Syntax. CONCATENATE(text1,text2,...)
Definition. This function joins several strings into a single string.
text1,text2,...up to 30 strings. The strings to be joined into a single text string. The arguments can be strings, numbers, or single-cell references.
The examples for the TEXT() function have already demonstrated a use for this function. With this function, you can create dynamic text combining static and calculated strings.
Keep in mind that arguments are combined without delimiters (spaces or commas). Include delimiters in the arguments or use them as separate arguments. To enter a space, enclose the space in quotation marks (” “) or use the CHAR(32) function. The value 32 for the CHAR() function returns a space.
Instead of the CONCATENATE() function, you can use the & operator to connect strings.
Example. If cell B22 contains the name Counts, cell C22 contains the first name Robin, and cell D22 contains the date of birth 12/06/1964, the formula
=CONCATENATE(C22," ",B22," was born ",TEXT(D22,"MM/DD/YYYY"),". This was a ",TEXT(D22,"DDDD"),".")
returns Robin Counts was born 12/06/1964. This was a Sunday.
(See Figure 8-2.)