Definition. This function returns information about the operating system and Excel.
Background. Table 11-5 shows the information returned by this function for different type arguments.
Examples. The following examples show how this function is used.
=IF(VALUE(REPLACE(INFO("version"),FIND(".",INFO("version"),1),1,","))<11, "Excel is not XML-enabled.","You can use the XML function.")
The FIND() function returns the position of the period in the version number, and the REPLACE() function replaces the period with a comma. The VALUE() function converts the returned text into a number that is compared with the number 11.
Creating a Link. You can use the INFO() and HYPERLINK() functions to create a link to the current directory:
This works in Windows XP, but in Windows Vista you have to remove the last backslash if B11 contains the information:
The formula
doesn’t work.