A note about the index: The pages referenced in this index refer to the page numbers in the print edition. Clicking on a page number will take you to the ebook location that corresponds to the beginning of that page in the print edition. For a comprehensive list of locations of any word or phrase, use your reading system’s search function.
- Abe, Shinzō, 207
- Abowd, John, 322
- Access Hollywood: Trump comments about women on, 55
- Acosta, Jim, 285
- Administrative Procedure Act, 212
- Admiral’s Almanac, The (Hall podcast), 131–32
- Affordable Care Act (ACA, aka Obamacare), 250
- Afghanistan/Afghans, 126, 141, 374
- Agüero, María Dolores, 296
- airports: and travel ban, 70, 71–72, 73, 76, 80
- Akihito, Emperor, 207
- al Jabouri, Najim Abdullah, 81, 82
- al Qaeda, 82
- Alabama: Trump campaign in, 29–31, 311–12
- Albence, Matthew, 376–77
- Alexandria, Va.: ICE raids in, 96
- Alfalfa Club dinner, 73
- Alonzo, Felipe Gómez, 376
- Alshawi, Haider Sameer Abdulkhaleq, 74
- Alsup, William, 219
- ambassadors
- and TPS, 199–200
- and travel ban, 75–76, 85
- “America First” philosophy, 22, 151, 153, 191
- American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), 48, 71, 78, 116, 117, 118–19, 345, 375
- American Immigration Council, 111
- Americans for Prosperity, 23
- Amodei, Mark, 185
- Andrapalliyal, Vinita, 118–20
- Andrés, José, 27
- “Angel Families,” 109–10
- apology-retreat cycle, 32, 33
- appointments, Trump. See also holdovers; specific person
- and anti-immigration views, 47
- Apprentice, The (TV show), 196, 357
- Arangio, Jennifer, 142–43, 144, 145–46, 155
- Army Corps of Engineers, U.S., 3, 386
- arrests
- increase in number of, 252, 261, 326, 333, 379
- and options for cracking down on border, 333
- in Philadelphia, 270–71
- Art of the Deal, The (Trump), 241
- Arthur, Art, 43
- “ash and trash” process, 236
- Asia: immigration from, 114
- Asian Pacific Americans: and DACA, 220, 221
- Assali, Joey, 71–72
- Assange, Julian, 23
- Associated Press, 84, 100
- asylum seekers. See also refugees
- backlog of cases involving, 319
- credible fear of, 242–43, 307, 320, 332–33, 376
- definition of, 319–20
- and government shutdown negotiations, 374
- increase in number of, 376
- and Mexico-U.S. relations, 344–48
- and “Migrant Protection Protocols,” 346–48
- and “Remain in Mexico” program, 344–48
- Axios: Trump interview with, 339
- Ayers, Nick, 267
- Azar, Alex, 291–92, 293, 294–95
- Bachmann, Michele, 283
- Bangladesh: and travel ban, 84
- Bannon, Steve
- beliefs of, 14–15, 52
- and bureaucracy, 95
- and census question about citizenship, 322
- DACA/Dreamers and, 156, 157–58, 159, 162, 163, 164–66, 167, 168, 175
- and development of Trump immigration policy, 30
- executive orders and, 57
- Hall and, 129–30, 132
- Hamilton group and, 42
- and immigration debate, 165, 166
- influence of, 14–15, 16–18, 21, 25, 165, 341
- Kushner relationship with, 164–66
- and media as opposition party, 77
- and Mexico-U.S. relations, 63
- Miller relationship with, 31
- and Miller working group, 92, 94, 95
- personal/professional background of, 14
- and refugees, 129–30
- reputation of, 14
- and travel ban, 62, 76, 77, 82–83, 84, 86, 89–90
- and Trump as Archie Bunker, 21
- and Trump as presidential candidate, 25
- and Trump campaign activities, 26, 36, 37
- and Trump outbursts, 128
- Trump relationship with, 84, 156
- Barletta, Lou, 343
- Bartlett, Larry, 135–39, 147–48, 320, 343
- Beaumont, Tex.: Trump rally in, 110
- Becerra, Xavier, 375
- Beck, Roy, 15, 33–34, 37, 45, 46, 161–62. See also NumbersUSA
- Bedminster golf club
- Duke-Trump discussion at, 148
- Kobach-Trump meeting in, 159–60
- undocumented workers at, 281
- Bennet, Michael, 220
- Bezos, Jeff, 160
- binary choice option, 332
- Bipartisan Policy Center, 314
- bipartisanship
- and criminal justice reform, 365–66
- and DACA/Dreamers, 164, 182, 218–19, 226, 232, 233, 234, 235–36, 247–51
- and immigration policies, 43
- Miller and, 283–84, 285, 286
- and refugee program, 319
- results of elections of 2018 and, 349
- and senators-Trump White House meeting, 218–19
- TPS and, 207
- wall and, 324, 365–66
- birtherism, 5, 12–13, 20–21, 395
- birthright citizenship, 44, 339, 340, 388
- Black, Josh, 58
- Blackfinn bar: Perry farewell at, 309–10
- Blair, Gwenda, 20
- Blitzer, Wolf, 101–2, 253, 295
- Bolton, John R., 330, 331–32
- Border and Transportation Security Directorate (NSC), 144
- border closing
- attempts to delay, 381–83, 384–86
- and DHS purge, 382
- elections of 2018 and, 340
- and Mexico, 266, 330–31, 344, 345, 358, 382–83
- migrant caravans and, 7, 329–32, 333, 335
- military and, 331, 335, 340
- and presidential power, 391
- Trump orders, 381, 385–86
- Trump threats/demands for, 266, 329–37, 344, 345, 358
- border crossings
- attempts to halt, 121–24
- decrease in number of, 253, 353
- increase in number of, 7, 8, 121–22, 125, 241, 252, 253–54, 265, 279, 375–76, 380–81
- zero tolerance concerning, 122
- Border Patrol. See Customs and Border Protection, U.S.
- border security
- and arrests, 379
- and crisis at border, 379
- and DACA/Dreamers, 180, 181, 217, 218, 220, 233, 235
- Dobbs comments about, 378–79
- and “education” of Trump, 227
- funding for, 235, 238, 324, 352, 359, 362, 365, 366, 370, 373
- Mexico increase in, 242
- military for, 245–47
- and negotiating power of Trump administration, 370
- and Nielsen senate hearing, 226
- and senators-Trump White House meeting, 217, 218
- as Trump success, 371–72
- Borjas, George, 15, 37, 111
- Bossert, Tom, 50, 75, 76, 86, 126, 139, 148–49, 192, 208, 243
- Boundless Immigration, 321, 323
- Bradley, Neil, 173
- Brand, Rachel, 144
- Breitbart News, 14, 16, 45, 94, 136, 180, 181, 284
- Bremberg, Andrew, 54, 63–64
- Bunker, Archie (fictional character): Trump as, 20
- Bureau of Multilateral Affairs and Human Rights (NSC), 48, 58
- Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs, 147
- Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (State Department), 136, 147, 200–201, 317, 320
- Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs, 200–202
- bureaucracy
- disconnect between Trump and, 8, 333
- distrust/suspicions of, 43, 57
- Dobbs comments about, 378
- and family separation policy, 123–24
- and increased border crossings, 122–24, 125
- Miller views about, 287, 288
- and Miller working group, 95
- Muslim ban and, 6–7
- and national security, 57
- and public charge rule, 313–14
- refugees and, 140, 145, 147
- resistance by, 122–24, 125
- and slowing of processing, 320–23
- TPS and, 192, 195–96
- and travel ban, 86, 135
- and Trump speech to Congress, 97
- and vetting, 125
- Bush, George H.W., 1, 193, 246
- Bush, George W.
- holdovers from, 103, 163, 170
- and immigration issues, 15, 39, 40
- and Iraq-U.S. relations, 83, 318
- Obama transition and, 47–48
- and refugee program, 318
- Bush, Jeb, 1, 13, 22, 23, 27, 217, 256
- business interests
- border closing and, 383
- and immigration policies, 46
- merit-based system and, 394
- screening of employees by, 34, 44, 281, 362–63
- and slowing of processing, 323
- travel ban and, 73
- visas and, 34
- “Buy American, Hire American” executive order, 323
- Calexico, Calif.: Nielsen-Trump meeting in, 384, 385–86
- Camarota, Steven, 37
- Cambodians: and increased ICE enforcement, 118
- Camp David: Republicans-Trump retreat to, 214–16, 218
- Canada: and travel ban, 78
- candidacy, Trump. See also presidential campaign, Trump
- caravans, migrant
- and border closing, 7, 329–32, 333, 335
- and CBP, 333
- from Central America, 7, 279, 326, 329–30
- and DACA, 244
- elections of 2018 and, 326, 338, 342
- family separation policy and, 279
- and Mexico, 329
- Middle Easterners in, 333
- and military, 329, 331
- and Miller influence on Trump, 242
- national security and, 333
- and Trump claims of success, 353
- Trump tweets about, 243, 329, 333
- Carías, Ana Rosalinda García, 298
- Carter, Ash, 50
- Casarín, Javier López, 345–46
- “The Case of the Missing White Voters” (Trende), 17
- Casey, Bob, 343
- Castaneda, Carlos, 295–96
- “catch and release” policies, 38, 242–43, 255, 257, 324, 376
- Catholic Charities, 171
- Catholics: and refugees, 129, 130, 132, 133
- Cattler, David, 59
- CBP. See Customs and Border Protection, U.S.
- CBS: Miller interview on, 285
- Cedar Falls, Iowa: Trump speech in, 35–36
- Cedar Rapids, Iowa: Trump speech in, 124–25, 128
- census: citizenship question for, 322–23, 393–94
- Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), 37, 45, 46, 47, 93, 135, 146
- Central America. See also caravans, migrant; specific country
- barring of migrants from, 334
- and family separation policy, 254, 270, 279, 295–97
- increase in migrants from, 114, 326, 375, 390
- and migration crisis, 318–19
- and options for cracking down on border, 333
- and travel ban, 336
- U.S. aid for, 333, 334, 347, 348, 357, 358–59, 383
- U.S. discussions/negotiations with, 295–97
- Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 86
- Central Park Five case, 20
- Chad: and travel ban, 91
- chain migration, 182, 183, 184, 217, 221, 222, 232, 233, 393
- Chamber of Commerce, U.S., 17, 73, 173, 277, 383
- Charleston, W.Va.: Trump speech in, 326
- Charlottesville, Va.: racial unrest in, 179
- Chávez, Hugo, 179
- Chen, Edward M., 212
- Chicago, Ill.: protests at ICE office in, 297
- children. See also birthright citizenship; Dreamers; Evelyn and Amber story; family separation policy
- arrests of, 125
- and Camp David discussions, 216
- and consequences of immigration policies, 389–90
- data about, 100
- death of, 376, 395
- detention of, 243, 257, 261, 263, 269, 272–74, 291–95
- at Easter Egg Roll, 244
- and Flores settlement, 382
- and increased border crossings, 123–24
- Kelly views about, 102
- and public charge rule, 312
- as refugees, 142, 317
- and reunification of families, 262, 291–95, 296, 297
- toddler seats for, 123
- tracking of, 292–93
- traumatized, 294
- and Trump failures, 392
- Trump views about, 281
- “unaccompanied,” 100, 123, 183, 216, 244, 261, 263, 273–74, 292
- under five years old, 292–93, 294–95
- Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), 54, 229, 311
- China/Chinese, 18, 113–14, 178, 249, 384
- Chinese Exclusion Act (1882), 114
- Christians, 85, 115–16, 117–19. See also Family Leadership Summit
- Christie, Chris, 22
- Chu, Judy, 101
- “Chuck and Nancy” dinner, 178–80, 181, 229, 349
- Ciccone, Christine, 147, 320
- “circuit riders,” 60, 85
- CIS. See Center for Immigration Studies
- Cissna, Francis
- and chain migration, 183
- and family separation policy, 252
- as Hamilton group member, 43–44
- and merit-based immigration, 183
- and Miller, 93, 287, 382
- personal and professional background of, 43–44
- and public charge rule, 309, 312, 313, 315
- resignation of, 388
- responsibilities of, 287
- and slowing of processing of claims, 321, 376
- TPS and, 197–98
- and zero tolerance policy, 256
- Citizens United (PAC), 23
- citizenship. See also birthright citizenship
- and Bush proposal, 39
- census question about, 322–23, 393–94
- for Dreamers, 164, 180, 222, 231–32
- and senators-Trump White House meeting, 217
- TPS and, 193
- Citizenship and Immigration Services, U.S. (USCIS). See also specific person or division
- and border crisis as national emergency, 376
- DACA and, 160
- and legal system, 382
- Miller views about, 382
- mission/purpose of, 47, 198, 287, 320–21
- need for “culture change” at, 382
- public charge rule and, 313–14
- and refugees, 145, 146
- and slowing of processing, 321, 323
- TPS and, 198
- and travel ban, 86
- Civil Division (DOJ): and travel ban, 61
- civil rights, 43, 47, 114, 258–60. See also human rights
- Civil War, 310
- Clinton, Bill, 311
- Clinton, Hillary, 11, 26–27, 36, 40, 48, 247
- Clovis, Sam, 33–34
- Azar interview with, 295
- Conway interview with, 36
- elections of 2016 results on, 39
- and family separation policy, 253, 269
- Kelly interview with, 101–2
- and Miller-Acosta exchange, 285
- and ProPublica audio clip about detention facilities, 273
- travel ban report on, 67, 71
- Coast Guard: funding for, 1
- Coffman, Mike, 278
- Cohn, Gary, 77, 93, 124, 165, 168, 215
- Collins, Susan, 232–33
- Comey, James B., 70, 87
- Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, 152–53
- Common Sense Coalition, 231, 232, 234
- Congress. See also bipartisanship; specific member, legislation, or committee
- and blame for immigration crisis, 106, 268
- border closing and, 330, 384
- and census question about citizenship, 322
- and DACA/Dreamers, 7, 157, 161, 162–63, 164, 166–67, 172, 174–75, 176, 178, 179, 181, 227, 228–31, 233–34, 244, 247–51
- and family separation policy, 274, 275, 276–77, 278, 296
- government shutdown and, 358, 365–66
- and increase in border crossings, 380
- and military for border security, 245
- Miller activities and, 283–84
- and national emergency, 8
- and Obama immigration policies, 39
- and overwhelming number of migrants, 390
- and powers of president, 339
- public charge rule and, 310, 312
- reactions to early Trump actions by, 100–102
- and refugees, 138, 139
- and TPS, 193, 194, 201, 203, 206, 207, 211
- and travel ban, 66, 70–71
- Trump first speech to, 97–99
- Trump relations with, 6
- and wall, 6, 8, 124–25, 245, 351–52, 358, 365–66
- Congressional Black Caucus, 220
- Congressional Hispanic Caucus, 101, 102, 162–63, 177–78, 186, 196–97, 227, 297–98
- Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC): Trump speech at, 18, 95–96
- Constitution
- and birthright citizenship, 312, 339, 340
- DACA and, 159, 163, 171, 172, 174, 176
- and family separation policy, 260
- and multilateral diplomacy, 152
- Muslim ban and, 34
- national emergency and, 25, 375
- TPS and, 212, 213
- travel ban and, 57, 79, 88, 90
- Convention on Consular Relations, 296
- Convention on Refugees (1951), 119
- Conway, Kellyanne, 30–31, 36, 37, 73, 372
- Cook, Tim, 160
- Cordero, Olga Sánchez, 346
- Corker, Bob, 364
- Cornyn, John, 214, 218
- Cortez Masto, Catherine, 102
- Costa, Chris, 61
- Cotton, Tom, 168, 221
- Coulter, Ann, 94, 241, 380
- Cramer, Kevin, 341
- Creamer, John, 347
- credible fear, 242–43, 307, 320, 332–33, 376. See also “catch and release” policies
- crime: in Mexico, 179
- criminals, immigrants as
- and abolishing ICE, 326
- as crisis, 104
- and DACA, 233
- data about, 101, 104, 110–11
- deportation of, 42, 96
- and deportation of Detroit Iraqis, 116–18
- elections of 2018 and, 338, 341
- family separation policy and, 253, 274
- and frustrations with immigration policies, 103–4, 126, 393
- and Golvach case, 108–9
- government shutdown and, 355
- and Hamilton group, 42
- and ICE directives, 96, 97
- local law enforcement efforts and, 105–6
- Miller comments about, 271
- and options for cracking down on border, 333
- refugees and, 271
- reunification of families and, 293, 294–95
- sanctuary cities and, 104–5
- and slowing of processing, 320–21
- stories about, 108–10
- TPS and, 195
- travel ban and, 79
- and Trump campaign activities, 24, 25, 26, 38
- and Trump speech to Congress, 97
- Voice and, 110
- wall and, 4
- and zero tolerance policy, 271
- Cronen, Chris, 115
- Cross, Sarah, 58
- Cruz, Ted, 30, 338
- Cuba: and travel ban, 84
- Cuccinelli, Kenneth T., 388
- Cummings, Elijah, 148
- Curbelo, Carlos, 185, 247, 340, 343
- Customs and Border Protection, U.S. (CBP). See also specific person
- arrests made by, 100, 376
- binary choice option and, 332
- and border closing, 8
- and Calexico meeting, 385–86
- and death of children, 376
- and “education” of Trump, 227
- and ending of DACA, 189
- Evelyn and Amber story and, 301
- family separation policy and, 252, 253, 256, 257, 274
- and immigration crisis, 266
- and increase in migration flow, 330, 376
- migrant caravans and, 333
- and military at border, 334, 336, 337
- and mock-up of wall, 4–5, 9, 10
- and ProPublica audio clip of separated children, 272–74
- and reunification of families, 292, 293
- rogue agents of, 102
- targets of, 101, 102
- TPS and, 192
- travel ban and, 61–62, 76
- Trump appointees to, 47
- Trump comments about, 243
- Trump relations with, 386
- and zero tolerance policy, 257
- cyber-security directive, 56
- DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals)
- attempts to rescue, 172–73
- as “bill of love,” 226
- bipartisanship and, 218–19, 226, 232, 233, 234, 235–36, 247–51
- and border security, 217, 218, 220, 233
- Camp David discussions and, 215, 216
- and chain migration, 217, 221, 222, 232, 233
- compromise on, 234–36, 247–51
- consequences of demise of, 187–90
- creation of, 177, 188
- and “discharge petition,” 185
- divisiveness concerning, 162–69, 170–72
- Durbin-Graham proposal for, 219–24
- and economy, 219
- elections of 2018 and, 247, 248
- ending of, 158–62, 170–72, 173–78, 187–90, 201, 229, 285–86, 297–98
- executive order concerning, 161
- extension of, 235–36
- family-based immigration and, 218, 220, 221
- fixing of, 247–51
- government shutdown and, 185–86, 226, 228, 229, 230, 231, 353–54, 373–74
- as influence on increase in border crossings, 243, 244
- legal issues concerning, 158, 159, 163, 167–68, 171, 177, 219, 226, 234, 390, 394
- merit-based immigration and, 223
- and military, 229
- national security and, 233
- and negotiating power of Trump administration, 370
- Nielsen Senate hearing and, 225–26
- Obama and, 49, 156–57, 159, 160–61, 167, 171, 188
- omnibus spending bill and, 234, 235, 236, 239
- and racism, 226
- restarting of, 219
- sanctuary cities and, 220
- and Schumer-Collins-Rounds, 232–33
- Schumer-Pelosi-Trump meeting about, 349
- Schumer-Trump deal about, 229–30
- Senate stalling of, 233
- and senators-Trump White House meeting, 217–19
- and “shithole countries” remark, 223–25
- six-month wind-down of, 173–78, 227
- stopgap spending and, 185–86
- taxes and, 219
- tech-Trump meeting about, 160
- temporary fix for, 234–36
- TPS and, 192
- Trump ignorance about, 168
- and Trump presidential campaign, 217
- and Trump promises, 175
- Trump views about, 156–59, 175, 182, 183–84, 189, 217–18, 219, 226, 232, 239, 243, 244, 248, 390, 394–95
- visas and, 217, 218, 220, 221, 222, 223, 232, 233
- and wall, 157, 161, 163, 166, 173, 178–80, 181–84, 185, 218, 220, 227, 229, 232, 234–35, 249
- D’Antonio, Michael, 19, 20, 21
- Daqneesh, Omran, 151
- Darweesh, Hameed Khalid, 73–74
- Davis, May, 332, 380
- Dearborn, Rick, 54
- death penalty: Trump views about, 20
- Declined Detainer Outcomes Report (ICE), 107
- “deep state”. See also bureaucracy
- Defense Department, U.S. (DOD). See also specific person
- and executive orders, 56, 58
- funding for, 240, 241, 374
- and military at border, 335
- and options for cracking down on border, 333–34
- and refugees, 146
- travel ban and, 58
- and wall, 241, 351–52, 374
- Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. See DACA
- Democrats. See also bipartisanship; specific person
- and abolishing ICE, 325–26
- blame on, 390
- and border crisis as national emergency, 376
- and DACA/Dreamers, 163, 177–80, 182–86, 226–30, 232, 233, 234, 239, 244, 250, 251, 286, 342, 373–74, 394
- elections of 2018 and, 341, 342
- family separation policy and, 270–75, 342
- and government shutdown, 185–86, 229–31, 324, 325, 351, 355, 356, 360, 363, 366, 371, 373–74
- and Hamilton group, 42, 44, 54
- immigration policies of, 43, 342
- Kelly meeting with, 100–102
- and Miller activities, 286
- as motivator for Trump supporters, 392
- public charge rule and, 316
- and refugee program, 319
- and taxes, 246
- TPS and, 373
- Trump donations to, 12
- Trump relationship with, 9
- Trump views about, 391
- and wall, 9, 234, 324, 325, 342, 351, 355, 356, 360, 363, 366, 369, 373, 376
- Denham, Jeff, 247
- Denial of Stay, 115
- Dent, Charlie, 71–72
- deportations
- and Evelyn and Amber story, 304, 305
- and expansion of DHS authority, 216
- and Hamilton group, 42, 44
- and increased ICE enforcement, 115–20
- injunction concerning, 118
- and Kelly ICE directives, 97
- and legal system, 305–6
- McAleenan views about, 393
- and processing of new migrants, 333
- and Trump campaign activities, 36, 37, 38
- Trump order for mass, 391
- and Trump successes, 8
- DeStefano, Johnny, 80
- detention/detention centers
- children and, 257, 261, 263, 269, 291–92, 389–90
- conditions in, 389–90, 395
- DHS reports about, 389–90
- and Evelyn and Amber story, 299–308
- family separation policy and, 123, 257–58
- HHS and, 291–94
- and Kelly ICE directives, 97
- and legal system, 243–44
- maintenance of, 274
- Merkley visit to, 269
- as overwhelmed, 261, 274, 326, 376, 389–90
- proposals about family, 243–44
- ProPublica audio clip about, 272–74
- Trump (Melania) visit to, 291–92
- Detroit, Mich.: Iraqis in, 116–18
- DHS. See Homeland Security, U.S. Department of; specific person
- Diaz-Balart, José, 249
- Diaz-Balart, Mario, 39–40, 182, 222, 249, 286
- Digital Service, U.S., 49
- diplomatic relations. See also national security; specific nation
- family separation policy and, 295–96
- TPS and, 194, 202, 203–4
- travel ban and, 81–84
- “discharge petition,” 185
- discrimination, 85, 152–53, 212
- disease: immigrants as carriers of, 24, 125–26, 212
- “dissent channel” memo: about travel ban, 85–86
- Dobbs, Lou, 17, 238, 378–79, 380, 381
- DOD. See Defense Department, U.S.; specific person
- DOJ. See Justice Department, U.S.; specific person
- Domestic Policy Council (DPC). See also specific person
- and DACA/Dreamers, 170–72
- and Miller-Bartlett discussion, 136
- and Miller influence, 132
- public charge rule and, 313
- and refugees, 142, 143
- sanctuary cities and, 103
- and TPS, 201, 203
- Donnelly, Ann M., 73, 74, 78
- Donohue, Thomas J., 277
- Doocey, Sean, 385
- Dream Act, 178, 179–80
- Dreamers. See also DACA
- amnesty for, 185
- citizenship for, 164, 180, 222, 231–32, 286
- and Congress, 7, 157, 161, 162–63, 164
- and Democrats, 342
- and Hamilton group, 42, 53–54
- identification of, 49
- “lazy” comment about, 231–32
- legal protections for, 229
- and Obama, 38, 42, 49, 53–54
- parents of, 167, 184
- presidential pardons for, 160
- as Trump blind spot, 156–59, 165
- and Trump campaign activities, 38
- Trump meeting with, 21–23, 156
- Trump views about, 7, 21–23, 156, 221, 244, 281, 394–95
- drone legislation, 327
- Drudge Report: and Mexico aid package, 358
- drugs
- government shutdown and, 355
- Mexico-U.S. relations and, 63, 346
- and slowing of processing, 321
- and TPS, 211
- Trump views about, 96, 97, 338, 366, 367
- Dubke, Mike, 89, 99
- due process clause: and TPS, 212
- Duke, Elaine
- and DACA/Dreamers, 170–72, 174, 183, 184, 218
- and family separation policy, 254
- Nielsen as replacement for, 317
- and refugees, 145, 146, 148–49, 317
- resignation of, 207, 209–10, 211–12
- and TPS, 191–93, 195, 197, 199, 203–4, 205, 206, 207–10
- Duke University: Miller activities at, 283
- Dunford, Joseph F. Jr., 245
- Durbin, Dick
- and DACA, 161, 162, 163, 166, 218, 219–24, 231–32
- and Nielsen senate hearing, 225
- and “shithole countries” remark, 223, 224
- E-Verify, 34, 281, 362–63
- Easter Egg Roll: Trump DACA comments at, 244
- Ebrard, Marcelo, 344–45
- economy
- Bannon views about, 15, 16
- and border closings, 329
- Borjas views about, 15
- and Camp David discussions, 215
- and Cohn-Miller relationship, 93
- DACA and, 219
- data about, 111–12
- and development of Trump immigration policy, 15, 16
- elections of 2018 and, 339, 342
- government shutdown and, 230
- immigration as imperative to, 165
- Sessions views about, 15, 16
- and travel ban, 85
- and Trump campaign activities, 32, 35
- Trump views about, 395
- and wall, 355
- El Paso, Texas
- family separation experiment in, 253, 254, 257, 259, 262
- and increase in number of migrants, 376
- McAleenan visit to, 379
- Nielsen visit to, 384
- El Salvador
- aid for, 333, 383
- and family separation policy, 295–97
- and Guatemala ministerial conference discussions, 295–96
- Ramírez as migrant from, 395
- and TPS, 191, 192, 193, 194, 199–200, 201–2, 203, 205, 206, 208, 209, 210–11, 212, 216
- Elder, Larry, 283
- elections of 2008, 14
- elections of 2012, 13, 17. See also Obama, Barack; Romney, Mitt
- elections of 2016, 11, 17–18, 25, 39, 40, 112, 127, 137, 247. See also presidential campaign, Trump
- elections of 2018
- birthright citizenship and, 339–40
- and blame for immigration crisis, 267
- and border closings, 329–30, 340
- Camp David discussions and, 215
- DACA and, 247, 248
- Democrats and, 341, 342
- economy and, 339, 342
- family separation policy and, 325
- government shutdown and, 325, 350–51, 357
- and options for cracking down on border, 334–35
- predictions about, 240–41
- public charge rule and, 314, 316
- as rebuke of Trump, 349
- Republicans and, 338, 340, 341–43
- TPS and, 206
- Trump campaigning for, 325–26, 338
- and wall, 240–41, 324–25, 353
- women and, 316, 339, 342
- elections of 2020, 235, 248, 391, 392
- emergency funding bill. See short-term funding
- employees. See also business interests
- and SSA, 393
- of Trump organizations, 22, 281, 362
- verification of, 34, 281, 362–63
- Enforcement and Removal Operations Division (ICE), 115
- Engel, Eliot, 148
- entrepreneurs: legal status for, 323
- Equal Protection clause: TPS and, 212
- Espinoza, Maria, 109
- Estonia: Trump meeting with leaders from, 244–45
- Ethiopia: and travel ban, 84
- Europe: immigration from, 114
- Evelyn and Amber story, 299–308
- Executive Office for Immigration Review, 103
- executive orders. See also specific order
- Galui concerns about, 56–57
- and Hamilton group, 52, 53–54
- leaks about, 59
- legal challenges to, 86
- and national security, 56–57
- and NSC clearance process, 56–57
- signing of, 62
- Trump announcement of, 57–58
- family. See family-based immigration; family separation policy; parents/legal guardians
- family-based immigration
- and Camp David discussions, 216
- DACA and, 183, 218, 220, 221
- and Hamilton group, 44
- Kushner views about, 164
- and Miller proposal, 182
- quotas and, 114
- RAISE Act and, 168–69
- TPS and, 194
- and Trump campaign activities, 34, 38
- Family Leadership Summit: Trump speech at, 11–12
- family separation policy. See also detention/detention centers
- approval of, 252–53
- binary choice option and, 332
- civil rights and, 258–60
- and Democrats, 270–75, 342
- and El Paso experiment, 253, 254, 257, 259, 262
- elections of 2018 and, 325
- ending of, 277–79, 291, 390
- and Evelyn and Amber story, 299–308
- Family Unit Number and, 292
- and Guatemala ministerial conference discussions, 295–96
- and humanitarianism, 391
- images of, 269, 272
- implementation of, 123, 279
- and increase in border crossings, 253–54, 279, 390
- and increase in separations, 274
- leaks about, 262
- and legal system, 254, 261–62, 270–71, 292–93, 298, 305–6
- and limits on detention, 243
- media and, 254, 263, 265, 269, 270–74, 276
- Miller–New York Times interview about, 270–72
- and number of separated children, 257, 277
- Obama and, 123, 390
- and options for cracking down on border, 332
- ProPublica audio clip about, 272–74, 276
- and prosecution of parents, 253–54, 257, 263, 264
- purpose of, 7, 102, 123, 254, 261, 262, 270, 276
- and refugees, 257–58, 260
- Republicans and, 277, 278
- and reunification, 262, 274, 278, 291–95, 296, 297, 298
- reverse boomerang effect and, 326
- rollout of, 263–64
- Trump caving about, 7, 327
- and Trump failures, 392
- Trump views about, 274, 277–79, 281, 390–91
- zero tolerance policy and, 253, 255–57, 260, 262, 264, 271–72, 299
- Fausett, Andrew, 58
- Favreau, Jon, 228
- Federal Aviation Administration, U.S. (FAA), 374
- Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 58, 69, 81, 86, 98
- Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), 45
- Feeley, John, 73
- Feere, Jon, 47, 93
- Feinstein, Dianne, 218
- Fire and Fury (Wolff), 313
- Fishman, George, 43
- Flake, Jeff, 220, 364
- Florence Detention Center (Ariz.): and Evelyn and Amber story, 302–3
- Flores settlement, 243, 244, 382
- Flynn, Michael “Mike,” 57, 59, 61, 63, 65, 69, 81, 87
- Food and Drug Administration, U.S., 127
- foreign aid, 333. See also specific nation
- Fourteenth Amendment, 312, 339
- Fox & Friends, 109
- Fox News
- and DACA, 248
- Hahn at, 94
- and increase in number of immigrants, 241
- influence on Trump of, 1
- and McAleenan visit to El Paso, 379
- and military at border, 336
- Miller interviews with, 283, 285
- Pompeo interview with, 347
- Sanders (Sarah) interview with, 358
- as source of news for Trump, 243
- and Steinle case, 109
- and travel ban, 74
- and Trump campaign activities, 27, 36
- Trump omnibus spending bill interview on, 238, 239
- Fox News Sunday: Priebus DACA appearance on, 161
- Freedom Caucus, House, 182, 216, 228, 248, 249, 360–61, 365
- Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 147
- Freedom Summit, New Hampshire, 23, 24
- Fuentes, Zach, 192, 208
- Fulton, Heide B., 200
- Gallego, Ruben, 102
- Galui, Jason, 56–57, 58
- gangs, 96, 211, 271, 367. See also MS-13 gang
- Garcia Zarate, Jose Ines, 109
- Gardner, Cory, 220
- Gelernt, Lee, 71, 73–74, 116, 117–18
- Geltzer, Josh, 61
- gerrymandering, 322
- Gigicos, George, 30
- Giuliani, Rudy, 34, 74–75
- Global Compact for Migration, 150–55
- globalization, 13, 32
- Glosser, Miriam, 32
- Gohmert, Louie, 249
- Goldsmith, Mark A., 118
- Golvach, Julie, 108–9, 110
- Golvach, Spencer, 108–9
- Gómez Alonzo, Felipe: death of, 376
- Goodlatte, Bob, 182, 221
- government shutdown
- blame for, 363, 366, 370–71
- and Camp David discussions, 215
- and DACA/Dreamers, 185–86, 226, 228, 229, 230, 231, 353–54
- deal concerning, 230–31
- elections of 2018 and, 325, 350–51, 357
- length of, 367, 368
- and Mexico negotiations, 357–59
- and Miller, 289–90
- negotiations about, 368–75
- and Obama, 230
- as official, 230–31
- and omnibus spending bill, 238, 240
- partial, 367
- Pence meeting about, 371
- Schumer-Pelosi-Trump meeting about, 351–57
- and short-term funding, 350, 351, 359–62, 363, 375
- and tax cuts, 230
- Trump ending of, 374–75
- and Trump failures, 392
- and Trump Oval Office speech, 372, 373
- Trump responsibility for, 355, 356, 366, 370–71
- Trump threats about, 350–56
- Trump tweets about, 230
- and Trump’s Rose Garden address, 374–75
- and wall, 9, 25, 240, 324–25, 350–57, 358–67, 368–75
- White House meeting about, 369
- Gowdy, Trey, 249
- Grady, Claire M., 388
- Graff, Rhona, 23
- Graham, Lindsey
- and DACA, 219–24, 225–26, 231
- and Dreamers-wall issues, 157, 163, 166, 184
- family background of, 223–24
- and government shutdown, 231
- and Nielsen Senate hearing appearance, 225–26
- and “shithole countries” remark, 223–24
- Trump relationship with, 223
- views about Miller of, 221, 231
- and wall, 224, 226
- Grasje, Eva, 115
- Grassley, Chuck, 221, 232, 233
- The Greatest Showman (movie), 215
- Green Bay, Wis.: Trump rally in, 377
- green cards
- basis for awarding, 182
- and border crisis as national emergency, 376
- and Camp David discussions, 216
- in-person interviews for, 320–21
- and public charge rule, 313, 314
- slowing of processing for, 320–21, 376
- and travel ban, 66
- and Trump priorities for reform of immigration, 177
- Greenberg, Stanley B., 341, 342
- Grisham, Michelle Lujan, 100–101, 102, 298
- Group of 7 (G7), 150, 151–52
- Group of 20 (G20), 150
- The Guarded Gate (Okrent), 113
- Guatemala
- aid for, 333, 383
- death of children from, 376
- and Evelyn and Amber story, 299–308
- and family separation policy, 295–97
- ministerial conference in, 295–96
- Guillen Maganda, Itzel, 187–90
- Gutiérrez, Luis, 40, 55, 163, 177, 186, 297–98
- Gutiérrez, Soraida, 55
- Hacienda del Sol facility (Ariz.): Amber at, 305
- Hahn, Julia, 94, 104, 181
- Haiti
- and “shithole countries” comment, 224
- and TPS, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195–96, 199–200, 201–2, 203, 205, 206, 208, 210, 212, 222
- Trump views about, 126–27, 222–23
- Haley, Nikki, 75, 141, 144, 153, 154–55, 316, 317
- Hall, Garry, 129–33, 144, 152
- Hamama, Usama Jamil, 117–18
- Hamilton, Gene. See also Hamilton group
- beliefs of, 52, 53
- and blame for immigration crisis, 265
- and DACA/Dreamers, 161, 171
- and family separation policy, 254, 257
- and Global Compact for Migration, 153, 154
- and increased border crossings, 121–23, 241
- and Miller working group, 93
- Nealon relationship with, 122
- personality of, 52, 53
- professional background of, 41, 52
- and refugees, 138, 139, 145–46
- role in immigration policies of, 121–23
- Sessions and, 41, 52
- and TPS, 195, 197, 199, 205
- and travel ban, 62, 65, 66–67, 78, 84
- and Trump transition, 52–55
- views about Trump of, 52–53
- and zero tolerance policy, 256, 257
- Hamilton group
- and Dreamers, 42, 53–54
- and executive orders, 52, 53–54
- formation of, 41–43
- members of, 43–44
- purpose of, 41–43, 52, 53
- restrictionist ideology of, 44
- and travel ban, 59
- and Trump inaugural address, 55
- Trump transition and, 41–44, 52–55
- and wall, 54
- Handel, Karen, 273
- Hannity, Sean, 45
- Harris, Joshua, 58
- Harvard Law Review blog: Global Compact for Migration article, 153
- Health and Human Services (HHS), U.S. Department of. See also Office of Refugee Resettlement
- and detention facilities, 274, 291–94
- draft refugee report by, 140–41
- and family separation policy, 254, 257, 261, 263
- and reunification of families, 293, 294
- and zero tolerance policy, 257
- Heitkamp, Heidi, 341
- Henshaw, Simon, 147, 200–202, 203
- Hicks, Hope, 175, 289
- Higgins, Casey, 181, 286
- Hispanic Heritage Foundation, 21–22
- Hispanics. See also Congressional Hispanic Caucus; specific person
- and census question, 322
- and development of Trump immigration policy, 16, 21–23
- Miller views about, 282
- and Republicans, 13, 16, 27, 39
- as targets of ICE and Border Patrol, 101
- and Trump campaign activities, 36
- and Trump candidacy, 5
- and Trump self-image, 20
- Trump’s popularity among, 395
- Hofeller, Thomas B., 322
- Hoffman, Jonathan, 167, 263–64, 275
- holdovers. See also specific person
- Bush, 103, 163, 170
- Obama, 50, 59, 75, 80, 86, 98, 103, 125, 136, 140, 170, 199
- resistance from, 86, 103, 125
- Holocaust, 119
- Homan, Thomas D., 96, 100, 106–7, 123, 252, 256, 262, 264, 279
- Homeland Security Appropriations Subcommittee, House, 262
- Homeland Security Committee, House, 34
- Homeland Security, U.S. Department of (DHS). See also Citizenship and Immigration Services, U.S (CIS); Customs and Border Protection; specific person or division
- authority of, 101, 216, 242
- and binary choice option, 332
- and blame for immigration crisis, 265
- and border closing, 329, 330, 381, 383, 386
- DACA/Dreamers and, 167, 171, 172, 182–83, 184, 226, 232–33
- and detention centers, 291, 389–90
- Dobbs comments about, 378–80 drone legislation and, 327
- family separation policy and, 253, 255–57, 258–60, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 275, 278–79, 292, 296
- and frustrations with immigration policies, 103
- funding for, 240, 324
- and Global Compact for Migration, 153
- Hamilton group and, 43, 52
- and increased border crossings, 121–24
- length of forms for, 320–21
- and military at border, 246, 337
- Miller working group and, 93
- need for overhaul of, 381
- and negotiating power of Trump administration, 370
- Nielsen as replacement for Duke at, 317
- and NSEERS, 48–49
- and options for cracking down on border, 332, 333, 334
- as overwhelmed, 326, 378–80
- public charge rule and, 309–10, 314, 315
- purge/shake-up at, 381–83, 388, 393
- and refugees, 145, 146
- and “Remain in Mexico” program, 346
- resistance among bureaucracy at, 122–24
- and reunification of families, 294
- and reverse boomerang effect, 326
- and slowing of processing, 320–21, 323
- State Department joint efforts with, 295
- TPS and, 192, 195, 196, 198, 199, 202, 203, 208–9, 210, 212
- travel ban and, 58, 61, 65–67, 72, 73, 75, 80, 84, 86
- and Trump transition, 48–49, 50, 52
- and wall, 2, 3–4
- White House relationship with, 80
- zero tolerance policy and, 255–57
- Honduras
- aid for, 333, 383
- and family separation policy, 295–97
- and Guatemala ministerial conference discussions, 295–96
- and increase in number of migrants, 241
- State Department meeting in, 296–97
- TPS and, 191, 192, 193, 194, 199–200, 201–2, 203, 205, 206, 207, 208–9, 211
- Hook, Brian, 155, 203
- Horowitz, David, 283
- Houlton, Tyler Q., 333
- Howard, Ben, 72
- Hoyer, Steny, 232
- human rights, 132–33, 152–53, 199, 204, 295. See also civil rights
- humanitarianism, 145–46, 259, 345, 347, 348, 372, 389, 390, 391
- Hurd, Will, 182
- Hurricane Mitch, 193
- Hussein, Saddam, 116
- ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement). See also specific person
- abolishing of, 325–26
- authority of, 390
- binary choice option and, 332
- and DACA/Dreamers, 158, 233
- data from, 106–7
- and Evelyn and Amber story, 300, 301, 302, 304, 305, 306
- and family separation policy, 123–24
- Homan appointment as acting head of, 96
- increase in number of agents for, 102
- increased enforcement by, 115–20
- Kelly directives for, 96–97
- and military at border, 336
- and Miller working group, 94–95
- as overwhelmed, 377, 386
- raids by, 96
- and reunification of families, 292, 293
- rogue agents of, 102
- and sanctuary cities, 105, 271, 376–77
- targets of, 101
- and toddler seats, 123
- Trump appointees to, 47
- as Trump success, 390
- and Vitiello nomination, 384–85
- weekly reports from, 106–7
- Immigration Act (1924), 113
- Immigration and Customs Enforcement. See ICE; specific person
- Immigration and Nationality Act (1965), 114, 192, 335, 348
- Immigration and Naturalization Service, U.S. (INS): and public charge rule, 311, 315
- immigration/immigration policy. See also specific person or topic
- as central to America’s ideals, 8–9
- as central to Trump administration, 6, 8, 10
- costs of, 134–35
- in crisis, 389–90
- cutting of legal, 46, 54, 168–69, 182, 183, 185, 394
- Davis and Shear interview about, 289–95
- demonizing of illegal, 46
- ideological inconsistency of Trump on, 166
- as motivator for Trump supporters, 392
- and negotiating power of Trump administration, 370
- and successes of Trump administration, 8–9, 99, 100, 341
- as symbol of America’s problems, 5
- Trump approach to, 6–7
- Trump inconsistent views about, 36–39
- and Trump legacy, 392–93
- Trump priorities for reform of, 175, 176–77
- Trump retreat from proposals about, 7
- wall as symbol of Trump, 6
- as work in progress, 10
- “Immigration Priorities for the 2017 Presidential Transition” (Stein), 47
- inauguration, Trump’s, 55, 56, 64, 230–31
- Indonesian Christians: deportation of, 115–16, 118–19
- Ingraham, Laura, 94, 238, 347
- Inskeep, Steve, 347
- Insurrection Act, 246
- International Organizations and Alliances (IOA), 144
- International Refugee Assistance Project, 71, 73
- Iran, 54, 72, 91
- Iraq/Iraqis
- and deportations of Detroit Iraqis, 116–18
- and increased ICE enforcement, 116–18, 120
- Muslim ban and, 54
- P2 program for, 318
- and refugee program, 141, 318
- and travel ban, 59, 72, 76, 78, 81–84, 117
- Trump views about, 83–84
- Trump visit to, 372
- U.S. relations with, 81–84
- ISIS, 82, 137
- Islam: Trump comments about, 98–99
- Japanese Americans: internment of, 202
- Jefferson, Thomas, 245
- Jews, 151, 335
- jobs. See also employees; work permits; workers
- Miller’s concerns about, 281
- and public charge rule, 311
- Trump comments about, 111–12
- Johnson, Boris, 72, 78
- Johnson, Jeh, 50, 123, 166
- Johnson, Lyndon, 114
- Johnson, Ron, 224, 374
- Joint Chiefs of Staff: and refugees, 141
- Jordan: and travel ban, 59
- Jordan, Jim, 249, 365
- José, family separation story about, 269
- Jovel, Sandra, 295
- judges. See also specific person
- and census question, 323
- and credible fear cases, 320
- and DACA, 158, 177, 219, 226, 243–44, 394
- denial of asylum claims by, 52
- and deportations, 101, 116–17, 118–20, 123
- and Evelyn and Amber story, 304, 305
- and immigration crisis, 265, 266
- and Mexico-U.S. negotiations, 345, 346, 348
- Miller views about, 285
- and national emergency, 375
- need for more, 102, 103, 255, 256, 261, 265, 266
- and “Remain in Mexico” program, 346
- and reunification of families, 292–93, 298
- and rogue ICE agents, 102
- and family separation policy, 261, 265, 278, 292–93, 298
- shortage of space for, 103
- and TPS, 212–13
- and travel ban, 73, 74, 78, 79, 86, 88, 102, 125, 143
- Trump views about, 8, 88, 120, 177, 266
- and vetting, 125
- and zero tolerance policy, 255, 256
- judicial system. See judges; legal system; specific topic
- Judiciary Committee, House, 347–48
- Judiciary Committee, Senate, 225–26, 232
- Justice Department, U.S. (DOJ). See also specific person or division
- and blame for immigration crisis, 265
- and census question about citizenship, 322
- and DACA/Dreamers, 158, 171
- data from, 98
- and executive orders, 56–57
- family separation policy and, 253, 254, 257, 261–62, 263–64
- and frustrations with immigration policies, 103, 104
- and Global Compact for Migration, 153, 154
- Hamilton group and, 43
- Miller working group and, 93
- and options for cracking down on border, 332
- and refugees, 143
- sanctuary cities grants and, 105
- and slowing of naturalization processing, 321
- TPS and, 212–13
- travel ban and, 61, 68–70, 78–80, 86, 87, 89
- and Trump speech to Congress, 98
- Trump sued by, 20
- zero tolerance policy and, 255, 257
- Kadlec, Bob, 292, 293, 294
- Kaine, Tim, 234
- Katz, Jeremy, 167
- Keene, New Hampshire: Trump speech in, 137
- Kellogg, Keith, 61, 132, 205
- Kelly, John
- and Bannon-Kushner relationship, 164
- and blame for immigration crisis, 265, 267
- Bolton disagreement with, 331–32
- and border closings, 330, 331–32
- and border security, 241
- congressional appearances of, 100–102
- and DACA/Dreamers, 162–63, 164, 166–67, 172, 173, 174, 177–78, 179, 221, 222, 226–27, 229, 230, 231–32, 250
- Democrats’ meeting with, 100–102
- family separation policy and, 124, 253, 263, 264, 275, 277
- and government shutdown, 230
- and Gutiérrez arrest, 297
- Hicks-Porter case and, 289
- and Homan appointment, 96
- ICE directives of, 96–97
- and increase in immigrant crossings, 241
- influence on Trump of, 226
- Kushner views about, 368
- and local law enforcement efforts, 105–6
- Mexico-U.S. relations and, 97
- and military for border security, 245, 336
- Nealon relationship with, 122
- and Nielsen resignation, 267
- omnibus spending bill and, 238
- professional background of, 101
- and refugees, 139
- reputation of, 101
- resignation of, 360
- responsibilities of, 121
- and sanctuary cities, 105–6
- TPS and, 195–97, 207–10
- travel ban and, 65, 66, 71, 75, 76, 80, 81, 83–84, 87, 90, 91, 164
- and Trump outbursts, 126, 128
- Trump relationship with, 97, 164, 227, 336
- and Trump-staff relations, 128
- Trump transition and, 50
- and wall, 227
- White House staff relationship with, 80
- Kennedy, Edward M. “Ted,” 39
- Kenney, Jim, 270–71
- Kenney, Kristie, 75–76, 77–78
- Kenya: and travel ban, 59
- Kim Jong-un, 4, 249
- King, Larry, 20
- King, Steve, 23–24
- Kirchner, Julie, 47
- Kislyak, Sergey, 69, 81
- Knight, Shahira, 351, 356
- Kobach, Kris
- census question about citizenship and, 322
- DACA and, 158–60, 167, 168, 175
- and DHS as overwhelmed, 379–80, 381
- and Dobbs comments, 379–80
- elections of 2018 and, 343
- NSEERS and, 49
- TPS and, 194
- Trump transition and, 48–49, 52
- Kovarik, Kathy Nuebel, 43, 93, 198
- Kremer, Amy, 240–41
- Krikorian, Mark, 45, 46–47
- Kushner, Jared
- and Alfalfa Club dinner, 73
- Bannon relationship with, 164–66
- and blame for immigration crisis, 267
- border closing and, 381, 383
- Calexico meeting and, 385
- and DACA/Dreamers, 159, 163–66, 168, 172, 184
- and immigration policy negotiations, 165, 368–70, 373–74, 387, 394
- and increase in border crossings, 380
- influence on immigration issues of, 165
- and Mexico-U.S. relations, 63, 331, 358, 365, 383
- Miller and, 288–89
- Nielsen and, 385
- Tillerson and, 165
- and travel ban, 77, 86, 89
- Videgaray meeting with, 165
- and wall negotiations, 365–66, 368–70