image Index



climbing nets, 8–9, 15

climbing walls, 150–53

design of, 38, 41

gable house project, 194–95

gates, 182, 185

ladders, 126–29

open air project, 183

safety and, 53, 113

stairs, 130–33

accessories. See playground features

A-frame with walkout deck, 200–203

anchoring techniques

basics, 59–60

gable house project, 189–90

multiple tree examples, 76–77, 79, 81

open air project, 171–76

single tree examples, 68–69, 71–73

support post examples, 81

types of, 61–64

arborists, 21–22, 26, 41, 59, 185

architectural salvage, 36, 107, 193

Ashley stopper knot, 143

asphalt shingles, 123


batten doors, 115

bird’s mouth cuts, 117

block and tackles, 57, 92

bowline knots, 56

building codes, 14, 24, 29

button swings, 140–43


cables, 48-49. See also hardware

cedar roof shingles, 124

cedar shingle siding, 89

chains, 48. See also hardware

climbing nets/ramps, 8–9, 15

climbing walls, 150–53

composition shingles, 180

conical roofs, 35


doors and windows, 104–9, 113–15

railings, 93

roof framing, 116–21

safety and, 54–55

sheathing and roofing, 122–25

shelves and tables, 96–103

siding and trim, 87–91

stairs, 130–33

walls, 83–86, 92

corner shelves, 98–99

curved walls, 32, 86

cutouts, 108–9


decking installation

about, 65

gable house project, 190

multiple tree examples, 76, 79, 81

open air project, 178

single tree examples, 65, 69, 73

support post examples, 81

decks, 17, 39


considerations for, 28, 40–43

decks, 17, 39

doors and windows, 36–37, 104–5

interiors, 16

roofs, 34–35

safety and, 50–53, 57

walls, 30–32, 42

disc swings, 140–43


construction, 113–15

design of, 36–37, 104–5

gable house project, 194

handbuilt, 11, 36, 106–9

safety and, 53

securing, 37

trim and, 91

double bowline knots, 140

double-rung ladders, 126–27

Dutch doors, 37, 115, 193


electricity, 16, 29

elevation drawings, 44. See also plans

enclosed walls, 30


fireman’s poles, 135

fixed anchors, 61. See also anchoring

techniques flat-rung ladders, 128

flip-down table/bunk, 102–3

flip-up panels, 32

flip-up tables, 100–101

floor plans, 45. See also plans

four-tree shanty, 216–19


climbing walls, 151

gable house project, 189–90

multiple tree examples, 76, 79

open air project, 177–79

roofs, 116–21

single tree examples, 68–69, 71–73

support post examples, 81

techniques for, 83–86

walls, 83–86


gable house project

about, 184–85

framing, 189–90

plans, 186–88

roof, 192–93

windows and door, 192–94

gable roofs, 34, 118–19, 122

gable roof with posts project, 197–99

gable walls, 85

gates, 182, 185

GL anchors, 62, 172

Gothic arch windows and doors, 110–11, 113

ground cover, 53, 136


half-covered crow’s nest, 204–7

handbuilt doors/windows, 11, 36, 106–9

hanging anchors, 62-64. See also anchoring techniques


anchoring hardware, 62–63

block and tackle, 56–57

for climbing walls, 151

commonly used, 47–49

GL anchors, 62, 172

latches, 37, 106, 111, 113, 115

metal framing connectors, 177

pulley systems, 56–57

rafter squares, 120

ropes, 137

trammels, 86, 101, 141–42

for watercannons, 155–56

for ziplines, 145

height restrictions, 29

hip roofs, 34, 120–22

horizontal siding, 88


inset doors, 113


corner shelves, 98–99

design, 16

electricity, 16, 29

finishing, 94–95

flip-down table/bunk, 102–3

flip-up tables, 100–101

lumber, 46

2×4 shelves, 96–97

irregular doors, 113–14


knee braces, 64. See also anchoring techniques

knots, 56, 140, 143


ladders, 38, 126–29, 194

lap siding, 88

latches, 37, 106, 111, 113, 115

lookout towers, 8

lumber, 46


maintenance, 54, 137

metal roofing, 125


nails, 47-48. See also hardware

neighbors, 29

neoprene rubber, 123


open air project

anchoring, 171–76

decking, 178

framing, 177–79

plans, 168–70

roof, 178–80

open walls, 31


painting, 138, 151, 162, 195

plank swings, 138–40


A-frame with walkout deck, 200–203

four-tree shanty, 216–19

gable house project, 186–88

gable roof with posts project, 197–99

half-covered crow’s nest, 204–7

open air project, 168–70

for platforms, 44–45, 67, 70, 75, 78, 80

triangular tree hut, 212–15

wraparound shed on stilts, 208–11

plan views, 45. See also plans

plastic roofing, 125


basics, 59–60

gable house project, 189–90

height of, 40

multiple tree examples, 78–79

open air project, 177

plans for, 44–45

safety and, 51

single tree examples, 67–74

support post examples, 80–81

two tree examples, 75–77

for ziplines, 149

playground features

climbing nets, 8–9, 15

climbing walls, 150–53

lookout tower, 8

slides, 160–63

speaking tubes, 157–59

swings, 136–43

water cannons, 154–56

zip lines, 144–49

plywood sheathing, 122

plywood siding, 87

pop-up windows, 111

pruning, 26, 40–41

pulley systems, 56–57


rafters, 116–21

rafter squares, 120

railings, 29, 53, 93, 181–82, 194

removable roofs, 34

roofing sealant, 123


design, 34–35

framing, 116–21

gable house project, 192–93

open air project, 178–80

plans for, 44

sheathing and roofing, 122–25

trim and, 90

rope ladders, 129



access and, 53, 113

construction and, 54–55, 57

design and, 50–53, 57

ground cover and, 53

maintenance and, 54

security and, 37, 54, 106

ziplines and, 144

salvaged materials, 36, 107, 193

screws, 47-48. See also hardware

security, 37, 54, 106

setback restrictions, 29

sheathing, 122–25

shed roofs, 34, 118, 122

shed walls, 85

shutter windows, 110–11

siding, 87–91

siding joints, 87

simplicity, 12, 15

slides, 160–63

sliding anchors, 62. See also anchoring techniques

span tables, 60

speaking tubes, 157–59

speed squares, 120

stairs, 38, 130–33

stilts, 17, 208–11

sunlight, 41


multiple trees, 13, 23, 78–79

stilts, 17, 208–11

support posts, 13, 43, 80–81, 173–75

See also anchoring techniques

swing-out braces, 101

swings, 136–43


traditional doors, 115

trammels, 86, 101, 141–42

trap doors, 134

treehouse types

A-frame with walkout deck, 200–203

Cape Cod style, 18

chalet-inspired, 13

examples with support posts, 80–81, 204–7, 212–19

four-tree shanty, 216–19

gabled house, 184–85, 197–99

half-covered crow’s nest, 204–7

multiple tree, 75–79, 216–19

open air, 167–70

single tree examples, 67–74, 167–70, 184–85, 197–99, 204–11

triangular tree hut, 212–15

wraparound shed on stilts, 208–11

tree movement, 25, 60


anatomy of, 22, 25

choosing, 21–25, 27

grooming, 26

size of, 7–8, 20, 23, 63

species of, 27

triangular tree hut, 212–15

trim, 90–91, 112, 195

2×4 shelves, 96–97



construction of, 83–86, 92, 151

design of, 30–32, 42

drawing plans for, 44

gable house project, 191

water cannons, 154–56


construction, 84, 106–7

cutouts, 108–9

design of, 36, 104–5

gable house project, 193

safety and, 53

shutters and pop-ups, 110–11

trim and, 91

wraparound shed on stilts, 208–11


zip lines, 144–49

zoning codes, 24, 29