A note about the index: The pages referenced in this index refer to the page numbers in the print edition. Clicking on a page number will take you to the ebook location that corresponds to the beginning of that page in the print edition. For a comprehensive list of locations of any word or phrase, use your reading system’s search function.
- Antagonists
- fantasy genre, 80
- horror genre, 137–38
- neutral genre, 249–51, 262
- sci-fi genre, 129
- x-punk genre, 205–7, 212–13
- Battles
- fantasy genre, 77
- horror genre, 151
- neutral genre, 225–26, 237–38
- sci-fi genre, 124–28, 134
- x-punk genre, 165, 174, 210
- Choices, making, 17, 20–21, 24–29
- Conflict
- explanation of, 16
- fantasy genre, 27, 61, 70, 75, 78, 85–87
- horror genre, 142–44, 159–63
- neutral genre, 225, 229, 237–40
- sci-fi genre, 97–105, 114, 119, 125, 133
- x-punk genre, 168–70, 190, 196, 205–7, 213, 217–18
- Corruption
- fantasy genre, 28, 33, 53
- horror genre, 139, 148, 162
- neutral genre, 223, 228–29, 257–58
- sci-fi genre, 115, 124–26
- x-punk genre, 168, 195–96, 207
- d20 questions
- explanation of, 23
- for fantasy genre, 25–26
- for horror genre, 136
- for sci-fi genre, 95–96
- for x-punk genre, 165–66
- D’Amato, James, 14
- Dice, types of, 23
- Dungeon Master’s Guide, 13, 14
- Fantasy genre
- amenities, 90–91
- antagonists, 80
- appearance, 75, 77–78
- arcane magic, 40–43
- artisan magic, 36–39
- attainability, 75, 76
- battles, 77
- beauty, 90
- communication, 84–85
- complexity, 75, 76
- conflict, 27, 61, 70, 75, 78, 85–87
- corruption, 28, 33, 53
- culture, 90–91
- d20 questions, 25–26
- description of, 22, 25
- domains, 57–58, 64–67
- factions, 78–89
- forbidden magic, 52–56
- game sample, 71–74
- knowledge, 82–83
- legendary magic, 48–51
- legendary weapon, 75–78
- magic accessibility, 28–29, 34–35, 38, 42–43, 46–47, 50–51, 55
- magic aspects, 27–31
- magic commonality, 28–29, 34–35, 38, 42–43, 46–47, 50–51, 55
- magic costs, 28, 33, 37, 41, 45, 49–50, 54
- magic mastery, 27, 31, 35, 39, 43, 47, 51, 56
- magic paths, 32–55
- magic potency, 28, 34, 37, 42, 46, 50, 54–55
- magic quiz, 29–31
- magic source, 27, 32–33, 36, 40–41, 44–45, 48–49, 52–53
- making choices, 25–29
- making magic, 27–55
- natural magic, 44–47
- nature, 86–87
- order, 88–89
- pantheon aspects, 56–59, 64–67
- pantheon domains, 57–58, 64–67
- pantheon faith, 68–70
- pantheon followers, 68–70
- pantheon form, 58, 62
- pantheon influence, 68–70
- pantheon interest, 58, 60
- pantheon loyalty, 68–70
- pantheon passion, 58, 61
- pantheon power, 58–59
- pantheon samples, 71–74
- pantheon size, 68–70
- pantheon thought, 58, 63
- personality, 75–78
- pillars of mastery, 27, 31, 35, 39, 43, 47, 51, 56
- potency, 75, 77
- priority system, 75, 90–93
- prompts, 65–67, 78–79
- reputation, 75
- scientific magic, 32–35
- secrets, 90, 93
- strengths, 80–81
- themes, 25, 31, 40, 48–52, 56–59, 63
- traits, 56–59, 75–81, 90–92
- weapons, 75–78
- wisdom, 90, 92
- Frankenstein, 139, 160
- Game masters (GMs), 15–17, 21
- Genres
- fantasy genre, 22, 25–93
- horror genre, 22–23, 135–63
- neutral genre, 23, 223–64
- sci-fi genre, 22, 95–134
- x-punk genre, 22–23, 165–221
- Gods of the Glas Isles, 71–74
- Hitchcock, Alfred, 114
- Horror genre
- alien nature, 137, 139
- antagonists, 137–38
- appearance, 137, 140–42
- battles, 151
- bestial nature, 137–39
- boom and bust, 151–60
- collapse, 154–55
- complications, 153–54
- conflict, 142–44, 159–63
- confrontations, 159–63
- conspiracies, 146–50
- corruption, 139, 148, 162
- crime scenes, 156–59
- d20 questions, 136
- dangers, 146, 148–49
- decorations, 160–61
- dedication, 146, 150
- description of, 22–23, 135
- dreams, 151–55
- finding bodies, 156–59
- forensic investigation, 156–59
- foundations, 159–60
- human nature, 137–39
- influence, 146–48
- locations, 151–55, 159–63
- monster anatomy, 137–50
- monster confrontations, 159–63
- monster lairs, 159–63
- monster makeover, 162
- monster nature, 137–40
- nightmares, 151–55
- point of no return, 163
- priority system, 146
- prompts, 140–41, 151–61
- scars, 154–55
- senses, 142
- silhouettes, 141
- size, 146–47
- strange places, 151–55
- supernatural connection, 146, 149
- supernatural nature, 137–39
- textures, 141
- themes, 137–44, 152
- traits, 137–39, 144–46
- transformations, 144
- violence, 137, 142–44
- vulnerabilities, 137, 144–46
- weapons, 142, 145–48, 157–58
- MacGuffin, 114–17, 227
- McGuffium, 114–18
- Neutral genre
- antagonists, 249–51, 262
- attitudes, 249–53
- bars, 239–53
- battles, 225–26, 237–38
- “Big Bad,” 223–29
- cities, 254–64
- city age, 254–57
- city assets, 257–58
- city corruptions, 257–58
- city eccentricities, 257–58
- city events, 254, 262–64
- city landmarks, 254, 259–60
- city population, 254–55
- city residents, 254, 261–62
- city rumors, 254, 262–64
- city shape, 254–55
- city size, 254–55
- city stories, 260
- city traits, 257–62
- city wealth, 254, 257
- conflict, 225, 229, 237–40
- connections, 239, 241
- corruption, 223, 228–29, 257–58
- cunning, 223–24
- description of, 23, 223
- discretion, 239–40
- events, 254, 262–64
- fantasy names, 244
- impregnable, 229–31
- influence, 223, 226
- information, 239, 242
- landmarks, 254, 259–60
- locations, 239–48, 254–64
- loyalty, 239–40
- making choices, 257–58
- mobility prizes, 231, 235
- names, 243–48
- noir names, 245
- notoriety prizes, 231, 236
- patrons, 249–53
- periodic conflicts, 238
- personalities, 249–53
- plans, 223, 227–28
- political conflicts, 237
- priority system, 223, 231–32, 239
- prizes, 231–36
- prompts, 237–38, 260–64
- protagonists, 229–31
- pubs, 239–53
- rarity prizes, 231–32
- residents, 254, 261–62
- rumors, 254, 262–64
- sci-fi names, 247–48
- service, 239, 242–43
- size, 254–55
- stories, 260–61
- strengths, 223, 225, 229–31
- superweapons, 229–31
- tension, 238
- themes, 228, 261
- tradeability prizes, 231, 234
- traits, 223–26, 249–53, 254–62
- utility prizes, 231, 233
- villains, 223–29
- vulnerabilities, 229–31
- weaknesses, 229–31
- weapons, 229–34
- Western names, 246
- Non-player characters (NPCs), 17, 52, 76, 249, 261
- One Shot, 14
- Player characters (PCs), 16–17, 20. See also specific genres
- Priority system
- explanation of, 23–24
- fantasy genre, 75, 90–93
- horror genre, 146
- neutral genre, 223, 231–32, 239
- sci-fi genre, 109–10
- x-punk genre, 216–17
- Prompts
- explanation of, 24
- fantasy genre, 65–67, 78–79
- horror genre, 140–41, 151–61
- neutral genre, 237–38, 260–64
- sci-fi genre, 97, 102–7
- x-punk genre, 172–92, 197–209, 216–17
- Protagonists
- explanation of, 16
- neutral genre, 229–31
- x-punk genre, 171–72, 178, 193, 220
- Punk genre, 165–221. See also X-punk genre
- Questions, 23–24. See also d20 questions; Prompts
- Role-playing games (RPGs), 15–22. See also specific genres
- Rothfuss, Patrick, 13–14
- Sci-fi genre
- antagonists, 129
- battles, 124–28, 134
- changes, 102–7
- composition, 122–23
- conflict, 97–105, 114, 119, 125, 133
- core concepts, 119–20
- corruption, 115, 124–26
- costs, 109, 111
- creating look of, 128–34
- d20 questions, 95–96
- dangers, 117
- description of, 22, 95
- distance, 109
- doomsday clock, 107–8
- ending game, 107–8
- fighters, 127–34
- flaws, 131–32
- game sample, 97–108
- industries, 119
- innovation, 97–102
- interstellar travel, 109–14
- locations, 116–17
- making choices, 109, 124
- “McGuffium,” 114–18
- names, 118
- oppression, 129–34
- priority system, 109–10
- prompts, 97, 102–7
- properties, 114–16
- safety, 109, 112
- scale, 109, 113
- “Shadow,” 133–34
- speed, 109–10
- status, 124–26
- style, 131–34
- themes, 114–16
- threats, 129–34
- traits, 127–34
- unions, 119–21
- variants, 130
- weapons, 98–101, 129–34
- weirdness, 121
- Shakespeare, William, 25, 198
- Structure, 22–23
- Themes
- explanation of, 18, 22
- fantasy genre, 25, 31, 40, 48–52, 56–59, 63
- horror genre, 137–44, 152
- neutral genre, 228, 261
- sci-fi genre, 114–16
- x-punk genre, 165–70, 176, 180–97
- Time to Face the Strange, 97–108
- Tools
- choices, 17, 20–21, 24–29
- d20 questions, 23
- dice, 23
- priority system, 23–24
- prompts, 24
- questions, 23–24
- tables, 24
- Traits
- fantasy genre, 56–59, 75–81, 90–92
- horror genre, 137–39, 144–46
- neutral genre, 223–26, 249–53, 254–62
- sci-fi genre, 127–34
- x-punk genre, 184, 212
- Worldbuilding
- active worldbuilding, 19
- choices for, 17, 20–21, 24–29
- collaborative worldbuilding, 20–21
- connections for, 21
- delegating tasks for, 21
- explanation of, 17–21
- fantasy genre, 22, 25–93
- game masters, 15–17, 21
- genres for, 22–23
- horror genre, 22–23, 135–63
- neutral genre, 23, 223–64
- non-player characters, 17, 52, 76, 249, 261
- player characters, 16–17, 20
- role-playing games, 15–22
- sci-fi genre, 22, 95–134
- structure for, 22–23
- tools for, 23–24
- x-punk genre, 22–23, 165–221
- X-punk genre
- aggression, 216–17
- antagonists, 205–7, 212–13
- apocalyptic punk, 169, 170, 205
- assets, 207
- attitudes, 182–83
- authority, 193–95
- “bad” terms, 201–3
- battles, 165, 174, 210
- branding, 210
- capability, 216, 218
- clashes, 171–72
- comfort, 216, 220
- communication, 176–77
- community, 183–85
- conflict, 168–70, 190, 196, 205–7, 213, 217–18
- consumables, 214
- corruption, 168, 195–96, 207
- creating look of, 172–81
- cruelty, 196–97
- cyberpunk, 165, 167–68, 171, 186, 188, 205
- d20 questions, 165–66
- decorations, 188
- defense, 178–79
- description of, 22–23, 165
- dieselpunk, 168–69
- dungeonpunk, 170, 205
- emotional violence, 192–93
- enforcers, 186–97, 201–2
- finance, 216
- “good” terms, 198–200
- hope, 216–21
- iconic signifier, 175–76
- industries, 206
- initiation, 183–85
- language, 190
- lethal options, 191–92
- lies, 186–88
- logo, 211
- making choices, 171–79, 188–90
- mascot, 212
- media, 213
- medicine, 214
- megacorps, 188, 192, 205–16
- messaging, 210
- modifications, 180–81
- moves, 193–98
- necessities, 203–4
- necropunk, 169, 171
- nonlethal options, 190–91, 195
- oppressed groups, 165–66, 169–72, 187, 194, 210
- oppressors, 165–66, 171–73, 176–78, 182–96, 201–3
- outsiders, 182–84
- personality, 212
- personhood, 189–90
- plot hole, 195
- priority system, 216–17
- prompts, 172–92, 197–209, 216–17
- protagonists, 171–72, 178, 193, 220
- punk groups, 165–78, 182–96, 201–3, 210, 219
- reliability, 216, 219
- security, 213
- self-modification, 180–81
- slang terms, 198–204
- speed, 216, 221
- steampunk, 169, 171, 188, 205
- style, 167–85, 188–90, 211
- subgenres, 165–71, 205
- substance, 167–85
- themes, 165–70, 176, 180–97
- threats, 207
- tools, 173–80
- traits, 184, 212
- transportation, 215–21
- utilities, 215
- vehicles, 215–21
- violence, 190–93
- weaknesses, 216–21
- weapons, 170, 178, 190–91, 210–13, 217