Except for a list of important commentaries on Revelation and another list of helpful background studies, the bibliography follows the major divisions of the outline included in the commentary’s Introduction.
Beasley-Murray, G. R. The Book of Revelation. NCB. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1974.
Beckwith, I. T. The Apocalypse of John. Grand Rapids: Baker, reprint, 1919.
Blevins, J. L. Revelation. KPG. Atlanta: John Knox, 1988.
Boring, M. E. Revelation. Interpretation. Atlanta: John Knox Press, 1989.
Bowman, J. W. The Drama of the Book of Revelation. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1955.
Bousset, W. Die Offenbarung Johannis. MeyerK. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1906.
Caird, G. B. The Revelation of St. John the Divine. HNTC. New York: Harper & Row, 1966.
Charles, R. H. A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Revelation of St. John. 2 vols. ICC. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1920.
Collins, A. Y. The Apocalypse. NTM. Wilmington, Del.: Glazier, 1979.
———. Crisis & Catharsis: The Power of the Apocalypse. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1984.
Eller, V. The Most Revealing Book of the Bible. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1974.
Ellul, J. Apocalypse: The Book of Revelation. New York: Seabury, 1977.
Farrer, A. M. The Revelation of St. John the Divine. Oxford: University Press, 1964.
Ford, J. M. Revelation. AB. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1975.
Glasson, T. F. The Revelation of John. CBC. Cambridge: University Press, 1965.
Hadorn, W. Die Offenbarung des Johannes. THKNT. Leipzig: Deichert, 1928.
Hendricksen, W. More than Conquerors: an Interpretation of the Book of Revelation. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1940.
Kiddle, M. The Revelation of St. John. MNTC. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1940.
Kraft, H. Die Offenbarung des Johannes. HNT. Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr, 1974.
Krodel, G. A. Revelation. ACNT. Minneapolis: Augsburg, 1989.
Ladd, G. E. A Commentary on the Revelation of John. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1972.
Lohmeyer, E. Die Offenbarung Johannes. HNT. Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr, 1953.
Lohse, E. Die Offenbarung des Johannes, 12th ed. NTD. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1979.
Morris, L. The Revelation of St. John. TNTC. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1969.
Mounce, R. H. The Book of Revelation. NICNT, Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1977.
Müller, U. Die Offenbarung des Johannes. Wurzburg: Echter-Verlag, 1984.
Rissi, M. Time and History: a Study on the Revelation. ET. Richmond, Va.: John Knox Press, 1966.
Schüssler Fiorenza, E. The Book of Revelation: Justice and Judgment. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1985.
Sweet, J. P. M. Revelation. WPC. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1979.
Swete, H. B. The Apocalypse of St. John. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1906.
Tenney, M. C. Interpreting Revelation. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1957.
Walvoord, J. F. The Revelation of Jesus Christ. Chicago: Moody Press, 1966.
Zahn, T. Die Offenbarung des Johannes, 2 vols. KNT. Leipzig/Erlangen: Diechert, 1924–26.
Other Studies: Theological, Historical and Literary Background
Aune, D. E. The New Testament in its Literary Environment. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1987.
———. “The Apocalypse of John and Graeco-Roman Revelatory Magic.” NTS 33 (1986), pp. 481–501.
Barr, D. L. “The Apocalypse as a Symbolic Transformation of the World.” Interp 38 (1984), pp. 39–50.
———. “The Apocalypse of John as Oral Enactment.” Interp 40 (1986), pp. 243–56.
Barrett, C. K. “The Lamb of God.” NTS 1 (1954–55), pp. 210–18.
Bauckham, R. J. “Eschatological Earthquake in the Apocalypse of John.” NovT 19 (1977), pp. 224–33.
———. “The Role of the Spirit in the Apocalypse.” EQ 52 (1980), pp. 66–83.
———. “The Worship of Jesus in Apocalyptic Christianity.” NTS 27 (1981), pp. 322–341.
Beale, G. K. The Use of Daniel in Jewish Apocalyptic Literature and in the Revelation of St. John. Lanham, Md.: University Press of America, 1984.
Beardslee, W. “New Testament Apocalyptic in Recent Interpretation.” Interp 25 (1971), pp. 419–35.
Beasley-Murray, G. R. “The Contribution of the Book of Revelation to the Christian Belief in Immorality.” SJT 27 (1974), pp. 76–93.
Beker, J. C. Paul’s Apocalyptic Gospel. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1982.
Bowman, J. W. “The Revelation to John: Its Dramatic Structure and Message.” Interp 9 (1955), pp. 436–53.
Braaten, C. E. “The Significance of Apocalypticism for Systematic Theology.” Interp 25 (1971), pp. 480–99.
Brownlee, W. H. “The Priestly Character of the Church in the Apocalypse.” NTS 5 (1958), pp. 224–25.
Bruce, F. F. “The Spirit in the Apocalypse.” In Christ and Spirit in the New Testament. Essays in Honour of C. D. F. Moule. Edited by B. Lindars and S. S. Smalley. Pages 333–44. Cambridge: University Press, 1973.
Cambier, J. “Les images de l’Ancien Testament dans l’Apocalypse de Saint Jean.” NRT 77 (1955), pp. 113–22.
Charles, R. H. Eschatology. New York: Schocken, reprint, 1963.
Charlesworth, J. H. The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha, 2 vols. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1983–85.
Collins, A. Y. “The Revelation of John: An Apocalyptic Response to a Social Crisis.” CurrTM 8 (1981), pp. 4–12.
———. “Reading the Book of Revelation in the 20th Century.” Interp 40 (1986), pp. 229–42.
———. “Women’s History and the Book of Revelation,” SBLSemPap 26 (1987), pp. 80–91.
Collins, J. J., ed. Apocalypse: The Morphology of a Genre. Semeia 14. Missoula, Mont.: Scholars Press, 1979.
———. The Apocalyptic Imagination: An Introduction to the Jewish Matrix of Christianity. New York: Crossroad, 1984.
Court, J. M. Myth and History in the Book of Revelation. London: SPCK, 1979.
Farrer, A. A Rebirth of Images. London: Dacre, 1949.
Ford, J. M. “Shalom in the Johannine Corpus.” HorBT 6 (1984), pp. 67–89.
Geyser, A. “The Twelve Tribes of Israel: Judean and Judeo-Christian Apocalypticism.” NTS 28 (1982), pp. 388–99.
Goulder, M. D. “The Apocalypse as an Annual Cycle of Prophecies.” NTS 27 (1981), pp. 342–67.
Hamerton-Kelly, R. G. “The Temple and the Origins of Jewish Apocalyptic.” VT 20 (1970), pp. 1–15.
Hanson, A. T. The Wrath of the Lamb. London: SPCK, 1957.
Hennecke, E. and W. Schneemelcher. New Testament Apocrypha. 2 vols. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1963–64, esp. 2:581–641.
Holtz, T. Die Christologie der Apokalypse des Johannes. 2nd ed. TU 85. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1971.
Hooker, M. D. Continuity and Discontinuity: Christianity in its Jewish Setting. London: Epworth Press, 1986.
Hopkins, M. “The Historical Perspective of Apocalypse 1–11.” CBQ 27 (1965), pp. 42–47.
Jenkins, F. The Old Testament in the Book of Revelation. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1976.
Johnson, S. E. “Early Christianity in Asia Minor.” JBL 77 (1958), pp. 1–17.
Klassen, W. “Vengeance in the Apocalypse of John.” CBQ 28 (1966), pp. 300–11.
Koch, K. The Rediscovery of Apocalyptic. SBT 2/22. Naperville, Ill.: Allenson, 1972.
Ladd, G. E. “New Testament Apocalyptic.” RevEx 78 (1981), pp. 205–09.
———. “The Theology of the Apocalypse.” GorR 7 (1963), pp. 73–86.
Lindsey, H. The Late Great Planet Earth. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1970.
———. There’s a New World Coming. Ventura, Calif.: Vision House, 1973.
Lohse, E. “Apokalyptik und Christologie.” ZNW 62 (1971), pp. 48–67.
MacRae, G. W. “Gnosticism and the Church of John’s Gospel.” In Nag Hammadi: Gnosticism and Early Christianity. Edited by C. W. Hedrick and R. Hodgson, Jr. Pages 89–96. Peabody, Mass.: Hendrickson, 1986.
Marshall, I. H. “Martyrdom and the Parousia in the Revelation of John.” In Studia Evangelica, vol. IV, 333–39. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1968.
Megivern, J. “Wrestling with Revelation.” BTB 8 (1978), pp. 147–54.
Michaels, J. R. “Jewish and Christian Apocalyptic Letters: 1 Peter, Revelation and 2 Baruch.” SBLSemPap 26 (1987), pp. 268–75.
Minear, P. S. “Eschatology and History.” Interp 5 (1951), pp. 27–39.
———. “The Cosmology of the Apocalypse.” In Current Issues in New Testament Interpretation. Essays in Honor of O. Piper. Edited by W. Klassen, 23–37. New York: Harper & Row, 1962.
———. “Some Archetypal Origins of Apocalyptic Prediction.” HorBT 1 (1980), pp. 105–35.
———. New Testament Apocalyptic. IBT. Nashville: Abingdon, 1981.
O’Donovan, O. “The Political Thought of the Book of Revelation.” TynB 37 (1986), pp. 61–94.
O’Rourke, J. J. “The Hymns of the Apocalypse.” CBQ 30 (1969), pp. 399–409.
Parker, H. M. “The Scriptures of the Author of the Revelation of John.” IliffR 37 (1980), pp. 35–51.
Peterson, E. “The Apocalyptic Pastor.” RefJ 38 (1988), pp. 16–20.
Rissi, M. “The Kerygma of the Revelation to John.” Interp 22 (1968), pp. 3–17.
Roberts, J. W. “The Interpretation of the Apocalypse.” RQ 8 (1965), pp. 154–62.
Robinson, J. A. T. Redating the New Testament. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1976.
Russell, D. S. The Method and Message of Jewish Apocalyptic, 200 B.C.–A.D. 100. OTL. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1964.
Schmithals, W. The Apocalyptic Movement. Nashville: Abingdon, 1975.
Shepherd, M. H. The Paschal Liturgy and the Apocalypse. Richmond: John Knox Press, 1960.
Smalley, S. S. “John’s Revelation and John’s Community.” BJRL 69 (1987), pp. 549–71.
Stauffer, E. Christ and the Caesars. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1955.
Stendahl, K. “Apocalypse of John and the Epistles of Paul in the Muratorian Fragment.” In Current Issues in New Testament Interpretation. Essays in Honor of O. Piper. Edited by W. Klassen. Pages 239–45. New York: Harper & Row, 1962.
Strand, K. A. “The Book of Revelation: A Review Article on Some Recent Literature.” AUSS 11 (1973), pp. 181–93.
Thompson, L. “Cult and Eschatology in the Apocalypse of John.” 49 (1969), pp. 330–50.
———. “A Sociological Analysis of Tribulation in the Apocalypse of John.” Semeia 36 (1986), pp. 147–74.
Trites, A. A. “Martys and Martyrdom in the Apocalypse: a Semantic Study.” NovT 15 (1973), pp. 72–80.
Trudinger, P. “The Apocalypse and the Palestinian Targum.” BTB 16 (1986), pp. 78–9.
Vanhoye, A. “L’utilisation du livre d’Ezechiel dans l’Apocalypse.” Bib 43 (1962), pp. 436–67.
Wilder, A. N. “The Rhetoric of Ancient and Modern Apocalyptic.” Interp 25 (1971), pp. 436–53.
Wolff, C. “Die Gemeinde des Christus in der Apokalypse des Johannes.” NTS 27 (1981), pp. 186–97.
Other Studies: The Greeting (Rev. 1–3)
Aune, D. E. “St. John’s Portrait of the Church in the Apocalypse.” EQ 38 (1966), pp. 131–49.
Barrett. C. K. “Gnosis and the Apocalypse of John.” In The New Testament and Gnosis. Edited by A. Logan. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1983.
Buchanan, G. W. “The Word of God and the Apocalyptic Vision.” SBLSemPap 14 (1978), pp. 183–92.
Charlesworth, J. “The Jewish Roots of Christology.” SJT 39 (1986), pp. 19–41.
Jeske, R. L. “Spirit and Community in the Johannine Apocalypse.” NTS 31 (1985), pp. 452–66.
Kirby, J. T. “The Rhetorical Situations of Revelation 1–3.” NTS 34 (1988), pp. 197–207.
Mackay, W. M. “Another Look at the Nicolaitans.” EQ 45 (1973), pp. 111–15.
Morrice, W. G. “John the seer.” ExpT 97 (1985), pp. 43–46.
Muse, R. “Revelation 2–3: A Critical Analysis of Seven Prophetic Messages.” JETS 29 (1986), pp. 147–61.
Osten S., P. von. “Christologie, Taufe, Homologie: Ein Beitrag zu Apok Joh 1, 5f.” ZNW 58 (1967), pp. 255–66.
Pesch, R. “Offenbarung Jesu Christi: Eine Auslegung von Apk 1, 1–3.” BibLeb 11 (1970), pp. 15–29.
Popkes, W. “Die Funktion der Sendschreiben in der Apokalypse: Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Spatgeschichte der neutestamentlichen Gleichnisse (Apk 2–3).” ZNW 74 (1983), pp. 90–107.
Rife, J. M. “The Literary Background of Revelation II–III.” JBL 60 (1941), pp. 179–82.
Rowland, C. “The Vision of the Risen Christ in Rev. 1:13ff.: the Debt of an Early Christology to an Aspect of Jewish Angelology.” JTS 31 (1980), pp. 1–11.
Sanders, J. N. “St. John on Patmos.” NTS 9 (1962–63), pp. 75–85.
Sweet, J. P. M. “Maintaining the Testimony of Jesus: The Suffering of Christians in the Revelation of John.” In Suffering and Martyrdom in the New Testament. Edited by W. Horbury. Pages 101–17. Cambridge: University Press, 1980.
Thomas, R. L. “John’s Apocalyptic Outline (Rev. 1:19).” BibSac 123 (1966), pp. 334–41.
Other Studies: Thanksgiving (Rev. 4)
Boring, E. “The Theology of Revelation: ‘the Lord our God the Almighty Reigns’.” Interp 40 (1986), pp. 257–69.
Hammerton, H. J. “Unity of Creation in the Apocalypse.” CQR 168 (1967), pp. 20–33.
Hurtado, L. W. “Revelation 4–5 in the Light of Jewish Apocalyptic Analogies.” JSNT 25 (1985), pp. 105–24.
Mowry, L. “Revelation 4–5 and Early Christian Liturgical Usage.” JBL 71 (1952), pp. 227–31.
Schubert, P. Form and Function of the Pauline Thanksgivings. Berlin, 1939.
Tenney, M. “The Theism of the Apocalypse.” In The Living and Active Word of God. Edited by M. Inch and R. Youngblood. Winona Lake, Ind.: Eisenbrauns, 1983.
Vogtle, A. “Der Gott der Apokalypse: Wie redet die christliche Apokalypse von Gott?” In La notion biblique de Dieu. BETL 41. Edited by J. Coppens, 377–98. Louvain: Louvain University Press, 1976.
Other Studies: Sermon (Rev. 5:1–22:6a)
Bruns, J. E. “The Contrasted Women of Apoc. 12 and 17.” CBQ 26 (1964), pp. 459–63.
Davis, D. R. “The Relationship Between the Seals, Trumpets, and Bowls in the Book of Revelation.” JETS 16 (193), pp. 149–58.
Deutsch, C. “Transformation of Symbols: the New Jerusalem in Rev 21:1–22:5.” ZNW 78 (1987), pp. 106–26.
Dyer, C. “The Identity of Babylon in Revelation 17–18.” BibSac 144 (1987), pp. 305–16, 433–49.
Gaechter, P. “The Original Sequence of Apocalypse 20–22.” TS 10 (1949), pp. 485–521.
Giblin, C. H. “Structural and Thematic Correlations in the Theology of Revelation 12–22.” Bib 55 (1974), pp. 487–504.
———. “Revelation 11:1–13: Its Form, Function, and Contextual Integration.” NTS 30 (1984), pp. 433–59.
Longman, T. “The Divine Warrior: the New Testament Use of an Old Testament Motif.” WTJ 44 (1982), pp. 290–307.
Prigent, P. Apocalypse 12: Histoire de I’exegese. BGBE-2. Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr, 1959.
Schneemelcher, W. “Kirche und Staat im Neuen Testament.” In Kirche und Staat. Essays in Honor of H. Kunst. Edited by K. Aland. Pages 1–18. Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr, 1967.
Shea, W. “Revelation 5 and 19 as Literary Reciprocals.” AUSS 22 (1984), pp. 249–57.
Staples, P. “Rev. XVI.4–6 and its Vindication Formula.” NovT 14 (1972), pp. 280–93.
Strobel, A. “Abfassung und Geschichtstheologie der Apokalypse nach Kap. XVII. 9–12.” NTS 10 (1964), pp. 433–45.
Unnik, W. C. van. “ ‘Worthy is the Lamb’: The Background of Apoc 5.” In Melanges bibliques en hommage au R. P. Beda Rigaux. Edited by A. Descamps and A. de Halleux. Pages 21–46. Gembloux: Duculot, 1970.