1ATF | 1st Australian Task Force |
1ALSG | 1st Australian Logistic Support Group |
2IC | Second-in-command |
A21 | Army in the 21st Century |
AATTV | Australian Army Training Team Vietnam |
ACV | Armoured Command Vehicle |
ADC | Aide-de-camp |
ADF | Australian Defence Force |
AFV | Australian Force Vietnam |
AFV | Armoured Fighting Vehicle |
AHQ | Army Headquarters |
AIF | Australian Imperial Force |
AMF | Australian Military Forces |
AMTG | Al Muthanna Task Group |
ANZAM | Australia, New Zealand and Malaya (agreement or area) |
ANZUS | Australia, New Zealand and United States alliance |
ANZUK | Australian, New Zealand and United Kingdom (force or brigade) |
AO | Area of Operations |
APC | Armoured Personnel Carrier |
ARes | Army Reserve |
AR | Australian Regiment |
ARA | Australian Regular Army |
ARVN | Army of the Republic of Vietnam |
ASLAV | Australian Light Armoured Vehicle |
ATF | Australian Task Force |
AUSBATT | Australian Battalion |
BCOF | British Commonwealth Occupation Force |
BCFESR | British Commonwealth Far East Strategic Reserve |
BCFK | British Commonwealth Force Korea |
CABW | Combined Arms Battle Wing |
CB | Counter Bombardment or Battery (fire) |
CBW | Battle Command Wing |
CCO | Clandestine Communist Organisation |
Cdo | Commando |
CGS | Chief of the General Staff |
CGSAC | Chief of the General Staff 's Advisory Committee |
Chap | Chaplain |
CHQ | Company Headquarters |
CIMIC | Civil–Military Cooperation |
CJTF | Combined Joint Task Force |
CMF | Citizen Military Forces |
CO | Commanding Officer |
COMAFV | Commander, Australian Force Vietnam |
CP | Command Post |
CQMS | Company Quartermaster Sergeant |
CSM | Company Sergeant Major |
CT | Communist Terrorists |
DAQMG | Deputy Adjutant and Quartermaster General |
DCM | Distinguished Conduct Medal |
DF | Defensive Fire |
DFSOS | Defensive Fire, Save Our Souls |
DFSW | Direct Fire Support Weapons |
DMZ | Demilitarised Zone |
DOBOPS | Director of Borneo Operations |
DP1 | Draft Priority 1 |
DS | Direct Support (battery or regiment) |
DSO | Distinguished Service Order |
FARELF | Far East Land Forces |
FCU | Force Communications Unit |
FO | Forward Observer |
FOO | Forward Observation Officer |
FSB | Fire Support Base |
FSPB | Fire Support Patrol Base |
GOC | General Officer Commanding |
GPMG | General Purpose Machine-Gun |
GRes | General Reserve |
GSO1 | General Staff Officer Grade One |
GSO2 | General Staff Officer Grade Two |
HMG | Heavy Machine-Gun |
HNA | Hardened and Networked Army |
HRS | Humanitarian Relief Sector |
HQ | Headquarters |
IED | Improvised Explosive Device |
INTERFET | International Force in East Timor |
ISF | Iraqi Security Forces |
JG | Jungle Greens |
JNCO | Junior Non-Commissioned Officer |
JTC | Jungle Training Centre |
KD | Khaki Drill clothing |
KIA | Killed in action |
KOSB | King’s Own Scottish Borderers |
KPA | Korean People’s Army |
LCH | Landing Craft Heavy |
LMG | Light Machine-Gun |
LSG | Logistic Support Group |
LST | Landing Ship Tank |
LZ | Landing Zone |
MA | Military Assistant |
MACV | Military Assistance Command Vietnam |
MBE | Member of the Order of the Bath |
MC | Military Cross |
MCP | Malayan Communist Party |
MFC | Mobile Fire Controller |
MG | Machine-Gun |
MM | Military Medal |
MMG | Medium Machine-Gun |
MOLE | Military Operations in the Littoral Environment |
MOUT | Military Operations in Urban Terrain |
MP | Military Police |
MRLA | Malayan Races Liberation Army |
MUAV | Miniature Unmanned Aerial Vehicle |
NAAFI | Navy Army Air Force Institute |
NCO | Non-Commissioned Officer |
NGO | Non-Governmental Organisation |
NLF | National Liberation Front |
NVA | North Vietnamese Army |
NZ | New Zealand |
NZR | New Zealand Regiment |
OBG(W) | Overwatch Battle Group (West) |
OC | Officer Commanding (a company) |
ODF | Operational Deployment Force |
OPO | Observation Post Officer |
PA | Personal Assistant |
PF | Popular Force |
PIR | Pacific Islands Regiment |
PJI | Parachute Jump Instructor |
PMF | Permanent Military Forces |
PW | Prisoner of War |
QM | Quartermaster |
RAA | Royal Australian Artillery |
RAAC | Royal Australian Armoured Corps |
RAAF | Royal Australian Air Force |
RAASC | Royal Australian Army Service Corps |
RAE | Royal Australian Engineers |
RAEME | Royal Australian Army Electrical and Mechanical Engineers |
RAMSI | Regional Assistance Mission Solomon Islands |
RAN | Royal Australian Navy |
RAR | Royal Australian Regiment |
RASR | Regular Army Special Reserve |
RCT | Regimental Combat Team |
RDF | Ready Deployment Force |
RF | Regional Force |
RFMF | Royal Fijian Military Forces |
RMC | Royal Military College |
RNZIR | Royal New Zealand Infantry Regiment |
ROE | Rules of engagement |
ROK | Republic of Korea |
RPG | Ruchnoy Protivotankovy Granatomyot (anti-tank grenade launcher) |
RQMS | Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant |
RQR | Royal Queensland Regiment |
RRes | Ready Reserve |
RSM | Regimental Sergeant Major |
RTA | Restructuring the Army (Trial) |
SASR | Special Air Service Regiment |
SCAP | Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers |
SEATO | South-East Asia Treaty Organisation |
SECDET | Security Detachment (Baghdad, Iraq) |
SLD | Static Line Despatcher |
SLR | Self-Loading Rifle |
SMLE | Short Magazine-Lee Enfield |
SNCO | Senior Non-Commissioned Officer |
SO2 | Staff Officer Grade Two |
SOP | Standard Operating Procedure(s) |
SOTG | Special Operations Task Group |
STA | Surveillance and Target Acquisition |
TAOR | Tactical Area of Responsibility |
TCL | Tactical Coordination Line |
TE | Tropical Establishment |
TLC | Tracked Load Carrier |
TNI | Tentara Nasional Indonesia (Indonesian military) |
TW | Tropical Warfare |
UAV | Unmanned Aerial Vehicle |
UN | United Nations |
UNTAET | United Nations Transitional Authority in East Timor |
UNAMET | United Nations Assistance Mission in East Timor |
UNAMIR | United Nations Assistance Mission in Rwanda |
UNC | United Nations Command |
UNMISET | United Nations Mission in Support of East Timor |
UNMO | United Nations Military Observer |
UNTAC | United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia |
US | United States |
WESTBATT | Western (Sector) Battalion |
WHAM | Winning Hearts and Minds |
WIA | Wounded in action |
WO1 | Warrant Officer Class One |
WO2 | Warrant Officer Class Two |
VBIED | Vehicle-Borne Improvised Explosive Device |
VC | Viet Cong |
VCGS | Vice Chief of the General Staff |
VD | Venereal Disease |