Definition. This function returns a number indicating the data type of the value argument.
To use this function, you should be familiar with the mappings listed in Table 11-7.
TYPE(B12) = 1
have the same logical value.
The ISBLANK(), ISNA(), and ISREF() functions don’t work with the TYPE() function, along with ISERR(), which does not recognize #N/A as an error.
Examples. The following examples illustrate how to use the TYPE() function.
Producing IS() Functions. You can use the TYPE() function in the examples for the IS() functions. The second condition, =ISERROR(B3)
, in the example shown earlier in Figure 11-2, is now
For the example in Figure 11-6 (also shown earlier), you can use
instead of
And in the second example for the ISLOGICAL() function, the identification of the cells containing logical values with colors can be done with
for the red cells and with
for the green cells.
Creating a Custom Function. If you often use information from a value type for text, you can create a custom function. The following code checks whether the cell contains an error. If the cell doesn’t contain an error, it checks whether the cell value is TRUE or FALSE. If the cell contains a different value, it checks whether the value is a numeric value.
Function TypeInWords(myRange As Range) As String Dim var As Variant var = myRange.Value If Not IsEmpty(var) Then If IsError(var) Then TypeInWords = "Error" Else If var = True Or var = False And Not IsEmpty(var) Then TypeInWords = "Logical value" Else If IsNumeric(var) Then TypeInWords = "Number" Else TypeInWords = "Text" End If End If End If Else TypeInWords = "" End If End Function