Table of Contents





§1   Prologue (Rev. 1:1–3)

§2   Greetings from John of Patmos to the Seven Churches of Asia (Rev. 1:4–20)

§3   Greetings from Christ to the Seven Churches of Asia (Rev. 2:1–3:22)

§4   Thanksgiving for God’s Reign: The Ground of Christian Faith (Rev. 4:1–11)

§5   The Exaltation of God’s Lamb: The Penultimate Event of Salvation’s History (Rev. 5:1–14)

§6   The Lamb Breaks Six Seals of God’s Scroll (Rev. 6:1–17)

§7   Interlude: Reminder of God’s Faithfulness to God’s People (Rev. 7:1–17)

§8   God’s Lamb Opens the Seventh Seal (Rev. 8:1–5)

§9   Angelic Trumpets Sound Six Judgments of God (Rev. 8:6–9:21)

§10   Interlude: Two Reminders of God’s Faithfulness (Rev. 10:1–11:14)

§11   The Seventh Angel Sounds the Final Trumpet (Rev. 11:15–19)

§12   Flashback: The Genesis of the Current Crisis (Rev. 12:1–12)

§13   The War in Heaven Continues on Earth (Rev. 12:13–13:18)

§14   The Eschatological Outcomes of the Conflict: The Vindication of the Faithful (Rev. 14:1–5)

§15   The Eschatological Outcomes of the Conflict: The Judgment of the Faithless (Rev. 14:6–20)

§16   The Third Sign in Heaven: Bowls of Eschatological Plagues Poured Out on Babylon (Rev. 15:1–16:16)

§17   The Seventh Bowl: The Final Destruction of Babylon (Rev. 16:17–17:18)

§18   The Aftermath of Babylon’s Destruction (Rev. 18:1–19:10)

§19   The Return of the Exalted Lamb: the Ultimate Event of Salvation’s History (Rev. 19:11–20:15)

§20   The City of God: Entering God’s Promised Shalom (Rev. 21:1–22:6a)

§21   The Epistolary Benediction (Rev. 22:6b–21)

For Further Reading

Subject Index

Scripture Index