Principle 1: Take 100% Responsibility for Your Life
Principle 2: Believe It’s Possible
Principle 3: Decide What You Want
Principle 4: Be Clear Why You’re Here
Principle 5: See the Best to Be the Best
Principle 6: Unleash the Power of Goal-Setting
Principle 7: Release the Brakes
Principle 8: See What You Want, Get What You See
Principle 10: Just Lean into It
Principle 11: Face Your Fears Head-On!
Principle 12: Be Willing to Pay the Price
Principle 14: Reject Rejection
Principle 15: Use Feedback to Fast-Forward
Principle 16: Stop Hanging with Turkeys and Soar with Eagles
Principle 17: Keep Score of Your Success and Build on It
Principle 18: Perform with Persistence by Keeping Your Eyes on the Prize
Principle 19: Give Your Best to Be Your Best
Principle 20: Start Now . . . Just Do It!
Conclusion: Our Challenge to You
If we did all the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves.
—Thomas A. Edison
American inventor and businessman