Note: (SI) after individuals’ names indicates Solomon Islander

Aaron Ward, 262, 288

Acorn (Red) One, 278

Adams, Harry M., 231, 238, 246-48, 253-55, 271, 299, 305

Allied Intelligence Bureau (AIB), 10, 16

Alligator Creek, 206

Amerine, Richard, 223

Andresen, A. M. “Andy,” 4, 19–20, 48, 90, 95, 215, 274, 291

Anea (SI), 45, 144, 177, 179–80, 196

Aola, 7, 16, 23–24, 31, 38–39, 42, 48, 61, 63, 66, 72–73, 76–78, 81–83, 86, 89, 96, 98, 100–103, 105, 108–10, 115, 119, 121–22, 125, 127, 129–35, 140, 144, 148, 151, 157, 165, 171–72, 177–78, 180–81, 183–84, 192, 231, 238–39, 242–43, 246–47, 249, 252–54, 260, 265, 267, 269, 271–72, 274–76, 278–83, 285–89, 291, 300, 305–6; coastwatcher team at, 5; government station described, 38–39; prison and prisoners at, 45–69; Japanese prisoners at, 181; garrison, 71; evacuation of, 109–10, 112, 114, 119, 121; security patrol at, 278–80, 288

Aola Bay, 38, 63, 269, 294

Aola River, 247

Army units: XIV Corps, 24–25, 309; Americal Division, 293; 25th Division, 45; 1st Battalion, 147th Infantry, 278

Arthur, John M., 237

Aruligo, 86

Atlanta, 288

Aubin, Jean Marie, 47, 49, 78, 82, 85, 146, 231, 239–42

Auckland, New Zealand, 14

Auki, 40, 59, 63, 66, 80, 108, 111–12

Australia, 191

Avu Avu mission, 49, 73, 116, 169, 180, 281, 305

Baddeley, Walter H., 59, 73, 230

Balo, 79, 121, 177

Balus, 99, 103–4

Bambatana, 159

Bamboo Creek, 198

Banco, 268

Banta, Sheffield, 228

Bara Island, 38, 72, 269

Battle of Edson’s Ridge, 23, 226–30, 239. See also Raider’s Ridge

Battle of Guadalcanal, 287–89

Battle of the Matanikau, 264–67

Battle of Midway, 8, 10

Battle of Savo Island, 312

Battle of the Coral Sea, 8, 10, 106–9

Battle of the Tenaru, 212–14, 239, 251

Beato (SI), 43, 71, 145, 164, 175, 178, 183, 195, 211, 268–69

Belaga, 122–23, 133, 192

Bengough, C. N. F., 12, 35, 40–42, 53, 59, 82, 87, 89, 105, 107–8, 111–12, 130, 134, 232, 240, 243, 291

Berande, 48, 58, 67, 71, 73–76, 80, 82, 84, 86, 89–90, 95, 102, 138, 151, 156–57, 160–61, 164, 178, 181, 183

Berande Plantation, 47, 60, 61

Berande River, 181–82

Bewley, Wilbur E, 210

Bili (SI), 210

Bilua, 50

Bingiti (SI), 44–45, 102, 112, 117, 123, 125, 127, 129, 131, 135, 137, 144, 150, 182, 238, 248

Binu, 309

Bird, Charlie, 97, 99, 103–4

Blaikie, Jack, 55

Blue Goose, 259

Bogese, George (SI), 66, 117, 119, 121, 124, 135, 139, 183

Bokoagau, 193–95, 216, 220

Bokokimbo River, 132

Bolikeli (SI), 137

Bombadeha, 215

Botu (SI), 183

Boudard, Jean, 49, 116, 180, 216, 305

Bougainville, 25, 51, 57, 74–75, 79, 104, 111–12, 191, 234, 288; airfields on, 11

Boye, Ruby Olive, 41–42

Boye, Samuel S., 42

British Colonial Service, 7

British Solomon Islands Constabulary, 12

British Solomon Islands Protectorate (BSIP), 1, 33

British Solomon Islands Protectorate Defence Force (BSIPDF), 6–7, 43, 81, 82, 96, 258, 304

Brooke, J. I., 294

Brooksbank, Walter H., 219

Brush, Charles H., Jr., 206–9, 212, 248

Brush-Turkey, 104

Buckley, Edmund J., 22, 24, 104, 199, 200, 202, 204, 212–13, 219, 221–23, 225, 230–32, 236–37, 240, 244, 249, 256, 264, 282–84, 298, 305–6, 311

Buin, 78

Buka, airfields on, 11

Bullen, H. W., 41

Bumbugoro, 154

Bunga (SI), 44, 254, 260

Bungana, 117

Burnham, 268

Burns, Philp & Company (South Sea) Ltd., 4, 34, 47, 55, 58, 148

Buru (SI), 45

CACTUS, 14, 17, 286, 306, 308

Callaghan, Daniel G., 288

Cambridge, Rolf, 7, 76–77

Campbell, F. M., 48, 89–92, 95, 141, 164, 169, 182, 186, 195, 214–15, 274, 291, 305

Canberra, 191

Cape Beaufort, 47

Cape Esperance, 36, 47, 80, 84, 151, 156–57, 194, 223, 233–34, 286, 290; described, 36–39; Japanese post at, 157

Cape Henslow, 111

Cape Hunter, 168, 180

Carl, Marion, 231; awarded Navy Cross, 239

Carlson, Evans F., 24, 242, 265, 277–79, 282, 291, 293

Carlson’s Raiders, 277, 309

Cates, Clifton B., 199, 208, 210–11, 243; awarded Navy Cross, 239

Chaku (SI), 44, 177, 179, 196, 260, 264–65, 299–300

Chaparuka (SI), 43, 46, 71, 85, 177, 197

Chimi (SI), 43, 71, 138, 140–41, 143, 145–46

Choiseul, 33

Christine, 129

Claffey, Art, 203, 233, 295

Coastwatchers, 3, 12, 14, 19, 41, 104, 114, 221. See also Ferdinand

Coffman, Raymond P., 297

Coicaud, Jean, 48, 217

Colhoun, 219

Combined Chiefs of Staffs, 9

Commander, South Pacific Area and Forces (ComSoPac), 9, 13. See also Ghormley; Halsey

Corry, Ralph, 18

Cram, Jack, 259

Cresswell, Lenard B., 207, 211

Crutchley, Victor A. C., 15, 17

Custer, Stephen A., 18

Davis, Leonard M., 107

de Klerk, Emery, 22, 47, 170, 241, 305

de Mendaña, Alvaro, 32–33

Deke (SI), 43, 71, 122, 124, 149, 177, 225, 243

Dende, 99

Dexter, Dwight H., 236, 244, 247, 258, 260, 297

Dickson, Donald L., 311

Dovu (SI), 44, 98, 149–51, 177, 184, 274, 305

DSIO Lunga, 19. See also Mackenzie

“Dugout Sunday,” 267

Duhamel, Arthur C., 48

Edson, Merritt A., 16, 22–28, 238; awarded Navy Cross, 239

Ekins, Terry, 102–4, 107–10, 120

Engberink, H., 48, 99, 134, 144, 146–47, 179, 192, 215

Enright, William K., 246, 248

Enterprise, 283–84, 288

Espíritu Santo, 259

Evans, Dick, 203, 253, 255, 271, 277, 281, 283, 285, 287

Evans, Raymond J., 238, 247, 252

Ewoldt, Leonard, 116, 120

Fairymead Sugar Company, 51

Faisi, Shortland Islands, 33, 45, 58, 83–84, 86

Feldt, Eric A., 3, 8, 10, 14–15, 40, 64

Ferdinand, 4, 10–11, 14, 16, 19–21. See also Coastwatchers

Fico, 111, 115

Fighter One (airstrip), 272

Fiji, 40, 303, 310

Fike, Charles L., 232

1st Marine Division Association, 26

Fletcher, Frank Jack, 15, 17

Florida Island, 33

Fomalhaut, 241, 278

Forster, Michael J., 41, 43, 107, 126, 130, 134, 141, 306

Fortune, 268, 277

Franklin D. Roosevelt Jones, 50

Freshwater, H. “Bilge,” 48, 90, 215, 260, 274

G. F. Jones, 50, 107, 112, 120

Gaimale, 197, 209

Gallant, T. Grady, 26

Gallipoli, 298

Gannon, James J., 227

Garimani (SI), 44, 151

Garokiki, 300

Gavutu Island, 34, 57–59, 62, 65–66, 77, 90, 99, 104, 112, 117, 123–24, 126–28, 188–89, 195, 224; Japanese installations at, 15; Marine landing on, 16–18, 188–89; Japanese evacuation of, 57–59, 99, 112; Japanese presence at, 123–24; bombing of, 126–27; plan to evacuate, 158–59

Gegende, 114, 265, 269

Geiger, Roy S., 17–18, 232, 259, 269

Genung, J., 220

George Medal, 311

Ghormley, Robert L., 9, 10, 11, 13, 15. See also Commander, South Pacific Area and Forces (ComSoPac)

Givunaga River, 181, 197

Gizo District, 33, 50, 57–59, 130, 134, 140

Goddard, Victor, 294

Goettge, Frank B., 13–14, 16–19; ambush of, 17–18, 200

Gold Ridge, 84, 93, 102, 104, 111, 124, 143, 158–59, 164–65, 169–70, 178, 181, 184, 194, 215, 230, 241, 242–43, 260, 274, 281, 300; looting at, 186; retreat from, 170

Gombia, 114

Gorabusu, 237–38, 242–43, 247, 249, 253–54, 260, 265, 299–300; Japanese presence at, 237–38; attack on, 246–51

Gorabusu River, 250

“Grassy Knoll,” 16

Greater East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere, 2

Gregory, 222

Griffith, Samuel B., II, 224

Guadalcanal Solomon Islands War Memorial Trust, 26

Guadalcanal, census of, 16; description of, 36–39; Japanese build-up on, 243; Japanese order to inhabitants of, 172; Marine landing on, 15–16; Clemens’s comments on landing, 188–95

Guinair, 51

Gumu (SI), 44, 147–48, 161, 177, 179, 211, 218, 248

Gynia, 51, 112, 120

Halavo, 112, 118, 183

Halsey, William F., 283, 294. See also Commander, South Pacific Area and Forces (ComSoPac)

Hamer, Clive, 63–64, 68

Hart, Clarence E. “Clarry,” 48, 70, 75, 88, 145, 192, 216, 261, 285, 290, 298–300, 304

Hay, Kenneth Dalrymple, 4, 19, 37, 41, 47, 57, 59–60, 73–77, 80–82, 84, 86, 90, 95, 99, 102, 143, 145, 158, 160–61, 164, 169–70, 178, 182–83, 195, 215, 242, 274, 281, 291, 299–300, 309–10

Hemsworth, Geoff, 100

Henderson Field, 17, 19, 23–24, 212–13, 226, 233, 244, 255, 263, 287, 303; named, 212

Henderson, Lofton R., 212

Hill, Robert E., 248–49, 252–53, 269, 271

Hing-Li, 50, 72–73, 75, 80, 84, 87, 90, 120, 177

Hodgess, C. H. V. (Viv), 51, 72, 88, 196, 200, 207–8

Holtzman, George W., 297–98

Home Guard, 115, 123, 134; organization of, 113

Hornet, 283

Horton, Dick D. (C.), 16, 20, 31, 38–39, 42, 45, 59, 61, 63, 66–67, 72, 80, 83, 196, 219, 224–25, 234, 240–41, 258, 265

Howard, Robert, 276–78, 302, 306

Hunt, Sanford B., 13, 212

Hyakutake, Harukichi, 295

Hylavo River, 194

Ilu River, 20, 39, 201. See also Tenaru River

Ini (SI), 186

Ishimoto, Terushagi, 171, 209, 212, 217–18, 220, 251, 260–61, 299

Isihanua, Bili (SI), 179

Japanese units; 17th Army, 21, 23; 35th Brigade, 23; Combined Fleet, 9; Ichiki Detachment, 23; Kawaguchi Detachment, 23; 3d Kure Special Naval Landing Force, 16

Johnstone, J. A. “Butcher,” 51, 58, 60–62, 230, 285, 290, 298, 300, 304

Joint Chiefs of Staff, 9, 13

Jones, 103

Jones, John Paul, 235

Josselyn, Henry E., 16, 41–42, 59, 60–61, 63, 65–66, 72, 219, 224, 265

Juneau, 288

Kabini (SI), 46

Kao (SI), 43, 71

Kaolo, 98

Kau Kau River, 48

Kau Kau, 88, 121, 172, 216, 298

Kauri Timber Company, 42

Kawaguchi, Kiyotake, 229, 233

Keeble, Frank, 48, 70–73, 76–77, 98

Keenan, J. H., 41, 54

Kelemedi (Fijian), 92

Kennedy, Donald G., 41–42, 65–66, 89, 101–4, 117, 140, 149, 163, 222, 234, 236, 240, 292

Kerembuta, 154

Kidde, Fred, 203, 295

Kieta, 79

Kilua (SI), 247

Kimbo (SI), 45, 279

King, Ernest J., 8–9, 13

Kira Kira, 33, 43, 109, 126

Koepplinger, Gerald F., 247, 249, 266, 268, 278, 285, 287, 306

Koilo, 71, 90, 95, 129, 143, 149, 218

Koilotumuria, 249, 271, 279, 300; Japanese strength at, 24

Koimate (SI), 43, 46, 71, 125–26, 183, 187, 194–96, 260–61

Kokerana, 50, 103, 107

Kokum, 200. See also Kookoom, Kukum

Kokumbona, 255, 262, 295

Koli Point, 12–13, 23, 39, 115, 138, 150, 192, 195, 243, 255, 274, 280, 282, 285, 293

Kolombangara, 33

Kombito, 51, 56, 65–66, 277

Kombito plantation, 269

Kookoom, 131, 160. See also Kukum, Kokum

Kuini (SI), 135, 183

Kukum, 71, 139, 147, 156–58, 163, 177, 183, 185, 188, 192, 194, 206, 219, 227, 244, 247, 258. See also Kokum, Kookoom

Kukum plantation, 39, 201

Kuper, Geoffrey (SI), 40–42, 66, 234, 292, 306

Kurimarau, 57

Laena (SI), 45, 186, 220, 237, 252

Langabaea, Andrew (SI), 43–44, 71, 82, 86–87, 96, 98–99, 102, 105–7, 110, 114–15, 119–21, 127, 129, 131, 137, 148, 151–52, 165, 171, 178, 181, 192, 220, 224, 247, 254, 269–71, 276, 280, 284, 288, 305

Lardner, 262

Lavoro, 40, 80–81, 84–85, 244

Leauli, Eroni (SI), 44, 66, 90, 102, 111, 119, 121, 133–34, 163, 186, 231, 238–39, 253, 255, 271, 305

Legu Legu (SI), 182, 243

Leineweber, Thomas, 254, 260

Leong (Chinese colonist), 98

Lever Brothers, 4, 8, 16, 20, 34, 39, 51, 86, 201, 287

Lexington, 8

Li-oa (SI), 45, 158–59

Little, 222

Liversedge, Harry B., 25

Lo-ai, 51, 108–9

Lofung, 45, 186, 220

Londoviko (SI), 43, 71, 177–78, 180, 184, 186

Long, Rupert B. M., 3

Love, Joe (SI), 177

Lukin, Harry, 56

Lunga plain, 12, 19; Japanese strength at, 14; Japanese enclave at, 24; Japanese installations at, 15

Lunga plantation, 15, 39, 77, 126, 138–40, 144–47, 149, 156, 158, 163–64, 167–69, 177, 180, 185–98, 201, 218–19, 240, 247, 251–53, 255, 258, 269–72, 277–84, 286–89, 292, 299, 306; Japanese forces at, 149–258; Japanese airfield at, 167, 169; assault at, 188–98; description of, 201; naval battle off, 287–89

Lunga Point, 167, 284, 287; bombing raids at, 284; battle at, 287

Lunga River, 4, 11, 16–18, 20, 39, 199, 202, 220, 227, 242, 261, 266, 293; area described, 39

Luvena (SI), 70, 138, 178, 183

Luvenibuli, 197, 269

MacArthur, Douglas, 8–9, 13

Macfarlan, Donald S., 4, 7, 12, 15, 19–20, 41–43, 46, 56, 61, 63–64, 67, 73–75, 77, 80–84, 86, 89–90, 93, 98–99, 100, 102, 104, 108, 125, 127, 130, 139, 143, 147, 149–50, 156, 158–60, 163–65, 168–70, 172–73, 175, 177–78, 181–82, 184–86, 189–90, 192–93, 195, 198, 203, 207, 211, 214–15, 219, 241–43, 245, 258, 302; personality traits described, 42, 67; evacuation from Gold Ridge, 158–60, 170

Machalinski, Ray, 116

Mackenzie, Hugh, 4, 10–12, 15–16, 19–20, 41, 189, 193, 203–4, 207, 214–15, 231, 234, 240, 242, 255, 263; described, 203; function of, 221

Makambo Island, 34, 57–58, 117, 127, 156, 189

Makile, 140, 144, 147, 150, 163, 190, 209–10, 218; Japanese strength at, 210

Makina, 89, 115–16, 216, 218; mission station at, 88

Mako, 73–77

Malaita, 33, 54, 182

Malaita, 7, 12, 20, 33, 35, 40, 42, 50–51, 59, 61, 63, 67–68, 71, 73, 80, 87, 94–95, 103, 105, 112, 115, 120, 133–34, 139, 151, 160, 177, 180, 221–22, 230, 232, 240, 242–43, 291, 293, 298, 305, 306; radio site at, 4; people of, 71; customs of, 94

Mamara plantation, 126, 258, 262, 289–90

Mangrum, Richard C., 215, 232–33; awarded Navy Cross, 239

Marau Island, 36, 48, 77, 82, 115–16, 120, 141, 172, 177, 186, 216, 220, 231, 237–38, 252, 255, 265, 269, 271, 274, 278, 281, 285; mission at, 305

Marau Sound, 45, 51, 88, 104, 112, 156, 194, 196

Maravovo, 47, 136; mission at, 47, 85, 227

Marchant, William S., 4, 7–8, 20, 22, 41, 43, 57, 59, 63, 65–66, 221, 303

Marine Corps units and commands: 1st Marine Aircraft Wing, 17, 268, 303; 1st Marine Division, 5–6, 11, 13, 15–17, 20–22, 199, 293, 308; 1st Marines, 18, 20, 23, 199, 229, 310; 1st Marine Raider Regiment, 25; 5th Marines, 18, 22, 200, 227, 229, 266, 310–11; 7th Marines, 13, 22, 230–31, 310; 11th Marines, 22, 202, 261; 1st Battalion, 2d Marines, 16; 1st Parachute Battalion, 16, 23, 224, 226–27, 229; 1st Raider Battalion, 16, 22–23, 219, 224–35, 228–29, 232; 1st Service Battalion, 297; 2d Marine Division, 16, 24, 293; 2d Battalion, 1st Marines, 210; 2d Raider Battalion, 24, 265, 279; Marine Aircraft Group 23, 19

Marist Fathers, 37; mission, 47

Maronia plantation, 88

Marovo, 85

Marovo Lagoon, 50

Maruyama, Masao, 299

Mason, P. E., 41, 222

Massaro, Francis, 276, 295, 306

Matanga, 174, 178–79, 181, 190; lack of food at, 185

Matanikau River, 17–18, 32, 162, 196, 200, 204, 206, 208, 214, 223, 226, 228, 230, 232, 233, 236, 256–58, 261, 263, 264–67, 272, 282–83, 290, 293, 295; people of, 162; Matanikau line, 226, 267; deadlock at, 230; ground attack at, 266; Japanese casualties at, 267; Matanikau position taken, 272, 282–83; Japanese atrocities at, 295. See also Battle of the Matanikau

Mather, John V., 22, 24, 230, 232, 243, 257, 265, 278, 293–94

Mboli Passage, 56, 116–17, 162

McCasker, A. W., 41

McCuskey, E. Scott, 111

McDonough, P. J. (Brother Ervan), 48

McFarland, 259

McKean, William B., 14

McMahon, 78, 194

Melanesian Mission, 37, 47, 117

Merillat, Herbert C., 21, 311

Michael (SI), 153–54, 165–66, 175, 187, 197, 202, 208, 211, 247–48, 253–54, 263, 268–69, 277, 284–85, 305–6; wounded, 258

Miller, W. H., 57, 202

Milne, W. R, 63

Mitchell, Philip, 303–4, 306–7

Moran, Hank, 204, 207, 210–11, 213, 222, 235, 272, 295, 299

Moran, Sherwood F. “Pappy,” 22, 202

Morgan, James C. “Butch,” 213, 283

Morinda, 55–56, 64, 77, 103–5, 107, 162

Mount Austen, 16, 24, 215

Munda, 45

Murray, James C., Jr., 21, 283–84

Nagotana Island, 78, 123, 137, 149, 151

Navy Unites: Task Force 61, 15; Transport Divisions, South Pacific Force, 14; 6th Naval Construction Battalion, 263

Nees, Charles M., 261–62

Nelea (SI), 195–96

New Britain, 25, 167, 203; airfields on, 11

New Caledonia, 307

New Georgia, 25, 33, 42, 50, 71, 104, 167

New Guinea, 54, 169; civilian observers in, 3

New Hebrides, 40, 51, 65, 78–79, 104, 120, 167, 187, 259, 266, 307

New Zealand, 11, 13

New Zealand units: 3d New Zealand Division, 294; Royal New Zealand Air Force, 294

Nggela District, 33

Nggela Island, 44, 56, 99, 101, 112, 117, 119–21, 123, 125, 128–29, 135–36, 144, 182

Nicholas, 264

Nimitz, Chester W., 9, 13, 238

Nouméa, 284, 307

Ogilvie, Lawrie, 219; wounded, 258

Olorere (SI), 182, 225

Operation “Bunch of Nuns,” 241–42

Operation SN, 12

Operation Watchtower, 12. See also Cactus, Guadalcanal

Palmer, Claude A., 78

Paripao, 100, 109, 114, 119, 121–23, 127, 129, 131–34, 136, 140–41, 147–48, 150, 154, 157–58, 164, 166, 170, 192–94, 196–97, 220, 238, 269, 300; evacuation to, 109, 114; evacuation of, 153–55; food supply at, 122, 130

Paruru, 72, 88, 196, 218

Peachey, Fred, 296–97

Peagham, 103

Peli (SI), 43, 46, 71, 232

Peter (SI), 153, 197

Pettus, Francis C., 238

Peu, 33

“Pistol Pete,” 263

Plott, Roy M., 111

Point Cruz, 32, 203, 209, 282, 285

Pollock, Edwin A., 209; awarded Navy Cross, 239

Port Moresby, 3, 8 14, 100

Port Purvis, 33

Pule, Daniel (SI), 44, 71, 87, 102, 109–10, 114, 119, 131, 150, 152, 156–67, 170, 172, 183, 185, 192–96, 206–7, 209, 235, 247–49, 252, 254, 260, 269–70, 283, 300, 305

Puller, Lewis B., 232, 266, 272

Rabaul, 1, 3, 135, 167, 169, 183, 213, 267, 292; objectives for, 9

Raider’s Ridge, 227, 229–30, 239

Ramada, 50, 60, 62–63, 72, 100, 104, 112, 115–16, 240–41, 285, 289

Raruru plantation, 51

Read, W. J. “Jack,”, 41, 67, 79, 191, 222, 244

Rendova, 42, 44–45, 265

Rennell Island, 40

Rere, 70, 72–74, 76–77, 87, 133–34, 172, 271

Rere Plantation, 48

Rere Point, 247, 271

Rhoades, F. Ashton “Snowy,” 5, 19, 40–41, 43, 46–47, 80–82, 84–85, 87–88, 98–99, 100, 104, 108, 123, 125, 131, 135–37, 139, 143–47, 149–51, 160, 163–64, 167–70, 177, 180, 194, 226, 230–31, 239–45; rescue of, 20

Ringer, Wilfred, 18

Rob Roy, 51, 72, 77, 270

Roosevelt, James, 24

Rosecrans, Harold E., 16

Roviana, 71

Rowley, Frederick, 47, 230, 242

Ruana, 51, 62, 64, 78–80, 230

Rua Sura, 108, 156, 190–91

Ruavatu, 48, 86, 95, 99, 131, 134, 136, 150, 215, 218–20, 230, 249, 251, 261; mission station at, 86, 170; murder of missionaries at, 251–52

Rupertus, William H., 16, 295

Russell Islands, 45, 72, 81, 241, 258, 265, 288–89, 291

Russell, Don, 99

Sam Dak, 97

Samaria, 26

Sampas, Michael, 303

San Cristobal, 7, 33, 45, 48, 54, 57, 61, 67, 83, 87, 90, 95, 97, 99, 105, 107, 110, 120, 126, 130, 139, 141, 285, 291, 305–6

San Juan, 272

Santa Ana, 33, 78, 306

Santa Catalina, 33

Santa Cruz District/Island, 13, 33, 283

Santa Isabel, 33

Sapuru, 157, 193

Sasambule, Peter (SI), 240, 242

Savo Island, 4–5, 19, 47, 66, 78, 117, 124, 128, 131, 135, 139, 156, 168, 190–91, 222, 257, 288; night action off, 17; Japanese propaganda on, 139. See also Battle of Savo Island

Schroeder, Leif, 4–5, 19, 41, 78, 116, 123, 137, 139, 150, 239–42, 245; rescue of, 20

Scott, Norman, 288

Sebree, Edmund B., 293

Sekowski, Stephen J., 270–72, 274

Selea (SI), 164, 225, 232

Sepo (SI), 243

Seton, C. W., 41

Seveni, 114

Seventh-Day Adventists, 37; mission of, 50

Sexton, T. O., 40–41, 43

Shearwin, Victor, 55

Shoho, 8

Shortland Islands, 33, 51, 57, 59, 83, 99

Sister Edmée, 25, 48, 281–82, 291, 305

Sister Sylvia, 48

Sister Odilia, 48

“Slot, the,” 234, 241, 265

Smith, John L., awarded Navy Cross, 239

Snedeker, Edward W., 13, 22, 289

Snow, Charles Percy, 7

Solomon Islands, civilian observers in, 3; defense of, 2–3

Soule, Karl, 203

South Dakota, 292

South Pacific Scouts, 25. See also Special Service (Commando) Battalion

South Seas Resource Area, 2

Special Service (Commando) Battalion, BSIPDF, 25. See also South Pacific Scouts

Stackpool, F. T., 99

Stafford, Richard T., 249–50, 252

Stevens, Ephrem (Brother Ephrem), 48

Stibbard, Reverend Leslie, 47, 85, 227, 230

Stimpel, Vernon C., 247

“Stovepipe Charley,” 263

Sua, Jack (SI), 173–75, 182

Suagi, 274, 305

Subaliligi (SI), 45

Suinao (Clemens’s dog), 67, 153, 166, 174–75, 179, 202, 236, 257, 305

Suta, 164, 173, 175, 178, 182, 214

Suta River, 164

Sutakama River, 159

Sutakiki, 195

Su’u, Malaita, 104, 107

Suva, Fiji, 33

Tabasui (SI), 45, 72, 164, 182, 234, 243, 265, 309

Tagathagoe (SI), 129

Taivu Point, 23, 48, 151, 154, 157, 162, 164, 192–94, 212, 237, 249; bombing of, 193; Japanese presence at, 237

Talaura, 151

Talisi Bay, 157, 164, 169, 173, 177–78, 182

Tanambogo Island, 31, 61–62, 67–68, 73–74, 76–78, 86, 90, 93, 104, 117, 127–29, 137, 189, 224; bombing of, 76–78, 99–103, 127–29

Tanebuti, 114

Tanekea, 197

Tangarare, 170, 239, 241, 305; mission station at, 47, 231

Taroaniara, 117

Tasimboko, 48, 70, 72, 115, 125, 138, 140, 150, 162, 178, 183–85, 189, 219, 221, 225–26, 229, 235, 251, 265, 270; Japanese assault force at, 23; Japanese strength at, 225–26, 229

Tassafaronga, 219, 258, 262, 286, 289–90; Japanese transports at, 289–90

Taylor, Robert S., 40, 270

Teatupa, 197

Tenaru front, Japanese strength at, 210

Tenaru plantation, 201

Tenaru River, 20, 23, 39, 206, 208, 218, 229, 251, 261, 265–66, 293, 300; Japanese attack at, 229. See also Ilu River, Battle of the Tenaru

Tetere, 125, 167, 226

Thomas, Gerald C., 5, 13–14, 22–24, 225, 236, 246, 267, 274, 281, 283, 285

Thrift, Richard L, (Brother James), 48–49, 88, 115–16, 216, 305

Tim, Yip, 120

Timboe, Arthur C., 272–73

“Tojo Ice Factory,” 296

“Tokyo Express,” 251, 283

Tome (SI), 240

Townsville, Australia, 8, 10, 11, 14, 64

Train, Gordon, 204

Tregaskis, Richard, 21, 201

Trench, David, 22, 258, 262, 266, 273–74, 302, 305

Tuaveku (SI), 46

Tulagi, 50–51

Tulagi Harbor, 93, 103, 107, 127, 137, 156; attack on, 116

Tulagi (island), 10, 13–14, 22, 33–34, 40, 42–44, 47, 54–56, 58–59, 62–64, 66, 70, 72–73, 80, 83–84, 90, 95, 104, 106, 108–10, 114, 116–17, 122, 124, 126–27, 129, 131, 135–37, 139, 144, 149, 151, 154, 158, 162–63,166–67, 183, 188–92, 204, 206, 219, 224–25, 237, 242, 245, 248, 259, 260, 271, 285, 288, 290, 292; Allied bombing of, 4, 7–8, 106–7, 126–27, 135, 137, description of, 34–35; Japanese installations at, 15, 124; landing on, 15, 16; plans for recapture of, 11; port of, 4; prison at, 45; prisoners from, 17; food shortage on, 131; refugees from, 90; Japanese bombardment of, 90; Marine invasion of 188–89

“Tulagiradio,” 40

Turnbull, Anne, 25

Turner, Richmond Kelly, 11, 15–16, 24, 269

Twining, Merrill B., 14, 15, 22–24, 225, 236, 259, 311–12

Ulawa Island, 33, 48

ULTRA, 10, 17

Vakalea (SI), 122, 134–36, 192

Vandegrift, Alexander Archer, 13–21, 24, 199, 206, 225, 228, 236, 239, 242, 269, 283, 294–95, 303–4

van Mechelin, P., 48, 217

Vanikoro, 33, 42

Varuna, 73, 75–77, 103, 108

Vella Lavella, 33

Vila, 11–12, 15–16, 40, 64–66, 167, 230, 307; as a reporting site, 4

Vioru, 180, 194, 261, 265, 290, 299

Visale Island, 72, 82–85, 114, 135–36, 143–44, 178, 194, 231; mission station at, 47; Japanese occupation of, 231

Vololo, 173, 175

Volonavua, 12, 115, 197–98, 206, 209, 272

Vouza, Jacob Charles, 12–13, 18–20, 23–24, 111–12, 115, 138, 139, 150, 152, 178, 192, 195, 197, 206, 211–12, 214, 221–22, 225, 265, 305; capture of, 209–10; awarded Legion of Merit, 30; knighted, 26

Vuchicoro, 177–80, 182

Vungana, 154, 158, 165–66, 168–69, 177, 179–85, 188–89; move to, 153–56; conditions at, 155–57; inaccesiblity of, 176; return to, 178; provision problems at, 164, 181; departure from, 196

Vura (SI), 44, 206, 214, 225, 243

Waddell, A. N. A., 41, 57, 196

Wai-ai, 50, 65, 163

Warden, William H., 241

“Washing Machine Charlie,” 222, 234, 301

Waterman, Hawley C., 297

Webster, Jack, 78–79

Wendling, Ralph E. “Wimpy,” 235, 247–48, 255, 257, 262–63, 266, 268, 271–72, 278–81, 295, 306

Whaling, William J., 22

“Whaling Group,” 22

Wheatley, Hugh, 42

Whitehead, Jim, 203

Wickham, H., 41

Widdy, Charles V., 16, 18, 20, 22, 58, 195–96, 198–99, 284, 290, 295

Williams, Robert H., 16

Wilmot, Billy, 89, 91–92, 94–96, 98, 111, 198

Wilson, C. E. J., 41

Winter, Mike, 202, 262

Wolf, Freddy (Big Bad), 302

Woodford, Charles, 93–94

Yandina, 72

Yorktown, 8, 116, 120

Ysabel, 33, 65, 66, 89, 102, 139, 163, 167, 241, 292, 306

Yuama (Japanese), 151