If you’ve ever set foot in a French patisserie or walked past one and inhaled its aroma, you know the allure of classic pastry, which in a way is the pinnacle of baking. It starts with the most basic ingredients and, like magic, transforms them into something entirely different and universally awe-inspiring. From airy Cream Puffs to infinitely flaky Real Puff Pastry and Phyllo Dough, the common denominators among all pastries are little more than flour and fat. Sometimes, as in Croissants and Danish Pastry Dough, yeast comes into play. At any rate, it’s nothing less than astounding to see the wild assortment you can make from such a simple foundation.
Pastry has a reputation for being intimidating, finicky, and just plain difficult, but trust me: It’s none of those things. Yes, precision is important and pastry making doesn’t lend itself to instant gratification, but all of the following recipes are straightforward, and you’re likely to succeed on your first try with any of them, as long as you pay attention to the details and remain patient. Going through the process will make you a better baker—and a better cook—and the results of your handiwork will be impressive and satisfying.
A few basic doughs—see The “Mother Doughs”—are springboards for nearly everything in this chapter, and from there you get to improvise your heart out. (There are also a handful of delicious wild cards that belong in any pastry lover’s repertoire; see pages 497–504.) Whereas with other categories of baked goods—like breads, cakes, and cookies—each version might use a different dough or batter, the variety in pastry comes from technique and assembly. If you can make one dough, you can make them all.