a) Pre-Restoration Writings, 1860–69:
1865 Tōjin ōrai (Comings and Goings of the Foreigners)
1866 Seiyō jijō (Conditions in the West; Vol. 1, 1868; Supplementary Vol., 1868; Vol. II, 1870)
1867 Seiyō tabi annai (Guide to Travel in the Western Countries)
1868 Kinmō kyūri zukai (Illustrated Book of the Natural Sciences)
1869 Sekai kunizukushi (All the Countries of the World)
b) Post-Restoration Writings, 1870–1901:
1872–76 Gakumon no susume (An Encouragement of Learning, originally published as seventeen pamphlets)
1875 Bunmeiron no gairyaku (An Outline of a Theory of Civilization)
1877 Bunkenron (On the Division of Power)
1878 Tsūzoku minken ron (Popular Discourse on People’s Rights) Tsūzoku kokken ron (Popular Discourse on the Rights of Nations)
1879 Kokkai ron (On a National Diet)
1881 Jiji shōgen (A Brief Commentary on the Trends of the Times)
1882 Founded a daily newspaper, the Jiji shinpō, in which many of his writings after 1882 appeared in serial form. Jiji taiseiron (The Trends of the Times)
1885 Nihon fujinron (On Japanese Women). Also Onna daigaku hyōron (A Critique of “The Great Learning for Women”) and Shin onna daigaku (The New Great Learning for Women), 1899.
1888 “Sonnōron” (On Honoring the Emperor)
1892 “Kokkai no zento” (On the Future of the Diet)
1897 Fukuō hyakuwa, Fukuō hyakuyowa (Miscellaneous Essays)
1898 Fukuō jiden (Autobiography, as dictated to a secretary)
1900 Shūshin yōryō (On Moral Code)
Further Reading
Fukuzawa Yukichi. An Outline of a Theory of Civilization. The Thought of Fukuzawa Volume 1. Revised translation by David A. Dilworth and G. Cameron Hurst, III. Tokyo: Keio University Press, 2008; New York: Columbia University Press, 2009.
———. The Autobiography of Yukichi Fukuzawa. Revised translation by Eiichi Kiyooka with a foreword by Albert M. Craig. New York: Columbia University Press, 2007.
———. Fukuzawa Yukichi on Education. Translated and edited by Eiichi Kiyooka. Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press, 1985.
———. The Speeches of Fukuzawa: A Translation and Critical Study. Translated and edited by Wayne H. Oxford. Tokyo: The Hokuseido Press, 1973.
Blacker, Carmen. The Japanese Enlightenment: A Study of the Writings of Fukuzawa Yukichi. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1964.
Craig, Albert. “Fukuzawa Yukichi: The Philosophical Foundations of Meiji Nationalism.” Reprinted in The Autobiography of Yukichi Fukuzawa. New York: Columbia University Press, 2007. 373–429. First published in Political Development in Modern Japan. Edited by Robert Ward. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1968.
———. Civilization and Enlightenment: The Early Thought of Fukuzawa Yukichi. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2009.
Dilworth, David A. “Was Fukuzawa a Philosopher?” In Kindai Nihon Kenkyū (Bulletin of Modern Japanese Studies) 25 (October 2008): 1–26.
Gino K. Piovesana, S. J. Recent Japanese Philosophical Thought, 1862–1961: A Survey. Tokyo: Sophia University Press, 1968.
Kosaka Masaaki, ed. Japanese Thought in the Meiji Era, trans. and adapted by David Abosch. Tokyo: Pan-Pacific Press, 1958.
Meiroku zasshi: Journal of the Japanese Enlightenment. Translated by William Reynolds. Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press, 1976.
Tamaki Norio. Yukichi Fukuzawa, 1835–1901: The Spirit of Enterprise in Modern Japan. Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2001.