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Aaltra 97–9, 106n.1, 184n.3
Abel 100
ableism 5, 13, 21, 200, 202, 227
ablenationalism 4, 9, 50
abnormality 11, 82–4, 151, 159, 165, 167
About Love see O Lubvi
abrazos rotos, Los 161–2
Ab va garma see Water and Heat
Academy Awards 66, 158
Addlakha, Renu 13n.1, 74
Acevedo-Muñoz, Ernesto 80–1, 90n.5
aesthetics 184n.2; of anti-normalisation 158; and disability 4; grotesque corporeal aesthetics 79; surrealisminflected aesthetics 89; visceral aesthetics 222
African films 216–28, 228n.1
Allinson, Mark 159
Almodóvar, Pedro 12, 157–70
Alvart, Christian 141, 143
Amenábar, Alejandro 161
American democracy 202
American Dream 174, 201
American exceptionalism 200, 204, 213n.1
American identity 200
American individualism 12, 200–13
American-ness 200, 202, 208
Amsterdamned 102
Anand, Shilpa 74
Anglophone audiences 13–14n.3
Anglophone disability cinema/films 3, 9, 11, 12
Anglophone Disability Studies 4, 9
anorexia 101, 147, 177, 180, 183
Another Birth see Tavallodi digar
Antibodies see Antikörper
Antikörper 141–2, 144, 154
Anton’s Right Here 11, 110–23; see also autism
Anton’s Right Here Centre 122
Anton tut riadom see Anton’s Right Here
Arkus, Lyubov 110–22, 123–124n.6, 124n.n.11,12
ASD 128–9
Asperger syndrome 103, 139, 169
Asylums 176
Átame! 12, 157, 165–7
Autism 11, 94, 103–5, 101–23, 123n.1, 124n.9, 126–39; non-autistic actors 134
Autisme Centraal 104
avant-garde 80, 193, 252, 253; European avant-garde 252
Avatar 12, 200–13; see also biotechnology
Bakha Satang see Peppermint Candy
Balabanov, Alexei 112
Balthazar, Nic 103, 104
Barefoot see Barfuss
Barfuss 145–7
beggar 82, 90n.4, 194, 219, 221–3
Belgian films 12, 98, 99, 106n.1, 175
Bella non piangere! 12, 187–97; see also New Man
Beltrame, Achille 187
Ben X 103–5; see also autism
Bergman, Ingmar 174
Berocca 24–5
biotechnology 12, 200, 203, 208–9, 213
bipolar disorder 161, 170n.3
blackness 248, 260
Black, Rhonda 100, 129, 130, 133
black soldier 225
Blind Child see Blind Kind
Blind Kind 95
blindness 79, 84, 86–9, 248
bodies: able-bodied 1, 6, 10, 20, 23, 25, 26, 28, 29, 34, 37, 59, 67, 132, 134, 141, 143–52, 154, 158, 220, 235, 236; anomalous bodies 20, 222; bodies on film 200; disabled body 6, 12, 23–4, 28–9, 67, 106, 170–171n.7, 188, 208; idealised body 65, 97; lived body 247, 254, 255; representation of 5; transsexual bodies 158; women’s bodies 158, 257
Bolden, Oriana 22
Bollywood Cinema 11, 63–6, 75n.1
Bombay cinema 64
Broken Embraces see abrazos rotos, Los
Brüggemann, Dietrich 151
Buñuel, Luis 11, 78–83, 85, 89, 90n.5
Cahiers du cinéma 253
Cameron, James 203, 213
Camp at Thiaroye, The see Camp de Thiaroye
Camp de Thiaroye 12, 216–17, 223, 224–7
Camphill Village Svetlana 118
Campos Artigas, Alfonso 83, 84, 90n.10
cancer 93–5, 111, 170–171n.7
capitalism 72, 114, 158, 159, 201, 202, 205, 208
Carbonari, David 189, 191, 194
Carey, Allison C. 50
Castells, Manuel 38, 40, 42
cerebral palsy 10, 24, 34, 40, 41
Chang-dong, Lee 10, 33–40, 42–4
chien andalou, Un 81
Chorok Mulgogi 33
Christianity 23, 143; Orthodox Christianity 124n.11
chromosomal mismatch 59
Ciske de Rat 95
citizenship 47–51, 58, 60, 202, 203, 211, 222, 225
citizens movements 230
Clínica de la Conducta 82–5
cognitive code of reality 1, 5–8
Coixet, Isabel 161
Cold Blood see Sang Froid
Coletti, Duilio 191
colonialism: British colonialism 63, 70, 71, 73; doubly colonized 226; French colonialism 70, 216, 220, 224–7; neocolonialist 217; postcolonial Africa 12, 218, 221, 224, 226; postcolonial spaces 218
Colour of Paradise, The see Rang-e Khoda
Come As You Are see Hasta la Vista
communism 201
Confederación española de agrupaciones de familiares y enfermos mentales see FEAFES
Cost of Living, The 28
counter-narratives 93
Crazy About Paris see Verrückt nach Paris
crippled 81, 95, 145, 222, 223, 240; bad cripple 150; good cripple 150, 180; super cripple 153
cross-cultural 1, 4, 36, 179
Daglicht 103–5; see also autism
Dallas Buyers Club 211
Danes, Claire 126–7, 132–3; see also Temple Grandin
Davis, Lennard J. 3, 82, 173, 204, 222, 231
Daylight see Daglicht
deafness 23, 61, 81, 84, 161, 222; Anglophone work on 4; deaf culture in Spain 3; deaf vampires 23
debility 248, 259
Debrauwer, Lieven 99
deformity 222, 223, 231, 251, 256
Deléfine, Benoit 97
dementia 149
denormalization 180
depression 68, 161, 163; see mental illness
destigmatisation 157, 166
Diawara, Manthia 216
Dick, Maas 102
disability: cinematic representation 2, 4, 7–9, 12, 143; disability culture 1, 4, 27–8; disability dance 28; disability documentary 10, 18, 22; disability drag 11, 126–7, 131–2, 134; disability identities 104; disabled children 21, 118; disabled evildoer 141–5; disabled women 19; as embedded concept 12, 218, 220; for global audiences 9; historical exclusion of 20; intellectual disability 11, 47–50, 52, 55–7, 61n.6, 69, 75n.3, 100, 157, 161, 238; media representation of 129; narratives of 6, 12, 106, 126, 129; negative images of 2; in non-Anglophone contexts 2; non-disabled actors 9; positive imagery of 154; in post-industrialised wester 19; representations of 2, 5, 11, 63, 65, 79, 93, 99, 103, 126, 132, 141, 143, 148, 155, 202, 219, 224, 231, 247; in Russia 111, 113, 122, 123n.1; social disability 242
disability film festivals 18, 19, 22, 24, 27, 29, 30, 31; DisArts Film Festival 19
disability rights movement 30, 203; in post-Soviet Russia 111, 122
disability road movie 12, 173–84, 184n.3; and non-disability road movie 179
disablism 147
disfigurement 102, 158
Diop Mambéty, Djibril 217
Dizionario del Film 191
Dodes’ka-den 13, 230–42
Dolgopolov, Greg 110, 116, 119, 123n.2
Donaldson, Elizabeth 160, 163, 164
Don’t Cry, Beautiful! see Bella non piangere!
Down syndrome 6, 10, 19, 47–60, 61n.7, 99; see also and sexuality
Dresen, Andreas 148–9
Dutch Cinema: non-disabled actors 99; New Wave-influenced crime 95; Postwar 11, 93–106
Dutch Film Canon see Nederlands Film Festival
dyscalculia 69
dyslexia 11, 63–75, 75n.3
Easy Rider 181
echolalia 112
edad de oro, La 81
Eighth Day, The see huitième jour, Le
Elysium 211
Emcke, Matthias 151, 152
Enthoven, Geoffrey 97
eroticism 52, 56, 61n.8, 249
epilepsy 85, 90n.10
eugenics 19, 66–8, 85, 90n.7; posteugenic 210
European road movie 12, 97, 173–84, 184n.3; see also disability road movie
Ex Drummer 102
Farrokhzad, Forugh 13, 247–60
Fascism 187–93, 197n.n.9,10
Fellini, Federico 174
Fight Club 163
Film Krant (magazine) 97
Fire, A see Yek atash
first-person narrator 142
Flaherty, Robert J. 5
Foucault, Michel 74, 207, 234, 239, 240
Franco, Francisco 158
French New Wave 252
Freud, Sigmund 162
Fuentes, Carlos 78
Garland-Thomson, Rosemarie 13n.2, 30, 35, 67, 159–60, 181, 200, 201, 204, 222
Gattaca 211
Gehlawat, Ajay 64
German films 141–55
GFW 249, 252
Ghafferi, Farrokh 253
Global North 1, 218
God’s Gift see Wend Kuuni
Goffman, Erving 176, 177
Golden Age, The see edad de oro, La
Golestan, Ebrahim 251–3
Golestan Film Workshop see GFW
Gombele 218
goodnight, liberation 22
Goya Awards 158
Green Fish see Chorok Mulgogi
GriGris 218
Grimm 101
Gwangju Uprising 33
Hable con ella 169
Haroun, Mahamat-Saleh 218
Hasta la Vista 99, 105, 175–6, 179–83
heroism 189, 192, 194, 197n.8, 204; able hero 205; American lone hero 204–6
Higiene Mental Escolar 85
Hindi film industry 64
Hollywood cinema 14n.5, 64, 99, 102, 145, 159, 165, 174, 191, 200–2, 203–4, 210, 211, 216–17, 222, 228n.1; disability films 208; Hollywood’s 3D technology 212
homeland 192, 194, 195, 225, 227, 240
homelessness 248
homosexuality 48, 49, 96, 158
House is Black, The 13, 247–60; see also leprosy
Huettner, Ralf 146
huitième jour, Le 99, 100
human rights 49, 51, 248, 260; Human Rights Watch 123n.3
hysteria 164–5, 254, 255
I am the Other Woman see Ich bin die Andere
Ich bin die Andere 144, 154
Imam biyavarim be aghaz-e fasl-e sard 249
I’m in Away From Here 25; see also autism
impotence 13, 33, 211, 219–23
impure modernism 79
Indian education system 70; see also colonialism
Inside I’m Dancing 97
integration 7, 9, 51, 74, 106, 184, 208
Introduction to My Disability 22–3
Invitation to Dance 29–30
Iranian cinema 13, 247–60; Iranian New Wave cinema 13, 248, 253; New Iranian cinema 252
isolation 11, 23, 57, 68, 69, 75, 97, 104, 118, 123n.1, 136, 248, 250, 251, 255
Italian Neo-Realism 191, 252
Ivanovo detsvo 112
Ivan’s Childhood see Ivanovo detsvo
Jackson, Mick 11, 126–8, 132–3; see also autism
Japan 9, 29, 23–5, 242n.n.n.1,4,5; Japanese nationalism 232; linguistic expressions 235; new Japan 13, 213; post-war era 233, 242
Journal of Literary and Cultural Disability Studies 4, 218
Juárez Almendros, Encarnación 14n.5, 161
Jungle World (newspaper) 173
Kafer, Alison 24, 29
Katie Tippel see Keetje Tippel
Kavousi, Houshang 253
Keetje Tippel 95
Keita 218
Kenau 102
Kerverne, Gustave 97
Khamidkhodzhayev, Alisher 111, 113, 116
Khaneh siah ast see House is Black, The
Khorma (la betise) (Khorma: Stupidity) 218
Kim, Eunjung 34, 36, 39
Kim, Young-jin 36
Kinder, Marsha 159
Kisetsu no nai machi see Town Without Seasons, The
Kiss, The 6–7
Kleine Teun 100
Kojiki 231
Korean New Wave 10, 33–44
Kracauer, Siegfried 5
Kurosawa, Akira 13, 230–42
Laaste Dagen van Emma Blank, De 101
LaCom, Cindy 226, 227
Lance, Stephen 19
Last Days of Emma Blank, The see Laaste Dagen van Emma Blank, De
legless 81, 85, 90n.4, 223
leprosy 13, 247–60
Lermontov, Mikhail 112
Let Us Believe in the Beginning of the Cold Season see Imam biyavarim be aghaz-e fasl-e sard
Levinson, Barry 103
liberalism 249, 250
Like Stars on Earth see Taare Zameen Par
Link, Jürgen 180
Linton, Simi 29
Little Girl Who Sold the Sun, The see petite vendeuse de soileil, La
Little Teun see Kleine Teun
Love and Other Drugs 211
Lumière and Company see Lumière et compagnie
Lumière brothers 5, 6, 174
Lumière et compagnie 6
Lyotard, Jean-François 44
Macaulay, Lord Thomas 70, 75
madness 145, 162, 164–5, 227
Majidi, Majid 248, 260n.1
Makhmalbaf, Mohsen 248, 260n.1
Man of Aran 5
Mar adentro 161
martyrdom 12, 187–8
Marxism 10, 12, 201, 203
masculinity 47–60; alternative masculinities 96; disabled masculinity 10, 12, 47; heterosexual masculinity 47, 53; individual masculinity 33; lost masculinity 189; male trauma 33; male anxiety 33; masculine heroism 194; mythical manhood 205; narratives of athletic masculinity 106; reformulations of masculinity 188
mass media 124n.12, 131, 202
McCabe, Susan 254
melodrama 19, 34, 64, 165, 233
mental disability 111, 115, 161, 226
mental hygiene 85
mental illness 85, 93, 143, 157–70, 170n.6, 238
meta-narratives 233
metaphor 7, 44, 63, 65, 82, 87, 103, 116, 122, 141, 149, 154, 164, 178, 179, 192, 195, 205, 208, 233, 239, 259, 260; body politic metaphor 188–9, 197, 204, 205; of illness 170–171n.7; ironies of 242n.5; metaphor of the door 126, 127, 135–8; as a national 233, 235; women as a 165, 206
Me too see Yo, también
Milky Way, The see voie lactée, La
Milyang see Secret Sunshine
mise-en-scène 65, 170n.3, 203, 234
mobility 31, 194, 207, 255
Monchamps, Eugénie 84
Mortier, Koen 102
moving images 2
Mujeres al borde de un ataque de nervios 12, 157, 163, 165, 169
Murderball 96
Mussolini, Benito 187, 190
muteness 24
mutilated victory 190–1
myth 141, 149, 154, 189–92, 202, 208, 223; historical myth 12; individualist myth 12, 201; manhood myth 205; national myth 189; political myth 187; of self-sufficiency 202; social myth 170–171n.7
mythology 231
Naficy, Hamid 247, 250–3
Naharro, Antonio 47, 57
national identity 80, 188, 232, 242
National Institute of Psychopedagogy 85
nationhood 1, 8
Nederlands Film Festival 94, 101
neoliberalism 21, 31
Neorealism see Italian Neo-Realism
new hallyu see Korean New Wave
new Japan 13, 231
New Man 12, 187–97
Nollywood 13, 228n.1
Noordelingen, De 101
normalcy 12, 66, 159, 163, 173–84, 208, 222, 226, 227, 234, 235, 241; non-normalcy 175, 180, 183
normality 38, 141, 143–4, 147, 154, 209
Northerners, The see Noordelingen, De
Oasieu see Oasis
Oasis 10, 33–44
Ober 101
Oberhausen Film Festival 251, 253
objects of curiosity 145
obsessive-compulsive disorder 147, 170n.6
O’Donnell, Damien 97
O Lubvi 20–1
olvidados, Los 11, 78–89, 89n.3, 90n.n.n.4,5,6
Onega camps 115
On Freaks and People see Pro urodov i liudei
Other 11–12, 35, 67, 141–55, 225–6, 236, 257; Self/Other 141, 226
Otherness 43, 104, 153, 159
paraplegia 95, 96, 151, 176, 180
Pasolini, Pier Paolo 5, 7, 8; see also cognitive code of reality
Pastor, Álvaro 47
Patiño Rojas, Dr. José Luis 82–4, 90n.10
Paul-Boncour, Georges 84
Pauline and Paulette 99, 100
Pepi, Luci, Bom y otras chicas del montón 158
Peppermint Candy 33
Pesaro Film Festival 251
petite vendeuse de soileil, La 217
Phantom Pain see Phantomschmerz
Phantomschmerz 151–2, 154
picaresque 81, 89n.3
piel que habito, La 169
Pineda, Pablo 47, 49
Poetry 33, 37
popular culture 2, 65
post-war Italian nationalism 12
poverty 20, 31, 82, 84, 204, 236, 248, 250
Pro urodov i liudei 112
psychoanalysis 162
Putin, Vladimir 11, 21, 111–18, 121
Quayson, Ato 224
racism 13, 223, 224
Radji, Dr. Abdolhossein 251
Rain Man 103, 120, 127
Rajadhyaksha, Ashish 64
Rang-e Khoda 248
realism 95, 150; poetic realism 13, 247, 252; social realism 80
Renn, wenn Du kannst 151, 154
Risholm, Ellen 175, 179, 180, 183, 184
Road, The see strada, La
Rubin, Henry 96
Rue des Invalides 98, 99, 105, 106
Rukojć, Katarzyna 34, 36, 37
Run if you can see Renn, wenn Du kannst
Rutten, Gerard 95
Sánchez Vidal, Agustín 78, 81, 89n.3, 90n.4
Sandahl, Carrie 28
Sanders, Mari 98–9, 106
Sang Froid 23
Santamarina, Dr. Rafael 84
Sassen, Saskia 44
Saul, Anno 147
savantism 114, 127–8
Schweiger, Til 145
Sea Inside, The see Mar adentro
Secret Life see Vida secreta
Secret Life of Words, The 161
Secret Sunshine 33, 37
Seeßlen, Georg 173, 183, 184
Sembène, Ousmane 12, 216–28
sexism 65, 134
sexuality 6, 10, 19, 32, 35, 36, 40, 47–60, 97, 141, 150–4, 159; discourses of gender/sexuality 12, 13n.1, 170; expressions of 51; sexual abnormality 150, 151; sexual activity 47, 56–60, 61n.6; sexual agency 56; sexual desire 53, 55, 57; sexual disinhibition 95; sexual impotence 219; sexual minorities 49; sexual oppression 19; sexual politics 34; sexual prohibition 19–20, 56, 61n.8; sexual rights 10, 49, 58, 60; sexuality of disabled characters 150; sexually abnormal 142
Shapiro, Dana 96
Shi see Poetry
Siebers, Tobin 4, 7, 9, 19, 110, 126, 132
Silence see Sokut
Skin I Live In, The see piel que habito, La
Smith, Paul Julian 159
Smultronstrället 174
socialism 158, 201
Society of Disability Studies 29
Society to Assist Patients of Leprosy 250
Sokurov, Alexander 114, 123–124n.6
Sokut 248
Sommer vorm Balkon 148–50, 154
Source Code 211
South Korean society 37, 43
space/place 1
Spanish Confederation of Groups of Families of Those with Mental Illness see FEAFES spectatorship 2, 7
Spetters 95–6
Splatters see Spetters
Staudte, Wolfgang 95
stereotypes 98, 130, 141, 144, 149, 154, 195, 218; breaking stereotypes 163; of extraordinary ability 115; negative stereotypes 218; neurotypical stereotypes 113; of The Disabled Person as Super Cripple 153
sterilisation 50
stigmatisation 35, 42, 157, 235, 250, 251
strada, La 174
Suleman, Raman 218
Summer in Berlin see Sommer vorm Balkon
supercrip 11, 74, 98, 126, 127–32, 134, 139, 152–3
surrealism 81, 89
Taare Zameen Par 11, 63–75, 75n.3; see also dyslexia
taboos 30, 242n.1
Talk to Her see Hable con ella
Tarkovsky, Andrei 112
Tavallodi digar 249, 255, 258
Taylor, Martin 24
Temple Grandin 11, 126–39; see also autism
Thelma and Louise 181
thinking in pictures 11, 126, 134–6
Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down! see Átame!
Toti, Enrico 12, 187–97, 197n.n.3,8
Tourette syndrome 146–7, 153, 177, 182
Town without Seasons, The 230
Transcendence 211
trauma 6, 33, 112, 113, 147, 153–4, 161–2, 169, 194, 225, 226
Treurniet, Maarten 102
Turkish Delight see Turks Fruit
Turks Fruit 94
UNCRPD 51, 60
United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities see UNCRPD
US-American road movies 174–5, 181
Valiant Kunal see Veer Kunal
Van der Keuken, Johan 95
van Dormael, Jaco 6–8, 99
van Rooijen, Diedrik 103
van Warmerdam, Alex 94, 100–2
Veer Kunal 65
Verhoeven, Paul 94–6
Verrückt nach Paris 175, 177, 179, 181–3
Vertov, Dziga 119–20
Vida secreta 81, 90n.4
Viel, Dr. Benjamin 78–80
Vincent Wants to Sea see Vincent will Meer
Vincent will Meer 146, 175, 177, 179, 181–4
Viridiana 81
vittoria mutilata see mutilated victory
voice-over 112, 115, 120–1, 247, 252, 254, 258–60
voie lactée, La 81
Von Tippelskirch, Christian 29
von Trotta, Margarethe 144, 145
Waiter see Ober
Wagadu (journal) 14n.9, 218
Waldschmidt, Anne 143, 154, 173, 180
Water and Heat 252, 253
Wend Kuuni 218
Werkema, Lotte 98
What It Is Like To Be My Mother 26
wheelchair 25, 31, 34, 41, 94–9, 143–5, 148, 151–3, 176
White Revolution 249
Wild Strawberries see Smultronstrället
Wo ist Fred? 147, 154
Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown see Mujeres al borde de un ataque de nervios
Wonderful Life of Willem Parel, The see Wonderlijk Leven van Willem Parel, Het
Wonderlijk Leven van Willem Parel, Het 95
world cinema 1, 9–13
World Health Organization 158
World War I 187–92, 196, 227
World War II 224, 227, 232
Xala 12, 216–18, 219–24, 227
Yek atash 252
Yolk 19
Yo, también 10, 47–60, 61n.6
Young and the Damned, The see olvidados, Los
youth-culture 105
Zulu Love Letter 218