 202, 221 T
vs. educational level, 201, 21ST
vs. marital status, 198F, 200, 217T, 218T, 220T, 221T, 223T, 224T
vs. parental occupational class, 202, 220T
vs. religious background, 203, 205F, 224T
vs. rural-urban background, 203, 222T
vs. age, 234, 235F, 236F, 271T
vs. age at adolescence, 246, 276T
vs. decade of birth, 244, 245F, 275T
vs. educational level, 271T
vs. parental occupational class, 242, 274T
vs. religious background, 248, 249F, 279T
vs. rural-urban background, 246, 277T
post-marital coitus, 533, 559T
pre-adolescent sexual activity
heterosexual play, 110, 111F, 129T
homosexual play, 111F, 114, 129T
socio-sexual activity, 110, 114, 129T
pre-marital coitus
VB. age, 288, 289F, 334T
vs. age at adolescence, 302, 340T
vs. decade of birth, 301, 301F, 339T
vs. educational level, 295, 295F, 337T
vs. parental occupational class, 297, 338T
vs. religious background, 304, 306, 306F, 343T
vs. rural-urban background, 303, 341 T
sex offenses, 17
total outlet
married females, 519F, 523F, 528–531, 549T
previously married females, 519F, 533, 549T
single females, 518–527, 519F, 523F, 549T
vs.age, 518, 523F, 528, 533, 548T, 549T
vs. age at adolescence, 521, 554T
vs. decade of birth, 521, 523F, 529, 553T
vs. educational level, 520, 529, 535, 550T
vs. marital status, 519F, 523F, 549T–551T, 553T, 554T, 556T
vs. marital status and decade of birth, 523F, 553T
vs. parental occupational class, 521, 529, 551T
vs. religious background, 521–524, 525F, 529, 556T
vs. rural-urban background, 521, 555T
Active mean frequency, defined, 50. See Frequency.
Active median frequency, defined, 49. See Frequency.
Active sample, defined, 49
Adam’s apple, 725
Adams , 168, 266, 293
Addison’s disease, 720
Adductor muscles in sexual response, 160, 619
Adjustment, marital, 11, 371–391, 433–436, 445T, 649, 653, 657, 658, 663, 666, 668, 684. See Orgasm, factors affecting.
Adler, O. , 139, 140, 158, 162, 164, 165, 167, 168, 170, 171, 191, 207, 214, 228, 256, 365, 628
defined, 122
female vs. male, 122, 125, 126F, 131T, 544T
physical development, 80, 81T, 122–126, 124F, 131T, 725
precocious, 746
psychosexual development, 125
Adolescence, age at onset of
defined, 55
distribution in sample, 33T, 35
effect of, female vs. male, 685T, 686
extra-marital coitus, 424, 441T
homosexual, 462, 496T
marital coitus, 359, 397T
masturbation, 152, 185T, 186T
nocturnal sex dreams, 203, 222T, 223T
orgasm in marital coitus, 381, 403T
petting, 246, 276T
pre-marital coitus, 302, 340T
total outlet, 515, 521, 553T, 554T
Adrenal gland, 720 ff., 754–757
Adrenaline, 603, 692, 754
Adult male contacts with pre-adolescents, 21, 116–122. See Pre-adolescence.
Adultery, legal penalties, 428–430. See Coitus, extra-marital.
Aeneid , 232
Aeschines , 168
After-effects of orgasm, 631–640
Age, reliability of data, 70T, 71, 72T
statistical use, 53
extra-marital coitus, 416–421, 418F, 419F, 439T
first orgasm, 105, 127T, 512F, 513, 514, 542, 544T
first response, 103, 512, 512F, 544T
homosexual, 452–458, 456F, 491T
marital coitus, 76, 77T, 348–354, 350F, 351F, 394T, 716F
marriage. See Marriage, age at.
masturbation, 141–148, 145F, 147F, 149F, 157F, 178T, 716F
nocturnal sex dreams, 197–201, 198F, 199F, 206, 217T, 220T–224T
petting, 233–239, 235F, 236F, 237F, 271T, 525, 527F, 530F, 534F, 535F, 561 T–563T
post-marital coitus, 536, 559T
pre-marital coitus, 285–293, 289F, 290F, 334T
total outlet
all females, 548T
married females, 519F, 528, 549T, 716F
previously married females, 519F, 533, 549T
single females, 518, 519F, 549T, 714F, 716F
Age at adolescence. See Adolescence, age at onset of.
Age at marriage. See Marriage, age at.
Age distribution of sample, 31, 32T, 33T
Ages involved. See Active incidence.
female vs. male, 353, 714F, 716F
individual variation, 542
marital coitus, 353, 716F
masturbation, 716F
petting, 234
total outlet, 714F, 716F
Agriculture, U. S. Department of, 25
Alibert , 150, 159, 161, 162, 166, 458
Allen, C. , 88, 657, 681
Allen, E. , 126, 610, 680, 710, 724, 732, 733, 745, 750
Allen, F. , 244, 298
Allen, W. , vi
Allendy , 170
All port , 309
Alor Islanders, 108, 196, 363
Alpert , 671
Amatory Epigrams , 232
Amores (Lucian), 477
Amores (Ovid), 232, 284
Amputees, sexual responses, 617, 620, 621
Anal eroticism, 163, 370, 581, 585, 634
Analyses, statistical, 45–57. See Statistical analyses.
Ananga-Ranga, 231, 363, 571
Anatomy, sexual response and orgasm, 567–593
basic significance, 568
similarity in female and male, 591–593
sources of data, 569
See individual structures.
Anderson, J. , 606
Anderson, Sherwood , 244
Andrews, F. , 450, 609, 645, 727, 733, 745
Andrews, T. , 647
behavioral effects, 730–749, 758
effect on physical characters, 724–727
excessive, 745–749
insufficient, 731–745
levels, female vs. male, 729, 731F
sources, 721, 729
Anesthesia in vaginal operations, 580
Anger, physiologic elements in, 704T, 705
Animal. See Mammal; also see individual species.
Animal contacts, 502–509
bases of, 503–505
dreams of, 213, 226T, 506
fantasy in masturbation, 164, 189T, 506
female vs. male, 502–507, 509
folklore and mythology, 502
frequency, 506
incidence, 505–506
legal penalties, 508
moral interpretations, 507–509
pre-adolescent, 505
prostitutes and, 503
significance, 507–509
Anoxia in sexual response, 605–607
Antelope, 283, 449
Anthropoids. See Apes.
Anthropologic data
coital positions, 363
evaluation of such data, 92
extra-marital coitus, 412–416
homosexual contacts, 451–452
masturbation, 135–136
nocturnal sex dreams, 196
petting, 232
pre-adolescent play, 108, 283
pre-marital coitus, 283–285
transvestism, 679
Anthropophyteia , 87, 673
Anus. See Anal eroticism.
biting in sexual activity, 678
conditioned response, 655
erection, 605
estrual behavior, 651
family organization, 347
homosexual contacts, 449
human in contact with, 502
masturbation, 135
pre-adolescent activity, 229, 282, 283, 362
sexual partnerships, 410
See also: Chimpanzee, Gibbon, Gorilla, Oran-utang.
Apfelberg , 117
Apposition, genital
heterosexual, 258, 281 T
homosexual, 467, 492T
Apuleius , 232, 285
Aquinas , 370
Arabia, 284
Arapesh, 381
Aretaeus , 707
Arey , 571
Arieff , 119
Aristophanes , 136, 231, 284, 362, 671
Aristotle , 136, 191, 585, 589, 623, 706, 720
Arm movements in sexual response, 620
Arousal, sexual. See Response, sexual.
Arregui , 168, 169, 207, 260, 321, 369, 370, 482, 508
Art, erotic, 86, 653, 671–675
Art of Love , 232, 362
Artists, erotic work, 654
Arunta tribe, 413
Asayama , 95, 234, 287, 288
Asdell , 609
Assault and battery, petting as, 262
Associated objects, reactions to, 646, 647, 678–681
Assyrian Laws, 322, 428, 482, 507
Attitudes, statistical data
development in children, 16
reported data, 65
toward extra-marital coitus, 430
toward homosexual, 477–481, 480F, 481F, 501T
toward masturbation, 166–169, 190T
toward pre-marital coitus, 307–310, 314–321, 314F, 315F, 318F, 319F, 344T, 345T
toward virginity, 323, 344T
Aurand , 232
Autoerotism, 133. See Masturbation.
Automobiles, coitus in, 310, 336T
Autonomic nervous system, 192, 694F, 695, 696F, 697, 701–704
Azanuz Otoko , 231, 284
Baba Kamma , 260
Baber, 298, 309, 533
biting in sexual activity, 677
coitus outside sexual partnership, 411
estrual behavior, 651
homosexual contacts, 449
masturbation, 135
sex play, 283
sexual partnerships, 410, 411, 412
Babylonian Laws, 507
Bachelors’ huts, 284
Back , 138, 158, 159, 162, 163, 164, 390
Backhouse , 89
Bailey , 572
Baker , 633
Baldwin , 124
Ball , 609, 733, 748, 758
Ballerini , 260, 321
Banay , 708
Banning , 307, 311, 316, 388
Barahal , 747, 759
Barash , 95
Bard , 605, 647, 691, 695, 696, 697, 704, 710, 713
Barker , 123
Barr , 740
Barre , 88
Bartholin glands, 572F, 607
Barton , 482
Bat , 449, 678
Bauer , B., 103, 158, 159, 162, 163, 167, 170, 234, 595, 599, 603, 604, 605, 608, 612, 613, 615, 616, 623, 632, 638
Bauer , M., 232, 285
Bauguess , 610
Beach , ix, 91, 135, 136, 191, 193, 195, 196, 229, 230, 283, 284, 363, 367, 414, 415, 428, 449, 450, 451, 452, 574, 586, 588, 595, 599, 605, 609, 610, 624, 645, 647, 649, 650, 657, 661, 665, 669, 679, 691, 692, 695, 710, 711, 712, 713, 724, 726, 727, 731, 732, 733, 734, 737, 738, 743, 745, 747, 748, 749, 750, 751, 758
Beam , 94, 138, 139, 142, 158, 159, 161, 162, 163, 167, 191, 207, 214, 234, 235, 252, 253, 256, 257, 258, 287, 289, 298, 311, 349, 363, 365, 375, 376, 416, 513, 533, 670
Bean, R. , 229, 647, 649, 669
Beauvoir , 284, 447, 478, 580, 583
Beaver, 410
Bechterew, von , 712
Becker, F. , 654
Becker, H. , 307
Becker, J. E. de , 284
Beebe , 725
Bekker , 162, 166, 171
Belknap , 25
Bell, R. , 433
Bell, S. , 103
Bender , 86, 87, 116, 121, 168
Benedek , 610
Benezit , 654
Bensing , 325, 371, 429
Benvenuti , 448
Berger , 133
Bergler , 377, 448, 467, 475, 486, 582, 583
Berliner , 647
Bernard, J. , 349
Bernard, W. , 261, 309, 426, 431
Berrien , 86
Berthold , 720
Bestiality, legal penalties, 508
animal contacts, 507
extra-marital coitus, 428
homosexual, 482, 484
masturbation, 136
nocturnal sex dreams, 208
nudity, 260
obscenity, 671
petting, 231
property rights in female, 322
Bibliography, 763–810
Biederich . 261
Bienville , 168, 532
Bilder-Lexikon , 88, 657, 677
Bingham , A., 124
Bingham, H. , 135, 283, 449, 503
Birch , 748, 749
Birds, inter-specific mating in, 504
Birth, decade of. See Decade of birth.
Births, illegitimate, 326
Bisexuality, 468
Biskind , 726
Bissonette , 609
Biting, sexual, 588, 677
Blache , 141
Blackwood , 196
Blake , 572, 733, 737
Blanchard , 163, 168, 191, 193, 234, 261, 266, 309, 316, 448, 469
Blanket parties, 259
Blau , 121
Bleeding in sexual response, 607
Bleuler , 163, 167, 168, 170
Bloch , 163, 170, 191, 195, 232, 284, 447, 448, 467, 469, 475, 476, 486, 503, 505, 506, 571, 576, 595, 603, 607, 608, 632
Blockage, psychologic in sexual response, 617, 637
Blood, peripheral flow in sexual response, 602
Blood pressure in sexual response, 599–602, 600F–602F, 636
Blood-distributed agents in sexual response, 692
Bloom , 572, 604
Blumenthal , 90
Boar. See Hog.
Boas, E. , 596, 596F, 597, 624, 628, 636, 638
Boas, F. , 122, 123, 124, 413
Boccaccio , 671
Bohm , 170
Böhme , 728
Boileau , 89
Bok , 671
Boling , 283
Bolles , vii, 94, 138, 139, 142, 143, 191, 234, 513
Bölsche , 229, 230
Bonaparte , 377
Bone , 167, 171
Bonnar , 167
Book of Exposition , 231, 363
Book of the Dead , 168, 428
Bors , 193
Bortnick , 749
Boswell , 85
Bougainville Melanesians, 196
Bowditch , 124
Bowman, H. , 307, 388
Bowman, K. , 117, 119, 120, 121, 728, 739
Boyd, 571
Boys’ Club of America, 167
Brain, in sexual response, 630F, 693, 708–713
Brantôme , 663
Brattgard , 287, 292
Braude , 119
age at development, 80, 81T, 123, 124F 131T
erotic significance, 253, 254, 586, 592
male, erotic sensitivity, 587
manipulation in
animal behavior, 255, 586
homosexual, 466, 492T
marital coitus, 361, 399T
masturbation, 161
petting, 253, 254F, 280T
oral stimulation in
homosexual, 467, 492T
marital coitus, 361, 399T
petting, 253, 255F, 280T
Breathing, in sexual response, 605, 606F
Brenneman, ix
Brettschneider , 653
Brill , 139, 167
Briscoe, ix
Britten , 82, 94, 228, 234, 239, 288, 292, 293, 309, 316, 453, 475
Brody , 448
Bromley , 63, 82, 94, 228, 234, 239, 288, 292, 293, 309, 316, 453, 475
Brook Farm Colony, 346
Brookhart , 691, 713
Brooks , 691, 710, 711
Brower , 116
Brown, F. , 168, 252, 253, 256, 257, 265, 266, 307, 374, 605, 607, 608, 613, 632, 639
Brown, J. , 657, 677, 679
Brown, R. , 120, 750, 759
Brownell , 722, 723, 729, 734
Brown-Séquard , 720
Bruckner , 171
Brusendorff , 88
Bryk , 135, 719
Buck , 298
Bucy , 691, 710, 711
Buggery, 483. See Anal eroticism.
Bühler, 85, 108, 122, 126, 141, 160
Build-up to orgasm, physiology, 623–625
Bull. See Cattle.
Bulliet , 654
Bundesen , 261, 307
Bundling, 232
Burgess , 158, 159, 167, 170, 234, 252, 253, 261, 298, 365, 416, 538
Burlesque shows, erotic response to, 657, 660
Burrows , 723, 729, 730, 745, 747, 749, 751, 755
Butterfield , 170, 228, 253, 256, 625
Buttocks, in sexual response, 160, 254, 589, 618
Calculations, statistical, bases for, 45–57
Caldwell, Erskine , 244
Calendars, sexual, 84
Calverton , 163
Campbell, B. , 25, 710
Campbell, E. H. , 126
Canby , 358
Cannon , 606, 615, 704, 754
Canu , 734
Caprio , 86, 88, 448, 503
Carmichael , 124, 125, 746
Carpenter, C. , 411, 645, 651
Carpenter, E. , 448, 469, 486
Carpenter, N. , 244
Carter , 748
Cary , 231
Casañ , 505
Case histories. See Histories.
correction by hormones, 726, 727, 733
effects, 720–727, 731–745
fear, 377
historical background, 718, 739
human female, 734, 736T
human male, 738–740
legal use, 728, 739, 742–745
mammalian experiments, 736
previous studies, 73D-744
religious, 367, 732
sexual behavior and, 731–740
testosterone therapy, 733
therapeutic, 739
young castrates, 732–734
biting in sexual activity, 678
cerebral function, 710
chimpanzee, in contact with, 503
coital activity, 283, 629
conditioned responses, 647
erection, 605
homosexual contacts, 449
human contacts with, 506
neurologic experiments, 697
nocturnal sex dreams, 195
orgasm in female, 629
pituitary, 751
sex play, 229
Catholic. See Religious background and
Moral interpretations.
Catholic code
animal contacts, 507
extra-marital coitus, 428
homosexual, 482, 486
marital coitus, 366–370
masturbation, 168
nocturnal sex dreams, 207
petting, 260
pre-marital coitus, 321
Catholic sample, 31T, 34
conditioned response, 647, 669, 737
erection in bull, 605
estrual behavior, 651
homosexual activity, 449
human contacts with, 503
masturbation, 135
orgasm in female, 629
response to new partner, 411
sex play, 229, 283
Catullus , 232
Caufeynon , 150, 153, 447, 448, 476, 486, 595, 613
Cave , 739
Census Bureau, U.S., 24, 25
Central nervous system, 617, 694–701, 708–713
Cerebral cortex, 710–712
Cerebrum, 192, 630F, 694F, 696F, 707, 708, 710–712
Cervix, 577T, 584, 607
Chain reactions vs. sexual response, 691
Chaldean code, 322, 428, 482, 507
Chaucer , 671
Cheng , 747
Chesser , 252, 256, 257, 478
Chicken, 503, 751
Chideckel , 448, 458, 505, 506, 583
Childbirth, dreams of, 213, 226T
Childers , 191
Children. See Pre-adolescence.
biting in sexual activity, 678
castration, 733
cat, in contact with, 503
estrogen effects, 749
estrual behavior, 651
exhibition, 657
grooming, 655
homosexual contacts, 449
masturbation, 135
orgasm in female, 629
pre-adolescent sex play, 229, 282, 283, 362
sympathetic response, 649, 661
Chinchilla, 135, 229, 283
Chione, 13
Chloe, 13
Chordotomy, 699
Christensen , 261, 307, 309, 388
Chukchee people, 679
Clark, G. , 691, 713, 733, 748, 749
Clark, L. , 228, 253, 256, 266, 287, 292, 311, 376, 475, 625, 662
Clark, W. E. , 88, 323
Classes, frequency, defined, 48
Classical literature
coital positions, 362
homosexual, 477
masturbation, 133, 136, 168
nocturnal sex dreams, 191
petting, 231
pre-marital coitus, 284
See also individual authors.
Clement of Alexandria , 706
Cleugh , 88
Climax. See Orgasm.
Clinical studies, data from, 90
Clinicians, collaboration with, x, 90
Clinton , 376
anatomy and physiology, 574–576, 572F
in homosexual contacts, 575
in masturbation, 158, 575
in primates, 574
sensitivity, 574, 577T
vs. vagina, Freudian theories, 582–584
Clouds, The , 231
Clough , 168
Cochran , 24
Coding of histories, 59, 60F
Coefficient of correlation, 53
Cohen, A. , 366
Cohen, E. , 748
Cohn , 133
Coitus, defined, 101
Coitus, extra-marital, 409–445
anthropologic data, 412–416
effect on marriage, 432–436, 445T
female vs. male data, 409, 413–416, 434, 436–438, 445T
frequency, 418–424, 418F, 419F, 439T, 443T
incidence, accumulative, 82T, 416–424, 417F, 423F, 440T, 442T
incidence, active, 417–424, 418F, 421F, 423F, 425F, 439T–443T
intent to have, 431, 431F, 445T
legal aspects, 428–430
mammalian origins, 410–412
moral interpretation, 415, 426, 428–431
nature and conditions, 424–428
number of years involved, 425, 444T
partners, 425, 444T
percentage of total outlet, 420, 439T–443T, 530F, 532, 561T, 562T, 564T
petting, 426
pregnancy resulting from, 434
reasons for, 409, 432
social significance, 430–436, 445T
vs. age, 416–421, 418F, 419F, 439T, 530F, 532, 561T, 562T, 564T
vs. age at adolescence, 424, 441 T
vs. decade of birth, 422–424, 423F, 442T
vs. educational level, 421, 421F, 440T, 564T
vs. length of marriage, 426, 444T 817
vs. parental occupational class, 421F, 422, 441T
vs. pre-marital bitus, 427
vs. religious background, 424, 425F, 443T
Coitus, marital, 346–408
aging effect, female vs. male, 353, 716F
female vs. male data, 76, 77T, 353, 371, 392–393, 716F
frequency, 348–360, 350F, 351F, 394T, 395T
incidence, accumulative, 348, 349F, 408T
incidence, active, 348–360, 350F, 355F, 357F
legal aspects, 368–370
moral interpretations, 346, 349, 366–370
nudity, 365, 400T
factors affecting, 376–391
incidence, 373–375
lack of orgasm, 371, 376–391, 532
multiple, 375
significance, 371–373
percent of coitus leading to orgasm, 373–375, 401T–408T
vs. age, 378
vs. age at adolescence, 381, 403T
vs. age at marriage, 382, 382F, 405T
vs. decade of birth, 380, 380F, 403T
vs. educational level, 378, 379F, 401T, 564T
vs. intrinsic capacity, 377
vs. length of marriage, 383, 384F, 408T
vs. parental occupational class, 379, 402T
vs. pre-marital coitus, 328–330, 386, 387F, 406T
vs. pre-marital masturbation, 171–173, 390, 391F, 407T
vs. pre-marital orgasm, 385, 386F, 405T
vs. pre-marital petting, 264–265, 388–390, 389F, 407T
vs. religious background, 381, 404T
vs. techniques, 384
percentage of total outlet, 354–360, 357F, 394T, 396T–398T, 530F, 531, 561T, 562T, 564T
positions, coital, 362–364, 400T
religious interpretation, 349, 366–370
social significance, 346, 371
techniques, 360–366, 399T
vs. age, 76, 77T, 348–354, 350F, 351F, 354, 355F, 357F, 394T, 530F, 531, 561T, 562T, 564T, 716F
vs. age at adolescence, 359, 397T
vs. decade of birth, 356–359, 357F, 359, 363, 365, 380, 380F, 397T, 399T, 400T, 403T
vs. educational level, 354–356, 355F, 378, 379F, 395T, 396T, 399T, 401T, 564T
vs. extra-marital coitus, 426, 444T
vs. parental occupational class, 356, 396T
vs. religious background, 359–360, 398T
Coitus, post-marital, 531F, 536, 559T, 561T, 562T
Coitus, pre-adolescent, 113, 129T, 199.
Coitus, pre-marital, 282–345
anthropologic data, 283–285
attitudes toward, 307–310, 314–321, 314F, 315F, 318F, 319F, 344T, 345T
effect on marriage, 328–330, 386, 387, 387F, 406T
female vs. male, 78, 78T, 322, 330–332, 683, 717F
fiancé as partner, 292, 336T
foreplay time involved, 311
frequency, 288–307, 289F, 290F, 334T, 335T, 343T
historical background, 282–285
incidence, accumulative, 82T, 286–306, 286F, 294F, 297F, 299F, 303F, 305F, 333T, 337T–342T
incidence, active, 288–306, 289F, 295F, 301F; 306F, 334T, 337T–341T, 343T
intent to have, 314, 314F, 344T
legal aspects, 324–326
mammalian backgrounds, 282
moral aspects, 285, 307, 314, 321–324
nature and conditions, 310–313, 336T, 345T
nudity, 312, 400T
number of years involved, 291, 336T
partners, 292, 336T
percentage of total outlet, 290–307, 301F, 334T, 337T–341T, 343T, 525, 530F, 534F, 535F, 561 T–563T
petting, 252–259, 254F, 255F, 280T, 311
physiologic significance, 313
place, 310, 336T
positions, 312, 400T
psychologic significance, 313–321, 344T
regret, 316–319, 345T
vs. decade of birth, 317, 345T
vs. extent of experience, 317, 318F, 345T
vs. fiance et a!., 318, 345T
vs. frequency of experience, 317, 318F, 345T
vs. marital status, 316, 345T
vs. pregnancy, 318, 345T
vs. promiscuity, 317, 345T
vs. religious background, 318, 319F, 345T
vs. venereal disease, 318, 345T
restraining factors, 314, 315F, 316, 344T
significance, 307–310, 313–321, 327–330, 386, 387T, 406T
social significance, 307–310, 326–330, 406T
techniques, 310–313
venereal disease resulting, 318, 327, 345T
vs. age, 285–293, 289F, 290F, 334T, 337T, 525, 530F, 534F, 535F, 561T–563T
vs. age at adolescence, 302, 340T
vs. age at marriage, 293–296, 294F, 337T
vs. decade of birth, 298–302, 299F, 301F, 317, 339T, 344T, 345T
vs. educational level, 293–296, 294F, 295F, 296, 333T, 335T, 337T, 534F, 535F, 546T, 563T
vs. extra-marital coitus, 427, 444T
vs. marital adjustment, 328–330, 386, 387F, 406T
vs. parental occupational class, 296–298, 297F, 338T
vs. religious background, 304–307, 305F, 306F, 319F, 342T, 343T, 345T
vs. rural-urban background, 303, 303F, 341T
Coitus reservatus, 625
College level, defined, 54
College sample, 31, 32T
Colmeiro-Laforet , 633
Columbia-Greystone Brain Research Project, 709
Comedy of Asses , 232
Comfort , 168, 266, 307, 326, 430
Commins , 732, 734, 741, 745
Committee for Research on Problems of Sex, vi, 3
Communal organizations, 346
Community studies, data from, 89
Comparisons of female and male, 565–761.
See Male vs. female.
Compensatory role, sex dreams, 207–212
Conditioning and learning, 590, 643–644, 645–687
Confidence of record, 59
Consistency of data in histories, 62
Contents, Table of, xi-xviii
Continuity in sexual activity, 115, 236, 289, 419, 456, 542, 681
Contraception, effect on pre-marital coitus, 300
Contradictions of the Stoics , 168
Contributing to delinquency of minor, pettmg as, 261
Control, social, of sexual behavior, 17–21.
See Legal aspects.
Convulsions after orgasm, 631
Cooper , 89
Coppens , 166
Coptic sects, castration, 367
Cord. See Spinal cord.
Corinthians , 482
Corner , vi, viii, ix, 81, 167, 266, 609, 720, 745, 750
Cornfield, ix
Corpora cavernosa, 573, 633
Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum , 87
Correlation coefficient, 53
Correspondence, sexual, 85
Cortex, cerebral, 710–712
Cortical hormones, 755–757
Cory , 447, 474, 476, 483
Cottrell , 538
Cow. See Cattle.
Cowdry , 734, 749, 752, 755
Cowper’s gland, 574F, 610, 737
Craft , 141
Cramer , 116
Crawley , 196, 414
Crespi , 25
Crime against nature, 262, 370, 483–485, 508
Crisp , 261
Crossley , 25, 26
Crouch , 162, 166, 168, 171
Crow Indians, 679
Crura of penis, 633
Ctesiphon, 168
Cuber , 309
culp , 108
Cunnilingus. See Mouth-genital contact.
Dahl , 580
Daly , 239
Daphnia, 13
Daphnis and Chloe , 191, 232
Dark or light, preferences for, 664
consistency of, in histories, 62
observed, 89–92. See Observed data.
recorded, 83–89. See Recorded data.
reported, 64–83. See Reported data.
sources of, 58–97
Davidoff , 708
Da Vinci , 654
Davis, C. , 691, 710
Davis, H. , 167; 168, 169, 171, 208, 260, 321, 366, 367, 370, 428, 482, 508
Davis, K. B. , 6, 63, 82, 94, 103, 105, 107, 113, 115, 132, 138, 139, 140, 142, 143, 144, 146, 148, 151, 160, 167, 170, 191, 234, 239, 252, 263, 265, 287, 292, 293, 349, 352, 354, 388, 389, 431, 453, 458, 459, 511, 610
Dearborn , 142, 158, 159, 167, 168, 170, 298, 416
Death during coitus, 599, 602
Decade of birth
defined, 55
distribution in sample, 33T, 35
effect of, female vs. male, 685T
extra-marital coitus, 422–424, 423F, 442T
homosexual, 461, 462, 462F, 495T
marital coitus, 356–359, 357F, 363, 365, 380, 380F, 397T, 399T, 400T, 403T
marriage, age at, 522F, 558T
masturbation, 151–152, 151F, 176T, 180T, 184T
nocturnal sex dreams, 202, 202F, 219T, 221T
orgasm in marital coitus, 357, 380, 380F, 403T
petting, 242–246, 243F, 244F, 245F, 252–258, 275T, 280T
pre-adolescent sex play, 110, 128T
pre-marital coitus, 298–302, 29!)F, 301F, 317, 339T, 344T, 345T
sources, first arousal and orgasm, 513, 517, 545T
total outlet, 515, 521, 522F, 523F, 529, 552T, 553T
Decerebrate rigidity, 707
Decurtins , 164
Deer, 410
Deidamia, 13
Dell , 264, 266
Dembicki , 261
Deming , 24, 25
Democritus , 707
Dempsey , 691, 710, 750, 755
Dennis , 124, 125, 746
Depression, economic, effect on pre-marital coitus, 300
De River , 88
Desertion, legal interpretation, 369
Detumescence after orgasm, 636
Deuel , 759
Deuteronomy , 321, 428, 482
Deutsch, H. , 448, 467, 486, 582, 583, 612
Development, adolescent, 109, 122–126. See Adolescence.
Development, pre-adolescent, 101–131. See Pre-adolescence.
Devereux , 108, 136, 196, 283, 363, 451, 679
Deviation, standard, of mean, 51
Devotion, religious, defined, 56. See Religious background.
Dey , 691, 713
Dialogues of Courtesans , 477
Diaries, sexual, 84
Dickerson , 167, 261, 307, 388
Dickinson , x, 6, 94, 124, 138, 139, 142, 158, 159, 161, 162, 163, 167, 191, 207, 214, 234, 235, 252, 253, 256, 257, 258, 287, 289, 298, 311, 349, 363, 365, 375, 376, 416, 513, 533, 572, 576, 584, 487, 595, 604, 607, 608, 610, 611, 624, 632, 633, 634, 670
Dickson , 284
Diehl , 87
Differences, significant, 51
Dilation of pupil in sexual response, 615, 622
Dildoes, 136, 162
Dillon , 108, 141
Dinerman , 25, 26
Discontinuity in sexual activity, 115, 236, 289, 419, 456, 542, 681
Discussion of sex, female vs. male, 138, 504, 675
Distribution of sample, 31–37, 32T, 33T
Distraction from coitus, female vs. male, 614, 668
Divorce, factors, 435, 445T
Divorcees. See Previously married females.
Döderlein , 580, 584
Doe-Kulman , 746
biting in sexual activity, 678
blood pressure in sexual response, 599, 600F, 601F
breast stimulation, 255
castration, 738
cerebral function, 710
chicken, in contact with, 503
conditioned responses, 655
distraction from coitus, 669
erection, 605
estrual behavior, 647, 651
homosexual contacts, 449
human contacts with, 506
masturbation, 135
nocturnal sex dreams, 195
orgasm in female, 629
pulse rate in sexual response, 596, 598F
sex play, 229
sexual partnerships, 410
Doisy , 710
Dollard , 90
Donkey, 449
Donohue , 428
Dorfman , 729, 731, 731F, 755
Dorn, ix
Double standard, 322, 324
Douches in masturbation, 163
Douglas , 596
Dragoo , 679
Drawing, erotic, 86, 653, 671–675
Dreams, sex, 191–226. See Nocturnal sex dreams.
Dreiser, Theodore , 244
Drezner , 734
Droit du seigneur, 414
Dublin , 327
DuBois, C. , 108, 196, 284, 363
Dubois, J. , 168
Dubois-Desaulle , 502, 505, 508
Dück . 95, 103, 106, 287, 296
Dühren , 88
Dunn , 749, 750
Durand-Wever , 751
Durfee , 698
Duvall, E. , 171, 261, 266, 307, 316, 388
Duvall, S. , 300, 307, 373, 375, 425, 430, 432, 526
Dyak people, 679
Ears, erotic sensitivity, 588
East , 88
Eberhard , 159, 161, 162, 163, 164, 168, 171, 197, 228, 284, 296, 326, 467, 478, 587
Eberth , 572, 604, 691
Eckhardt , 698
Edmondson, ix
Edson , 261
Education, sexual, of children, 15, 108–122, 176T
Educational level
defined, 53
distribution in sample, 31, 32T
effect of, female vs. male, 685
erotic arousal, 544T
extra-marital coitus, 421, 421F, 440T
heterosexual-homosexual ratings, 500T
homosexual, 459–461, 459F, 460F, 490T, 493T, 500T
marital coitus, 354–356, 355F, 378, 379F, 395T, 396T, 399T, 401T
marriage, age at, 241, 294, 516F, 558T
masturbation, 138, 148–150, 149F, 176T, 179T–182T, 189T, 190T
menopause, 719T
nocturnal sex dreams, 201, 216T, 218T, 226T
nudity, 312
orgasm in marital coitus, 378, 379F, 401 T
petting, 239–242, 241F, 252–258, 254F, 255F, 270T, 271T, 273T, 280T, 281T, 534F, 535F, 563T
pre-adolescent data, 104, 110, 117, 127T, 128T, 129T, 131T
pre-marital coitus, 293–296, 294F, 295F, 333T, 335T, 337T, 546T
total outlet, 515, 520, 529, 534-F, 535, 535F, 544T, 547T, 550T, 563T, 564T
Ehrmann , 94, 237, 239, 250, 252, 253, 256, 293, 311
Eissler , 116
age at first, 126F
anatomy and physiology, 634–636
castration, effect on, 744
epilepsy and, 707
fear and, 706
female, 634
neural mechanisms, 695, 698
vs. orgasm, 635
Eland, sexual contact with ostrich, 503
Elder , 588, 610, 645, 651, 657
Electroencephalogram during sexual activity, 630F, 693, 707
Elephant, 135, 410–412, 449
Elkisch , 86
Elliott , 167, 171, 651
Ellis, A. , 63, 103, 261, 653
Ellis, H. , viii, 6, 84, 88, 103, 122, 126, 133, 135, 141, 162, 163, 167, 171, 191, 193, 196, 200, 212, 213, 228, 234, 257, 299, 349, 370, 376, 430, 447, 448, 449, 462, 467, 474, 475, 484, 486, 506, 508, 571, 576, 578, 588, 589, 595, 599, 602, 603, 604, 605, 607, 608, 610, 613, 615, 617, 620, 623, 625, 632, 633, 635, 637, 638, 654, 734
Elsberg , 696
Elwin , 108, 135, 196, 284, 363
Emancipation, female, by World War I, 299
Embryology of genitalia, 571
Emmens , 749
Emsmann , 169
End organs of touch, 57G-590, 577T, 693
Enders , 91, 229, 645
Endocrine glands, 720–761
adrenal, 720 ff., 754–757
gonad, 572F, 575F, 720 ff., 724–750
liver, 721
ovary, 572F, 716, 720 ff., 724–750
pancreas, 720
parathyroid, 720
pineal, 720
pituitary, 720 ff., 75G-753
testes, 575F, 716, 720 ff., 724–750
thymus, 720
thyroid, 720, 753–754
Enemas in masturbation, 163
Engagement pelvis, 612
Engel , 614
England , L. R., 95, 234, 287, 292, 293, 304, 375, 416, 453
Engle , B., 728
Engle , E., 81, 124, 193, 742, 751, 755
English , 167, 231, 234, 253, 374, 377, 447, 448, 539
Epilepsy, resemblance to orgasm, 631, 704T, 706
Epinephrine. See Adrenaline.
Epstein , 168, 260, 321, 366, 428, 482, 484
Erectile tissue, 604
Erection, 573, 603–605, 636, 695–699
Erickson , 706, 707
Erigens nerves, 695
Erogenous zones, 571
Erotic art, 86, 653, 671–675
Erotic materials, female vs. male, 87, 670–672
Error, standard, defined, 51
Escamilla , 726
Eshunna, Law of, 322
Eskimo, 679
Estradiol, 721
Estriol, 721
behavioral effects, 727–738, 737F
effect on physical characters, 724–727
excessive, 745, 749
insufficient, 731–738, 736T
levels, female vs. male, 729, 730F
sources, 721, 729
Estrone, 721
Estrus, related to:
aggressive behavior, 651
homosexual activity, 450
ovulation, 609
sexualresponse, 450, 609, 651, 737, 737F
Eulenburg , 88
Evans , 244, 376
Evans-Pritchard , 719
Everett , 167, 170
Evolutionary bases of sexual behavior, 136, 195, 228–231, 347, 410–412, 448–451, 503, 588, 594, 699, 703
Executive groups, defined, 55
Exhibitionism, female vs. male, 119, 476, 656–658
Exner , 94, 261
Exodus , 322, 428, 507
Experience, conditioning by, 643–647, 648–684
Extra-marital coitus, 409–445. See Coitus, extra-marital.
Extra-marital petting, 426
Eyes, in sexual response, 105, 615, 622
Ezekiel , 136, 231, 260, 428
Face, in sexual response, 605, 622
Faegre , 170
Faller , 159, 162, 164, 170, 365, 595, 599, 604, 605, 607, 610, 615, 620, 625, 632, 633, 638
Family organization, 346, 347, 410
Famin , 88
female vs. male, 650, 665–668
heterosexual, 665
homosexual, 666
masturbatory, 163–165, 189T
Farm boys, animal contacts, 503
Farmer , 231
Farnham , 307, 447, 448, 583
Farris , 609, 611
Fatigue after sexual activity, 638
Fear, physiologic elements in, 704T, 706
Federal Reserve Bulletin , 25
Federn , 170
Feet, movement in sexual response, 620
Feinier , 742
Feldhusen , 95
Fellatio. See Mouth-genital contact.
Female sex hormones. See Estrogens.
Female vs. male. See Male vs. female.
Fenichel , 109, 116, 170, 171, 307, 377, 448, 582, 657, 679
Féré , 449, 469, 486, 503, 506, 587
Ferenczi , 583
Ferrero , 654
biting in sexual activity, 588, 678
masturbation, 135
sex play, 229
Fetishism, 678–679
development, 646
female vs. male, 679
transvestism and, 680
Fetscher , 167, 170, 365
Fiction, erotic, 85, 669–672
Fifteen Plagues of a Maiden-head , 191, 232, 385
Figures, list of, xxvi-xxx
Filler , 734
Fine art, erotic, female vs. male, 86, 653
Finger , 63, 94
Fingers, in sexual response, 621
Fink , 25, 26, 287, 288, 304
Firth , 136
Fishbein , 158, 159, 167, 170, 234, 252, 253, 261, 298, 365, 416
Fisher , 328
Fitzgerald, Scott , 244
Flagellation, 615, 646
Fletcher , 326
Fleuret , 508
Flood , 739
Floor shows, erotic response to, 660
Folsom , 170, 265, 266, 307, 328, 375, 422, 433
Foras , 414
Forberg , 467
Forcellini , 133
Ford, C. , 135, 136, 191, 193, 195, 196, 229, 230, 283, 284, 363, 367, 413, 414, 415, 428, 449, 450, 451, 452, 502, 574, 586, 588, 595, 599, 605, 609, 610, 624, 645, 649, 650, 657, 665, 679, 711, 713, 724, 727, 731, 732, 733, 734, 737, 738, 749, 750, 751, 758
Ford, M. , 303, 309
Forel , 113, 138, 166, 228, 234, 533, 634, 676, 679, 680
Foreplay, pre-coital, 252–259, 254F, 255F, 280T, 311, 361, 364, 399T. See Petting, techniques.
Foreword, vii
legal penalties, 324–326
religious codes, 307, 321–324
See Coitus, pre-marital.
Forsham , 729
Fortune, Survey, 298, 303, 304
Foster, J., x
Foster, R. , 167, 307, 316, 388
Fowl, 503, 751
Fowler , 261
Frank, A. , 85
Frank, R. , 749
Frankfurter , 117
Franz , 161
Fraser , 755, 756
Freed , 171, 375, 377, 539, 582, 583
Freeman, G. , 647
Freeman, K. , 707
Freeman, L. , 696, 700
French kiss, 252. See Kiss, deep.
Frenum, 573
Frequency, mean and median
animal contacts, 506
definition, 47–48
extra-marital coitus
vs. age, 418–420, 418F, 419F, 439T
vs. age at adolescence, 424
vs. decade of birth, 423
vs. educational level, 422
vs. parental occupational class, 422
vs. religious background, 424, 443T
vs. age, 455, 456F, 491T
vs. age at adolescence, 462
vs. decade of birth, 462
vs. educational level, 460, 490T
vs. marital status, 455, 491 T
vs. religious background, 466, 498T
individual variation
extra-marital coitus, 419F, 420
homosexual, 456, 456F
marital coitus, 350, 351F, 395T
masturbation, 146, 147F, 179T
nocturnal sex dreams, 197, 199F
petting, 237, 237F
pre-marital coitus, 289, 290F
total outlet, 537–543, 540F, 541F
marital coitus
vs. age, 76, 77T, 348–354, 350F, 351F, 394T, 716F
vs. age at adolescence, 359
vs. decade of birth, 357F, 358, 397T
vs. educational level, 355, 395T
vs. religious background, 360, 398T
vs. age and marital status, 144, 145F, 147F, 178T, 716F
vs. age at adolescence, 153
vs. decade of birth, 152
vs. educational level, 148
vs. parental occupational class, 151
vs. religious background, 156, 187T
vs. rural-urban background, 153
nocturnal sex dreams
vs. age, 197–201, 198F, 199F, 217T
vs. age at adolescence, 203
vs. decade of birth, 202
vs. educational level, 201
vs. marital status, 198, 198F, 217T, 224T
vs. parental occupational class, 202
vs. religious background, 205, 224T
vs. age, 235–237, 236F, 237F
vs. decade of birth, 245, 245F
vs. educational level, 241, 271T
vs. parental occupational class, 242
vs. religious background, 248, 279T
post-marital coitus, 536, 559T
pre-adolescent sex );>lay, 111, 118
pre-marital coitus
vs.age, 288, 289F, 290F, 334T
vs. age at adolescence, 303
vs. age at marriage, 296
vs. decade of birth, 302
vs. educational level, 296, 335T
vs. religious background, 306, 343T
vs. rural-urban background, 303
reliability of frequency data, 48, 7G-79, 70T–78T
sporadic nature, 236, 289, 419, 456, 542, 681
total outlet
married females, 528–531, 549T–551T, 553T, 554T, 556T, 716F
previously married females, 533–536, 549T, 550T, 559T
single females, 518–523, 519F, 523F, 549T–551T, 553T, 554T, 556T, 714F, 716F
vs. age, 518, 519, 519F, 523F, 528, 533, 535, 548T, 549T, 714F, 716F
vs. age at adolescence, 521, 554T
vs. decade of birth, 521, 523F, 529, 553T
vs. educational level, 520, 529, 535, 550T
vs. marital status. See Frequency: total outlet, married, previously married, and single females.
vs. parental occupational class, 521, 529, 551T
vs. religious background, 521, 523, 529, 531, 556T ,
vs. rural-urban background, 521, 555T
Freud, A. , 88, 160
Freud, S. , viii, 6, 85, 87, 88, 103, 109, 116, 133, 134, 170, 193, 214, 299, 377, 448, 469, 475, 486, 571, 582, 583, 612, 643, 654
Freudian theory
childhood sexuality, 103
dreams, 193, 214
frigidity. 377
homosexual, 448, 469, 475, 486
latency, 116
masturbation, 133, 170
orgasm, clitoral vs. vaginal, 582–584
psychosexual development, stages, 109
sado-masochism, 88
Friedeburg , 95, 287, 309, 416, 424, 431, 653, 670
Friedfung , 141, 160
Friedländer , 634
Frigidity, 357, 371, 373, 376–391, 526, 532, 537
Fromme , 253, 257, 307, 430
Frontal lobes, in sexual response, 708–709
Fuchs , 232, 233, 235
Fuller , 743
Fulton , 572, 589, 597, 604, 608, 609, 611, 633, 691, 695, 696, 713
Furtwdngler , 88
Galen , 191, 637, 638
Gallagher , 729
Gallonio , 89
Gantt , 449, 596, 598, 598F, 605
Ganzfried , 366, 367, 369, 370
Gardner , 608, 609, 633
Garnier , 168
Gavin , 135
Geissler , 326
Geist , 748
Genesis , 482
anatomy, female, 572F, 574–585
anatomy, male, 571–585, 575F
apposition, heterosexual, 258, 281 T
apposition, homosexual, 467, 492T
embryology, 571
erotic significance, 468, 476, 591, 655–659
exhibition, 119, 476, 656-(i58
knowledge among children, 111, 130T
manual manipulation. See Techniques, manual.
mouth-genital techniques. See Mouth-genital contacts.
neurology, 691, 695–699
response in orgasm, 615, 632–634
secretions, 607–612
tumescence, 604–605
Geographic origin of sample, 35, 36F, 37F
Gerling , 167, 170, 307 ·
Gibbon, 411, 651
Gichner , 88
Gilbert Youth Survey , 82, 94, 239, 293, 323, 453, 476
Gilgamesh Epic , 481
Gilmore , 647
Ginsberg , 284
Gittin , 260
Glad-come, 610
adrenal, 720 ff., 754–757
Bartholin, 572F, 607
Cervical, 607
Cowper’s, 574F, 610, 737
endocrine, 72G-761
gonads, 572F, 575F, 720 ff., 724–750
liver, 721
nasal, 613
ovary, 572F, 716, 720 ff., 724–750
pancreas, 720
parathyroid, 720
pineal, 720
pituitary, 720 ff., 75G-753
prostate, 195, 575F, 611, 634, 698
salivary, 613
seminal vesicles, 195, 575F, 611, 634
testis, 575F, 612, 716, 720 ff., 724–750
thymus, 720
thyroid, 720, 753–754
Glans clitoris, 574
Glans penis, 572, 575F
Glass , 759
Glävecke , 734
Glueck, E. and S. , 94, 124, 286, 288, 292, 416
Gluteal muscles, in sexual response, 589, 619
Glyn, Elinor , 244
Goat , 449, 610
Golden Ass, The , 232, 284, 362
Goldschmidt , 596, 596F, 597, 624, 628, 636, 638
Goldstein , 615, 711
Goldzieher, J. , 749
Goldzieher, M. , 749
Golla , 750
Gollancz , 170
Golossowker , 139, 143, 234, 287, 416
Gonad. See Ovary, Testis.
Gonadal hormones. See Androgens, Estrogens.
Goode , 533
Goodwin , 168
Gorer , 88, 108, 196, 254, 283, 413
Gorilla, 502
Gould , 81
Grade school level, defined, 53
Grade school sample, 31, 32T
Graduate level, defined, 54
Graduate school sample, 31, 32T
Grafenberg , 576, 580, 587, 635
Graffiti, 87, 673–675
Graves’s disease, 720
Gray , 539
Greek Anthology , 232
Greek literature. See Classical literature.
Greenblatt , 724, 727, 748, 749, 750
Gregg, ix
Greulich , 122, 123, 124, 125
Griffith , 376
Groin, pains in, 263, 612
Grosser , 95, 103, 126, 139, 143, 153, 349, 416
Grosz , 727, 739
Group sampling, 26–28
Groups involved in sample, 38–43
Groves, E. , 261, 266, 365
Groves, G. , 261, 266, 365
Groves, H. , 365
Growth in adolescence, 122–125, 124F, 131T, 724–726, 731–734
Gruenberg, B. , 170
Gruenberg, S. , 167, 170
Gudden , 167
Guibout , 191
Guilt reactions to:
extra-marital coitus, 431 ff.
homosexual contacts, 477–479, 501T
masturbation, 169–170
petting, 261
pre-adolescent sex play, 115
pre-marital coitus, 316–319, 345T
Guinea pig
biting in sexual activity, 678
castration, 733
cerebral function, 710
conditioned responses, 647, 655
erection, 605
homosexual contacts, 449
masturbation, 135
pituitary, 751
sex play, 229, 283
Gull , 720
Gurewitsch , 95, 103, 126, 139, 143, 153, 285, , 287, 288, 292, 298, 349, 416, 421, 425, 432
Gutmann , 169
Guttmacher, M. , 119, 120, 483
Guttzeit , 133, 168
Guyon , 307, 430, 657
Guze , 167
Hafez , 229, 645
Hair, pubic. See Pubic hair.
Haire, N. , 133, 158, 170, 365, 430, 506, 571, 576, 595, 603, 612, 615, 632, 633, 638
Hall, G. S. , 139, 166
Hall, W. S. , 166
Hallowell , 136
Haman, x
Hamblen , 123
Hamburger , 755, 756, 756F
Hamilton, G. , vii, 6, 82, 94, 103, 106, 108, 111, 113, 114, 117, 119, 121, 126, 132, 134, 138, 139, 140, 142, 143, 144, 164, 191, 193, 197, 199, 200, 207, 212, 214, 252, 253, 256, 257, 258, 286, 292, 298, 316, 349, 352, 363, 375, 376, 381, 383, 385, 388, 389, 411, 416, 425, 428, 431, 432, 448, 449, 450, 475, 503, 610, 645, 647, 664, 668, 677, 679
Hamilton, H. , 756
Hamilton, J. , 724, 726, 743, 744, 747, 756
Hamilton, W. , 571
Hammer , 195, 207, 208
Hammond, J. , 449, 647
Hammond, T. E. , 743
Hammond, W. , 171, 375
Hammurabi, Code of , 322, 428, 482, 507
Hamster, 229, 283, 449
Hand movements, in sexual response, 621
Hara, Kozan, 88
Hardenbergh , 628, 632, 637
Harper , 168, 266, 307
Hartman, C. , 125, 609, 610, 633, 647, 661, 749, 751
Hartman, F. , 722, 723, 729, 734
Hartwick , 256, 258
Harvey , 142, 349
Hattwick , 141
Hawke , 728, 739, 744
Hearing, in sexual response, 616
Heart rate, in sexual response, 595–599, 596F–598F, 636
Heat. See Estrus.
Hecht, Ben , 244
Heckel , 747
Hector, x, 580
Hediger , 410
Hegar , 734
Height development, 80, 81T, 123, 124F, 131T
Helen of Troy, 13
Heller , 723, 726, 727, 729, 745, 747, 748, 759
Hellmann , 103, 106, 113, 139, 143, 148, 287, 288, 293, 526
Hellwig , 169
Heloise, 13
Hemiplegia during coitus, 599
Hemphill, F. , 25
Hemphill, R. , 708
Heneman , 26
Henley , 231
Henninger , 119
Henry, G. , 170, 447, 448, 469, 486
Henry, J. , 108, 283
Henry, N. , 122, 123, 124
Henz , 285
Herman , 609, 651
Hernandez , 508
Heroides , 191, 477
Herondas , 136
Hesnard , 448, 474, 478, 486
Heterosexual-homosexual ratings, 468–474, 470F, 473F, 474F, 499T, 500T
Hetzer , 141
Heyn , 191, 193, 195–197, 199, 200, 205, 207, 212, 214, 375, 383
High school level, defined, 53
High school sample, 31, 32T
Hikatsu-sho (Book of Secrets), 231, 363
Hill , 261, 307, 388, 679
Himes, N. , 253, 256, 299, 307, 376
Hindu sex dreams, 196
Hirning , 119
Hirsch , 604, 625
Hirschfeld , 133, 138, 139, 148, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 165, 168, 170, 191, 212, 213, 228, 448, 467, 469, 475, 476, 506, 599, 602, 603, 607, 608, 610, 613, 625, 633, 634, 638, 657, 679, 728, 739
Hirschaprung , 141, 160
Histoire du Vice , 158, 159, 161, 162
Histories, case, 58–83, 60F. See Interviews.
History and Method, 1–97
History of the study, 1–7
Hitschmann , 377, 582, 583
Hittite law, 428, 481, 482, 484, 507, 758
Hobhouse , 284
Hoch , 108, 135, 136, 229, 283, 449, 450, 588, 596, 598, 605
Hodann , 103, 141, 159, 160, 165, 167, 168, 170, 365
Hodge , 750
Hodges , 742
Hoff , 597
Hoffman , 81, 123, 720, 721, 723, 726, 729, 732, 734, 745, 749, 751, 753
biting in sexual activity, 678
breast stimulation, 255
Cowper’s glands, 610
homosexual contacts, 449
sex play, 229
Hohman , 94, 300
Holliger , 193
Hollingshead , 90
Homosexual, 446–501
anthropologic data, 451–452
attitudes toward, 477–481, 480F, 481F, 501T
defined, 446
dreams, 210–213, 226T
factors in development, 446–448, 448–451, 758–759
female vs. male data, 451, 474–476, 483–486, 487–489, 652, 653, 656, 666, 683, 717F
frequency, 455–466, 456F, 490T, 491T, 498T
heterosexual-homosexual ratings, 446, 468–474, 470F, 473F, 474F, 499T, 500T
historical background, 481–486
incidence, accumulative, 81, 82T, 452–465, 452F, 453F, 459F, 462F–464F, 490T, 493T–497T
incidence, active, 454, 460–466, 460F, 465F, 490T, 491T, 494T–500T
intent to have, 477–479, 501T
legal aspects, 19–21, 483–486
mammalian backgrounds, 448–451
moral interpretations, 477, 481–484, 486
number of years involved, 458, 492T
partners, 458, 492T, 683
percentage of total outlet, 457, 461, 466, 490T, 491T, 494T–498T, 520, 525, 527F, 530F, 531F, 534F, 355F, 536, 561T–564T
pre-adolescent, 106, 107F, 111F, 113–115, 127T–130T
regret, 477
social significance, 140, 476–487, 501T
techniques, 130T, 466–468, 492T, 581, 658
transvestism, 680
vs. age and marital status, 452–458, 452F, 453F, 456F, 457, 491T, 525, 527F, 530F, 531F, 534F, 535F, 536, 561T–564T
vs. age at adolescence, 462, 496T
vs. decade of birth, 461–462, 462F, 495T
vs. educational level, 459–461, 459F, 460F, 490T, 493T, 500T, 534F, 563T, 564T
vs. marital status, 453, 453F, 456, 472–474, 490T, 491T, 500T, 530F, 531F, 535F, 562T
vs. occupational class of subject, 478
vs. parental occupational class, 461, 494T
vs. religious background, 463–466, 465F, 497T, 498T
vs. rural-urban background, 463, 463F, 497T
Hooker , 604, 611, 691, 695, 696
Hooton , 81, 122, 574
Hoover, J. E. , 117
Hopi Indians, 284
Horace , 232
Hormones, 714–761. See Androgens, Endocrine glands, Estrogens, 17-Ketosteroids.
Horrocks , 168
Horstein , 159, 162, 164, 170, 365, 595, 599, 604, 605, 607, 610, 615, 620, 625, 632, 633, 638
biting in sexual response, 678
conditioned response, 647
Cowper’s secretion, 610
erection, 605
estrual behavior, 651
homosexual contacts, 449
human contact with, 502
masturbation, 135
sex play, 229, 283
sexual partnerships, 410
Horvitz , 25
Hoskins , 734, 750
Hotchkiss , 611
Hotels and pre-marital coitus, 310, 336T
Houssay , 572, 597, 609, 614
Howard, J. , 723, 726, 745, 749, 750, 759
Howard, P. , 749, 756
Howell , 597, 604, 608, 609, 611, 633, 691, 695, 696
Hoyer , 138, 159, 162, 163, 168, 228, 231, 232, 303, 311, 506, 610
Hubert , 726, 747
Huffman , 734
Huggins , 742
Hughes , 94
Huhner , 171, 633
Human Relations Area Files, 93
Humm , 756
Hundred per cent groups, 30
Hunger after sexual activity, 637
Hunter , 167
Hurxthal , 726
Huschka , 170
Hutton, I. , 252, 256, 374, 376, 633
Hutton, L. , 138, 143, 168, 447, 448, 486, 526
Hyena, 449
Hyman , 81, 448, 707, 748
Hymen, 579
Hyndman , 696, 699
Hypersensitivity after orgasm, 637
Hypogastric nerve, 695, 697
Hypothalamus, 712–713
Idealized coitus, 163
Ihm , 88, 284
Ikkyu Zenshi Shoshoku Monogatari , 231, 284
Illegitimate birth rate, 326
Imposters, 58
Incidence, accumulative. See Accumulative incidence.
Incidence, active. See Active incidence.
Indecency, public, 483
Indecent liberties with child, 262
Individual variation. See Variation.
Infant. See Pre-adolescence.
Inge , 430
Inhibitions, sexual, 169–173, 193, 264, 329, 344T, 363, 373, 383, 417, 465, 479, 617, 643–649, 708
Insertions, in masturbation
anal, 163
urethral, 163, 576
vaginal, 161, 580
Institute for Sex Research, 3
Intercourse, defined, 101
Intercourse. See Coitus.
anal, 370, 581
extra-marital, 409–445
marital, 346–408
post-marital, 531F, 536, 559T, 562T
pre-adolescent, 113, 119, 129T
pre-marital, -282–345
Inter-specific sexual contacts, 503
advantages, 62–63, 80, 81T
data reported on histories, 64–66
rapport, 24, 26, 29, 58, 60–62
reliability and validity, 66–83, 70T, 72T, 74T, 77T, 78T, 81T, 82T
retakes, 68–75, 70T, 72T
sources, 58–83
techniques of interviewing, 58–64, 60F
Introitus of vagina, 162, 572F, 579
Intromission, duration, 365
Iovetz-Tereshchenko , 85
Isaacs , 103
Islamic literature, 349, 363, 367, 428
Isolde, 13
Israel , 81, 124, 724, 730, 747, 749, 753
Jackson , 88
Jacobi , 141
Jacobus X , 657, 676
Jacolliot , 657, 676
Japan, 136, 231, 284
Jefferis , 166
Jeffiffe , 133, 139, 158, 159, 160, 163, 167, 170
Jenkins, I. , 671
Jenkins, M. , 229
Jensen , 86
Jewish. See Religious background and Moral interpretations.
Jewish code
animal contacts, 507
extra-marital coitus, 428, 429
homosexual, 481, 482
marital coitus, 366–370
masturbation, 168
nocturnal sex dreams, 208
nudity, 260, 366
petting, 259
pre-marital coitus, 321
Jewish sample, 31T, 34
Jiiro Haya-shinan , 231, 363
Johnson , 759
Jonsson , 95, 285, 287, 292, 296, 298
Jordan , 572
Journal of American Statistical Association , 25
Judges , 482
Juliet, 13
Jus primae noctis, 414
Justinian , 231
Juvenal , 168, 477
Juvenile delinquency, 13–15, 21, 261, 324
Kabat , 606
Kadesh, 482
Kadis , 116
Kahn, F. , 195, 214, 228, 447, 589, 607, 613, 625, 633, 638
Kahn, S. , 448, 486
Kallmann , 448
Kama Sutra , 231, 363, 477, 571
Kantor , 613
Kapff , 169
Kaplan , 698
Karessa, 625
Karsch-Haack , 136, 449, 503
Käser , 326
Katz , 309, 677, 680
Kaukonen , 170
Kearns , 726
Keiser , 486
Kelleher , 119, 120
Keller , 167, 171
Kelley , 120
Kellogg , 168
Kelly, G. , 139, 158, 159, 170, 171, 191, 212, 213, 252, 253, 365, 376, 448, 467, 469, 475, 486, 503, 505, 506, 610
Kelly, P. , 369
Kempf , 411, 449
Kempton , 168, 252, 253, 256, 257, 265, 266, 307, 374, 605, 607, 608, 613, 632, 639
Kenigsberg , 756
Kenyon , 726, 747
Kepler , 729, 730
Kethuboth , 260, 367, 507
17-Ketosteroids, 721, 755–757, 756F
Kgatla people, 363
Kimbrough , 749
Kind , 161, 163, 587
Kings , 482
Kirkendall , 170, 261, 307, 388, 433
Kisch , 126, 133, 158, 159, 162, 163, 191, 193, 195, 207, 430, 458, 467, 486, 503, 595, 605, 607, 608, 620, 623, g32, 633, 734
deep, 252, 255F, 280T, 361, 399T, 466, 492T
homosexual, 466, 492T
petting, 251, 255F, 280T
pre-coital technique, 361, 399T
simple, 251, 280T, 361, 399T, 466, 492T
Kleegman, x, 608
Klein, M. , 135, 629
Kleinsorge , 163, 596, 597, 597F, 599, 602, 602F, 605, 606, 606F, 624, 628, 636, 638
Kluckhohn, vi
Klumbies , 163, 596, 597, 597F, 599, 602, 602F, 605, 606, 606F, 624, 628, 636, 638
Klumker , 326
Klüver , 691, 710, 711
Knight , 375, 377, 583
Knights, The , 231
Knowlton , 747
Koch, F. , 729, 730, 749
Koch, H. , 141
Kogon , 89
Kolb , 708
Kopp , 349, 375, 610, 728, 742
Koran , 349, 367, 428
Krafft-Ebing , 103, 108, 114, 138, 140, .141, 143, 193, 195, 207, 212, 447, 448, 467, 469, 475, 486, 503, 595, 638, 676, 679, 680
Kranz , 580
Krause’s corpuscles, 572
Krauss , 87, 88, 136, 284
Kroger , 171, 375, 377, 539, 582, 583
Kronfeld , 467, 657, 677
Krönig , 580, 584
Kuhn, M. , 307
Kühn, R. , 422
Kuntz , 580, 628, 691, 695, 696, 698, 703, 754
Kwakiutl Indians, 679
Labia majora, 159, 572F, 577T, 578
Labia minora, 158, 572F, 575, 576, 577T, 591
Labor Statistics, U. S. Bureau of, 25, 26
Laborers, defined, 54
Laboring groups, in sample, 33T, 34
Laidlaw, ix
Lampl-de Groot , 133
Landes , 108
Landis, C. , vii, 6, 94, 108, 117, 119, 121, 138, 139, 142–144, 167, 191, 234, 252, 265, 266, 286, 287, 304, 316, 363, 375, 388, 416, 428, 432, 433, 453, 513
Landis, J. , 261, 307, 309, 323, 388
Landis, P. , 234, 265
Lange , 727, 728, 741
Lango tribe, 679
Langworthy , 691, 695, 710, 711
Lanval , 309, 431
Lashley , vi, ix, 135, 196, 229, 613, 710
Latency, Freudian theory, 116
Latin literature. See Classical literature.
Laubscher , 135, 196
Laughlin , 724, 727, 739
Laurent , 88
Law. See Legal aspects.
Lazersfeld , 133, 148, 170, 171
Leach , 502
Learning and conditioning, 590, 643–644, 645–687
Lecky , 284
Leda and the Swan, 502
Lederer , 234
Lees , 167
Legal aspects
adult contacts with children, 117–121
adultery, 428–430
anal intercourse, 370
animal contacts, 508
assault and battery, 262
castration, 728, 739, 742–745
extra-marital coitus, 428–430
fornication, 324–326
homosexual, 19–21, 483–486
indecency, public, 483
juvenile delinquency, 13–15, 21, 261, 324
lewd and lascivious behavior, 483
marital coitus, 368–370
masturbation, 169
mouth-genital contact, 370
need for sex law, 17–21
obscenity, 671
petting, 261–263
pre-marital coitus, 324–326
property rights in females, 322
rape, 213, 287, 321
sodomy, 262, 370, 483–486, 508
studies, 93
Leininger , 691, 713
Lenormant , 88
Leonardo da Vinci, 654
Leopard, 678
Lepcha tribe, 196, 283·, 413
Lerner , 698
Lesbian, 446. See Homosexual.
Lesbos , 446
Lesu people, 108, 283
Leuba , 307
Levator muscles, 579
Levine , 141, 160, 168, 170
Leviticus , 208, 367, 428, 482, 484, 507
Levsen , 169
Levy, D. M. , 121, 141
Levy, J. , 265, 307
Levy, S. , 117
Lewd and lascivious behavior, 483
Lewinsky , 88
Lewis , 576, 580, 584
Library of Institute for Sex Research, 97
Licht , 88, 133, 168
Liebert , 712
Liepmann , 108, 164
Liertz , 169
Light or dark, preferences, 664
Light, sexual response to, 590
Limborch , 89
Lindsey , 244
Linea alba, 725
Linsert , 162
Linton , 413
Lion , 288, 313
Lion , 229, 449, 678
Lipit-Ishtar law, 428, 482, 507
Lipschütz , 448, 724, 727, 732
Lisser , 723, 726, 753
Literary erotic material, 96, 669, 671
Lives of Fair and Gallant Ladies , 663
Lloyd , 625
Lobotomy, frontal, 708–710
Lobstein , 170
Locke, H. , 94, 287, 298, 416, 422, 431, 434
Locke, W. , 729, 730
Loewenfeld , 103, 126, 195, 197, 207, 214, 712
L’Onanisme , 168
London , 86, 88, 448, 503
Long, C. , vi
Lono, H. , 168, 234, 253, 256, 365
Longus , 191, 232
Lordosis, 758
Lorie , 24
Louttit , 283, 588
Lower white collar group, defined, 54
Lower white collar group sample, 33T, 34
Lowry , 231
Lucian , 477
Lucius, or The Ass , 284, 362
Ludovici , 88
Ludwig , 748
Lumbar area of cord, 695
Lundberg , 583
Lunt , 90
Luquet , 87
Lushais, 679
Luther , 349
Lycurous , 477
Lynch , 749
Lynd , 90, 228, 234, 244, 298, 300, 301, 328
Lysistrata , 136, 362
Macandrew , 265.
Maccoby , 25
Macfadden , 170
Macgowan , 610
Maddock , 726, 727, 729, 745, 747, 748, 755, 759
Maes , 691, 710
Maoaldi , 87
Magoun , 625
Maillol , 654
Maimonides , 484
Makurabunko , 136
Malamud , 170
Malchow , 584, 607, 612, 613, 625, 632, 633
Male, comparison with female
anatomy of sexual response, 567–593, 572F, 575F
animal contacts, 502–507, 509
extra-marital coitus, 409, 413–416, 434, 436–438, 445T
homosexual, 451, 474–476, 483–486, 487–489, 652, 653, 656, 666, 683, 717F
hormones, 714–761, 730F, 731F, 756F
marital coitus, 76, 77T, 353, 371, 392–393, 716F
masturbation, 132, 139, 164, 173–175, 667, 716F, 717F
multiple orgasm, 375, 626, 718F, 719T
neurologic bases, sexual response, 690–713
nocturnal sex dreams, 191, 194, 199, 214–215, 668, 717F
partners, number of, 683
petting, 230, 250, 658, 267–269, 683, 717F
physiology of sexual response, 594–641, 596F–598F, 600F–602F
pre-adolescent, 104–106, 110, 115, 122, 125, 126F
pre-marital coitus, 78, 78T, 322, 330–332, 683, 717F
psychology, 642–689
reliability of case histories, 70T, 72T, 73, 74T, 75–80, 77T, 78T
speed of response to orgasm, 625
spouses, data from, 74T, 75
total outlet, 519–520, 538, 714F, 716F
Malinowski , 108, 136, 196, 283, 363, 414, 718, 719
Mallett , 654
Mammal, infra-human
biting in sexual activity, 588, 677
blood pressure, in sexual response, 599, 600F, 601F
breast stimulation, 255, 586
castration and sexual response, 726, 732, 736
cerebral function, 710–712
conditioned responses, 411, 647, 655, 669, 737
Cowper’s glands, 610
distraction from coitus, 669
erection, 605
estrual behavior, 450, 609, 647, 651
exhibition, 657
family organization, 347
heart rate, in sexual response, 596, 598, 598F
homosexual contacts, 446–451
hormones and behavior, 745–749, 758
hormones and physical characteristics, 724, 745
human contacts with, 502–509
inter-specific contacts, 502–504
17-ketosteroids, 755
masturbation, 134
mouth activity, 229, 587
neurologic experiments, 697–699, 710
nocturnal sex dreams, 195
orgasm in female, 628–631
petting, 228–231
phylogenetic interpretations, 136, 195, 228–231, 347, 410–412, 448–451, 503, 588, 594, 699, 703
pituitary, 751
pulse rate, in sexual response, 596, 598, 598F
sex play, 102, 229, 282–283, 362
sexual partnerships, 410–412
studies of mammals, 90–92, 569–570
sympathetic responses, 648
See individual species.
Manasses , 163, 168, 191, 193, 234, 261, 266, 309, 316, 448, 469
Manteoazza , 207, 208, 506, 508
Manual techniques, 111–114, 158–163, 253–257, 254F, 280T, 466–468
Marañón , 447, 469
Marcuse , 191, 196, 207, 232, 296, 298, 657, 677
Marinello , 352
Marital adjustment, 11, 371–391, 433–436, 445T, 649, 653, 657, 658, 663, 666, 668, 684. See Orgasm, factors affecting.
Marital coitus, 346–408. See Coitus, marital.
Marital status. Comparing single, married, previously married females.
defined, 53
distribution in sample, 32T, 34
vs. decade of birth, 522F, 523F, 558T
vs. educational level, 516F, 558T
vs. heterosexual-homosexual ratings, 472–474, 499T, 500T
vs. homosexual, 453, 453F, 456, 472–474, 490T, 491T, 499T, 500T
vs. masturbation, 143–152, 143F, 145F, 149F, 177T, 178T, 181T, 183T, 184T, 186T, 187T
vs. nocturnal sex dreams, 198F, 200, 206, 210, 217T, 21ST, 220T, 221T, 223T, 224T
vs. total outlet, 514F, 519F, 523F, 530F, 533, 536, 549T–551T, 553T, 554T, 556T, 562T, 716F
Marlowe , Christopher, 232
Marquis , 647
Marriage, age at
decade of birth, 522F, 558T
educational level, 241, 294, 516F, 558T
marital orgasm, 382, 382F, 405T
petting, 238–241, 240F, 241F, 272T, 273T
pre-marital coitus, 287, 291, 293–296, 294F, 336T, 337T
sources, first arousal, orgasm, 513, 516, 545T
total outlet, 517F, 546T, 547T, 552T
Marriage as an institution, 11–13, 346, 366
Married females, 528–532, 519F, 523F, 530F, 541F, 545T, 549T, 550T, 551T, 553T, 554T, 556T, 562T, 564T. See Marital status.
Marro , 123, 166, 170
Marsh, x
Marshall , 323, 449, 609, 633, 647, 691, 695
Marten, 449, 588, 678
Martial , 133, 168, 232, 477
Martineau , 159, 166, 476
Martinez , 478
Maslow , 432
Masters, Edgar Lee , 244
Masters, W. , 734, 749
age, first experience, 176T
anthropologic data, 135–136
attitudes toward, 166–169, 190T
defined, 133
fantasy, 163–165, 189T, 650, 667
female vs. male data, 132, 139, 164, 173–175, 667, 675, 716F, 717F
frequency, 144–157, 145F, 147F, 178T, 179T, 187T, 716F
incidence, accumulative, 81, 82T, 141F, 142, 143F, 148–156, 149F, 151F, 154F, 155F, 177T, 180T, 182T, 185T, 187T
incidence, active, 143, 145F, 148–156, 149F, 157F, 178T, 181T, 183T–187T
legal aspects, 169
mammalian backgrounds, 134–137
moral interpretations, 166–169
number of years involved, 147, 177T
percentage of total outlet, 146, 150–158, 178T, 181T–187T, 525, 527F, 530F, 531F, 532, 534F, 535F, 536, 561T–564T
physiologic significance, 132, 165–168
pre-adolescent, 104–107, 138, 141
psychologic significance, 166, 169–171, 190T
social significance, 132, 171–173
source of first information, 137–141, 176T, 675
speed of response to orgasm, 163, 626
techniques, 158–163, 189T, 573–580
vs. age, 141–148, 145F, 147F, 149F, 157F, 178T, 525, 527F, 530F, 531F, 532, 534F, 535F, 536, 561T–564T, 716F
vs. age at adolescence, 152, 185T, 186T
vs. decade of birth, 151, 151F, 176T, 180T, 184T
vs. educational level, 138, 148–150, 149F, 176T, 179T–182T, 189T, 190T, 534F, 535F, 563T, 564T
vs. marital orgasm, 171–173, 390, 391F, 407T
vs. marital status, 143–152, 143F, 145F, 149F, 177T, 178T, 181T, 183T, 184T, 186T, 187T, 530F, 531F, 562T
vs. nocturnal dreams, 200, 210–211
vs. parental occupational class, 150, 182T, 183T
vs. petting, 140, 262–263, 281T
vs. religious background, 154–158, 155F, 157F, 187T
vs. rural-urban background, 153, 154F, 185T
Maturity. See Adolescence.
Maximow , 572, 604
May , 232, 261, 368, 483
Mayor’s Committee on Sex Offenses, 485
Mazer , 81, 124, 724, 730, 747, 749, 753
Mbundu tribe, 679
McCance , 84, 349, 352, 610
McCullagh , 726, 741
McDermott , 654
McDonald, H. C. , 117
McDonald, J. , 747
McGavack , 756
McKenzie, F. , ix, 91, 229, 609, 610, 647, 651, 661
McKenzie, K. , 708
McPartland , 244, 462, 476, 478
Mead , 136, 381
Meagher , 133, 139, 158, 159, 160, 163, 167, 170
Mean frequency, 50, 51. See Frequency.
Meatus of urethra, 576
Median frequency, 49. See Frequency.
Meibomius , 89
Meissner’s corpuscles, 572
Memory, reliability and validity, 66–83, 70T, 72T, 74T, 77T, 78T, 81T
Memory vs. physical findings, 80, 81 T
Menarche, age of, 80, 81T, 123, 124F, 131T
Mendelsohn , 596, 599, 602
Menninger , K., 377
Menopause, 719T, 735, 736T
Menstrual flow in sexual response, 607
Menstruation, age of first, 80, 81T, 123, 124F, 131T
Mental cohabitation, 163
Mental vulva, 163
Menzies , 167
Mering, von , 720
Merrill , 95
Method of study, 7, 22–97
interview, personal, 58–83
observed data, 89–92
recorded data, 83–89
reference to previous studies, 92–97
sampling, 23–45
statistical analyses, 45–57
Mettler , 708
Metz , 135, 229, 647
Meyer , 166
Michelangelo, 654
Michels , 284, 307, 328, 430
Miles , vii, 486
Millay, Edna St. Vincent , 244
Miller, G. , 609, 647, 651
Miller, M. , 477
Miller, N. , 610, 747
Mills , 124, 125
biting in sexual activity, 588, 678
sex play, 229, 283
Minkowski , 720
Mirbeau , 89
Mitochondria, 751
Mittelschmerz, 609
Möbius , 719, 727, 732, 734, 739
Mochican pottery, 231
Mohammedan code, 349, 367, 428
Mohave Indians
coital positions, 363
homosexual contacts, 451
nocturnal sex dreams, 196
pre-adolescent sex play, 108, 283
transvestism, 679
Moldau , 168
Moll , 103, 106, 108, 113, 114, 123, 134, 138, 140, 141, 143, 158, 159, 161, 162, 163, 165, 167, 168, 191, 193, 196, 200, 207, 212, 213, 448, 449, 469, 486, 607, 610, 623, 625, 632, 638
biting in sexual activity, 677
cerebral function, 710
conditioned responses, 647, 655
estrual behavior, 651
homosexual contacts, 449
hormones, 755
masturbation, 135
sex play, 229, 283
sexual partnerships, 410, 411
snake, contacts with, 503
Montagu, A. , 124, 125, 413, 718
Moore, C. , vi, 726, 748
Moore, T. , 759
Moraglia , 139, 150, 158, 159, 161, 162, 163, 165, 166, 212, 506, 587
Moral interpretations
animal contacts, 507–509
coital positions, 363, 370
extra-marital coitus, 415, 426, 428–431
homosexual, 477, 481–484, 486
marital coitus, 346, 366–370
masturbation, 166–169
mouth-genital contacts, 17, 257, 370, 484–485
nocturnal sex dreams, 207–208, 214
nudity, 260, 366
petting, 259–261
pre-marital coitus, 285, 307–309, 314–316, 315F, 321–324, 326, 344T
Moreck , 161, 163, 298, 447, 448, 478, 587
Mort, la douce, 614
Mort, la petite, 614
Mosovich, 630F, 631, 693
Mossman , 571
Mouse, 229, 449, 751
Mouth-genital activity
animal contacts, 505, 506, 600F, 601F
extra-marital coitus, 427
female vs. male, 74T, 257–258, 674
homosexual, 467, 484, 492T
legal aspects, 17, 262, 370, 484
marital coitus, 361, 370, 376, 399T
moral interpretations, 17, 257, 370
petting, 255F, 257–258, 266, 281T
pre-adolescent, 113, 114, 119, 130T
pre-marital coitus, 255F, 257–258
significance, biologic, 576, 587–588, 592, 616, 617
Moving pictures, erotic response to, 659, 662
Moving pictures, mammalian sexual activity, 91, 569
Mudd, ix
Müller , 108
Multiple orgasm, 375, 626, 718F, 719T
Mundugumor tribe, 381
Munro , 695, 696
Munroe , 265, 307
Murdock , 284, 413, 414
Muria people, 196, 284, 363
Murray , 133
Muscular tensions in sexual response, 104, 160, 189T, 579, 582, 585, 589, 618–623, 627, 630F, 631–634, 644, 692, 694, 701, 704T, 707
Narcissus, 13
Nasal secretions in sexual response, 613
Nathanson , 729, 730, 730F
National Research Council, vi, vii, ix, 3
Naumburg , 86
Navajo Indians, 679
Neck muscles, in sexual arousal, 622
Necking, 227. See Petting.
Nedarim , 260
Neel, vi
Neely , 323
Nefzawi , 231, 363
Negri , 448, 469, 486, 503, 595, 605, 607, 612, 613, 617, 639, 677
Nelson, J. , 191
Nelson, W. , 723, 726
Nervous system, 69G-713
autonomic, 192, 694F, 695, 696F, 697, 701–704
brain, 630F, 693, 708–713
central, 617, 694–701, 708–713
cerebrum, 192, 630F, 694F, 696F, 707, 708, 71G-712
cord, spinal, 192, 193, 694–701, 694F, 696F
cortex, cerebral, 71G-712
hypothalamus, 712–713
parasympathetic, 695, 701–704
sense organs
tactile, 57G-590, 577T, 580, 585, 595, 615, 693–695, 694F
other, 571, 59G-591
sympathetic, 695, 701–704
Neumann , 307, 430
Neuromuscular. See Muscular tensions.
Neville-Rolfe , 448
New Harmony Colony, 346, 367
Newcomb , 301
Nichols , 166
Niedermeyer , 170
Niemoeller , 231
Nightclub shows, 657
Nikolsky , 698
Nimuendajú , 136
Nissen , 135, 229, 629, 649, 656, 657, 661, 733
Nocturnal sex dreams, 191–226
anthropologic data, 196
compensatory function, 207–212
content, 193, 212–214, 226T
defined, 191
factors, 192–196
female vs. male data, 191, 194, 199, 214–215, 66S, 717F
frequency, 197–206, 19SF, 199F, 217T, 224T
historical record, 191
incidence, accumulative, S2T, 196, 197F, 201–203, 202F, 204F, 216T, 219T, 222T, 224 T, 66S
incidence, active, 197, 19SF, 20G-205, 205F, 217T, 21ST, 220T–224T
mammals, occurrence in, 195
moral interpretations, 207–20S, 214
percentage of total outlet, 201, 205–207, 217T, 21ST, 220T–224T, 525, 527F, 530F, 531F, 532, 534F, 535F, 536, 561T–564T
pre-adolescent, 106
psychologic significance, 192–195, 212–214, 66S
vs. age, 197–201, 19SF, 199F, 206, 217T, 220T–224T, 525, 527F, 530F, 531F, 532, 534F, 535F, 561T–564T
vs. age at adolescence, 203, 222T, 223T
vs. coitus, 209–210
vs. decade of birth, 202, 202F, 219T, 221T
vs. educational level, 201, 216T, 21ST, 226T, 534F, 535F, 563F, 564T
vs. erotic responsiveness, 210
vs. marital status, 19SF, 200, 206, 210, 217T, 21ST, 220T, 221T, 223T, 224T, 530F, 531F, 536, 562T
vs. masturbation, 200, 21G-211
vs. parental occupational class, 202, 219T, 220T
vs. religious background, 203–205, 204F, 205F, 224T
vs. rural-urban background, 203, 222T
vs. total outlet, 209–212
Noldin , 321, 50S
Northcote , 135, 167
Norton , 447, 44S, 462
Notonanie, 165
attitudes, 260, 365, 400T
children, 284
erotic response, female vs. male, 652
marital coitus, 365, 400T
portrayals, commercial, 652, 657
pre-marital coitus, 312, 400T
Numa Praetorius , S7. See Hirschfeld.
Number of cases in sample, 43–45
Number of partners, 110, 23S, 272T, 292, 336T, 409–412, 425, 444T, 45S, 492T, 682–684
Number of sources of outlet, 542, 560T
Nystrom , 191
Objective, scientific, of study, 7
Objectivity, in interview, 59
O’Brien , 260
Obscenity, 671
Observation, erotic response to, female vs. male
burlesque, 657, 660
fetishism, 67S
floor shows, 660
genitalia, 655–659
heterosexual, 651, 660, 664
homosexual, 652–655
moving pictures, 659, 662
nudes, 652–655, 663–664
sexual action, 661–664
Observed data, 89–92, 569
clinical studies, 90, 574, 577T
community studies, S9
human sexual behavior, 91, 103, 104, 10S, 123, 141, 569, 574, 577T, 596, 597F, 602F, 606F, 630F
mammalian studies, 90–92, 195, 229, 283, 449, 569–570, 59S, 59SF, 599, 600F, 601F, 605, 629
Occipital lobe opetatio:i:ts, 710
Occupational class. See Parental occupational class.
females in sample, 33T, 34, 39
husbands of females in sample, 41
Odors, sexual arousal by, 590
Oesterling , 756
Offenses, sex. See Legal aspects.
Ogle , 125
Ohlson , 42S
Okkels , 72S
Onanie, Die , 170
Onanism, 133. See Masturbation.
Oneida Colony, 346, 625
Opossum, 678
Oral techniques
animal contacts, 505, 600F, 601F
genital contacts. See Mouth-genital activity.
homosexual, 466, 484, 492T
kissing, 251, 255F, 2SOT, 361, 399T, 466, 492T
mammalian behavior, 229, 587, 677
petting, 251–253, 255F, 257–258, 2SOT
pre-coital play, 255F, 257–25S, 361, 399T, 427
Oran-utang, 282, 283, 362
clitoral vs. vaginal, 574–576, 579–584, 577T, 632
defined, 101, 627–631
factors affecting, 101, 132, 357, 376–391, 401T–40ST, 514–516, 594, 626, 668, 684. See also 642–689.
female vs. male, 520, 625–627, 63S, ·640–641, 71SF, 719T
first, 512F, 513, 514, 542, 544T
frequency. See Frequency.
incidence, accumulative. See Accumulative incidence.
incidence, active. See Active incidence.
mammalian female orgasm, 628–631
multiple, 375, 626, 71SF, 719T
physiology, 594–641, 623–640
pre-adolescent, 104, 127T, 512F
significance in marriage, 11–12, 358, 371–373
sources, 524–525, 527F, 530F, 531, 531F, 534F, 535F, 536, 561T–564T
first source, 105, 513, 516, 545T
number, 542, 560T
speed of response, 163, 625–627
statistical value, 46, 511
vaginal vs. clitoral, 574–576, 579–584, 577T, 632
Oriental literature, 87, 136, 231, 284, 363, 477, 571
Orsi , 167
Orthodox Jewish. See Jewish.
Os, cervical, 608
Ostrich, 503
Otter, 229
Our Times , 244
Outlet, total, 51G-564. See Total outlet.
Ovariectomy, 734, 736T
Ovary, 572F, 716, 720 ff., 724–750
Ovid , 126, 191, 232, 364, 477
Ovulation, 125, 609
Oxygen lack, in sexual response, 605–607
Ozaki, Hisaya , 88
Palmer , 170
Papuans, 196
Paraplegics, 193, 696–701
Parasympathetic nervous system, 695, 701–704
Parathyroid gland, 720
Parental occupational class
defined, 54
distribution in sample, 33T, 34
extra-marital coitus, 421F, 422, 441T
homosexual, 461, 494T
marital coitus, 356, 379, 396T, 402T
masturbation, 150, 182T, 183T
nocturnal sex dreams, 202, 219T, 220T
petting, 242, 274T
pre-marital coitus, 296–298, 297F, 338T
total outlet, 521, 529, 548T, 551T
Parietal lobe, 710
Paris, 13
Parke , 448, 462, 467, 469, 476, 486
Parker, Dorothy , 244
Parker, R. , 625
Parker, V. , 167
Parkes, A. S. , 729, 730, 749
Parkes, F. R. , 645
Parshley , 300, 526
Parsons , 679
Partners, number of
extra-marital coitus, 425, 444T
homosexual, 458, 492T, 683
petting, 238, 272T, 683
pre-adolescent sex play, 110
pre-marital coitus, 292, 336T, 683
Paschkis , 749
Paterson , 26
Patten , 571
Paul, Saint , 482, 484
Pavlov , 647
Payne , ix, 752
Peace , 231, 284, 362
Pearl , 95
Pearson, G. , 447, 448, 539
Pearson, S. , 756
Peck , 95
Pectoral muscles, in sexual response, 622
Peep show, 664
Peeping, 663
Pell , 309
Pelvic movements, 104, 160, 589, 618, 695
Pelvic sling, 582, 585
Penfield , 706, 707, 712
Penicillin, 300
Penis, 571–574, 575F, 604, 633
Pepys , 85, 433
Perceau , 508
Percentage of total outlet
animal contacts, 507, 509
defined, 52
extra-marital coitus
vs. age, 420, 439T, 530F, 532, 561T, 562T, 564T
vs. age at adolescence, 441 T
vs. decade of birth, 442T
vs. educational level, 440T, 564T
vs. parental occupational class, 441 T
vs. religious background, 443T
vs. age, 457, 491T, 525, 527F, 530F, 531F, 534F, 535F, 536, 561T–564T
vs. age at adolescence, 496T
vs. decade of birth, 495T
vs. educational level, 461, 490T, 534F, 563T, 564T
vs. marital status, 457, 491T, 530F, 531F, 535F, 562T
vs. parental occupational class, 494T
vs. religious background, 466, 498T
vs. rural-urban background, 497T
marital coitus
vs. age, 354, 357F, 394T, 530F, 531, 561T, 562T, 564T
vs. age at adolescence, 359, 397T
vs. decade of birth, 357F, 359, 397T
vs. education, 355, 396T, 564T
vs. parental occupational class, 356, 396T
vs. religious background, 360, 398T
vs. age, 146, 178T, 525, 527F, 530F, 531F, 532, 534F, 535F, 536, 561T–564T
vs. age at adolescence, 153, 186T
vs. decade of birth, 152, 184T
vs. educational level, 150, 181T, 534F, 535F, 563T, 564T
vs. marital status, 146, 178T, 181T, 183T, 184T, 186T, 187T, 530F, 531F, 562T
vs. parental occupational class, 151, 183T
vs. religious background, 157, 187T
vs. rural-urban background, 153, 185T
nocturnal sex dreams
vs. age, 206, 217T, 525, 527F, 530F, 531F, 532, 534F, 535F, 561T–564T
vs. age at adolescence, 223T
vs. decade of birth, 221 T
vs. educational level, 201, 21ST, 534F, 535F, 563T, 564T
vs. marital status, 206, 217T, 21ST, 220T, 221T, 223T, 224T, 530F, 531F, 536, 562T
vs. parental occupational class, 220T
vs. religious background, 224T
vs. rural-urban background, 222T
vs. age, 23S, 271T, 525, 527F, 530F, 534F, 535F, 561T–563T
vs. age at adolescence, 276T
vs. age at marriage, 241
vs. decade of birth, 245, 245F, 275T
vs. educational level, 241, 271T, 534F, 535F, 563T
vs. parental occupational class, 242, 274T
vs. religious background, 249, 279T
vs. rural-urban background, 277T
post-marital coitus, 531F, 536, 559T, 561T, 562T
pre-marital coitus
vs. age, 290, 334T, 337T, 525, 530F, 534F, 535F, 561T–563T
vs. age at adolescence, 340T
vs. age at marriage, 296
vs. decade of birth, 301F, 302, 339T
vs. educational level, 296, 337T, 534F, 535F, 563T
vs. parental occupational class, 29S, 33ST
vs. religious background, 307, 343T
vs. rural-urban background, 304, 341T
Perception, sensory, in sexual response, 613–617, 637
Perfumed Garden, The , 231, 363
Perineal nerves, 69S
Perineum, 584, 592
Perloff , 730, 747, 749, 750, 759
Perspiration, in sexual response, 617
Peruvian pottery, petting depicted, 232
Peterson , 95
Petronius , 136, 232
Petting, extra-marital, 426
Petting, pre-marital, 227–281
anthropologic data, 232
defined, 227, 231
dreams of, 212, 213, 226T
female vs. male data, 230, 250, 267–269, 658, 683, 717F
frequency, 235–237, 236F; 237F, 241, 242, 245–249, 245F, 271T, 279T
historical occurrence, 231
homosexual. See Homosexual techniques.
incidence, accumulative, S2T, 233, 233F, 239–24S, 240F, 241F, 243F, 244F, 247F, 24SF, 270T, 273T–278T
incidence, active, 234, 235F, 236F, 242, 244, 245F, 246–24S, 249F, 271T, 274T–277T, 279T
legal aspects, 261–263
mammalian backgrounds, 228–231
moral interpretations, 231, 259–261
number of years involved, 23S, 272T
partners, 23S, 272T, 683
percentage of total outlet, 23S, 241, 242, 245, 245F, 249, 271T, 274T–277T, 279T, 525, 527F, 530F, 534F, 535F, 561T–563T
physiologic significance, 250–251, 263, 281T
places, 259
psychologic significance, 261, 266
social significance, 140, 227, 264–267
techniques, 251–259, 254F, 255F, 2SOT
vs. age, 233–239, 235F–237F, 271T, 525, 527F, 530F, 534F, 535F, 561T–563T
vs. age at adolescence, 246, 276T
vs. age at marriage, 23S-241, 240F, 241F, 272T, 273T
vs. decade of birth, 242–246, 243F, 244F, 245F, 252–25S, 275T, 2SOT
vs. educational level, 239–242, 241F, 252–25S, 254F, 255F, 270T, 271T, 273T, 2SOT, 281T, 534F, 535F, 563T
vs. marital orgasm, 264–265, 388–390, 389F, 407T
vs. masturbation, 140, 262–263, 281T
vs. parental occupational class, 242, 274T
vs. religious background, 247–249, 247F–249F, 27ST, 279T
vs. rural-urban background, 246, 277T
Pfuhl , 88
Phallus. See Penis, Clitoris.
Phantom pains, 617
Photographic collections, sexual, S5
Phylogenetic bases of sexual behavior, 136, 195, 228–231, 347, 41G-412, 448–451, 503, 5SS, 594, 699, 703
Physical development, adolescent, 80, 81T, 122–126, 124F, 131T
Physiology, sexual response and orgasm, 594–641, 704T
after effects of orgasm, 631–640
anoxia, 605–607
bleeding, 607
blood flow, peripheral, 602
blood pressure, 599–602, 600F–602F, 636
build-up to orgasm, 623–625
ejaculation, 634–636. See Ejaculation.
electroencephalogram, 630F, 693, 707
erection, 573, 604–605, 636, 695–699
female vs. male, 640–641
genital secretions, 607–612
heart rate, 595–599, 596F–59SF
hormonal factors, 714–761
muscular movements, 618–623, 631–634.
See Muscular tensions in sexual response.
nasal secretions, 613
neural physiology, 690–713, 694F, 696F.
See Nervous system.
orgasm, 623–627, 627–631, 631–640. See Orgasm.
pressure response, 595
pulse rate, 595–599, 596F–59SF, 636
respiration, 605, 606F, 636
salivary secretions, 613
sensory perception, 613–617, 637
tactile response, 571, 595, 615
tumescence, 603–605
Pierrugues , 133
Pig. See Hog.
Pilaga tribe, 108, 283
Pilcher , 739
Pillay, 587
Pilpel , 484
Pincus , 729, 730, 731
Pineal gland, 720
Pituitary, 720 ff., 75G-753
Placenta, hormones, 722
Plautus , 232
Play. See Sex play.
Pliny , 602
Ploscowe , 371, 430, 484
Plutarch , 168, 477
Plutus , 232
Podolsky , 595, 605, 625
Poirier , 710
Polatin , 596
Pomeroy , H., 352
Popenoe , 261, 307, 313, 328, 365, 376, 388, 610
Population studies, 25
conditioned responses, 647, 655
erection, 605
estrual behavior, 651
homosexual contacts, 449
masturbation, 135
sex play, 229, 283
Pornography, 671
Porpoise, 449
Positions, coital, 312, 362–364, 370, 400T
Post-marital. See Previously married.
Potter , 448, 462, 469, 474, 486
Pouillet , 168
Powdermaker , 108, 136, 283
Pratt , 126, 724, 732, 750
Praz , 88
Pre-adolescence, 101–131
adult contacts with children, 21, 116–122
animal contacts, 505
anthropologic data, 108, 283
attitudes, development, 16
castration, 732
female vs. male, 104–108, 110, 115, 122, 125, 126F
heterosexual activity, 107–113, 107F, 111F, 127T–130T
homosexual activity, 107F, 111F, 113–114, 127T–130T
hormones, 745–747
masturbation, 104–107, 138, 141
nocturnal sex dreams, 106
psychosexual development, 109, 114
response and orgasm, 101–107, 107F, 127T, 511, 544T
sex education, 15, 16, 137–141, 190T
social significance, 108, 114–116, 120–122
socio-sexual activity, 107–114, 107F, 111F, 127T–130T
sources of arousal and orgasm, 105–107, 107F
Preferences, psychologic, 645, 664
dreams of, 213, 226T
extra-marital, 434
pre-marital, 326
regret, pre-marital, 318, 345T
Pre-marital coitus, 282–345. See Coitus, pre-marital.
Pre-marital experience, female vs. male, 519–520
Pre-marital petting, 227–281. See Petting.
Pressure responses, 595
Previously married females, 531F, 532–537, 549T, 550T, 559T, 562T. See Marital status.
Previous sex studies, 81, 82T, 92–97
Priapeia , 232
Priesel , 123
Priester , 95, 228, 234
Primate. See Ape; Monkey.
Primitive groups. See Anthropologic data.
Prince , 613, 704
Prince Charming, 502
Pringle , 261, 299, 309
Prison cases, 22, 79, 209
Pritchard , 168, 231, 322, 428, 481, 482, 507, 719, 728
Probability sampling, 23–28
Procreation as prime function of coitus, 366
Procter , 708
Professional groups, defined, 55
Professional groups, in sample, 33T, 34
Progesterone, 721
Promiscuity, 110, 238, 272T, 292, 336T, 409–412, 425, 444T, 458, 492T, 682–684
Propertius , 232
Property rights in fiancee, 322
Proportionate sampling, 27
Prostate gland, 195, 575F, 611, 634, 698
Prostitution, 62, 79, 300, 323, 476, 503, 606, 614, 661
Protestant. See Religious background and Moral interpretations.
Protestant sample, 31T, 34
Proverbs , 231, 428
Pryor , 123
Psychic masturbation, 163
Psychoanalytic interpretations
childhood sexuality, 103
dreams, 193, 214
fetishism, 679
frigidity, 377
homosexual, 448, 469, 475, 476, 486
latency, 116
masturbation, 133, 170
orgasm, clitoral vs. vaginal, 582–584
petting, 261
pre-marital coitus, 307
psychosexual development, stages, 109
sado-masochism, 88
Psychologic aspects, 513, 540, 568, 642–689
adolescence, 125
art, erotic, 86, 653, 671–675
associated objects, 646, 647, 678–681
development in children, 16
toward extra-marital coitus, 430
toward homosexual, 477–481, 480F, 481F, 501T
toward masturbation, 166–169, 190T
toward nudity, 260, 366, 400T
toward pre-marital coitus, 307–310, 314–321, 314F, 315F, 318F, 319F, 344T, 345T
toward virginity, 323, 344T
blockage, 617, 637
burlesque shows, 657, 660
cerebral function, 192, 696F, 708, 710–712
coitus, 313–321, 344T, 371–373, 411, 590, 668
conditioned reeponses, 643–644, 645–687, 737
defined, 642
discontinuity in sexual activity, 236, 289, 419, 456, 542, 681
discussions of sex, 138, 504, 646, 675
d!straction from coitus, 614, 668
drawing, 86, 653, 671–675
exhibitionism, 119, 476, 656–658
extra-marital coitus, 430
fantasies, 163–165, 189T, 650, 665–668
females vs. males, 642–689
fetishism, 646, 678–680
flagellation, 615, 646
floor shows, erotic, 660
Freudian interpretations. See Freudian theory.
frigidity, 371, 373–391, 526
genital interest, 468, 476, 591, 655–659
guilt reactions, 115, 169–170, 261, 316–319, 345T, 431 ff., 477–479, 501T, 640
heterosexual-homosexual ratings, 468–474
homosexuality, 446–448, 469, 475–481, 480F, 481F, 486, 501T
inhibitions, 169–173, 193, 264, 329, 344T, 363, 373, 383, 417, 465, 479, 617, 643–649, 708
learning and conditioning, 643–644, 645–687
light vs. dark, preferences, 664
literary materials, 85, 669–672
marriage, 11–12, 358, 371–373, 684
masturbation, 133, 166–171, 190T
masturbatory fantasies, 163–165, 189T, 650, 667
moving pictures, 659, 662
neurologic bases, 696F, 708–713. See Nervous system.
nightclub shows, 657
nocturnal sex dreams, 192–195, 212–214, 668
nude figures, 652–655, 657
nudity, 260, 365, 400T, 652
observation, 651–664, 678
peeping, 663
petting, 261, 266
pre-adolescence, 103, 114–116
preferences, 645, 664
pre-marital coitus, 307–310, 313–321, 314F, 315F, 318F, 319F, 344T, 345T
promiscuity, 110, 409–412, 458, 682–684
psychoanalytic interpretations. See Psychoanalytic interpretations.
psychosexual development, 16, 109, 114, 116, 125
recall, reliability and validity, 66–83, 70T, 72T, 74T, 77T, 78T, 81T, 82T
regret, 115, 169–170, 261, 316–319, 345T, 431 ff., 477–479, 501T
sado-masochism, 88, 213, 226T, 646, 676–679, 681
satisfaction, 639
sexual action, observing, 661–664
social factors, effectiveness, 685–687, 685T
stories, erotic, 669–671, 676
sympathetic responses, 372, 648
transvestism, 451, 646, 679–681
variation, individual, 163, 164, 650, 688
vicarious sharing of experience, 138, 504, 646, 675
virginity, 323, 344T
voyeurism, 663
wall inscriptions, 87, 673–675
Pubic hair, age at development, 80, 81T, 122, 123, 124F, 126F, 131T, 725
Public Health Service, 25
Pudendal nerve, 695, 699
Pulse rate, sexual response, 595–599, 596F–598F, 636
Pupil, dilation in sexual response, 615, 622
Pussep , 599, 600, 600F, 601, 601F, 628
Quanter , 89
Questionnaire vs. interview, 62, 63
Questions asked in interview, 44, 64
Quiescence after orgasm, 637
biting in sexual activity, 678
cerebral function, 710
conditioned responses, 647
homosexual contacts, 449
hormones and behavior, 751
masturbation, 135
orgasm in female, 629
sex play, 229, 283
biting in sexual activity, 678
conditioned responses, 647, 655
homosexual contacts, 449
masturbation, 135
sex play, 229
Rado , 377
Radvanyi , 25
Rakoff , 749
Ram, 449, 605, 610
Rambach , 133
Ramsey , 95, 572, 733, 737
Rank , 170
Ranson , 691, 713
Rape, 213, 287, 321
Raphael, 654 ·
Rapport, in interview, 24, 26, 29, 58, 60–62
Rasmussen , 121, 712
Rasquin , 711, 738
biting in sexual activity, 678
castration and behavior, 733, 738
cerebral function, 710
conditioned responses, 655
distraction from coitus, 669
erection, 605
homosexual contacts, 449
hormones and behavior, 751
masturbation, 135
sex play, 229, 283
Rating, heterosexual-homosexual, 468–474, 470F, 473F, 474F, 499T, 500T
Rattler , 167
Rau , 88
Read , A., 87
Read, J. , 88
Recall, reliability and validity, 66–83, 70T, 72T, 74T, 77T, 78T, SIT
Recorded data, 83–89
art materials, 86, 653, 671–675
calendars, 84
clinical records, x, 90
correspondence, 85
diaries, 84
fiction, original, 85
graffiti, 87, 673–675
photographic collections, 85
sado-masochistic material, 88, 676–679
scrapbooks, 85
Reed , 229, 449, 588
Reflex arc, 694
Refusal rates in sampling, 25–28, 45
Regret after sexual activity, 115, 169–170, 261, 316–319, 345T, 431 ff., 477–479, 501T
Regularity in sexual activity, 236, 289, 419, 456, 542, 681
Reich, A. , 170
Reich, W. , 170, 307, 595, 605, 613, 632
Reichard , 412
Reichhold , 88
Reik , 677
Reiman , 430
Reisinger , 214
Reiskel , 87
Reliability, reported data, 66–83, 70T, 72T, 74T, 77T, 78T, 81T
Religion. See Bible, Catholic code, Jewish code, Mohammedan, Moral interpretations, Religious background, Talmud.
Religious background
defined, 55
distribution in sample, 32T, 34
effect of, female vs. male, 685T, 686
extra-marital coitus, 424, 425F, 443T
homosexual, 463–466, 464F, 465F, 497T, 498T
marital coitus, 359–360, 381, 398T, 404T
masturbation, 154–158, 155F, 157F, 187T
nocturnal sex dreams, 203–205, 204F, 205F, 224T
orgaem in marital coitus, 381, 404T
petting, 247–249, 247F–249F, 278T, 279T
pre-marital coitus, 304–307, 305F, 306F, 318, 319F, 342T, 343T, 345T
total outlet, 515, 521–524, 524F, 525F, 529, 531, 556T
Remplein , 165, 167, 170, 303, 448
Renoir, 654
Renshaw , 741
Reported data, 64–66. See Interviews.
Reservatus, coitus, 625
Respiration in sexual response, 605, 606F, 636
Response, sexual
anatomy, 567–593
hormonal factors, 714–761. See Endocrine glands.
neurologic bases, 690–713. See Nervous system.
orgasm, 510–564. See Orgasm; Total outlet.
physiologic bases, 594–641. See Physiology, sexual response.
psychologic factors, 642–689. See Psychologic aspects.
Retakes, 68–75, 70T, 72T
Reymert , 606, 614, 704
Reynolds , 81, 122, 123, 124
Rhythm, arousal by, 590
Rice, T. , 195
Rice, V. , 450, 645, 727, 733, 745
Richter , 88
Rickles , 119, 657
Rigidity, tonic decerebrate, 707
Rioch , 691, 710
Riolan , 141, 158, 159, 165, 166
Roark , 609, 651
Roberts , 24
Robie , 108, 168, 191, 193, 234, 252, 253, 610
Robinson, D. , 477
Robinson, S. , 597
Robinson, V. , 448, 503, 508
Robinson, W. , 163, 171, 448, 469
Rockefeller Foundation, 3
Rocking, in children, 160
Rockwood , 303, 309
Rodin, 654
Rohleder , 133, 138, 141, 150, 153, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 191, 193, 207, 214, 285, 296, 390, 467, 476, 478, 503, 587, 602, 604, 605, 607, 610, 613, 625, 632, 633, 634, 638, 712
Roland , 191
Roman literature. See Classical literature.
Romans , 482, 484
Romeo, 13
Root , 605, 647, 695, 696, 697
Rosanoff , 167, 677
Rosenbaum , 158, 163, 166
Rosenquist , 193
Rosenthal , 191, 234, 287, 292, 375, 416, 453
Rosenzweig , 750
Ross , 63, 95
Rossen , 606
Rössie , R., 742
Roth , 726
Rothman , 742
Rotman , 119
Roubaud , 595, 603, 605, 610, 613, 615, 620, 622, 623, 630, 632, 634, 638, 639
Rowlands , 645
Rubens, 654
Rubenstein , 610
Ruch , 572
Ruland , 167
Rundlett , 737, 758
Rural-urban background
animal contacts, 504
defined, 55
distribution in sample, 33T, 34
effect of, female vs. male, 504, 686
homosexual, 463, 463F, 497T
masturbation, 153, 154F, 185T
nocturnal sex dreams, 203, 222T
petting, 246, 277T
pre-marital coitus, 303, 303F, 341 T
total outlet, 515, 521, 555T
Russell, B. , 430
Rutgers , 625
Sable, 229, 588, 678
Sacher-Masoch , 89
Sacro-lumbar area, 695–699
Sade , 89
Sadger , 103, 116
Sadler, L. , 170, 448, 467, 475, 595, 599, 604, 607, 610, 615, 617, 623
Sadler, W. , 126, 170, 448, 467, 475, 595, 599, 604, 607, 610, 615, 617, 623
Sado-masochism, 88, 163, 646, 676–679, 681
Salivary gland, 613
Salmon , 748
Salter , 756
Sample and sampling, 22–45
active, defined, 49
age at adolescence, 33T, 35
age range, 31, 32T, 33T
analysis. See Statistical analysis.
decade of birth, 33T, 35
distribution, 21–45, 32T, 33T, 36F, 37F
educational background, 31, 32T
functions, 23
geographic ocigin, 35, 36F, 37F
group sampling, 26, 28–31
hundred per cent groups, 30
inadequacies, 36
marital status, 32T, 34
number of cases, 43–45
occupational class of subject, 33T, 34
occupations of females, 39–41
occupations of husbands, 41–43
parental occupational class, 33T, 34
prison experience, 22
probability sampling, 23–28
race, 22, 32T, 33T
religious background, 32T, 34
rural-urban background, 33T, 34
size of sample, 31–37, 32T, 33T, 36F, 37F, 43–45
sources, 29–31, 37–38
total, defined, 49
volunteers, 30
Samuel , 428
Sanchez , 260, 321, 370
Sand , 728
Sandblom , 746
Sanger , 167, 171
Sanhedrin , 260, 482, 507
Sanskrit literature, 231, 363, 368, 477, 571
Sappho , 446, 477
Satires , 362, 477
Satisfactions from sexual activity, 639
Satow , 88, 284
Satyricon , 136, 232
SCAP, probability sampling, 25
Scented Garden , 231
Schaffer , 486
Schaffner , 94, 300
Schapera , 135, 363
Schbankov , 103, 106, 113, 139, 143, 196, 228, 233, 237, 287, 288, 292, 311, 349, 383, 416, 610
Scheinfeld , 677, 679
Scheuer , 296, 298
Schilgen , 169
Schlichtegroll , 88
Schmalhausen , 163
Schmidt , 414
Schonfeld , 725
Schroeter , 430
Schultz , 533
Scope of the study, 3–21
Scott, Cyril , 244
Scott, J. , 599
Scott, W. , 723, 726, 745, 749, 750, 759
Scott, W. B. , 89
Scrapbooks, sexual, 85
Scrotum, 578, 623
Sea lion, 410, 678
Seal, 411, 651
Sears , 116
Secretions. See Glands.
Seher , 169
Self-fellation, 618
Selye , 720, 721, 722, 723, 725, 726, 729, 730, 732, 734, 747, 748, 749, 750, 751
Semans , 691, 695
Semen, 611, 634–636. See Ejaculation.
Seminal vesicles, 195, 575F, 611, 634
Semi-skilled laborers, defined, 54
Sense organs
tactile, 570–572, 577T, 580, 585, 693
other, 571, 590–591
Sensory perception, in sexual response, 613–617, 637
Sex education, 15, 108–122, 176T
Sex hormones. See Androgens and Estrogens. Sex law. See Legal aspects.
Sex offenders. See Legal aspects.
Sex offenses. See Legal aspects.
Sex play
anthropologic data, 108, 232, 283
homosexual. See Homosexual, techniques.
mammalian, 102, 229, 282–283, 362
petting, 227–281. See Petting, techniques.
pre-adolescent, 101–122. See Pre-adolescence.
pre-coital, 252–259. See Petting, techniques.
Sexual Behavior in the Human Male , 3, et passim
Sexual climax. See Orgasm.
Shadle , ix, 91, 135, 229, 449, 450, 588, 629, 645, 647, 656
biting in sexual activity, 678
homosexual contacts, 449
sex play, 229, 283
Shelden , 193
Shelesnyak , 81, 124
Sherwin , 371, 484
Shields, x
Shinozaki, N. , 96
Shock , 606, 614, 704
Shorr , 748
Shrew, 195, 678
Shuttleworth , 81, 122, 123, 124, 125
Siedel , 169
Siegler , 125, 607, 608, 754
Sigma of mean, 51
Significant differences, 51
Simon , 88
Singer , 746
Single females, 514F, 518–527, 519F, 523F, 525F, 530F, 534F, 535F, 540F, 549T–551T, 553T–556T, 562T, 563T. See Marital status.
Single standard, 324
Size of sample, 31–37, 32T, 33T, 36F, 37F, 43–45
Skilled laborers, defined, 54
Skopts, 367
biting in sexual activity, 678
conditioned responses, 647, 655
masturbation, 135
sex play, 229, 283
Slater , 287, 349, 373, 375, 383
nudity in, 365, 400T
sexual responses in, 191–226. See Nocturnal sex dreams.
Sling, pelvic, 582, 585
Smell, sense of, in sexual response, 616
Smelzer , 135, 229, 647
Smith, G. F. , 95, 228, 234, 239
Smith, G. V. , 721, 754
Smith, M. , 526
Smith, P. , 751
Smithwick , 695
Smitt , 458
Smooching, 231. See Petting.
Snake, 503
Sneezing, 631
Snow , 167
Social control of sexual behavior. See Legal aspects.
Social factors in sexual behavior, 53–55, 66, 685–687, 685T, See:
Decade of birth
Educational level
Marital status
Marriage, age at
Parental occupational class
Religious background
Rural-urban background
Social level. See Educational level and Parental occupational class.
Social significance
animal contacts, 507–509
extra-marital coitus, 430–436, 445T
homosexual contacts, 140, 476–487, 501T
marital coitus, 346, 371
masturbation, 132, 171–173
petting, 140, 227, 264–267
pre-adolescent activity, 108, 114–116, 120–122
pre-marital coitus, 307–310, 326–330, 406T
See Legal aspects.
Socio-sexual activity as measure of female capacity, 250
Sodomy, 262, 370, 483–486, 508
Solon , 349
Song of Songs , 231
Sotah , 482
Soul kissing, 252
Soule , 749
Sounds, sexual arousal by, 590
Sources of arousal and orgasm
first sources, 105, 513, 516, 545T
married females, 530F, 531, 562T, 564T
number, 542, 560T
percentage. See Percentage of total outlet.
previously married females, 531F, 536, 562T
single females, 524, 527F, 534F, 535F, 562T, 563T
variation. See Variation.
Sources of data, 58–97, 569
observed, 89–92. See Observed data:
recorded, 83–89. See Recorded data.
reported, 64–83. See Reported data.
Spain, 323, 324
Spalding , 166
Sparrow , 654
Spasms, muscular, after orgasm, 631
Speed of orgasm, 163
Speigel , 307
Sphincters, anal, 585
Spinal cord, 192, 193, 694–701, 694F, 696F
Spitz , 141, 160, 167
Spouses, comparisons of data, 74T, 75
Spragg , 135
Squier , 170, 265, 375
Squirrel, 135
Stall , 352
Stallion. See Horse.
Standard error, defined, 51
Statistical analysis, 45–57
accumulative incidence, 46
active incidence, 47
age, 53
age at onset of adolescence, 55
coefficient of correlation, 53
decade of birth, 55
educational level, 53
frequency classes, 48
frequency of activity, 47
incidence, 46–47
incomplete data, 43–45
marital status, 53
mean frequency, 50
median frequency, 49
parental occupational class, 54
percentage of total outlet, 52
religious background, 55
rural-urban background, 55
sampling. See Sampling.
significant differences, 51
standard error, 51
U. S. estimates, 56
weighting procedures, 56
Statistical significance, defined, 52
Statistical studies, previously published, 94
Statutory rape, 287
Steinach , 719
Steiner , 133, 167
Steinfeld, J. , 615, 711
Steinhardt , 167
Stekel , 88, 103, 113, 116, 133, 141, 160, 163, 167, 168, 170, 193, 199, 374, 375, 376, 377, 447, 448, 679
Stephens , 261
Sterility , 125, 747
Stern, B. , 136, 231, 363
Stern, E. , 122, 126, 138
Stevens , 742, 750, 755
Stier , 691, 711
Stiles , 232, 285
Stockham , 625
Stokes , 168, 191, 197, 307, 376, 388, 583
Stone, A. , x, 252, 253, 256, 257, 307, 365, 375, 376, 588, 595, 604, 605, 607, 610, 615, 625, 628, 638, 639
Stone, C. , 123, 135, 282, 588, 610, 691, 695, 710, 712, 732, 733, 734, 741, 745, 746, 748
Stone, H. , 252, 253, 256, 257, 307, 365, 375, 376, 588, 595, 604, 605, 607, 610, 615, 625, 628, 638, 639
Stone, L. , 171
Stone-ache, 263, 612
Stookey , 699
Stopes , 625
Stories, erotic, response to, 669–671, 676
Stotijn , 746
Strain , 167, 313, 447
Strakosch , 95, 142, 143, 257, 258, 286, 287, 416, 432
Stratz , 122, 123
Strauss , 657, 679
Stroke during coitus, 599
Sturgis , 153, 171, 365, 610
Stürup , 743
Sullivan, M. , 244
Summa Theologiae Moralis , 321
Summaries and comparisons. See Male, comparison with female.
Sundt , 285, 296, ·326
Swinburne , 89
Symonds, C. P. , 711
Sympathetic nervous system, 695, 701–704
Sympathetic responses, sexual, 372, 648
Sympathin, 702
Syndrome, sexual, 134, 594, 703–707, 704T
Tables, List of, xix-xxv
Tactile sensitivity, 570–590, 577T, 595, 615, 693–695, 694F
Taft , 654
Takara Bunko , 231, 284
Talbot, H. , 193, 695, 696, 701
Talbot, N. , 721, 723, 747, 751, 753, 756
Talmey , 141, 166, 171, 191, 234, 263, 430, 447, 467, 469, 486, 506, 595, 605, 607, 608, 613, 615, 623, 625, 632, 633, 638, 639, 676, 679
animal contacts, 507
extra-marital coitus, 429
homosexual, 482, 483, 484, 489
marital coitus, 367
masturbation, 168
nudity, 260
Tanala tribe, 679
Tandler , 727, 739
Tappan , 120, 324, 728, 750
Taste, sense of, during sexual response, 616
Tauber , 742
Taylor , 95, 167, 448
Techniques, sexual
anal, 163, 581
animal contacts, 505–506
breast contacts, 161, 253, 254F, 255F, 280T, 361, 399T, 466, 492T
genital apposition, 258, 281T, 467, 492T
homosexual, 130T, 466–468, 492T, 581, 658
mammal, 111–114, 158–163, 253–257, 254F, 280T, 466–468
marital coitus, 360–366, 399T
masturbation, 104–107, 158–163, 189T, 573–580 .
oral, 257–258, 587–588. See Mouthgenital activity and Oral techniques.
petting, 251–259, 254F, 255F, 280T, 281T .
pre-adolescent, heterosexual, 108, 111–113, 119, 130T
pre-adolescent, homosexual, 114, 130T
pre-coital, 251–259, 254F, 255F, 280T, 311, 361, 364, 399T, 427
pre-marital coitus, 255F, 257–258, 310–313
Tembu tribe, 196
Temperature, during sexual response, 603
Temperature sense, in sexual respbnse, 616
Temporal lobes, 710
Tension, muscular. See Muscular tensions.
Terman , vii, 6, 82, 95, 121, 234, 237, 243, 246, 264, 265, 286, 298, 302, 307;348, 349, 352, 354, 357, 365, 374, 375, 377, 379, 381, 383, 385, 388, 389, 428, 431, 432, 486, 610
Terrill , 609
Testis, 575F, 612, 716, 720 ff., 724–750
Testosterone. See Androgens.
Theocritus , 232, 284
Thieme , 654
Thigh pressures in masturbation, 159
Thighs, erotic sensitivity, 589
Thimann , 729, 731
Thirst after sexual activity, 637
Thoracic muscles, in sexual response, 621
Thorn , 729
Thornton , H., 376
Thornton, N. , 167, 448
Thorpe , 677, 680
Thymus, 720
Thyroid, 720, 753–754
Tibullus , 232
Tiger, 678
Timothy , 482
Tinklepaugh , 610, 645
Tissot , 166, 168, 171, 191, 532
Toes, in sexual response, 620
Toilet wall inscriptions, 87, 673–675
Toliver, x
Tongue kissing, 252, 255F, 280T, 361, 399T, 466, 492T
Tonic decerebrate rigidity, 707
Total mean frequency, defined, 51
Total median frequency, defined, 49
Total outlet
defined, 510–511
female vs. male data, 519–520, 538, 714F, 716F
frequency, 518–523, 519F, 523F, 528–529, 533, 538, 540F, 541F, 548T–551T, 553T–556T, 559T, 714F, 716F
incidence, accumulative, 512F, 513–518, 514F, 516F, 517F, 521, 522F, 524F, 526, 528, 533, 544T, 546T–548T, 552T, 553T, 555T, 556T
incidence, active, 518–523, 519F, 523F, 525F, 528–529, 533, 535, 548T–551T, 553T–556T
individual variation, 537–543, 540F, 541F
pre-marital outlet, 519–520
sources. See Percent of total outlet.
vs. age, 512F, 513, 514, 514F, 518, 519F, 523F, 525F, 528, 533, 544T, 548T, 549T, 714F, 716F
vs. age at adolescence, 515, 521, 553T, 554T
vs. age at marriage, 514, 516, 517F, 546T, 547T, 552T
vs. decade of birth, 515, 521, 522F, 523F, 529, 552T, 553T
vs. educational level, 515, 520, 529, 534F, 535, 535F, 544T, 546T, 547T, 550T, 563T, 564T
vs. marital status, 514F, 518–537, 519F, 523F, 530F, 531F, 546T, 549T–551T, 553T, 554T, 556T, 562T, 716F
vs. parental occupational class, 515, 521, 529, 548T, 551T
vs. religious background, 515, 521–524, 524F, 525F, 529, 531, 556T
vs. ruril.l-urban background, 515, 521, 555T
Toial sample, defined, 49
Touch, sensitivity, 570–590, 577T, 595, 615, 693–695, 694F
Townsend , 141
Transvestism, 451, 646, 679–681
Treichler , 662
Tristram, 13
Trobriand Islanders
castration, 718, 719
coital positions, 363
coitus vs. pregnancy, 718
sex dreams, 196
sex play, 108, 283
Tumescence, 603–605
Turbes, 710
Turner, C. , 719, 720, 721, 722, 723, 729, 730, 747, 751
Turner, H. , 726, 747
Turrentine , 728
Types of sexual activity, 99–564
Ulysses , 671
Unconsciousness during orgasm, 613, 628
Underworld, defined, 54
Undeutsch , 580
Unmarried females. See Single females.
Unskilled laborers, defined, 54
Upper white collar groups, defined, 55·
Upper white collar groups in sample, 33T, 34
Urbach , 599, 603, 608, 613, 625, 627, 632, 633, 638
Urban. See Rural-urban.
Urethra, erotic sensitivity, 163, 576
Urination after sexual activity, 637
Uripev people, 679
U. S. Bureau of. Census, 24, 25
U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 25, 26
U. S. corrections, 56
U.S. Department of Agriculture, 25
U. S. estimates, 56
U.S. Public Health Service, 25
Uterus, in orgasm, 633
Vagina, erotic sensitivity, 159, 162, 171, 577T, 579–584
Vaginal orgasm, 582–584, 632
Valentine , 103, 134
Validity and reliability of reported data, 62, 66–83, 70T, 72T, 74T, 77T, 78T, 81T, 82T
Vander Hoog , 167, 526
Van de Velde , 252, 253, 256, 257, 258, 365, 376, 571, 587, 588, 589, 595, 599, 602, 604, 605, 606, 607, 608, 610, 613, 615, 616, 617, 620, 628, 632, 635, 637, 638
Van Gulik , 88
Van Vechten, Carl , 244
Variation, individuil.l, 537–543, 639, 687–689
aging, 542
anatomy and physiology of response, 376–391, 577T, 594, 625–627, 639
animal contacts, 506
extra-marital coitus, 419, 419F
female vs. male, 537–539, 625–627, 649–689
homosexual, 456, 456F
marital coitus, 35G-352, 351F, 395T
masturbation, 146, 147F, 163, 164, 179T
nocturnal sex dreams, 197, 199, 199F
orgasm, 376–391, 625–627, 639
petting, 237, 237F
pre-marital coitus, 289, 290F, 335T
psychologic, 163, 164, 539, 540, 649–689
sources of arousal and orgasm, 540, 542, 560T
speed of response, 625–627
total outlet, 537–543, 540F, 541F
Vas deferens, 611
Vatsyayana , 231, 363, 477, 571
Vecki , 167
Venereal disease, 318, 327, 345T
Vermeil , 169
Vernacular, in interview, 61
Vest , 726
Vestibule, vaginal, 577T, 579, 591
Vibrator in masturbation, 163
Vicarious sharing of experience, 138, 504, 646, 675
Vigman , 298
Virgil , 232
Virginity, attitudes toward, 323, 344T
Virgin’s Dream , 623
Visual capacity, in sexual response, 614
Visual stimuli. See Observation.
Vocabulary, in interview, 61
Vocalization at orgasm, 632
Volunteers, in sampling, 30
Von Bechterew , 712
Von Mering , 720
Vorberg , 88, 136
Voyeurism, 663
Vulva, mental, 163
Waehner , 86
Wagner , 123
Walker , 657, 679
Wall inscriptions, 87, 673–675
Wallace , 653, 654
Waller , 126, 261, 533
Walsh , 89
Wangson , 266, 285, 287, 296, 298
Ward , 135
Warner, M. , 287
Wamer, W. , 90
Warren , 728
Washington Public Opinion Laboratory, 25
Wasps, The , 232, 284
Wassermann , 88
Weatherhead , 167, 263
Webster , 125
Weigall , 477
Weikofen , 119, 483
Weil , 712
Weisman , 608, 612, 633, 747
Weiss , 374, 377
Weissenberg , 96, 103, 106, 113, 139, 143, 148, 196, 228, 233, 234, 237, 287, 288, 292, 293, 311, 349, 383, 416, 526, 610
Welander, 96, 303, 311
Wells, F. , 95
Wells, H. B, ix
West , 90, 141
Westbrook , 122
Westermarck , 284, 414, 482, 483, 484, 719
Wet dreams. See Nocturnal sex dreams.
Wexberg , 677
Wharton, F. , 323, 484
Wharton, H. , 477
Wharton, L. , 572
Wheeler , 284
White collar groups, defined, 54–55
White collar groups, in sample, 33T, 34
Whitelaw , 695
Whitney , 609
Widows, 531F, 532–537, 549T, 550T, 559T, 562T
Wife-lending, 414
Wife-swapping, 435
Wikman , 232
Williams, R. , 721, 723, 726, 729, 730, 734, 745, 749, 750, 751, 753, 754, 759
Williams, W. , 135, 503, 609, 737
Willoughby , 103
Wilson , 733
Windsor , 162
Wines , 81, 123, 124
Winternitz, vi
Wirz , 159, 162
Wittels , 117
Wolf , 727, 742
Wolfe , 728
Wolff , 449
Wolkin , 696, 699
Wolman , 96, 234, 288
Wondratschek , 169
Wood-Allen , 261
Woodside , 287, 349, 373, 375, 383
Woodworth , 647
World War I, effect of, viii, 244, 298–301, 358. See Decade of birth.
Woroschbit , 95, 285, 287, 288, 292, 298, 416, 421, 425, 432
Worry over sexual activity, 115, 169–170, 190T, 261, 316–319, 345T, 431 ff., 477–479, 501T
Wright, C. A. , 759
Wright, H. , 253, 256, 625
Wulffen , 103, 139, 150, 167, 170, 653
Yakut people, 414, 679
Yarros , 375
Yates , 24
Years, number involved in sexual activity
extra-marital coitus, 425, 444T
homosexual, 458, 492T
masturbation, 147, 177T
petting, 238, 272T
pre-adolescent sex play, 111, 114, 129T
pre-marital coitus, 291, 336T
Yebamoth , 367, 429, 482, 484, 507
Yerkes , viii, ix, 125, 135, 588, 609, 610, 645, 651, 657
Yoruba tribe, 196
Young, C. D. , 232
Young, P. , 63
Young, W. , 91, 125, 229, 733, 737, 748, 751, 758
Youth, sexual problems, 13–17
Yukaghir tribe, 679
Zavin , 484
Zebra, 678
Zell , 135, 503
Zikel , 390
Zitrin , 647, 661
Zoophilia . See Animal contacts.
Zoroaster , 349
Zubin , 108, 135, 136, 229, 283, 449, 450, 588, 596, 598, 605
Zuckennan , 135, 229, 283, 411, 412, 588, 651
Zuni Indians, 679