
Definition. This function returns the arctangent or inverse tangent of a number.


Background. Use the ATAN() function to calculate the adjacent angle based on the tangent (see Figure 16-7). In other words, the arctangent is the angle whose tangent is number. The result is a radian measure between –π/2 and π/2 and has to be converted into degrees with the DEGREES() function or by multiplying the result with 180/PI().

Because each angle occurs two times in a full circle, the value range for an arctangent is restricted.

The values of the arctangent in a coordinate plane look like those shown in Figure 16-7.

The ATAN() function.

Figure 16-7. The ATAN() function.

Examples. The ATAN() function is used to calculate the angles of a right triangle based on the opposite leg and the adjacent leg.

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In one example, the angle resulting from tangent 1 could be 45º as well as 225º. Because the range is limited to –90º to 90º, the result is 45º. The corresponding formula looks like this:


Because the result is a radian measure, you have to convert it by using the DEGREES() function. More examples for this function are:

  • =DEGREES(ATAN(–1)) returns angle α with –45°.

  • =DEGREES(ATAN(0.75355405)) returns angle α with 37°.

  • =DEGREES(ATAN(4.010780934)) returns angle α with 76°.

See Also

ATAN2(), ATANH(), PI(), TAN()