Arguments in Database Functions

Because all database functions—except the GETPIVOTDATA() function—have the same arguments, these functions will be explained at the beginning of this chapter. For database functions, you have to specify three arguments:


You cannot enter criteria as array expressions directly into the function. You need to set up an area in the spreadsheet where the criteria range is specified, and reference this range as the argument in the database function.

An example of search criteria and their functionality is outlined in the example that follows.

In the database example, for simplicity, the examples are set up to the side of the raw data.

Assume that you want to evaluate sales for particular articles within different countries:

  1. Set up the criteria definitions to the right of the data set. You need the three field names Country/Region, Product, and Sales. To ensure that you have exactly what has been typed in the database, copy the column headings and paste them to the right of the table.

  2. Below the field names, enter a condition. A field could be quoted as text together with the column heading in quotation marks, such as in “USA”, “1500” or “U*”; as well as logical operators and expressions such as “>k” or “<2000”. For countries and products, you can again copy and paste from entries in the database to ensure that you have typed the entry correctly.

  3. Use the range containing the field names and the filter conditions in the database functions. The following example outlines the use of the criteria ranges.


In the search criteria, the asterisk (*) is used as a wildcard for any characters, and the question mark (?) is used as wildcard for a single character.

Figure 13-2 specifies the search criteria: Country/Region is Mexico AND the product is Geitost AND the Sales value is greater than $1,500.

Search criteria using AND conditions.

Figure 13-2. Search criteria using AND conditions.

You can also use OR conditions by entering the criteria in multiple rows (see Figure 13-3).

Search criteria using the OR condition.

Figure 13-3. Search criteria using the OR condition.

In this example, the criteria specifies Mexico Geitost orders greater than $1500 or Mexico Pavlova orders greater than $1,500.


If you specify the search criterion cha, all records with the item name chai and chang and similar are selected. For an exact match, put the criteria in quotation marks and enter an equal sign: “=chai” only finds the items for the product Chai.