
1ATF 1st Australian Task Force
1ALSG 1st Australian Logistic Support Group
2IC Second-in-command
A21 Army in the 21st Century
AATTV Australian Army Training Team Vietnam
ACV Armoured Command Vehicle
ADC Aide-de-camp
ADF Australian Defence Force
AFV Australian Force Vietnam
AFV Armoured Fighting Vehicle
AHQ Army Headquarters
AIF Australian Imperial Force
AMF Australian Military Forces
AMTG Al Muthanna Task Group
ANZAM Australia, New Zealand and Malaya (agreement or area)
ANZUS Australia, New Zealand and United States alliance
ANZUK Australian, New Zealand and United Kingdom (force or brigade)
AO Area of Operations
APC Armoured Personnel Carrier
ARes Army Reserve
AR Australian Regiment
ARA Australian Regular Army
ARVN Army of the Republic of Vietnam
ASLAV Australian Light Armoured Vehicle
ATF Australian Task Force
AUSBATT Australian Battalion
BCOF British Commonwealth Occupation Force
BCFESR British Commonwealth Far East Strategic Reserve
BCFK British Commonwealth Force Korea
CABW Combined Arms Battle Wing
CB Counter Bombardment or Battery (fire)
CBW Battle Command Wing
CCO Clandestine Communist Organisation
Cdo Commando
CGS Chief of the General Staff
CGSAC Chief of the General Staff 's Advisory Committee
Chap Chaplain
CHQ Company Headquarters
CIMIC Civil–Military Cooperation
CJTF Combined Joint Task Force
CMF Citizen Military Forces
CO Commanding Officer
COMAFV Commander, Australian Force Vietnam
CP Command Post
CQMS Company Quartermaster Sergeant
CSM Company Sergeant Major
CT Communist Terrorists
DAQMG Deputy Adjutant and Quartermaster General
DCM Distinguished Conduct Medal
DF Defensive Fire
DFSOS Defensive Fire, Save Our Souls
DFSW Direct Fire Support Weapons
DMZ Demilitarised Zone
DOBOPS Director of Borneo Operations
DP1 Draft Priority 1
DS Direct Support (battery or regiment)
DSO Distinguished Service Order
FARELF Far East Land Forces
FCU Force Communications Unit
FO Forward Observer
FOO Forward Observation Officer
FSB Fire Support Base
FSPB Fire Support Patrol Base
GOC General Officer Commanding
GPMG General Purpose Machine-Gun
GRes General Reserve
GSO1 General Staff Officer Grade One
GSO2 General Staff Officer Grade Two
HMG Heavy Machine-Gun
HNA Hardened and Networked Army
HRS Humanitarian Relief Sector
HQ Headquarters
IED Improvised Explosive Device
INTERFET International Force in East Timor
ISF Iraqi Security Forces
JG Jungle Greens
JNCO Junior Non-Commissioned Officer
JTC Jungle Training Centre
KD Khaki Drill clothing
KIA Killed in action
KOSB King’s Own Scottish Borderers
KPA Korean People’s Army
LCH Landing Craft Heavy
LMG Light Machine-Gun
LSG Logistic Support Group
LST Landing Ship Tank
LZ Landing Zone
MA Military Assistant
MACV Military Assistance Command Vietnam
MBE Member of the Order of the Bath
MC Military Cross
MCP Malayan Communist Party
MFC Mobile Fire Controller
MG Machine-Gun
MM Military Medal
MMG Medium Machine-Gun
MOLE Military Operations in the Littoral Environment
MOUT Military Operations in Urban Terrain
MP Military Police
MRLA Malayan Races Liberation Army
MUAV Miniature Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
NAAFI Navy Army Air Force Institute
NCO Non-Commissioned Officer
NGO Non-Governmental Organisation
NLF National Liberation Front
NVA North Vietnamese Army
NZ New Zealand
NZR New Zealand Regiment
OBG(W) Overwatch Battle Group (West)
OC Officer Commanding (a company)
ODF Operational Deployment Force
OPO Observation Post Officer
PA Personal Assistant
PF Popular Force
PIR Pacific Islands Regiment
PJI Parachute Jump Instructor
PMF Permanent Military Forces
PW Prisoner of War
QM Quartermaster
RAA Royal Australian Artillery
RAAC Royal Australian Armoured Corps
RAAF Royal Australian Air Force
RAASC Royal Australian Army Service Corps
RAE Royal Australian Engineers
RAEME Royal Australian Army Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
RAMSI Regional Assistance Mission Solomon Islands
RAN Royal Australian Navy
RAR Royal Australian Regiment
RASR Regular Army Special Reserve
RCT Regimental Combat Team
RDF Ready Deployment Force
RF Regional Force
RFMF Royal Fijian Military Forces
RMC Royal Military College
RNZIR Royal New Zealand Infantry Regiment
ROE Rules of engagement
ROK Republic of Korea
RPG Ruchnoy Protivotankovy Granatomyot (anti-tank grenade launcher)
RQMS Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant
RQR Royal Queensland Regiment
RRes Ready Reserve
RSM Regimental Sergeant Major
RTA Restructuring the Army (Trial)
SASR Special Air Service Regiment
SCAP Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers
SEATO South-East Asia Treaty Organisation
SECDET Security Detachment (Baghdad, Iraq)
SLD Static Line Despatcher
SLR Self-Loading Rifle
SMLE Short Magazine-Lee Enfield
SNCO Senior Non-Commissioned Officer
SO2 Staff Officer Grade Two
SOP Standard Operating Procedure(s)
SOTG Special Operations Task Group
STA Surveillance and Target Acquisition
TAOR Tactical Area of Responsibility
TCL Tactical Coordination Line
TE Tropical Establishment
TLC Tracked Load Carrier
TNI Tentara Nasional Indonesia (Indonesian military)
TW Tropical Warfare
UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
UN United Nations
UNTAET United Nations Transitional Authority in East Timor
UNAMET United Nations Assistance Mission in East Timor
UNAMIR United Nations Assistance Mission in Rwanda
UNC United Nations Command
UNMISET United Nations Mission in Support of East Timor
UNMO United Nations Military Observer
UNTAC United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia
US United States
WESTBATT Western (Sector) Battalion
WHAM Winning Hearts and Minds
WIA Wounded in action
WO1 Warrant Officer Class One
WO2 Warrant Officer Class Two
VBIED Vehicle-Borne Improvised Explosive Device
VC Viet Cong
VCGS Vice Chief of the General Staff
VD Venereal Disease